Your Identity and Your Calling

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[Music] we all have interesting and unique stories of how we were called and how we came into the church I was mystified by the book of Revelation so when I heard mr. Armstrong talk about the book of Revelation and I ordered the two copies the key to the book of Revelation and the book of Revelation unveiled at last it opened my mind to the future the world and God's plan of salvation ending up with Christ coming back and ruling of the whole world as king of kings and Lord of lords so I thought oh my my Protestant pastor will be excited to learn this I'm going to bring it to him and I took him the booklet on the true history of the true church and I asked him to read these booklets he said well I'll I'll read them if you dick read this commentary jamison force' Fawcett brown on the book of Revelation well I procrastinated but I finally opened it up to the section on revelation 6 and it said the first Horsemen of the Apocalypse is representative of Christ well that was wrong and of course it's a false Christ so I didn't need to read any more in the commentary so I'm one of my booklets back and I went back to my Protestant pastor and and said well what did you think about what you've read here the Book of Revelations talking about world war three talking about the coming kingdom of God and all the amazing prophetic events he said well it's all very interesting but it leaves out the poetry what it leaves out the poetry he was referring to the apocalyptic literature and symbolism of the book of Revelation he was more interested in the symbolism in a language in poetical way than the reality of God's revelation so God brought me along and I won't tell my whole story but you know I had the booklet there in my home I was going to Yale University at the time and the spring of 61 and had the booklet Easter is paster is pagan of course I had it on the on the coffee table I don't think my parents I was living with my parents at the time commuting from Meriden Connecticut to New Haven where I was going to graduate school but Easter was pagan I don't think was appreciated much by my parents but we all have our different stories of how God called us and we know that as we sang actually in the him this morning of this afternoon first Corinthians 1 so if you turn there to first Corinthians the first chapter and verse 26 first Corinthians 1 and verse 26 we sang the refrain sons of God you were called that was we sang in the hymnal 1st Corinthians 2 a 1st Corinthians 1 verse 26 for you you see your calling brethren and we want to emphasize that the sermon today do you see your calling that not many wise men according to the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called though there are not too many the presidents prime ministers statesmen scientists there few that are very skilled that have been called into God's church and have exciting professional background and experience but not many mighty not many noble or call but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are mighty and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen yes God has chosen chosen you and the things which are not to bring to nothing the things that are that no flesh should glory in his presence so God has called the week of the world why were you called and why did God call you and how will you fulfill your calling you know you might do a little mathematic exercise and we have about 3.7 billion people on the face of the earth and if we take a generous calling which I don't believe is the case but if even if we said there were 380,000 people who were called and have an understanding today out of 3.8 million that would be one out of 100,000 a you are special more special in that calling that God has given you than a hundred thousand other people on the face of the earth if the math is correct and you can correct me on that later on but God is special if you have several sermons on on calling we have a sermon seven keys to make your calling and election sure by Jim Meredith doctor fall our first fruit calling dr. Doug one ale seven reasons for your calling and one that I gave character fulfill your calling now I just discovered something I think will be to me somewhat exciting and just discovered it today or last night and that is when I mentioned sermons here is a reference if you have access to your smartphone in Google and mr. Senna gave me a different one something about duck website and he tried it I said go on your website and and say living Church of God sermon faithful to the end so he goes on this smart phone and what do you know it comes up on the spot the very sermon comes up on the smart soulful phone actually did one of dr. Scott 1ao on living Church of God sermon remember who you are here Scott when ale comes up in this on my my Android phone so it's a new discovery for me I'm just sharing that with you I hope you may take advantage of it but to be it was this very inspiring to disco Google seven reasons for your calling sermon and it rarely comes up the priests and levites challenge John the Baptist they wanted to know who are you you know turn to John the first chapter today we're going to talk about identity and your calling and they wanted to know who John the Baptist was what what was his identity John chapter one he was challenged by the Levites and the priest John 1 and verse 19 now this was the testimony now this is the testimony of John when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him who are you he confessed and did not deny but confessed I am NOT the Christ they asked him again what then are you Elijah he said I am NOT are you the Prophet of course referring back to Deuteronomy 18:15 which was a prophecy about the Messiah being the prophet like unto Moses are you the Prophet and he answered no then they said to him who are you that we may give an answer to those who sent us what do you say about yourself he said I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness make straight the way of the Lord as the prophet Isaiah said now I don't know if you've ever asked that question about yourself who are you how would you answer that question after the sermon today and maybe some time later I've challenged all of you to ask one another who you are and I think you'll be surprised at some of the answers so we need to think about who we are as regards our calling what is our calling what is your identity because your identity reveals your calling and you're calling reveals your identity the title for the sermon today is your identity and your calling your identity and your calling we already read and sang today not many mighty not many noble are called but our calling is special we have been called for a special mission we then call for a special purpose the living church news article I believe was November December 2000 by dr. Douglass when ale was titled what is a calling from God he wrote brethren do you see your calling do you really understand why you are being called do you grasp the incredible opportunity that you've been given to be among the first fruits in God's plan make your calling election sure by developing the knowledge character and skills that God will be able to use you in the years ahead you have been called to share an awesome reward the opportunity to play a major role in setting up the kingdom of God on this earth do not miss out on the special invitation God has offered to you now is time to ponder the question what are you doing with your calling turn to Romans the 8th chapter Romans 8 and verse 28 we have a very significant scripture regarding our calling Romans 8 verse 28 of the wonderful promise for all of us who had a sermon by that title Romans 8:28 and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are called according to his purpose so God knows who you are and out of a hundred thousand people or more he's called you for his purpose verse 29 for whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren we discussed that in the sermon on God's master plan and mr. dr. Meredith booklet on your ultimate destiny he mentioned how God had that plan predestined before time began God had that plan to call people to be a part of his royal family even before time began and he's called us for a great and wonderful purpose notice back in verse 23 not only that but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit even we ourselves groan within ourselves evilly eagerly waiting for the adoption the redemption of our body so we are also firstfruits of God's plan turn back to verse 14 Romans 8 and verse 14 for as many as are led by the Spirit of God these are the sons of God that's something I often pray about I pray father please lead me by your spirit for as many as are led by the Spirit of God these are the sons of God yes we are God's children and we must be led by God's Spirit mr. Herbert Armstrong commented on the uniqueness of our calling in his book mystery of the ages page 229 quote anyone who quote joins the Church of his choice and a quote has not come into God's true church one cannot just quote join and a quote the true Church of God one is for selected and drawn by God the Father through the spirit brought to a complete heart rending repentance and changed in his total lifestyle he has also not only believed in and accepted Jesus Christ as personal Savior but also has believed Christ remember Christ the Word of God Jesus was the Word of God in person the Bible is the same Word of God in writing to believe Christ is to believe what he says in other words to believe God's Word the Holy Bible so God has given us special calling but has also given us special privileges and with those privileges of course co-responsibility 1st corinthians the 2nd chapter first corinthians the second chapter continuing with our calling and this wonderful promise and revelation of verse 9 first corinthians 2 verse 9 the Apostle Paul quotes from Isaiah but as it is written eye has not seen nor ear heard nor have entered in the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love him you can't just manufacture this through materialistic knowledge it's spiritual knowledge but God has revealed them to us through his Spirit God has given us an awesome revelation and of course we have old book the last book of the Bible is called the revelation of Jesus Christ which God the Father gave him and he shares that with us though God has revealed them to us through his spirit for the spirit searches all things yes the deep things of God we have a privilege of understanding truth and God's plan that very few relatively few people on the face of the earth understand but why is God called you God has called you for a purpose he's called us be his sons and daughters to join his royal family at the resurrection but he's also called us to do a work the Great Commission so we must be putting our whole heart into fulfilling that calling and our mission and then we will ultimately inherit our ultimate destiny what is the ultimate destiny of our calling we've heard it many times but let's review the goal that God has set before us and our role in the coming kingdom of God revelation the fifth chapter revelation the fifth chapter dr. Meredith referred to it as the song of the saints revelation 5 verse 9 and they sang a new song saying referring to the lamb you are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals for you were slain and have redeemed us to God by your blood and this wonderful comment out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation though God has given us a big Commission a big mission to go into all the world to make disciples of all peoples and have made us kings and priests to our God and we shall reign on the earth well that's part of our calling that's part of our purpose but not everyone is called and now we are in training we're training as Kings priests and judges for the coming kingdom of God but not everyone now is called I won't turn there but you know John 6:44 no man can come unto me unless the father who sent me draws him and he will I will raise him up at the last day in John 6:44 repeated also in verse 65 of John 4 my turn to Matthew the ninth chapter Matthew 9 and realized that the invitation we have in our calling is limited not everyone is called no man can come to Christ unless the father draws him Matthew 9 and verse 10 Matthew 9 verse 10 this is part of the answer to the question why were you called now what happened as Jesus at the table in the house that behold many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples now that would have been a shock to the fair when the Pharisees saw it they said to his disciples why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners when Jesus heard that he said to them those who are well have no need of a physician but those who are sick but go and learn what this means I desire mercy and not sacrifice for I did not come to call the righteous but center sinners to repentance I did not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance and we know that all have sinned Matthieu Romans 6:23 all of sinned and come short of the glory of God that's sorry that's Romans 3:23 so all have said we are all have been sinners and hopefully we are not now practicing sinners but God called you and me to repentance that's part of the calling that God gave us that we need to make sure as I'll mention later that is attitude we not to continue until the day of done we die but when God calls us he's giving us a new identity because when we're baptized what happens the old man is buried and you come up a new person to walk in newness of life there are two chapters we won't turn there but Ephesians 4 and Colossians 3 to talk about the old man and the new man and I just love that reference in Romans 6 that talks about the matter of Rebbe being resurrected then after the resident after the baptism we come up from the watery grave to walk in newness of life so God has called us who walk in newness of life we call we have a work to do but we need to change ourselves as well and ultimate ultimately when we're walking in newness of life we ultimately have a new persona a new idea and eventually the ultimate identity is revealed to us in Revelation the third chapter notice the changes that we take in our in our lives now we're faithful Christians and we're in the first resurrection and if we are Philadelphian in spirit and attitude what happens to our identity revelation the third chapter and verse 12 he who overcomes I will make a pillar of the temple of my god and with the visiting ministers we had the council of elders just so encouraging to know that they are pillars and many of you are pillars we have pillars that are the main support there are they servant leaders in so many congregations around the world and we will be a intimate part of the temple of God that will make you a pillar in the temple of my god and he shall go no more out no more I will write on him what the name of my God who are you and the name of the city of my god the New Jerusalem which comes down out of heaven from my god and I will write on him my new name we don't know what that is but we will have that identity sometime in the future if we're faithful a person's name identifies his or her unique character it establishes you as a special person let's take a look at a couple more examples of identity in the Bible we already saw that the Pharisees or the sent the Levites and priests asked John the Baptist who are you turning to John the twenty-first chapter John the 21st chapter here the disciples were fishing and then Jesus appeared to them this is after the resurrection John 21 verse 11 so they of course went out fishing after up to the Sea of Galilee and Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to Lane full of large fish 153 and although there were so many the net was not broken John 21 verse 12 jesus said to them come and eat breakfast yet none of the disciples dared to ask him who are you as knowing it was the Lord Jesus then came and took bread and gave it to them and likewise the fish now this was a third time Jesus showed himself to his disciples after he was raised from the dead so they do he was but they did not want to ask him that question X the ninth chapter Saul was persecuting true Christians was knocked down you know on the road to Damascus that story is here in Acts the ninth chapter acts 9 and verse 4 he was on the way to Damascus then he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him Saul Saul why are you persecuting me acts 9 verse 5 and he said who are you lord the Lord said I am Jesus whom you are persecuting it is hard for you to kick against the goads so he trembling and astonished said Lord what do you want me to do then the Lord said to him rise and go into the city and it will be told you what you will do so he asked him who are you later on in acts 19 when he was defending again that story let's turn to acts 19 it's a different application of identity but in some way it's humorous but it the other on the sides of the coin it's rather a shocking story of God's power and demonic power as well acts of 19th chapter and starting with verse 14 so the Apostle Paul is in that area and people were healed from aprons or handkerchiefs from his body verse 12 of Acts 19 but verse 14 also there were seven sons of sceva a Jewish chief priest who did so and the evil spirit answered and said Jesus I know and Paul I know but who are you these sons of sceva tried to do the same thing that Paul was doing and exercising by the name of Jesus but the demon said who we know we know Jesus we know Paul but who are you then the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them overpowered they've been prevailed against them so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded verse 17 this became known both to all Jews and Greeks dwelling in Ephesus and fear fell on them all and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified so these sons of sceva did not have the authority to use Christ's name in that way we can pray the Lord rebuke you we have that example of course in June so anytime that you are threatened or you feel threatened by some evil spirit or a demon you can pray that God will rebuke that spirit in the name of Christ and God gives you that authority you be thankful for it but the sons of sceva did not have that authority and the demon said who are you it's another example well let's go back to Exodus the 3rd chapter of exodus 3 because the question is a good question you certainly can want to know the information and the identity of individuals and you know the case when Moses was there on the mountain by the burning bush and verse 11 of Exodus 3 but Moses said to God Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh God you just said so to Ana verse 10 he was going to send him to Pharaoh that you may bring my people the children of Israel out of Egypt Moses said well Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh I don't have the talent I don't have the authority my identity is such that I don't have the capabilities of doing what you're telling me to do Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and that I should bring the children of Israel of Egypt so he said I will certainly be with you this shall be assigned to you that I have sent you when you have brought the people out of Egypt you shall serve God on this mountain so even the very mountain that Moses was called where as where the Israelites came and heard the ten commandments then Moses said to God indeed when I come to the children of Israel and say to them the god of your father's has sent me to you and they will say what is his name what shall I say to them verse 14 and God said to Moses I am Who I am and he said thus you shall say to the children of Israel I am has sent me to you so our identities are very important let's go to first chronicles 29 and this is a case almost like you Moses who say well Who am I I'm not that great a person and here King David was humbly thanking God for his blessings realizing well he didn't have the innate talent and ability 1st chronicles 29 and verse 14 the context here is that the people had given gold and silver and all kinds of substance for the building of the temple and he says and David says to God but Who am I and who are my people that we should be able to offer so willingly as this first chronicles 29 14 for all things come from you and of your own we have given you so sometimes we realize that God blesses above and beyond our our dreams and realize that we don't deserve those blessings and we humbly thank God for those so if we are humble God will give us the ability to do the work that give us the resources to do the work we need to know who we are we need to honor our calling if we don't we dishonor his name and we dishonor the God's calling and we certainly don't want to do that and many human beings are dishonouring their own identity and so doing dishonor God it's commonplace and I know in my elementary school years ago and there were a student or two every once in a while who would play the class clown they played foolishly they were comedic that everyone would laugh at them and but they what they were doing were playing the fool they were foolish and they were devaluing their very identity of who they were and we know we've heard sermonettes on honoring your name so you honor your family name if you do something foolish you dishonor the family dissin to dishonor the name and that's called devaluing your identity you don't want to do that mr. Maharaj has written as you know the articles in tomorrow's World magazine on marijuana we now have a new booklet marijuana what they aren't telling you mr. waha vetches says this in the booklet by the way the semiannual letter that mr. Weston wrote you should be receiving I presume next week or the week or two and that's offering the booklet marijuana what they are telling you now that will be automatically sent to all of our brethren and of course we have the car do not send this card back and mrs. Lyons down here gets dozens of cards that say do not pass it anyway at that mail processing record information services but the what mr. Rojas wrote here in the booklet and of course you've read it in the tomorrow's World magazine I hope your his series on marijuana he says people who have taken large doses of marijuana they experience an acute psychosis which includes hallucinations delusions and a loss of the sense of personal identity so even marijuana not only can you play the fool and lose your identity but drug abuse can affect your personal identity and a loss of the sense of personal identity these unpleasant but temporary and reactions are distinct from longer lasting psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia and their that's double identity sometimes of demon possession that may be associated with the use of marijuana and vulnerable individuals who's quoting that from the National Institute of drug abuse so how do you view your game and view yourself how do you describe yourself there are common axioms or poetic expressions out here in the wedington high school bulletin board they notice there are some very interesting sayings one of the sayings is love who you are who are you love who you are is that okay well it's okay if you're a child of God I hope you do love who you are if you are a repentant if you are a sinner you don't love the fact that you are a practicing sinner you don't love that you have to repent in order to love yourself as a repentant sinner so you have to ask the question who are you yes you can love who you are if you are a repentant sinner if you're a child of God so you have to respect your calling and a new man that you became when you came up out of the water about you must love your neighbor as yourself love your neighbor as yourself now ask yourself a question do you love yourself more than your neighbor well that's not going along with the commandment that's not obeying the commandment of your neighbor as yourself if you love yourself more than your neighbor are you really keeping the second commandment are you perhaps more selfish when Jesus told us in Matthew 5 verse 44 I say unto you love your enemies bless those who curse you do good to those who hate you and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you so yes love who you are respect your calling honor your calling there's another saying out here on the Weddington high school bulletin board stay true to yourself well does that a good saying well it's all right if you understand who the self is and you're not staying true to selfish human nature but you're staying true to the truth of your calling yes stay true to your calling say true to yourself in your calling but as it says in Galatians 6 in verse 3 for if anyone thinks himself to be something when he is nothing being true to his nothing self he deceives himself 1st Corinthians 3 verse 18 I'll just mention it let no one deceive himself so never compromise with the truth stay true to the truth and denying one's identity of course is something that a converted Christian will not do because you know who you are you know you're calling and you're going to honor that identity and you're going to honor that calling we had a tomorrow's world now live program this last Thursday at 3 o'clock how many of you actually saw the program tomorrow's world no I mean ok just a few but you can always see it it's on archive so you just go to our website and check on tomorrow's world 9 why mr. Gerald Weston mister of Stewart haulage were the commentators hosted by mr. Jonathan McNair and it was titled a Christians response to the transgender movement and I wrote a comment down that mr. Wahhabi said I break down quotable quotes as you know I just QQ mr. Mohammed in describing the confusion of identity transgender identity said this that participants and supporters of transgender identity are quote denying biological reality with psychological desire end of quote denying biological reality with psychological desire so you do not want to have a confused identity and it's sad that so many of these individuals confuse their identity and are denying biological reality because God made them male and females I won't turn there Burt mark 10 and verse 6 from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female from the beginning of creation God made them male and female for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife Matthew 19 and verse 4 have you not read he he who made them at the beginning made them male and female so God wants you to know who you our and he expects you to fulfill his calling now there's another confusion with identity and that's role versus identity for example a treasurer of a large corporation thinks that that's who he is he is the treasurer of that corporation but then he retires and he long longer has that office and he sometimes begins to feel depressed this this happens on occasion I don't know what the statistics are on it but it's confusing role with identity he confuses his role with his personal character its values abilities and who he really is and his identity and then there's on the national level nations lose their identity mr. Weston wrote the danger of social media and in his article in tomorrow's World magazine he said that one of the great dangers of social media is the loss of free speech young Millennials parrot back ideas of the internet ideas they learn from socialist university professors this has caused a backlash from individuals who see their countries losing ident using their identities and historic values so even what was established as a biblical moral nation the United States and its colonies no longer it has crossed the line of more than 50 percent not keeping biblical values read they're rejecting the biblical values we crossed over the line and that was start at least in same-sex marriage that happened back in 2011 when the majority of Americans supported same-sex marriage and fewer rejected it according to biblical grounds and then of course the Ten Lost Tribes we know the ten tribes of Israel failed to fulfill their mission that God gave in Deuteronomy the sixth chapter so they lost their so you don't want to lose your identity you don't want to devalue our identity because in that case you dishonor God and you dishonor your calling now how does the Bible describe true Christians your calling is to includes also an awareness of your identity know who you are we're going to quickly cover a dozen different descriptors of the Bible of true Christians and as when I asked my wife who are you she said the child of God she had in her consciousness that awareness of her calling and there are dozens but we'll just quickly go over about a dozen descriptors of true Christians and think is this what I am have I internalized this calling of God how do you strive true Christians well let's quickly go these are some all common you know them but let's review and think are you the salt of the earth that's number one I don't know if all number of these or not but Matthew 5 verses 13 and 14 all common we know these scriptures but yet have we internalized them do we identify with them do we think of ourselves as projecting these characteristics Matthew 5 verse 13 and 14 you are the salt of the earth but if the salt loses its flavor how shall it be seasoned but it is then good for nothing but it shall be thrown out and trampled under foot by men you've heard sermonettes on salt how it preserves how to add spice and taste to food it's also a preservative so you are the salt of the earth are you salty number one number two you are the light of the world verse 14 the city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden or do do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a land stand and it gives light to all who are in the house let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven that's the course the parable of the Good Samaritan who's my neighbor a neighbor is anyone who is in need and you can supply that need that is a godly need so you are the salt of the earth you're the light of the world we've been called to set a right example our Sevenfold mission given by dr. Meredith mission number four the examples to the Church of God and the world of Christ's Way of life so we are the light of the world can we change the world just watching the I read Wall Street Journal comic strip at sexual a cartoon in the first section of the Wall Street Journal every day and the one the other day last Thursday that's called salt and pepper just a one little box cartoon it's a valedictorian giving a graduation address and she says quote your challenge is to change the world before it changes you end of quote well can you change the world you can't change the world on a large scale you can influence individuals and turn many to righteousness and calls that's what part of our mission is is to turn many to righteousness as we here in Daniel 12 and verse 3 and we are doing that and that's why some of you have come into God's church the body of Christ because you have been turned to righteousness so we can change someone but the but it's a good focus for carnal people yes you don't want the world to change you Romans 12 verse 21 do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good Romans 12:21 be not overcome by evil but overcome evil with good yes you are the salt of the earth you're the light of the world John 15 let's go to another descriptor of true Christians John 15 verse one verse five John 15 verse 5 I am the vine you are the branches you are the branches you are attached to the vine he who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit for without me you can do nothing that is do nothing of lasting value so who else are you you are a branch attached to the vine Jesus Christ and verse 8 by this my father is glorified that you bear much fruit so shall you be my disciples so you are a branch that should be bearing much fruit 1st corinthians 3 that was number three or a branch number four first corinthians the 3rd chapter first corinthians 3 so many more than we'll cover today but at least we'll cover about a dozen of them quickly 1st corinthians 3 and verse 16 do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you if anyone defiles the temple of God God will destroy him for the temple of God is holy which temple you are what an awesome responsibility and yet a blessing that God has called us that we will be bearing fruit as the temple of God we will bearing the fruits of God's holy spirit and you know the fruits of God's Spirit Galatians 5:22 to love joy peace long-suffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such there is no law oh you are the temple of God second Corinthians six and verse 16 reiterates that second Corinthians 6 verse 16 and what argument has the temple of God with idols for you who are the Temple of the Living God as God has said I will dwell in them and walk among them I will be their God and they shall be my people so number four you're the Temple of the Living God first Corinthians twelfth chapter verse 27 first Corinthians 12 and verse 27 who are you now you are the body of Christ and members individually so you're the very body of Christ of course Christ is the head mr. Armstrong in his book mystery of the ages page 230 writes this so once again what and why is the church the church is the called out begotten children of God called out from this world it is the body of Christ first Corinthians 12 27 Ephesians 1:23 it is the spiritual organism that shall be the Bride of Christ after his resurrection to immortality then it shall be married to Christ it is a spiritual temple to which Christ shall come at his second appearing Ephesians 2 21 so number 5 where the body of Christ number 6 we are the Bride of Christ and of course we as a part of the Church of God we submit to God's government and we also love one another as the very body of Christ turn to Revelation in the nineteenth chapter revelation 19 again you're familiar with these scriptures but that's a wonderful calling that we are to be the Bride of Christ we're going to be the wife of Christ let us be glad and rejoice and give him glory for the marriage of the lamb has come revelation 19:7 and his wife has made herself ready that's a part of our mission that's part of our calling to prepare the world the church and ourselves for the second coming of Christ his wife has made herself ready so number five were the body of Christ number six we're the Bride of Christ number seven second Corinthians six second Corinthians 6 and verse 17 2nd Corinthians 6 verse 17 quoting therefore come out from among them and be separate says the Lord do not touch what is unclean and I will receive you so again that's part of our calling and identity verse 18 2nd Corinthians 6 verse 18 I will be a father to you and you shall be my sons and daughters says the Lord Almighty so he's telling us to stay away from worldly ways from idolatry we need to always honor our Heavenly Father and of course Ephesians 3:14 for this reason I bow my knees to the father of our Lord Jesus Christ from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named we've quoted that recently Ephesians 3 verses 14 and 15 so God is a family who and what is God they'll win it's to people through persons of family right now it's God the Father and God the Son so number seven we are sons and daughters of the Almighty 2nd Corinthians 5 and verse 20 you know generally speaking of the ministry we still as individuals can be ambassadors for Christ now then we are ambassadors for Christ we have that as part of our hymnal now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God were pleading through us we implore you on Christ's behalf be reconciled to God so we are ambassadors of a way of life will capture true values we show people love we show them respect you show them kindness and service and we have attitude of service how did the Apostle Paul act as an ambassador of Christ well 2nd Corinthians the 1st Corinthians 9 now make sure I got this correctly 1st Corinthians 9 and this is how we can be ambassadors for Christ first corinthians 9 verse 21 to those who are without law as without law not being without law to god but under law toward Christ that I may win those that are without the law verse 22 1st Corinthians 9 to the week I became as weak that I might win the week you know you talking with people well I've had that problem too I I was an alcoholic at one time or not knowing personally but you might if you were that way and you're trying to help someone you may they may be able to identify with you because you had that problem you're not so high in mighty because God is called the week of the world and you could help someone who is weak and you tell them I had that problem too but I repented I fasted God helped me and he helped help me I was weak at one time to the week I became as weak that I might win the week I have become all things to all men that I might by all means save some so we can be ambassadors for Christ and serve and identify with their problems and try to help them and bring them to the throne of grace where they might get that help that grace and mercy to help in time of need so that was number eight ambassadors for Christ number nine we are servants of Christ turn to Matthew 20 and all those lectures on leadership and service always site this section of Matthew 20 verse 25 Matthew 20:25 you know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them and those who are great exercise authority over them yet I shall not be so among you but whoever desires to become great among you let him be or servant and when the Apostle Paul and his letters and even the James or Peter says he's a servant of Christ the Greek word is do loss meaning a bond a servant a slave so he goes on to say just as the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many so number nine we have to be servants of Jesus Christ and our mission statement number five learn and practice servant leadership in all our dealings with others alright let's go on to number ten Romans the first chapter Romans 10 who are you and how do you identify yourself we're reading descriptions of true Christians does this apply to you can you say yes I am a servant of Christ I am a bondservant of Christ I am a son or a daughter of the Almighty Romans 1 and verse 7 to all who are in Rome beloved of God called to be Saints grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ well anyone who is God's Holy Spirit according to biblical language is a saint one who is set apart a holy one and of course it said in Leviticus be holy as I am holy and the Apostle Peter quoted that for New Testament Christians be holy because I am holy God says if you have God's Holy Spirit you are a saint we had a sermon on that called who are the saints of God so again you can google that on your smartphone a living Church of God sermon who are the saints and it will hopefully pop up on your smartphone so yes we're called to be Saints number 11 as we are disciples of Christ turn to John the eighth chapter John the eighth chapter John 8 verse 31 John 8:31 and Jesus said to those Jews who believed him so apparently there were some Jews who were following him around they wanted to learn from him he said if you abide in my word you are my disciples indeed we are Christ's disciples we are dedicated to following his example we are dedicated to learn from him and from his instruction and his commandments and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free yes we must I was it was you've become truth was that you okay someone recently in one of the sermon or someone said I was talking about truth and said well we must become truth I guess not this truth truth is already truth over here true a man j'adore but we must become loved as well I mentioned that in the sermon on God's master plan so yes we are Christ's disciples what is a disciple a student a learner and we must continue to study we must continue to learn from God's Word never stop learning from God's truth you some young people believe they they know everything they don't know everything and you you grow older you realize what you know and what you don't know so he said as I read earlier john 15:8 by this my father is glorified that you bear much fruit so shall you be my disciples so we are kings and priests and training and we have a calling we must learn mentioned the comic strip I follow Dennis the Menace the cartoonist for Dennis the Menace Marcus Hamilton just lives four doors down from us there and then he'll so we've gotten to talk to him and really fine man and I might just as an aside we received a an envelope addressed to mr. Hamilton at our home and I took it to him later and he said well these were ideas from people sent to their headquarters in California so they send ideas and if his idea is accepted Marcus Hamilton will draw the cartoon and they'll get three or four hundred dollars for their suggestion well this one particular cartoon on last Thursday on Dennis the Menace he is coming home from school has a backpack and his mother says to him what did you learn in school today Dennis says not enough they expect me to go back tomorrow we will keep learning until the end of time and of course I hope you read those of you are on the Charlotte email list mr. Michael DeSimone z-- Friday night notes he wrote this last evening concerning the New Living education program quote I want to strongly encourage each of us to sign up for and take the classes provided it's free it is one major part we can play in the work by preparing for greater service in God's church by preparing for greater service in God's kingdom by getting behind the initiative God's church is putting forth we our Christ's disciples and students so that was from that was my comment there but mr. DISA bones encouraging all of us when the first class is made available in August living education program to sign up for those classes so we are Christ students we are training to be kings and priests we are training for the kingdom number 12 coming up number 11 was disciples of Christ true Christians x11 are also called Christians actually 12th chapter and of course professing Christianity is being attacked all over the world and many are standing up for it they believe we used to end up for your beliefs and for who you are and your calling X 11th chapter X 11 and verse 26 and when he had found him he brought him to Antioch so it was that for a whole year they assembled with a church and taught a great many people and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch someone told me when I mentioned that previous sermon and I was not there but at Panama City he said that dr. Meredith thundered out at Panama City who we should be in what we should be I am a Christian and I hope we can say that with genuine humility and with conviction and dedication that you know yes you have been bought by a price the greatest price ever been paid you are a genuine Christian and they are not being deceived by yourself so we are true Christians and let's always remember that and we reflect that our behavior and attitude as we live our lives daily and of course we are the Bride of Christ which I already mentioned earlier so that's 12 descriptors of true Christians how do you identify with each of them or any of them true Christians are called the salt of the earth the light of the world branches of the True Vine the temple of God the body of Christ sons and daughters of the Almighty ambassadors for Christ servants of Christ the saints of God disciples of Christ the Bride of Christ and genuine Christians which one of these characteristics do you identify with I hope you identify with all of them but you might select one of them and try concentrating on it for one week and then concentrate on another characteristic the next week turn to Colossians the third chapter cautions the third chapter so we need to know who we are we must remember who we are we must honor our calling we must honor our Father in Heaven we must honor our Lord and Master Jesus Christ Colossians 3 and verse 12 the subhead is the character of the new man Colossians 3 verse 12 therefore as the elect of God holy and beloved put on tender mercies kindness humility meekness long-suffering bearing with one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a complaint against another even as Christ forgave you so you also must do if any of any of you are holding a grudge you need to pray for your enemies as Jesus said in Matthew 5 verses 44 on pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you I've met you this before but dr. Maier and his his hospitals but his eight clinics across the country I wrote the book don't let jerks get the best of you and he Dell deals with people who've had depression for years and years and he gives the example of one who had been abused victim and he said once that person forgave the abuser the serotonin began to be redeveloped in his mind and he recovered from his depression that's from don't let jerks get the best of you so you forgive those and he just says right here so even as Christ forgave you so you also must do but above all these things put on love which is the bond of perfection so you want to have the new man and of course he continues let the peace of God rule in your hearts to which also you were called in one body and be thankful that the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord and verse 17 whatever you do in word or deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through him it affects you every second of every day of every week of every month of every year that you are submitting yourself to the will of God your striving to recapture those true values whether it's brushing your teeth you're wanting to honor God because you are the temple of God your spirit and body are owned by him he's paid for you as it says in first Corinthians a sixth chapter verses 19 and 20 you are bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are his so we want to honor God and honor the name of the Lord Jesus Christ by giving thanks to God the Father by him no remaining part of the sermon I'm just going to quickly give you the four action points how can you fulfill your calling and honor your identity number one is repent we already mentioned that earlier here was the repentant sinner the one and Luke the eighteenth chapter who said God be merciful to me a sinner and Jesus said I tell you this man went down to his house justified rather than the other for everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled and everyone who humbles himself shall be exalted turn to first John in the first chapter so we must always have a teachable attitude until the return of Jesus Christ you must be have the ability to repent always right up until the time Christ comes otherwise you don't want to seal as a part of character incorrigibly evil or the incorrigibly wicked you'd need to be always repented first john 1 and verse 9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and verse 7 if we walk in the light as he is ally we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sins he's writing to Christians we of course he says we have an advocate with with the father Jesus Christ the righteous at chapter 2 and verse 1 we have a great high priest he's our lawyer our advocate he intercedes for us we thank God as long as we have a repentant attitude and we realize that we have to overcome human nature and realize yes you still have human nature the Apostle Paul said o wretched man that I am who shall save me from the body of this death I thank God that it shall be through Jesus Christ our Lord so we know that the process that we're overcoming we're replacing human nature with divine nature as we grow in the Grace and the knowledge of Christ so we must overcome it says in Psalm thirty nine five yes certainly every man in his best state what does human being what is human nature like Psalm 39 five every man at his best state is but vapor or as the King James has it is altogether vanity natural humanity natural human human nature is vanity and like vapor a foot but God said about Jacob at one time Isaiah 14 for 4114 fear not you worm Jacob Jacob was put down by God as being a worm of course we we are not like as I said before Winston Churchill glow a glow worm we are gotten we are God's begotten children as dr. Miller said we are the Church of the forgiving and we realize we are special and actually I say it goes on to encourage Worm Jacob by saying you men of Israel I will help you says the Lord and your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel so while he said he was a worm he said I still will help you he gave them that encouragement number one an action point is to repent number two is to persevere Matthew 24 verse 13 but he who endures to the end shall be saved and we had mr. de Moz sermonette run your race with endure as he pointed out only 20% of those who committed themselves to the 2200 mile Appalachian Trail only 20% persevered to the end and I wrote down a quotable quote from the sermonette by mr. Ramon quote actively find the beauty in our Christian calling now end of quote actively find the beauty in our Christian calling no we know what our calling is is to persevere revelation the third chapter the turn there revelation three and verse 10 revelation 3 verse 10 because you have kept my command to persevere I also will keep you from the hour of trial which will come upon the whole world to test those who dwell on the earth mr. mr. Weston in the next may/june living church news which you should be getting soon if you haven't already on his article kings and mountains said but one must keep everything in perspective we should never lose sight of the big picture so again we need to persevere and as dr. Meredith and mr. Weston keep encouraging us keep the big picture in view number two persevere number three it's just served we already read Matthew 20 verse 26 whoever desires to become great among you let him be your servant so we need to have that serving attitude and we're thankful for so many of you here in the Charlotte congregation at our servants you have that serving attitude it takes teamwork as we read in dr. Douglas Wu nails bulletin commentary it's in our church bulletin today on teamwork skills that promote teamwork effective team players appreciate that a team is made up of individuals with different talents and abilities who can make unique to the team first Corinthians 12:12 they know the main priority is to work together smoothly to achieve a goal while showing love to one another Ephesians 4:16 in summary dr. Douglas O'Neill writes good team players have learned how to love their neighbors let's all strive to develop that important skills so we can do God's work effectively let's strive to develop those important skills so we can do God's work effectively and that's action point number 4 do God's work action point number three was served so why have you been called we've been called to fulfill the Great Commission of Matthew 28 verses 19 and 20 we've been called to fulfill the commission of mark 16 and verse 15 and we are very encouraging more recently brethren through actually we're going to start doing the television subtitling in Dutch German and Portuguese so that will be uploaded on those particular websites so the gospel is going out into all the world he praying for more open doors but we're happy about those television the languages going out and that will be starting fairly soon and also we do have television by the way in Goa India so those of you who are going to Goa hopefully you'll see the telecast when you get to go so we are now nearing the second coming of Christ we have the privilege and responsibility to prepare the world a church and ourselves for the coming kingdom we need to maintain a repentant and teachable attitude we need to persevere and never give up we need to actively serve help care and cooperate and do God's work we have an awesome privilege as being members of the body of Christ we've been called for a wonderful purpose to do God's work to train his kings and priests to grow in godly character and eventually be born into God's royal family as the Bride of Christ turn to Revelation 17:14 revelation 17:14 it's talking about after the wedding with Christ on the sea of glass and he comes back to fight all the armies will will write on horses with him and talks about these armies of the world making war with him revelation 17 verse 14 these will make war with the lamb and the lamb will overcome them for he is Lord of lords and king of kings and notice this and those who are with him are called the chosen and faithful that's our calling brethren we need to be faithful to God's calling remember he told us in Matthew 20 verse 16 that many are called that few are chosen and he said in John 15 you have not chosen me but I have chosen you and ordained you they should go forth and bring forth fruit and that fruit should remain so we brethren as a body of Christ have been called to bring forth fruit to fulfill the Great Commission and to grow in the Grace and knowledge of Christ we've been chosen for a great purpose we've had a great calling flip ins 3 verse 14 or turn there flip ian's 3 and verse 14 lipids 3:14 the Apostle Paul says I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus the King James Version I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus so brethren we had an awesome spiritual calling and spiritual identity mr. Weston gave a sermon on the Charlotte family weekend December 23rd 2017 it was titled a long title twenty-five years keeping God's word and not denying his name that's taken from revelation three of course in and verse eight mr. Weston said this in his sermon we must never forget the reason that we are here people forget the reason for their calling and place of their calling so let us go forward let us go forward boldly and courageously and never forget why we are here and why God called us never forget why we are here and why God called us brethren thank God for his glorious calling and for is giving us an identity as his children always remember who you are and fulfill your calling to the very end
Channel: Living Church of God
Views: 3,332
Rating: 4.9480519 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, identity, god, calling, life, living, prophecy
Id: 7zRs4pPBiMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 30sec (4770 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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