Establishing the Kingdom

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[Music] will there be a transition period between a time of Christ's coming here on earth and the beginning of peace in the millennium or will there be difficulties that will be challenging Christ and how and what does the second and when does the second exodus occur but we'll look forward to the kingdom coming and everyday I hope you pray as I do your kingdom come doctor would Douglas Wu nail in the latest world ahead report that you had your local churches had a commentary on thy kingdom come and I don't know how many times a week or a day you pray your kingdom come but I must pray at at least one or two times every day when you look at the world and what's happening God's kingdom needs to come so let's understand when we return to this earth is kings and priests along with Christ after the wedding would be a lot of work to accomplish the nation's will that will survive will have to be taught a new way of life they will have to learn how to submit to the new world government so in a day's sermon we'll discuss the transition from World War 3 to God's new ruling government world government we already mentioned I won't turn there but revelation 6:8 we know that the result of the four horsemen of pestilence disease war and famine will kill one-fourth of the population of the earth and if we assume they're eight billion people that'll be two billion that will be killed and then later on in Revelation 9 verse 18 the sixth trumpet plays another third of human beings will be killed so if there are six billion left that's two billion more killed leaving four billion out of the original eight billion so we know that at least half of the population if we have those figures approximately half of the world's population will be killed four billion out of eight billion people and the Israelites are going to be really punished too not only do you read in Ezekiel five and verse 12 the prophesy of thirds that a third will die from sword the third will die from famine but a third will go into captivity and even of those God says in Isaiah you will go out a hundred and come back ten so of all the Israelites the nation's only one-tenth of the Israelites are going to survive so we have worked to cut out for us when Christ comes back the title of the sermon today is establishing the kingdom we all have a lot of work to do when the refugees come back from captivity and come into the Holy Land and five billion people who have survived all kinds of turmoil and war and pestilence famine the seven trumpet plagues and the seven last plagues they will have a lot of rehabilitation and we will help them to rehabilitate just give you a quick review of the prophetic framework and we've discussed it several times the return to Matthew 24:29 you see the sequence of events that lead up to the second coming Matthew 24 verse 29 immediately after the tribulation of those days the Sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light the Stars will fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken so the giving the sequence of against you have the Great Tribulation mentioned in verses 21 and 22 but after the tribulation of those days you have the heavenly signs and that's the sixth seal that's mentioned in Revelation the sixth chapter so that introduces the day of the Lord that we discussed earlier but when the heavenly signs occurs what happens revelation the seventh chapter you have a hundred and forty-four thousand each twelve thousand of each of the twelve tribes of Israel are sealed from the day of the Lord because the the Tri the seven last plagues are going to be coming the the seventh trumpet place that is during the day of the Lord so you find here verse four revelation seven 144,000 of all the tribes of Israel are sealed what are they sealed for protection during the day of the Lord and we know that when the the kingdom begins there will be a hundred and forty-four thousand or more coming back to Israel but God is going to start with a nuclear force to reestablish the worldwide government with what with the king over those twelve tribes who will be king david and the apostles who might best mention that Matthew 19 verse 28 when we look at God's government and the wonderful tunc world tomorrow tomorrow's world becoming the kingdom of God Matthew 20 19 verse 28 Peter was saying when we left all and followed you what what shall we have Matthew 19 verse 28 jesus said to them assuredly I say to you that in a generation when the son of man sits on the throne of his glory you have who you who have followed me will also sit on 12 Thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel so the 12 tribes of Israel must exist somewhere on the earth I know someone asked me about you know well there's there 144,000 if you have 1/10 of the Israelite nation surviving that's going to be probably several million but God is going to work with a nucleus and apparently each of the tribes each of the the Apostles will be over one of the tribes of Israel those tribes have to exist today if they are going to be ruling over those tribes so that will be at the beginning of millennium those 144,000 are preserved during the day of the Lord and then we come to the seventh trumpet we have the Great Tribulation heavily signs and then the day of the Lord and then the seventh trumpet and then of course of the seventh trumpet as we've already we've rehearsed we go to the sea of glass with a wedding with Christ and that'll be glorious awesome and of course as we've already mentioned the sumptuous wedding supper that will be there as well and during the nine days then between the Day of Atonement between trumpets and the Day of Atonement will be the seven last plagues poured out mr. John Oh Glenn writes in the booklet revelation the mystery unveiled page 42 immediately following chapter 19 of Revelation which of course tells about our coming back and white horses with Christ and put the Peet beast in the false prophet in the lake of fire what happens that well of course chapter 20 immediately after that the day of atonement Satan is put away but let me just read from page 42 of Revelation the mystery unveiled quote immediately following chapter 19 we read that Satan will be put away chapter 20 verses one through three and the Saints will rule with Christ for a thousand years revelation 20 verse 4 through 6 now listen to this the day of atonement will also announce the jubilee and the in Exodus now this booklet the revelation of mystery unveiled was reviewed by the Council of Elders and was first printed in October 2003 14 years ago so the information I'm sharing with you is not new it's been there all along for the past 14 years let me repeat that the Day of Atonement will also announce the Jubilee and the second Exodus note that the Jubilee began on the day of atonement the day that symbolized Satan's banishment at this point the remnant of all twelve tribes of Israel will begin to be regathered will begin to be regathered from their captivity to the Land of Israel let's well we don't need to turn there right well let's turn there to Revelation 20 again and verse 1 and realize yes in the sequence of events we come back with Christ revelation 19 and all of the armies of the earth are destroyed and you read in Zechariah the 14th chapter that their flesh will dissolve from their bones their eyes will melt in their socket the tongue will melt in their mouths those who want to fight against Christ will have very immediate consequences for their rebellion but revelation 19 again we see that the saints come back with Christ the wife of the Lamb his wife has made herself ready and she's in fine linen clean and bright revelation 19 verse 8 and verse 11 I saw heaven open and behold a white horse and that's Christ's faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and makes war so we have this awesome Proclamation on the Day of Atonement and is reading again that symbolized Satan's banishment at this point this remnants of all 12 tribes of Israel will begin to be regathered from their captivity to the land of Israel so that's who the proclamation on the Day of Atonement let's turn to Isaiah 27 we begin a little more about the second Exodus that's announced on the day of atonement with that trumpet blast for the Jubilee right Isaiah 27 and verse 12 Isaiah 27 and verse 12 and it shall come to pass in that day that the eternal will Thresh from the channel of the river to the brook of Egypt and you will be gathered one by one you children of Israel again we know the Great Tribulation as the time of Jacob's trouble they're going to go into captivity read that in Jeremiah 30 verse 7 but he shall be saved out of it it says in Jeremiah 30 about verse 8 so they are going to be in captivity 10% of the Israelites will survive God is going to begin to regather them in the second Exodus starting with a day of atonement so it shall be verse 13 in that day the great trumpet will be blown now we could say that's the on the day of trumpets but mr. Rogow in in his booklet revelation fields nor more properly that will be the trumpet blown on the jubilee day of atonement announcing then the second Exodus so it shall be in that day the great trumpet will be blown that will come who are about to perish in the land of Assyria and they who are outcasts in the land of Egypt and shall worship the eternal in the holy mount of Jerusalem so those who are captive as an Israel those who are captive and in in Egypt are going to be regathered to the holy land let's leave it a little more about this second Exodus it's an amazing thing because this is the part at the beginning of the Milan and we will have to help those captives coming back to the Holy Land Jeremiah the 23rd chapter Jeremiah the 23rd chapter God is it all planned in advance he controls destinies and controls nations and weather and of course the whole universe for that matter Jeremiah 23 verse 7 therefore behold the days are coming says the eternal that they shall no longer say as the Lord lives who brought up the children of Israel out from the land of Egypt verse 8 but as the Lord lives who brought up and led the descendants of the house of Israel from the north country and from all the countries where I had driven them and they shall dwell in their own land so God is going to regather them from all the lands where they where he had driven the Israelites turn to Isaiah 11th chapter another section on the second Exodus Isaiah 11 of course that's a millennial chapter as well Isaiah 11 and starting with verse 11 of course the verses 6 through 9 we have that wonderful picture of the change in animal nature and the peace that will be there and on the world Isaiah 11 and verse 11 shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time yes this is a the second Exodus to recover the remnant of his people who are left from Assyria in Egypt from pathrose and cush from Elam and Shinar from hey math and the islands of a sea and he will set up a banner for the nation's he will assemble the outcasts of Israel and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth well I'll get ahead of myself here because verse 13 ties into a another element of the transition and the beginning of the millennium and that is reconciliation what does it say in verse 13 also the envy of Ephraim shall depart the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off and Ephraim shall not envy Judah and Judah shall not harass Ephraim so here where you've had conflicts between the Jew the house of Israel the house of Judah they are all going to be reconciled and live in harmony that hasn't happened that will happen yet after the second Exodus when they come back to the Holy Land turned back to Ezekiel the 36th chapter in Ezekiel 36 and here again we find that having gone through privation and trials and punishment and destitution the captives coming back will have a teachable attitude zekiel 36 starting with the verse 24 for I will take you from among the nations gather you out of all countries and bring you into your own land then I will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols of course we covetousness is idolatry it tells us in Colossians we have our idols of position and possessions and power I will give you a new heart and a new spirit within you I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh verse 27 I will pour my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and you will keep my judgments and do them yes God's statutes and judgments will be kept even during the Millennium and of course the holy days are a statute tight tithing as a statute as well and of course you know the other practical statutes of putting a a railing or a fence around the top of your house of course in those days they would have the flat roofs and so they had to have a barrier around it that was one of the statutes and and I was remember reading the statutes one time when I was a ministerial trainee up in Global's Mission Michigan and it said that if your neighbor's donkey or horse gets away you need to go get that the donkey and horse and return him to his owner and it just so happened that a horse got out of one of the neighbors barns and so we had to chase him down and try to get him back to his neighbor but that was us one of the statutes one of the judgments and those practical I'm sorry all these different ideas come to mind I need another hour for preaching but I think I remember then this might help some of your teenagers when I started my engineering job in Norfolk Virginia after being at having a civil engineering degree and getting a advanced certificate at Yale University and traffic and transportation engineering I was living in Virginia Beach rented a house from a widow and the rented apartment and from her home and Virginia Beach but worked and commuted to Norfolk Virginia for the southeastern Virginia Regional Planning Commission and anyway every day I was reading the Proverbs every day and that said one of the Proverbs says and I better better not digress here too much but proverbs 15 and 15 verse 1 but I remembered a soft answer turns away wrath but harsh words stir up anger anyway I was somehow I didn't have a car as I was walking from the bus stop back to the house and this two little boys were picking up stones and throwing rocks at me I said they were really throwing stones at me yes I guess whew yes I guess they are so I went over and grabbed the boys hands and he dropped his his pebbles and stones but then come along this big Cadillac convertible and here comes this big guy out in Bermuda shorts and hairy legs and he said did you touch my boy and I was about to you know I'm gonna get back at him was it oh I'm sorry sir I don't do that again a soft answer turns away wrath that was a real practical had I not been reading that this morning I probably would have gotten the battle of this big guy but a soft answer turns away wrath and I apologize but I said but those kids are selfish you know throwing rocks at me anyway young people read the book of Proverbs regularly and it has a practical application in your life but here again we find that God is going to bring them back they will loathe themselves back to Ezekiel 36 they're going to loathe themselves because they have really understood their sins verse 31 Ezekiel 36 verse 31 then you will remember your evil ways and your deeds that you were not good and you will loathe yourselves at your own sight for all your iniquities and your abominations but then he goes on not for your sake do I this says the Lord eternal by the way every time you come across this expression in the Book of Ezekiel you have Lord L Ord in small letters that means the Hebrew is a tonight and you have God with small caps G but capital o and capital D small caps that is the Yahweh so whenever you find Lord small lowercase and then God small caps that's Adonai Yahweh or Lord eternal should be read that way so far he says I will do this as the Lord eternal let it be known be ashamed and confounded for your own ways o house of Israel thus says the Lord eternal on the day that I cleanse you from all your iniquities I will also enable you to dwell in the cities and the ruins shall be rebuilt the desolate land shall be tilled instead of lying desolate in the sight of all passed by verse 35 so they will say this land that was desolate has become like the garden of the Eden and the wasted desolate ruined cities are now fortified and inhabited then the nations which are left all around you shall know that I the eternal have rebuilt the ruined places and planted what was desolate I the eternal have spoken it I will do it so it's going to beautiful reefs restoration at the beginning of the blending will take time as time goes on and of course we call it sustainable agriculture we had that 11 years in Big Sandy from 1966 to 1977 we had the agricultural program we took land that had been been over over seeded and over over planted and the the dry land we started using agricultural biblical principles even a land rest and was starting getting earthworms in the regular soil and the county agents came by so this is amazing this was just depleted soil and now the soil is again rich and so forth we have sustainable agriculture again well that's what's going to happen in the future when you start living by God's agricultural laws even as well as the spiritual laws it's going to be a beautiful environment and a beautiful civilization so we see then that the Day of Atonement is going to announce that second Exodus and will begin that also in addition to the second Exodus that takes place and I I doubt that they'll going to get back and within five days maybe some of them will get back from atonement to the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles back to the Holy Land but you know they're going to come from the north and from the south and all countries where Judah and Israel have been dispersed maybe quite a few of them will get back to the promised land from in the five days between atonement and the first day of fee Feast of Tabernacles I don't know we'll we'll see when that happens but what else is going to happen beside that the beginning in this transition period when the millennium begins it will also be the second half of Christ's ministry we some of you are familiar with the 70 weeks prophecy I'll try to refresh your mind briefly on that if you go back to Daniel 9:24 the Christ fulfilled three and a half years of a seven-year ministry he still has three and a half years yet to fulfill in that 70th week prophesied in Daniel the ninth chapter Daniel 9 verse 24 seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city and he gives the purpose of the 70 weeks to finish the transgression to make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity we know that Christ made reconciliation for iniquity he was our Passover sacrifice for us he's the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world he fulfilled that in the first part of that one-week seven-year ministry bringing an everlasting righteousness well that's that's really going to be in the future to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy of the margins had the most holy place which will be the Millennial temple we talked about Ezekiel 42 through chapter 44 the dimensions of the Jerusalem Temple so he's going to anoint the most holy has done that he hasn't done that yet that will be a part of his ministry I think most of you know that the the prophecy of the 70 weeks prophecy tells when the Messiah was to appear and the Jews knew that many of them knew the prophecy of Daniel they could calculate from the prophecy or verse 25 know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and build jerusalem until messiah the prince will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks the street will be built again in the wall even in trouble sometimes and after the sixty-two weeks so that'll be 62 plus seven after sixty-nine weeks Messiah shall be cut off but not for himself and the people of the prince who is to come so when you find the decree of artaxerxes which is the decree to restore and build Jerusalem that was in Ezra the seventh chapter we won't go back there and take time for that but for 69 prophetic weeks times seven days in a week is 483 years and so when you go from 483 years from 457 BC the decree of artaxerxes you mathematically come out to 26 ad but there's no ear 0 so you have to add one year and it comes out to 27 ad and as mentioned in Halley's Bible handbook and several other Bible handbooks you can read and find out yes Jesus ministry although professing Christians don't they have 30 ad or they have some other time when Jesus was crucified rather than 31 ad but he's ministry began in 27 ad he is ministry lasted three and a half years he was crucified Passover and 31 ad and I won't go into too much about but there's more evidence of course that on that night to be much observed when he was put in a tomb there was a red blood moon a partial red blood moon so you can actually have that additional evidence that it was 31 ad when that happened because Apostle Peter on the day of Pentecost said well this is the fulfillment of what Joel said the moon shall be turned to darkness in the the I mean the Sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood and all of those people who heard Peter speak had experience that day when there was supernatural darkness from noon to 3 o'clock was it and of course that was not a solar eclipse that was supernatural darkness but the red blood moon that they saw was a lunar eclipse that was the 15th of the first month of course the 14th was a Passover in the 15th that night when Jesus is put in the tomb was a partial eclipse with a red blood boom well that's all that's in a site but I just wanted to mention that the the many of those Jews knew that Jesus was the Christ in the Messiah and actually blaspheme them and when Jesus said you hypocrites you know you are destined for Gehenna in a sense he was saying unless they repented they knew better and so part of that was the 70 weeks prophecy they knew the Messiah was going to appear that year in his in his ministry so Jesus began the 70th week in 1727 ad and completed one half of that 70th week ministry when is he going to complete the Latin the next three and a half years of that 70th week we discuss it in the council of elders dr. Meredith and all of us unanimously agreed that that 70th week the second half of that will be at the beginning of the Millennium Christ is going to do what establish a covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah you know that but let's look at that briefly in Jeremiah 31 Jeremiah the 31st chapter now worldwide taught that the New Covenant was going to be the marriage to Christ well that is a covenant but it's not the covenant mentioned by Jeremiah 31 says that Jeremiah 31:31 behold the days are coming says the Lord the eternal when I make a new covenant with whom the house of Israel the house of Judah that is specific that's not symbolic it's specific not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt my covenant which they broke though I was a husband to them says the eternal but this is the covenant I will make the house of Israel after these days says the eternal I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts and I will be their God and they shall be my people no more shall every man teach his neighbor and every man his brother saying no the eternal for they all shall know me from the least of them to the greatest of them says the eternal for I will forgive their iniquity and their a sin I will remember no more so that's going to be a wonderful period of time when we'll establish that new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah now of course it's going to mean that extend on to all the Gentile nations as well but that will be the beginning of it you know it's also repeated in Hebrews eighth chapter in Hebrews 10 and we are pioneers of the new covenant because God is writing on our hearts and minds his nature his law of love of keeping the first Great Commandment in the second Great Commandment all defined by the first of five Commandments about loving God and the first four Commandments of loving God with our whole heart soul and mind and strength and then starting love your neighbors yourself with the fifth commandment honor your father and your mother your days may be long upon the land what sea turn your God gives you so we see here then a wonderful transition taking place it's going to be hard works going to take some time and of course David will be king let's take a look at that briefly I'm sorry to move your place in Ezekiel 36 if you go back to sir Ezekiel 36 but we find the wonderful news of the cities being rebuilt the ruins being refurbished but sorry Ezekiel Ezekiel 37 Ezekiel 37 verse 24 the David my servant shall be king over them and they shall all have one Shepherd they also shall walk in my judgments and serve my statutes and do them verse 26 moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them and it shall be an everlasting covenant with them I will establish them and multiply them and my sanctuary in midst forever it of course that will happen both at the beginning of the millennium and the white throne judgment will have the resurrection of the physical resurrection taking place in the earlier part of chapter 37 with an exceeding great army and verse 11 of chapter 37 the whole house of Israel our hope is lost and that God's plan is it's an amazing we'll learn more about that course of the white throne judgment that he says in Romans the eleventh chapter he has blinded Israel that he might have mercy on them how was that well because if they were held accountable they may have committed the unpardonable sin now that they will have learned their lesson says that they said our hope is lost now they're resurrecting the white throne judgment they will be easily saved all Israel shall be saved as it said in Romans the eleventh chapter but they were not saved during this dispensation before the Millennium begins so we look forward to that time we are pioneers of the new covenant ourselves I hope that all of you well let me ask someone earlier in the feast told me that I had taken a survey one time about how many knew the Ten Commandments and that motivated this individual to earn the long form of the ten commandments he said till mr. Ames can I recite it to you okay he recited the long form of ten commandments to me I only got one word wrong but he did really well though how many of you know the short form can name all ten of the ten commandments short form let's see your hands okay good that looks like about 99% of you how many of you can recite the Ten Commandments long form word-for-word whoa only about eleven of you you know even are at the feast we had some of our children 11 12 years old we were giving awards to those who could recite it long form these are 12 and 13 years old at one of our feasts in earlier years so if a 13 year old can recite the Ten Commandments long form I hope the rest of you only only 2% of you your education has been sadly neglected as oe/oe well who say well I'll just encourage you to of course it more importantly is that you're living it but as we heard at the beginning mr. Senna and mr. Sandor said oh I guess that was mr. Weston I'm saying we are here to learn and to practice God's Way of life well that's what we're here for and I just want to urge all of you again to know your Bible to to ask God to write his laws on our hearts and minds now the the false doctrine that the false teaching of our former Association is yeah we're under the new covenant god mystically does that it has no meaning you know the Ten Commandments of our commandments are written on our hearts and minds you just just love one another no they are rebelling against the commandments of God because they're not keeping them spiritually number one and and even literally the seventh the fourth commandment the seventh day rebel against God's commandments they are rejecting the new covenant although they claim that they're keeping the new covenant but we have to know and practice all ten of the ten commandments and the spiritual application of it as Jesus magnified that in Matthew five six and seven and I just shake my head well I think we have these murders and some of the urban communities and some of our cities across the country and you wonder some of these shootings in some of our universities and when what was that young person was he ever taught you shall not murder you know the sixth commandment you shall not murder no maybe they weren't but if if our our civilization would keep just one commandment what a different world we'd be living in but anyway ask God to write his laws on your heart and on your mind so we find this transition period of the second Exodus coming back the captives coming back to the holy land and that Jesus himself will begin to be preaching and of course establishing that new covenant with the house of Israel in the house of Judah it's going to be a new restoration let's turn that to acts 3 verse 22 in acts 3 I'm going to be careful here diverge too much acts 3 in verse 22 mr. Armstrong called this the pivotal scripture of the Bible x3 and but will lead up to verse 21 starting on verse 19 the Apostle Peter is preaching to the is audience acts 3:19 repent therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord and that he may send Jesus Christ who was preached to you before whom heaven must Seve until the times of restoration of all things which God has spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began what would be restored the government of God is what mr. Armstrong would emphasize here the government of God is not practice except in God's church and of course the government of God the family of God the coming kingdom of God is going to be restored to the whole earth and that's what we're looking for and of course we will have a job to work with those captives that have come back and teach them re-- educate them we already saw that in acts 30 verses I mean Isaiah 30 verses 19 and 20 you shall see your teachers and you'll hear a word behind you saying this is the way walk you in it we have to re-educate but we he'll also turn Isaiah 40 we will also comfort people because here you have thousands if not millions coming back who've been in a similar Holocaust but yet survived in their captivity and they're coming back and they will be so humbled they will be so saddened they'll be weeping and so Isaiah 40 says chapter 40 verse 1 comfort yes comfort my people says your God speak comfort to Jerusalem and cry out to her that her warfare has ended that her iniquity is pardoned for she has received from the Eternals hand double for all her sins and I think I mentioned and one of the messages that of the someone was writing an Israeli was writing about the seven deadly sins of Israel and he only gotten through three of them one of which was homosexuality Tel Aviv's supposed to be one of the homosexual capitals of the world he said this is one of the deadly sins of Israel modern-day Israel and the sex slave tri tri trade was another one and another one was abortion so God is going to pay juda double for their sins but notice that when the people come back that we will be able to comfort them just as Christ who has that compassion on those who've gone through severe punishment and severe trial verse 10 Isaiah 40 we'll start with verse 9 O sian you who bring good tidings get up to your high mountain o Jerusalem you who bring good tidings lift up your voice with strength lift it up be not afraid say to the cities of Judah behold your God yes they will all come up to Jerusalem to worship the King of Kings verse 10 behold the Lord eternal shall come with strong hand and his arms shall rule for him behold his reward is with him and has worked before him he will feed his flock like a shepherd he will gather the Lambs with his arm now again it says that for you know the was at the Thyatira church and in Revelation 20 26 he did overcometh will I grant to give the rule over the nation's and he shall rule them with a rod of iron there's the aspect of government of discipline of judgment of justice and yet as the other side of the coin those who have already learned their lesson that need to be comforted consoled and encouraged and Christ will pick up those who are mourning those who are hurt those who are suffering as a lamb in his arms he'll have that comfort on the other side of the coin he will gather the Lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom and gently lead those who are with young so we have to be comforters as well as disciplinarians you turn back to 2nd Corinthians 1 you know you're God's characteristic is one of compassion and we have to have that compassion as well 2nd Corinthians the 1st chapter or imagine what is what are some of God's titles and what else is his characteristic he's omnipotent omniscient and omnipresent as it says in Psalm 139 but second Corinthians the first chapter gives another characteristic of God first Corinthians 2nd Corinthians 1 verse 3 blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of mercies and God of all comfort God is the father of mercies and the God of all comfort and we will be comforting those captives that come back out who loathed themselves and are sorrowing who comforts us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God you know when you see those videos of movie films of the Holocaust and and all these prisoners who are just skin and bones you know your heart goes out to them and you want to want them to recover you want them to be whole once again and have good health and be able to learn God's truth we'll have that kind of compassion and we'll have to re-educate the whole world but it'll be one of reconciliation as well we already saw how Judah and Ephraim will be reconciled that they won't Envy one another turn to Isaiah 19 mister Sandor emphasized this but I'll take a different emphasis on it appreciate the seven ways that people are going to be converted in the Millennium we heard in that sermon but here in Isaiah 19 we find the element of reconciliation so should another wonderful aspect of the transition period taking place at the beginning of the millennium find it here my Bible I say in the nineteenth chapter verse 23 Isaiah 19 23 in that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria and Assyria and the Assyrian will come to Egypt and the Egyptian into Assyria and the Egyptians will serve with the Assyrians so again as mr. Sandow Park pointed out they are not going to serve one another they can be served with one another in that day Israel will be the one of three with Egypt and Assyria a blessing in the midst of the land from the eternal of Hosts shall bless say blessed is Egypt my people a serie of the work of my hands and Israel my inheritance no longer will they be fighting one another would no longer will they have hatred and conflict toward one other they will have love towards one another and they will be the third with Israel and God will reconcile them and they will be reconciled so it's something to look forward to when you realize yes Arab nations and Anglo nations and all the other nations together can have that reconciliation that will take place but is that going to be peace all of a sudden and yet that three and a half year period it's going to be all of a sudden peace well he says he's going to rebuke many nations far off but what happens beginning and in the Holy Land there's B where Christ is there's going to be peace and the twelve tribes of Israel will begin to set the nucleus and the example the model for all the Gentile nations and that that model that example will go out to the rest of the world and spread out as from Egypt to Assyria then long all to all the other nations but will everyone have learned his or lesson mr. Armstrong wrote in the wonderful world tomorrow what it will be like the cause of all world troubles he was talking about Satan being in prison for a thousand years but he writes on page 38 of the wonderful world tomorrow but that does not mean that the acquired satanic attitude will disappear from human minds immediately when Satan has put away the multiplied billions shall have acquired it that is Satan's attitude and even though Satan will then be restrained from continuing to broadcast it what has been acquired as habit will not be automatically removed it's a transition period yet God has made us humans free moral agents he has given us control over our own minds except as we may be blinded by Satan cEPAL of evil by deception but no longer will Earth's model humans be deceived now the all-powerful Christ and the immortal Saints ruling under him will begin removing the scales that have blinded human minds that is why I say complete utopia cannot be ushered in all at once multiple millions will still hold to the attitude of rebellion and vanity lust and greed but with Christ's coming shall begin the process of reeducation of opening deceived minds of undeceiving minds and bringing them to a voluntary repentance from the time of Christ's supernatural takeover and Satan's banishment God's law and the word of the eternal will go forth from Zion spreading over the whole earth Isaiah 2 verses 3 so you're still going to have some nations that still have to learn their lesson we already read in Zechariah 14 that if Egypt goes not up they will to the feast of tabernacle they have no ring well God said if they won't go up he's implying that they won't they're giving that an example well what other nations will have problems turn to Ezekiel the 38th chapter Gog and Magog Eurasian nations will have difficulty they are not going to accept God's government immediately they're going to look well they'll see after maybe a few months or a year though they'll see that Wow look at that Jerusalem's not even guarded they don't even have anti-ballistic missiles they don't even have a wall around their villages and so they begin to think huh now's our chance we've lost a lot of our advanced military weaponry but we still have clubs we still have metal bars that we can use to fight and Spears we can make our own little weapons so Ezekiel 38 Ezekiel 38 we find the attack of Gog against Israel and we find in chapter 38 now the word of the eternal came to me saying son of man set your face against GOG in the land of Magog the Prince of rosh Meshach and tubal and prophesy against him and say thus says the Lord eternal behold I am against you O GOG the Prince of rosh Meshach and tubal I will put hooks and your jaws lead you out all your army horses horsemen splendidly called a great company with buckler's and shields and all of handling swords well skip down to verse 11 you say you will say I will go up against a land of unwalled villages that's not the way it is now in Israel Israel has its Dome anti-missile systems and it says very strong militarily they don't have unwalled villages but this is the beginning of the millennium there will be unwalled villages i will go up to a peaceful people who dwell safely all of them dwelling without walls neither having bars or gates take the plunder and take the booty to stretch out your hand against the waist places that are again inhabited against the people gathered from the nations who have acquired livestock and goods and dwell in the midst of the land obviously gog and magog who have not been prospering they haven't been keeping god's laws and there they're jealous of what's going on in the Middle East therefore verse 14 son of man prophesy and say to gog thus says the lord eternal on that day when my people israel dwell safely will you not know it well of course they come down to try to take over a skip ahead we don't have much time but skip ahead to chapter 39 verse 6 and I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in security security and the coastlands that they shall know that I am the eternal so I will make my holy name known in the midst of my people and then what's going to happen verse 8 verse 9 those who dwell the cities of Israel will go out and set on fire and burn the weapons both the shields and buckler's the bows and arrows the javelins and Spears and they will make fires with them seven years now some church members say well that's that this is talking about Satan being loosed at a little season at the end of the millennium because the same thing happens we might hold your place there you go back to Revelation 20 Satan will be released from its prison will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth Gog and Magog to gather them together the battle whose number is as the sand of the sea and they come up to the beloved city but God sent fire come down from heaven and a verse nine from God out of heaven and devoured them so it sounds similar to chapter 39 well you have in prophecy duality the first Adam the second Adam you have ancient Babylon you have spiritual Babylon you have ancient Israel you have spiritual Israel there's type and anti-type and so you have what happens here is at the end of the millennium how do we know that this is talking about at the beginning of millennium in chapter 39 because we read in verse 9 of Ezekiel 39 those who dwell in the cities of Israel shall go out and set on fire burn the weapons both the shields and buckler's bows and arrows as javelins and spears and they will take make fires with them for seven years so this is seven years going on into the millennium when Satan is put away at the end of the millennium it's not going to be a seven year some gap in there it's going to be immediate God will call down fire from Hamburg and that will end it when the Israelis aren't going to be burying weapons for seven years and of course it says even seven months verse twelve the house of Israel will be burying Gog and Magog in order to cleanse the land so these are some of the events that will take place and in the beginning of the millennium and we realize it's going to be an awesome transition period that takes place but we have to of course be ready for that and realize that we are training as kings and priests and judges we have to keep growing in the Grace and knowledge of Christ and know the truth and when we think of might recall back to my visit our visit to the Ark Encounter my wife went there Wednesday because we will not be with you on the Ark Encounter this coming weekend and it just is very amazing just to see this huge Ark and that God preserved Noah Noah was a man of faith and said Noah found grace and the eyes of the Lord as well when you read that back in Genesis about the sixth chapter or so but that art is awesome it's just amazing there are some lessons we can learn from that there was a an interview by a video I think about 20 minutes long kind of a humorous interview of Noah from the pagan cities well Noah what are you building this Ark for what is that for well God told me to and III I don't think the way Noah's portrayed was exactly the way I think he was a little more mature than that but he was very simply stating God told me to do this and gave me the dimensions and and said well can we get on the ark as well God will bring all those who listen to him into the ark but they will not listen I think that was one of the lessons that we realized that our duty is preaching the gospel Matthew 24:14 as a witness to all the world because they will not listen that is internalized and respond to the message but they will have been warned and have no excuse and of course it tells us in Deuteronomy 28 that the message that we have now will be a witness to people during the Great Tribulation and if when you are in captivity you seek the Lord with all your heart you'll be saved so that's that's a part of the message we're witnessing ahead of time and anyway if the Noah's Ark you'll find a few fallacies I've already mentioned apparently some of you mentioned that the seventh day is not mentioned it gives all the events of the six days the seventh day is not emphasized of course and then one state one of the exhibit wonderful exhibits throughout this particularly the second floor the third floor of the Archaea they're trying to bore evangelize and one excellent exhibit was emphasizing the validity the Bible it was just very good but there's another section that wants to tell you how to get to heaven well that section is not so helpful and and it amazes me that these they talk about eternal life but they don't have any idea what that eternal life means the Feast of Tabernacles shows us what the eternal life means that we are serving as kings and priests and helping billions of people in the millennium and billions of people in the white throne judgment they have no idea I caught one of their statesman's of which is a fallacy to say when God creates something perfect it remains perfect that what they're denying there is Genesis 1 verse 2 the earth became touhou' and both you there saying oh the earth can't become imperfect because God made it perfect they're denying the existence of Satan's role and you'll hear of course more about that from mr. Wallace Smith and his Bible study on the ark Wednesday night I guess it is and so they're denying the existence of Satan and the role of the destruction of the earth and how it became Tohu touhou' in BO you and of course isaiah 45 verse 8 say God did not create it in touhou' it became that way so their fallacy that when God created something perfect it remains perfect denies free moral agency denies the existence and role of Satan so anyway you might pick up on that as you tour but it's a wonderful exhibit and just realize what God did but in the day as in the days of Noah so shall it be in this endtime they will not listen but we have to be in training as kings and priests and growing in the Grace and knowledge of Christ we look forward to the time of the second Exodus we look forward to the time of re-education and restoration we look forward to time of reconciliation and we look forward to the time when Christ dwell in Jerusalem it might turn to the end of The Book of Ezekiel we already sound found that Israel is going Jerusalem is going to be called the city of truth but it's also going to be called Yahweh Shama the very last verse of the Book of Ezekiel Ezekiel 48 verse 35 all the way around the city shall be eight thousand cubits in the name of the city from that day shall be Yahweh Shama the eternal is there so we will be there wherever Christ is let's turn to one final scripture I could go on for another hour but I better keep to a schedule revelation 17:14 revelation 17:14 the God has revealed to us are awesome calling as Kings priests and judges and as their wife the bride first of all and then the wife of Christ and we will be in Jerusalem we will help comfort the captives that come back we will see that nations that resist God and don't come up to the feast of tabernacle will suffer the consequences and Gog and Magog will have a serious lesson to learn when there are unwalled villages around the center of Jerusalem but here in revelation 17 and 14 these will make war with the lamb talking about all the nations of the world that will fight against Christ that is coming these will make war with the lamb and the lamb will overcome them for he is Lord of lords and King of Kings and those who are with him are called chosen and faithful so brethren as the Bride of Christ as those who are first called firstfruits and God's plan let us be called chosen and faithful thank God that you are called to be Kings priests and judges and to realize that we will serve with Christ looking forward to the kingdom of God on earth that will begin a thousand-year reign of a glorious family helping others into the kingdom of God
Channel: Living Church of God
Views: 1,953
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: kingdom, god, prophecy
Id: YV35sBUiYbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 22sec (3862 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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