Your Celebrities Are Channelers

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when the Bible says that when God performed man he create for he the Bible says he was created in the image and the likeness that means he looked like God but he also had God characteristics so there are things that are in man that are like God yeah there Adam was walking in it before he sinned sin is what causes us to separate from God there by the source of our power will come from us or Satan it doesn't mean that we didn't still have God characteristics or talents or abilities those are y'all not tourniquets what I'm saying in every machine every house or machine you have talents and abilities those talents and abilities was only meant to work by the power of God it's just like if you have a this thing right here works by if you plug it in a wall it works by that power source Amen if you unplug it from the wall and go plug it in a generator it is still work but it's just working from a different power source are you seeing what I'm saying when I plug this in the wall and out and I'm beginning to use this whatever whatever energy is coming through this is what is what's going to cause this thing to function say Amen oh yeah so when Adam was born as a creature being like God that has supernatural talents and abilities you know he had him because he named everything had I had a high memory even scientists know we only use a small percentage of our brain when we know Adam was using his whole brain in other words seeing made us dumb disconnection from God made us dumb are you understanding what I'm saying so I out there so so so this body was created to do what God do that's why the Bible says we're creating an image and likeness that's why he told out of whatever you say a thing is what it is the same way I say a thing is what it is you are my son and my son does what I do my son does what I do right talk back to me so when Adam disconnected from God through sin he he still had talents and gifts that every man has in this debt that was created in them when God formed them say man but the source of the power is not the same so a person that was the person that God created that has that gift - saying can still sang without the power of God but the source that they're using the when that power comes out of them it's going to pour to them whatever the power source they're using is so it's Satan Satan uses Satan can take the same talents or supernatural gifts it's in a person and give them his power and they'll begin to draw whatever Satan's will is the same way when you when we when we get saved or born again and we healed back to God here back there only spirit did we yield to his power and when we begin to use whatever talents at us they begin to draw the things of God or his will this is why y'all dilemma so messed up how can geostain the song and make you feel something and then she go over here and and then and then and then you go to church and you hear somebody singing the gospel song and it make you feel something and you don't understand that both of my powerful both what you feeling it's both supernatural supernatural doesn't necessarily mean it's good cause it's supernatural it just means there's a spiritual source that's manipulating you not manipulating influencing influencing oh yeah I'm deeper than what y'all listen to me are you out there that's why people I received at that discuss a person can make you feel good even preachers can make you shout but not truly be connected to a source the correct source y'all want to talk about this are you hearing what I'm saying that's why many of you are you confused today and you trying to figure out but why are they just so talented they they're so talented yes they can be talented the Bible says listen their gifts and call of God are without repentance in other words if you don't serve God he don't take those gifts away Satan just plugs you in to his power you'll still be able to draw you still had a saying you still be able to act but you'll just be doing it with his power and the manifestation of use of his power it's going to be still in killing and destroying that's how he can create as a matter of fact the Bible says it like this the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life when you use your gifts with Satan's power source you're gonna have the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life people will admire you even Saints Christians won't know sometimes the difference between what power you had our young will talk about this but are you there so now because we live in in this day and age where every success we think is God all success is God now we never question listen we see the success but we never questioned the source over in Africa some of the richest men in Africa even in insulation - we just don't know but some of the richest men in Africa had to constantly sacrifice humans - demons to keep their wealth yes that's what human sacrifice is about though some of the richest billion there was a barrels of pasta they had a man come to him he was one of the richest men in Nigeria and the brother said listen I'm the wealthiest man I know but I'm tired every so often he spirits torment me I have to if I don't sacrifice somebody i'ma lose everything so he said I need to be set free he got set free got saved but look at all the people that died now if that billionaire would have walked in any baddest Church they would have never questioned the source of his money they would never Yana her me they would have never questioned the source of his success not realised that the minute that that source of that the minute that his that the minute that whatever he has touches your life it's gonna bring about the curse that just because he's over different source nobody wants to understand what I'm trying to tell y'all let me show you if you don't believe it's true remember when Judas went betrayed Jesus for that silver and all of a sudden the Judas went back to the to the to the priest and said listen no no no no here take your money back I want to do it the priest the priest said I want the money why they understood it's blood money it's cursed money this money if whoever touches this money they said bury it in the field bury it with him we don't want to touch this money because the money's cursed this money was what this money was the down payment on the death ritual they don't want to talk see spiritual warfare it's greater than we think I understanding what I'm saying y'all talk back to me see this is the reason why we must understand don't just go with success question the source it's not enough to be successful the other let's go back let me let me get down let me get down real quick have you ever wonder why Satan puts his most of his stuff in well and shiny things and success because he knows people the Bible says men only look at the outside but God looks through that facade and sees what's behind it what spirit is this person worshipping for real they may not go home and following their needs and get before a statue and they'll call that no demon's name but their life is an agreement with the source of the power this in their life is an agreement with the source of the power and they say it again their lives in agreement with the source of the power are you are you ready for me oh boy no no what I'm gonna say it's gonna blow your way you ready come on you ready the most successful people the greatest artists Angus the greatest businessman are the people who have the greatest ability to receive the supernatural I don't mind see the supernatural is not necessarily God it's not necessarily Satan it's just supernatural it's the spirit world in other words they can receive signals from the spirit world cuz we've learned now if you really want to study it out no art of music just comes from a person's mind everything comes as an idea and a thought there's only two different forces that you're going to receive from talk to me or don't talk to me there's only two different forces you're gonna receive from it's the reason why the most famous of these artists are the ones that if you listen and go back and study what they're saying they will tell you that they had the ability to to to channel or here so the sort of most famous people if you study to act as Dominus looking at the documentary on these actors the greatest actors like Meryl Streep and Leonardo DiCaprio them type of people and they say these speed the reason they say these people I so the reason why they're so good is because they have the ability to open up as a muse a muse is a it was a it's a Greek term for what they used to do it's like in a play how a person or will literally open themselves in the real understanding what they were open themselves up for a spirit to inhabit them and act out the spirit would act itself through them now what they called it Muse or amusing we called it channeling the people in who do they call it a racer that's called voodoo where they get themselves in the frenzy till they spirit shows up and inhabit somebody and the spirit acts out its wheel through a person so when you hear jay-z say well just open the door and let God come in what he's saying is I going listen I'm telling he says he go whenever you heard he's read all these artists to say the same thing they going today Rain Man thing what they talking about if you understand what rain man is Rain Man was come from the movie Rain Man but what what the spirit of Rain Man really is is when a person get to stuttering and muttering hey channeling they chant and they conjuring up something and they chants why they get to the music the music's they get to me as a self charge it kind of all of a suck in the contour Michael Jackson said used to sit at the piano and all of a sudden it would come to him all these songs will come spiritually it's channeling the greatest artists are the ones that have their ability to channel because every song music word has a source it comes from an idea are you hearing what I'm saying see I always wondered that because I knew people in the world that could saying lustful songs and make me make the goosebumps card and then I went to church to her gospel music I said well that's the kind of the same I didn't understand why was I'm inspirational but then the Holy Spirit said wait a minute thank now when they sing and make you feel something what is it you want to do you felt the goosebumps you felt the supernatural touch Lewton amused to do it they can make you feel this supernatural filling but what is it you want to do because what you want to do determines the sauce they using it is too much that's why you gotta listen to this gospel music because now they're saying in gospel winners with the wrong sauce and that's why you listen to some of it what do you want to do Gregg go out because it's the wrong sauce even the beats and the rhythm came from somebody with that was plugged into nothing just see somebody I don't notice because you don't move no music but if you knew music you know nothing just comes to you you know you you listen you have a gift say I'm gifted everybody's gifted right but the inspiration has to come let's let's do this you ready let me give you the best illustration I'll give you ready let's say you are a trumpet did your trumpet let's say you you're you physically you're a trumpet right you are it doesn't matter that you are a trumpet you have the capacity to make a sound but because you are an instrument say man but you need a source to blow through you in order to make the sound talk to me so light can blow through you and when light blows through you as a trumpet the sound that comes out is gonna be a sound of light darkness can blow through you and what's gonna come out it's going to be darkness you're just an instrument the source determines what comes out too deep too deep I'm do y'all know what you know even one one is way you know what I'm telling y'all this cuz I watch look at the war shows look at how we are bamboozled because we don't understand the source of these famous people who we believe in more than we believe in God we don't understand it because we've always been taught that anything that we're doing that brings success must be good so even the people that are being used of Satan was standing up and say I want to thank God because Satan does encourage that they're deceived that they think God is using them they don't he don't care because the effect the effect is happening whether they whatever no matter what they say they're amused they're a puppet being used but when but when they get up and saying that the little girls won't take their clothes off it doesn't matter whether the person is saying it thanks God has used him or not the effect is still the same me and my wife was in Tennessee we was in Nashville one time and we had we met Justin Bieber's mother we was in today I was in Nashville we was at a church and she was there it was right when he blew up right when he blew up he was at his mother's out of churches he was talking about he was a Christian and you know he's in and you know he's and it was a pastor I taught my they gonna pray for him you know so that he would do well in the entertainment industry and there was another path it was another famous guy there called Ricky Skaggs he's a famous country guy and he looked like what pray for him to do what pray for him to go into Babylon you like what you think gonna happen to him yeah he was cute and innocent when he came out now his tattoo it up he he said why because you see it now yeah what they didn't realize it don't matter how cute this boy was when he saw the little girls took their clothes off and got lots more it don't matter how innocent he seemed when he went out when the sauce came through him it spoke to them and they all of a sudden these were twelve-year-old girls was falling out lustful so the effect was the same so he looked at his mama I always want to tell her like honey I'm you know I I didn't want to say no wrong I'm like what about giving three years and that's about three years ago and this is what's happening to him now so how you gonna go in the industry and you think that they not gonna corrupt and pervert you to the core this is too much all right then when I went down there now let me let me help help me please was I at here I was at James 3:5 okay I was doing with that okay let me get let me get you one more scripture number be done go over to go over to first Peter 5 first b25 when when we close early hallelujah but y'all learn anything part of the problem that people don't understand is Satan's people are people that have a bloodline of people that have worshipped him that holds their whole bloodline their whole generations have worshipped him these are the ones that he keeps in power and famous and full of money if you study that's why if you just look at the richest people in the world and they look at their lineage and who they really are let's use Bill Gates for one can we just use Bill Gates well I didn't know this cuz Bill Gates is like a innocently nerd I didn't know I didn't know what Bill Gates was about when I study who Bill Gates was I found that his father was a Grand Master 33rd degree freemason in the CIA a part of the Illuminati I didn't know that about and when I found out the Apple dude his father was the same they was both Freemasons Bill Gates traced his bloodline all the way back these people are the richest people in the world the Zuckerman over Facebook same time the the the Queen and all of them royalty over in England all of my part of the same the same I want to say tribe almost because they traced a bloodlines all the way back and the people that get empowered I'll allow Doug to be listen to me they are allowed to be the ones that get famous I'll allow dung to be what y'all think these idol shows is about it's showing you they make it who they won't because before they're gone before you've become famous that you have to have a certain spiritual mind to be famous you have to have some rejection you have to have some because you need to have what they call expectation you have to have a complex of wanting people to like you because you have such a low self-worth that you will do whatever it is to be like that's what they need because when they tell you to sign these contracts that's really covenants any contracts are covenants and they tell you that you have just entered into a covenant say man a person ain't gonna think twice because they want to be loved that's why all these artists later on they talk about how bad day life is they own drugs whose been suicide because they found our fame was only a trap to use the gift the raw gift that God put in diem to influence the masses - for Satan's ideas to be pushed y'all want to talk so when you go back and you look at the Bilderbergers and you look at these are the feet of people uh what's his name on the Rockefellers the Rothschilds these families trace their lineage some of them our way back to the pyramids these people have been rich all day life because they have a supernatural connection to Lucifer and Lucifer Satan constantly gives them wealth and what is they can do he gives them information they take the invention say all y'all want to know can't we talk y'all don't want to talk about this these in that that's why people like Einstein they always say it just came and then you find out what was their belief they were atheists agnostics they was they was in some of the worst type of sexual pedophilia and I'll and then these out of people that just channel and receive this idea that changes the world that they get billions of dollars off of it now y'all the other can we talk and not talk and so so so anybody that has any influence is allowed to have it look the reason why I'm you and I can't get rich because they put stuff in place to keep us from getting wealthy unless we join a club this is what this is what this is the reason why in every college they pick off the brightest most talented then and they hunt them down to make them join those societies and join those those fraternities and sororities and those so for eternity and sororities have their origin in Freemasonry everyone has to every last one of them once they play as they just play it to some deity God and they have their leaders to that fraternity no matter what they say about Christ they've releases to their fraternity and when the and the people in high positions want to do something they pick from those people who already know how to have keep secrets who already have sold out who already have made a blood covenant y'all don't want to talk about this and this is the reason why no matter how good and talented and good you are people like that don't get nowhere unless they go into one of these societies so go study the black Greek society you'll find out why we're the way we are most of preachers in this city are part of these societies most megachurch preachers are part of these black fraternities and this is called the boule the boule is the black clan they was put in place over blacks to keep blacks down the white people chose those blacks those educated Morehouse Howard College to loot toluca Tuskegee type cats they put they get nape they formed a fraternity under the priests home free masons and came up with the divine nine which is all of them alphas and capitols and betas and Sigma's and sapphires and all that and those are the ones that they keep it as gatekeepers over the black people that's the reason why we can rise Jesse Jackson is a is a I think he's Sigma Phi and he's a high degree freemason and I saw up the high degree freemason name a black that Center for high position Obama's a 33rd degree freemason nobody knows these things but when they want to do some day pick out of that because they need somebody that's already in the legions with the elitist goal to put over us that's why we can't rise now I know y'all didn't know that and that's why I'm always in the debate were folk cuz they don't study enough to know they go off of face value where I come all these black leaders and we ain't rose at all we can't come up why because these people are part of soon as somebody becomes effective they kill them if they came by him they kill them and by no means they're gonna let him in his school ship club come in this club once he succumbs in that secret society they'll make him rich and famous but he'll be ineffective because what is Satan really purchasing oh can we talk y'all Oh if y'all can see what I'm trying to tell y'all what is he really purchasing no no no no he's not purchasing Souls you know he know he know and he's not purchasing souls the souls out of price souls out the costs what he's purchasing is influence he's purchasing influence anybody that has the ability to influence that's why some of the greatest that's why you see the most of the some of the richest people and the most famous people are comedians cuz comedians have the greatest ability to influence a comedian could sit there and use humor see y'all think humans humor but humor so much truth comes through you two comedians that's why Satan has to get every comedian in line with him that's why when the comedian gets famous he got to get a two three movie deal you got to get him a sitcom they keep him in the industry and keep him control because he could stand her and release some truth that even though people are laughing they receive the truth that's why I say he controls comedians cuz they'd only want to take a standard like I'm doing and talk to you and talk to your head so he uses that's why they gotta be bald and nasty using caused him to be so so degrading because they have an ability to influence so he purchased his influence by saying take this deal what did he give Christ what he tried offer from influence I'll put you over the world I'll put you over all this would be under you everything you see influence he's the purchaser of influence that's why I don't get caught up on Fame and I know that people just sold their influence he paid him good but he's paying for their influence these NBA cats no matter how much you think they good when you they're walking billboards they're walking influence this is the image I want to get into the hearts of the young black men so I want them to look like sex-crazed tattooed up beast I want them to look like just aggressive and ferocious as they can be and they pair them billions for it millions for the influence so cuz I told you that talent it doesn't matter if they sang play ball it's still a gift that was put in there and satanism using the influence oh nobody wants to talk about this can anybody see what I'm saying so I'm trying to show you there's another world going on why y'all watching the oneworld he's doing something else why are you watching this he's over doing something else you have to learn to be discerning look behind stuff what is this talk to me let me go what I say first Peter first Peter 5 the other I'm gonna give you a description I'm give you got one more than imma close your handle that how much I keep my comments very limited looking first Peter 5:8 yo there it says be sober be vision then we say be sober that don't mean this people naturally drinking and getting high even though that is a problem but that's not what it's talking about it's talking about say serious look at things seriously everything ain't a laugh and joke everything ain't funny some stuff you need to look at seriously people think that we as Christians are just angry and hateful no we're serious I look at something and see what's behind it why many people just say oh this is a nothing when I first saw the demon lewane when I first saw him no I'm serious when I first sometime I waved back hot boys I'm tell her way back way back juvenile some believe that that back then when I first saw him and I heard and I first heard him I'm telling that I didn't see him first I heard it for his I didn't see him I heard him cuz I heard him other cats and they couldn't really wrap it obviously but the ILA heard him and I heard I said I said this is gonna be a terrible thing I said this boy is gifted I said this was gifted he's a channeler so he has the ability to receive supernatural he's yielded more because what cause a person to yield more is trauma oh boy so you take submit my strong teaching about MKULTRA they showed how to create a person in like The Manchurian Candidate that's true stuff they know how to create a person and make them into assassin or whatever they wanted to be they'd start when they're young and they traumatize them real early as a child when a person is remote eyes data chatter I told you they develop another personality they got to have a way of escape when a person does that that's when they to have development way of escape that's where spirits come in the trauma causes them to yield a person that will yield will yield more to a spirit and they'll be able to receive better signals that's why they know Michael Jackson was raped and molested and that's why he was a great Channel look if these people are channelers y'all listen to what I'm sayin y'all know earth one in five that guy's Marvis why he was a channeler that's the reason why and all that music was so infectious but what did he do what did you want to do that's the question so you know what a sorcerer is because what did you want to do when you earn it you can live if you says if you can sit down and listen to our greed you feel like drinking it's something about this stuff there are some songs make you won't drink dry some songs make you won't get high got some so make you won't have sex and your name saying about sex and ain't saying about getting high but that's what you feeling why because that's what that's the spirit coming through the the source of the music that just says did this amused a channel oh I'm helping y'all I'm helping y'all you need to hear what I'm trying to teach y'all this is why you can be saved right now as saved as you want to be but if you go out here and start listening to something expressed in some world and then you listen to some you used to listen to a feeling will come over you like you will you can it were true you could go way back music is spiritual and you're gonna get the spirit out of artists there was a brother that does he does a lot of videos and he does a lot of preaching and he was telling about how he was youth pastor and how he was saying he had obsessing with these young people and you asking a little girls he said what are y'all like about Beyonce for everybody I really liked about it and wonder young girl was honest and she said you know you know we like I like her but it's something about it it makes me want to be widowed don't know what it is but I just want to be with her because there's a spirit coming through that music that's a spirit of lesbianism coming through that music even girls are infatuated with this girl girls lust this girl it ain't just me and girls are lusting her too because there's it's whatever sauce she's coming out of it's bringing that spirit with over we know the sauce is called sausage I remember she said who was it okay sausage is demon y'all do know she said who it was y'all do know she said that spirit comes in or so y'all come on y'all maybe that's why it's so dangerous and they're loved dangerous cuz these demons and you got the two top channels married y'all ain't figured this out yet either got this top channel this what's wrong with what Kanye losing his mind cuz he's charity gentleman he was a Christian his mama was a Christian he knew Christianity but all of a sudden he got in the industry and you came being her and he was so he's perfect he's insecure he's he's he's inadequate and he was really a look nerdy nerdy boy and he wanted to fit in with the thugs so he had to beat so he was willing to do whatever he's like there's a dog running around spike how you doing spike I won't be with the spike I wouldn't go in this fight you know he needs affirmation so this spirit of expectation is on him where he needs to be affirmed see that's what happens when you don't grow up with fibers you want to be famous you want to be somebody because you don't know you somebody so sake make your deal sell me your influence I'll make you famous doesn't oh y'all don't want to talk to me this was that's why people got to get delivered get set free from his first of inadequacy and he spirits of Pride and he set free from all of that rejection make you want to be somebody and the reason why this is your favorite artist you want me to tell you why cuz you cuz the spirit that they operate out of is the spiritual live at of that's why when I heard Tupac I just took to a why this same fatherless fatherless inadequate rejected boy was channeling the same source the same spirit was coming out of him and what was effective what was in me because I had the same spirit so it was speaking to me does anybody want to talk studying for yourself it's enough it's enough on you to about that you don't believe you just don't want believe it you just leaders let you just believe you know some people and it's something young anything on believe it they just won't believe what they won't believe it they like him too much let's stay here role it's all of you to go against a Idol sound he's hard to they do not go against the Idol they'll fight you over the Idol I understand tell you look at it now it's so bad that nowaday idols are telling them they telling them yes do yell yeah the name is Roman it says demon in me called Roman lady guy said yeah I'm channeling my dad auntie they think telling you Oprah said I channeled the spirits of the dead and ancestors Denzel said I channeled the dear people but nobody wants it we don't care because I idols make being demon-possessed sexy think about it people now go rock and roll was started all these white boys got possessed because they found out about Robert Johnson the first black dude that went down to the crossroads in Mississippi and sold his soul to the devil and delegating that ability to play he's the father the other blues and he learned to play within a month after he just channeled and sold his soul he came back and they say he was the greatest guitar and blues player ever and these white boys came all the way from England all the way down to what's that Jackson what's what's that Crawford Mississip someone down there and they went to the to the crossroads and so they sold to be able to play he made he made that's think about how messed up it he made suddenly being possessed look sexy he died a terrible death somebody killed if I mess with his wife see this is the casino Satan stuff and all his career if you know if you haven't heard his music was all about hellhounds on my troll on my on my trail hellhounds only he knew he's and he sold it so he knew he said I know where I'm going he always talked about going to dine and going it cuz he knew what he did he made a deal Jerry Lee Lewis they knew he made a deal jelly Lewis I'm going to hell said I know what I'm doing I sold my soul to be able to play this way goodness gracious great balls of fire was about going to hell when he when y'all heard that song it was so you know there you're out of my brain goodness gracious if you thought it was he told you said I wrote that it was about going to hell he said I was he said one day obviously woke up and seen him a big ball of flame he meant and what he meant was I live so fast no no no no you're out of my brain then I'll live till I died and then I woke up one day gutting this gracious great balls of fire he knew he was going to hell all these artists is what they've done the only Satan he's by as they influence to influence the masses cuz you do what your items do oh now you saw my warfare there's warfare right there ten on your feet I'm done I'm gonna go no further that's enough the other Satan's job is arrived you till you die then you go to hell that's his job he uses a influence that you'll look up to till you die this is why some people have you ever seen where some people are famous on top of the world and all of a sudden they go get saved and nobody would know why they did that because all that time that person knew they knew they soul was not right with God and they knew what they had done to get that Fame are you hearing what I'm saying now we living in the day where we cannot look at success we must look at the sauce
Channel: Stephen Darby Ministries
Views: 220,137
Rating: 4.8854613 out of 5
Keywords: preachers of la, td jakes, bynum, tb joshua, creflo, word of faith, cfc push, shiko apwam, fire, jay z, Beyoncé (Record Producer), Kanye West (Record Producer), Lil Wayne (Musical Artist), church, g craig lewis, jeezy, Rick Ross (Musical Artist), deliverance, scoan, synagogue church of all nations, potters house, eddie long, Eddie Long (Person)
Id: 1hCC49Tdzks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 47sec (2267 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2013
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