400 Years

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hallelujah hallelujah [Music] holiday [Music] they may turn to the book of Genesis Genesis father do [Music] how do I want to speak tonight to it what's going on man what's happening we have so much going on I want to speak to it out come on let's welcome my Internet audience amen this ministry of the lifelines are many that watch this online really seriously so we welcome you in the name of the Lord Jesus [Music] I'm gonna call a team and get my sons ahead preaching I want to call this four hundred years so I'm gonna pick up on a little bit that I was touching on a while back 400 years hey man I want you to understand it's very difficult for us to understand that it's all about us it's very hard it's really all it's hard because we've been trained that we are very insignificant and all black races just should be glad that white folks came and gave us Jesus gave us the gospel overlooked the raping and the robbers would give us Jesus and they told us that we were insignificant and so we think that way we have no idea that we are the reason why everything is happening there is a veil that's been pulled back based upon the end over 400 year prophecy that would actually speak directly to who God's people is we call them to rise up amen so we are in a place where the the weather the stuff that's happening is really there's the judgments of the Lord but the weather is aimed believe it or not at us but the most out continues to fight amen every time they try to put those viruses in Africa most high stops it they've been trying to wipe them out for a long time because God is fighting for his people's soul but turned I'm not gonna give my messes away real quick turn to Genesis 15 a man brought down justice called us for hundred years a man Thank You Sonny men reached a child amen amen I want you I want you to keep your eyes open at what you're watching amen you're watching the the almighty whooping the nations of the world that's what you're watching whooping the nations a man he is he's whooping the nations a man because he is going to fulfill his word that he gave to Abraham and to Moses and the people in true power know this and so they are fighting very hard against this 400 year prophecy and they are actually planning to wipe out the people of God amen this this prophecy is what is what America has been all about from the beginning my yob Genesis 15 look at verse 13 now when I teach this and when I understand all those that call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved amen the problem is we've been talking properly and the scholars that taught us the Bible they took the Bible to South America to Brazil to Australia to Canada to Africa to the Middle East they took the Bible with with a racist slide meaning they purposely erased the true people of God a man because they understood that the dark racists many of the dark races African races if then if they are not the people then they mix with them so they understood that we have to erase now what's happening is the revealing of truth truth is starting to be revealed and they are combating the truth by the only means they know how which is find us violence and this is the reason why what happened in st. Louis wind up officer saying I'm going to kill this guy premeditated rolled up on unarmed black man killed him and didn't get any got off like he didn't do it at all these things are happening because this is the desperation of a people that understand it's not just happening in America it's all over the world I was looking in Australia seeing that there the white population is dying out in Europe do you think that the most high is not going to judge them for what they did to Africa and keep doing King Leopold killed millions and millions of Congolese in the Congo to build Brussels Belgium God's judging that stuff now he is destroying those countries that actually did that and so I was telling my wife today I said if there was a race war I wouldn't fight it because the plagues ups are already here so what we need to do is be ready to hear what God tells us to do and stay out of other people's stuff that ain't got nothing doing us amen I pray that my white brothers and sisters that love Christ for real amen the Chrysler the Bible for real not this fake evangelical stuff that they voted white and not Christ that's where civil wars happen in the church because we found out that they believe wasn't really in Christ they believe was in white and they voted white over Christ so then if you ain't voting Christ first then are you my brother or my sister because the oppression of your black brothers and sisters should have been something that you stood up for all the way back to Fredrick Douglass y'all should have been standing up and because y'all didn't Donald Trump was the instrument to reveal the true heart of the nation he embodied what white America feels and was afraid to say it was very it was good that he came to power because this is what's going to allow the judge that you see the judgment in 2017 it's happening it's happening and happened why because now America cannot deny his true spirit I told y'all why was it important for us to recognize when officers were shooting unarmed black people and why was that important it's not the fact that the numbers are not in the millions the fact is every time there was a denial of justice was the most high given this nation and opportunity to do right to do right every time we had a leader that rose up in this nation and said make right those wrongs those reparations they deny like Pharaoh continues to deny a yogurt they need get something long run let me get this intrical yeah cuz it's great cut off so now we are at a place where and and and and those overseas are looking at America and they really don't know what's happening in this country they don't really know they they it looks like you know we just going through a normal thing of uprise and that's not what's happening what's happening is a 400-year prophecy coming to end fulfillment is happening in this nation are you there no it's not going to happen in this nation it's gonna happen all over the world all over the world because the most high is ending white rule yes why do I said it I am scared of your money I said it and so whenever a people is backed against the wall they're gonna fight hard and this is why you can see the injustice is are just so blatant it's very difficult to even I was like I only want her no more I always see them wrong our know more about no pollies killing I don't know because it just really you know it does something to my spirit and I already know why it's happening amen I gave a word in Orlando one of the no one in Orlando it was North Carolina and I told our people and I even put it on YouTube that the only thing stopping the most high from doing what he wants to do is Judah does not do what he told them to do we are still looking to government every time they do stuff we run down there the City Hall we pick it in going to the police station all we'd have to do was agree with our God let's cry out to the Most High for judgment and he would do it he's doing it anyway amen now yeah yeah Genesis 15 come on you got to get that because I'm not helping you amen the whole end time is about you it's about you and Melanie if you have melanin it's talking about you now some people melt and then go get judge but it's still about you amen I'll just hit all right now Genesis 15:13 and he said summit on that God said unto Abram nor the surety that that seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs and it's just served them and they shall afflict them how many years four hundred years and also that nation whom they shall serve whoever they shall serve I will judge and after what shall they come out with great substance say men did y'all see that now and thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace thou shalt be buried in a good old age but in the fourth generation they shall come hither again for the iniquity of the animal rights is not yet formed now the most high gave Abram Abraham a prophecy about what would happen to his people it was a future prophecy and we see right here that that prophecy it happened once they did go into Egypt notice that the most I didn't tell Moses I mean tell Abraham that it would be Egypt he just said it's gonna be a nation that you're gonna go into then go over to Deuteronomy 28 I'll show y'all this before but I'm telling you you won't get teaching if y'all just run over everything I have to keep hammering it in until you get it amen because I want you to know what's going on hey man what is happening in this nation I'm trying to get people to realize something that's happening amen there's judgment that listen if you was outside this nation well if you understand you leaders understood the Bible without the lives that we were taught without the white theologian lies that's why I did a message years ago about white lives in the battle if you if you leave that out and all the Left Behind line you know all that stuff they was teaching and all of the the teaching that gives the Jews over there in Israel the eschatology of the entire you know that's all around it if you get all that out of the way you'll see what the Bible is really talking about are you hearing what I'm saying you realize that it's all about a loss people say lost amen scattered lost people that build nations for all of us amen the reason why the Hebrews in in Exodus came out of Egypt with great wealth was because they didn't get paid it wouldn't be further leprosy this is why this nation is under judgment it ain't prior to working then just let you go say you free and then don't give you no money to go with ain't that a hateful thing for you to serve me well and then I'll let you go and say you're free and you're broke which turned around and made you have to come back and work for me now y'all there so it's not enough of freedom it's going to be a stripping of wealth amen from there stripping the wealth I often wondered what other nations going Oh Africa when they're getting 193 they get 193 billion dollars a year out of Africa 193 billion in resources comes out of Africa you think the world don't owe something these European nations that have flourished off of the sweat and putting one African president in King against the oven making them fights that income instead of resources you think they don't know the various neelam that actually founded that Blood Diamond stuff and give these little Warlord's guns to fight these little villages and why they fighting they go in and give the Warlord's give them diamonds get make the villages work didn't give him dying give the birds diamonds diamonds ain't even rare diamonds ain't even valuable they got stockpiles of diamonds they only released them a little bit at a time to keep them you thinking they're rare back old by gold gold is always valuable diamonds they make diamonds in a laboratory song doing so but the point is is that the books are gonna have to be settled and it's happening now it has to happen within the next two years it's happening that this is the reef you have never seen four hurricanes in a road while you wait y'all think you're serious you have never seen you have never seen Africa releasing them hurricanes to come over here four in a row you've never seen the whole sea go out they don't know what it sees that I saw him look said where's the ocean David oh she was gone I mean that was everything you marinelle off people saying we never seen this before every if you look at a map the whole West y'all think I'm kidding the whole almost a third of the country is on fire a third of the country's on fire they not telling you because they don't want you to that said it was judgment they got mad at who said that oh that one of white got Kirk Cameron said that it was judgment and they got mad at who they don't want you to know this and judgement so have a third of the west coast which that means always from the coast to like what Oregon Montana now Montana from from the coast us like a third of the nation top the bottom is on five dance and underbelly they're not talking about it they got back-to-back hurricanes in the Gulf say man they have now and in the rest of the country let me put it this way it Kentucky in deceit Kentucky there are five deaths a day from overdoses disappearing this hunt this earnest finis and this interstate these these I don't want to get reported all them know get reported what's happening see judgment is not going to be blatant worse it's gonna say judgment Andy you say all cash doesn't know judgment because the people that own the own your information and media are not going to make you think that they are under judgment so I don't want you think this Bibles talking about them so they so they took they faked their loads and and explained away the last days and they got us looking for stuff and we found out what's going on and we don't know what's happening because we would not talk properly say man but when you put the right people in the right places then you start understanding the book now look over and Deuteronomy 28 I just want deal just one scripture Deuteronomy 28 I'm not going to be long who drowned me 2868 how y'all there I just want to deal with this one scripture I want to help you real good it's all about you never knew that look at this Deuteronomy 26 any other and the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt come on what's that word come on now y'all looking at the Bible what's that saying again so Abraham prophesized that they will go into Egypt to be slaves once right but the Lord has given another prophecy I believe this through Moses that the Lord will bring thee into Egypt again but this time see you walked into Egypt the first time Joseph and his sons I mean a Jacob and his sons walk in the Egypt and Joseph was next to the Pharaoh remember they was getting a straw I mean getting the rice in the grain and they went down to Egypt they walked on down into Egypt amen so the next time you go into Egypt it's going to be with a ship now we know it can't be natural Egypt because if it was the physical Egypt then they could walk again into Egypt so this is not talking about it's talking about Egypt was renamed from the word miss around which it just means the house of bondage I got that so that would mean if if if let's say the house of sherrod was the house of bondage amen and the house of grant was that was the house of bondage right now if I say if I say you're gonna be captive in shiraz house say man then and then I say then you're gonna be captive in Grant's house you think I'm telling about two different houses you see what I'm saying but if I just say if you won't be in the house of bondage and then you're gonna go again into the house of bondage that means that the second bondage is gonna have the same spirit of the first bondage and y'all there the second bondage will have the same spirit of the first bondage a man then we know that happened that happened already we know that this nation I'll give you a spearmint you do it take your take a dollar out since y'all don't believe it I'll just show you I don't need it I know what's on the back of just I want you to see it get your dollar ain't broke in a dollar and then you can't do it with no 2905 there needs to be a dollar get you a dollar amen and then look X dollar a man cuz I want to show you that the founding fathers of this nation were following the Egyptian religion the God on the back of this dollar is not the God of the Bible the God on the back of this dollars to God with that all-seeing eye over the pyramid that's the god of Horus or Osiris amen so the back of your dollar if you go look it up it is cryptically and witchcraft designs it's all kinds of stuff if you look closely you see spider webs aisles you say all kind of stuff on back the the sale on the circle symbolizes Poseidon see this it's all types of stuff on the back of the dollar but the most poignant point is you see the Eagle on the other side what they're telling you is the eagle y'all ready come on y'all ready the Eagle is above the pyramid is below so as above as below so is saying this is the same that's the same this is ours are the Eagle is our symbol right and they're telling you that this eagle above meaning what you will see on the face come on what you'll see out front is the same as the pyramid below mean the come on this is this is essence of cultic language amen they don't they work by symbols the reason why they work by symbols is they use symbols as a way to try to keep the most it really comes from Babylon they use symbols when they languages was mixed up because all the world understands the symbol I don't even have to talk your language but if you do this I know what you're trying to say to me say man so symbols is how the elite talk that's why when they greet each other they got all types of rituals and symbols and the symbolism on the back of the dollar was stating that on the face of America which is always been a phony phony face it's gonna look like the land of freedom the Eagle sauce come on the free country you know but when you get when you really understand America you're gonna find out it was built on the principles of bondage or the house of bondage come on y'all her and what I'm sayin so everything that you need to understand about this country it's really right there a man the country the founders of the nation were building a country a haven for the all-seeing eye to rest upon which is why the eye on the back it's above the 13 steps because he has not yet come they're building the foundation for him to come y'all guys now I'm not gonna go too deep I don't get too deep into that I just want to show you a couple of things that you probably didn't know the other now okay so Deuteronomy 28 says and the Lord 2868 and the Lord shall bring thee be into Egypt again which ships by the way where I'm I spake unto thee thou shall see it no Morgan and there I shall and there you shall be what sold unto your way you shall be sold unto your what never did have an expiration on the enemy didn't say you'll be sold and emancipated and y'all be cool didn't say that then say you'll go through civil rights and then you'll get some right to you know your soul to your enemies that's do y'all heard did y'all see that see we don't understand that because we had leaders that were hijacked can I go a little further we had leaders that was hijacked by I don't want to go ahead I'll be going four days and today basically our leaders were where I think they were deceived actually to believe that the way to equality was through inclusion and integration and we see now that ain't been no integration you can't find one country where black dark melon ated people are accepted you know in a country where it's predominantly another race even Chinese folk they don't like either but what we were taught was that we're going to somehow come together in a melting pot and we all would what would would would have this Brotherhood and just love each other that's what we were taught but the most I said that now and they say well how are you getting that that these people right here and do the Romney on the same people well I just told you I've explained it many times for you to say that we're not the people then you got to show me who else went into a land with an Egyptian government for 400 years in ships you got to show me that I'll listen to you but you better show me that because this was a way for God's people not to be totally wiped out we will have an identifying mark by our bondage y'all there that's not just the ones that came it says because they didn't steal all of the slaves or not slaves because before they was on the ship they were not slave but all of the people from the slave coast and from the different parts of West Africa they didn't steal everybody from Western stuff is really where southern Africa they didn't steal everybody they stole some so that means a lot of our people are still there y'all there it's a very reason why this government spent so much money trying to keep the African Americans away from the Africans because a lot of our people they were scared we go over and see things about ourselves and realize who we really are now so a lot of our people are still there amen and there's going to be a reconnection of that a man made longer reconnection now and it says you're gonna be then listen now cuz now then you'd have to prove to me that in any any race that went into bondage they would have to still be there they've got to still be there because this won't don't fit nobody else see I see everybody's trying to be Israel I told you did you know the British say they're in Israel the Irish say to Israel everybody wants to be Israel but they have to fit the bondage of the book they have to fit that remember the psalm said there will be a conspiracy in nations where they would erase Israel from being the people this is what slavery really was wasn't just servitude it had to do with these people knew the book had the knowledge knew that there was the people it's the same if I could get you some understanding of the revelations I'm gonna go on today but basically the people that did the Slavin had an understanding this is the reason why your name was changed why would they change in your name ain't a threat unless your name is an identity marker because these people have certain special names that will identify who they are see they couldn't have brought you here and be calling you Elijah and calling you Isaiah and you reading the Bible they say they believe and you say well my name is Isaiah well his name so they had to change your name why because the goal was to destroy you from ever knowing who you were so we kind of see the goal of slavery in America was knit you to never be free it was supposed to be slavery was perpetual that's why all the laws of this nation was set up to still oppress you because he was not set up for you to be here they told you in the beginning that's law understand Martin Luther King they said in the beginning that these laws were set up not for you when Dred Scott trying to take him to court they said there is no there is no law that old that when a white man has to obey concerning a black man they said you 3/5 human did y'all know a lot of that stuff is still on the book they didn't take it on why because that's the true spirit of the nation the problem is is we believed it ain't that we believed if there was another people here I said it before I'm gonna get in there that's gonna take it to another way but I'll talk to you before there was another people heard that was kind of treated no better than us at one time they didn't deal with him so they got up above him and now these are the people that's running everything I ain't got time to get into that and they keep putting your face out there like you the enemy and they destroy them now can we go on now so so you would have to be because the iris some battles online said see that this is the Irish Sea because iris was the one that came here and ships I said do you know there's a country called Ireland Iron Man meaning y'all know exactly where y'all going and where y'all been y'all name what changed from McConnachie and and you still got your name see so and you was not bond men and bond women you was what they call it ditcher service meaning working off the debt stuff that's not the same that's chattel slavery it's different notice how they this is why they like you talk they want to Spain away yo steel explain away your pain will you let's move on they even teach immigrants when they come here to know don't get involved in on it don't worry about they don't want nobody to know they they make like we complaining like we ought to be happy because we're here but even though life will be hard life could be hard in a lot of different places but one thing I'll give you a story that was a brother white pastor that had a African past a sense of spiritual fathers it's pastors from South Africa white past invited to past over here the past that happens to pastor in on Chicago the white pastor took the African pastor he was driving him around Africa past it I want to see you know how we are everywhere you go you won't see what we're up people let's see what he did did he want to see what a bad people live so as he was riding through he saw what we call poverty here and the African pastor said stop let me go I want to go I want to get out of here and and the African the white pastor was kind of shocked because he was saying well you know I've been in your country in your country I know what Ponyo probably is super serious like you know this is you know the way our poverty is it's not as bad but he said I'm not looking at what they got he said the difference between mock my people and these people is that my people have hope he said I'm looking at these people and it's like the hope has been beat out of them now you say how can you say that right and look at every corner liquor store right and look at every people are people to sit now sitting around walking around like it just lost and that's actually how Chicago look to me when we was all like no this is like crazy because the hope is not there he the African pastor said because we have hope we believe any day we can be blessed any day some good could happen for us so but this people have no hope said I don't want to see it no more the white pass I thought the Africa pastor had an issue based upon the the poverty here is really not poverty but that's not what his issue yeah I know her and what I'm saying so people outside of America they come here and they think we're complaining because they're judging poverty they don't understand that to know who you are would be better than having money because listen how proven imma prove it to you what do our people do when they get money they don't know what to do with it cuz they don't know who they are what do people from other countries do when they get money they send some back we back teeth 40 inch wheels hi because we are people see when you don't know who you are they can put images in front of you and say this is who you are but when the person from another country comfort no matter what this country do they know who they are [Music] that's the difference I live in the south fact that I had to rebuke this one pastor that kind of had an attitude because you know of course I dressed nice and look nice and he would take it I said do you another idea of America I've lived in America and he tried to tell me that I should have been grateful said do you understand you don't have no knowledge of what have we got here but what I told here was I said I asked my said I said um I said what are you he did I said you didn't say African he said his tribe I said that's the difference between us and y'all asked o African American who he is and he gonna tell you he's two continents are you gonna tell you he's a color he won't know his nationality that's the difference do you know what it feel like to walk around not knowing who you are so I was trying to tell him he was blessed and he was trying to tell me I was blessed me and my wife was in Uganda with him with a bishop and he was of course here come here two years ago and we took him out to uh was that store Rodolfo's oh no no no Ralph what's it Mose it mo antler that soon as the walk a Miller Motel stood in motels and know about of some tsunami no suspicious nothing I know Bob brought some suits you know he went back home and you know went back home to his people that was a whole my goodness you know he's lookin good so of course when I went to Africa when we went to see you know know his people was just you know how they do celebrate you over a salad bridge that sounds great and so he took me to his school very whose very poor school you know it's just dirt floor school and he was looking and I knew I'm from the streets I've one thing I know is what something I want some money from you I know I had one you ain't know having me I knew what he wanted you know it was you know you know how you hang around and you showed me the hole in the floor and you go get the dirtiest other kids and so either you know and this child got chicken in his foot you know on the dog pulling on my compassion in the night you know I'm first and I look you know I don't because the reason why I listen and I told you I was like I don't have the compassion of other Americans I said because what I'm looking at is you got 600 acres you got down 150 you biggest me we when we come here are we wrote a long way doing well me we put us to sleep each other so far we're all past banana plant without informing rubber farms and all types of stuff was brought and I'm sitting there looking at him like close to school turn it into a farm let these kids learn how to farm I said you were part of the market all the produce in the market now he thought that I was rich because he came in our bottom super food soups cost a thousand or so and I'm sitting like you rich he didn't understand what I was saying but I said whose land is this he said it's mines been to my family shut up I'll say go to America and Vejle and see if you really own it I said it's a matter of perspective you're looking at because you believe this you believe the saint and the great lie that they pushed over there through TV how can y'all feed the world and be broke somebody's keeping you down you may not know who it is because you ain't lived around them like we lived around them we know how to lead we know what they do this way against each other cuz if they would have left Africa alone you will have my Musa again you would have man you do it it's the only place I've ever been aurilla was running out of the ground this running out does the but the bishop told us he said I could take you to Tanzania diamonds are laying on the ground he said if he said everybody in the village done dug the house up because that misses the hump up under the ground boy come with a diamond like this traded for a bag of rice it's a matter of perspective I said so yeah I did a little brother might be real wrong I said but y'all got something I said you know I was just telling I said what do you think african-americans even come over for we're looking for something we're trying to see if we don't know who we are we don't know where we come from if I went to the top of Africa I would think I was kidding the deal if I went to the bottom I'll say what they my people and believe it or not a lot of Africans will say that yeah y'all are people Aaron why ain't they all say yeah you come prepared can we all come from it can't be from everywhere in out now why was they saying that because they thought what he look like he got some money I found no I'm serious so so and this one it dawned on me what the real Wolfer plan was was to keep us separated so we would not be able to see a man because the the goal of Pharaoh was to keep the children of Israel from joining with his enemies see don't tell these people about how we live y'all being with us y'all know how we are don't tell anything alright y'all got that now can I move on say it's a matter of perspective amen alright sis now now he says now they shall they shall be sold come on say sold until you should be sold on to your enemies for what bond men behind women and no man shall buy you now they said that that meant it can't be us cuz we got bought it's not what the word buy I mean it means redeemed like kinsman redeemer like the one that could come and get you out or the next one in your family that could be over the family it's the kinsman redeemer means so nobody's gonna take you out you can be sold amongst two people but ain't nobody gonna get you out of here say man and you're still here nobody's gonna get you out another now why am I saying it cuz I want you to understand what's happening come on say what is happening go over to James go over to James in 2019 it'll be exactly 400 years there's no way you could sit back and not see the correlation here there's no way you could sit back and not see that how is the 400 year prophecy coming to pass and it looked like his country is about ready to pop at the scene we've never had this every time you turn on the news they saying we never seen this before we never seen before because the most high is settling his accounts oh oh oh let me hurry up I got to hurry oh yeah James v James Brooke we gotta hurry up I want to show y'all something y'all James fire come on I'm gonna keep doing parenthetical teachers so y'all get this some time we got a review give out so much word and people just get to stay stay slowly buddy they you know they be doing any looking interview to write a new video man y'all go back go back and get them 400 videos and knowledge because people to keep on looking they become like the people in the book of Acts that went up to Mars he'll want us to hear something new they didn't they didn't even know God matter of fact they had us in Scripture to the unknown God this is see people just want to hear stuff it's like no go back and get what I've already told now look at this James 5 the other five for you read it behold a higher of the late bus who read down your fields which which is of you kept back by fraud the higher the wages of the laborers that read their your bills you kept it back by fraud crying young me and cries and the cries of them have reaped which have reached are in turn into the ears of the Lord of the Sabbath y'all get there now that I taught this before there's a principle that you can't work people that not pay them you can't it's a principle you got what I'm saying so now so the soul soul soul say the wages now why is it now the radius and I was the slave master so you've been very difficult if I were to read this and I was a slave master it would be no way for me to not know that whoa we we work people and we didn't and we kept the money back background so the crash I'll the cries Adam listen what would I be afraid of what would I say what would I be afraid of I'll be afraid of him crying out so what should I do I have to pass a file after make him feel okay about being in bondage because if they start crying out then those cries come before the Lord I told you our why I announced their approach you ain't gonna hit me with no brick you ain't gonna hit me with overtime you ain't gonna spray me with a lot of holes ain't gonna be no dog sicked on me I ain't knowing none of that I understand what they afraid of this is what I preached in North Carolina and I told y'all when the cry of the people of God goes up before him and they cry out against Pharaoh meaning making an indictment against Pharaoh the most high will move based upon the fact that the people name saying give us bread give us manna give us more welfare give us the law give us some passive in let us fit in include us let us be around young more the people I said just this I was sitting there watching what happened it's a newer I was watching what happened in st. Louis when Napoli's got off just blatantly murdered the boy and they was well what did they do go out in the street March why just read watch it they went down to the sheriff crying in front of them in front of crying to the government crying to this year I planted her but the judges now if you start crying to the Most High he will judge it come on coughing I got it sorry gotta go okay Joanne but Joep three come on Joel three yes Dora three I ain't done yet Dorothy I'm gonna show you something see we act like a people that ain't got no hope we got hope we know what God is come on the other this is what's happening I'm trying to show you what's happening this nation the nation is ripping itself apart because the the prophecies that there's no way that fighting that's why I truly understand the scripture not by might not by power but by my spirit meaning the Spirit of the Lord does stuff and when he does it he does it the way he did it in the Bible how he did he does stuff in a way where his people don't even fight literally the enemy starts fighting himself the enemy destroys himself do y'all understand what I'm saying y'all remember the left us they went down to that camping and then the enemies the thought it was an army coming cuz I guess a scam was making some of us notice that they had literally they thought it was an army the Lord the Most High see when he do stuff he made him think it was an army coming and they jumped up in chaos stop itself that's how God gets his victory that's how I guess his victory so what happened was so so so what I was saying was what myself well I miss my point no I know I'm enjoyed three of us something else don't say before that I hate missing the point but anyway so so because now now what I was saying was there's no way what's happening could have ever happened by our hand the Africans couldn't do it to the people that oppress them the Aborigines down in Australia they couldn't do this nobody in none no none of Israel or Judah or dog pee breaks people could ever have done what's happening now it is just the hand of the Most High doing it in this nation I'm told y'all before but I'll say it I'll say it I said again it is so bad in this nation that there's no way that that the judgments that are coming I come in only like three or four different fronts when I looked up the judgments I said lord I didn't even know I started by praying for these people I'll study I didn't know it was that bad where the infant not being able to bear children and then the alcoholism I call related death and then suicide they don't know how high suicide is suicide is real high and then you have all the opiates and the men and then you have what I did know was despair these are these guys killing their families kill they self care they know did this disparity they said that if this continued if this rate if this rate in in Europeans continued this type of destruction they are literally going to they're literally going to die out within another generation its self-destruction now I'm not happy about that are you I hate to see that but I understand what's happening because it's not just her when you look over in France and Belgium and you look over in a Europe and Britain in London in these places the same things happening because this is judgement because God has given people time he's giving them time to do the right thing and they didn't do the right thing talk to me now let me show you something Joe or 3/1 for behold in those days in that time out I shall bring again the captivity of who Judah and Jerusalem meaning I'm oh I'm going to the ones that are captive I'm a brain tumor I'm a brain again I will also gather what all netting on all nations and will bring why's he gathered all nations on this farm again because Kim the / I got missiles you know Kim don't kick him over shooting off missiles this is why we know he's not gathering nations for that go back to verse 1 what is he talking about what's the subject of joy oh I've been in church for years then I'm the white pastors for yours and they never explained this right here they never I kept think they kept will you talk about in time they talk about left behind and have you too scared to death to move and breathe and do the scary thing no geez go come on you know that's what they had but we but I would read these books and I couldn't understand what who is it about what what is it didn't fit because if if prophecy is based on those false Jews in Israel then everything you re gonna be off because you thinking about them instead of who the Bible talk about could we have ever believed that this was talking about us when you put it in context you see what they talking about come on talk to me I will also gather all say all nations and I will bring them word down to Joseph at what day is this the day of the Lord what we talk to dare the Lord was the rapture that's what we would call we all getting out of here and that's what we were told talk to me this is white Christianity that went all around the world pushing this stuff you converted go into church in Africa and not see white pictures all on the wall white Jesus all on the wall they were taught that that was pushed upon their own purpose the land was a black Christ Wallace the man he ran into they put this pitch up now when you say that they say I don't matter what color well it matters right here this is this going out talk to me so the most high is saying listen come on what day is this come on y'all gotta get this I'm gonna stay here what day is this what is the day of the Lord what were we told to dare the Lord was the route that's what we were told that means we got on so we divorced ourselves of anything go having the last days cuz we gone up so we stayed in church and prayed and danced and pregnant danced and prayed and danced and pray to date people didn't get saved for 20 years in that church cuz we all Kirk are we going up it makes you cynical when you think that way when you think about you getting out of here you gonna be cynical see they going here I'll have people say it Church loss Diego's gone here they they going healed why this cynical cuz they think they they they they ain't gonna beat her hey y'all there okay then listen to me now he says now i'ma bring that to the valley of Jehosaphat this is where i'ma get just what we talking about and what's he gonna do what's he gonna do her did you what you ever talked that when it now no no get your mindset I'm gonna show you my said if you put this in the way you were taught you would think this already happened because you would think he's talking about 1948 when the window false Jews went over into Jerusalem that's what you would think about because that's your only reference about the end times why cuz doles was supposed to be God's people a scholar never told you how this revelation is talking about when it talks about these people that call themselves Jews but I lie us they really know it's not that they're liars they really are a synagogue of satan' now without that understanding you would read this and you are literally not read it because it's already happen why I worry about it it's already done but when you understand no the chief what what what through me y'all come on y'all ready I got to go go go you know what threw me right here what threw me was Donnell me this is the day of the Lord so that hasn't happened yet so these people who are these people because he's gonna break again meaning brain look at the dogs that were captive dude in Jerusalem bring them back out right so they told us that happened in 1948 during the six-day war so therefore who's he talking to because these shouldn't they should be in the land so when he brought them out he did not gather all nations when he brought them out then America Britain gave them weapons and they went over and killed off and Palestinians and got their land but all nations stayed where they was but this day of the Lord he's saying he's saying right here I'm gonna bring all nations and and and then I'm gonna do something I'm gonna plead with them for my heritage my people Israel who they have scattered whatever was scattered they they willfully went into lands most that was just right there in Europe come on talk y'all want to talk to me ain't nobody who ain't no people that's truly been scattered but one people and those are the ones that was used to build nations come on talk to me those are one that was used of your nations talk back to me come on y'all gonna get it or not I gotta go I want to help I wanna have at this point homo what you get to see your heart look and they have what do they do they cast lots for my people what else to do hey I'm giving a boy for a harlot this is what they in slavery it's your appearance rape man do you do you not understand what this if emanation of the black man really coming from I ain't got time I can't get in there they don't talk about that stuff Arisa lady journals you'll find out they raped the strongest black man me a rape the strongest black man that was part of the buck breaking because they had to do that to make film people not look up to the strongest the other soda girl for once they may drink yay and what have you to do with me now now one jump down I gotta go I gotta go I'll jump down come on jump down at verse 6 verse 6 verse 6 the children also of Judah in Jerusalem have you solder to the who okay now we got to say if the Irish and the British these people say then they had to be sold to somebody now we know the Grecians actually are the Romans because Rome conquered Greece so they and we're wrong conquer Jew they intermingle with you mixed with you and you literally became Rome in y'all know y'all done y'all gonna Lord I'm trying to trying to get y'all somewhere but that's all we know get up what I'm trying to show you is this has already been written read by the people in power they know now because they know this 400 years is it's up they are moving fast they have broken out all the tricks that they didn't break out before that's why you just saw now listen to me the Eclipse that just happened what's prophetic in Eclipse a total eclipse always foresees judgment and the Eclipse was just over this nation there's another one coming nothing clips coming but this eclipse was prophetic and right listen think about what I'm saying thank you right after usually 33 days after there's a cataclysmic night tell me what's happening tell me what's happened you have never seen you meet you think ajumma look at this earthquake this stuff just happened down our Mexico do you see you're thinking this is normal it's not normal did y'all know that Mexico had an earthquake every day every day they just had a 8.1 and it just had a 7 point son this is not normal now okay come on talk to me say what's happening what's happening is they know the prophecies you're ready to come the prophecies coming right 2019 a prophecy is coming well this this this this this thing they see in outer space is coming this planet they see is coming they know it's coming I'll teach about it but I'm gonna get into an M but they know it's coming so what they are doing the the hurricanes you see even the earthquakes you see that's man-made stuff that was somehow news that's left and said he said was man-made they know his stuff man made but called they got that weapon and that's called heart heart weapon I told y'all to walk Freddie lead his weapon ain't gonna do they'll need Obama is going to flood your country destroy you like that that's the reason why there's no way those those hurricane contain one two three four like in a row back to back to back back this is the increasing of the birth pregnancy you say I thought it was God yet is God will use man like he used his Syrian army to judge God's using them let me split this way he's not he's not doing it he's allowing it because that's still judgment it still gonna be judgment on your home saying why are they doing it because they trying to be I think they trying to destroy what they got to destroy before the god this God come I'm telling you what they doing they gonna reveal the man of sin and he's going to be what we considered to be your call the Antichrist the other so this is the reason why I really can't I have a lot to say to break it down deeper but I can't but this is the reason why you need to be all the way saved get all the way in Christ you know it's wonderful to want to be married but but what good is that if a tidal wave is coming you better be right with God we have your life here in Christ because we're gonna see some shaking and some tough things come we're gonna see that and we're gonna have to be ain't good in him say man that's why I said you will have to hear the Lord and know what you need to be doing at the time I remember I remember saying this I just like a while back I said you better know certain places you should live certain places you shouldn't be you have to know here the Lord to know what you need to be doing say man Amen don't y'all come up here with better mess with me I know you don't know where I'll be I don't know what I might do but-but-but-but this is the time that you need to be hearing the Lord getting close to the Lord really really living holy repenting of your sin living as if tomorrow you know you may have to meet your Lord say man now I believe that God's going to preserve a lot of this people I believe that but I believe that those that don't hurt him are those that are tied up with this world you're gonna go right along with the world that's why I says come out of them come out from among a man I can't go no further I can't go no come with them are y'all there so this is what this is what I want to get furthest to show you a little bit more but this is what's happening there is things coming that's all what John will realize is every book to know what's gonna happen has already been reading those books was taken by the bloodline families they know exactly what's happening so that's why they pinpoint and stuff they know when to increase this wind to do this when to do that and now we're seeing a war that's going on in the heavenlies there's a war happening and these people actually think they're going to somehow escape what's coming by already and actually giving people a false second coming it's a false second coming what a false coming of Christ that's what they trying to build us up forward for false and with all this destruction who ain't going to be willing to say oh that's him right there because you're gonna want to go their way cuz of the destruction so remember the whole goal of the of the Illuminati was order out of chaos meaning they understood we got to bring chaos chaos is important because when the world is in chaos you will be willing to receive what you wouldn't receive when this man come call it fire down from heaven and talking about I know all to have the brain beats and all that people gonna sign up for the mall the great deception is about how to say no he going to make a father the his gold and see how many how many can I get the gold is that is see how he cannot get he know his fame his people think even lied to them but he know his fame his goal now is to get one of the biggest farmers that he's ever gotten in his life at the same time the most help to Jesus Christ is reaping one of the biggest he's putting his sickle into and reaping one the biggest harvest this is the harvest of the end of the world that means all darkness will be hardest and all life will be harvest at the end this is the hand what you must decide what sickle will get you will it be the sickle of light being reaped by the Angels or whether it be its darkness you have to decide that because light and darkness is reaping at the same time both of my gather in don't y'all feel it don't tell feel look at the desperation of people look at the people losing a mind that Satan is jumping there people like it I mean Jesus jumping at people and they doing all kind of stuff now why cuz its time is short he's trying to use anybody he can right now to killed steal destroy kill steal destroy kill steal destroy he don't care with you he's just killing stealing destroy because the Bible says he know his time shortly and he know he ain't gonna win so he know I'm gonna get as many as I can get to go with me that's what I tell them brothers no matter what your bloodline in who you are you better know Christ the only reason why I even teach that stuff is to give so that you can see what's happening that's it that's the only reason why teachings if it wasn't relevant I wouldn't teach it at all because I would say it wouldn't matter but I teach it because if you don't understand the prophecies and prophetic people who he's talking about you'll be lost and you'll be going along with the fake Church yeah that's a fake Church what an affray Church doing they doing what the Bible says they would be doing in the days of Noah you don't know what the fake Church is go listen to the sermons what are they talking about tidal wave coming they tell them they they inner peace and safety trusting in the man trusted in politics that's what should have showed y'all what these evangelicals was about they trusted in politics they didn't trust in God they trusted in God except for get who's in the White House let us pray let's pray oh you missed out on your feet I gotta go I'm done boys coming boy it's coming I put a word out I just thought his briefings do it on Facebook prepared that was the word I had last year see people thinking you're nothing you crazy and I'm sitting there and telling y'all at the end of last year I said you better be prepared cuz but see what happened is you know the lectures come rah rah rah peace is safety now where we get sudden destruction look at this destruction do y'all know this stuff is going to take a year if it ever this this destruction we'll take yours to give back right Houston may never get that right I mean it's gonna take this country and got the money it ain't got the money that's the next catastrophe it's gonna be economic catastrophe the dollar is going to fall I was telling how that all that I said prepare take your money out of their 401k and value some stuff that's going steep you alive anybody just hoarding up laying up you're gonna lose it but you would put something that you can use you don't believe that's true how many of you people down there wish David took they 401k and bought a boat what would a boater done just a little paddle boat would have been good see you have to think about those types of things had a little fool a dog look something laid up you know just so what about water that's one of the things gonna be one of the worst things gonna be that you're going in these areas that's getting hit it's gonna be clean water that's gonna be one of the worst things and so I try to sow sow sow sow sow the goal is to just to prepare not just prepare physically but prepare your heart we're not afraid that's what about sense for not look up your Redemption draweth nigh we're not afraid but I need the information so I know how to think so I know what I need to do how to move what to believe and if I don't have the correct information I'll be sitting there ain't you don't y'all have a sense of people that's lost it's dangerous looking Davis they don't even know what's happening sitting on just sitting on and you be looking at him like don't you see like like this depravity has become normal I mean it is crazy let me let me say one more thing I'm gonna be done you sisters you better do something to protect yourself I was telling my wife I just saw this all the story this was a white supremacist that had they found eight black women mutilated in his house he's talking in black women ma'am I told y'all these there's what 60,000 black women missing what do you think they had these people I'm telling y'all y'all are soft targets so you need to be able to protect I'm just keep putting it out there stop walking around by yourself stop letting your kids you know what I don't know about me you know you'd be out going to work run in the morning you see little kids by they said they'd be real little walking you'd be like that tells too little to be walking to the bus stop by yourself and I saw this videos where these guys was pulling up their vans they had them on security cam I'm pulling up advance snatching up kids you got to realize this is a depraved wicked generation and so you have to understand you know protect yourself eat your cellmates get you something get you something to be read do something don't just be defenseless because I'm telling they picking the soft targets they picking with me thinking soft targets and so you better you had to protect yourself amen rape is being now rape but even these young boys see these boys grew up on poor night they grew up on the internet they don't even know how to love a woman they it's all about depravity and the sexual deviancy so you young girl's bed protects ourselves stop this jumping in cars and being with guys no boy get some information on him like a look girls stumbling through the hotel just stumbling through I said I ain't that terrible you know I'm dead then then I looked at a mother's Facebook page I said okay look at the mother's Facebook page you see they're like okay I think that said look young girl pretty look young girl just stumbling through drunk I end up dead they they are they are unreported I'm telling you they are unreported or organ trafficking I looked at this website they had it laid out how much organs cost 160,000 for loans they went down the list kidney the kidney sixty thousand one hundred ten thousand four hearts organ trafficking is real and let me tell you what you don't know they won't y'all organs they know Mellon ated people black people have strong DNA in strong orders and the reason why you don't heard about it is because of people that own the media are behind it y'all keep seeing these rabbis keep getting busted selling organs rabbis Jewish people that y'all won't talk about go look up rip a rabbi Finkelstein look up rabbi Finkelstein and see him anywhere he was talking to this white supremacist and the rabbi's hold on what they do they told him how they take what they they they take children you have to understand that you are living in a day that in Bible says if the if the if the Lord don't shorten the days wicked did you know how to do do you know how wicked wicked gonna be wicked gonna be so wicked then he said I got a short in the days or nobody will make it nobody but no flesh should be saved because it'll be so dark so depraved they'll be walking out if they're gonna be walking out naked just walking down the street it's gonna be terrible so you better be you better be close to Christ you better be crucifying this flesh you better be repenting as much as you can you better be getting like a holy spirit on one grevioux because you don't need it it's we're gonna cook Dominion say man Amen that's pray hallelujah I'm not saying that to make you afraid I will be not being passed if I didn't tell you I got a wife I got daughters I think about this stuff I don't want my wife to be defenseless follow my heart I find what I want to be defenseless my fact she might have to get my bag I don't want to be the business I'll make sure she's straight even my young daughter show of this did something happen to come here to do this writer know any mass this is just don't even say who is it just get more pumped all we got ain't gonna protect you take my ball but then don't do nothing I'll shoulder where I said told the foot put a hammer back and get busy [Music] [Applause] they love now will love you later love you what is what kind of love is and if you raped my daughter I don't know now we don't love you later we don't get our heart right now right get right with the law but right now we'll end up in a man you still protect yourself go down there to uh what's that pawnshop dinner go down to our stores and get you some pepper spray on they got other things they got other things protect yourself one that one that one - one of the things that I sing it was terrible but this brother was in the parking lot ran up on his sister grabbed her purse and snatched it from him and he didn't know she was strapped right here he went in the purse it was sad though but this sister must have been practicing is cuz she didn't even have she step back boom it's gone he was over I hate it that I'm like that he loves it like cuz he lost his life but I'm sitting there like what will he did huh so you know I mean you know that's the time - for everything under the Sun just time to pray it's a time to war so if you don't like that get you some pepper spray get you I don't trust in tasers that's to see for that you got get too close to a person or man to take that away from you you too close oh nothing I got get close to you I don't believe in no knife is too close I want something where I could get you about least about 10 feet out I'd get you you know have pepper spray go all the way back there so I'd get some of that but but don't be out there by yourself defenseless stop sending y'all kids out to the bus stop back it up back to being get out of here stop you're lazy amen let's pray let's pray probably thank you for your word amen I like come on be seen
Channel: Stephen Darby Ministries
Views: 14,012
Rating: 4.947299 out of 5
Id: UvzGjxOxC30
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Length: 80min 47sec (4847 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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