Baphomet: The God Of Transformation

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all right now i'm gonna talk about today this is this is this is out there hey man wait ain't it ain't out there it's in the culture and uh i always say this is a this is gonna be a deep message or whatever but this is pretty deep a lot of the messages i minister on wednesday are kind of different from sunday because wednesday we have soldiers depressed and so they have a little depth amen i don't sunday a lot of times you don't know the depth of people so you don't want to lose anybody and leave anybody behind now i believe according to galatians six and six and then you read that don't just hear me say delay 666 go read it it says that um that if that that that that that if you are instructed in the word then you must share all good things with your instructor i told you i don't i believe in giving the obligation in other words i believe if you receive you give and i believe because you're receiving from this ministry you know realize that that we've put uh these free videos on youtube for years and i've just you know and this video i'm listening we get all around the world these messages blessing people all around the world everybody i mean i can't tell you how many calls and emails we get uh talking about how god is transforming people's lives bringing deliverance and healing and restoration and many people are saying they don't even have a word like that in our city and and so um which is something else that we're gearing up for to to do some church planning but anyway um but uh if you are receiving from this ministry the bible instructs you to share uh or so back into what is feeding you so if i'm feeding you as a pastor as a man of god i don't care if you got a church or a pastor uh but if you're coming to to and receiving from our channel and receiving from these videos which are being provided to you for free then you are obligated to sow back and shirt back with this ministry because you are being fed that's biblical principle that's the principle of galatians 66 galatians 6 and 7 goes on to say uh don't be deceived god is not mocked it's talking about sowing into a man of god we use that scripture wrong when whatever you saw into a man of god that and that only said you also reap if you sow sparingly into who's feeding you then you're going to reach sparingly but when you are liberal to those who are sowing the spiritual food into you then uh then you will reap a liberal and so uh it's very important how you take care of an anointing how you support the anointing and anointing this that's sewn into your life don't leave and i'm not touched on about me don't ever take men of god for granted somebody who's anointed sowing that word into your life don't ever uh mistreat that or or take or be common with that or feel that you don't have a part to play in their support because the bible says if i if if i sow into you my carnal what is it that i reap yo if i saw into you my spiritual what is it that i reap your carnal in other words we supposed to have a reciprocating relationship if you come to youtube and you receive it from those videos then the bible obligates you to begin to ser to sew back to sustain my life if the spiritual word of god is sustaining your life then the bible says you must share all good things with me meaning your natural things should sustain my life that's how you build a relationship uh with a man of god and that's how the anointing flows into your life so that's why it's so important for you to uh to understand obligation giving you know i don't like all of the gimmicks and tricks and playing the games i believe that if you're receiving the word if if yolks are being destroyed if god is removing your burdens and and your life is getting better then that means you're receiving the word the anointed word is breaking the yolks and uh you have an obligation at that point uh but this message is a good message because it it's going to break down and explain the push in the culture in the culture to transform or to gender confuse or to mess with the natural order of things and you're going to find out what's behind it today and this is a teaching that you may want to get into the hands of especially young people because they don't have a chance the onslaught the the the the the the uh the germans call the word propaganda in germany meant mind rape the mind raping of these youth is so strong and dominant not just the youth but everybody but especially is targeted at the young people who have not yet determined or not yet understood sexuality so they're targeted because they have not yet gone through some of the things that many of us who are older have gone through in with the order of right relationship and because many of them have been abused and touched and molested they are already got strikes against them in the sexual identity area y'all read what i'm saying but we're going to deal with this today because you need to know everything in the culture everything you read see and hear is pushing one agenda if you could decipher from all of the colors and the entertainment and the sports and all of that you will hear one thing and it is saying transform who you were created to be transformed from who you were created to be into this other uh to this higher consciousness this corporate consciousness of uh so this is what's being pushed that's why you see stuff like black men graduate from college but don't get any recognition but a gay boy can get in the nfl and the president called him you want to know what's that agenda right there well we won't celebrate accomplishments of our uh young men becoming successful in life as far as the traditional roles of fathers and husbands that's not even celebrated but we'll celebrate quan graduating from her school something has happened to us we have been mind raped and we believe the hype remember public enemy had a song years ago said don't believe the hype he was talking about the media don't believe everything you hear and you see and you read you are being spoon-fed uh trans what is another word that they have not transformation but transgender transgenderism that's why the the the homosexuals uh lettering is growing lbg lgbtq xyz because it's gonna keep getting longer because you're gonna have to keep adding sexual other sexual perversions to that lgbt queer q b bestiality p pedophile it's going to be a long and everybody gonna demand that they get to experience and explore their their their version of sexuality there's something pushing it and it's everywhere it's in everything are you hearing what i'm saying it is the it is the religion of the antichrist and as much as we want to say we are aware many of us are not aware because we are allowing our children to download it all the time and we ourselves are not not ahead to it and that's the reason why how did it how did our rappers that was the epitome of what we knew as masculinity and being manly and masculine come to these long-haired uh or tight pants wearing uh cory box where did that come from how did we go for run dmc with a manly looking adidas and birds to to this pan-sagging butt showing frilly blouse wearing what happened something has transformed us because we are because the the game of satan is to entertain while causing you to swallow the poison entertain you while causing you to swallow the poison so you swallow the poison because you're being entertained the entertainment is poison but because it's giving you a good feeling you're swallowing it not understanding that the poison will activate when it gets down in your heart and your mind and begin to bring about the the transformation or transform you from god's will and playing for you into satan's own image y'all there all right now so i want to talk a little bit today i'm going to call this baphomet the god of transformation now this is what the um some of you all who may study a little bit you know this is what the music industry and hollywood industry is all dominated by people are confused about it you got so many uh truth seekers and people who don't really know and this everybody's illuminati and they just look for symbols everywhere and and you know but the real point of bad format i'ma show you the symbol and then i want you to understand that this is the symbol that every artist and every hollywood actor and everybody has to agree with in order to be famous you have to bow to this beast in order to be famous fame is not based on talent it's based on your ability to be used by demons it's based on your ability to open up i'm showing my wife there's a you can write this down it's called hollywood unmasked part one and two part two is real good because on youtube you can go find it and it talks about it shows you the the actors and the actresses saying themselves that they opened themselves up the greatest actresses leonardo dicaprio meryl streep denzel washington oprah winfrey all of my saying when we really act in these scenes we open ourselves up as a muse and allow the spirits to enter us and act through us they say in hollywood the best actor is not the one that's acting it's not the one that's pretending it's the one that has this a spirit that they've conjured up to act through them it's how well can you yield to a spirit and they all know it and that's the reason why they're so tormented yet because of pride and fame they continue to do it even though it means certain destruction there's a covenant that they must make with baphomet the goat god the the god of lust are y'all there and so this is the reason why how in the world it uh is our christian teachers and preachers talking about we're going to hollywood and we're going to take over hollywood when to get into industry you got to make covenants with these you got to get into agreement with this that's the reason why they can't make anything good with good nature with chris real christian overtones anything that's christian is a mocked and you are it's almost made to look hillbilly-ish and crazy like we have lost our mind like we're weak people hiding in a church that can't deal with the reality in the world and in reality the real reality is is that they understand there is a real god and the god that we serve is against their god and their god is baphomet which is just a symbol for lucifer it's the same uh symbol for that all the other pagans worshiped and all the other pagan religions you can go all the way back to egypt and babylon same demons we're talking about this baffled mess symbol was drawn was drawn by a man that incorporated the majority of the pagan religions and put it into one symbol it's very deep it's deals with the jewish kabbalah and i really need to talk to y'all about that anyway but it deals with all of these different religions and uh it's the symbol now satanism if you uh heard about the symbol the satanic statue they put in oklahoma city the satanic statue it was it was the image of baphomet the goat god so satan is no longer in the closet he's coming out and wanting to be acknowledged and because of this great paradigm shift what is he doing he's shifting there's a shift coming that's going to that's going to shift the consciousness of men and the scripture here is when the bible says in the last days they're going to call wrong right and right wrong this gnostic style of gospel this gnostic teaching that lucifer is god and that's what the gnosticism of everything you've seen in media movies in hollywood is teaching you that evil is really good and good is really evil that is part of the jewish kabbalah that teaches dualism that in order to be righteous you must become so filthy with seeing that all when you go all the way down into sin you get down to the base form and then you become you get the light this knowledge comes to you and you become righteous this is the reason why jesus said that if the light in you be darkness how great the light that's the light they have not the all true light of god not the light of jesus christ but but but but but but the light of lucifer and that light is achieved through sin this is what adam and eve received through the knowledge of the through the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that that in other words good will come out of evil now you don't understand that you agree with this but every movie and show you see is telling the same thing remember the movies and shows we used to watch there was a clear understanding of who good was and who evil was now the good guy is the murderer yet somehow he redeems himself because he does all of this evil and then do maybe one righteous act and he becomes good that's the do that's the teaching of the kabbalah that's what all that's when you see them with their red string around their wrist that's what they're practicing this also has to do this is the reason why everything is so sexual because in order to achieve this dark light this illumination that's a good word which they call lucifer the light bearer he's the one that illuminated or freed man from the rules of of the creator god by by telling man do what that will enjoy your will in other words continue in your sin and you will grow in knowledge come on y'all hear what i'm saying so this is why when you're thinking about why is he's hollywood and he's these artists why they so weak why is everything so crazy because they are part of the understanding that i must continue in sin in order it's almost like uh if you remember those old karate movies where they had to meditate and put their bodies through all this pressure and fight and fight and then somehow they become a lot and awaken or enlightened and this is what is being taught constantly everything you receive every message is telling you this everything you receive is subliminally telling you that there's that there is light or knowledge in sin now we believe that when we were younger that's the reason why we couldn't wait to get older to go experience sin because somehow sin became attractive and we felt like our parents or whoever was telling us to don't do it was holding us back from some knowledge well that's the same lie that the devil told even he said if you eat of this fruit you won't surely die but you'll be wise and become like god now the end result of this is for man to be transformed into gods y'all got what i'm saying okay so let me keep going here so this so these artists these celebrities these actors are all part of this system that uses that sets up idols that have influence over people the idols have satan make stars this is why jesus said make yourself of no reputation look at our generation everybody wants to be famous you can't even get on facebook people want to be noticed for every single thing they do ghetto fame any kind of fame fame for being a whatever fame you're giving me i'll take it because for some reason being attention he satan got us into seeking to be something that we become so desperate to be to get adoration because the attack on the family that destroyed the mother father dynamic created rejection in the child that most people are so rejected by because they didn't receive the true love of the mother and the father that they spend the rest of their life trying to get love from others by being by being by gaining attention and being adored so this is the s the the fixation on our generation want to be idols and have the x factors and why do they want to do that because they want to be famous remember when jesus went up on i mean satan tempted jesus and he told jesus that if you would uh bow down and worship me i will give you all you can see i will give you fortune i will give you fame i will give you and that's the deal satan gives to everybody if you will if you will use the influence you have for me then i will make you famous only in this life but there's a deal at the end that i'm not going to really tell you about and most people even though let me tell you how warped this generation is even though they know hell is at the end they promised most people take a deal they that desperate these are the people that follow the stars follow the celebrity look at everything they doing and everyone beyonce she's over today and this all over all this stuff because they just so infatuated with this culture not realizing these idols are worshiping a beast okay let's go have i set it up enough now let me give you let me show you some pictures i'll put up her briefly because i want to show you okay this i don't know if y'all can see that okay now this this is bad for man i'm sure some more you've seen it if you've been on the internet at all or had any knowledge of the music industry or any knowledge of anything now you've seen this image right here now this image on the on the right on the left is what they set up in oklahoma city they had they had they had they first satanic worship service and if you could see this the goat god it's a baphomet what they did was and i'll explain the one on the right but right here uh you see the children around him that was purposely done it allows you to understand that this is what they're after these children you see the penta the circle with the pentagram in it that's the symbol that's that's a number symbol of baphomet also another symbol that people don't even know is the jewish uh star what they call the star david is really the star of solomon the magician but i ain't got time to tell y'all that which is the star of saturn the brotherhood of saturn got time to go there but anyway but if you see that but this is what they did in oklahoma now now look at the one on the right this is what the the true image looks like now the one on the on the left left out parts because they didn't want you to really see what this statue was all about because a lot of what they do and they gotta hide it in plain sight now the one on the right you see there's a female breast and and i'm not trying to be nasty but i mean it's not really that graphic but you can see coming up from his waist it's that's a stylish symbol so it means you got a female and a male in the same body transform mixture y'all hear what i'm saying his hand one hand going up and one hand going down and saying the same as above is the same as below that's if you ever hear people saying that's what they're talking about in other words what they're talking about is this higher consciousness it's the same as the lower consciousness and really it's this has to do actually with the six-pointed star because the six-pointed star is formed by two triangles coming together which is actually in kabbalah the uh joining of the male god and the female god this is why they call the female god in the kabbalah shekinah which is why you should never use that in church because shekinah actually means the sex part of if you put them triangles together it forms a six-point star so see how we don't teach but we call with this the kind of glory and we don't really know what it means but it it means can i can i be oh i want to be too gravity i don't know if y'all really handle what i'm saying here but it me i ain't gonna get too deep into that i'll save it for wednesday but anyway uh so so so this is what this means and so uh but this is the image that is worshipped in hollywood and in uh the music industry this is the image their work the worst and that's the reason why all the programming is leading you towards gender confusion because this is the image of satan and when i say satan i don't mean he looks exactly like that what i'm saying is this is his nature his nature is to change god's creation from god's image which the bible says god created them male and female created he them very specific but satan's job is to just distort and mix god's creation so that they no longer look like god this is what is behind the spirit of homosexuality it's and that's why they're not satisfied just having sex with each other they want to turn into take away their genitals put transform into it's not enough to just do it they want to uh so it's this is what is this is what's behind this this is why all the reason why it's so prevalent is because you've been listening to this for years and didn't know it if you go back and look at some of the stuff you watched you will see the themes that you was listening you was in agreement you didn't know it but you was listening to this are you hearing what i'm saying it was something that was so it really it messed me up when i thought about it you remember charlie brown i'm just giving i'm gonna give you an example that you was the you remember there was a girl on there that was a dude y'all remember that morrissey was a dude but she was a girl but she was like a boy slid that right on biles all of these people disney all these are 33rd degree freemasons these people are eve these people know what they're doing the disney castle you know the disney castle was actually uh uh uh copied from a evil castle i mean these people know what they're doing i don't have okay are y'all there let me give you a little history can y'all handle this i want to show y'all a picture of it so y'all know what it was first before i get too deep on y'all all right let me give some history to begin with the word the word baphomet is significantly older than this particular symbol which is what i showed you in the early 14th century the knights templar remember that word study that the nice temple of one of the most powerful and influential organizations of the european middle ages were brought to trial on numerous charges including fornication sodomy blasphemy so you used to get judged for sodomy blasphemy and heresy although many historians now believe that the charges were largely completely politically motivated in an attempt to confiscate the organization's considerable wealth one of the charges leveled against the templar was worshiping the idol of a satanic creature called baphomet now you got to understand the templars is where the freemasons come from they went from they went underground because they got persecuted out of europe they went on the ground they became the recruitians and then from there they became the freemasons so this is the same evil order i got what i'm saying now it says that uh please tell me that y'all cut the heat off uh the tip of where she vice the templars were eventually arrested tortured and killed and the organized and the organization was disbanded but the bafflement still lingered on now they wasn't all killed off they went underground matter of fact they fled into like scotland and that's where you see freemasonry really get its foothold that's why we it's free from the the first part of freemasonry is the scottish rites okay that's where it took hold of in scotland but these are just the templars now what you need to understand the reason why they got persecuted was because they found out what they built this temple and they found out what they were doing in the temple and they were in there having sex with boys and then they're doing sodomy and they thought they were holy doing something holy but they were really and if you really want to know what they look like if you remember any of the old crusade movies you remember the crusaders had to cross like they look like knights with the cross on the with that white with the with the red cross that's what that's what the templars uh look like now these cats were doing uh they were in there doing a lot of sexual things and people found out about it and they were persecuted out from where they were now they worship this image that was the image they worshipped the image baphomet that's the same image in the freemason lodge the freemasons worship the same image are you hearing what i'm saying now just to give you a side note mtv stands for masonic television mtv is is for up in canada is the studio is in a masonic lodge mtv is masonic the goal of mtv was to destroy christian judeo uh uh values that was the goal that's the reason why they knew the video the image would destroy it the image and the sound it wasn't enough to have the sound the sound was too slow kess was getting the sound but yet they were still going back to gospel roots but the mtv put the image in front of people and it's all freemasonry that's why it's so wicked now y'all got what i'm saying okay the popular image of the baphomet as a goat-like creature with breasts and wings in fact did not exist until the 19th century elaphas levi of french occultist created the image for his book dogma rituals of high magic which was published in 1850s although he poured imagery from a number of traditions to create the symbol and may have intended to represent something else altogether levi's depiction of baphomet has become almost ubiquitous in modern culture primarily as a symbol of satanism and other subcultures that may utilize similar imagery now now the goal of i told you all before the goal of the symbol that was just some history of it is is is to change from masculine to feminine satan knew what it was this is this is if you go in the garden of eden he knew what he was doing he he knew adam was the head he knew adam was the leader he knew adam was created first he knew that he knew god was created in the image of adam the woman was not creating an image of i mean i mean adam was created in the image of god god looked like adam and had adam characteristics the woman the bible says was created in the image of man the glory of of the glory of of woman is the man that's why the bible says the head of the man is christ the head of the woman is the man satan understood in order to destroy god's order and design i must take what was above and bring it beneath so he got the woman to step out in her own authority and eat of the fruit and then bring it to the man and cause him to eat it she in other words that's why why did god curse adam he said because you listen you hearken to the voice of your wife so satan understood if i can change masculine feminine i would destroy god's order and then cause god not to see his creation god is a god of order y'all got what i'm saying so this is the reason why there's there was such a great attack on the family because if you destroy the family you destroy the image the order therefore the children will not grow up with proper understanding of order so they won't know who's masculine and who's feminine well mama looked feminine but she's really masculine what that is look masculine but he's really feminine because he might be he might be masculine in frame but in his spirit he's he's soft he don't take over the family he don't take over the bills he don't stand up he don't discipline he hits it and quits it he's feminine the female doesn't submit doesn't honor the man she talks crazy like a man switch it up so this is why satan if you want to know why he did that have you ever asked why he never came to adam adam was there before eve satan was there the whole time he could have slithered up on adam he didn't come to adam because he couldn't get the man he needed the woman to get the man he couldn't get adam until there was division when when he saw the woman he saw this the bible called the woman the weaker vessel he said i can get to this creature when i couldn't get to the man but feminism has taught y'all there is no difference and that we are the same but even satan knew there was a difference and he exploited the difference and he knew that if i can get the woman to lead the man i can upset god's order that's the reason why god hates when men do not stand up [Applause] because it was not the god of sarah isaac and jacob the god of abraham isaac and jacob there is a teaching out many teachings now and even the bible that have taken all the gender out of god they trying to make god neutral there's a god that's teaching now saying god is both male and female even the word of faith people are propagating this i heard kevin copeland propagating this saying because eve was in adam that meant the female was in adam so i mean like god if adam had a woman in him then then god had both nature's in him but that's not true because god said that adam was created in his image god is masculine his character is masculine let me get some of y'all feminists on that no he's not no female god the female god is always the gods of paganism artemis diana isis astarte these are all every time you see mary the catholic cult anytime you see females worship it's always paganism so this bad format image is the goal is to change the masculine of god into the feminine and we see it in the church that's why you have just as many now women pastors as you do male brothers don't even want nothing to do with god no more because it has become feminized i have brothers on youtube saying man man i never heard nobody preaching like you preaching man nobody's saying nothing against ain't nobody ain't about talking about this mess this feminist take over nobody talking about what you talking about brothers want to hear it but they feminized that is the image the baphomet is the image of homosexuality i'm trying to tell you where it comes from it is also behind the spike in female pastors and the feminization of the church see in order for remember what is the goal of satan to make man over in his image well what a satan look like the bathroom man he looked like that a confused mixture of perversion and this is the reason why he the push is on the culture to transform now they got what is a gender confusion gender reassignment little kids what what parents are letting little kids cut on their body and turn into i just saw in the news i just saw in the news where in california they asked the little bitty children what do you what pronoun do you want do you want to go about he or she little kids how do they know they ain't got no sense to know what the i don't know i'm trying to show y'all that it's already among us it's already in our it's already being done y'all know what i'm saying satan is a very crafty foe but his listen y'all his warfare and his method never changed from the garden god's method never changed from the god he said the seed of the woman gonna crush the head of the serpent ever since then women have been birthing prophets men of god deliverers prophetesses that's been crushed in his head ever since until the ultimate one was birthed which was jesus christ that mission is the same when god needs his will done he uses the woman birth birth what i need that was the job of the woman birth what i need but because we have aborted so many prophets listen to me uh listen to me the equilibrium is off what do i mean by that satan has raised up 50 million satanic generals we've aborted about 50 million kids some of these kids would have been confronting these other titanic generals but because we aborted them the equilibrium is off this is the reason why people running all over the place trying to find the word because we're killing the ones that god's trying to get her to speak prophetically are y'all here y'all quiet come on can i teach you now so the so the mission of satan is the same is to is to is to pervert he knows the seat of the woman he's going to pervert god's creation so that the woman the bloodline will be so mixed up and messed up that they cannot create righteous seed based upon this them being so full of sin that whatever they produce will be full of weakness too do you listen god expected his children to raise up godly children that's what he expected satan's goal is to pervert god's children so they won't raise up godly children you got what i'm saying so he has been at work figuring a way and the best way to keep godliness from passing to the next generation is to destroy the sexual identity and get the people to purge so into sexual confusion that it passes through the bloodline to the child and many of you all who have battled and dealt with that sexual identity let me break it down demons it came from your parents was confused or they were dabbling they opened the door to it the sins of the parents passed down so he knows i got to defile them so they'll continue to produce the foul offspring then i won't have to worry about the question it's a simple plan but very profound and this is his now he's in an all-out push because he knows his time is short so his goal is to change totally to totally change man from the human image let's let me go a little further let me let me show you let me let me read a little bit more are y'all there now baphomet worship transforms god's creation from god's image to satan's image it is behind the lbg qg whatever movement to change the image of god's creation that's what the goal is now go to matthew 25 matthew chapter 25. let me show you why the image is so used the goat image is used there's a reason that they didn't use any other image satan used the image of the gold is what i'm saying for a reason matthew are y'all matthew 25 let me get there look at verses look at verse 31 it says when the son of man shall come in his glory and all the angels with him then he shall sit upon the throne of his glory and be and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divided his sheep from his goats he shall set the sheep on his right but the goats on the left so the left always symbolized being wrong and satan knows that jesus is sitting at the right hand of the father and he knows everything with god is right y'all hear what i'm saying so he takes man left so he understands the understand the symbolism of the goat is those who are marked what are they marked for let's see what they mark for and then the king shall say uh uh unto them on his right hand come uh come he blessed them my father heard the kingdom of prayer from the foundation of the world for i was hungry and you gave me meat i was thirsty and you drank gave me drinking i was a stranger and you took me in naked you closed me and i was sick you visited me i was in prison you came unto me then shall the righteous answer saying lord when we saw when we saw thee naked and all that jump down to uh verse 41 then shall he say also unto them on the left and depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire prepare for the devil and his angels see those on the left is prepared for the devil and his angels but those on the left are the goats are you hearing what i'm saying that's why the bible talks about that that that that the sheep and the goats will be together until they are separated the angels are going to separate those who are of god and those who are saved are y'all there all right let me get going let me get down here let me get get on down all right now go over here real quick to [Music] uh chapter two i mean uh first second corinthians chapter eleven second corinthians chapter eleven now this modern culture i'm set i'm trying to give y'all some foundation because i want you to understand what you're seeing when you watch tv i want you to know what you're actually seeing you are seeing a transformation right before your eyes you're seeing it you're seeing it but you just it's happening so slowly now it's picked up steam now it's kind of radical now but it is but it's but the change has happened so so slowly that you don't really notice it because it's not blatant yet are you hearing what i'm saying let me take y'all back you remember shows where they had uh like remember the show i don't know if y'all remember this show but uh three's company you remember three's company where the the the the image that was they was putting out there was he's a dude but he's pretending to be gay y'all remember y'all remember that and we just said just flew on by we didn't pay no attention y'all hear what i'm saying then you if you keep on moving up you find shows like uh remember the show with michael j fox well that show where he was uh in the in washington and he was but the black guy was on there what was it what is spin city and this this black dude on her and he was homosexual and you know we just went on by and it just kept on going then all of a sudden you saw cry out for the straight guy and he's like okay well then all right well this now you see then it got a little bit more blatant come on y'all hear what i'm saying now you see prime time modern family prime time transforming listen transforming the mentality the consciousness of a culture that once they would have cringed but now they are accepting of it and they did it slowly through getting you desensitized to it by feeding it to you a little bit at a time so so because they knew if they choked you with it you spit it out threw it up and ran off but because they gave it a little bit at a time and a little bit at a time and a little bit of time that now we are it's part of our diet it's part of our diet are y'all there now we see things that was traditionally masculine all the way like the nba like the nfl traditionally masculine what's happening transformational consciousness transformation i'm trying to help young y'all to help y'all y'all there why they were working that way let's go to the music the music came out and it did for the girls what it's now doing for the boys because if you remember when hip-hop came out the girls was hardcore and we're reaping the seeds of that now we reaping the seeds of de brat and queen latifah and m.c light we're reaping the seeds because they was hard they were like dudes then but now we're reaping a the full-fledged seeds of of what was sown then y'all got that but the boys were hard and masculine and tough and now look at where they are now when you look at boys teenage boys and girls you automatically sense a a softness in the boy and an aggressiveness in the girl transformation right before your eyes but because it's slow you don't notice it come on talk to me come on say transformation so because satan is running all the industries especially the music industry and the movie industry he goes and gets people who are already listen they're already baphomet you just don't know it but they bring them out as one side income nicki minaj who was a little boy she was a girl but she was a butch dyke i saw her before they cleaned her up brought her to the industry as a pretty little girl but even now she says she don't really like dudes so they got this girl who was already had it in her but made people receive it by making her sexy looking and making dudes luster but the message she was sending out and the spirits he was sending out was changing the hearts of the girls [Music] it happened before your eyes oh if y'all wake up can y'all wake up or not that's why a lot of these artists that you think are hard they were chosen because they have a potentity to be baphometed that's why they got to get the one that's so lustful for money because they know the love of money is the root of evil that means what would you do and they try them when they get in that industry they try them to see what you gonna do for the money now you say well now they like it anybody who don't say nothing against it is with it they with it that's why you saw the fashions go from my adidas and and jogging suits and y'all remember damage and kuji which was a little sweet anyway but it was lisa with me dudes was wearing it to blouses and leopard pants you saw guys who once understood masculinity but walk with a prison look a homosexual prison look of what a pants showing sagging showing their butt like they in prison which means they are presenting what happened happened before i right before our eyes and while we were being entertained we swallowed the poison and we try to figure out why is our children why they committing suicide because they confused they telling them it's right here that's wrong their heart is saying it's wrong you telling me it's right i don't know if i'm a freak what's wrong with me then they get the dipping and dabbing and demons get in them and everyone kill themselves and they want to blame it on being bullied they're not being bullied they confused they're being baffled [Applause] that being transformed into the image you know hitler adolf hitler made a great comment he said homosexuals are the best soldiers that will ever be he said no he said homosexuals are the greatest tools of the devil that's what he said he said because they've already been based so then you get listen am i saying these casters already prepared for propensity they reach forget these cats why do they overlook all these guys that got good skill that can talk right they can rap they can write stuff they can say oh look at them they go get low look be debased god uh y'all made older may not know but these young ones know and what was his problem this he was ambiguously gay and it passed right on by because they was being entertained and they couldn't even rap but but listen talent is not a prerequisite for fame you don't have to be talented you have to be open while all y'all little cats won't be famous and want to be you you're going to get to a point if you do get famous you're going to have to sell something now when you sell your soul your booty go with it [Music] you can't keep your booty and sell your soul your booty going it's a package deal as a matter of fact that's how you consummate the contract y'all want to talk about this and that's why you see these cats remember who was once saying there was one saying it was wrong i don't see nothing wrong with it i don't know i think everything yeah they done sold out they sold out they sold out are y'all there and this is why you have the culture clamoring i'll let oh let me say i said something on facebook that i think kind of messing people up because i said the unconverted church goers are going to be the greatest persecutors of real christians because when it comes to time for them to choose choose or die they're going to sacrifice christians lives to save their own life now you want to understand why they're like that it's because they go to church but they believe back from that doctrine and you say why they're gonna want to send their organ now they're in their heart they argue with me they know that no no no no no no no i say saved she's a critic that's the case say they say that stuff you can them as a cat you can't judge nobody you can't you ain't supposed to you ain't supposed to be judged if you judge people if you you know if you you know you you if you judge it you know you you know that's that's that's that's what the real sin is is it's just i'll i'll i'll forget your whoremonger that ain't seen though but me telling you you whoremongered sin forget the fact that the bible calls what you're doing wrong but that ain't wrong it's just the one that's telling you is wrong that's the real wrong now talk to me and so this is the problem that we're having that's why that's why the bible says come out from among them come out from among them when it comes time to warn them ghosts gonna turn on you them goats you run with they gonna show you they ain't with god that's why i'll run with cass ain't always in god get all the way in god because i know when the war break out you ain't you're gonna be you you gonna turn like a chameleon i never was saved like peter get the cussing i didn't know blanket at blank jesus i didn't know that's what you're going to do because you know when it comes to your life on the line i point out where they are i'll show you where they are like judas now i'll run with them cash and let me tell you how you know that they i'm going to my mindset back from that doctrine you want to tell you because the doctrine of baphomet is in every song you're listening to it's in every video you twerking to baphomet is the right wrong wrong right it's the joy in sin that somehow does pleasure this is why satan only shows you the good part the good side of sin the wonderful side that's why every movie has got to do with the beautiful sex scene they don't show you 20 years of aids that don't come into play [Applause] that's why everything's about yolo because see they don't tell you yolo's about two years you're going yolo for two years and have two years come you're gonna be addicted to something or be losing your mind you're gonna have some devil's torment you and some of y'all tormented now because you've been so saturated with baphomet through the culture you don't hear me and then you're going to church and you're making yourself a bigger target that's why the bible says look choose if they'll be god choose baal choose one or the other i'd rather for you be hot or cold but because you're a lukewarm i'd rather vomit you [Music] [Applause] now y'all hear me because this culture this generation is all about the warmness and the church has come down has lowered the temperature they got that tired temperature you could do everything they want long as you got tired they've lowered the temperature so that people feel comfortable that's why i think a church needs to be a little hot i'm talking about the heat need to be up a little bit or need to be a little cold one or the other but when it's too comfortable you see people start doing this cause comfortable put you to sleep oh that's a revelation right there people too comfortable they go to sleep that's why these preachers should quit accommodating people that will make it cold cold keep your weight and the heat will frustrate you man but at least you're listening but when it's too comfortable you see they sleep they comfortable and this is what church has become listen to me it becomes so comfortable it don't cost us anything that we can we can we can we can praise jesus but go back and live for baphomet y'all dirty doctor oh i'm getting you today so you got you got to understand see this this is something i'm not i don't understand and that's why you know as we get old as we get this world get darker christians become real chris become more and more strange people don't understand why why would you why why i was reading the argument on facebook money you gotta stop arguing with them on there too some people it's a waste of time they are i learned that years ago they are people are set on what they believe whenever i see somebody justify sin i know this conversation ain't going nowhere because you don't have a standard of the word so we there's there's nothing i can say to you if you don't respect where i'm getting it from there ain't nothing i can say my logic ain't going to convince you so you spend a lot of time working with folk and you don't do nothing but y'all get mad and then the bible says the brother offended ought to be won but it was a classic argument i read a little bit of it's a classic argument and this is why i told you i don't do that normally i used to go on these people and it'd be all day long going back to people and they still get in with the same view but when you begin to talk about true christianity and living right out of the blue comes people throw up their righteousness well i don't do this wrong and i don't do that but i do do this and i do that you know i smoke and i dream but i don't do this and i don't do it and see the problem is they don't know that they are they are established because they are establishing their own righteousness they void the righteousness of god because in order for god's righteousness to work for you you must admit you are unrighteous but people run down the list about i don't do this wrong i ain't doing i ain't doing that no more they thinking about somebody who they think is worse than they are but they don't know that they are as bad in god's eye so the first thing they do when you start talking about true christianity the first word come up is you can't judge even though you didn't judge them because speaking of scripture is judgment you don't think if i said leviticus i think 20 around the 21st chapter that man should not lie with man as he lied lie with mankind as he lived with woman you think it ain't going to fix somebody in homosexuality did i judge them no i just read the scripture the word convicts them they ain't mad at me because of what i said they mad at god because of what he said there's an eternal war with god it's not with me if you do kill me i'm going to be with the god you hate you're not mad at me i'm i'm reading the scripture i'm not judging you i'm reading the word but let's say we were both racing down the highway i'm in one car you're in another car we going the same direction same speed i've traveled this road before i know their upper head is the clip and i know the road leads to the cliff i look over and say hey you're going too fast and you look back at me and say can't nobody judge me am i judging you or am i just stating the fact if you keep going that way you're going to be destroyed you don't tell me that i'm who you who you ain't god am i judging you why am i just stating the fact if you knew there was a cliff up ahead what you call judgment will be turned into correction it would be turned into love you would say you love me enough to tell me that was a cliff it just depends on the perspective in other words you need to see what's going to happen before you can believe that i'm not judging you [Music] so i'll learn when you try to tell people they don't listen so i say you know what go on off the cliff and if you survive you will take heed to my word but i'm not gonna argue with you all the way to the cliff and go over the clip trying to save you i ain't got to get down with you and fall down with you and get on with you just and that's what they want you to do they want you to be where they are and get you you don't know you ain't been where i've been you ain't been all in you're not saying i don't got to be down in that what you don't know is the only reason i'm saying something because i was in it i know where it leads [Applause] you ain't talking to somebody but i'll bender and if somebody didn't tell me the glorious gospel then i would have went over the cliff [Applause] hallelujah where'd i say go to ii corinthians chapter 11. i'm a closer y'all study this battle for man this is what's happening and they are transforming our children right before i asked when i saw that six-year-old child talking about they wanted to sexually surgery to change their sexual organ let me show y'all just great confusion i read an article by will smith's son he said when he turned 18 he's going to get his penis surgically removed and have nothing look it up this is what hollywood has done to them these little that's how they raise their kids to thank that foolishness he said i'm not going to be defined by anything yeah no no no look that up because y'all don't understand how serious it is now if he thinking he young black boy how many other people think that way he said i'm going to get when i'm 18 i'm gonna get it removed completely so that that will never define me he said i'm not homosexual i said the devil is a lie if you ain't you making yourself after that after that you gonna be you might not be now but you cut that off you know what what else you got going partner cause you got something we don't know nothing about you can't please you can't have no flap down there they ain't gonna be gonna help nobody ain't that crazy did you imagine you walking around with a kangaroo flap tommy ain't nobody finding me now we defined you you crazy well you defined you're an idiot you the idiot we only need to get no psychiatrists a idiot you too young to know you too young to understand that you understand you're gonna want that like you don't need that later on that's but see they but because they worked on these kids so young they don't know later on in life they don't know normal life they don't understand traditional one day i'mma want to have children they don't know about that all they know is now what they've been pushed on them now and they make lifelong decisions based on now that's why some of y'all got tattoos you wish you was living in the now you i love them now like the dude got mariah carey name put on his back and he's trying to figure out you got to put some big foolishness to erase it i could have told you she's an old chick dude you're going to want a young chick after you get with this old chick same way ashley kushner want a young chick out here with old chick don't put an old chick name on you and put it on you big [Music] but because this generation lives in the now they don't think about the future that's why y'all got people's name on y'all should instead of you trying to justify the foolishness you did you say this is a mark of my idiocy of not to do this ever again but part of the culture if i would show y'all that picture get a bad for me it better mess tattoo that's part of the part of it uh to have you marking your flesh up see when you mark yourself that brings confusion it talks about ownership i don't have time to go into that all right go over here class scripture i'm gonna close hey man can i handle this now go over to daniel chapter three now this is what all of your celebrities are under daniel chapter three what'd i say okay secretary don't get don't get don't get upset this it's just more pain for y'all come on so i can rid the lavender i'm just gonna give you more cut you should have wanted to skip this i'm gonna get you put more cut on you with this scripture go second order chapter 11. stick your finger in daniel 3 we going there though i got to get to daniel 3 yes that's my out scripture uh uh uh secondary chapter that verse 13 13. y'all there for such our false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into apostles of christ and no marvel for satan himself is transformed into angel light therefore it is no great thing ain't no big deal if his ministers also be transformed as ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works so there are satan has ministers y'all and they're not just the ones in hollywood there's some preachers there's some preachers that are ministers of satan now and i'm telling you they don't worship satan but they don't they don't preach against it either and that's why people are so confused and people don't know how to live the correct life it's because the preachers are in the bed with the spirit of the world and they're not telling the people that the stuff they're doing because they're copying the culture they're bringing in babylonian and pagan rituals into their life see some of you all have cursed your life messing with ouija boards nobody told you you went to church anybody tell you don't mess with that you you're going to psych soothsayers and psychics and and some of y'all still follow your horoscopes and astrology and don't know that is that is that is a suit saying the bible talks about anybody dude that's supposed to be killed but you don't know that it opens you up for a curse but why ain't nobody telling you that cause i don't want to offend you i want you to get upset but those things you consulting you consult demons for some type of knowledge y'all hear what i'm saying so satan has many ministers many men i'm telling y'all y'all be shocked i'll give you a minister i'll show you a minister and y'all may not understand this when i say it you know that brother in alabama that was having sex that had aids and he was a pastor and was having sex with his congregation i don't know what else to call the brother uh you know anyway he and i and i saw somebody trying to defend it oh i could have jumped through the screen what you mean trying to defend it brother then he won't step down but i'm gonna defend that i'm i'm a pastor i'm having not only am i having sex with the women but i've got aids not hiv aids how many women are going to die and he's still in the poor pit and somebody come on telling me well you know everybody got something they doing wrong no no no no no i said you got age you wanted brothers giving aids out for you to agree with this you want them download brothers giving out a's because ain't no ain't no same person gonna agree with that so these brothers see but see what y'all don't know i show the movie to these single women one day i showed it right here about these brothers on a download with aids giving it to women giving it to him openly and blaming it on the women but because y'all so sexual you don't check you don't care say amen now go to daniel daniel chapter 3. if you don't tell if you don't ask god to deliver you from lust man you're going to be in trouble amen you ain't going to avoid no disease you're going to get it you got to get delivered from lust you you use rubbers once maybe twice then you think you know him and you're done with that so stop that ain't that's why when you teach a child to wrap it up they ain't gonna wrap it up once after they think they know him they gonna unwrap it now you make them scared the lightning gonna jump out and sizzle them you make them think if i catch you see let your let your word be the fear in the air i know but but that at that teaching came from this spirit now you look at bt and they got two men talking about wrap it up y'all ain't seen that commercial two men talking about getting tested oh yeah i seen that before it was one man sitting on the bed you get tested bt don't buy us no more what's wrong with y'all we sell all our stuff and then they sell it out and turn it into something that just turns our culture up let me get on now look daniel chapter 3 verse 1. i'm going to show y'all because this is what's coming y'all ready this is what's coming and i want to show y'all how people are going are worshiping this and going to worship it verse one nebuchadnezzar made the king made an image of gold whose height was three score cubers and the breadth are of six cubers he set it up in the plane of dora in the province of babylon then nebuchadnezzar's the king sent to gather together and he set up this image of gold to gather together the princes the governors the captains the judges the treasurer the councils the sheriffs and all the rulers to come to the dedication of the image which nazi connects the king has set up then the princes the governors the captains judges the tragedy council the sheriffs and all the rulers protestants were gathered together unto the dedication of the image that nebuchadnezzar the king had set up and they stood before the image that nebuchadnezzar had set up then in her cried out to you it is commanding old people nations and languages that at what time you heard the sound listen at what time you hear the sound of the corner to flute the sack but the assaulted adults all kinds of all kinds of music you shall fall down and worship the golden image that nebuchadnezzar the king has set up whoso followed not down in worship shall the same be cast into the midst of the burning the fury furnace therefore at that time when all the people heard the sound of the corny flu harp sack bus sauce and all kinds of music all the people are they all the people say all the people the nations and the languages fell down and worshiped the golden image that he set up he set up the image but he knew they wouldn't do it he had to add something to it and what he added to the image was sound music i give people a good time if i entertain them they'll do it remember what i said through entertainment you drink the poison oh come on listen to this this is the reason why satan uses music so well because he can get anything in your heart if you put it in music this is why advertisers spend billions of dollars trying to come up with jingles to sing into and to sing their product into your heart the other day i woke up what was i saying it was i was saying give me a break give me a break they probably spent millions of dollars to come up with that jingle did i finish that jingle i didn't finish that dinner what am i talking about that's in you from the jingle bell because if you put it in music music is a spiritual vehicle that will bypass the natural barriers in the mind and get in your heart i said music is a vehicle that will that listen listen listen listen listen how can i put this i'm gonna put this oh how can i put this it's a conduit it's a if if if you can put it in music it will it will enter a person with no resistance why because the entertaining part will distract them that's why if you go back now that you are real christian and say and you listen to what you were listening to back then you say man i didn't even heard that i didn't heard that but now you like that's what they were talking about because through music it just it it's like it discovered it cloaked itself in music and rolled right on into your heart and you don't know you receive more than that when what was in that song so that's why satan understands this music thing that's why he uses these artists because he knows i need the order to make you listen i want you to fall in love with this idol because it's either gonna make you listen to me when i'm gonna get i'm gonna i'm gonna use the idol to channel my song once you heard a song you're gonna receive my message without you even knowing you received it why do you think people are so deceived and think the artists are good that's why everybody will fight for the artist i mean almost had a literal fist fight over tupac when i got saved i told a brother i said if tupac didn't get saved brother tupac went to hell that brother teared up man i'm swolled up on me over i said listen dude either way i go i ain't in hell you ain't in hell but he but tupac has he was so he has received so much from it that it became an idol in his heart that he began to want to fight me over it so that's why satan makes you listen you ain't in love with the music you're in love with the idol jesus said if they receive you they'll receive the message so satan gets you to receive the person that's the reason why he don't even need a person to be a singer he can use any reality star make him famous and give them a message thank you kim kardashian what was her message home pays off her message y'all want to her messages on pay off you can you can you can be a home with everybody in the industry and end up with a millionaire rapper boyfriend it pays off y'all went that was a message did she did he ever tell you that now but subliminally that's the message is dirt so he knows let me get you in love with the with the image no the image and you will receive the message so he so all of these people who you think are so famous are just idols images that he is using that he is putting messages in to cause you to receive his message through the idol that's in agreement with him and and the point that i'm trying to make is his message is the same throw off all traditional boundaries change from the traditional family that's why all the shows and sitcoms is all about not traditional family no more trying to show you any things of family trying to keep this generation from even seeing what a real family is he's doing everything through these messages through these idols that you're receiving to tell you that ain't nothing wrong really really it's what he's saying do what that will that's the whole of the satanic law whatever you want to do do it and anybody that try to stop you call them a hater call them a hater they'll back off and that's what people do when you try to tell somebody that's wrong are you hating on me where do they get there from all the messages they have received even in church they saying it you got preachers standing up telling me i see my haters what you talking about wait wait wait you're supposed to have haters what you what are you talking about why are you focused on him you preach the word what are you talking about haters for but he's making the people think that that well you know yeah you gotta see it's your haters trying to so so you start living your life trying to prove your haters wrong i got time to be worried about no haters i can cut you off i can delete you i can block you i don't have to hurt you and anybody you run with i don't have to be around him either [Music] but this listen to me listen to me close y'all this do what y'all will always ends up in transformation from god's original intent and changes people into what satan's will is for them and that's the reason why jesus said it'd be just like in the days of noah when i come these people would have lost the image of god and if you understand the days of noah they was they was walking in the image of the fallen angels in genesis 6 they lost the image of god that's why god if you want why did god destroy him because he was no longer his image the only people that was his image that's why the bible says noah was only one that was righteous not this stupid movie they came out with the real noise was only one that was righteous y'all know what i'm saying i mean he was the only one that still looked like god everybody else satan had distorted their image and god said they not my people now you remember when god was ready to destroy the children of israel in the wilderness and said wait a minute these are your people they still look like you you can't destroy him so that's why in the judgments of revelations the reason why god's going to destroy if you study it out is because those people have been altered don't want to take the mark will be altered they won't look like that's why i said if you take a mark in your forehead you become the image of the beast [Music] so what does satan do in the end he creates a image and says everybody small and great must worship the image of the beast same thing nebuchadnezzar did and if you take that mark you're no longer in the image of god and not only that you're not not no this this is deeper than what this is even this i go further you will have become transhuman all these movies are talking about transhuman when you accept that mark you're going to get some type of something in you or some type of that that i'm i'm gonna tell you what you're gonna really get you're gonna get another chromosome i ain't got time to deal with this if remember when i saw y'all about from that thing remember the one on the right and i don't want to be remember the foul assembly that was coming up it was two snakes was intertwined around it right that's that symbols of dna just the two strands of dna male female the one coming up in the middle is the third strand gonna be added to the man's dna it's gonna alter man from the truth remember i told y'all that satan this is a seed of the serpent and there's a seed of the woman they're going to be people who are not human they're going to be transhuman these other people will be screaming evolution that's why they got to get rid of christians who they feel is trying to hold them back we want to we want to evolve into this into this god man but then they already said there's a god gene so what are they going to do with that gene add it to men who accept the mark to give them some extra perception or something to make them think they are gods when they do that that mark is going to keep the gods it's going to cause them to lose their soul because they're no longer going to be god's creation they're going to be created in the image of their father lucifer come on talk back to me so if you don't think what i'm saying is important that's all right you're just being conditioned to accept the more this mark you're being conditioned to accept this transhumanity to humanism see the end of the book ain't what y'all thought then the book is supernatural the end of the book gonna be sort of like star wars and stuff just stuff you didn't think of it's gonna be that's why revelations sound so weird because it's talking about supernatural stuff that we once didn't see we're gonna see it now and satan's gonna change god's creation into his image and that's what this baphomet picture is and that's why you got to teach your children that you were created male and female and god didn't have nothing else in mind when he created you and if you in here struggling with that today let me tell you god didn't have nothing else in mind he knew he didn't give you a flap he knew what he gave you because he understood that you will fulfill my purpose in the frame or the vessel that i placed you in it don't need to be altered don't need to be messed with it just needs to obey so the bible says that daniel and them decided we ain't gonna be transformed that's what i want to show y'all i ain't gonna go there when the bible says and be not conformed daniel said we ain't gonna be conformed we ain't gonna bow down we shall not be conformed to the image of this world but we gonna be transformed by renewing our mind and they said oh king that you may be able to throw us in this furnace but we'll never bow we'll never bow you'll never transform me from the creation god created you'll never take away my christianity even if i gotta go in the furnace i'll go in the furnace but i'll stand but uh y'all wanna hear what i'm saying i told y'all what i said talking about was deep but it ain't really deep for though to study this is what's coming and the church is sleep because they're so comfortable they build the churches for the people that's why i said church should have a 10 20 foot fence around it with barbed wire you won't get in here climbing fence that's it should be hard because it makes people understand they had to go do something to get there but they come at churches so beautiful you can dive in the pool and drive and get sit in this front row dad get walk in the church down in the pool sit in the front row have a drink you fine it's too comfortable when you make it look difficult see that's when people don't serve god when it gets difficult people don't serve god when it's when they're comfortable but when it's different that's why most of y'all don't pray to it's difficult you don't pray till it's hard and it's about listening to me it's about ready get difficult it's about ready to get difficult and only the real christians are going to stand up and follow the land wherever he leaves and i don't know about you but i come too far to miss heaven come true father miss heaven every day i say lord i just want to be saved i thank you for everything else but please say i won't be saved because salvation is the greatest it's going to be the greatest gift as these days get darker the blessed hope in knowing that i am saved that's going to be the greatest thing ever and if you without that baby you got don't think this world is going to be a utopia for you to live good it's going to be depopulated and it's going to only be satanic creatures i only want to call them people because by the time the devil get through with these cats they're not going to be people they're going to be satanic creatures and you're going to want to be out of here but what happens if you take that mark you damned your life your life is damned to hell so i would suggest that you say lord whatever i gotta go to is worth it i'd rather stand for you and die than to live for satan and die anyway because you're going to die the great lie is going to be man going to live forever that's what satan's coming with i just heard him i just heard it on i just heard it i told y'all they said in 30 years man of being immortal they got something coming out man will be in one in 30 years man will be immortal he'll live forever satan's got to do something to make you take the mark that's a good see if you ain't going to die why are you going to be scared to take tomorrow and that's what people don't think i ain't gonna die so why fear god not realizing the bible says they're gonna do that and they ain't gonna die but the bible says men are gone in that day men are gonna look for death and the death is going to run away from them the world's going to be so bad people are going to be looking for death trying to die and they're going to be running away like uh i ain't got no power in this over this trans dispensation you can't die you got to suffer the judgments in revelation listen to me the bible says you ain't gonna die till until until they see jesus coming in the cloud and they're gonna say oh they're gonna run to the caves in the mountains and say fall on us and hide us from this one coming with this great glory and light bible said he gonna destroy them with the brightness of his coming that's how men are gonna die you're gonna sizzle the brightness of his coming is fire you don't want to sit on my fire you're coming with fire this next time you don't be no flow of the waters fire and you're gonna have to decide you're gonna have had to decide what side you're gonna be on you choose that now
Channel: Stephen Darby Ministries
Views: 161,946
Rating: 4.9229469 out of 5
Id: 7BE9yVSpP0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 4sec (5464 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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