The Religion of the Days of Noah

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[Music] get to work get to work amen I came ready really this water this in heart was full of worship last night was full of worship when I woke up cost full of worship on my way here I was just full of worship today I wish we had some people that wouldn't get offended if we worship a long time with some of y'all blanked out them green beans are speaking and chicken is smelling and y'all y'all done you done worse so let's get on in the word Amen ha [Music] now she'll wanna go actually with this message got so many places to go yeah I'll go her this is gonna be called Brennan if you brighter titles called religion of the days of nor the religion of the days of nor man hallelujah pay for these boys to stop amen amen welcome on internet audience amen we have a big big Internet audience we have an ability now should actually know who's watching how many people watching it's hundreds of people watching on Sunday hundreds and hundreds not one hundred hundreds and hundreds it's watching on Sunday livestream so we welcome you thank you for your support love for four deaths of ministries Amen pastor dog amen see people say they want the word people that don't worship don't really want to work Bible says those that worship we must worship me in spirit truth you gotta have word and worship without worship the word becomes rigid you become legal and critical you have a critical spirit if you don't worship but worship keeps your heart tender where when you use the word you use it on yourself first it's a double Lance war meaning it cuts both ways you can't cut nobody and not be good so when you worship God you kinder to the cut and that makes you go a little easy on others or at least after you cut them you're pulling into oil and the wine and heal them alright people that are very critical I speak I guarantee you they don't have a worship life you better use the word to cutting her hurt folk we don't have a worship life alright this is called the religion of the days of Noah they may give me one more round son they man be praying for these boys I'm trying to gonna get them up well I ain't gonna say it now ah thank y'all son alright religion of the days of Noah New Age spirituality amen basically I was shocked there's some things I was I was seeing I know what the end is gonna be but I shocked it out how subtle it is how it is subtle amen what I see Satan really doing and so turn over to Matthew Matthew chapter 10 a man remember Jesus said when he comes back and when or when the end comes it'll be just like the days of no man I use that as a reference because I understand that we must study the days of Noah the days of Noah actually very short in the Bible not a lot of talk about Noah amen although everything pivots on no which is why I know there was a conspiracy to conceal the days of Noah so that we would not understand it so that we would not be able to know that the Bible is true based upon the fact that Christ said that the last days will be just like the days of Noah amen we want to we've been made to think that we are evolving in knowledge but really we are devolving another in other words our lack of understanding is getting less as the years go by because the days of Noah they had all the technology and knowledge that we have now I know we don't know that but if you go study ancient archaeology you'll find that there's been a a cover-up any conspiracy where certain peoples and nations have gone around the world to conceal anything that does not fit into the theory of evolution anything that does not back up Darwinism they have hid it they have ancient computers they show where Egypt had lights and lamps and spaceships and all of these things I know it's hard to believe but it's there because Satan's goal is the great hopes or the great lie which is to make man think that this this Anti Christ or whatever these beings come they'll have all this technology like it's new but in reality they had it before amen now now if you understand the job of the Smithsonian you know the Smithsonian Museum it is actually to go around the world and and by culture claim steal all artifacts that could a hole in the theory of evolution it's very important that we are made to thought we come from monkeys and apes and animals because then it causes us to if I think I came from an animal then I feel like an animal I'll treat you like an animal but if I believe I was fearfully and wonderfully made by creator that loved me and knew me then I will treat you and myself like a fearfully and wonderfully made creature I will have respect and honor for your life because somebody created us a man with love and affection in mind but if you teach me I was nothing more than a did something that crawled out of the primordial soup and I was just not happenstance this Big Bang happened in our flew into existence and I was just migrated or evolved from an animal or worm or something then it be very easy for me to believe that I'm nothing nothing more than an animal and I will live my life that way are you hearing what I'm saying so the religion of the days of Noah or what we need to understand are you there now it's not hard to see now because we are actually operating in it now say now now look at Matthew chapter 10 no no for we go there go second Corinthians chapter 11 I'll go there first st. Corinthians chapter 11 look at verse 4 second rent is chapter 11 verse 4 all the religions except listen how I say this there's only one true I don't even wanna call it religion but if I would call it religion just for the sake of your understanding there's only one true religion it's only one true spirituality and it is Jesus Christ everything else is a counterfeit is a spin-off to deceive and distract men from the true and living God so as the days get darker you'll notice this universalism where all of these religions will have one thing in common are you hearing what I'm saying now the way you know that all that it's a false religion is it's actually Matthew 10 but now I gotta go Saint Corinthians are y'all done y'all our chapter for now look at this I mean verse verse chapter 11 verse 4 the other for he that cometh preach it another Jesus whom we have not preached y'all there I tried to tell you that they are trying they tried their best to erase the name they can't erase the name so they'll they'll just bring another they are every religion is preaching another Jesus it has the characteristics of our Christ without his judgment they leave out the Jesus that kicked over the tables and ran the cat and beat the people with a stick in the temple that ran them out they don't they don't talk about that sigh their Jesus is the only is only love talk to me there Jesus does not see sin are you there there Jesus it's only the miracle Jesus that breaks that that breaks bread and and creates lying out of out of water that's the Jesus the Jesus is the one that ran with sinners only come on talk to me there Jesus is the one that raises from the dead there Jesus it's only one he do he's the one that heals there Jesus don't cast out demons there Jesus don't deal with sin talk to me but Jesus has deep being preached sounds like our Jesus because there are only getting the attributes that causes them not to feel judged are you there there Jesus is the lamb but they don't know him as the lion there Jesus is the one that died only not the one that's coming back that Jesus is the one that was crucified but not the Jesus that's coming with that iron scepter say man that Jesus is the one that ascended but not the one that first descended that Jesus does not meet the devil and take the keys of heaven I'll take the keys of hell in the grave talk to me are y'all burn there Jesus is the one in the manger Mary's baby come on talk to me see you have to understand the other number Jesus being preached and believe it or not that's the Jesus that you like that's the Jesus that you like talk back to me let me go I won't get into this give me a I don't wanna mess up this teacher give me a Bible give me a Bible all right now keep yours you gotta have something go give me one back are y'all there the religion of the days of Noah will be a mixture say a mixture of all the false religions but each false religion is getting more and more clear on the fact that they have a messiah each false religion is starting to talk about a messiah talk to me say listen each false religion is starting to talk about a messiah they have this in common but what binds all the false religions together is what Jesus said in Matthew 10 in what 10 in 22 don't go there yet when he said you will be hated by all men for my name that's how you know they are false what do they think about the name what do they believe about Jesus the Christ because all false religions hate him that's how I know that's why where your persecution will come from that's why I couldn't believe when I looked at the core beliefs how the Hindus agree with the Muslims about Christ how the Hebrew Israelites agree with the comics about Christ everybody seems to agree the Bible says that the Pharisees and the Sadducees didn't like each other but they agreed against Christ and something that Christ does that brings those and what that brings together strange bedfellows people that would not normally be around each other can stand each other as long as they in agreement about Christ you shall be hated by all men every religion will hate those that believe and name the name of Jesus Christ are you there because that would tell me he's the only one he must be real if everybody else hate him are you there come on talk to me for if he they come and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which ye have not received or another gospel which ye have not accepted you might well bear with them this is our problem I must say it again and again and again you we Christians that cannot be content being safe living for God I wonder years ago how did the Pentecostals and the Apostolic s-- sit in a church for 25-30 years loving God had the same a Norton they had when they got saved 30 years later could pray and the power of God come down people get healed and the devils are coming out thirty years later after the church was founded they still got the same fire I begin to say Lauren how do these people maintain that level of power that level of anointing that level of faithfulness and the Lord began to speak to me he said son they were content with me they didn't have all of the technology they didn't have all of the teaching and all of this new stuff they said end up in their prior closet they read the same book for 30 years didn't need no new interpretation the interpretation they had was enough cuz they wasn't gone over just what was written they was going on for the inexperienced that when they will call upon the name of Jesus will show up when they would say devil lose their Oh y'all wanted demons would flee they was going off the fact that not just the word but that name is what kept them contained and now the exactly you give up the name I see people leaving the gospel for another Jesus another spirit say man they watching me now they're right after church about this about this new thing that if we would do this new thing then we would see and they think that thing is new that thing went back to today's of Moses it ain't new all these religions will start up in the in the time of Nimrod in the time of Noah these were the new religions these were the things they were into paganism is what they were into and Satan has blinded the eyes of this church age and made them believe that gnosis knowledge is really leads to spirituality what they haven't figured out the reason why the old Saints could sit in the church and love God live saved and holy is because they understood it wasn't knowledge it was knowing him it was relationship y'all young relationship I don't know a book I know young [Applause] if you read his book and don't know him you will have a new religion you will come this is why we got this new stuff cuz we got people reading his book but don't know you know and without knowing him I don't know what you really meant and what you wrote cuz I don't know your nature I only know what you wrote it's my wife it's me and my wife knew each other by online dating some of you catch talking to each other in chat rooms only see what go back and look at my words but when she see me see wouldn't really know me because me me knowing me personally I would be see what better look at my words and understand what I really meant because how many y'all know people that talk online like they misrepresent that's why y'all getting catfished because y'all believing the photos that people nobody gonna put a bad photo forth that's why they only put photos out there they totally made-up then you see them no wonder you only Sydney neck up pictures glamour shots oh don't say Internet make a fine person then you disappointed why you didn't know them you only knew what they wrote say man so knowing Christ is the key to it all well know why I've been saved so long I know him I know him you could take all these Bibles away he wouldn't stop me from knowing him you can you everybody can follow and preach some false doctrine it wouldn't bother me nah cuz I know him I know him I know his ways it's not so much said I know him because I read about him I needed to read about him but I know reading about him only caused me to understand the experience with him oh you didn't get it if I hadn't read about who he was in the valley then when I went through the valley I wouldn't understand him so I had to read about him to understand but I needed the valley to really know him [Music] [Applause] see you how would you know if he sticks closer than a brother unless you had to go through some where everybody else was Sookie so knowing about reading about him only prepared me for the experience with him so I would know that when I would go to this stuff this stuff ain't strange he told me this is how it is so knowing him see Satan is so crafty not a sentence over and over again he made Adam and Eve trade knowing God that walked in the garden in the cool of the day talking Adam he traded it for knowledge the fruit of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil is what he traded relationship for that's why the most I said who told you who you were walking together and something got it in and made you trade me but you traded me for knowledge so man is on a quest to know they lack to us that's that was that old Egyptology stuff teaching that came out during ralph about knowledge is king and and that's why we put all our money into education told our kids go to school then we got a bunch of educated fools professing to be wise they became fools because they know stuff but they don't know him that's why they can break down computer exponents but don't know a man's penis don't go in another man's rectum but they can break down physics and how the universe work educated fool gotta catch them what I said professing to be wise they became fools so I would rather save the computer exponents and keep my rectum I said it in church I said it ain't I've seen what happened they they professor to be wise but can't figure out their children are too young to know what gender is but they last you didn't know what gender you was you didn't know what gender you was you was whoever you hungry if you was a girl that grew up in a family boys you was doing boy stuff unless your mama was smart enough to stop girl come on put these plants in your head and get out that tree because when y'all young everything is just you you built like this that's no nobody looking at nothing they know bad no nothing you to see very bad feel like a boy just straight down no sexuality you didn't know nothing it had to come to a time that you had to learn to you know develop and begin to understand the differences that the most I made clear when he made male and female was clear but because we became so wise we don't know what my other female is anymore then at a certain age you begin to have certain feelings and experiences and then you begin to to separate from the masculine if you was a female because you begin to understand then you begin to have an attraction towards the opposite which define who you are and God forbid if somehow rung you bell there was no doubt what she was if you were old enough to understand it see that's why children don't have understand that's what your job is a part 2 to 2 TSP so they don't leave tour the own understanding but if you protect them with the defense job if you protect them to the point that they become mature in their thinking they'll decide based upon beyond biology what they are but if you bombard them with false teaching and an agenda then they'll lean towards to understand that you put in them there's too much y'all said that I said it in church say to each other you ain't gonna be saved without real preaching on told y'all that's why you lost now nobody ever told you I know the Bobby named your cousin Elmer that way but the volibear we bet you say you make if it's hard to Christ I said this is OnStar extremo internet I ain't ascared I wouldn't say I didn't do it cut us off I told you we gonna be hated Ulis UK you're just you're just delaying your hate how could I give me my hate now hunter give it up might as well give me my head up front you just delay hey it's coming to you they don't hate you too unless you're going that unless you're gonna deny them and take the marking that's on you all right let's go here what did I say here what was Iowa making a point no I was making a point before I went off on my ran say it again the knowledge oh that's it that's it that was the original live saying was told the woman that if you would eat the fruit of the knowledge of the tree then you would do what you will be like God every false religion is teaching you to be like God is what the New Age is all about it's getting you to pursue your godhood can I go deeper I wasn't gonna go here but I'll help you it so deeply I had to think about it him see some of these thoughts religions got to hope to some teaching the teaching that they have some of the teaching they have it's true but it comes from the other side mean that the the knowledge that they where they got the knowledge that was from the tree earth and I was the good and evil which is Satan's domain or the occult but the teaching is true but Satan will take a true teaching like he did with Eve and trick cut he told me that if you eat at his tree you ain't gonna die she didn't die he told her the truth but that but the knowledge came he took the truth and tricked up so the knowledge they're getting from the occult or this other religions these other spirits members Paul said it you won't be even receive another spirit it's gonna teach you some truth but the truth is only gonna be to deceive talk to me so if you ever study don't do it if you weaken your mind please don't start just stop the study Christ don't even study but if you do study if you if you have any understanding that did you ever think why did they exalt Hinduism in this nation while it is out that Eastern religion now if you study Egyptology you will find that that's the same religion they have - some of the same beliefs if you studied iike Mattox you'll see it's the same beliefs study Buddhism same beliefs are you know if you want to know they have some truth one of the truths they have I don't want to say it cuz say you can't tell people this could see people is want to know and they'll go study someday they ain't ready to study then they end up lost say man you get lot of stuff is false they say put out there to hook the curious that's not content with knowing Christ they want something else what Satan has been doing this he's deceived us this is the reason why there are certain things in biology we were not taught talk to me there's certain thing when I told but Satan's people were taught it and they understand it and we don't he's been busy destroying what they he's been busy destroying this knowledge in people that know God but he's been giving his people this knowledge this is the reason why in Hinduism they start talking about chakras in Egyptology and the kinetic states they talk about chakras - these hotel cats these conscious people they have a right knowledge from a wrong place saying gave them the knowledge only to deceive them with it in biology you will never talk really about what the pineal gland is you do know in your brain there is a small gland and and what they tell you is that this gland is your third eye that jesus did allude to this he alluded to this when he said if the eye be single which means Jesus understood that pineal gland is a it's not evil to have one because we all got one what it's what evil is is who controls it he didn't say of your eyes be single come out the eye or the soul we talked about in the brain there's a there's a Glander that if you listen if you open it you can open it this is what Eve did this is what I did before before they said they were the most I was communicating and operating with them through this spiritual gland it's just say that a song it's dire but the occult took it and don't everybody else down to it because if you got it if you have it and you listen if you if you operate out of that without the Holy Spirit then Satan just like what he came to Eve you'll begin to operate out of the dark side or the dark power so this is what this is what these Hindus are trying to do what are they trying to do what a witch is doing they trying to open this third eye but if you open it you get on with it but if you do without the Holy Ghost demons will it happen to it is a doorway you mem I told y'all for yours that so natural man is a blocker to the demonic just your natural man will stop demonic stuff because you have been taught not taught you be created with a barrier against the spirit world and if you don't fidget with it then you'll have a barrier but if you open it through what seeing seeing is what opens it oh this is so divine iris see I got some air no I ain't teaching no Kemetic it's which I'm teaching it I'm trying to tell y'all that Satan's people know everybody else is he's calcified in other words he's trying to stop those that don't know God from receiving any spiritual messages his people are operating cuz he's in control of it but he's but he's trying to because everybody that don't know God they will be led by the spirit of the world meaning he'll just do what the world do he ain't got a lien got do nothing to you you're gonna follow Nicki Minaj you're gonna follow Beyonce you gonna dem forecast that he got you don't follow the idols and then you're going to hell because they going he ain't got do nothing to you what is afraid of of those that wouldn't know God they don't go study in this soccer stuff don't please don't it's demonic I'm trying to tell you what it is but I'm trying to tell you that when a person gets born again I told y'all years ago that when you get born again something physically happens in your body why do you think the mark of the beast it's gonna be in the forehead this is why Christ said listen listen if you're I be single come on let's look that up can we look that up is this too much I know I'm done introduced to teaching y'all now I don't have my iPad oh yes I do the other I want to show y'all that all of the all of the what what say what say that's done with his people is he is giving them a cold knowledge here knowledge what you say for being come on say forbidden that means knowledge that should not be had without let me see well how do I say this Christ is the mediator say other oh how can I say this how can I do this come on son get off him phones come on you wouldn't you would see what I was doing stay here Stan yeah come on to watch this y'all together now you saying her not just disputed snitch just turn turn turn alright Gyan illustration okay he wants to know God a man so he starts to seek hey man this is listen give me somebody else come on bro stand up right there stand up right there you standing there next to you next next thing all these brothers a single - who's that y'all know it they all see then you send the middle now this brother is us he's averaged he's averaged us say men he wants to know he has a because he's being Korean he's a spirit beam and he's been created by the most high which is spiritual he's gonna have a desire every human being has a desire to to know spiritual things the problem is is we have to be connected to the proper thing at an early enough age before Satan's devices for us amen and we start learning knowledge or dark knowledge or sin knowledge Seimei or the knowledge of the tree of good and evil okay so he's Christ this is Jesus in the middle this is God the Father or the Holy Spirit this is Satan I didn't wanna make you say this is Satan y'all got that this is Satan this is God the Father through the Holy Spirit this is Jesus this is us seeking knowledge seeking spirituality now if he if if he's over here like we were ignorant don't know nothing but just saying I gotta I won't know who God is I'm looking for something so the Most High says it's okay let's let's let's let's let's sit him some understanding so it comes listen now it comes through he sins it put your hand out put your hand out you sending it back up you sending it it comes through the word Christ Jesus the Word made flesh it's gotta come through the word the knowledge from heaven the most high got to come through the word the word listened the word is the filter you got what I'm saying then it then from him it goes to him you got that you got that now without him move that way whatever would small over you're not in the kitchen alone without him I mean without the word this knowledge he will not understand it because the word mem I said listen I said I've got relationship but but the word but I got relationship with Christ but it's the word I know that let me understand the knowledge of it without there not without the word then this knowledge come on say come over come over here saying next time put your hand on the shoulder this novice from God Satan will whisper in his ear because he has no filter see people are studying the book without the filter and they coming up with all kinds of stuff and they leaving the foundation are y'all hearing what I'm saying so without so so even though God did listen why did God take so long the Bible says every man has the day of visitation right why don't guys take so long to speak to us to talk to us you think that you don't love us but he has to wait what he got to wait for for us to get some knowledge of what the filter because if he talk I'll put it plainly remember in the Bible Samuel s mother gave him to Eli the high priest samuel was a property gave him to answer child the Bible said Samuel went lay down and the Most High spoke and said Samuel Samuel got up because he had no knowledge of who God was so he went to Eli somebody physical in the flesh see getting a signal from God without knowledge you were gonna something else so he knows that if I start messing with you and you begin because you ain't got no understanding to know what it is I'm trying to tell you so you need somebody I was Eli was the mediator at that time Eli was smart enough to say he was a high priest crisis a high priest Eli told told Samuel go lay down if he speak to you to you again say speak Lord [Music] somebody had to interpret God knowledge come on homework didn't say like that y'all got that somebody's got to interpret God knowledge to us if they don't interpret it just God would be trying to speak to us and we'll be running the drugs we'll be running to a woman we'll be running to a man we're running the Islam will run because we we're hearing something but we don't have a filter to interpret it that's why the Bible says try the spirits to see if they are God of God because there's many spirits going out into the world to deceive mankind so if I receive something remember Paul said if you receive another spirit so if I receive something I gotta try it with the word so I know that this is of God but if I have no filter then I'll receive something talk to me now so this brother without the mediator now this brother this is same Satan is saying God is trying to get him knowledge Satan is saying in his ear see this right here this right heard you need to find out about your blackness cuz missin that is gonna feed his need for spirituality he has an appetite for spirituality see say no I'm trying to keep him from going to Christ so I got so I know if I leave him alone he gonna find Christ he gonna be drawn towards what's talking to him so what I need is another voice to feed his spirituality then my goal is he may wake up but it may be 10 years later I have indoctrinated him with all of this other knowledge to make by the time he wants the truth he gonna be so pointing towards this then he gonna think this is his enemy come on I'm talking about a Holy Ghost this is hell this is what's happening to our people I'm telling y'all they left Christ for a hunger of something and Satan caught him and gave him something what they gave what he gave was spiritual enough to keep him seeking knowledge they think and if some they don't know but jesus said I am though I am the way the truth I am but what he's doing is making them think no you need something else so they seeking knowledge and then what Satanists say see since you seek Him this is Satan telling him they say well since you since you see you need to know about your blackness this is your black is you know so I know that's a book that you need to get now I know some books I'm not gonna name them because some of you silly cats will actually go look at look at look at her which get it be a witchcraft book and you're gonna look up a book and be deceived so I'm gonna tell you but there are books so you start so he's saying well you need this book so he goes get a book that reinterprets this book and then he's now he's confused see God's not the author of confusion but now he's confused come on just too much now now this now do y'all see how this work now come back come back come back come back no comment no stay well yeah now oh now you've moved back over and just move away this stop the stylus move come on you now now Satan Satan is talking straight up because now that he's done took the bait read the books been poison against the knowledge of his foundation nest Satan starts to say st. Austell demand devotion to what you believe I heard me he starts to demand devotion so if you really believe this now you got to do some stuff now as you yield to Satan in agreement he's gaining more power over your life come on need some demons eenie meenie miney moe come on come on come on come on come on come on I ain't gonna call you device college a demon so I just randomly gasps Andy come on over come over get out the picture so they only sit down so they all know thank you and picture man and then God is still heard a man still love you none can separate us from the love of the Father he loves us he still won't us but because I accepted another Jesus another spirit now with this other Jesus and this other spirit Satan has to now bring because I accepted it I need some strongholds because the goal is for me never to get back to this see I feel this I feel this prophetic please see some of y'all right now messed up because see you have received some stuff since internet got you messed up and y'all receiving stuff and y'all y'all been into stuff and you don't cross some lines and you don't know that Satan got ahold in your life you're questioning I remember years ago what it was a very anointed preacher and we was at uh I'm gonna tell you what he was but we was in a big conference and this preacher said there was brothers in there there was in Islam he said brother go back to the God of your mother the God of your father now the brother got offended until he thought about it he didn't say go back to Jesus he didn't say go back to God he said go back to the God of your mother so that brother had knowledge who the God of his mother was he had knowledge of who the God of his father was so what he did was he made the brother think that I didn't have to tell you where to go you knew when I said go back what to go back to so if you in this conference because you are demon possessed it is because you have left the God of your mother the God of your father so what he did was make the brother think I need to go back because he left something Oh y'all don't wanna hear it passes Steve today but I'm gonna tell y'all whether you Lord look at look at what's happening here it is ain't nothing like an illustrated sermon I gather let me show you something y'all they're not there I'm gonna read it y'all got to go there cuz I don't want to stretch it over her in offense quoting the scripture over and over let me see let me find the scripture for us it's Luke chapter xxxii 10 verse 30 see Jesus is talking he said and a certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho a certain man went from the rules and what's most usual place of what come on peace bless him he left the place the blessing and went down to Jericho when he left that place he fell among thieves he got stripped of his raiment and wounded and left on the side of the road half dead this is what's happening come on this is what come on come on thank what I'm saying this is what's happening Satanists put so many hooks out here that people are taking the hooks sad story I mean I've been following it but I've just seen it the little girl that was in the hotel god I don't know she got raped something happened she also wandered into the freezer and dad I thought about that see this is what's wrong with y'all y'all believe in the God y'all y'all y'all think that y'all don't believe in a god but y'all do believe in a God your God is your idol your God is the one that really leads you you let you try to live the life of your God that girl was living the life of our God what was their God I don't know could have been promiscuity could have been being like Nicki Minaj could have been being like Beyonce could have been being like the hip-hop girls or the housewife who was it could have been their God her God but your God will always lead you to destruction come on say destruction come on y'all I say destruction now look at this now so this brother now he has received something he shouldn't receive now Satan commands obedience come what I say for his commands devotion so now he tells him so if you believe this know what calls you but you into this blackness see this blackness now so you need to get a black name yeah you need a black name because that's naming a slave master you need a black name let's go one step further see that Jesus that you thought was real that wasn't his name his name was Annette so you need to start calling him by another name his name is actually your host you or your house or your house shy or someone it's another name this is his true Hebraic name these cats are talking Yiddish but there's true Hebraic name so if you gotta call him about that now now look now now now the god of his mother called on the name of Jesus when he was sick the god of his mother called all the name of Jesus when he was lost but that name because now he's received another Jesus another spirit that name don't ain't good enough so now he starts car okay so with that name now that name ain't right no more so now you got to change your name so now you call me yourself that name you don't know what that name means is calling us ever name their name is probably name was a spell some spirit but you gon call except it because Satan is gonna make him be devoted to what he believed come on talk to me so now because he starts to listen cuz he starts to change what he believes once he agrees with saying now spirit same sense of spirit no no I said Satan sends a spirit he sends a spirit to hold him see so even when he would track so so so so come on stand up geez come on Jesus stand up so Stan sent over sent over send back back up cuz this is what Jesus feels like when you in something else he feels that distant so the Bible says Christ stands at the door not Christ does not he heard something but now because he's so devoted this spirit is designed to say the knock he's heard from Christ see death to see that's the see I'm trying to make you think your decision wasn't right and see that so you got it for say Colley's this see this this is why he's now see this spirit is telling him now the real Christ another crisis telling him that the real Christ is only trying to make him forsake his devotion in the new the newness amen okay now but cuz Satan got him out her got another spirit going on in his life now Satan's gonna do was say no he's a torturer he say he's a tormentor so now he sends the spirit come on Tony let the spirit of torment tells him over and over again to make him so afraid that if you don't do this you gonna die you're going to hell you free so now he's laid back torment his whole life is tormenting now because now you see now come on talk Christ no knock no no notice Christ don't Bogart in why don't Christ just rush in and take you out of what you in because you willfully walked into that I y'all that I can use it saying set up for homosexuality you all pinned to it and now that's a spirit sent to you to reinforce your decision to be gay by saying they made you this way God made you this way they just don't have known love yet you're being tormented come on seeing this is for Satan leave out of sin hath torment see what you believe is holding you now what you believe is called what stronghold know it's a stronghold a stronghold is an argument in the mind me it's an automatic argument meaning you ain't got to think about it yours or against it I'll show you what stronghold is right now you ready for I'll give you a stronghold if you ain't hearing you in fornication and I said fornication your stronghold just spoke to you it made you feel like anything you know wrong with that that's just wrong your stronghold just false yah no you said not came this is Holi go leave on out her cuz your stronghold well argue without thinking you may not think about it you will just say this come up on you talk to me if you own drugs if you want drugs and oh look at what time it is Lord Jesus if you own drugs and I say oh now let's let's get something else SSSs use something did drugs is good if you own drugs and I say you're gonna destroy yourself using drugs she stronghold speak you don't know me these strongholds talking to people I'll be hurting when I'm preaching people strongholds talk to him because the goal of the stronghold which is others stronger this experience is Satan sent to cause you never to change your belief in what he told you see when when I let me help y'all you know when I said fornication oh it's nothing it's in her now all they got tight now I just I just I just showed you that's a no you know what they think about Troy they wondered is that a demon that just said some about the strong yes it's a devil you didn't think demons was real that's a demon that's a demon that just told you all girl he gonna marry you anyway let me let me say it another another day another stronghold speech what see my pastor don't say how their stronghold argument in the matter is automatic you ain't got to think about it it's just automatic your this fight against the truth without knowing why you fighting do your fighting because now you're being motivated by what you gave over yourself over to see who Bible says who you use your members to you become a slave to so now you no longer have to think they thinking for you these spirits are thinking for your nails so when you will try waking all not Christ see this first and no grabbing gripping stronghold see your people nearly just laid us against you because you're doing the right thing your eyes have come open this is see you know now see this is Christ this is mr. devil saying this stuff come on talk to me I know now look now now let me help you say my wheel this is what separates us from animals this is why you ain't know a meaning come from animal animals don't have a free will nothing in this world has a free will but humans notice that you gotta understand humans humans have a free will everything else lives by a computer program instinct they were programmed when a song come up the crows he's programmed to do that he's instinctive you put two dogs in the room they're sniff each other but just instinctively we don't live but see Satan's trying to reduce us to an animal - so we live and out of the the impulses the instinctive pulses in the flesh which the instinctive pulse in the flesh is your senses it's what turns us into this world o Yanna I gotta close it turned us into this world so what Satan is doing is trying to reduce humans that were created in the image and like it's a God with the goal to be like God to be like animals that's why Romans says that they started worshipping beasts and birds why because Satan reduced them from being in the image of God to be like an animal so when you start running around giving your body away you like it's like a doll you're doing what dogs do we're just going and abuse your temple and eat everything and drink everything you're being like a dog dolls don't think you put some right there dog eat him think about it a pig eat anything you put in front of saints reducing the Stannah nose because that's how he that's how he fights God by destroying the creation come on talk to me so let's say okay now let me get done let me get done if you got to go go now because he has received and that Satan got him this is what some y'all right now is where you are right now if you think back you you justified yourself into bondage meaning you literally kept justifying when the Holy Spirit was convicting you you overrode it you overrode it and you justifying yourself to this place that's how you here now you got what I'm saying now so there comes a point in life where God is so merciful say man he's so merciful that one day when you really look like you ain't gonna make it with God I guess God has a hidden has a stupid clothes I really believe that I believe God said this boy he gonna keep going that way look Gabriel go go down go down but what he did not know no no no no no oh it's not even no no I'm not gay bro he come to an intercessor and he lay you on the heart of somebody didn't know him somebody that can get in touch with him somebody that got a connection with God he let you on their heart and they begin to pray and cry out for you they begin to cry out for you are y'all there as they begin to pray and cry out for you all of a sudden the spirits that are holding you they begin to get attacked because of the prayers of the saints the Bible says they go off like smoke [Music] the smoke of the prayers of the Saints begin to attack y'all don't notice but demons do know when you start praying smoke is what they run from because where there's smoke there's fire they know that if they see smoke Christ will show up [Applause] so your wires are like incense you know when the Bible says and the smoke filled the temple they knew God was coming so what happens is is the spirits now realize wait a minute somebody's somebody's praying and they get nervous cuz they know that if they hold you and Christ show up they in trouble I could tell you whether what happened to them but I don't want to go that far but they in trouble I tell you what happened they'll actually get cast out then they have to go back to Satan inhale and Satan go torment them for letting you go because he sent them to hold you this is why you never seen Devils he casts out of people and they just fight it on won't come out because they know if they let you go one day they don't get tormented when they go go go back go back to sink come on teaching y'all better yo so now these demons surprise that I say ok I need slit I need some prayer come on come on come on come on come on come on senior come on come on y'all look like y'all pray come on the office table just stand right there now we got we got intercessors touching in the green over his life this is why you hold people that be hating on Christians you don't know that's probably why you livin somebody did know God pray for you so the intercessors begin to frame they start to pray go over there stand over stand over cuz you do God in you in the way that you see Yahweh in heaven we ain't even in it now so the father know with the stupid Klaus is Boingo never wake up ooo or he's too bound meaning Satan gathered he's too bad since when we weren't we were too bad that if he would have left us if he would have left if he didn't if he didn't do a sovereign move or intervene Satan would have took us to hell wouldn't be would've been no way out that's why how can you not praise him how can you not go to fight him well you know it was about his grave so some of y'all say well why don't God just do it why don't guys just do it while he does while he does get me out while he does do it without why do you need it because the earth realm was given to man he said whatever you bind on earth so he needs intercessors to stop he need earthly people to start using their authority and our RAM to bind so when they were people in earth begin to buying intercessors these spirits begin to have to let you go they don't go far let's take your hand off of they don't go far reason why they don't go far they got rights they know he opened this door we have lawful rights to be in his life what they're doing by prayer is giving him a moment of clarity making them back up off of him just enough no no no no no not Christ now he can hear a little bit not now he can hear our young listen the Bible says listen listen the Bible says the god of this world has blinded that our eyes less we see and hear and begin to wake up so now their intercession through the grace of God what was the grace what's the grace of God being able to speak to somebody they know him to pray in the earth RAM to deal with what's holding him y'all got what I'm saying now Christ the glorious gospel can now begin to shine not Christ now he hears y'all got that he hears now we need we need somebody give me we need somebody not telling front row y'all too involved come on brother now come on right here right that's a right that stemmer that now because he can hear come on no no not he can hear now notice Christ ain't gonna come and preach to him it ain't like he needs you so now Christ this brothers over here saying use me Lord he's got to call the gift on his life he wants to win souls a person who want to win souls is available available to what to hear the spirit leading him so he wakes up one day being lame out of spirit and he's going in sweat no no come on turn he's walking this way and all of a sudden because he can hear the Spirit says turn this way now wall right now he's on the bus stop he's on the bus stop he don't know why he's on the bus stop with him but because he can hear he know I ain't sit here for nothing so he saw he begin to look at this guy not Jesus Jesus is knocking all of a sudden this brother out of no Word speaks to this brother and this brother starts talking about this brother know he was sick so he says man you know that that what's that tattoo right there that's what he say cuz he understand we got to strike up a conversation they begin the conversation he says for one foot for the first time really he serves the gospel with him come on get mad saying give me give man y'all man I'll tell y'all how this work say man why he losing him the demons are fighting trying to stay in his life he's shining a gospel these some angels come on Big Brother come on move over come on Christ come on come on come on let's take this a right there right there he's sharing the gospel angels come on come on ain't just slide in behind him angels are right here now they begin the block now through his through his teeth do his witnessing he's about ready to receive right so now come on Christ comes in now now Satan is rebuked now this problem leads into Christ for the first time he heard the gospel he just led to Christ hi y'all see what I'm saying [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] this is why you should never ever sit down all your praise look at all the look at all its own but for Christ to get you it so Col that is you know in the little man listen you've got one day you just woke up with the church and guys say you didn't know all of this he was breaking stuff and angels are fightin Devils don't even know you that's my intercession is so important cuz I ain't got to know you to pray for you when you burn all of a sudden you wake up and your body and your soul and the Holy Ghost over somebody you don't even know what your brand for the Bible said we don't even know how to pray as we all but I can take my obedience to pray and put it on your behalf are you hearing what I'm saying see this is the reason why when I'm when I'm worshiping you know the truth begin the folks I never forget their I never forget his grace I know the process I know what it took for him to give me and I never want to be caught not being thankful or grateful now this brother receivers he receives now he's with Christ turn turn his way turn turn this side he's with Christ meet and they go on the same way they walk in the same way I you see what I'm saying some of you all know that you have received things that have led you away from the truth of the gospel and it sounded good when you heard it but the end thereof is destruction I would assure you to come back to the god of your mother the god of your father there was nothing wrong with Christ it might have been something wrong with the church blame it on the people but don't blame it on Christ so we're gonna pray right now y'all stay y'all stay right where you are everybody stay where they are hallelujah come on pray play for me God hallelujah this is what preaching should do it should cause you to have a gratitude when you see the goodness of God the Bible says it's the goodness of God that leads men to repent he drew me to show me how good he was and if you only seen all the things he did all the people he put in your life that depth that he was he was getting you to a point where you would receive him he's so wise that's why I never I never I never talked about others journeys because where he took them to get them may have been different from what he did to get me some of us were deeper in sin some of us hard heart was harder some of us had great a stronghold but His grace was sufficient then even me I went too far away that he couldn't reach me so hallelujah for your grace hallelujah for your mercy if it had not been for you I would have been burning in a devil's hell right now but thank you that you saw me Victor spare my life that you work with me long enough till I was I had an abscessed to choose you hallelujah [Music] Great God that you are only you can do it like you do it nobody can orchestrate it like you hallelujah so I spend my life giving you all I spend my life giving you praise I spend my life giving you worship hallelujah right where we are before you go I can't let you leave without prayer I gotta make sure that you're knowing come on stand on your feet I got to make sure you're knowing hallelujah that's what it's all about this god I serve ain't never did me wrong he ain't never led me wrong I don't need nothing else I don't need nothing new this is good enough I'm content with serving I'm content with knowing him he's faithful come on let's pray we're pray together as a family hallelujah [Music] father God come on father God in the name of your sure Jesus the Christ we come before you now humbly as we know how we accept your invitation to be part of your family I have sinned against you against heaven I asked right now for your forgiveness let your blood cleanse me watch me make me clean and new I choose you I choose you again and again and again and again I choose you you are my lord master Savior come into my heart fill me with your holy spirit until I run over I'll give you all the praise glory and honor in your name we pray amen hey man come on praise it better crazy crazy better than heaven has the choice heaven is recharging this more [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah the Holy Spirit feel your people feel everyone they prayed that prayer fill them with your spirit till they run over let them know it's better with you than in the world you are better than anything we can gain in the world you're better than a man and a woman love your love is better hallelujah fill us just fill me up until I know the flow and I wanna run [Music] so feel me till I and I wanna run hallelujah come on find somebody to hook [Music]
Channel: Stephen Darby Ministries
Views: 259,631
Rating: 4.8715243 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Stephen Darby, Stephen Darby Ministries, Destined Ministries, Pastor Darby
Id: 3zVAkhNhTZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 57sec (4557 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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