Your Cards MATCH Their Cards (Insane Magic!) ~ An In Depth Tutorial

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this is the performance and tutorial for a perfect match it's one of several new card magic routines i've been developing this one is based on ed marlo's leipzig would have loved this there are several variations but none like this other than the basic plot the entire routine has been revamped including new handling and an amazing new ending there are a couple shuffles you might have already seen and there are a couple shuffles i'm sure you have never seen the routine allows for a spectator to handle and interact with the cards so i had to do some video editing to get my guest into the picture you'll see in a second but the magic routine itself is completely legit do not believe for one second that video editing was used to create the card magic part because after the presentation i'm going to show you how to do it [Music] i have two sets of cards each set contains the first 13 cards you would find in a brand new deck starting with the ace of spades i want you to notice the boxes are completely empty and also notice the blue set is in numerical order ace through king and the red set is also in numerical order ace through king please welcome my guest who's going to help out today okay go ahead and name a color red or blue or you can just point to your selection okay blue are you sure you want blue you can switch okay we'll place the set you chose back inside the empty box and leave it safely off to the side for now i'll take the red and we don't need this anymore i'm going to mix the red cards using a shovel shuffle that's where you shovel cards off from the left and right are shuffle shuffle shovel shuffle it mixes the cards i want to show you another one called a randomizer shuffle it randomizes the cards it's super easy even if you're unfamiliar with handling cards deal the cards down one at a time and at any time you want you switch the top card with the next one you can deal one at a time or you can switch them at any time switch the two and drop them both you can deal you can switch it's up to you so go ahead and mix them up some more using a randomizer shuffle you're doing great beautiful to make it a little more interesting let's take a peek at the bottom card whatever it might be a seven okay turn them back over and deal the cards down one at a time and when you get to the seventh card turn it face up turn it face up good finish dealing the rest of the cards down and you can randomize or shuffle them if you like perfect now the set you chose has been safely inside this box the whole time this is a shake shifter shuffle you shake and then they shift and we don't need this anymore now if i shake shift or shuffle the blue cards right they should match the order of the red turn over the red set so they're face up and hold them like you're going to deal but face up perfect you have the ace i have the ace i know not so amazing deal the ace down and let's see the next card you have the eight i have the eight keep going you have the two i have the two you have the nine i have the nine you have the three i have the three you have the ten i have the ten you have a face down card i have a face down card this one is the four you have a jack i have a jack let's go a little faster you have the five i have the five you have the queen i have the queen you have the six i have the six you have the king i have the wait a minute you need a little more shake you have the king i have the king and you have the seven and i have the seven amazing now turn over the red cards and spread them out a little so we can see the inverted card very nice there's one more shuffle i'd like to show you it's called the table snap shade shifter shuffle i know it sounds like i'm making it up but you just snap and it shifts the color to match the other set you can see all the blue cards are red turn over the four so we can see a perfect match [Music] i hope you enjoyed that in creating this routine my goal was to find a way to cause the same effect as leipzig would have loved this but to also include at the end a full color change of the backs of one entire group just as you saw and after many trials and errors i'm now going to share with you what i came up with in order to pull this off but before i do just remember if you don't want to know the secrets then watch no further because once you do know you can't i know we'll give a couple seconds for those who don't want to know okay here we go first of all there are no difficult slides to learn you might be asking well how could that be well there are a couple moves but nothing that takes hours and hours of practicing in order to perfect you will need two brand new decks of red backed cards don't use old grungy cards remove the ace through king of spades from each deck and if you haven't already done so now is the perfect time to start your stock of spare cards you will need one blue box and one red box use the other red box to hold some of your newly acquired spare cards you will need a blue backed seven of spades and a double back card with a red on one side and blue on the other you can buy an entire deck of red blue double backs at the online magic shop of your choice or you can make one please watch my video that shows how to make your own gaff cards we're going to make three gimmicked cards and a quick thought on gimmicks not every routine should use gimmicks but gimmicks are very powerful squeeze a gimmicked routine in between several non-gimmicked routines the best time to use a gimmick is when everyone believes you're not using gimmicks so you will need either a can of testers dull coat number 1260 or a can of krylon matte finish number 13 11. i've used both and they both work i'll explain in a minute the first thing is to gimmick the three cards place one of the sets off to the side this set will be legit ace through king with all red backs the other set will be gimmicked remove the red backed seven of spades get rid of it we don't need it because we're replacing it with the blue back seven of spades you can add this one to your collection of spare cards remove the four of spades these are the three cards we're going to treat with dull coat or the matte finish spray it's basically a clear spray paint with a flat rough textured finish here's how it works i've treated the blue side of each of these two cards when the two treated sides are touching and you put pressure they stick together as one if you put less pressure they'll separate or if they're in any other order such as one treated side against the non-treated side they'll separate the non-treated sides will slide and that's another reason for using new cards you want them to slide very easily and the treated ones to stick when pressure is applied especially when you're with another card you can go like this and move them around this is two cards there once again these are the three cards we're going to treat the red back four of spades the blue back seven of spades and the double back red blue card the blue backs will be treated on the entire back and the red backs will be treated on only half and keep in mind i had plenty of failures before coming up with this solution so bear with me begin with the red backs tape down a piece of paper or something to cover one half then spray them lightly more of a mist like so they will be dry enough to gently touch in about 15 minutes gently turn over the double back card add the blue back seven of spades and treat the entire blue backs make sure to keep any other cards away from the spray so they're not ruined [Music] they will dry in about two hours but i prefer to leave them overnight to fully cure they will last longer and after you've used them many times and they've stopped working to your satisfaction you may need to retreat them the gimmicked cards are cured and ready to go grab the set that's missing the four and the seven place the four in its numerical location place the 7 in its numerical location so face up it should be ace through king and the 7 is the only one with the blue back turn them over follow closely because this is one of the shuffles in the routine i'll go over it again at that time as well count and push over six cards into your left hand one two three four five six then deal back and forth starting with the right hand and it'll also end with the right hand just deal back and forth this will intertwine the cards then count them to the table this will reverse the order and you should end up with the blue seven on top turn them face up we're almost done push over cards until you come to the four separate the two halves so you don't mess up the order remove the red back four and place it back to back with the red side of the double back card make sure the two treated halves are touching each other and keep track of which side the halves are you can see when you do it halfway you can push nothing happens but you come to the bottom they slide right apart so the treated halves are up here place it there you can keep track of the halves by using your ace on the top set it up so the ace is upside down to you but facing the audience this way you'll always know the orientation of your treated halves this is what you should have the ace 8 2 9 3 10 there's a double card and the two treated halves are on the top and jack five queen six king seven this is what appears to be the blue set grab the other set that we placed off to the side it's a legitimate set ace through king all red backs place it face up inside the blue box with the flap side down place what appears to be the blue set inside the red box face up with the flap side down and they are now ready for performance i'm going to go step by step through the sequence of moves used in this routine and please refer to the performance part of this video for the other perspective i begin with the red box on my right just because it's easy to remember red right present your cards starting with the red box turn it over so the flap is on the downside grab your cards and pull them out you'll know they'll be face up pull them out that way trick is ruined place that pile grab them tight pull them out face up show the boxes empty it's a little misdirection i'll explain a little bit more of why we're using the boxes show the boxes empty if they ask to handle them hand them out it's nothing tricky about the boxes take this pile which appears to be the blue set place it on top you're gonna show they're in numerical order when you get to about the third card this is when you mention the blue set is in numerical order and i'm just going to question it it came out of the blue box hold them tight when you get to the king or when you get to the ace stop don't keep going you'll flash that eight so stop at the ace square these up up jog them slightly hold them together you're gonna grab the whole pack like this and turn it over we've just switched we're going to take this blue and place it there this is the the pack that came out of the red box it goes there turn these over you're going to show the same cards again as if both sets are in numerical order when you do the red ones you can do this scatter them a little bit square it don't fully square them up turn them over so they see a lot of red then square them up we're going to use magician's choice to have a spectator select red or blue if they select blue do it just like in the performance we're going to place that in there i take the red if they select red and you say okay we'll use the red cards and we put the blue pack in there this is always going to go in there regardless of what they chose be careful with them don't flash them you're going to see all the red an upside down card etc this is why we while they're sitting here this is very vulnerable you don't want to bump it so that's why we start with the red we do a quick magician's choice this goes into the box the box protects it when i say i'm safely putting them in the box i really mean it safely so they don't get flashed this is when we get rid of the red box we're going to do the shuffle i showed you earlier count off six cards into your left hand now you're going to be talking at the same time you're counting so a good way to do this how i do it i just go one two three one two three you can talk while you're counting you know you got six cards start with the right hand and do the same shuffle i showed you earlier square them up now this is when you're going to explain about the randomizer shuffle this is actually called a swindle switch by paul curry as you're dealing the cards down you can deal or you can switch now watch this as i switch and nobody catches this it flies right by everyone paul curry's swindle switch whether you switch them or not it still remains the same order see this goes down if you switched it but for some reason it just flies by everybody it looks like they're being shuffled now you go through that once this is the explanation you're showing the person how to do this all right you've reversed the order one time keep track of this this is when you hand it to them now they're going to do a randomizer shuffle which is actually the swindle switch make sure they do it correctly explain to them show them and explain it again so they're basically going to reverse the order again we can do it it does nothing it's just reversing the order now the the cards should be in this order when they turn it over you say okay let's peek at the bottom card it's going to be the seven so have them turn it back over and they're gonna reverse the order again get to the seventh card two three four five six on that one they're going to turn it over guess what it's the four and then they can continue on and they can switch them or deal them now this is the pack that they are holding this is going to be the pack we're going to use following the routine be careful when you slide these out hold them nice and tight remember when we put them in the second time we put them face down pull them out get rid of this and now you can begin your matching process have them turn over their cards and hold them in dealing position only face up so they've turned it over guess what they have an ace turn over your pack i like to go end from end if you go book wise you're taking a chance you may flash so hold it tight and do book end and now if for some reason you come out and you're like this where you know that ace is now facing you it's supposed to be the other way just turn it around like this nobody's going to pay any attention to it they're just going to think you're being polite and aiming the a so they can see it better go through the matching process they have the eight i have the eight we go through everything should match and you can milk this down this is a five minute routine on the performance on this video you could spend 10 minutes on this and have fun with it i got the 10. that's what they have a face down card you have a face down card now this is when you reveal it and this is where your gimmick is going to come into effect you know your treated halves i'm going to break them apart you know your treated halves are there on the top and if you push here they will separate but as long and hold these fingers a little low don't grip them too much here hold them a little low push a lot of pressure and that single card will come off i'm holding two cards long as i hold it on the top side they will not come apart and i place it down do it like that you won't have any problems guess what see that's the four you have the jack i have the jack five five queen queen six six now instead of just revealing the king i'm down to three cards i'm gonna do a double push off and hold them together just for a second just enough to flash that hey you messed up put them right back you want to turn it over at this point and say hey we need a little more shake because what you want to do is flash that blue again this is solidifying that all these cards are blue turn it over and say oh there we go we match the king they have the seven you have the seven and turn this over you're flashing another boo we've flashed three blue backs and we only have two square them up have them square their cards up and then if they can spread them out a little bit to reveal that inverted card make sure you've maintained your orientation meaning when you pick them up and square them up don't let them get turned like this you want to keep track of where your gimmick part is next we're going to reverse order half of this set we're going to push cards over notice how these go in the bottom we're going to push them on the top this is going to reverse them and as you're doing that you're explaining about the table snap shade shifter shuffle and right when you get to that blue card say shade shifter shuffle they're going to see the blue place this whole pile back on top snap turn this over when you snap don't flash that red don't pull it up so high they see the red because you want it to change after the snap turn it over grab it on on the top here and flip it they've all turned red because you're gonna start dealing them out one two you're pushing them out you're gonna get to this four now your treated side is on the bottom here so when you push this time they're going to separate you're going to up jog it continue on now notice the next one push hard on this one because those are the two blue backs stuck together so you're going to come to that four make sure your thumb is on the top not down here push it over up jog it push hard get those cards over and you come out and you're clean flip that over now you can put this on the bottom if you're afraid i don't know if you notice if it hits the light just at the right one if i can find it right there uh half of it reflects and the other doesn't don't worry about somebody noticing something that they may or may not get a glimpse of and they're not even going to be like they don't even know what it is now if you're gutsy a little bit you can spread them out these are my final thoughts make two sets use the clubs from your spare cards you'll only need one more double back card and a blue back seven of clubs to complete the set the ace can still be used to mark the orientation of the treated halves use these for practicing so you don't wear out your main set choose the right person to help out select someone who is willing to cooperate and take commands you can test this on a couple people by asking each of them to let's say place their hand over one of the boxes remember you're beginning with the two closed boxes on the table secretly watch for the person who does it first pick that person follow what i'm saying no one will have a clue as to what you're actually doing let's face it you're handing the cards to another person and they have to do exactly as you say use methods like that to select the best person for the job be sure to give them step-by-step instructions guide them along through their parts and you should do well if you enjoyed this video then hit that like button if you'd like to see more videos like this then hit that subscribe button leave a comment if you have something to say but please no spoiler alerts and that's it [Music] you
Channel: Tom Matriq
Views: 24,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magician, magic, trick, illusion, tutorial, cards, magic trick, card trick, sleight of hand, magic tutorial, hidden, secret, secrets, reveal, revealed, knowledge, magical, intelligence, tricks, mind, mind magic
Id: 4vENkXecZBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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