4 Card Monte (Red Black & Blue) ~ An In Depth Tutorial

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I have four cards with different colored backs this one has a red back and these have blue backs I did this for card money to a guy the other day and I said all you have to do is tell me which one is the red blackjack it's pretty obvious he pointed to this one and I said no that's the red red jack he said I thought you had black Jack's I said I do though the ones with the blue backs I know it gets confusing so we'll start again just remember that the odd card is the red red jack odd card red red jack all you have to do is tell me which one is the odd card and he looked at me confused like you didn't know what was going on and he pointed to this card I said no the odd part is the red red Jack this is a blue-black Jack you're not even close this is a red red checker he said well what about these I says is a black Jack's to red this is the odd car I told you tell you what will simplify this a little bit will do this the three-card version and just remember that the odd card is the blue blackjack odd card blue blackjack all you have to do is tell me which one is the odd card and he looked at me confused again and I said look we'll simplify this and we'll do this the to card method I'll mix these up a little so you can't tell one from the other and you tell me which one is the red blue Jack left or right they immediately pointed to this one and I said no that was a trick question I don't have any red blue jacks I have a red blackjack I have a blue blackjack I have a blue red jack a red right Jack they're all odd cards I hope you enjoyed that that was a little routine that I made up just for this video to show how to do the four card monte but before I teach some of the moves that I'm doing in there I wanted to show you the basis of what for card money is it's it's usually you're showing three cards they're the same in this case it's three aces and I have a three and without showing you the moves the basics you start off by showing the card on the top and then you place it on the bottom and you should in three in the bottom then you take the next card which is an ace you place it on the bottom you show the ace so now there should be an ace on the bottom and then you show the ace on the top actually that's supposed to be an ace the ace on it on the top wait a minute I'm sorry it's three threes and an ace I'm sorry three start over three threes and an ace you want to start off by showing the ace on the top and what you do then you reverse the order of like this and then you show the ace on the bottom and then when you reverse the order again you show the ace to be back on the top actually I'm supposed to be an ace where are these jokers coming from in case you didn't notice that was a fake tutorial it was actually just another routine but I wanted to give a couple routines so all the moves that I'm going to show you you can combine it with either one of those two routines or you can make one up using these moves I'm going to show you for card money is actually for cars there's not five there's not six there's no extra hidden cards it's always for cards only and it consists of two individual cards that are different and then the other two cards are identical now at the end of the video I'll show you the cards I use for the red black and blue but I'm going to show you the routine I just did with these cards this is the order you want to put the cards in the two similar cards to go on the top this is the top card this is the next card third card is the ace fourth card is the three when I mean top card when you turn it over Joker Joker age three the first move I'm going to show you is a triple lift and yes I'm actually lifting three cards and flipping them over to hide this card and that card with the packet of four cards in your hand put this corner next to your index finger here with your thumb and push pressure here so you're smearing the top three cards over and retaining a single card here and this is three cards smear it over just grab it very casually and just flop it over you squeeze them a little bit don't stick together slightly and you do the same thing when you're done let it coalesce do the same thing smear the three cards over and flip them over a single lift you put pressure here so you're retaining three cards here and you're pushing a single card so after you've done the triple lift you push a single card over which is the hidden Joker and you place it down now the double lift do the same thing and smear it so you're smearing two cards over and retaining one this will allow you flip it over just like before there's all I to show the ace a second time to a single lift push the other Joker over you've hidden both of these cards now you do a single lift and show the ace for the third time and place it down and then show your three I'm going to go through the last routine showing you these moves without the storyline so just pay attention to the moves I'm going to set up my cards in this order with the two jokers on the top the ace and then the three the first move is a triple lip show the ace triple lift drop the Joker down double lift show the ACE double lift drop the Joker down single let's show the ACE single lift drop the ace down single lift show the three and put it down single lift the three over single lift the three over again and single lift it in place it on the bottom show the three on the bottom single lift the ACE place it on the bottom show the ACE on the bottom then to show the ace on the top mistakingly you do a triple lift show the three instead triple lift place the Joker down double lift show the three again double lift place the Joker down single lift show the three again single lift place the three down single lift show the ACE now you showed is three threes and an ace single lifts the ace over single lifts do a reverse count which you take your thumb and you slide the top card top card top card like that it will reverse your order so you put your ace on the bottom do another reverse order top card and top card top card and this time instead of showing your ace actually on the top you're going to do a triple lift and one of the Joker's triple lip place the ace down double lips show the Joker double lift place your three down single lift show a joker single lift show a joker that's the routine these are the four cards I used in the first routine red black and blue this card is a red back Jack of Hearts so we have a red red jack this is a blue back blackjack say that three times a blue blackjack these two cards are identical they have blue backs on one side and red backs on the other this is the order the blackjack goes there the double back and then the red jack so this is the order these are the moves on how to do the routine red black and blue the first move is a triple lift show the black jack triple lift again place the red jack down do a double lift show the Black Jack do a double lift again place the double back card down now at this point you're left with these two cards you want to show them both as a black check so instead of turning it like this slide it over single if place it on the bottom and then bring both cards around and show it like that and then this is similar to a rumba count if you're familiar with that turn the cards over and slide it out and flip it over like this showing the last card when you go through this notice some people might think oh it's you can tell or whatever but if you work on this in such a way to where each deal is as fluid as the other you'll be surprised because they're paying attention to the backs of the color cards you're showing them the backs they're not you're not focusing on what the faces are you're seeing I have a red one and three blue ones so you can get away with it's not like a video where somebody's going to go back and watch every single frame to catch what you're doing if you do this live you can get away with things the next move is a reverse count only you're going to end up with the cards in a fanned out position so with your thumb peel the top card the next card and the next card and you're in a fan position and you reversed the order and as the routine goes you show the red red Jack then turn it back over and show the blue back black jack and point to these other blue back cards as if they're all blue back black Jack's immediately turn the red Jack back over and do this twice as you're explaining the odd card is the red red Jack so they see red red red red square it up with the red card face-up do a triple left and turn three cards over it looks as if you turned the red back red Jack over now you have three red backs and they're like what the heck's going on now you show the blue black jack after you show it turn it over and bring it over to this side and then show the red red jacket drop the red red Jack down now we're going to do a frustration count I'm going to show you how to do this a lot of people don't like it but if you do it in such a way you can get away with it especially in live here's the setup I have to double backs and a black jack we want to show all these as black jacks so you come around as the routine goes you say we'll order what are these these are black jacks come over here I peel it with my thumb and immediately turn this over so now they're seeing black jack red bag red bag black jack slide the next one over I bring these forward and go I have to read and I have a blue this is the odd part I told you now the next move is it's not a reverse count but it changes the order of these for you you slide the top card place it on the bottom then slide slide like that so you should end up in this position the next move in this routine is to now show the black blackjack and do it twice as you're explaining the odd card is the blue blackjack so they say black blue blue and black leave the blackjack face-up as you square them do a double lift turn two cards over do a reverse count with a fan slide slide now they're looking at two blue bag cards and a red one whereas the minute ago was to read backs and a blue one so they're confused take this card place it down now I do a count here but it does absolutely nothing remember the red card is on the top I mixed the order I mixed the order I haven't done anything I spread them out do the trick question saying where is the red blue Jack they're so confused between red blues and blacks they don't even know what they're thinking anymore and he points to this one Square these up turn them over this is what you have so you want to show these both now as a red and a blue blackjack so square them up turn them over this is similar to the rumba type maneuver where you turn them over and flip it like this so you're showing those two Blackjacks square these up I grab the two corners so you can spin these around like this I grab the two corners spin it so you can see the red jack immediately slide this card and drop it and then show this so this is this is really what happened here but that is the routine red black and blue I hope you enjoyed it I want to thank everyone for watching and liking these videos and subscribing to this channel much appreciated thanks
Channel: Tom Matriq
Views: 172,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magician, magic, illusion, trick, tutorial, cards, magic trick, card trick, sleight of hand, magic tutorial, hidden, secret, secrets, reveal, revealed, knowledge, magical, intelligence, tricks, mind, mind magic, 3 card monte, 4 card monte, gambling, casino, poker, 3 card trick, 4 card trick, ace, joker, playing cards, four card monte, Tom Matriq, tommatriq
Id: aQbaFiz78Rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2016
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