PREDICT Any Card Using Your MIND! ~ An In Depth Tutorial

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[Music] [Music] I'm gonna show you an awesome mind magic card trick you can do using any deck of cards even a borrowed debt the cards are completely shuffled and mixed by any random participant you can even have multiple participants shuffle the cards so they are completely mixed by the way you're doing a great job isn't it difficult to shuffle with all that on No give it another shuffle or two and an extra cut are you good with that perfect then have your participant deal the cards down one at a time face-up into three piles like this as they're dealing the cards down bring to their attention that the cars have been shuffled and mixed to their heart's desire by them sometimes if they're taking too much time they can deal more than one card or even switch it up a bit perfect eventually you'll get to three piles of randomized cards shuffled and mixed by your participant then you randomize it some more we'll take the top card and the top card is an ace so we'll spell out ace AC e took the top card here which is a three we'll go one two three and throw out a card and the top card here is a queen will spell it out qu e e and now they're down to three cards have them select two of the cards we'll get rid of this card after all the shuffling and mixing and random choices by your participant or participants have them select one more card we'll get rid of this card and there's one card left this is when you mentioned that before the routine you made a prediction and that you knew exactly which card this would be they probably won't believe you so you're forced to prove it by showing that you place the hidden prediction card in the card box prior to the routine this is when you slide out the card and show that it does indeed match I hope you enjoyed that I know it was a little weird but the point was to show the trick there was nothing fake about the shuffles or the inevitable outcome for the trick anyone can truly shuffle the cards and make selections this routine requires no sleight of hand repeat no sleight of hand is required before I show you how to pull off this amazing card magic routine just remember if you don't want to know the secrets then watch no further because once you do know you can't unknow okay here we go this routine is based on Marlowe's unexpected prediction it does not require any sleight of hand as a matter of fact you don't even need to shuffle the cards because your spectator does that for you it's more like solving a puzzle and there are many possible solutions you will need to be fast with mathematics it's not that hard after practicing for a while and it's very simple math the first thing we'll start with are the card values every card has a numeric value and this is what most people see a 5 is a 5 a 6 is a 6 a 7 is a 7 it's pretty straightforward when we get to the Jack Queen and King they could represent 11 12 and 13 respectively or they could be tens like in blackjack so without diving deeper Jack's queens and kings can represent dual values for instance a king could be represented as a 10 or as a 13 keep in mind that throughout this routine you only need to focus on numbers 10 or lower numbers 1 through 10 next are the card suits most everyone knows the 4 suits hearts spades clubs and diamonds the spelling of these suits each represents a numeric value if you spell out hearts it contains six letters hence a value of six spades also contains six letters with a value of six clubs contains five and diamonds contains eight now it would be very slow trying to spell out these suits in the middle of the routine while trying to do fast math in your head so an easy way to remember these values instantly is by a method I devised using the symbols associated to the values and not the number of letters in the suits name when you see diamonds and has four corners which is the division of eight the number of letters in it the other suits are a five and two sixes so when you see diamonds you automatically see an 8 when you see clubs it looks like a hand doing a high-five you don't have to spell it out to know it instantly that it's a five high five symbol equals five the hearts and spades both have six letters and both use the same symbol system by splitting them in half vertically they look like the shape of a six so when you see a hearts or a spade symbol it's a six instantly you see a six without spelling it once you have that down now you can remove the esses from the end of each suits word and have dual values for each suit meaning each suit can have a value of one digit lower than its base value diamonds equals eight but with the S removed its diamond which equals seven the same goes with each of the other suits hearts our heart equals 6 or 5 respectively spades are Spade equals 6 or 5 clubs or Club equals 5 or 4 diamonds or diamond equals 8 or 7 just remember without the esses it's one digit lower than the base number derived from the symbol itself are you still with me next is the spelling of the number on the card including ace Jack Queen and King if you take all the cards ace through King there are only three numbers you can get from them a 3 a 4 or a 5 there are no others three numbers are fairly easy to remember especially when they're low numbers there's no method needed to instantly know an ace has 3 letters same thing with the 2 you can see it in your head so a 2 equals 3 a 5 equals 4 yeah I know it'll all make sense though once we get into the routine a 6 equals 3 a 10 equals 3 it's easy to see then there are the four lettered numbers four a five a nine a jack and a king all easy to instantly see they have four letters threes and fours are the only ones you need to see because if it has more than four letters it's a five automatically no need to count so finally here's the reason for the madness behind all this it'll take way too much time to go through all 52 cards so we'll just go over three cards for examples you'll get the idea then we can move on to the routine when you see the nine of clubs you're actually seeing the numbers nine eight five and four when you see the three of diamonds you're actually seeing the numbers ten eight seven five and three when you see the Jack of Hearts you're not seeing the Jack of Hearts you're seeing the numbers 10 9 6 5 and 4 the 9 of clubs has the value 9 from its number in the corner it also has the value 9 by taking the number of letters in the word 9 which is 4 and adding it to the number of letters in the word clubs which is 5 4 plus 5 equals 9 remove the S from clubs and it's 4 plus 4 equals 8 it has the value of 5 because it's a clubs they can also have the value of 4 if you call it a club the 3 of diamonds has a value of 3 from its number in the corner it has a value of 5 from the number of letters in the word 3 it has the value of 7 from the word diamond it has the value of 8 from the word diamonds with an S it has the value of 10 by adding 3 with the number of letters in the word diamond 3 plus 7 equals 10 the Jack of Hearts has a value of 10 because it's a face card it also has a value of 10 because of the number of letters in Jack and hearts equals 10 4 plus 6 equals 10 it has the value of 9 by removing the S from hearts to heart 4 plus 5 equals 9 it has the value of 6 from the word hearts it has the value of five from heart it also has the value of four from the word jack okay here's how the routine starts first choose the card you want to predict one of the fringe benefits of magically manifesting something is you're allowed to predict it you can pick any card I wouldn't use the ace of spades it's a little too suspicious but other than that any card place your prediction card inside an empty card box or you can seal it inside a security envelope so nobody can see through and you just place that off to the side you have your prediction card nonchalantly hidden off to the side unbeknownst to your spectators have them shuffle the cards it doesn't matter how much the cards are shuffled and mixed they can shuffle to their heart's desire have your spectator deal the cards face-up into three piles this is when you work your magical math skills and remember it's like a puzzle there are many solutions depending on the cards you're dealt once they begin dealing you begin counting have them deal the cards in sequence so it's 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 you're counting to yourself 5 5 5 there's your card right there that's a prediction card you see it you know it's now the fifth card down from the top and the middle pile and they continue on dealing once your card has been passed it doesn't matter anymore if they follow this sequence they can do two or three cards and you can tell them this because you already know you're nine of Hearts is five cards from the top in the middle pile so just let them finish out however it comes out now without even looking at that first card I already have a solution here I have a heart right here if I take the S off the heart have the number five so I can use that to count this way now if you don't have that and you need to see with that first card this is when you tell your spectator look you could have shuffled the cards any way you want pull them down like this you're getting a view of what this car what these cards are I know I'm five down actually I have a club right there clubs is five so I'm going to use that now and not this you slide them down as you're explaining look they're all mixed up and you square them up you turn them over I know I'm five cards down here so I'll take this one turn the top card over I have a hearts so we're going to go h e a RT s throw out a card get rid of these do the same thing now turn the top card over we have a clubs so we're going to spell that out c lu b s guess what card that is it's one of the last final three cards already to get rid of these do the same formula here we have a spades SP a de s and you're down to your final three cards this is what you want to happen every single time you want to wind up with three cards one of them is going to be your prediction card or the match to your prediction card and the other are going to be throw away cards I'll explain how to throw away these cards at the end like I said before there are many solutions depending on the cards dealt so I'm going to show you a few scenarios and how to solve them let's suppose your spectator begins dealing the cards and your prediction card comes out on one of the first three cards I mean this is the easiest scenario ever your cards already down there they can you can tell them do whatever they want three cards four cards you already know your card is the top one here and just tell them to keep the piles as close as even as possible but they can do whatever they want when they get done on this one you don't even need to touch the cards have them square them up turn them over and then say take the top cards off at each one of these your job is done there's a card right there let's say they're dealing the cards and your card comes out to the number two position right here at this point once again let them deal a few more rows and you can say look do three or four more cards like this you know it's second from the top in that pile and how you would deal with this I mean if you wind up with a two right there that would be great you can use that to count to that way just like that look at that we got lucky so at this point you can do it a couple of different ways you might want to look at that top card explain to them look you could have shuffled them in any order now at this point there's two ways to get out of this this is the second card down there's your card right there and I have a ten of diamonds there's no way I'm going to get to that I could use this to square them up and we can turn them over I know my prediction card is the second card down here so I'll use that formula there's a two on the bottom here so I'll do the same thing I'll turn it over we have a king to ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten throw your card out get rid of these what do we have on the bottom we have a two so we'll count one two I got my prediction card out there do the same thing with this one you have an eight one two three four five six seven eight it was rather throw away card so now my prediction match and my two three way cards that's one way to do it suppose your prediction card came out the second one again and they randomly throw these on I'm just gonna do it really fast and let's say at the end look how much wind up with a two again let's say there's no way out you have the Queen here a queen of diamonds it's a second card down we have a five of clubs there's no math here so what you do at this point turn these over grab the top card and push it underneath like you're using it to scoop up the pie Oh square them up and place it you're going to do the same thing here we're going to get rid of that top card turn it over grab that top card scoop square now what we've done is we've pushed that nine to the top there same thing here turn over scoop and square it up now you can simply take the top cards and once again you have your prediction match with to throw away cards suppose your prediction match ends up being the third card down once again once your card comes out they can do whatever they want it doesn't matter you know your three cards down from the middle pile and just remember if it's left right or middle now I have nothing with the nine here so I want to take a look at my top cards explain to everyone the cars are completely randomized now I can see what I'm going to do right here I have a clubs here if I remove the S off the club's I have the number four so I'm gonna take this top card and scoop it right here so square these up use the top card to scoop square them and turn them over same thing here nobody's going to notice what you're doing they don't even know you're doing a prediction trick so now I have a club on the top I've added a card so now it's no longer three cards down it's now four cards down I'm gonna use the club as my counter now once you've decided to use suits as your formula for counting if it's with an S you want to call it three of diamonds or three of Hearts if it's not with an S you want to say it's a three and it's a heart you don't want to call it hearts and then spell out heart so this is how you would count turn the card over it's a heart h e a r t get rid of these turn the card over it's a club CL u b get rid of these turn this card over it's a spade SP ad e once again we've managed to get our prediction match in there with to throw away cards now sometimes your prediction match will be on one side or the other just remember where it's at and how many cards down another way to get to the third position would be this way the three cards down we ran to like finish these off quickly now let's say you didn't have any mathematical formulas you're like oh god what am I gonna do now you're third down you do the same thing with the taking the card off and scooping you do one card here when you come to your pilot you're going to turn it over you're gonna pull two cards and scoop it that way pull one card scoop it turn it over let's say your prediction card is the third card once again now in this case I do have math see I have an ace right there I could spell out ace and get to that card third down what I would do is I would count seven spell out ace and count five let's say your prediction card is the fourth card down starts getting easier here this is when you you want to look at your top cards look how all they're mixed I can see I have a club right there if I take the S off of clubs I have four so I'm going to use that Club right there to count down to four it's a done deal turn these over top card is a spade SPAD e top card is a club C value B and the top card here is a spade SPAD e once again we have our prediction match and to throw away cards let's say you're cruisin along and you're counting three three three four four four seven seven seven eight eight eight there we are or at the number eight position so they continue on so now we're at the eighth position here let's see what we got let's look at the top cards look at how they're all mixed alright look what I have here I have a seven right there and my prediction match is eight cards so this is where you can fudge on the counting a little I'll show you so square these up and turn them over this time when you count you're gonna count all your cards here and then throw out an extra card so it's like this we have a three so it's one two three we throw out a card we have a seven one two three four five six seven throw out a card that's the eighth card there's my card right there get rid of these do the same formula here we have a queen it's a ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and we throw out a card there's your to throw away cards and there's your prediction match let's say you're cruisin along again and 3 3 3 4 4 4 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 to 10 you get to 10 and your card hasn't come out yet this is when you forget your entire count we're starting from 0 again now they have to continue doing the same way you're just gonna wait for your card to show up and have them keep going and you wait for your cards there's your card have them continue to deal the cards down now you're going to count how many cards go on top of that and your card is number one size they're coming along this is 2 3 4 and they're done you know that your card is 4 cards down this way once again we'll look at the math to see how we can get to that card as you're showing look they're all mixed now what I see right off is if I take this Jack and I move it to here I can use and spell out the word Jack count 4 cards and then fudge on the count and spit out a card turn them over scoop turn them over take a cartoon scoop turn them over take a card and scoop now I like to keep the cards face down as much as I can it's just a little more mysterious when nobody can see what the faces are so we'll take this we'll turn it over we have a jack we're gonna spell Jack J ACK of card now I like to turn them over there get rid of these do the same formula turn this over I have a six one two three four five six throw out a card and turn it over same thing here we have a two one two throw out a card and turn it over it appears to your spectator that they are all random cards but there is you're up there it is here's your prediction match don't forget where it's at and here's your other throwaway card now you can do these face up and you can keep an eye on it at all times let's say your card shows up almost to the entire and and you're never allowed to let the spectator start doing two three cards and mixing them up and all that there wasn't gonna have to go sequential and you get down to here you're like - it's only two cards down so you do the reverse as if it was two cards this way there's not much of a formula you can get for the second card down unless you had an ace there or a two you could count one fudge on the count or you could just count two down to it this is how I would do it I would just take the top card scoop these turn them over take the top card scoop these turn them over take the top card to scoop them and turn them over and once again you have your to throw away cards and your prediction match suppose you came all the way to the end and this is how it ended this is the second easiest scenario your card wound up on the top there's nothing you have to do just take the top three cards and toss them out get rid of all of these they did all the work where you turn them over once you get to the final three cards which is your to throw away cards and the match to your prediction card or using the nine of Hearts we're going to get rid of the to throw away cards using magicians choice have your spectator select two cards if they select these two cards your job is over just remove them and you're left with the nine of Hearts if they select these two cards remove this one if they select these two remove this card now you can shuffle them up a bit just keep track of where your nine is place them down do a little more talking and have them select another card if they select this card push it forward and remove this one if they select this card just remove it it doesn't matter what they select they'll always end up with the card that matches your prediction card now when you're doing the math do whatever it takes add numbers together fudge on the counts for instance a three of clubs can give you a nine if you spell the word three added with the spelling of the word Club five plus four equals nine practice random scenarios until no matter what card you dealt you can solve it every time and that is how you do that I hope you enjoyed this video as much as I did making it thanks for watching and that's it [Music] do I have any threes Go Fish [Music] do you have any twos [Music] you
Channel: Tom Matriq
Views: 41,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magician, magic, illusion, trick, tutorial, cards, magic trick, card trick, magic tutorial, hidden, secret, secrets, reveal, revealed, knowledge, magical, intelligence, tricks, mind, mind magic, predict, prediction, predicted, card prediction, math, card math, playing cards, Tom Matriq, tommatriq
Id: Fa84HtYSjsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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