How to Start a Blog in 2024 (57 Minute Masterclass)

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hey Adam Manfred here now real quick before we get into the video for today I just want to let you know that we just released a brand new blogging master class for 2023 so it's a completely updated revamp with exactly what you need to do to make money blogging and most importantly what's working right now so we cover the latest AI stuff SEO tactics search intent affiliate marketing and a lot more everything you need to know about what's currently working in this brand new training that is not the updated version of how we're making money blogging in 2023 so before we get started please click the link below and sign up and watch that brand new masterclass it's completely free to you now what you're about to watch here is the master class that we've actually had behind an opt-in gate for the last six months so it's an insane training that tens of thousands of students have gone through and gotten crazy results with so enjoy the video and I will see you in the next one welcome to today's free training on how to start a profitable vlogging business I'm very glad you found your way here probably through a YouTube video or one of my blog posts but either way you are here because you want to start a profitable blogging business and you want to know what that entails the strategy the implementation and all of that so that's what we're going to cover today today I'm going to teach you how to build a profitable online blogging business exactly what it takes the content link building affiliate marketing all the stuff that you need to do on a day-to-day basis to become successful it's going to take I'm not exactly sure how long it's going to take I haven't gone through this before this is a new presentation but it's going to be really good I'm excited let's get into it I'm gonna show you everything I'm going to show you basically everything I'm holding nothing back this isn't going to be like a typical YouTube video I'm going to show you behind the scenes and exactly what you need to do so first I want to give you a quick brief overview of how I got here because it makes sense let's get a little bit of a background here so in 2018 I was working full time in the tech industry so I was working in Austin Texas I was an affiliate manager and then I was a digital marketing director but I was also you know I was making six figures a year but I was stressed I was overworked and I was stuck in the rat race basically I saw my future I saw no matter how far I went in my career I'd be doing the same thing talking about metrics in a report to somebody higher up than me that doesn't quite understand it and being stressed out and driving through traffic and doing all these things that I didn't want to do so I started a Blog as a means to an end as a way to take my freedom back it just so happened to work because I used some new strategies so in 2019 I launched my blog as a side hustle while working full time now I didn't learn from bloggers I didn't learn from YouTubers or anyone trying to teach how to do this stuff I learned from startups what actual big companies do when they're growing their blogs companies like HubSpot or G2 or big Commerce or Shopify what do they do what you know if they have unlimited budgets and they can do stuff you know I don't have any money but what can I do what can I learn from these startups when I'm building my blog so these startup growth principles are what you know led to a lot of early success and I got my blog from 0 to 20K a month in passive income then in you know July 2019 I took my Blog full time so by 2020 and 2021 I was blogging full time it was great I traveled 10 countries I got to you know I went from working 50 60 70 hours a week to working 10 hours a week making passive income traveling through Europe Asia Australia and all of these different places my life completely changed and I was constantly learning and evolving and adapting and I got it up to 100K a month in passive income and today 2022 I do blogging and YouTube so the blog is completely automated now there's writers there's people doing all of the stuff that needs to to be done from the blog so that I can focus on YouTube and actually teach and that's the one thing that I you know can't Outsource is me myself so I've built this to a 300 000 a month passive income machine with five revenue streams through affiliate marketing ads courses sponsorships all of these different things I have a team of 10 people today it went from just a Blog of me on the side this is part of this it's like how do we grow this on the side as one individual person how do we spend time while we have a full-time job and grow it to something big and I'm on Pace to make four million dollars in 2022. I'm creating and trying to teach what I call the unkillable machine so how do how to create something on the side in the background of your life that is personalized to you that you can actually do that isn't a scam it's not Drop Shipping it's not Amazon FBA it's something that you can actually build for yourself in the background of your life and can make you money and change your life and you can grow it to you know as high as you want with no Revenue ceiling so just for some proof because people always ask this stuff I wanted to show this in this video so this is so far January to the end of April of 2022. as you can see top line revenue my accountants categorize this stuff revenue is 1.25 million dollars and net operating income was 1.05 million dollars so that's an 83.8 profit margin which is insane when you think about most restaurant profit margins are like six or seven percent so we're talking about highly profitable businesses here that we can run and here's you know I tried to blur out some stuff here but you can see uh this is my Chase business checking account it's my name my admin for Adventures LLC you can see that in this month specifically there was 356 thousand dollars deposited we can get get some of these and see like okay there's partner stack in there at 14 000 there's stripe Wix paid me 4200 wave it'll go down the list but you can see that's like an actual bank statement I just want to prove that this stuff is possible so is this for you is building a blogging business for you well if you're new to the online business world but don't like the advice you see then this is for you because that's why I exist I wanted to prove that it's still possible not being an old blogger from 2010 who still teaches the same outdated advice but somebody who started in 2019 who is still in the trenches who was just a couple years removed for from where you are and wants to teach it this is for you if you've tried to make money online before and failed I've tried five different times before I finally put all the pieces together to make it work I've tried Drop Shipping I've tried building a Blog I tried different things but building it was like piecing together a puzzle and I finally made it work based on my career based on learning these things and I want to teach it so if you're interested in building a truly Stable online business this is for you because this isn't some viral hit on YouTube or growing an Instagram following this is a stable business I've made over sixty thousand dollars a month for the past 24 months in a row and it's only been going up and being stable traffic fluctuations don't really matter when you have a stable business if you want to make a few grand a month or a few hundred grand a month this is for you because I've done both if you're scared of putting yourself out there then this is especially for you because when we start building online businesses whether it's YouTube Instagram Tick Tock agencies blogging we have to put ourselves out there a little bit we deal with imposter syndrome so blogging is a great entry point because you're not showing your face like you are on YouTube I was I would not be comfortable starting with YouTube three years ago I wouldn't be ready for it but building the blog helped me kind of push through that imposter syndrome until I could get to a point where I'm actually comfortable doing this stuff so if you're shy you can still build a Blog and kind of do it on your own without talking to anybody and just sending emails and building and writing content so first we have to talk about what blogging is and is not today because there's a lot of misconceptions when it comes to blogging blogging is not writing blogging is not a creative project where you're just writing all these different things it's not a get rich quick scheme it's a data driven way to make money in the 2020s it's a building a passive income machine so this isn't log on to the days of like writing content to an audience updating them about your life and then building an audience and then eventually selling them something blogging today is a way to be a middleman in this Evergreen engine ranking on Google and funneling traffic and making affiliate commissions and AD Revenue it's building true influence not some fake Instagram influence but you can be a real influencer even though I hate that word my blog generates over a million dollars many months for software companies and that's influence if I can influence millions of dollars of purchase decisions that's influence not an instagramer with two million followers that can't sell a t-shirt so you're building real influence and Authority online with a website blogging is also only getting bigger so Google is search is just continuing to rise think about all the people searching for products on Google using Amazon buying things online that is not going anywhere so the websites that are out there are making more money than they ever have before we just need to update our strategies for the 2020s and blogging is being a business owner not a tortured writer this isn't Being Earnest Hemingway this isn't changing every single blog post to be its own unique thing you don't have to be a good writer it's about assembling content in a templatized way in a data-driven scientific way that can make you money and it's one of the only businesses you can easily Outsource so you can truly be a business owner and not just a middle manager or a person that has to do everything because you can effectively slowly Outsource it when you start trickling in Revenue you can slowly build this thing in the background of your life while you have a full-time job it's one of the only things you can do that podcasting YouTube all these things that take a ton of time blogging is not that blogging is truly though when we think about and sum it up it's being the middle man or woman between a search and a purchase someone thinks of something in their head they type it into Google it could be a product like the best laptops best credit cards best camping gear best kitchen knives best whatever and blogs are the middlemen recommending those products and services and making money it's great to be a middleman Uber is a middleman doordash is a middleman GrubHub is a middleman they make a lot of money so blogs are the personal brand version of that that can make you a middleman between a search and a purchase that's the whole monetization path so they make money first through affiliate marketing so when you Google something like podcast hosting and I show up number one for that that's searched a good amount of times every month funnels to my article on the best podcast hosting and when you look at it you can see that it's pretty much formatted the exact same way as every single other article that's a list post with these companies and formatting and table of contents and then you can see here that there's a call to action sentence with affiliate links and a button that's it that article makes over ten thousand dollars a month every single month and then we have something like screenwriting software so I wrote one on that I don't really you know I'm not a screenwriter I have a couple bodies that are in the film industry but I rank for best screenwriting software and as you can see again this one has ads on it and there's an affiliate link on there and a sponsorship so that one makes about 2500 a month every month or another random thing that's ranking and funneling traffic and making money then you can find unique opportunities in your Niche that you may have never heard of so here's one I rank for called best OCR software so I use search SEO tools to find this I didn't know what it was optical character recognition software apparently but I rank for that and I have some brands in there and I make about fifteen hundred and two thousand dollars a month with this post every single month so you start to see the power of just knowing these random keywords ranking for them and templatizing a Blog in the same way every single time so it's about assembling content based on monetizable keywords it's not about writing it's about putting things in the way that Google likes to see them for the right keywords that can make you the most money so it's actually pretty simple so here is how to find money making keywords in your Niche well here's the truth first 16 to 20 of Google searches every year are brand new so when we think about the billions maybe even trillions I don't know of Google searches that happen every single second on Earth well if you take all of them in a year 16 to 20 of them have never happened before so that means that new blogs can be created and take part in this because timing is a big crucial component of keyword research that a lot of people don't talk about you have to rank for keywords but timing is really important so if you can get in on something earlier than a Big Brand then you have you are poised to make more money from that keyword so there's a lot of new opportunities every year there's a lot of new products being created that need reviews and comparisons so there's always new opportunities in blogging it's never saturated when there's just so many new products being created the key is to find emerging keywords in your Niche emerging and trending product care categories think about yourself like Shark Tank if you are on Shark Tank the TV show you wanted to pitch a new product for an e-commerce product they have a lot of e-commerce brands on there would you say I created this new refrigerator and it has an ice machine and it puts products in and you can keep things cool they'd be like why are you creating this this existed 50 years ago the same thing is true with blogging we don't want to write about things that existed 15 years ago that's why things that are really hard to rank for were written 15 years ago like best web hosting best vpns some of these things that blogs you know have already written about we need to find the new and emerging stuff and the new technology in the niche the new products that's what's going to keep us pushing forward and make more money with our blogs so one way to do that is finding the best keywords based on search volume keyword difficulty and cost per click so the first thing I'm going to cover here is just finding these keyword opportunities to create blog posts to write about so one target keyword one blog post so I'm gonna go to hrust keyword Explorer and I'm going to find keywords and let me just show you one on my blog really quickly so if we look at like something like website Builders we see that you know it's not it's optimized in the exact same way as all my other you know business software posts so these are review posts that give a certain number of products and have affiliate links throughout and rank for different things now we can see that the keyword here is best website builder it's in the URL it's in the title title the H1 which is the title it's in the introduction right there and it's throughout the content boom and it's the first H2 heading what is the best website builder it has the top picks for the best ones and it's very structured and formatted but it's based on that one target keyword there's not only five or ten Target keywords for this blog post I'm targeting that specific one so we have to Target remember one keyword one blog post and how do we find them well we can use a tool like hrefs and we can put in the word best because best signifies comparative content I want us to look for the best mattress the best uh Studio lighting equipment anything uh best is typically in that search so if I go to the matching terms tool it's going to bring me a ton of different stuff but I could look up like less best laptops best laptop let's say and I can see all the different variations with this matching terms tool to see which ones are also here so there's probably best gaming laptops best uh yeah best gaming laptops best laptops for college deals and we can look at these things based on the search volume so the amount of times that people search it every month the difficulty so what competitive sites are already ranking for it how hard is it to rank how many links do you need all of that and then we can see the cost per click so how valuable is it are any Brands bidding on that in AdWords what if we wanted to find like easy stuff to rank for well we could just take the difficulty down and say the max can be 10 Max of 10 difficulty which means they're finding keywords that are easy to rank for so I'm going to also exclude the word buy because Best Buy is in there a lot and I'm going to also remove Reddit because sometimes Reddit uh excuse the result but let's look at this one best gaming laptop under 1500 best gaming laptop under 2000 let's look at best gaming laptop under 2000 we can start to look at this stuff from a data and analytics standpoint and see that the keyword difficulty is six it's not hard to rank for the volume is 800 which is pretty good and then let's see who's ranking so this is key like looking at the competition seeing what's ranking finding these opportunities based on look at this site very low Authority so domain rating is a number on a scale from zero to 100 based on the authority of the website how hard are they to outrank and that's based on backlinks it's based on referring domains to that site so we see like if there's sites you've never heard of on page one ranking that's a good sign that you can too so like iLab never heard of it laptop 251 my laptop Guide Salt money all these low Authority sites ranking on page one for something like that and all you have to do then is like if you look at one of these random articles I assume that they're going to be sending affiliate links to look at this this is a Blog they have ads on their article as well so you can do ads plus affiliate links and then you can see like they're just listing these laptops and then you can check it on Amazon and see and then they get a commission on every sale through Amazon look at that fifteen hundred dollars so they can make a solid commission ranking with no links or anything like that just finding these opportunities or what if we wanted to look up and you know that so that's like the technology that you can look laptop you can find these opportunities but if I was going to start a golf blog I would just search for best golf and then here's all my articles I would write best golf balls shoes clubs bags irons drivers rangefinders grips you get the point if you are a blogger there's only two types of posts that you ever need to write best posts these transactional product Roundup posts whatever you want to call them and then informational posts so those two those two together is all you need so best golf balls golf shoes all the equipment in the niche and then if you look up like how to golf with the matching terms tool it's going to say how to hold a golf club swing grip hit play golf clean you there's literally 50 articles right here if you're a golfer that you could start writing and ranking for and it's all about how to do stuff in the niche so you can be a teacher that's what bloggers are they teach and then to do the stuff you probably need products so then you review the products every Niche has these it's super easy two types of keywords to look for and you can find them so what about like best couch if you're in uh you know let's say you love going away uh you know buying things on Wayfair and you love Home Decor and design but what if we did the same thing with that the keyword difficulty we maxed it out at 10 and we see what opportunities are there we'll look at this best couch under 500 best inflatable couch that's an interesting one no difficulty score super low the cost per click doesn't even you know really exist and we'll see who's ranking on this there's a site Furniture no domain Authority they probably have barely any links to their site at all brand new looking site or Rhythm of the home never heard of it the never heard of that you know these tiny Niche sites are ranking for this stuff getting traffic for these terms and all they're doing is you know sitting here monetizing these unique keyword opportunities in a niche and making money from affiliate marketing by sending people to different products so that exists in almost every single Niche like every single Niche has these opportunities that's in a nutshell you know looking for best keywords with search volume keyword difficulty and cost per click so that is one way that you can find keywords to make money in your Niche using a tool like ahrefs then what you've got to do is create the content assembly line so okay so we know that we need to create these articles we know we need to structure them inform them and format them the exact same way every single time well here's the truth like you need to add a lot of stuff into your content calendar because a Blog by itself is not going to be successful you can start with you know one to five posts but over time every single blog post is like its own mini business so you need to keep building a process for this so that you can assemble these posts as quickly as possible on the side of your full-time job basically we it would be great if we could publish five of these articles a week maybe we just do one and that's enough if you can publish one article a week that is progress that's 52 articles in a year but we need to do it in a templatized way to make maximum use of our time so what we first do is add what I call the content assembly line so Henry Ford created the assembly line it's it's a structured process to move things through production and content works the same way so the first step is adding these keywords into your content calendar simple spreadsheet Google Sheets add the keyword in there so you don't forget about it you can put columns for like search volume if you want you can also think about what's the price of the product is there Revenue potential there is it an expensive product maybe that has priority over a lower one so ideally it would have good search volume low difficulty and it would be an expensive product so you put all these things into your content calendar and you prioritize based on the opportunity like I just said and then what you do first is you write a templatized minimum viable post so this is kind of the startup world that I like minimum viable post is a startup term like minimum viable products so we don't want to write a 10 000 word article if we don't know it's going to rank because that's the truth we don't know everything is going to rank so we create a minimum viable version of this so maybe it's the top five best gaming laptops under two thousand not twenty not thirty five and we start there and we do that and we create a minimum viable post add the products what do we need to add the affiliate links yet we just want to create something that is published and indexed on Google then we do our on-page SEO so this is a huge component of how you you know tell Google that you are the best article you do that based on where you put the keywords so like I showed you you have it in the title in the intro in the H2 heading throughout the content then you use a tool like Surfer SEO Surfer SEO literally shows you exactly where to put the keywords so if I go to Surfer SEO so this article is one we were using on how to use zoom zoom and you can use a tool like Surfer SEO and it literally tells you your exact content score how many times to add every single specific keyword in there because semantic keywords are important so Google's machine learning is getting smarter and smarter and they expect articles to be robust and full of helpful content and semantic keywords are thematically related keywords so we want to rank for this main term how to use zoom well Google will assume that if the article is about how to use zoom there should be all these other semantic keywords in here like meetings tab waiting room schedule meetings meeting details Zoom rooms so throughout your content as you're writing it you put these words in in you know places that make sense as you're kind of assembling this content in the same way every single time and it gives you a score and it increases and it increases your chances of ranking not everybody is using this stuff and it tells you exactly how many headings you need images paragraphs all of that so it makes it super easy and you use these on-page SEO tools to do that you can also use a tool like grammarly to improve your writing so again we don't have to be great writers because there's tools out there to help us Surfer SEO it tells us the keywords to put in the right places and you can do it pretty quickly and then you use it to like grammarly and it tells you like this is a use of passive voice all the typos don't worry about typos or grammatical errors you can have a free grammarly account and just use that and then make sure the grammarly score is good no one's going to judge you for punctuation errors or spelling errors or anything like that you're not going to have any because you're using that so on-page SEO is really important then you publish the article and you view your initial Google search rankings so you might publish something and you're on page four okay then what do I do well maybe I'll update it a little bit I'll go from five companies to seven products you know and see what happens I'll make it better I'll improve the server score maybe you start at 75 and you get it to 80. I'll make it a little bit better and improve the intro you do these little things to update the post if you think it's viable and it starts ranking maybe it starts on page two you update it and get it to page one and then if it's really competitive if it's something that you know can make you a ton of money and it's really valuable and it's a niche a pillar and it's like one of those really valuable posts and you might need to build links to it but not every single post needs links only the ones that are really competitive but here's the truth none of your posts will rank we can't predict these things we can't say I am this certain type of blogger and I'm going to force all this stuff to work Google doesn't work that way so you start to get some traffic you start to build you know a Knowledge Graph and expertise in a certain area then you start ranking content easier in that area but we can't force it so now everything will rank so how do we create it in the fastest time frame possible how do we rank the most blog posts in the shortest time frame well we create a Content assembly line so that's kind of what it looks like it's like keyword research first get your keyword in there write your minimum viable post number one then you get your initial ranking then you can update it over time and continually improve your rankings get to page one add your affiliate links in boom monetization and each blog post is like its own mini business so I don't think of a Blog as an entire blog and then you just add ads and everything to your blog each article on its own is its own mini business so there's really two paths in vlogging we cover the keyword research and content so that's content writing on page SEO making sure Google likes it it's formatted the right way with the right headings the goal is to publish content the speed of publishing velocity is on you you can publish one article a week or you can publish two articles a week some big media sites publish 20 articles a day you know it depends on how much scale money and leverage you have but we can all start this stuff simply and easily with just you one person publishing content maybe one article a week that's all you can aim for that's fine because that is progress that is better than nothing and you will be able to rank for some things over time so that's path number one path number two is link building so link building is the other ranking Factor when it comes to ranking online so Google has you know a ton of different ranking factors one is everything on the page so they've basically their search engine spiders scan the page they see the words they see the headings the structure all of that that's something that can be scientifically done and taught and you know done easily and without much effort like it takes time but like anyone can do that it's not that hard it's not rocket science then there's also link building so much like Google looks at the Articles to see the words on the page it also scans every single link and everything and how all websites interact with each other so if New York Times links to your blog about something that is a sign of trust in Google's eyes and they're more likely to rank you because you're a more trusted source of information that's what Google wants to to rank is like safe content that they can trust and links are really the only Authority metric that can really quantify that you know you anyone can write articles anyone can put key words in the right places but not everybody can get links so you can build a Micro Niche site without many links but link building is a crucial component of building a Blog so that's things like guest blogging link Partnerships the off-page SEO getting other websites to link to your blog by building real Authority and influence in the real world sending emails sending LinkedIn messages you know getting out there and pushing your Authority forward with the goal of getting links because that's another ranking Factor so you need to master these first before Outsourcing anything so it's really you know these are the two disciplines in blogging if you're going to spend time doing stuff these are the two things you spend your time on so let's talk about links link building has been taught wrong for many years so links are an exchange of value so when we think about link building there's always these individual link building tactics that are taught like do this uh you know guest blogging or find articles in this blog and do this technique and ask for links this way and send this perfect email message and it doesn't work because it all of this stuff misses the psychology behind it so links are in exchange of value if I can get a link from a big site it links to my blog and then I rank for stuff well that has a real value in the real world people are not going to just give you that for free so there's a lot of psychology behind it they're like the currency of the internet so how do we get more currency and how do we get links well you know we can create posts that are linkable we can try to get passive links by creating posts on like statistics that people might need or Trends or new research yes but when we're first starting out as a new blogger and our domain Authority is zero and we're not really ranking for anything yet we need to do active link building ourself and to do that we need to understand the value of links we need to understand the psychology behind them and we need to start building some for ourselves so if they're valuable then we can't just ask for them be like you know I want links given to me for free we have to actually be able to give other people links we have to have value in that way so ultimately links past Authority from page to page and website to website so internal links pass value from one article to another much like our New York Times or linking to your blog it shows up and passes value to you the truth is not every post needs links but posts that make you life-changing money probably need links to them so if you're going to rank for something like like I do for like podcast hosting well I got a lot of links to that post and proved a lot of value and got some big big articles to link to me based on Outreach and doing these methods so we can create tiny Niche sites but a lot of people are scared of Link building because they don't know how to do it it's the most difficult part of all of this so we could either live on the sidelines and never do it or we could actually just realize it's not that hard it's just a numbers game of sending some messages to people that are pretty templatized and easy also so we might as well just do it and not be scared of it so how do we get links we build a link building machine there's the content assembly line and there's the link building machine so when we talk about the link building machine I think that I like to say it that guest posts are the engine and Partnerships are the fuel so when you're writing a guest post you reach out to a site you say I would like to write an article for your blog and in that you can write an article that is good for Their audience they like it it's penned by you you have the author bio and you can link to your own blog in that guest post so that link passing from the other blog to yours gives you Authority and gets you SEO value you can link to the home page in the author bio and you also want to link one to two times to your own blog in the content itself because those are more valuable so that's simple that's creating an article linking from this website to yours sending it into Google doc um and it's pretty structured and templated way however Partnerships are also the fuel so going back to that how do we expand this further because that sounds like a lot of work like writing articles for my blogs and writing guest posts I don't want to do all of that I don't want to write write articles for other sites too so there are hidden ways that this can be done and this is something that I don't just share openly on YouTube all the time this is because we're in the master class we're in the free training I want to give this stuff out we'll get to it your Authority is a byproduct of consistent Outreach via linked in an email you create a templated type of message and you just hammer it out there to content managers people in your Niche and you don't give up that is key and then they eventually you'll have a response rate maybe five to ten percent of them will accept a guest post by you you go through the whole process and this will start naturally evolving over time so you build up your LinkedIn you know you start reaching out to people and bloggers and other companies in your Niche you can reach out to the sites that you'd want to be an affiliate for so for example if you are a outdoor person and you want to start a camping Blog then REI would be the ideal link so you reach out to the content manager at REI say your camping blogger tell them your story see if they're accepting guest posts you'd love to collaborate on content so you get this templated message that we teach you send it to the party and then you can do the guest post and then you start building these relationships you keep it open you can say like I'd love to collaborate with you Partnerships you could even jump on a zoom call if you want or never and just email them so you can always stay behind the computer and email but these relationships start evolving and then you keep sending messages out and then you might talk to another blogger in your Niche and then you say they are doing guest posts and then maybe you trade links and you do all of these different things but Outreach is the way to build Authority you have to build relationships even though the relationships behind email and they're not that real you can get links from them and they help build your Authority in the real world so here's an easy way to do link building you write a guest post and you link back to your blog pretty simple more advanced okay you write a guest post and then you trade links with other people doing guest posts that also link to you so you reach out to other blogs you say hey you're doing guest posts too all right here's top five URLs that I'm looking to get links to if you can link to my articles in your guest posts that you do from your Outreach I will also link to you in mine because the truth is in a guest post let's say it's 1500 words or something you can fit probably 10 links in there so you want to optimize them I did this a lot in my early days of blogging so I linked to myself a couple times then I linked to Big influencers that I wanted to work with other websites that I wanted to work with and said hey when that just was the snowball effect of Outreach so I'm like hey I would like to do a guest post for you by the way I linked to you five times in these articles these things are valuable so the more that you can do them the more guest posts you have going in progress trades being made it's just a crazy Snowball Effect of authority more advanced you build Partnerships with real Brands and ask for link placements in Old articles based on Leverage there's a lot in that sentence so let me unpack that this one is a little bit further along once you have a little bit of domain Authority and you've built some links but then once you start ranking for Content you have leverage you have the ability to generate sales from your blog so then you can go to the companies that might want to be added to your blog and you say yes I can do these things for you I can add you to this article on the best camping gear the best kitchen knives or whatever it is the best software and but forever I would like to write a guest post for you or actually better yet I want you to can you add a link to me to your blog and then you can say I can find the spot for you to make it easy I can specify it and then you go back to one of their highest Authority pages in hrefs and you look at it and you say I want a link from this article here's the anchor text please link to my Vlog here and then when if you do that I'll add you to this post or you know I'll move you up in this article or these other things that start building leverage into your real business and trading links that way now it's kind of a deep nuanced subject like much of blogging is so we don't want to always do one-to-one link exchanges there's a lot of things there's a lot of black gray areas in this so there's Nuance to it that's why we teach it very specifically in our community how to do it let's go to the most advanced so this is what I did as well you get a freelancer or an agency to write the guest post for you and allow them to add a link to each one so what if you found another blogger who was starting a blog kind of similar maybe in a niche somewhat similar to yours and there were freelance writer as well and what if you do the pitching so you pitch all the guest posts and all the Outreach but then they do all the writing and when they do the writing and you get the Google Doc back you allow them to add one link to their own blog in it people do this all the time so there's ways to trade this stuff and to accelerate the expansion of your link building thinking outside the box not just doing okay I'm just going to do guest posts No guest posts should not be a majority of your links but the whole point of this the whole point of Link building is to make it seem like you were not involved in the link building so that is the whole thing no we do not want every single link pointing to your website to have your face as the guest author that would make it seem like you like yourself too much what we need is random links that have no traceability random things that are authoritative and linking to you that aren't really related to you so what if a random person that you you know met writes a guest post for another site and links to you well how would they ever Trace that back to you or what if you have leverage I did this once with uh square and Wix so I wanted a link from Square I was talking to square and there are managers there and they said no you know we don't uh we don't do our own content we don't do links but we also manage the Weebly blog it was Weebly so we could link to you from the Weebly blog so I found an authoritative page I added a link in and the article is like 10 10 years old or something or no I think it was from 2016 and I have an Old Link in there my blog didn't even exist back then but you can get these links and then that link placement it can never really be traced back so the whole point is we need to think differently when it comes to link building content's easy we can write the stuff on the page we can do all of that but there's Advanced ways to do link building and it's not that difficult it's just kind of starting to get your feet wet in it understanding the concepts of it understanding the value of links you know if I look at a site and I see I've seen agencies charge for links a thousand dollars a link two thousand dollars a link some travel agent uh websites are paying like three thousand dollars per link for high quality links so they're very valuable and the more that you start reaching out and doing guest posts like would I rather spend would I rather get 500 bucks or get a good link I would rather get a good link that's the value of them because you can rank content with them so with that said blog monetization is ultimately a byproduct of your content and Link building efforts and it's easy if you master the two disciplines content and links on page SEO with these tools and some link building you will your blog will be monetized most people don't know how to do the link building stuff and use these tools this way and format it exactly I understand how to format content exactly because I worked for a high growth Tech startup that had the best people in the world at SEO like that's why everything of mine ranks it's because I use the best tools I format it the best way and I do link building better than anyone else so if you can take some of that a little bit of that and build it into your Niche you will be successful you will be able to monetize your blog so here's your blog monetization timeline so there are a lot of ways to make money blogging affiliate marketing ads courses sponsored posts email newsletters whatever it is but we don't want to scrape pennies off the floor versus a hundred dollar bills so I see this a lot where people start a blog they have five posts and they're like I want to join AdSense and I'm gonna make five cents a day it's like hold on let's just expand the timeline a little bit focus our efforts on content and Link building to get traffic much higher for good keywords and then we will make hundreds of dollars thousands of dollars and not focus on monetization right away so I tell people don't focus on monetization right out of the gate yes we're focused on monetizable keywords yes we're focused on the right content strategy from the beginning but not necessarily monetizing it until we get traffic if you expand your timeline success is inevitable if you follow these strategies and you do this content stuff and the link building you will make money it's that simple there's so many opportunities in every Niche with these keywords but you can't make money like overnight blogging is not made like that and everyone chases shiny objects so everyone wants to get rich in 90 days they want to do Drop Shipping Amazon start an agency start Tick Tock go viral here viral there invest in crypto throw all your savings into crypto and just have no control over what happens I just please I try to help people like you have to put some work in this is not you know nobody not everybody's doing this because it requires the right strategy implemented for a period of time now that period of time you could make money in three to six months you could make enough money to quit your job in a year but you have to do stuff to build the passive income machine so if you just expand your timeline and say you know what I want to build something for myself and I want to do it over the next two to five years and I'm just going to put a little bit of work in and I know that at the end of that timeline I Could Be A Millionaire well if you put the consistent work in you can be but most people quit before they finish building the passive income machine in the first place so success is inevitable if you just expand your timeline a little bit affiliate marketing in this blog monetization timeline is the first path because it dictates your content strategy so we can write anything under the Sun but affiliate marketing and these opportunities keywords that can make us more money can dictate the Articles you write on your blog so it might as well be the first path that you take you don't need an existing audience you start building content it has much higher Roi than ads so ads ads are like the last resort of monetization think about cooking blogs and recipes that are littered with ads it's because you're not going to buy anything on that you're not going to click an affiliate link and purchase something when you're looking at a chicken soup recipe but they want to make passive ad Revenue so don't focus on ad Revenue out of the gate focus on affiliate marketing you can make 10 times 20 times 30 times the revenue per visitor from affiliate marketing than you can with ads and that comes down to search intent and what people are searching for and affiliate marketing is the first Revenue stream of many so it's the first one for me I love it because it takes your power back in this digital economy I can funnel money rank for Content funnel money from Brands Rank and compete with these Brands and make money as a personal brand and it's the foundation it's the backbone of the business it was and now I have other revenue streams but it's the first one so how affiliate marketing works there's affiliate links so affiliate links are basically a unique tracking link just unique to you so if I go to my website and I go to this you can see that there's different affiliate links throughout so like xero there's Wix so we see like I added one here in the actual content and then I have another one I add so it's templatized we teach this stuff exactly how to do it so I have this is like the company then what it's best for then my unique take this is a Gutenberg block that's very easy to create then it's you know main sentence uh unique value proposition sentence what it is best known for affiliate link here and you just basically select the text get the affiliate link from the program and then paste it in and then if we scroll down there's some features user experience pricing these different templates that you can use and then get started with Wix look I'm even missing a freaking period here and there's a button this stuff you know perfectionism is the enemy of all of this let's just face it but these are affiliate links so affiliate links are interesting because they are uniquely trackable so if you join a program it'll be like user 74897824jq and that's your affiliate link and every time somebody clicks on that and goes to Wix they know it came from you because it's a uniquely identified link and there's also what's called a cookie duration so in a user's browser if they click your affiliate link that stores the cookie in their browser and they know that they clicked your affiliate link so they don't even have to purchase it right away they could purchase it 30 60 or 90 days later and you still get credit for that sale so that's the power of affiliate marketing you're getting credit for stuff later on and that's the cookie duration that's set by the individual affiliate program and there's commission rates and terms so if you're in software that could be 10 to 20 to 30 percent recurring commission so every time that somebody signs up for software you get paid every single month based on how long they stay a customer so some of the you know the biggest ones I'm making money from is 30 to 40 recurring commission so every time somebody signs up for an affiliate link like if they go to best webinar software and they sign up through an affiliate link and they become a customer I get paid every single month for that customer so if my blog were to just blow up and explode and go away I would still be making money because um I have credit for all of those recurring customers and then in like e-commerce you know maybe products you're in camping or outdoor or indoor kitchen gadgets that's more one-time recurring one-time commissions so that can be 10 of the product so we want to look for higher ticket products and all these different things affiliate marketing is really easy you join affiliate programs so you search for company plus affiliate program you know Dick's Sporting Good affiliate program then you fill out a form name company name if you don't have a company yet just put your name it's fine email address I recommend you use a company email address or a domain name email address so it's Adam and Freud it's mine would be like you know there might be a question or two hit submit they'll approve you or not typically they'll approve you you join the program you get to the dashboard then you add your affiliate links you copy the affiliate link you paste it in you can see all your traffic your clicks your Commissions in there and exactly what's going on super simple to use but here's the truth you need to join a lot of affiliate programs to build a stable passive income machine we don't want to be reliant on one or two and you should also have a keyword first approach to affiliate marketing not a company first approach so what I mean by that is you should use the tool like ahrefs and do the keyword research first to spot the opportunities and then find the affiliate opportunities this isn't a thing where it's like I want to promote Bluehost I'm going to start I'm going to join their affiliate program then I'm going to figure out how to promote them later and I'm going to add them to my resources page that no one views and I'm going to add them to my email newsletter that not many people are on or aren't interested in this is all based on search intent so when I talk about a keyword first approach it starts by going after the right product category keywords unique new ones in the niche you know that thing like best inflatable so far or best gaming laptop under 2000 then you find the opportunities after that so you can Google the term look at the competition what affiliate links already exists what companies are there and then put that in so it's not like join an affiliate program and then create the content it's create the content based on keyword research and then join the affiliate program after the fact affiliate marketing is a numbers game so you can do back to the napkin math so basically a 10 Commission on a five thousand dollar treadmill is worth more than a five percent commission on a three dollar pair of socks so that's just how the world works but it's all a numbers game it's all based on having a good amount of Articles out there consistently making you know ad revenue and affiliate Revenue so you want to join programs that are high ticket or recurring because we don't want to just make a few dollars we want to make life-changing money recurring is great because it builds the base that's pretty much in software which is really competitive High ticket is also you know High ticket when I mean it's just basically high priced products so luxury watches or like IRAs people that you know affiliate make affiliate commissions for IRAs they might make 10 of a 500 000 Ira that somebody signs up for so think a little bigger think outside the box but those are the two types of programs that you would want to join and this is how the internet works things that can make a lot of money are the most competitive so things that exist a lot of people search for and are very expensive are going to be the most competitive things online with the biggest Authority sites and like New York Times and all these major Authority sites writing about it so again success goes back to finding new and emerging keywords in your Niche that you can actually rank for so how do you monetize your blog you need to find these product categories that aren't too competitive yet and can still make you good money that's key it goes back to keyword research you can also find informational posts to start generating ad Revenue so when we're talking about the transactional post we can always look for the word best plus our products you can use like ahrefs you can use Google Trends you can use Google Keyword Planner you can use these different tools but informational posts also are good there's not direct transactional search intent when someone's searching how to golf they're not going to buy a golf club there's not transactional intent but blogs can provide that information about golfing and you can make a lot of AD Revenue because those things are searched a lot so you can look for like ideas posts business ideas kitchen ideas dining room ideas dinner ideas those are perfect for ad Revenue so find these ideas how to types of different informational search intent in your Niche maybe if you're in Fitness it's exercises so hip exercises uh lat exercises glued exercise shoulder exercises look for those just different things to build ad Revenue into your plan and monetization is based on intent so if it's broad search where you're not sure what they want they're not going to buy something or go through an affiliate link that's great for ads if they're searching for something transactionally where there's a product involved like best laptops that's for affiliate Revenue comes in but here's the thing success comes from understanding all of this so how do we do keyword research if we don't understand affiliate marketing how do we do search intent and content creation if we don't know how to do keyword research how can we make money blogging if we don't understand what makes money in the first place so all of this stuff works together it's like a flywheel effect so you need to know keyword research you need to know search intent to format the article correctly create the content know how affiliate marketing works and this kind of goes back to your Niche so all of this stuff works together to build success but what about your Niche how do you choose your Niche that's the first question I always get and it's by far the most common question I get well here's the truth the niche is you you are the only thing that you won't quit when it comes to all these business ideas and joining a video like this to make money and watching a free training you are the only thing that you won't quit not a niche site a Amazon business A Drop Shipping Company print on demand company agency or anything else you you are the thing you won't quit so we created What's called the authority of flywheel and this is how to actually choose your Niche so you can be in anything it can be based on your hobbies your experiences your interests but this is the way to do it because this has also been taught wrong for so many years they say start with something you're passionate about and write content and you'll love it but guess what passion does not equal money passion might keep you going a little bit but if you're not making money and you're not getting any traffic and there's no significance and it's just a niche site you're going to quit so the best type of blog to build for yourself is something based around you if you see yourself on the home page of a website what are you saying what Niche are you in and ultimately at the beginning we just have to pick a broad one so not like smart home devices but just technology or not email marketing software but just software or not kitchen gadgets but just Home Products right so we can you know start Broad and we start with the brand of you building that so that starts with you that starts with you and that's your unique identity you are a unique individual you are only you no one else is you so if you see your face on the website what are you talking about you you are also a unique flow of experiences in the world niches change search volume changes people products come and go so you need to be adaptable the whole point of success is the ability in a startup world to Pivot and change and adapt the content strategy the link building strategy all the strategies need to be able to do that and to do that we base the niche on you now we think about your expertise do you have professional experience in a certain area maybe you're a photographer or a lawyer or something like that so what experience do you have some people say I have no expertise I'm not an expert in anything I challenge you that you are because even if you have one step above a beginner you are an expert to them I was not an expert on blogging when I first started I was not an expert on YouTube when I first started but I was honest and I told where I was and I shared the journey that I went on and vulnerability sells so you have expertise somewhere and you can find it and then we also have to look at the market so this is really important this is taking into account affiliate opportunities search volume those things in hrefs like how big is it like if it's something like if we're just talking about golf for example it's like want to talk about putting I'm going to start putting blood well it's like well that's too small or I want to start a allergy friendly dog blog it's like well that's probably too well that might be too small too or you know a specific type of dog breed Block it's like Elevate yourself a little bit we don't have to live in the world of tiny Niche sites with these new strategies in the 2020s content and Link building you can become a major force in your Niche and not be a tiny Niche site so don't just think about like I'm going to start a vegan pet dog food blog it's like that's a little bit too small so we look at the whole picture we can look in and validate the niche based on using tools like hrefs seeing how many you know we need to write let's say 100 articles over the next couple of years are there 100 articles you can write is there enough money to be made so that's what we have to answer with that and then your leverage so we all have different starting lines in our life we could be starting from nothing and no experience no professional experience or we could have some professional experience and a lot of Industry connections but if you do you might as well use that to your advantage so don't ignore it I've seen a lot of people that you know I'm a lawyer and I want to I want to start they don't want to start a legal type of blog which could be very successful they want to start like a vegan CrossFit blog because they like it well sometimes that doesn't work out so ultimately the niche is you you use the authority flywheel and then it might come down to like two ideas so it could be like I'm a project manager so I want to do project management but also I really enjoy um you know prepping in survival things you know that's a random example but how do I choose between the Hobby and the the professional experience look for the market opportunities think about what you want to be in five years and just go with that one because these blogs build so much leverage into your life and opportunities arise that you've never even dreamed of when I first started my blog I didn't think I'd ever be on YouTube I didn't think I'd have you know making 300 000 a month I didn't think I'd be on Forbes or Business Insider or entrepreneur articles but all that happened and it was just because I started creating content and look at some of the biggest personal Brands out there so Tony Robbins can write about anything from dating advice to money to health whatever he wants because the brand is him he makes hundreds of millions of dollars doing it or nomadic Matt this is an interesting travel blog and he writes about traveling the world on a budget all kinds of different in countries and places to go and how to do it but it's him it's nomadic Matt is the brand or Tom's guide one of the largest technology blogs in existence started this Tom's guide to technology this is now a multi-million dollar Enterprise and it started as a personal brand writing about camping gear how to do stuff power tools all of it that's a personal brand think about some of the biggest personal brands in the world making money Joe Rogan 100 million dollar Spotify deal he's a person who are your favorite YouTubers maybe Mr Beast that's an individual person people want to buy from people and you are your Niche because you will change you will be different in five years the niches will be different in five years you can't base your entire business and life on a keyword research report or a passion that you might not be interested in a couple years so my question to you is this what have you been building for yourself have you been doing it and how long are you going to sit on the sidelines and not take control of your financial future how long is it going to take you know what is it going to take to actually make you realize that this isn't some 90-day thing to get rich quick that you need to build something in the background of your life and that you can do it it's not that hard but you just need to spend a little bit of time doing it but what is it going to take how long are you going to sit on the sidelines if you're not already doing it all this has been taught wrong for so many years and this is where the problem lies people teaching blogging and how to make money online they all started back in 2010 so you think about the major influencers in the space the people that we've all heard of that have podcasts or that have big websites they started probably 12 to 15 years ago and they teach the same stuff today everyone chases the shiny objects so think about crypto versus blogging people just want to blast their money at crypto and because it's hands off they don't have to do anything but what if you actually took control of your financial future and built something for yourself most people quit before they actually put in the work maybe your blog does need 50 articles over the next year and it's actually pretty fun just creating and stumbling content finding these unique opportunities making money like it becomes the game of money but most people just don't do it most people don't put enough work in traditional online business advice is based on a niche or tactic it's not based on you and that's where the Nuance comes in everything has to be personalized everything in blogging is very nuanced blogging is like you know there's so many different little details none of the details are hard it's like putting together a puzzle you know it took me eight years to figure out all the pieces of the puzzle I had one and then I had the last one hiding under the couch but I finally found it I put it together and then I was like oh putting it in was easy it just clicked into place but I was missing major components for years because I didn't have the knowledge to do this stuff so you know a lot of times it's create this Niche site do this little business build something in 90 days look at all these students successes and you can do it overnight it's like no just build something for you what did you want to be who do you want to become you could start an outdoor blog and instead of just creating a tiny Niche site about paintball or you know camping you could be the outdoor person and your blog would have you on it and you would talk about camping you could talk about skiing and mountain biking and gear and all of that stuff and have all this brand recognition and then you might get a deal with YouTube you could have a Netflix show through this who knows what the you know where this opportunity is going to go but when it's you and when you have the ability to Pivot and adapt not pigeonhole yourself have the creative Liberty to build something that you want to that can actually make you money with the right strategy you have to do it and yeah that's why building a business around you gives you the ultimate freedom to Pivot you need a business that gets you off the content hamster wheel can be built in the background of your life for one to two years so it doesn't take one or two years to make money you can make it in three to six months but you know build something for yourself if you want to become an entrepreneur and become an entrepreneur if you don't you want to just work nine to five the rest of your life do that too but just know that to get to time freedom and passive income and building something you need to spend some time doing it to get there and with the economy the way it is everyone needs a digital backup plan so there's tons of layoffs happening in the startup world and all these different companies and there's a big uh you know Union and workers movement because people are pretty fed up with their jobs and I always was that way I never wanted to live a mediocre life and work for somebody else and I I didn't think that entrepreneurship was for me though because I like the consistency of having a paycheck and I I liked kind of having that but what happens if like you get laid off right this gives you backup in control like building something for yourself whether it's a Blog a YouTube channel just build something for yourself and have that as a backup plan because you know what happens if you lose your job you can't pay the bills and it's like I have this thing I have this blog it's making thousands of dollars a month everyone needs to do this everyone should be doing this but most people aren't because they don't want to put in a little bit of work so here's exactly what to do if you want to get started today you create your blog on WordPress WordPress is the de facto blogging platform no questions asked no you know questions about it like it's it is you create your core four pages so we talk about this there's your about page your home page your blog role archive page and your blog post so it's pretty simple you just create that you set up Google analytics in Google search console so that can be as simple as pasting it and pasting the code in with it with the plugin on WordPress so you get your blog up you get an active blog you know I recommend something like wpx to set it up which is has the best support and best hosting create your domain name put your or you don't have to use your name specifically but your name gives you the ultimate freedom to Pivot you can do something like Tom's guide or nomadic map where it's a different variation but make it broad enough so that you can just create this forever like what if you just never wanted to sell it what if you wanted to build the brand of you and really build it up for the next decade what would that be so that's how you set up your blog you know the interview keyword research so you can do the transactional post to make affiliate Revenue informational posts to support them add keywords into your content calendar start planning it then you create your content assembly line so that is how you're going to structure the content you know adding you only have to do like maybe 250 words a day if you're gonna do one blog post a week just write maybe one company in the review section or you write an intro or the outro whatever you want to do but start creating a system to start sitting down and creating content then create your link building machine so this is something like creating your Outreach templates starting to message people on LinkedIn build up your profile get this going maybe you send five messages a day you just start building it then you start joining the affiliate programs and adding your affiliate links in and in these best of transactional posts try to add them to the top one to three companies in these best articles and then keep joining them over time based on what's ranking seeing things going to page two to page one join the programs add them in it's a trickle effect this whole thing takes time and it's like the more programs you join the more links you add in the more rankings you get the more money you make I'm in over 300 affiliate programs today but it started with one literally started with me joining one then you can write from some informational posts to generate ad Revenue so once you get to 10 000 visitors a month you can join an ad Network which I recommend outside of AdSense you can add banner ads to your site you can dictate what posts they're on and do all that make ad Revenue then once you start making money money like by month three I was Outsourcing a little bit of the writing I hired one writer for very cheap just to help me speed up the content production but once you're trickling in some money you can start Outsourcing some of this stuff so you have to master it first though so Master the templatized writing and then train people to do it but really this is about incrementally growing a real business in the background of your life for the next year or two now you can make money faster than that of course but we want to incrementally build something and this is why this is the success rate can be so high more than any other type of thing more than podcasting or YouTube which can be random or starting some Hands-On agency or an e-commerce brand or something this is the best pass best path because you don't have to get the niche right from the very beginning you build something that is you you build a website for yourself you can pivot and adapt over time you get your feet wet in online business you start creating content you start learning you start Outsourcing you start adapting you start making money and then the opportunities just flow into your life but we want to build a real business for ourselves so we don't want to just scrape pennies off the floor or think that a Blog will make us a hundred dollars a month you can make hundreds of thousands of dollars a month with a Blog I'm proof of it I started in 2019 it is possible but success comes from implementing the right strategy consistently and over time so there's the two passive blogging the content and Link building this is all you have to do add your affiliate links in and you're good it's not that complicated there's just a lot of little details that is all that you have to do and building a profitable blog is like crossing a bridge so this is a bridge this on the left is where you are now and this is Success money passive income maybe leaving your full time job doing what you want with your time but what if a single plank is missing from the bridge then basically you can't cross the bridge no matter how hard you try and this is the unexpected gaps in your knowledge and the nuances of the online business world so there's a lot of little details right how do I set up this website thing how do I get the right domain name synced with the website how do I make a table of contents on my blog a lot of these things that are like easy but a lot of little nuances to figure out and you'll only get as far as your willingness to keep learning so you can keep going and getting far but until you hit an unexpected Gap in your knowledge you'll never cross the bridge and you have to keep learning and keep evolving and you can never get enough knowledge but the most important thing is walking across the damn Bridge so stop talking about the bridge planning to go across the bridge thinking and watching videos about the bridge and just start taking action and just start walking so thank you for watching this free training I condensed as much as I could in my brain in about you know 60 70 80 minutes whatever it was but I really appreciate it thank you for watching the free training if you're ready to get serious about your blogging business you want to make an extra 5K 10K 50k 100K a month with a real online business build something for yourself and if you want the personal analyzed support to get there and you're ready to change your life once and for all you think you can do this the success rate you know maybe for this video you thought maybe 10 maybe we can get you to 80 or more if you want to make some passive income then you need to click the link below this video and enroll in blog growth engine so blood growth engine is the best blogging course in the world I created it I spent a hundred thousand dollars building it there's 40 hours of video content you get unlimited coaching so unlimited one-to-one calls click a calendar link book a call get on a zoom call with somebody to help you live loom video answers keyword research and Link building help weekly q a is a very active community of tons and tons and tons hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of blogging students so it's a very private Community it's an awesome program if you're ready really to take it seriously and take your block to the next level it's the best place to be so make sure to you know click the link below this video check it out on the next page sign up and I will be grateful to see you in that community so thanks for watching and I will see you in another video on YouTube on the Vlog or somewhere else so have a great day
Channel: Adam Enfroy
Views: 244,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start a blog, how to start a blog and make money, how to start a blog step by step for beginners, blogging for beginners, blogging for beginners 2023, how to make money with a blog, blogging for affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing for beginners, blogging for money 2022, how to make money blogging, make money with a blog, make money blogging, blogging and affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing blog, blogging passive income, how to start a blog 2023
Id: IrYwLttQ5Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 57sec (3477 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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