#YoungPreacher Live -February 5th, 2020

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Call right now. I'm Bishop Greg Davis and welcome to young preachers the movement the fifth edition, man, it's hard to believe it's been one whole year since we started young preacher the movement and these programs. Tonight we have over 50 young preachers that is going to share but before we do that, we are going to show you a little bit of past shows because tonight we celebrate one year of young preacher the movement. Tonight we celebrate with 52 new young preachers let's go now and look at the last past year I want to thank pastor Jason and WPJ for taking the journey with me and let's look at the last, past year. The soul purpose of young preacher is to give the young preacher a voice. >> False Christianity going around because we profess Christ but we don't live Christ. >> Why would I want to come to your church and you Judge me on things. >> The good man leaves an inheritance for his children. So people who are discrediting us because we struggled is an insecurity. >> But y'all don't believe there is no struggle in this. >> It's my own. >> Just because of the struggle means we don't have struggle. And as my father you should pave the way for me so that I don't have to have that same struggle. >> I just believe that when you ask the question about the beast in the pulpit and come out I don't think it's about being the beast, I think it's the Holy spirit that takes over. >> I'm sorry, how can you be in the spirit and be a lady after that? >> I truly believe that when we are articulating the word of God and we are articulating the power of God it's the Holy spirit that takes over. >> Keep the main thing the main thing. Stay in God's faith and stay on your faith so that as God gives you vision and God allows you to be exposed to go forward and do what it is he has called you to do that you don't forget about God in the equation. Keep God first. >> It's developing, it's evolving, it all started with a tweet, not the television show. Young preachers are coming to your neighborhood. [Applause] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Come on y'all, come on. Oh, my God. Just think one year ago today we were right here starting something that we just wanted to bring young preachers to talk. Now it's a movement. It's on IG. We checked over 1400 preachers everyday and tonight 50 over 50 new minds new conversations tonight, give it up y'all for each other tonight. Come on. [Applause] I don't need to reiterate the right thinking, you killed it, I don't need to reiterate what the video says we have exciting things and conversations and I want you to help me thank Mr. Kevin Adele, the president and CEO of the Word Network and Mr. Shelf field and all of those who make this a great night tonight we are going to talk about the war within. But before we do that, these two gentlemen right here that you will see walking around tonight pastor YPJ and Austin give God a praise. They are the co-creators and producers. >> We love y'all. >> Pastor could you join the team? [Applause] We got some exciting things that is going to happen tonight and we are going to get to the conversation. Grab your mics, young preachers, our first panel tonight there will be four panels tonight. And we are going to introduce our first panel tonight. Introduce yourself from this half on. >> Christopher Smith from San Antonio, Texas. >> All right. >> Jessica inspire Atlanta, Georgia by way of Augusta Georgia. >> Senior pastor first Najareen, New Jersey. >> I'm from Washington D.C. >> All right. >> Michael from San Antonio Texas. >> From fort Lauderdale, Florida. >> Give it up for them everybody. [Applause] Those of you that are watching by Facebook, we need you to do us a favor, we need you to share it right now, share it and let everybody know we are on. If you have questions and comments we have somebody monitoring for you tonight begin to share the broadcast, welcome from all over the world, all over the country, welcome to young preachers first anniversary program let's get it started in here. Often times especially among young preachers you hear people make the statement I've got now or I've got nix. In your opinion, what do those phrases mean? I've got now, I've got next and which one is it, I've got now, I've got next, is it a little presumptous what is going on with that war on the inside? Pastor? >> I think before we can get to now or next we have to identify our purpose in God, that is essentially important. A lot of times we want to move ahead of God and we have to first walk in the will of God, in the timing of God. So before you can get next you have to make sure you are in the timing and the purpose of God. >> Yes, sir. >> And if I could second that as well, in terms of now and next embracing that season of preparation I take a page from Jesus, Jesus was born, we see his potential the wise men come and bring him gifts and see the potential there. And we see him again in the temple and we hear nothing else until he is 30 and embraced the time and preparation and embracing preparation I think is key for next. >> I think it's important for each and every person you are in life to understand that there is a process you must go through and we have so focused on doing something currently or doing something in the future we don't allow us to go through the process and the shaping and the crushing that God needs to use to prepare us for what is the now and the next for our lives. >> I know you, I know your father Bishop grant and is probably looking, hey, Bishop, when you say that though because I don't hear a lot of millennials and young preachers talk about the process. They said that because my father or my mother or whoever went through that I don't have to go through that but do you believe that it's -- you have your own process to go through? >> Absolutely. I actually became who I am today because I allowed the process to take place. My father being my pastor he didn't allow me to just get an opportunity because I had his name. He made sure I went through the process of learning the Bible and learning what prayer was and worship was. I clean told this before I have mopped and swept before. If you knew the members in our church I do everything, I do video, I do pictures because I understand that if I invest myself in something I will reap the benefit of the benefit. >> Is that because what you saw your father do? >> Yes, I seen him do things the normal pastor doesn't do and having another full time job he was still pastoring 24/7. >> How many of you that is your reality too? You want to add? >> I wanted to add when we say I have next, I have now I think we automatically assume now is my season to step out and go to the world but sometimes saying I've got next I've got now simply means this is my time to say yes now because I can speak where I say I've got next, I've got now it doesn't mean I'm the next voice on the scene and it means I'm Finley giving God yes and it's my season and walking to the manifestation of what God promised me and yielding and saying I've got now, I've got next it's time to step into who God called me to be and we want the success but we don't want the sacrifice and now may be my season of suffer or go through my journey and I've got next, I've got now and it's time for me to give God a yes and do what he taught me to do. >> I also want to piggyback off of the thing of the process. A lot of times as young preachers we find ourselves in a place between the prophecy and the promise. A lot of times we find ourselves getting the prophecy and we want to skip past the process and go directly into the promise but if we can find ourselves in the middle P which is the process then things will become monumental and our lives will begin to see the manifestation of miracles, signs and wonders in this generation like Joseph received the dream and didn't go for having the dream and being over Egypt and once he are graduated from the pit he went to Potifer's then the prison and had to endure the prison and the Bible said they remembered Joseph then he was able to take off his prison clothes, put on the robe and present his self to the king so once we can find ourselves, identify ourselves in the process and stop jumping from the prophecy to the promise things will be monumental in our lives. >> Diamond, let me ask you, do you think that when we hear that when you say I got now, I got next, that to the generation behind you, because I know kind of a little bit about do you think they can sound a little arrogant from a young preacher? >> From a young preacher's standpoint, Bishop is saying because I'm 23. [ Laughter ] I know. >> Absolutely, yeah, I think at times it can seem arrogant depending on what angle you're coming from. When you're saying I have now, I have next as in tomorrow I'm going to take the place, then that's a place of arrogance but when you say I've got next knowing that there is someone who is mentoring me or mentoring and showing the way then you understand there is some humility behind what you're saying >> Okay anybody want to add to that? Yes, sir. >> We should keep a posture of humility. When we say now I think it's in moderation. We should take our time of course. When you look at Jesus went he sent out the Disciples of 70 he gave them power and authority and were excited they were able to cast out demons and came back and still said amongst Jesus as learners and we should keep that posture as a learner and remain teachable. Just because you get exposure and opportunity doesn't mean you will keep that posture as alignment. [Applause] I think you brought up a good point. The other day quickly I put on Facebook and talked about respect and honor and I think we as young preachers take platform and we allow that to propel us in our thought process and we are further along than we really and when we respect honor no matter what we are exposed, no matter where God allows us to preach or teach that is when we find ourselves in that process, in that perfect place to allow patience to have his perfect place. >> It's funny that you said that because I was about to ask you this, I promise you I was about to say you all sitting in this room tonight does that mean you have now or next? [ Laughter ] I'm going to say yes in the context because it's almost like you have to borrow from the promise of the future so we will say speak those things and it's how you are conceptualizing in your mind and means tomorrow I'm waiting for that phone call or for some it may be I may not be where I know it's promising but I will tell myself I've got next, I've got next because Jim said you have to borrow from the promise of the future and sometimes that is the only thing that got me holding and the only thing not causing me to give up on that dream or give up on what God is promising I've got next and I've got next and may not be tomorrow or next week and may be ten years from now but doesn't change the fact I got next. >> Pastor. >> One of the things we have to realize in order to get to the next we have to embrace the past. In addition to that diamond alluded to it we are standing on the shoulders of great people that have come before us. I have my own testimony of that. I served ten years as a pastor in a city and I went from being ten years as a pastor of a system to assisting my pastor for five years and we didn't know when he was going to retire waiting for that particular time. And you just got to understand that in order to get to the future you got to embrace the past and understand that you are standing on somebody else's shoulders. >> Let me -- I asked mark Moore if I could use this and he told me go ahead, Bishop. Everybody know pastor Mark Moore young leaders, he had a post and I said I would love to debate this with you. And he said unc what is it so I'm going to read it I read the post and said the generals are ag getting younger gone are the days to wait until you are 60 to be valid and viable. You're not next. He is saying you're now. You want me to read it again? Let's just sink in. He said the generations are getting younger. The generals are getting younger. He said gone are the days to wait until you're 60 to be valid and viable. You're not next. You are now. And he used some younger preachers, ponder that in your head, he used, I'm just saying can I say the name Matthew Stevenson and I mean, he is leading the Army. He used a pastor Jamal Bryant. He used the new pastor of fell fellowship Reginal-Sharp and it doesn't mean they are generals but it means they are great leaders. What is wrong with being a lieutenant and I'm not saying they are not, why can't they be sergeants so what are you all saying, are the generals getting younger? Yes. >> I totally understand what elder Mark Moore was saying, but contextually as a young preacher who is standing on that respect and honor piece I cannot say that they are yet generals. It's okay with being a general and a making because generals they started off young. They were not always where they are. And Paul and Sylvester Martin with full gospel. I know so we can say we have to be careful when we say just because we are influential that we are generals. But I understand again elder what you are saying. I understand that. >> Saying the same thing. [ Laughter ] I agree with my sister. These are very great men. I adore these men and their movements but I would say being a general and okay let's go back to Joe we talked about the three friends that talked bad about Joe and do not miss Ella who said I was younger and you were older and I did not share because age has was z from and he said I'm going to sit forth and whether they are right or wrong I know my place so to use the word general is a very strong term in the context I get what he is saying but I wouldn't even want to be a general right now. I would want to know there is still someone that I'm looking up to. Still someone that is carrying the torch. >> Because you lead a lot of people are you a general? >> Some things only come with time and experience though. >> I see. >> To answer that question because if you doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a general to lead a lot of people. It's just your level of influence that you have when you think of that the Bible says Saul killed his thousand and David killed tens of thousands so David was not in a position to rule over that specific region but his results were sort of contextually greater than what Saul had. Wanted to piggyback on the piece of the generals and look at the young generals and Matthew Stevenson and pastor sharp and all of these great leaders even though they had high positions they still had people who they were accountable to. >> Right. >> And accountability along with humility plays a big part. As you think about it Saul was the king over the region but his accountability partner was the prophet Samuel and his accountability partner was Nathan and if we understand of a place of humility and our results are paramount we still have to be accountable for someone who ranks higher than us not only in the position but the spirit. [Applause] I think in our culture we do a great job sometimes of making people legends before they actually really are legendary and just making them a go and they have not reach the status of greatest of all times and done amazing things and been impactful while there are time on the clock for them to do things we have never seen. So in relation to those it's not like they have not done great things but I would not say they are generals yet but they will be one day. >> Pastor Jason. >> I want to ask a question and I think sometimes we confuse influence with stature. The Bible says Jesus grew with wisdom and stature and favor with God and man. I think sometimes we can see somebody with great influence and admit they are growing in stature. And so I think what we have to define is what is a general. I don't think we are defining what a general is. What is a general? You know, I believe a general if we can conclude it from the context of what a general is it's a person that has been to war, won some wars and has ranked in that setting c. So I think we have to bring some definition to the room and what does the room say what is a general? >> I think some wounds also >> Some, what? >> Wounds and scars, if you look at the passage stated and if you look at it from the military aspect you don't get a ribbon or don't get award unless you have been wounded. If you want to get a purple heart you had to be wounded or scarred so I think the wounds equate to also that level of being a general. >> I said to him I don't even consider myself a general, you know, because I consider myself around Bishop Morton and maybe I'm a sergeant in the Army of the Lord. I'm a soldier. No, and you know, I'm older. I've been preaching 33 years and I'm great. I lead people but I don't see myself like that and so it was a good conversation and I think we kind of mixed. Anybody else we got about one more minute anybody else want to add to it that has not spoke? Anybody. Give it up for our first panel everybody. [Applause] Don't you touch that dial we are going to talk about the Pope, telling the lady to leave him alone and talk about Trump and politics and we are going to talk about right now, I want to make some announce Ms those that are watching I want you to share the broadcast. If you have questions send them on the Facebook page. After the show we are going for 30 minutes just on the Word Network's Facebook. We want you to join us on the young preacher Instagram just reach 5,000 join the movement. It's the young preacher, the movement, young preacher the movement. It's on your screen, just take a screen shot of that right now young preacher movement Instagram and get inspired and put videos up and let you know what is going on in the body and there are about 1400 young preachers that get text from me daily encouraging them if you want to be a part of the text messaging text young preacher 41411. It's on the screen. Young preacher 41411. We have young preacher T-shirts you can order them Greg Davis show.com. Young preacher book with quotes in it and go get some of it y'all and welcome to our first anniversary, there is more to come. Clap your hands everybody. There is a first panel hand one more time. Come on. [Applause] As always we try to include some great musical guests as we change when we come back we are going to talk to the whole audience and we got some surprises and great things going to come up and guess what else, there is one other thing that is going to happen we are going to choose one person out of the audience that is going to give us a five-minute pop up. They don't know who it is. Is it you? Is it you? Who is it going to be. But you better have a word in your belly because give it up for my blue eyed soul brother I can say that Matthew BB you rang. ♪ Let your kingdom be established ♪ ♪ Lord you reign ♪ ♪ Holy one ♪ ♪ Mighty God ♪ ♪ We are ready for your move ♪ ♪ Here we are ♪ ♪ Not afraid ♪ ♪ We are ready ♪ ♪ We are ready ♪ ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ Holy father ♪ ♪ Open up Heaven ♪ ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ With a Holy encounter ♪ ♪ Your power and authority and you reign ♪ ♪ And you reign ♪ ♪ And your kingdom be established ♪ ♪ Lord you reign ♪ ♪ With your power ♪ ♪ With your power ♪ ♪ And authority ♪ ♪ Oh, you reign ♪ ♪ Lord, you reign ♪ ♪ Let your kingdom ♪ ♪ Be established ♪ ♪ Lord you reign ♪ ♪ Lord you reign ♪ ♪ Glory one ♪ ♪ Mighty God ♪ ♪ We are ready for your move ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ Here we are ♪ ♪ Not afraid ♪ ♪ We are ready ♪ ♪ We are ready ♪ ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ Holy father, open up Heaven ♪ ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ Come invade us, Holy encounter ♪ You reign, you reign ♪ ♪ Holy father open up Heaven ♪ ♪ You reign, Lord you reign ♪ ♪ Come and save us, Holy encounter ♪ ♪ Holy one ♪ ♪ Mighty God ♪ ♪ We are ready for your move ♪ ♪ Here we are ♪ ♪ Not afraid ♪ ♪ We are ready ♪ ♪ We are ready ♪ ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ Holy father open up Heaven ♪ ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ Come invade us Holy encounter ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ Holy father open up Heaven ♪ ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ Come on and invade us Holy encounter ♪ ♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ Come on sing it like that. ♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ Lord you reign ♪ ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ Holy father open up Heaven ♪ ♪ You reign ♪ ♪ Lord, you reign ♪ ♪ Come and invade us Holy encounter ♪ Matthew Bebe. [Applause] His album is coming out April the 10th. Y'all go find him y'all Matthew Bebe. Come on. [Applause] Everything to me. I told you I was going to do it. [ Laughter ] It's coming out April the 10th he is from Detroit so we support our own. Thank God and give it up to him one more time. They will be back. I want to thank one of our sponsors tonight life lock, thank you so much for supporting us. You all go check life lock on their website and go and support life lock. Give it up for our sponsor on tonight, life lock. Yeah. [Applause] Well, now we go to the entire audience which is our whole panel. And we have a mic and I'm like the Lord. [ Laughter ] I giveth and I taketh away. Less it be the name of the Lord. If you are watching right now share that Facebook, send us your comments and your questions. Again you're watching the anniversary edition of young preachers the war within. Let's talk about relevance. All right? Let's talk about relevance. I hear a lot of people say the words dated, you are dated. They don't tell me that but you are dated and you are irrelevant. When talking about preachers. Well, what makes a preacher relevant? And not dated? What makes a preacher relevant and not dated? Who wants first? Who wants if mic first, what makes it, all right. >> I think one of the things that makes one relevant is the impact that one has. That many times I think Bishop just said it like this that many times we have to learn to move from trying to impress to impact. And many times when we are doing this thing called life and doing this thing called ministry if we are not up to understanding what the people need in that moment it requires a prayer life and requires spending time with God and healing from him for us to remain relevant because we can speak to the heart of the issues and the matters that people are dealing with. >> All right. To the back, pass it right to the back. Say your name, if you have not already said it. >> Michael San Antonio Texas. In terms of relevance I think it's the ability to discern the times. The Bible says that Isicar knew what to do so when a preacher or anybody can discern the time and pick up what God is doing at a time within a generation that plays a part in their relevance to that culture. >> All right, who else? Go this way. Right here. Say your name if you have not said it, where are you from. >> Ernest from Phoenix, Arizona. Have to be relatable and sometimes they preach over other people's heads and cannot relate to what is being said if they use terminology out dated for the generation or things you don't understand you have to be relatable and if order to be relatable you have to have relationship to the people you are ministering to. >> How can you make sure people are relatable, what can I do I'm an old man and trying to keep up and keep your attention, not really me, I'm talking for a friend? >> I think we have to take time. A lot of times we take time producing but do we take time studying one another and really understanding what the needs are. If I don't understand what the needs are and if I don't understand your method of communication I really can't relate to you and so we can be saying the same thing two different ways but because we don't have relationship we will never come to an understanding. >> Let's say right here and let's deal with because you have a lot of pastors that are getting older, maybe not retirement age yet but they need to stay and do they surround themselves with, you can pass the mic, with young people around them to know what to say, that hip ain't right to say? How do we do that? How do we stay relatable? >> Stand up. Stand up, yeah. >> They are telling me to tell you to stand up. >> Washington D.C. I think part of being relatable and relevant is also being authentic to who you are. I think authenticity is important because if you try to manufacture a message to people it will come across as if you're trying to either belittle their intelligence or trying to make them feel like they are less then but I think people respond well to authenticity. I know that some of the elders that I respond to are older than me but I receive what they say from their voice because I know that it's coming from their heart and not necessarily trying to speak down to me or over me so yeah. >> Behind you. Bishop, I think personally age doesn't have anything to do with it. I have an 84-year-old pastor that I think is still relevant until today. I believe he makes the word come alive. One thing he says is Socrates is one Sunday but Jesus will run every Sunday. >> Let me let some that have not yet say your name and where you are from and want you to stand. Elijah Gregs from Atlanta, Georgia. >> That is my boy. >> Create and fine a pattern that fits you because I believe in you can't be authentic in who you are that you will never be relevant. I believe if you can find your path and pattern that works and be creative and be able to open up what is available to others. >> All right who else? Right behind you right behind you. >> Rico Holland Fort Worth, Texas. >> Like the jacket. >> Thank you sir. I believe you have to be able to have someone around you who can relate and look at Abraham who when he was trying to advance Isaac's lineage he recruited a younger man and resourced him and sent him out. He gave him instructions and he gave them direction and resourced him and sent him out to actually go and do what needed to be done to reach a group of people he wasn't able to reach so I believe you have to be able to have the right people around you and trust them and be able to sent them out as well. >> All right, where are we going? All right. >> I think that one of the looks for being out dated is when you lose the ability to hear God. Abraham and Isaac is a perfect example for me with that Abraham gets instruction at the bottom but the instruction at the top changes and so I feel like you will feel outdated if you and you become outdated when you lose your ability to hear God. >> Can you be outdated and don't even know it? >> Yes. Yes, sir. >> Do you have to be old to be outdated though? >> No, sir. >> Because you know I see a lot, and don't start taking, a lot of young preachers, dock and they got this thing you talk to them and you talk to them out here and they are like do you want to talk Matthew. That don't mean you are reaching the people because you change your voice and all that. Okay, I just threw that in. You want to say something? You sure? I didn't want to make you. If you want to show that. >> So I would say to remain relatable and relevant you have to invite the people to the table because if you notice with Moses Moses had Joshua been generation and Caleb and to know what is going on in the generations below you you have to have somebody at the table that can also relate to that generation because I might not reach who you reach and you might not reach who I reach but the you bring somebody to the table that help make decisions we can all reach it together. [Applause] All right. Let me say this too, raise your hand, junior, Jamaica raise your hand, the UK, they are actually from there, and the reason why I did that we are going to Toronto, Sheldon is here and we are international tonight y'all, all right? [Applause] Yes, I think important part of being relevant do you have a message to send in the first place. I think many people are speaking but not -- don't have a lot to say in the first place so knowing do you have a message in your mouth number one. Then do you know to whom you are actually sent because not everyone is sent to everyone, some people have a specific message for a particular time, a particular group of people and demographics, after that I think a third level is understanding what are the pain points to the group, the demographics, the people to where you are sent because a message could be filled with theory and what have you and people need to be preechled or talked to at the pain levels of who they are then you have to ensure your message is curtailed and brought to the level and the place of where they are and you can bring them higher so I think it's a three-fold cord in this case. >> Let's take another word, let's take another word, popular. Popular. Popular. I got a great team. I come with the ideas and they make it sound good over there. What about popularity? What makes a preacher relevant, what makes a preacher popular? Are you popular now because you are sitting here on the Word Network? >> No. >> Will you use this to be popular? What? Be honest. We want to hear from you. There is no right or wrong. We may not agree with your right or wrong. Make me popular the city of truth Mississippi, again popularity depends on the circle you are in. You know, some people will go back home after tonight and be popular. Because you're on a platform. >> You are popular right now look at you. [Applause] You know, but hey y'all and one of the dangers with this is what we measure as popular because I think we was talking earlier before the show started and we said now because of Facebook live anybody can get a platform. >> Are we are coming to that. >> Anybody can become popular all you have to do is put prophet in front of your name and you can become popular and people will begin to show up but it doesn't mean you are impactful even though you are popular. >> All right. >> Right here Detroit Michigan. >> What church do you go to? Triumph church, thank you for that. To piggyback what you said I agree with you 100% and when you say popular you have to be careful because there are a lot of people who are popular and not walking in purpose and this generation in particular has to do we have to walk in the straight line of obedience because it's a product of obedience so the thing about it is there is a lot of people in ministry that are sacrificing their ministry simply because they want a moment, right, so we have to be careful that we are looking at purpose over popularity because I believe that if you are really walking in purpose God will make your name great, period. [Applause] I'm so proud of her. How old are you? >> I just turned 24 on Monday y'all. [Applause] Happy belated birthday. >> Happy belated birthday where are you from? >> London English and I want to say in regards to the popularity aspect we have to be careful that we don't turn into absulum he was popular but his spirit wasn't right so we need to make sure we are not doing things for approval of people because if you do it for the crowd instead of for Jesus then we end up, you know, ends up becoming an idol and something we don't want to see so we have to be careful as young people no matter how big our platform gets or how popular we get that we don't become absolum trying to fr otake the leaders of today. [Applause] My son, come on. >> My brother Adele from celebration church of Detroit. >> What church? >> Celebration church. >> Who is the pastor? >> Bishop Gregory M. Davis. I want to piggyback on what Rachel said and popularity has to be organic and last Sunday you were preaching and we have a multi generational church and the young people were recording more than the older people so I believe popularity has to be organic and not something that is sought after more than the anointing. >> So when we talk about Jesus it says it was noise abroad that Jesus wrote so was he popular? >> And he was powerful too so it's all right to be popular? >> Yes. >> That is Mississippi. >> Austin, Texas. Hey, mama. I this I -- I think we have to remember being popular is okay but not to be a one hit wonder and make sure you have longevity in ministry and purpose. >> We will switch subjects for the last eight minutes. >> Atlanta, Florida, I think popularity is twofold. Because popularity advises something that you may not be able to contribute as you mentioned Jesus growing in stature and noise and grew in stature and noise because he was able to produce after his popularity. So often times we use titles and they are there to depict what we are able to describe ourselves as and a lot of times we are defining ourselves with a title that we can't function in. >> All right, recently it kind of went viral. Recently, shhhh, recently we saw a pastor, his name is poster John Wesley Howard, he said that he was -- he had lost his joy but he needed to take a sabbatical and had not been away from his church, preached every Sunday. Do you think that that should have been more private between him and his church? Did he air too much? It became very controversial, everybody was talking about it? Do you think he should have kind of maybe not did social media that day and just preached to his church? Or is that all right? Is it all right to say I'm overwhelmed to the people? Is it all right to say I'm human as it relates to sabbatical and what do you think others take sabbatical and do you take a break from Jesus? Do you take a break from God? Is it okay, I'm coming, do you take a break from God? I do and you know where I go Miami. Everybody know that. So let's deal with that for the next few minutes and start back here and we will go to pastor, all right. >> Pastor rich, the word center Jackson, Mississippi, my wife and I want to speak to the pain of pastoring just for a minute. What happens many times when we are preaching and ministering we model superman. We lay hands like superman and preach like superman but the problem is if we have a fall we want them to forgive Clark Kent. The issue is many of them don't know that Clark Kent exists so he came on social media and it went viral people realized that there was a Clark Kent in every pastor and I think as pastors and ministers we have to do a better job at being transparent with the issues and some of the problems that we deal with. >> This is from Philadelphia. Francis from Philadelphia. This is a very critical situation because we have to be at a place where we differentiate God and ministry. Ministry is the world field. God is a relationship. >> Say that again. >> And the one thing that we can't afford is to go out of gas while in the air and it's okay to take a time and reach that and recharge so you can be effective and impactful because if you go on E after a while you will crash so we have to take time as pastors to reset and recharge and come back even stronger so I'm okay with sabbatical. >> All right let's go. And we will go this way. >> Antwan Jackson St. Louis Missouri I believe it's important for us to realize Jesus died for the church, we don't have to. Jesus called us to sacrifice to the church not die for the church and often times people expect as leaders to die when the truth of the matter we live abundantly for the church. >> Let's go here first. >> All right Miami. Just to add to the conversation, what I thought was so profound about him standing before the congregation and went viral we need to have a new model in ministry because we have is too many pastors dying in the pulpit because they don't know when to stop, recollect, take some self care and to refallback in alignment with God so all I heard them say is my spirit needs to be poured back into so for me I was like say la, say la and say la again. >> Amen. Liberty church in Dallas, Texas to piggyback what she said she said it because he wanted to change a trend and expectation. If he wanted it to be between he and his church he knew how to do that but I believe that he wanted to set a model and an example for others to know that it is okay to rest. I have a pastor myself there is a pressure to go all the time. And I'm very intentional. My husband and I with being transparent. We try to start that from the very beginning. But because he did not do that, because he was not as transparent possibly he felt he needed to be public and say I have been tired, I didn't tell you but I'm tired now. And so I believe that it's good that he went public because it's almost like he was giving everyone permission to say that it's okay to rest. >> So as a young preacher, as a -- oohh, in terms of the young preacher let's get to a solution. What do you do? We heard you. What do you do to not be overwhelmed? And does it make a difference how old you are whether you get overwhelmed because it's the same job ain't it? Isn't it? All right. Let's start here. Make your answers real short y'all so we can get everybody in. We have four minutes. >> Oklahoma City. I have had the privilege of working for a ministry for over 13 years and one of the most important things we have to keep in mind as you were saying or you sir that there is a Clark Kent in every superman and so I think it's important to build a team around you so that the people in your congregation can not only just trust your voice but trust the people under you who are in leadership >> All right, all right, somebody has to talk, who has not talked? All right. >> Kingdom church in Arkansas you delegate authority. When you are training sons and daughters in your house like my sister said you trust their gifts and if your spiritual father and intimated by the gifts you are raising you need to turn your robe in. >> I need somebody who has not talked. Right there, quickly. >> Pastor Smith faith and Ashton church hi dad. And administrator of our church and I'm on the call 24/7 so I will turn my phone off sometimes you can be so consumed with your telephone people are constantly calling and texting you you have to learn to say no. It's okay to say no with mental illness running ramped because we don't know when to say no. >> Have you talked yet? >> Houston, Texas I think what he did was a good thing. The rest of the world is talking about mental health, we are the ones and the church talking about mental health and you know part of it is there has to be balance, take some time, enjoy your family and friends, go see a movie, take a break from the church. The church will be there but your family you are missing out time on that. How many of you think that is true for your members too? >> Yes. >> But then you can't bust them and say watch this shameless plug, they have to have givlify. It's wonderful. Talk right quick. >> It's safe to say you can have dreams and pursuits outside of ministry. Everything doesn't have to always be go to church, go to Bible school, go to Sunday school you can pursue your deem outside of that, what else do you want to do, start a business. If you wanted to cook and take cooking classes. If you want to be an entrepreneur there are other things you can do to allow yourself to just enjoy life outside of the labor of ministry. >> Okay all right and congratulations you are so cute and about to get married y'all. [Applause] He just proposed. Isn't that cute. >> Jesus is the answer of Hollywood, California. Listen I believe in setting boundaries and taking vacations and even balance but Jesus had a Peter James and John who he allowed to see his weaknesses but the you are going to be a general that is a simple strip in front of the people and the Bible says Christ suffered in flesh you should likewise and suffering is not always the tack, suffering is strong and a symbol of strength to the people of God. >> All right last one. >> Doctor Samuels senior pastor of fort Lauderdale. I think one of the intricate points that is lost in the kingdom is transparency. We have lost that. The Bible said that Elijah got so drained one day he went up to the mountain, a place where he should have been relational with God and he asked God to kill him. He got so drained that he said, God, I just want to finish it. I've been drained with everything. And the Bible said he got under his mantle and he got under his anointing and received strength and sometimes we have to be okay with pulling on the strength and just getting away to refill, revive and renew ourselves. >> All right give it up for the panel number two. [Applause] That was good. Y'all good. All right, well, we have something special we are going to do and we are full of surprises tonight. Tonight we are going to do something we have never done before. We are going to give back. This is our first anniversary and what do you do on anniversary you give gifts so we have our brother here from givlify. Let me call his name out right, Ronnie is my friend and we use Givlify in our ministry and it's a wonder and a blessing and Givlify is a blessing and goes off and Mr. Kevin Adele thank you so much. So everybody that is sitting here, there are three envelopes under your chair. Not yet, not yet young man. Not yet. Hold on John Boy. There are three envelopes that Jeff, raise your hand, just Jeff put the envelopes on there because he don't know none of you and he is over the prayer room and the gifts that go out and he don't know you and I don't know what chair and pastor Jason and YPJ and nobody knows what chairs he put them under to make it fast and one of the gifts is $1,000. Hold on to your ministry. To your ministry. Hold only. $1,000 to your ministry. All right, it will be written out to you because we don't know who it is and we will put it in the mail, it's coming and y'all can go on Facebook and tell everybody. But you got to give us two weeks. No, it will be faster than that. And then from Word Network $1,000 and there are to $500 gifts from Givlify. [Applause] Y'all got the cameras and we need to take pictures. Get in the shot. >> That is powerful that the Word Network is giving back. I want us to give a big round of applause to the Word Network. [Applause] Jason anything? >> Anybody here need an extra $1,000 or $500 and some people are praying in tongues right now. Go and let it be me. Lord let it be me. >> First of all thank you guys for supporting Givlify we are in our sixth year and Givlify is an African/American owned company, in the next three weeks this little company that started with nothing is going to cross its first $1 billionth process and we could not have done it without you so thank you guys very much and thank you Bishop Davis for having me here with you. You are giving away money you will be back every show. >> I need a shout. I want somebody to shout. Y'all see them? There are three envelopes. Up under the chair. Like reach under the chair. You got to reach under the chair. >> You got to work for it. >> The old folks say you got to work for it. Hey, hey, hey, hey. [Applause] Come now. Come on. Come on give it up. [Applause] $1,000. Yeah. [Applause] Yeah, thank you. >> Congratulations. Congratulations. What did you get and tell us where you are from. >> Orlando, Florida the kingdom church. >> $1,000. >> Can you use that? >> Absolutely. >> Where are you from? >> Philadelphia Kendra holiday. >> $500 to your ministry. >> Where you from? >> Philadelphia. >> Freedom. >> Elijah Noonan, Georgia and we won $500. >> Hold on to the envelopes and put your names and address and we will collect them at the end. Y'all can sit down now. [Applause] How about that? [Applause] What? [Applause] Thank you, sir, we appreciate you. Thank you all we did it. Thank you Mr. Adele. Thank you Givlify. Matthew Bebe do it again. What a song after that. Come on give it up for him y'all. [Applause] Why don't we just lift our hands up. ♪ Father we worship you ♪ ♪ I know the night won't last ♪ ♪ Your word will come to pass ♪ ♪ My heart will sing your praise again ♪ ♪ Waiting for change to come ♪ ♪ Knowing the battle is one ♪ ♪ My heart will sing your praise again ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Your promise still stands ♪ ♪ Great is your faithfulness ♪ ♪ Faithfulness ♪ ♪ Still in your hands ♪ ♪ This is my comfort ♪ ♪ And you never failed me ♪ ♪ No ♪ ♪ My friend Toby Crock ♪ ♪ I know the night won't last ♪ ♪ My heart will sing your praise again ♪ ♪ Jesus you are still enough ♪ ♪ To see me within your love ♪ ♪ My heart will sing your praise again ♪ ♪ Great is your faithfulness ♪ ♪ This is my confidence ♪ ♪ You never face ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Great is your faithfulness, your faithfulness ♪ Come on and worship. ♪ You made a way when there was no way ♪ ♪ I believe I'll see you do it again ♪ ♪ I believe ♪ ♪ I see you do it again ♪ ♪ I see you do it again ♪ ♪ I'll see you do it again ♪ Come on. You promise still stands. Great is your faithfulness, faith faithfulness. I'm still in your hand. This is my confidence. You never stand. Your promise still stands. Great is your faithfulness. Your faithfulness. I'm still in your hands. This is my confidence. ♪ You never fail me ♪ We have more than enough amen. Come on let's sing it together one more time. ♪ You move a mountain ♪ ♪ And you will do it again ♪ ♪ You made a way when there was no way ♪ ♪ And I believe I'll see you do it again ♪ ♪ Made a way ♪ ♪ When there was no way ♪ ♪ I believe I'll see you do it again ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ I'll see you do it again ♪ ♪ I'll see you do it again ♪ ♪ I'll see you do it again ♪ Hey, hey, hey. Matthew Bebe has a new CD coming out April the 10th and want and y'all look him up Matthew Bebe and you have other stuff there. >> I have a new single coming up, and have a CD release party April 9th. >> Matthew Bebe y'all and find him on social media and book him at your church and pastor Jason and pastor Johnson I want to thank you. Come on up here. I put deoderant and I have been here and thank you for standing by side me forth the last year and started in 2013 and 14 with a treat and thank you. >> Love you Bishop. >> I almost made him cry. [Applause] Tearing up and caring on if you did not see the 1:00 show look at Facebook if you are watching Facebook what should they do? >> Share this. >> You on there any way talking about your baby mamma and stop talking about that and share it. >> Share it. Y'all go sit down. You don't want to say nothing else? >> I want a dog. >> Give it up for them one more time, y'all. [Applause] All right, we have a new panel introduce yourself starting from my right. >> The equation church this St. Louis Missouri. >> All right. >> San-Bernidino. >> Jackson Mississippi. >> Oklahoma City. >> Mark Williams 1941 ministry Atlanta, Georgia. >> I tell you about it later. >> Life church Philadelphia PA. >> Bradford Las Vegas Nevada. >> Give it up for all of them and put up the clip and look at the monitors of Ray and the Pope and Ray you got it? So look at this. The Pope she like you going to touch me like woman, not my time yet. So he apologized for that. And we don't know, you know, if you ever go to a conference you know like I am at full gospel every year and by the time we get to Friday okay one more picture but sometimes it can be overwhelming and that looks like that was the overwhelming moment for the Pope. He smacked the hand. Why y'all laughing. It's the Holy father. That is what some of y'all want to do. You have a person come up to you every Sunday. And talking about y'all. But to most of us it was surprised the Pope smacked their hand and rebuked her. Is there ever a time that it gets too much that the people just it just gets we are back to overwhelming but is it ever time it gets to the place it feels like the human side that you get to that place? >> Listen folks can absolutely, Bishop, tire you out. I'll say it again. Folks can tire you out if you are not careful and it's vitally important that we have boundaries around us and we have to be okay with saying, hey, this is enough, if this is too much but I think we have to be careful how we communicate that. It's obvious the Pope must is been going through something that day. [ Laughter ] So I don't think we need to express ourselves by slapping people but I do think it's vitally important that we can communicate. Now is not the moment. We have to learn the power of no. >> But do you know what I'm going to say this and we will get back on track but it's so funny when we see the Pope doing it we laugh but if it was one of us because, no seriously because when I saw it I'm like the Pope because it's the Pope and it's because he is an older white Caucasian man the Pope and if it's one of us it would have been on every blogger and child look at Dumas did you see how rude he is, and he is part of that. >> I share the same name with Pope Francis and. >> You do what now? >> Share the same name with Pope Francis. >> Okay. >> And when we see the video he was pulled. And you know it came out of no where so it can happen to all of us and you know he was pulled. And he got tired. I was like get off of me. >> Okay anybody else? >> Yeah, I think that sometimes we misunderstood that just because we are spiritual people that we don't have natural boundaries. And I think that what had happened at this particular juncture or what have you is that you know she over extended the space thing. Each one of us have space. Anybody in here come up to us within like three feet, many of us will get uncomfortable and just because he is in a high position doesn't mean he doesn't have a described space. >> No no no come on back. Come back because that was good. Each one of us and even though you are the pastor and even though you are the Bishop you are the presiding elder and the living world of Holiness church of God and the Christ. You still have a space so when is it ever a time that you just like is it all right for you to say leave me alone, not like that like Dumas. >> Well it is okay to say leave me alone. See just because we share a part of our lives publicly we don't owe every part of our private life and so we do have private lives. And just because you are a public figure doesn't mean we don't have private lives. When I'm out with my family and daughter and even some of my friends and brothers I want you know to be able to respect that space. Now once again the approach means a lot, if someone asks for a picture or autograph or some advice, you know, I should have a right to say no. And my no shouldn't receive the boundary. >> Do you have that right because it's okay maybe for Steve Harvey and Rick for them people to do that but as a preacher we are held because you get that thing like and you are supposed to be a preacher. And but you ain't going to mess up my dry cleaning I don't care what I am, I had a flashback. Really come on should we be at another standard? Should we just let them pull on us? Even Jesus pulled back. >> I do -- I agree but I disagree. >> Okay. >> I think what we were talking about earlier about relevance and exposure or popularity we signed up for it. >> Right. >> We sign up for it. We want to be popular. We want to be relevant but then when people want to grab us and hold on to us and they require our time we are combative and push against it. We signed up for it and asked for it. . >> Did I sign up for a woman to pull on me like that? >> That was out of line but you know we -- I just believe we try to go forward and sometimes we don't understand it and they don't understand it so maybe it could be a breach in communication. >> Okay anybody else? >> Accessibility to me does not mean that you get the opportunity to just devalue me. And I think that we are in a time where we are trying to teach people respect for the ministry and teach people there is a place of order and we have to realize that often times people will take advantage of the accessibility for their own reasons. So we are trying to teach people how to respect not just what we do but who we are as people as well. >> All right. >> I think it's important to know your limits. I think sometimes we can feel we are tired and know we are at a certain place and we still keep pushing and going so if you know your limbs and take time even weekly depending how much you pour out to make sure you replenish and minister and to yourself as well so it's important to know your limits. >> Important to know our pastors and preachers are not your property. We are not your property. In any way shape, form or fashion. We are the property of God and you are a part of our assignment and you are a part of our assignment in the earth ram but I don't have to give all of me to you. I'm not your property. >> Yes. >> What did you say? I said they are being deep. If somebody pulls on you, that you don't know, you going to do something to let them know that it's unacceptable. Whether get off me. It doesn't matter honestly in context if I don't know you you don't have the right to pull on me. And I have the right to tell you don't touch me. >> Do y'all agree with that? >> Bishop do you know what? When we see I mean when we see the clip, you know, he didn't have to hit the lady back. He didn't have to. He went too far. Want to play it again? >> Play it again Ray. >> We have to understand as leaders we need to have public and private behaviors and that was unacceptable. That moment right there. Yeah. That was too far. >> He was saying get off me. The Pope went too far right there. Pull away. >> Get off me. >> To hit her back. >> Everybody but everybody, hold on, but everybody got that point of no return. >> But you are a leader. >> Don't matter. >> Private behavior and other behavior you cannot. >> You know, when I look at that maybe he was slapping her a high 5 or something, maybe it just wasn't about that, hi, what is up. >> There is always one in the room. >> Let's wrap on that one more. >> I'm a hip-hop head and one of the artists that I follow a few years ago he was arrested because he was doing a show and someone grabbed him and when they grabbed him it was a female and he assaulted her. You know, and everybody was saying, well, she is a fan. She is one of the people who buys his music and supports his concerts you know so when I see this it's like how do you view it? How do you look at it? When somebody violates your space sure enough you are going to get them off of you but you know I just believe we signed up for it, I really do. >> All right too much or not, too much? Was what the Pope did too much raise your hand. The Pope did too much? Was he within limits? Raise your hand. He was? Wasn't too much? All right, okay, a little too much. Just a little bit. >> Just a little bit. [ Laughter ] Come on, okay, he did apologize. He did apologize. Okay, he put out a statement. He probably wanted to say I really don't mean this but they are telling me I got to do it. So a lot of people, here we go, we have about ten minutes, a lot of people are calling themselves prophets these days. Come on, sir. Come on, Bishop, talk. >> I mean we got plenty of them. We got Facebook prophets, we got Twitter prophets, we got periscope prophets my question is do we really understand the prophetic, what is the difference between a word of knowledge, a word of wisdom, a prophetic word. >> Come on. >> It is really just about -- is it really just about calling out numbers Social Security numbers and after all I already know mine and know who is coming first and I talk to a prophet. I talked to a prophet, you know, and I asked him and I say I've been in church a long time, the old man John and he said son there is something different about you a word in your belly you are running from and never told us none of that stuff. So somebody told me it's to get your attention. So Dumas. >> One of the things Bishop I think is important for you to realize is social media is a powerful tool right but the problem and the great thing about social media is that everybody has a voice. And because everybody has a voice then people are jumping on and they can proclaim they are whoever they want to be. And people are jumping on the bandwagon and connecting with them but a lot of them I think is important that we really study and find out where they come from. What ministry do you come out of? Who trained you? Who developed you? Who was a part of your process? Every Elijah had Elisha of a process to walk you through a thing and don't show up and say I'm a prophet. I don't believe we have an understanding with the body of Christ what the prophetic is about and I think it's people saying things and it's really based on inspiration and heart and a lot of things it's things they saw in scripture as proclaiming being a word from the Lord and we are to align ourselves and do a greater study and find out what does it mean to walk in the prophetic. >> Bishop, what we have to understand poor development produces poor delivery and in order for you to be effective you have to be properly developed and one thing about our generation we refuse to be properly developed. It's like an Sharpie if the cover is not on it will run out so we have to be properly covered and properly trained and you cannot be effective if the cover is off. And so we have a lot of people now calling themselves prophet but you are not properly trained in the office to understand the depth of the prophetic anointing in the office and responsibility that comes with that office and so we have to go back to training. Paul told Timothy I want you to study and that does not need to be aslammed and dividing the order of truth so if you are poorly trained and poorly developed you will not last and may have a social media platform but you don't have it. >> How many people do we do damage to? >> Well, Bishop. >> Hold on because the top is off the Sharpie, because prophet Adele, that is my son and I watch him daily. He don't know when I be watching because you can push the little button and listen and nobody know you are there and I said what did you say to that woman on air? I don't say that because he gets a lot of play on the Word Network. My grandfather said to be my grandson a lot comes with that and so if you want the glory then you got to put up with the rod, you know. And so, yes, okay, let me go to somebody, yes, sir. >> Bishop I think we are in a day where we are having people that are trying to be prophets or prophet so they are doing this because at the end of it is for financial gain and not really in response to the need of the people. It's not in a response to the depth of the cry of the answers that people are seeking from God. So I think that if we can just watch these people and we see that at the end of the day their whole idea is the coins then really they are not from God. >> That is right. >> Can I say this, Bishop, that I think it's important for us to grab ahold of it that we are designed as prophetic people to draw you back to God. Not to ourselves. Our job is to develop you, according to Ephesians four we are supposed to develop you to do the work of the ministry and our assignment is to grown and develop you and not connect you to us and not to make you have an appetite for our ministry but after we get done ministering to you there ought to be a new hunger for the voice of God you ought to have. >> Is it so easy to do if one or two things come to pass and why are you laughing at me? You know then you got business cards. You I mean you are ready to go and got your turbine on whatever the ticks may be and if it's easy to stop feeling yourself and without going to someone that can help you, you know, can develop you, isn't that easy to do especially in this generation, the younger generation? Come on y'all. >> I think what validates you as a prophet is when you are connected to the house. Samuel is properly connected and got a revelation while he was in the house serving Eli and a lot of us in our generation we have to house we connect to and we prophecy but no house and covering so we have to be careful that we hold ourselves accountable this season and as we prophecy and y'all connected to the house, are you in the house, because most of the prophets don't have a pastor or a lead pastor and do not pay tithes and connected to a pastor that can hold you accountable. >> Nobody said nothing about the telephone numbers, the birthdays, the license plates, anybody going to help me? >> Word of knowledge is a legitimate gift of the spirit. To draw you again back to God but the problem is we throw these numbers out, we throw these addresses out and often times it connects right back to an offering or people are screaming oh, they gave it and you knew your name before you came in. There has to be some kind of ministry on the other side of that word of knowledge that has some level of impact to the soul of that individual and to their journey. It's not the idea to be just sensational by giving information. >> A man that I love so much who was just on my show one of the first guests for this year John Eckhart said the problem with address and phone numbers they turn it into a profit making situation. >> I believe that we get it confused. We get prophecy confused with the word. I mean the word is powerful, being able to speak a word and when you know that you have power, that word will manifest. When God spoke a word things became. They were good. Those words manifested. So I believe that we all have that gift to prophecy or to be prophets if you want to say but it's just sometimes being under developed or not really understanding the gift or having the covering or leaders to teach what that really looks like, we are so quick to close the door on people and, you know, them being able to develop and not really taking the time to say hey, this is what it is. And being a teacher of the word and what that looks like. >> All right give it up for our panel y'all we are out of time and y'all can do better than that. [Applause] Listen I want to, I'm doing this because I want to thank God for Givlify and I'm doing this because we will get more and more sponsors, this is going somewhere next February at this time we are going to be in a city near you because we are going to have -- we don't have it named young preachers get away conference and invite y'all, is that exciting y'all? So if you are not following Givlify follow them on social media Givlify or go to their website it is Givlify.com. Givlify.com we thank them for helping us give it up for them one more time. [Applause] Come on pastor Jason. Pastor Jason, come on you get a TV appearance. Come on. He bring is bag. All right. >> All right here we go. So what is about to happen now. >> Here we go. >> One young preacher. >> Here we go. >> Is going to do a pop up sermon for five minutes. I mean like limit. We got the organ ready, that is my son and got the organ ready, brother Craig. So we are about to -- we are able to, you ready, all right, Keisha come here. So it ain't fixed. Come here. Started off with me. Start from the bottom now we here. >> Now we here. >> She manages y'all. Go deep, go deep. >> Go deep. >> Yeah, let's get it. >> Go deep. Go deep. Who is it? >> Wow, let's go Justin Ponder. [Applause] All right, come on down! Yeah, let's go. [Applause] Let's celebrate y'all. Let's celebrate. [Applause] Come on, man, you can move out, come on. >> I'm here to have church Justin, come on. >> For five minutes. >> Let the Lord use you. We have a mic up there for you. Where is your church? Church. >> King of University center in Florida. >> Preach man, preach. >> Hallelujah clap your hand and give God a praise. [Applause] Hallelujah. On tonight I have a lot of time period on tonight, give me one second on tonight. Hallelujah. [Applause] Hallelujah. On tonight, on tonight I would like to sum your senses and invite your intellect on tonight. My brothers and sisters I would like to sum the attention again as we approach this year of 2020 some of us understands and know that we have been in a season where it has been very trying. I mean people have experienced a trying season in your life 2019 has been a very trying season for you and a lot of those things you experienced in 2019 has bled over in 2020 and you are finding yourself in a position or a place where you feel what in the world is going on, you made your New Year's resolutions and this is what I'm going to do is lose weight this year and save money this year and the things you experienced in 2019 has trickled over into 2020 but there was an anonymous quote says every problem has an expiration date. And prophetic correlates with the anonymous quote because the first verse that says to everything there is a season. And a time to every purpose under the Heaven which signifies that nothing lasts for too long. Look for your neighbor and say nothing lasts for too long. If you are watching on TV say nothing lasts for too long. I come to tell you on tonight no one is exempt from trouble. I'm going to say that again, no one is exempt from trouble. The Bible says in job the 14th chapter first verse man that is born of a woman is a few days and full of trouble. We all have to deal with the supper or experience some type of afl ffl fflick -- afflictiou can have billed with the Holy Ghost and baptized and have Jesus on your mind but I come to tell you on tonight you have purpose beyond your pay and look to your neighbor and say there is purpose beyond your pain. You may be on Facebook live, E want you to text yourself and say there is purpose beyond your pain. The Bible says second Corinthians for we are troubled on every side. I feel the presence of the Lord here not distress we are perplexed but not in despair and persecuted but not for saken cast down but not destroyed and you may have experienced trouble in your home, your children may be acting crazy. You may have experienced trouble in your career. You may even have experienced trouble in your faith. But I come to encourage you, yeah, yeah all 80 million people looking on tonight to let you know that there is purpose beyond your pain. I need you to look to your neighbor and tell your neighbor there is purpose beyond your pain. Joseph experienced pain in the pit. Yeah, he experienced pain in Potifer's house, he experienced pain in the prison. In order for him to be positioned, yeah, to save his nation, Paul and Silas had to endure pain in the prison. In order to save the guard's life, I need to lean over and tell you neighbor, say neighbor, yeah, there is purpose beyond your pain. I need you to look to your neighbor and say there is purpose beyond your pain. And I leave on tonight, I come to let you know that Jesus has to end your pain on the cross. Yeah. Yeah. He had to endure pain being separated from his father. He had to endure pain, yeah, from Peter denying him. And the Bible says after Jesus died he was granted a seed on the right hand of the father. I need you to look to your neighbor. And say neighbor there is purpose beyond your pain. Y'all going to praise him up in here. [Applause] Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sit down. [ Speaking in the spirit ] [Applause] Come on. 30 seconds, 30 seconds. Give it up for Justin Ponder. [Applause] Yeah, yeah. Let me tell you something this is a one year anniversary and I want to thank God because pastor Jason and pastor John came to me with this and this was amazing. Pop up, give it up for him one more time. [Applause] We are going to be sharing our next date with you for our young preachers so make sure that you get our text messaging text young preacher to 41411. I'll remind you at the end. Has this been a good night y'all? >> Yeah. >> Share the broadcast and in just about 26 minutes we are going to continue the conversation on Facebook only on the Word Network Facebook so we will just switch over so the conversation is still not over for a while. Let's talk politics. Let's talk politics and now there are some evangelicals that is going to the White House, that is Paula White and I'm not naming names they are public and Jenison Franklin and Billy Graham's son. And they are going to the White House and they are praying for the president as we are supposed to pray for the president, right, kind of hard sometimes. He is real. Okay. He is even for prayer back in school. I mean he has done some things to, you know, support Christians. But it's kind of hard for others to reconcile with the lies and the other things that goes along with him. So how do you make that balance? Why are y'all smiling? How do you make that balance? How do you balance that out? To say, you know, I'm not supporting when election year Buttigieg is your former mayor, Buttigieg and sanders, last time I checked because I'm a political junky they were in the lead in Iowa. And so what do you say as the next generation? How do we reconcile this, the democrats they say, you know, it's for anything. There are some legislation that Obama even though we celebrated him being the black president, I'm going to say this, and I'm probably going to get a lot of mail but I don't think he was the greatest president. He was a great black president but just because he is black do we say. Now he did pass legislation that could be questionable about well you know and I heavy -- him and Michelle, hey, yeah. But we got to be honest so who wants to start this? Somebody said it's going to be good. >> Dan Thomas from Oklahoma children's generation church. One of the challenges that happened is we tethered our faith to a political party and because we tethered it we don't know where our faith ends and where the political ideology begins and it's so critical because the only way you can balance it is by saying I'm actually a Christian first before I'm black. I'm a Christian before I'm a republican. I'm a Christian before I'm a democrat. And bibicily and historically is we speak influence behind the scenes to those in power. We don't try to jump on their card. And I think we infiltrate and don't take over and where we made the mistake and the balance of influence that comes in and then makes a difference from the outside in, not necessarily the inside out. >> Who else? Who else? All right. >> Pastor Bunton of Christian ministries. I want to just say that some of the body of Christ has put the president in a prophetic place instead of a Presidential place. And we have put too much expectation on an office for the world when we need to be the office of the world. What I mean by that is not depending on one man to change everything, it's going to take all of us, is he perfect, no, was Obama perfect, no was bush perfect absolutely not and we are putting too many prophecies toward him. >> Anybody else? You can pass it. I'm sorry. >> Pastor Jamar faith action church, I don't have a problem with the people you named to visit Trump and praying for him but being an a Caucasian evangelist is different than being an African/American Christian person and we have two different struggles and what they are talking about are not the issues I struggle with on a regular basis so I don't have a problem with them praying. We all should pray for the president because let's balance out the issues because her issue Paula White and others don't go through the same things being an African/American male or female in America. >> Immigrant and -- I'm grant and it can say the pastor supports the president and when you look at evangelical churches they have in the congregation African/American people and it seems like supporting someone who does not support us is a flaw in perhaps the character and the point that many pastors have to understand are you educating your people beyond what is in the Bible, do they even know they are mayor and councilman and Governor and what going on with the president and locally and many pastors do not educate their people to be relevant in the community to know what is going on. >> I want to pick on D Dr. Rhoades. Do we look -- and I'm coming to you, do we look for -- because you kind of alluded to it, do we look for this and I say this on the radio when I had my radio show and President Obama was in, do we look for our president to be our moral leader though? Is he morally, are we the moral compass? >> Dr. CJ rose Mississippi Baptist church. We look to leaders to have a moral compass and especially one of the things we see with while Evangels and Clinton had to deny his leadership because he was so immoral and hypocritical to come behind a guy who is very publicly. >> As a matter of fact. >> You begin to wonder why support this particular president? Why overlook his moral failures? At the same time I think it's important for the church to understand that political leaders are not going to be Christ centered in the way that we as the church ought to be so we ought to bring salt and light to politics and not let politics dim the light or take the flavor out of our salt. >> Give him a hand. [Applause] Nicholas Kennedy Jesus is the answer church. Listen I think we have a responsibility to be involved in politics. I think what we have to begin to do though is not so much look at the figurehead but look at the policies of the party and whether that lines up with your moral compass. Because there is a lot of things as Christians that certain parties do not support and we cannot put our back in financially or vote wise behind parties that are against Jesus. If of your party does not support me praying in a school or if your party does not support my Christian compass I cannot put my finances or my vote or my people behind it. And I think that is important that we begin to educate people on what the compass of the party is so that they can make an informed vote because the Bible said my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and sometimes we done have the understanding of what party rents we are playing a part in destroying what the church is trying to build and what Jesus stands for so it's our responsibility to be involved and informed and support the people who support our pollicis. >> I'm coming to you do we realize how divided the country is in the midst of doing all this preaching and we were at the dinner last night thank you to compassion international, give them a hand. [Applause] Who sponsored a wonderful dinner and D3 agency Michelle Duffy and all of them. You looked at the clip from when the president walks in and he hands the -- his speech to the vice president and to the speaker Pelosi and she goes to shake his hand and he turns around and don't shake her hand and then at the end she says you didn't want to shake my hand when you gave it to me she tore it up. We are divided and the democrats set most of the speech and the republican and the democratic party impeached him and for everybody who don't understand terminology because we destroy for lack of knowledge he was impeached. He was impeached. I see people saying that the president you know I say he wasn't going to be impeached, he was impeached but not put out of office, that is the difference he was not put out of office. His record will forever say he was an impeached president, he was just not put out of office because one house is democrat and as the next generation that is coming I think it's your responsibility to know these things, to educate your people so that they just won't go to the poll or done go to the polls. I have people call the radio show all the time and say I'm not voting, my vote don't count it's oppression and all that stuff so we have to know do we understand how divided we are? >> Yes. >> Okay that was my commentary, not the Word Network, nobody's it's mine. >> Pastor of all nations Toronto Canada I would say it's twofold I serve as a pastor and also serve as a network anchor across Canada. We report on U.S. news, Brexit in the UK and Canadian news and what I understand in studying it Bible we have to change the framework because it's built imperfect from the bed Romney and foundation and believe we are literally trying to draw freshwater from an impure source from the beginning and begging please come into alignment when it was never built for alignment, it's built on pride and backdoors and secret society and a lot of depth to this and pastor fall short and we are always playing catch up no matter where you are to what is happening in culture. This happens LGBT issues, political assignments, people rights and say where is the church. You are asking why too late. The problem is pastors need to yet pastor on a Sunday but really look at the demographics and have discernment for who is in your congregation and who is called to 7 sectors or mountains of influence in society. Not everyone in this room or in your congregation is built to just fill the shoe on the podium. Some are people are built for education, entertainment, political, agricultural, the are urban planning we have to literally tell the world by behavior because everything you have been talking about is wrongful behavior the slapping of the Pope all this stuff. When we go by seeking the kingdom of God in the kingdom there are values and behaviors and ideologies we bring that to the 7 sectors of society and present a different behavioral model that now tells the world oh, there is a second option. If the church plays catch up we will always be doing commentary instead of leadership. [Applause] Thank you. So you have, here are your options, you know you got Trump who is supposed to be for the Christians and but then they -- he got so many Poniccho lies and I can't see he is lying himself so much so then you got Bernie sanders whose real, real, real liberal, social, liberal, yeah. Elizabeth Warren who is to the left, left, to the left. You got Buttigieg. I mess up his name. Who you getting ready to have a first man if he wins? He is married to a man. Okay and then you got Biden. Who every now and then he says the wrong thing. But he has experience. Was a vice president and y'all know who I'm fill of if I keep talking so what y'all going to do? The next generation? That is your choices. And you got Bloomberg who is coming on up. And you got that. So what say ye? What you going to do pastor? >> Well, I think first thing we have to keep in mind especially if I can speak perspective of the black church I know we don't want to distinguish the black church or white church but the reality of the fact is we preach in our black church is liberation theology. >> I'm going in next I promise it's right here. >> And social justice has to be on the forefront of our movement in the black church and so that should be number one. And we should vote our conscious. But who is going to support the agenda of the church? And the church has more power than you think it has so we ought to be moving politics and not let politics move us. >> Okay. >> Very good. >> Who is next? >> I think in order to answer that question you have to ask yourself what are you supporting? Am I supporting marijuana being legal in America? Am I supporting, you know, these issues that are contrary to the church. You have to be honest and you have to say because I think a lot of times we are voting and based on emotions and if we call one person racist we have to look at a race of people and call them racist amen. So you have to be honest. You have to see whether or not you are lining your life up based to the word. Because I don't think that you can be saved and say that you support weed smoking. I don't think so. I don't say that you can be saved and support some of the issues that other parties are supporting so you have to line them up. >> All right come on and see I need you to understand that just because you are African/American that everybody is not against Trump. >> Detroit, Michigan. I think I have a problem, I was at the barber shop today and I was talking about Trump and they were upset with me because of some of the things I said and I said why is it automatically that if you are African/American and say I don't really think that Donald Trump is the worst person in the world you are a Coon. Then I asked him a question and I said let's talk about it, which policy did he pass that you didn't like and no one can ever answer. He is racist but just signed a bill 250 million hchl BCU so I think that is the problem you can't look at someone and say because you like Trump you're less of a person. You can't Judge a person off of their political preference and I think that is really where the problem comes in at. >> Thank you prophet. Somebody asked me and I'm not going to give the answer but somebody asked me and said if Trump called you to the White House and was going to give you so much money for ministry would you go? And you have to take a picture with him. Would you go? There have some that have went and it caused them a lot. So how many are we going if y'all was going to get some money for your church in your neighborhood, raise your hand. Raise your hand. High. Hold on. How many wouldn't? How many wouldn't? This is for your people. You say what now? Junior hunter from winters worship center, my father Dr. Michael hunter. I strongly believe everybody has their own opinions. You cannot shoot a person based on what they believe. And when it comes down to the percent I'm for a man or a president that is for the church. Nor putting back God in the schools nor is he putting back prayers in the schools. And when you look at it he has ministers that are coming and praying. We can talk all we want but the ministers are doing the right thing and I'm not saying I want to come out to politics I'm not into it and the reason being sometimes it causes war or conflicts but I really think our duty as the body of Christ as God says it's to pray for our leaders and that is what we are here to do. [Applause] Pray for leaders. >> Pray and support is two different things. >> Mr. Clark worship center, hi dad, hi mom. I think that as a church especially pastors we have to marry the virtue with the practical and responsibility to inform the congragants as a plight in culture and we have a tension of driving while black and gun violence and gang violence we have to educate our members as to the issues that we have. Or what is going on. And inform them so they can make an educated decision when voting to vote for the person that will Trump our issues. Rather than you know just ignoring them per se. >> Let's do this, pastor Nazerine I remember because it touched me, social, the social gospel, social theology, preaching about the plagues of your neighborhood, the racism, all that, is that gone away with? Do you preach it or do you touch it? Or you just preach popular feel good and do you deal with what is going on? Is that gone of yesterday and is that Martin Luther king and is he the last of the Mohegians my dear friends and Jeremiah Wright was silenced because he was Barock's pastor and are those days gone? Do you play it comfortable and easy? >> I think one of the things we have to understand is that we have to speak truth to power. When which talk about prophet with the world prophet not only means one that forth tails or for tails but one that also forth tails. Nathan he went and spoke to the king and said thou art the man. We have a responsibility to inform our people on the truth about what is effecting their entire lives, not just getting people to Heaven but how do you live down here. And so if we are going to talk about social justice it's also on the flip side of the coin we not only need to preach it but we need to do social justice ministry. Come on, we need to figure out how do we show our people how to walk this out in an everyday life and not just speaking at the pulpit but being able to give people action and see this live out in their lives. >> Right behind you, say your name and stand quickly because we only have five minutes. >> Redemption life center and mine is a little bit different probably. My challenge is this: We typically view these issues from one particular context. And that's this: The color of our skin. But for some of ur us pastors who have members that are white in our churches and now we have to deal with issues on both sides of the coin. I love black love. But let them say they love white love. I'm going to be offended. And so now we have to deal with these different issues when it comes to who we are voting with and the politics from both sides of the coin so often and lean heavily on one side and completelyic near the other side when our call was to build the spirits of people and not just address the color of their skin. >> You have to know your crowd. Or you will be put out. Okay. >> My opinion is I think the black church has to move beyond just preaching about social injustice and also creating programs to where people can have economic fluidity because we have people depositing money in banks that will not loan to them and we have to partner with organization that will fight and support our causes. >> All right we are going over here. Social justice preachers is important if we use it to bring people out of poverty in the spirit but it's dangerous if we leave it there because it turns into black supremacy and we have to be more we have to be careful that we motivate people to come up higher. >> I believe it is a significantly important for us as a generation to address the social issues that are going on in our context. We have to pilot ideas and sit at tables with people we don't necessarily agree with so we are the salt and the light in the world. >> Do you feel though if not, you know, the days of Martin it's not as prevalent though? You are kind of stepping back from it? Let's go ahead and come to you, pastor. >> So I think that social justice addresses the marginalized and as we think and how Jesus even taught about making sure that we don't step over the marginalized and don't overlook the needs of those who are on the corners and the fridges of society, that bleeds also into our political opinion because you can divide how you feel the church is based off of homosexuality, based off of a number of issues that were brought up today. But I wonder what is those political positions or whatever doing for the marginalized of the society and can we align to that if you overlook the stranger and overlook the widow and overlook the orphan are you aligned to what Jesus Christ and the church was for here. >> We have a minute and a half and go to pastor and close and make it short so we can have to minutes left. >> If you forget where you came you won't know where you are going and so social justice has to be on the forefront if you are not preaching social justice you are not preaching the gospel because Jesus Christ lived out social justice. Much has same and we needed Martin Luther king junior in the 60s we need the church today and 3% of black churches supported king and his movement at that time and being a prophet doesn't mean popular and Dr. King said a creative dedicated minority will change the world and I believe we can do that. >> I just want to remind everybody that president Trump is just a piece of the puzzle. And that we -- there are systems in place that are sneaky to keep the marginalized and the disenfranchised in the same place and need to end Kate our people on how to be more economically smart and pray for Joseph to rise up to meet with the king. >> I talked to so many young preachers, give it up for everybody, y'all. [Applause] I talk to so many young preachers and young people that say they don't keep up with politics and don't know what is going on. They get the news from the Twitter feed or social media but I admonish you if you have next and if you have now to involve yourself in all of it because your next and now has to do with a global outreach, a global, you are globally being watched right now all over the world. >> Yep. >> And thank you all so much. You are one of the best groups we had. Great minds give it up for yourself. [Applause] You You are I believe you have next and now it's both and I really appreciate you all. Again Givlify compassion international Mr. Adele, thank you I really feel like crying thank you so much Jason and I know better Jason and Jonathan thank you so much, can I do announcement. >> Yes, sir. >> Those not following young preacher we put it up young preacher the movement young preacher the movement go follow us on Instagram, young preachers in movement there it is right there and mom take a screen shot for your preacher if they are at work and send out daily text 1400 get them there it is young preacher text 41141 young preacher 41411 and then we have the T-shirts and we have the booklet and y'all got to find a word. >> Do you know what I think this was absolutely amazing and give it up for the visionarys. [Applause] The architect Mr. Greg Davis. Come on let's celebrate him. [Applause] Bishop our prayer is other senior leaders will take the time to pour into this generation just like you have. Thank you. >> Thank you. >> Honestly you are always going to be next and now if you move at the speed of obedience your assignments change so as long as you are where God has you you are always relevant and obedient you will always be next and now proud of you. >> Switch to Facebook right now, the Word Network Facebook we are getting ready to go over there for 30 more minutes and talk about being single in the church. And we are out, come on y'all, give it up.
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Id: PII3qLWcyjc
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Length: 118min 45sec (7125 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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