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and this is a word network special presentation this is a word network special presentation get ready for Modena pullings live [Music] [Music] I'm so excited tonight boys we got a great lineup you don't want to miss boy you need to go your grandma hole your papa call everybody tell them to tune in to the word network right now tonight we have Shayna Wilson William my girl jewel take it it's in the half [Applause] that fireball preacher lord have mercy she's a blazing Latrice and the amazing tip joy we are so excited come on let's give it up swift you're excited we have with us the mighty man of God coming all the way from Connecticut none other than overseer [Music] [Applause] tonight you're gonna see volume and velocity the power of God is gonna hit you like a Mack truck God is gonna overtake your situation listen the magnitude and the speed by which God is going to bring your breakthrough it's gonna blow your mind it's gonna be used but it's gonna be quick it's gonna be ginormous but it's gonna be fast you better get ready pickup tonight there's a valley full of blessings you've been in a battle but right now you have and it's time to collect the spoils three days and for you [Music] [Music] [Music] now put your lips together but joy [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody show me [Music] [Music] policy can you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and then she stopped singing the names of God that's what I'm wearing around my neck tonight the names of God Howard next guest Wilde first yes then it's going to speak tonight and share from the word of the Lord it's a friend of myself and my husband and we're just so thankful for him we preached at his church many times the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit the home of the war crime he has blessed my life by watching him behind the scenes I knew that he was going through something personally and boy he didn't miss a beat and I looked from afar and said wow look at God because anybody else would have been in a crazy house with a cracked up somewhere but I saw his faith I saw the faith of his mom the his wife and the faith of his church and I said the world needs to hear from this man of God I want you to help me welcome none other than overseer Kenneth most junior [Applause] [Music] listen one of the things about what you're describing now one of my professors at Morehouse told me I'll preach better when I suffer more and in this season I've learned a great deal not through preaching or my experiences but being hurt and just going in a place where sometimes it looks as though that I missed something I'm completely out of your will or maybe I'm just in the wrong complete occupation but I tell you now my preaching has a different substance not because of my background my educational pedigree but really through what I've experienced is something it is called my father's business strategies good strategies for managing the mantle it's a big deal we'll listen one of the things that's that's happening right now you hear a great deal about a man to pass in the mantle catching the mantle and most times individuals have not been provided with the strategies necessary to manage the mantle and it is a great deal to be able to be in place to receive it from Elijah Elijah you hear the word preach another thing but very few people have actually been providing the strategies necessary to manage it and it has to be managed and believe it or not it is a business and I'm not saying that because of my accounting background but I'm saying it because it's in red and Jesus said it I must be about my father's Church no he said I must be about my father's business and form it for too long as relates to ministry people have not provided in particular pk's or the successors strategies by which to manage what we've been given what do you know for sure about managing the mantle it's not good being in a place of favor and believe it or not although your name may be Joseph it's very lonely there's a level of tension and frustration that comes to your life and to your ministry when people realize they have you have a coat that they don't have and what most would understand it's not something you asked for you didn't audition your resume wasn't good enough for it neither was your lifestyle but when God's hand is on you and you pay the price know that this there is a price to this and one thing Bishop takes it and I love it he says there's two things success in anointing does not come in a discount so if you want either of the two you have to pay full price and when I tell you I paid full price yeah I'm paying full price for this they don't know what you've been but I remember you sharing your church how you were preaching around the country but yet subject to your dad is when your dad was still alive and he would have like these huge doors open to preach that others pray for and they were open at the same time and your father would say to you which one are you going to because you can't go to this is completely unfair now for you to bring stuff like just about my dad I was a full time I was full time ministry full time and ministry working in ministry my dad was paying me $100 a week I have a wife and four children everyone in private school and my dad made it very clear and he said that you know my responsibility is not to take care of you that's God's responsibility cuz you said he called you and I'm trying to look at him like but you are my dad but that's alright we'll deal with that later but I was only required allowed to preach out one Sunday a month believe it or not so any other day I can preach except on Sundays and one of the biggest issues that ever confronted me was at a clash between two to popular friends both are to me besides my bishop a has count Walker there's no one more that's a great impact Bishop TD jakes of course I called him Yoda he is old man of wisdom right so Yoda and dr. Freud flake and dr. flake of course have secured the date for me early and Bishop Jake's had called and there were two dates in the same month and I remember it like yesterday my dad said I had actual preaching permission slips I had to submit every where I was going and my dad had to tell him while I was preaching and he would approve my sermons or not and sometimes you tell me I couldn't preach places a couple plays he would tell me I'm not anointed enough for the place sometimes he would tell me I'm preaching out too much and I don't have enough word in me I actually preached at megafest as an aspiring paps aspiring minister so my dad said I wasn't ready to be license yet that was after seven years Morehouse graduate Hannah here oh yes so he that that was my process but I had to choose between dr. flake and Bishop jigs and I told my father I said we know what next month I just won't preach and he said it sounds like you're preaching for money and I'm looking at him like yeah yeah cuz you pay me a hundred dollars and I have a family to feed and it's not about money but I would appreciate something to get some sandwiches and my dad said I'll cancel everything for the rest of the year if it ever looks like to me you're preaching for money he says so you decide which one you're gonna preach at and then you the other one you just let him know you can't go your dad said no so of course when I called my doctor flea and said I can't company my dad told me no doctor flake immediately start laughing and giggling on the phone he said I'm gonna pray for you and left it right there and that next Sunday when I was supposedly preaching with dr. flake my dad had me sit down and said sit down and pay attention so you can get some word in you then he gets up and tells the audience the congregation y'all pray for my son he's mad because he couldn't make money today that was my morning speechless because you get to see through that why the current things that you or the recent things that you just came out of you were able to stand in because you did not abort the process you were a grown man so really you lay down your life nobody could make you accept $100 a week nobody could really make you say I'm gonna take one preaching engagement and not the other you submitted yourself to that so later on I mean you have to see overseer of Mol's juniors Church it's the Cathedral Holy Spirit is a magnanimous huge blessed facility I'm serious I've been there and and they have multiple properties and then I went to the other church that just blossom overnight I don't know how you did that but we can talk about that later but you were able to stand in the day of adversity because you weren't like a lot of popcorn preachers popping up no substance no submission never serve anywhere never serve the Manto aborted the process and therefore if you abort the process you abort the power you had the power because you stuck with the process you have something to offer has really nothing to do anything but God's timing and one of the things because I was used to functioning without money when I did not have money I never ran away from my church so the tendency just came in when I got money was getting low and everything that was happened with the ministry the moment that I felt like oh my god I got to make all this money then I start realizing wait wait wait this is not my issue this is not my problem my God shall supply all of my needs he'll be a thing this is just absolutely amazing the Lord been revealing to you when it comes to raising children of destiny what does that mean to you how important is family to you your I've met your children they're highly educated very intelligent smart polite what have you done that your children are so kind so generous so manner abou so polite PK's well that's that's a dynamic and of itself one of the things I've created was I started with a good father and mother so I'll use that as my benchmark to say I'll never do less than when I receive for myself and then at that point I pushed beyond that and many of the things that did not go right or I thought my father did right or may have missed those areas that I try to fix and I try to make better one of the things I really spend a great deal of time on I tell you this all the time if you think that education is expensive try ignorance so I spent a great deal of money on educating my children that's my investment and I teach my children I'm investing money into you because I want that back I want it back pressed down shaken together running over glory I need it all back it's an investment in understanding where they are what they need to do and where they are and then of course I don't I don't teach for his family because the Bible said the first shall be last and I don't want to place my family by their church's I tell everyone I'm not gonna raise my children so that you feel comfortable I'm gonna let my children grow and do what they need to do I'm their parent they attend this church and that's not your problem so I uh I take that dynamic I don't really follow my father where you have to be the example for the whole church I don't require that of my kids I require them to live a life of integrity and whatever you're going through if you're struggling your greatest mistake I'm your dad and if you don't tell me I can't help you so my children when they fail they fail big and I let them know if I celebrate you when you win when you lose I'm gonna correct you but in either situation I love it I tell you you and your wife have some great children I love the way you shared them once on social media you see them at some events I see your mom there with you just the balance in your life is just greatly appreciated just looking from afar seeing you and your wife seeing your mom at some of the events too and all of this I'm seeing you do while I know you're going through something major and to see what God has done in your life and and and I'm telling you he's gonna blow your mind for every tear for every every unite every situation every hit every every person that forsook you everybody that put their mouth on you the blessings of the Lord it's going to overtake you so quickly greater than what you'd ever have before seven times greater anointing seven times greater real-estate seven times greater financially I wish it is yours it is joy it's yours and nothing is going to stop it what do you say to the man of God the woman of God that is in the middle of it you know we don't like the middle who's like you know what this is a big fat contradiction okay did you change your mind this is this is really where my heart is right now because for many process for me is everything and I've learned nothing else I've learned that failure is the womb of success and for those that are in the tight place or you're struggling or you're in the or you're in the middle of it um I came to the word network three weeks before a judge ruled against me so those that don't know that was the judge came I was talking about expansion new contracts I had in three weeks after being here with Bishop Davis I got back home we were in the court case we were supposed to win and a lawyer didn't turn the paper again and the judge ruled against the church and said in 60 days I had to turn over nineteen pieces of property lose 14 million dollars worth of assets unless I could come up with ten million dollars and there I was looking at my mother my congregation and my church and I had absolutely nothing which which was read me that the text I was rude to him on earlier second sent me chapter six where David prepares to bring the glory of the God back and he's bringing the Ark of the Covenant back in the Bible says he has thirty thousand men with him the entire band they're all playing of the flutes to higher cymbals everything is going and the Lord while he's going forth to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to God and the Bible says that other puts forth his hand at nakeds threshing floor and and smokes him in his anger and he's killed and immediately one of the things that I asked the Lord is why do you take such pleasure in letting men fail in leadership because it would seem to me if you're gonna let David fail let him get scratched up by the line of the bear let him get punched or slammed by Goliath why would you wait for him to become the king and let there be thirty thousand people following him and notice this is not his balcony moment so this is not about this Sheba was his issue weaknesses he's actually going after God trying to bring the glory back to God how do you fail you can see I'm trying to talk you over there how do you fail when you're going after God how do you fail when you're in the will of God how do you go after God and try to bring his glory back and then you fail and and I begin to read the text in verse number 6 it says and the ark was on the shoulders of the oxen and that's when the Lord shared with me the problem of the body of Christ and what the Lord had to deal with me as he had to sanctify my space and I was like would he tell my lord he says the glory was never meant to be it on the shoulders of the oxen it was supposed to be on the shoulders of the priests and in many places and many ministries and I had to repent because I had put the glory on the shoulders of animals so I was trying to usher in God's presence through oxen I was trying to build a ministry to oxen I was trying to establish the will of God through individuals that did not have the spiritual sensitivity to understand what was going on in the church which which changed the way I did ministry because it let me know I can't come to God just in your kind of way even if my intention is right and my pure was right I have the strategy and the right people when I I'm not doing it according to his will of righteousness and the Lord and just all types of things going on one of the things had to deal with was adultery and ministry and I'm not talking to other women but many times the Lord how to make it meet understand that the church is the Bride of the Church of the Bride of Christ he says and many times ministers and elders are sleeping with my wife they're spilling mid time with the church trying to love on the church and they're not taking care to own wives and the reality is I had a host of merry people that would do way more in ministry than my single people and there was that level of Delta fornication not literally going on with individual members but the actual body the church the Bride of Christ and the Lord had to convict me said this is right this is my bride this is not your bride you got your people you got your wife everyone has their own this is what you need you need to be taking care of my assignment when I give you to do and I remembered it like yesterday the words I receive from Bishop Jake's feed the Sheep and let the goat starve and that's how I built my ministry I built it around that I move myself away from the oxen and the congregation and I begin to find and create moments where I created what we call sanctified space and I want to sit in every person that's here it's not about anything beyond where your heart is and sometimes God will not give you what you want because you have the wrong individuals in your space and what the Lord will do and what the Lord did is he he sanctified his space he said I learned my lesson I'm gonna go back after the ark and he and and and David I got like David when I got embarrassed it was across the whole country they said he deserves it good for him all of that start traveling I felt home but got rid of depression and the Lord had to convict me and before I knew it I got out of that spirit of depression I lifted up my hand and said Lord i'ma try again so there is a life after failure there is life after struggle and I'm saying to encourage every person that's watching today I dare you to sanctify your space and watch God show up on your back thank you thank you for your transparency Wow Wow let's take inventory let's check out our space we're going after God we want to please him thank you for sharing from your heart today bishop over sea of moles chili I can call you Bishop you know what I mean the Blessed man of God next we have the dynamic extraordinary anointed appointed woman of God Shayna Wilson Williams we lift your name come on somebody make a joyful noise to the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] your name [Music] [Music] it's [Music] you are [Music] because it's all generations [Music] [Music] single [Music] you are great [Music] [Music] [Music] hi in diabetes higher than cancer that name is great that name is powerful that name is [Music] we love you Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's great music iTunes just put it on and go deep deep [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus he's seeing about your situation your breakthrough is coming at the speed of light you better get ready because God is gonna overtake you with his goodness and this time is not gonna be some situation or some problem but I'll tell you the goodness of the Lord the goodness of the other side [Music] he cannot [Music] thank you [Music] we were dealing with situations it was all in it in the newspapers and we were going after that new property that God had showed us and God moved in our favor moved us from 17,000 square feet to 77,000 square feet don't tell me that our God can't do it because he can do anything but fail hallelujah God is a keeper of his word but God the promise spoken is a promise kept and I would encourage those of you that are under the sound of my voice tonight I tell you this satellite is beaming right to you there's a breakthrough coming right to you I'm telling you hallelujah the speed the velocity the quickness that there overnight break through the overnight wonder that shall happen in your life what God will do in a day what he will do in a matter of 24 hours and he would call to manifest in your life something so huge that you're gonna think that you're dreaming you don't have to pinch yourself and say am I really singing here then I just get this boat the Lord just deliver me from this that God just took this around I come with a breaker breaker special announcement come on I don't care what you've been going through you can say bye-bye because the power it's gonna overtake that situation I want you tonight to sew up the laxity singing I tell you to put a seed in the ground many of you can sow a seed a 100 dollars and I want you to call it a velocity seed the speed and by which something will happen not just the magnitude but how fast it will hit I'm here to tell you that it's big and it's coming quickly call one eight five five seven three zero word watch God do a divine performance in your life I heard the one same volume and I heard him say velocity nothing can stop it I tell you you better get ready because the days of kitchen nothing is over the big catch is here the big breakthrough is here it's open your eyes boy Lewis here gets one through your house it's running through your children getting your finances it's [Music] go so you're seen one eight five five seven three 0s is here today so you can be down so long you think you're never coming out but when the divine appointment hits the set time the favored Zion but God decides that it's over nothing can stop it God has on his schedule his divine schedule breakthroughs for you and your family watch the wonders of God I would guess that is here today this my girls my friend this my she my everything I just love her she's real she loves God she's not afraid to be herself she is bad to the bone I'm telling you sometimes we see people um you know on television and she's on a lot of television shows and and and she had her own show with her husband and and it's over secular stations and you only get to see a little bit but I saw this Holy Ghost filled anointed woman of God I went to her church and I'm thinking I'm going to bring the blessing well a blessing overtook me when I tell you she read my mail she read my mail nobody but God could have given her the information she had and that this excuse my language this chick is bad in the Holy Ghost I'm Nick I didn't know just like they don't know about you they say you want one faster but they don't like Mary Mary's that they don't see you know when you behind closed doors I knew that day home God really has something going on would you help me welcome none other than Pastor I just want to say that even as you were beginning to flow prophetically I want to challenge you you know I remember my spiritual father gave me a prophetic word that I was gonna meet my husband I had been married before to somebody that was physically abusive and emotionally abusive and financially abusive and one day he thought he was gonna whoop me with a belt and threw all my clothes out of the window and and so one day II called he said I'm not coming back I said thank you Jesus and I stayed in the prayer room come on somebody I saved in the prayer room I stayed fasting and one day my spiritual father called me he said you need to sow a seed of a thousand dollars into your spiritual mother I did that in 30 days later pastor Medina I met Ben tankard my husband of 18 years so there's something about baby but there's something about a seed the provokes the portals and the and and the windows and and and it opens up and it causes you to have a divine thrust into destiny so I went from when I sold that seed nobody knew my name I'd spend a lot of time in the prayer room and all of a sudden I was marrying this phenomenal man of God men of caliber changed my entire world and so for those of you that are watching right now some of you I know the Spirit of God is beginning of stirring your heart and she said $100 see that's gonna be for some of you but some of you God is saying that I'm ready for you to sow a seed don't choke seed I don't choke see another words you get to a place and when God is ready to expand your capacity and you feel like I can't go any further no you can't go further because God is not is gonna take you to another level but I'm telling you're getting ready to skip levels right now God is getting ready to rush you into your destiny when I met my husband at 30 days after sowing that $1,000 seed honey he came to me during intermission and he said you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen you're supposed to be my wife I knew that she'd brought that wisdom to that man when he saw me he knew what it was so I want to encourage you to sow this seat right now this is fertile ground this is good ground as an anointing right now in this place of great expansion something different happens when you sow that thousand on the scene I've seen that ministry go from obscurity to traveling around the world and I wasn't passing out any cars I would say hey you know I'm a minister God just did it so when he says so you have to move you gotta and and you can't delay with it sometimes I'll be running so quickly with God tell me to sew a thing I mean it's like I read over myself well because if you delay what will happen is the enemy starts talking and then procrastination is the thief of time and i'ma get to it and and and I thought about that thing it's like when you call your children or you call your son or your daughter you say Oh Jackie come key or time you come here and they just sit back you lookin like child have you lost your ever-loving mind even though that's not where have you that you we see that as disrespectful so when God tells us to plan we don't sit back no no no we moved and once you see God like do uncommon things in your life like having presidents of corporations calling you having the top dog somehow get your phone number and call you and proquest you at the table extend favor to you and nobody but God could have given you that hookup see when you plant that seed you don't have to wait for somebody to come and do something for you God will put it in your lap God will make it with nobody can hinder it no I can stop it is like soul guilt as thousands but david killed just ten thousand and see exponentially you grow that the capacity grows woman of god you are on it you are on it you are that's the time in the season that we're in we're gonna see the church now god is causing such a tremendous emergence of spiritual and natural wealth coming together like before you would just see people in the church that were powerful they had an anointing but they were broke those days are completely over there is a wealth transfer wealth strategies that are coming into the church that the world has not ever seen and i'm telling you it's happening quickly more millionaires and billionaires will be birth in 2018 out of the church the next Google is coming out of the church the next Apple is coming out of the church the next American Express is coming out of the church God is giving us prophetic insight to cause us to be able to solve problems of humanity just like Aaron be a bee with birth just like uber was birth that's now coming out of the church so God is summonings all the intercessors all the ministry gifts all of a sudden are gonna have supernatural thinking and be able to go into the future of 2020 2021 and we will have answers for the world that's how we were able to purchase the building if the Lord did not give my husband vision Orrin the number to bid because they can't tell you other people's beds and really they made us think that the number we bid it was adequate but they stopped taking our phone calls was Genesis corporation gonna get it or was United Nations Church gonna get it the Holy Ghost spoke to him and told him to bed two point nine five two million nine hundred thousand hundred and five thousand that five thousand was the number that gave us the edge that number didn't even make any sense and I believe it now here's what I know if we don't accept this wealth that God has for us to just accept by faith then the children they're not gonna hold back they're gonna have it God is even dealing with our young people with our children where they will stand in the marketplace with an anointing second-to-none they will be modern-day Daniels ten times better I love what you're doing and how you're ministering to people I want you to tell us why did you start that Millionaire's Club so the Millionaire's Club is really for anybody I started it because my parents are actually the first African Americans to have a business downtown Detroit Medina trait and so as a result of theirs collard greens records and tapes and as a result of that we lived a very fabulous life his and her Rolls Royce his or her Mercedes housekeepers cooks and drivers and at 19 we lost everything and I remember asking my mom mom till we have anything paid off do we have any money saved do we have any money I've invested and her answer for everything was well your father thought this your father thought that and so I was thinking of myself but mom what were you thinking see daddy is naturally a very good producer my dad can just make millions of dollars just been on him his whole life but not necessarily the best manager investor that doesn't make them bad it's just acknowledging who has the grace and so sometimes we ask people about what we should do with our money who are not qualified I cannot ask my cousin who's lived in section 8 their whole life about what they think I should do with my money because they don't have a revelation on that and so then I started dating drug dealers cuz I was trying to recreate this life that I was used to living then honey they started getting indicted and dining and I went to church I said Jesus I need you and so then the Lord said why can't you take care of yourself and he said I want you to begin to financially educate yourself so I graduated from U of M I'm an economist by profession and I just ran into so many women over the years who had no idea what was going on with the money they didn't care about the money they just wanted to cook recipes change diapers and I said girl you better know about your money and get these coins right because if you don't manage the money or if you don't invest the money like you're supposed to it doesn't mean your husband is a bad man it doesn't mean he's not anointed by God but he may not be grace to manage and build wealth so it's a it's a place for women to get financially educated and learn how to create cashflow daily and want monthly and then annually and then you feel so good if something happens you know it's like one of those movies I saw I think it was one of Tyler Perry's [Music] jumping over the broom yes yes Angela Bassett and he thought they was down to nothing yes and he made his confessions and she had a stand come on she needs to have some cheap money yes not trying to be Shepard but trying to be an answer absolutely I remember mine my husband years ago he had um you know weed things were tight you know at the ministry and when you first started ministry you no such thing as all the minutes are gonna pay you you got to pay the Bennis trees bills and so things were kind of tough and I remember going in my little space and I said well I have something honey and in his face just lit up like a Christmas tree and I was you know happy to have an answer that you know I didn't look at money like oh you know whatever he said no we gonna count you and we're gonna take 1 CH what he added to another it keep I said keep saving it and be able to contribute just talked to a woman recently tell you how real this is and and she was so proud of the fact that how her husband took care for all these years he took care of everything but then she said it's so stressful now because he fell ill and he can't take care of all the stuff that he took him so now she has to go through all this research to see what she needs to take care and because she's she's never been involved or never been in the know it's brought stress into her life it is important for women to be financially educated like you said they get sick or or you know god forbid he walks out or god forbid he dies I mean there are all different kinds of things that happen see here's the thing if a woman becomes wealthy the whole house wins you see I'm saying and so now you can have horses in the stable my baby just left Belize for spring break she's graduating from how we're totally debt-free come on somebody you see thank you lord and so it gives you options it's the difference between sending your children to the boys and girls camp or University of Scotland you said I'm saying and so we have to expose our children to greatness we have to expose our children to wealth we don't want to just keep them contained there's a whole world out there money moves from nation to nation and move some China to Africa to Russia and we've got to get in the middle of that money moving because we're gonna need it to advance the kingdom you cannot make an impact and you broke the Bible says that a poor man's wisdom is despised he can be wiser because he's poor he's wise with the wealth he has many friends so if we really want to change politics if we really want to change what's going on socially opposed to getting mad get paid and then you'll having you'll have a say-so in this country absolutely powerful you cannot give what you do not have you cannot give what you do not have and I think about how recently we was out in the neighborhood's out reaching knocking on doors you know it is I mean killing it for Jesus just having a good time holding up the cars at the stoplight people holding hands repeating the sinner's prayer at the light went to one area the man was on his job but tears in his eyes what's the matter my wife lost her job but you could tell he was on his work break the Holy Ghost said go in your pocket and give him all your money if I didn't have no money in my pocket I couldn't give him hundreds of dollars we have to accept what it is that God wants to put in our life because God not only wants to get something to us he wants to get something through us when he says you know take care of that single mom and her children pay her pills for six months you can do it and you're not sitting there hearing and humming out what all acting like money as evil money it's not evil the love of the love of money is evil but money answer if all things and God wants us to be debt-free because debt is slavery marriages are destroyed over money it's because of the lack of money bills that are did but I believe that God is going to cause people that step out and believe God and half faith in and say you know what I'm gonna invest this I'm gonna solve this I'm gonna get this I'm gonna put my seed in the ground and watch God grow it exponentially watch God bring it back I'm telling you God will cause you to transcend time so now on another note you went on reality TV you are bold somebody when I say you were whole they came knocking on this door you went on reality TV I recently was at your house so I saw your family I saw their respect for you I saw the admiration so sometimes you see TV you don't know they piece stuff together the way they want to do it how did you manage to go and react first why did you go second how did you keep your family together so we want a reality TV because you know everybody is like oh my gosh reality TV is a mess and you know this is wrong and it's wretched and this this but to me Jesus came that we would have liked going to darkness we don't just sit back and talk about an issue we should actually be invading the world's space so that we can have influence so you cannot have influence where you cannot be seen so what happens is is I decided to go on a reality TV where there was housewives rule and I made her appearances or married to medicine I've been on the last two seasons just getting ready started for another season or the tankard show was to be a light in a dark world see the whole point is that I cannot just we can't just stay in the church and we're gonna make impact we need to be on the red carpet we need to go to Hollywood we didn't to be in films you know we can't say we can't be scared now everybody's not called to do it but I do believe that there's some believers right that there was a grace in our life and I will tell you we triple time to our family meetings because I had to make sure my Brooklyn I see your brother you didn't I'm saying I'm Britney now wait a minute now that's still your sister Cyrene uh-uh you just you went too far on that scene now I understand they were that what they said they wanted us to be more authentic and we said no wait a minute these are the tanker rules according to Jesus and the Word of God now we're gonna be authentic and we're gonna be transparent but you still got to make sure that we got a relationship with each other after these cameras leave and so we double triple time to our family meetings we had allotted at late night discussions about our feelings and it actually ended up making our family closer because it made us deal with things that we would have never normally dealt with what would you say so you really went into that medium mountain and pierced the darkness with light and I'm telling you I talked with your daughter with Brooklyn and I mean just seeing that admiration there and seeing that respect for you and and and your family and to see your family intact after being on the show like that you know God had to be with you and that's just amazing and thank you for the strategy of saying have family meetings I think that right there is something that all families should do every family should have family meetings where you sit down cut off social media put the phones to the side and have a heart-to-heart family discussion where it is a safe place to talk about real situations now tell me about your book so I did a book called the millionaire's lifestyle and I basically talked about my process in there and I talked about a lot of the issues were wealth because you can understand there been a lot of issues where wealth in our community because we were taught growing up as long as I got a roof over my head and food on my table so there's a lot of survival mentality that we have so this whole wealth space where a lot of people is still very uncomfortable and then I talked about how you have to learn how to get along with everybody not focus on people's flaws but focus on their value how to do effective team-building see if you're really going to be effective in ministry or in business you have to hang around people that are in their genius that are walking in their brilliance that have the ability to think and so I talked about that in the book I talk about how Ben and I operate as a power couple we have some investments together but then we have some investments separate I trust the gift is in him he trusts the gift in me and me and it just makes her a really beautiful union so I kind of just talk about that whole process this is a powerful woman of God I want you to look into this camera as we close out this segment right here and really speak to the person that's struggling right now and says you know what I know God has more for me I'm in a financial rut where do I begin so the first thing that you have to do is you need to I recommend join an organization like the Millionaire's Club or some kind of financial organization that can begin to teach you wealth strategies so you begin to watch your spinning because see some people are more concerned with red bottoms and having a red bottom bank account and so sometimes it's your spending is off your expense heavy you maybe you need to cut your cable you know you can't just expect to put money in a savings account you have to actually put yours money in things that will create compounded interest what business what passion do you have let's take that sewing and make it a gift and start an online store so you basically need to take whatever gift God is giving you and then begin to build a brand through social media through marketing through online I mean you don't even have to build a boutique these days and and get what God gave you because it's not gonna just drop down from heaven so what means is as God gives you the idea but a lot of believers have gotten used to brushing off the idea and not going with it so partner with other people that are smarter than you that can help you with your money that's it right there start where you are ladies and gentlemen dr. jewel take it don't we love her Thank You I love you Shana Wilson is coming it's in the room wherever you are just beginning to clear that it's in the room whatever I need is in the room come on somebody say that is in the room [Music] [Music] it's it's [Music] [Music] [Music] father [Music] [Music] [Music] with ears [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever [Music] [Music] [Music] you know when the song is loyola you don't want to cut it off I wonder those people that like we beat I will wear a song out Schaller in this song right here it's in the room it reminds me of Jehoshaphat when he was afraid when he knew that those three different companies was coming up against him he was afraid but they went on a fast come on here called out to God God sent His Word told them that they didn't have to fight put priests singers out come on just show up God intervened and what looked like a setup to take them out was really a setup to connect them to a valley of blessings I'll just believe right now Shaina if we will just release a sound in this place tonight somebody's gonna release herself [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody's daughter right now [Music] [Music] she sees it now [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] rifle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody knows that the word network is the largest african-american religious and inspirational network in the world but what you may not know is all the ways you're able to see your favorite shows and content of course we're seen on over 90 million homes in the United States and 200 countries around the world via cable and satellite but did you know that you can watch us via Facebook live the enemy wouldn't be after you our new mobile app on roku Apple TV Amazon fire YouTube and YouTube red Google Fiber and more the word network makes finding the gospel easy we make it accessible and we continue to find ways to spread the love of Jesus Christ all over the world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's already in my room it's already in my room I believe it's already in my room when you were singing and I know we have you know protocols and stuff here but God is moving right here in Shana I need you to stay there a second but somebody's in that hospital room and I believe that as you sing they received strength and bodies are healed right now and I know what it's like to be in a hospital room with a loved one that didn't even remember who I was my husband in 2011 had a hemorrhagic stroke and they didn't think that he was gonna make it and if he did he was gonna be a vegetable didn't remember me or our five children Oh God but I felt healing in the room I got a word from heaven that said miracle and it didn't matter what the doctors report looked like it didn't matter what they said what mattered is what heaven had to say about it and heaven Tsongas Shana just now that it's already in the room so if it's already in the room together tell thank you I'll be gonna walk around that Hospital said thank you Jesus thank you thank you Jesus and God gave me up miracle my husband walked out of there on his own two feet thirty days later and this light my let me tell you something it's already in the room it's already [Music] but God leads you to praise him like that something already happened your spirit man knows it's already done something has been releases already in the room it's already here it's already turned that's already shifted it's already released it's already in your house [Music] somebody saying my room you need to call one eight five five seven three zero work plant that seed so that hunka dollar seat so it now put it in the crown volume and velocity god is doing a quick work and it's happening now Shana this song better be on iTunes it is oh yeah [Music] put it in my kid's room put it in my kitchen see that's what you have to do because the enemy plant so many things to try to discourage God's people you have to be intentional we're putting what God has to say in your environment in your space in your car I'll be blasted the world don't care about blue do the poop to put it in I mean just blast oh it's already in the room what inspired this project but when this song come from my first son RJ on the doctors told me I had to have an emergency c-section and of course it was my first child I was not prepared and as I was getting rolled into the operating room I heard the Lord telling me I'm in the room and I just begin to hum he's in the room and my husband he can tell you I he said you got a song I say I got a song now he said right now I say he's in the room and now that my son is here and I had a successful pregnancy and a successful labor I know that whatever you need it's in the room yeah you got a bond that fear up bond that whirring this up and just say it's in the room and so I begin to write that song after my son came and it's been blessing people all over the world just to decree and declare that it's in guess what God gave her that song in the middle of verse 'ti during a trying time it birthed the song that is now blessing nations and guess what God is just like God was in the room with Shana God is in the room with you I can't no more my cup runneth over all night long I'm be thinking it's in the room we don't have to worry about a thing well I'll next guess you talking about a preacher I mean a preacher preacher preacher preacher pretty preacher dainty and dangerous preacher she comes out roaring like a lion but yet she's dainty like a lady she is doing a phenomenal work in the body of Christ God is using her in a mighty way I think she just comes out with pink boxing gloves and just gives the enemy a fit I want you to help us welcome none other than the extraordinary beautiful advantage it is Latrice Royale you mentioned about being dainty and pretty you you you created all this will just help you you did um you freed us and you let us know women female preachers you let us know that you can be anointed you can be powerful you could have authority and you can also be feminine and ladylike so thank you for setting that standard thank you you set the model yes you did for women in ministry who were wives who were mothers you had five babies I remember where you were pregnant with little bitty modena and we were watching you preach on YouTube and watching you preach on your various conferences carrying a baby but you are allowing other people to give birth as well you were carrying your own baby but but nevertheless birthing out Nations and other midwives and other intercessors and other women of God so thanks you thank you for that can we give it up for this woman of God yes you did yes ma'am your labor your seeds your travail your prayers your sweat your blood your tears are not in vain there is a nation of people there is a nation of sons and daughters who are sitting at your feet that you've never met that you've never laid hands on but your ministry is impacting them and impacting the nations and it's riveting and it's growing and growing and grow I can't hear nobody it's growing and it's growing and it's growing so thank you thank you years ago back then it was the Holy Spirit who convicted me to be who he made me to be and that you know people would try to come up and say different things you need to wear this you need to wear that and I remember I started taking things off and started just kind of looking like the pauper okay you know whatever cuz I'm not you know whatever God wants me to do and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said I brought you from that I took you from wearing your grandmother's clothes I blessed you and that's why we have to be willing to get alone with God right and not look outwardly for who we are but look within and hear God and and and I didn't even know what's making a difference I was just giving a divine permission to be who he created me to be in the Lord freed me when I was I was 27 getting ready to turn 28 and I had gone through a very dark period and I started looking back over my life and I realized I don't know who I am I was a former pastor's wife and so I didn't know who I was I didn't know what what type of cookie I like my favorite that's really I didn't know anything about me all I knew was I was lady whoever and I was sunshine and Kaitlyn's mother that's all I knew and then God had to let me know there's more in you daughter then you giving yourself credit and you're trying to set up and learning and and live up to the standard of people who don't even know who they are so how are they gonna tell you who you are how are they gonna validate you validation is for parking and so God freed me come over here somebody validation is from Paulette King God freed me when I was 20 getting me to turn twenty-eight years old and I looked at I was wearing all these grandmother clothes and I said wait a minute God to find out who I am I got to find out who am i who is Latrice what do you like what is your mission what is your purpose I gave away all those grandma Michael I gave them to my grandmother my girl my grandmother saying why are you giving them giving me those all my clothes I don't wanna but I learned who I had to learn who I was and so thank you for freeing me thank you for breaking the change of bundage we started thinking that holiness was determined by the length of our skirt holiness was determined about how our hair look holiness was the term about if we had on good sex some of us need to wear lipstick some of us need to put on some concealer y'all don't have no church up in here it's a weak thought that holiness was on the outside but it is what's on the inside because I've know plenty of Lucchese with long skirts down to their ankles I can't hear nobody up there oh yes she goes off just as quick as those short skirts but who are you in the late night hours who are you come over here somebody so God had to free me he said you better be who you who I created you to be and understand something when we are not being who God created us to be we are saying to God you don't know what you're doing you let you don't you made a mistake when you made me but baby my Bible says I am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous it ain't about what my baby daddy say it ain't about what my ex says it's about what God says and God says I'm the head and not the tail I'm gonna say what God says about me because you helped me and I wrote I wrote a long little dedication to you in the inside but thank you for freeing me and so many other people thank you for allowing us thank you for blessing me and sharing your testimony it just makes me want to run on even more for Jesus because sometimes you met people may experience that but they may they would never say it and it just speaks of how pure how authentic you are and there's just no limit to where God has taken you girl I mean that there is no limit you are in the unlimited and God is just gonna absolutely blow your mind the finisher yes Lord so what inspired this book and don't you look so pretty can you see I love the colors and on this picture on the back I'm not showing you the back you have to get the book on this picture on the back and this is the picture right here yeah this is like I am free this looks like you know no more bondage no more change I am totally me being who God has called me to be this is awesome you have to get your book is called the finisher your guide to getting it done your what inspired this book okay so dr. Medina I've been writing a book for over 10 years matter of fact I was thinking about it on the way up and it's been close to about 12 to 13 years that I've been writing a book but I allowed here Here I am miss unshakable faith miss sure and in knowing all scriptures but I allow fear to bully me come on I allowed self-sabotage to bully me I allowed doubt to bully me and for 10 years for over 10 years 12 13 years I was writing this book I was receiving prophetic words people were prophesied over me you're gonna write a book but understand something it's one word is one way one one thing to receive a prophecy but it's another thing to put their prophecy into motion okay because it starts you you it's more than just saying a man it's more than just saying we receive a prophetic word to say and I receive it and we close our arms we fold our legs and just think that it's gonna magically appear that's not the case we have a responsibility in the fulfillment of our prayer in our prophecy month so we have a responsibility so I was writing that book and in life would happen I would start I would stop I would start go through a divorce after she was 16 and 12 years old and I have another baby I don't know where Noah came from baby just happened I was traveling I'm just just doing the work of the Lord and so life was life what just happened like what happened so I was start and stop in January 2nd I went on a fan started fans of December 30th January 2nd I was doing The Awakening prayer called that we do every Tuesday morning 7:00 a.m. Eastern Time and I was doing the prayer call and what I normally do I close my computer I stop and I look and I listen for God I want to hear for confirmation I'm listening for affirmation I want to make sure that I heard him that no stone was unturned so I'm listening and something internal began to happen to me that had never happened before I began to hear God in a way that I'd never heard him before in the end I don't I don't know if he was a baritone soprano I do not know but the voice that I heard everything in me obeyed it everything in me got in divine alignment everything in me said now is the time so I did what I was afraid to do I was afraid to write I afraid to to start I was afraid to do it I bought all the books software programs I bought all these other things but I was still afraid to do it but I ended up doing what I was afraid to do I said no more excuses I looked at fear and I told fear you are not gonna bully me another day you are not gonna sit around here and make me miss God another day I'm gonna do it I don't know how to do it but I'm gonna do it and then revelation just started coming I didn't know where it was coming from and it kept on coming it just kept on coming God was just pouring into me and he said just like what Shania said it was already in the room it was already in me and I need this prophesy to somebody right here who's listening right now there is something that is in you there is something that is hidden within you if fear maybe telling you that you come from a bad family fear may be telling you that you don't have the degree fear may be telling you that you don't have the pedigree you don't have the resources but let me tell you as a witness that God can do anything but fail he can take the foolish I can't hear nobody out there he can take the foolish things of the world he'll fail the wise he begin to put me in order he began to allow me to focus things that I could not focus on anymore I began to get laser focus I began to hone and become intentional I began to become yes God precise in my request precise in my pursuit I said not another missed opportunity not another miss moment I said God I'm going after you and I'm going after you with everything I got and that's what we have to do we have to make up in our mind that we're gonna go after God come hell or high water boy ain't nobody supported me I'm gonna do what God told me to do I need somebody to look fear in the face you look doubt in the face look request our nation in the face somebody and temple procrastination you are not bullying me another day but I'll go stand up with the rental car that's in me coz greater is he that is within me better he that is in the world and no weapon formed against me not only did not get in order with God's Word not only did I get focused but I got me some accountability partners I got some people around me that told me that I could do it I got some people around me somebody people around me I got some you need to push for somebody you need to push [Music] [Music] looks like [Music] [Music] [Music] I finish it you said you did what you are afraid to you woman of God I did when I was afraid it took me 10 years to start but 52 days from the time I were one word to the time the book was delivered in my hands y'all don't know when to shut up in here the woman of God is already said velocity and volume it took me over 10 years to start but by the time I wrote one word to the fulfillment of what God said it was 52 days I started coming here somebody January 2nd the book was in my hand February 23rd I can handle body up in here 52 days the same miracle that God gave Nehemiah you gave it to me the same miracle that God differently of Maya he said don't worry about sin better than supply yourself you got to be ready to be on and you got to bother you mr. is the it's the year it's the season for us to swell it's the season for us to expand volume and velocity as Jesus ladies and gentlemen Latrice Ryan right now give it up for tip joy hallelujah God is focused on how can we lift our hands and begin to worship my father come on can we lift our hands and talk to all you bless your name father listen to the words god we bless your name tell me who kynges was yes come cause the way and then come [Music] surely somebody just lift the heads and talk to him say it is he [Music] yes you do father the one who rang yes you do God say is [Music] the bread gets [Music] this is what the course says right here it says my crime the clever man your holiness and your glorious [Music] I'm crying ha anybody got a hot phrase on ministers come on say hi [Music] God we honor you tonight for them now can we just lift up our words top are the words of adoration to [Music] fighting glad he went away to prepare a place st. Paul the day he returns God we honor you tonight father lift your head and say my name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] can you worship and praise them as their people's right before you what would somebody yes I will Jesus [Music] God we lift that up to you tonight somebody lift your voice and say hi [Music] [Applause] glory that just saw this somebody tonight [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Monika's queen [Applause] people are getting delivered while she ministers sitting in her car please receive pastor Jamila young pitcher [Applause] [Music] thank you for being here with us okay get right into it how did you get started I am honored well first of all give it on Scott to my husband who is here actually my husband Calvin I am so honored to be here with you dr. Medina it happened I was preaching for years and one day I was driving to work and the Lord said that he wanted me to minister in my car but the uniqueness about it is is that he said he was going to open up an anointing like the Pool of Bethesda the anointing is gonna fall between the hours of 7:30 and by 8:30 and during that time the power of God Falls your witness it falls it falls to the point where yokes are breaking it falls to the point where folks is getting to live you talk you don't know a see testimony until you so on on the grounds in which I stand on today you don't understand and people want to know what what is it because you can't have 10,000 to 12,000 people watching at one time those number has to pass Oprah and the great TD jakes they want to know how but you came actually anointed how because God does things in the most unusual way and this is what the car chronicles is all about so you really allow God yes to speak to you absolutely exactly exactly exactly and that's what it is John the Baptist was very unique right right and that's what he does my husband always says God's Word doesn't change but his methods does all the time and so this was the method and people don't understand that the car chronicles is a powerful thing but it's what's in the inbox it's when I get those phone calls and you turn the camera around and people got guns too there it's when you turn the camera around and a lady is being laying in the hospital bed with her child in a dead coma like state a couple of weeks ago a woman named Ashley and I tell her testimony very quickly Ashley introduced her aunt to the car chronicles and what she did is her aunt said she introduced me my baby is laying here in a coma-like State and so the Lord said call her so at Facebook I turned the camera around and I called her and she begin ago because she recognized my face and she become and I said the blood the blood of Jesus you comment on it the blood the blood she begin ago and the same doctor that pronounced her brain dead now says take Ashley and let her walk for an hour a day so it's a movement that God ordained this is the season where Barnes will to do the most unusual thing everybody keeps talking about the seat to see the seat I'm telling y'all CCM stop playing I'm telling you there's something when you plant a seed on the fertile ground y'all better show it now because the ground in which I stand on its fertile and so understand these see testimonies this girl got a twenty thousand dollars of nowhere that ain't nobody but gone don't judge me till you see my see don't judge don't judge me too you see my seed if people gotta understand this morning and I know we gotta go I'm a wrap this thing up do you mind if I just okay let me just do this real quick this is the way I do it it's easy understand something this morning as I begin to lay down doctor I begin to hear something y'all go volunteer with me right now okay here we go what happened is I begin to hear angels feet this morning as I begin to frame a beginning i gotchu this with me do with me come on I begin here that's what I heard the marching of angels begin to speak because I'm for you right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry scuse me every time you click my buddy safe trip come on and give Jesus a great big praise [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this has been a word network special presentation brought to you by the friends and partners of the word network all over the world it features 23 Grammy Award winners 8 Emmy Award winners 5 Golden Globe winners
Channel: The Word Network
Views: 5,572
Rating: 4.848485 out of 5
Id: E4bF1e5U8Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 38sec (7118 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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