You'll never never know (Ep206)

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on these stations you never know what you're going to come across [Music] hello and welcome to a new episode of christian bear overland with lee and stefie we are currently on a station in remote new south wales working full time monday to friday in this episode we decided to document what we'll do during our time off your father will be pre-admitted and how we spend our weekends out here here on girowin station along with a lot of these uh these remote australian stations you've got new homesteads and you've also got the old homesteads this was the original house the original place where people lived here on the property the previous owners of the station lived here from the 50s to the 90s i'm always on the lookout for a certain type of vehicle of course and as we drove around this morning i peeked around the back of the homestead and i have come across this it's got a badge on the front there that's very interesting that i've just noticed i've only just come over and had a look at this thing it says leyland on the little badge on the front there lee was so excited and picked me up to have a look at this according to us beautiful land rover we needed to have a closer look and investigate further this series three is known as the complete knockdown from 1967 to 1978 leyland land rover built them in sully hull england then shipped to australia in crates they were then assembled in australia to save money on shipping and taxes [Music] i found the problem with the engine someone dropped their stubby in there incredible exciting project on the go today and a long overdue project i've got some goodies here brand new heavy duty rear half shafts from ashcroft and a couple of heavy duty drive flanges why am i putting new ones in you may remember a couple of months ago my very bad welding sort of bush mechanic job that i did after we stripped our old drive flange i need to give a shout out and some credit to these legends right here euro 4x4 whether it has been uh ignition barrels in kazakhstan countless things springs in taiwan i would say 90 of the gear that we've had sent to us that we've needed parts um even service gear as we've traveled the world has come from euro 4x4 in france so a massive messy baku we couldn't do this without you guys it's absolutely awesome and everything that we have ordered has arrived so fast it's just incredible in fact this particular package right here came all the way from france to where i am right now outback new south wales in under two weeks [Music] one thing i'm going to mention here is how impressed i am with the packaging heavy duty cardboard which is actually pop riveted into the uh shaft itself so protecting all of those splines on there what are you doing so i'm just taking it out all right job complete that's the installation done of the brand new and that's our camera going out of battery sunday afternoon we've had the weekend off and we're gonna head to the town of ivanhoe just for something to do on a sunday afternoon and we've noticed that everyone else here on the station they always wash their cars before they head off the station to go into town we're gonna go for lunch and we're gonna have a look at the general store so it's pretty exciting [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] bloody defenders we went to the pub we went to the general store there's not much here in this little town i read on wikipedia they've got a population of 196 people but still worth a little visit ice cream from the general store i guess you could stop for an ice cream and a nice coffee maybe that's what we did here would i bother coming back here probably not i think next time we'll go to town we'll go back to poon carry [Music] [Applause] [Music] sometimes i wish we had aircon in this car really hot right now and we're about to go on a road trip 80 kilometers we are invited by the governors belinda and her partner bailey to come over for saturday barbecue so they're the neighbors it's a bit of a raw treat but for here is only down the road we're gonna probably do the first i think 10 or 15 kilometers still on giraween station it's really really cool and then even after that it's all going to be off-road tracks and trails i don't know you said it not me i was just going to say this is the rules of the bush passenger if you've got one is always on gate duty one of the big rules of the bush and another rule of the bush is we always leave the gate as we found it all right we've arrived at manfred station and i tell you what that was a rough road the last 20 kilometers was horrendous and belinda does that every single day 160 kilometer round trip this is our friend belinda and this is our partner bailey they managed the next door station they lived full time there and looked after the owners land and homestead [Music] valet took us for a drive around the massive property [Music] we even saw some emus and we went all the way to a beautiful lake before returning home to a beautiful roast dinner around and then we go from there back so when you're like first trying to crack a whip you always wear like an akubra and then so it doesn't like get your face because you get welts and stuff from the whip so who taught you how to use that i learned at a bns one time what's the biannual you gotta explain to me what a bean is because a lot of people are not going to know what a bns is a bachelor's in spinster's ball so it's sort of like a bush party where like a heap of country people show up in their youth melina is teaching stephie how to use the stockman's can see myself losing an eye here we spent the night over there before returning to our station the following day [Music] it's an exciting weekend it's saturday morning it's been four weeks it's gone so fast we need fresh supplies we're craving some fresh fruit and vegetables so we're gonna make the massive 500 kilometer round trip we're gonna explore mildura which is a very famous historical town right on the border uh of victoria new south wales we are going to be meeting up with a very good friend of mine that i haven't seen for 19 years his name's gaz now gaz used to work for my dad gary introduced me to land rovers way before i had the passion the addiction and i'll never forget being in the trench there with my shovel one day probably at 14 or 15 years old and gary introducing me to the land rover wave he said all land rover drivers no matter what vehicle will wave to each other on the road now i didn't believe a word of what he was telling me i said whatever gaz 25 years later we've got a land rover and gaz you were absolutely right it's always a little bit risky business trying to climb over barbed wire especially when you've got only one wire to hold on to but we just had to quickly check the other station hand luke our good friend's dog's water because he's away in broken hill for the weekend he left yesterday oh he's on a date we're gonna go and check his other little dog to the schnitzel who's a little sausage dog make sure she's only a little one she needs a little uh company so we're gonna go check she's all right and then we're out of here [Music] we are now in puncary this was about an hour drive i don't know i was asleep on the dirt 110 kilometers now this is bitumen we need to put the pressure back on the tyres three two one welcome to victoria officially my first time in victoria i'm excited to go to kemah and kohl's whatever but i'm sure we're gonna go there and i'm gonna freak out because it's gonna be people everywhere one month out of the city and civilization i didn't miss it to be honest we've been as remote as you can be at new south wales probably for a whole month now all of a sudden we're in mildura which is a decent sized town there's traffic and cars and bloody stop signs and red lights and i'm flipping out a little bit first up is the op shop we love up shops lee needs some new shirts because the one he got a month ago they all ripped apart we saw next door this really cool asian supermarket of course we love asian supermarkets we lived for a long time in asia walking around the aisles and all the products everything oh remember this remember that and that's why i mean travel is such a beautiful thing we're just having so many memories flooding back of our time in south korea japan and of course taiwan we want to do something special out at the station and cook a korean barbecue obviously we can get all the good stuff in here and i've also been raving and telling the guys on the station about our little secret the soy sauce and vanilla ice cream they're not sure about it i said you just wait i got the kimchi and the paste oh that's another flavor we are down on the murray river now this is the border as we've mentioned before we came from new south wales and this is stephanie's first time in victoria we did mention that we're on our way to the farmers market and then we're going to find somewhere to have lunch i'm starving too let's go [Music] it's 20 past 12 and the market is finished it's over everybody's packing up we missed it next time bloody hell unbelievable sunday morning and it's time for our massive shop again to last us for an another entire month out on the station we had a fantastic afternoon yesterday catching up with my old workmate and friend gaza he was so very nice to let us stay in that little caravan over there and we're gonna head back now into mildura city center probably go to i don't know what stephie's got planned actually she's got her list steffie loves her list i've got my list we are on the way to the supermarket [Music] no grizzly today so we've got a massive esky that we borrowed from the station [Music] ah chocolate resupply we're very lucky it's not a hot day today it's actually quite cool here in mildura all of our dry sort of produce will go on the back seats chock full that's it our little exciting road trip i wouldn't say little 500 kilometer round trip but i guess it's a little uh road trip out in this in this part of the world it's over but yeah it's good to be back now steffy will jump into action do what she loves to do organize licorice a memory of taiwan we were drinking a lot of this when we were attempting a hike throughout taiwan the whole length of taiwan so we thought we'll have a little memory we have a special fridge for this one it's gone into quarantine he's gone into isolation because it absolutely stinks and here you have it my friends a happy frenchie with a fridge full of good stuff tonight we're having a korean barbecue i've got pineapple garlic onion soy sauce lettuce kimchi what else you're forgetting the main ingredient ah and the meat of course we've been talking about doing this korean barbecue now for what four weeks we've got a guest coming over luke our mate the other station hand here success that was really good oh no it's made in australia no why [Music] she's got no makeup i'm not supposed to film she's hiding
Channel: GrizzlyNbear Overland
Views: 47,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Fr_5fOBuJ70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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