Outback sheep station muster with Aeroplanes 🐑✈️ Lifetime dream ✅ (Ep207)

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living and working on a remote station in outback australia could be of interest to especially some of our international viewers [Music] hard physical labor sometimes and just something different every single day [Music] we're going to be working up here in the next couple of weeks to complete this yard building job these will be sheep yards and it's really interesting to uh see this take place good work and i'm loving it so these gates are getting made for a sheep pens permanent yards you said how's your welding skills i said um i'm sure they'll improve as the day goes on the pipe you just saw me hammering then gets uh hammered down into a thinner section so that we can get a nice bead of weld along that edge all of the fencing that's getting done here the yards is getting concreted in place with underground support struts as well because these sheep are bloody strong the dorpa sheep can get up to 120 kilograms and they'll knock down fences and i'm going to be welding them today in place circular saw with a diamond cutting blade on it i'm going to be cutting some concrete here [Music] i've got the best assistant up here at helping me out this afternoon we're gonna put some plastic on the ground to prevent the wheat from growing and next week they're gonna pour some concrete and we're gonna put some rios mesh down as well oh yeah so you have to cut the mesh yeah that's what i need to [Music] handle got a pallet full of cement in front of me i'm heading to the mixing area here on the water supply into the um cement mixer he's got a flow meter [Applause] all right mix is done i threw in 27 bags of cement tom loaded in the blue metal in the sand i'm following the cement mixer and we're headed now to the top paddocks to pour some concrete here we go cementing this is the typical look for cementing not good for the skin quick lunch break back to pouring our slab tom explained to me before as well the idea behind concreting only certain sections of this massive sheep yard here and the reason being it's in high traffic areas where you've got a whole heap of sheep kicking up a lot of dust making a lot of mess by having the concrete there it just keeps things a lot neater a lot tidier [Music] day number two that we're pouring now this next section of slab is going to go all the way around the corner there so the final concrete pull for today is done time for lunch so i've got an old ammo box here with the gas burner below it and this is the ultimate bloody back of the ute setup for a lunch on the go so [Music] i am happy to say that the concreting is over for now oh have you guys met schnitzel i better introduce my little buddy down here this is luke's awesome little dog schnitz and this is the coolest little companion comes and hangs out with us every now and then it's time to start an entirely new project which is pretty cool because it's all of these panels that have been getting welded up by a bit of a joint team effort [Music] monday morning start of a fresh week introducing ziggy and introducing roxy beyond that's it i just asked luke then if he trained the dogs himself and he said he did and it takes a lot of patience a lot of time the precision is just incredible he's got different commands for different directions different whistles pretty bloody awesome to see the bond and the focus of these dogs that's a lifter so that there is getting taken uh to another paddock we've got the vet coming tomorrow for what they call bleeding bleeding is where we bring the rims in they get a blood sample taken out of the neck and they get tested for any diseases sophie's going to be over here taking the samples luke yells out the ram id and i write that down on a piece of paper here one one one one one i've just taken a sample for brucellosis and i'm definitely not qualified to do that under strict supervision brucellosis can basically cause infertility in rams causes them to be not fertile in use it is only transient infection so they'll only have it for a period of time but basically the biggest issue with brucellosis is that they um become infertile and you can't use your rams to the full capacity bleed around yeah there we go wasn't as brutal as what as it sounds no it's all good officially my first time ever mustering sheep from dirt bike and i tell you what i'm having a hell of a lot of fun so far mastering is where you go into a paddock there's a mob of sheep in we go in and we must get them all together and take them out of that paddock and take them to the yards we've got to muster in i think about 400 sheep today for um scanning scanning is virtually ultrasound skin used to see if they are in liam or not or if there's one or twins or triplets early morning sheep marking lay marking is where we draft the lambs off when they're at a certain age the females just get an ear tag males will get castrated it'll ring around their testicles and they get earmarked and a tag as well we draft them so we always bring them in to draft the rams out of the use or draft the ones that we're gonna sell to market it's virtually just separating them all how would you explain sort of the door breeders the doorbell breed the taller breed is more is predominantly a mate shape they're really suited for out here because they don't have problems with flies worms or anything out here the vegetation that really suits them they can eat anything and they just thrive off it they do grow wool during winter but they shed it themselves they don't need shearing or anything like that standing by because a aeroplane just buzzed over the top of us the guy that's flying the plane is in charge of the master so he coordinates everything he'll be in touch with tom i guess who will then tell us where we need to be and what we need to do because from up there he can see everything so we'll try and get some footage of that plane in a minute [Music] i just want to mention how cool it was to to work together as a team with the plane coordinating everything really cool to be involved in and see how all that happens it's been a massive day we've been on the go since six o'clock it's uh it's now five o'clock so that's 11 hours in this uh a hot day today i think it was about 36 degrees day number two of the uh the big mustering operation two and a half thousand sheep mustard today we just walk them don't want to put too much extra stress on them or anything like that so just steady steady make sure they're hidden in the right direction third day of musta the agent will be coming today he will be responsible for the final draft of the lambs that are going to go to market and luke said he might pull 40 or 50 that he believes are not suitable and the rest will be loaded onto a truck [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] today was the day that we christened these new yards so it was actually a big moment for all of us [Music] i thought i'd take you guys for a little tour with jeremy's permission of course oh no i won't be because that door's locked [Music] [Music] y'all steffy yeah 10 hours to tamworth time worse hey [Music] i've got still got the touch i think those gear boxes you don't use the clutch and there's a button on the side of the gears [Music] how many gears [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music]
Channel: GrizzlyNbear Overland
Views: 71,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 02wd0w5Vo2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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