you won't believe this engine is free!! / (learning godot pt. 1)

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i've been hearing nice things about godot for quite a few months now i have been reading about it on twitter i have been watching youtubers using it so i thought it was a good time for me to start using it but first i have to learn how to use it i can probably google my way into making a game right right first thing to do was to start gathering resources to learn the engine there is actually a lot of things out there to learn how to make a game in godot there is a simple guide on how to make her first game on the official documentation and i found this amazing website called gd quest it has a lot of different tutorials and they are all very well written there is this one which is about making a tedx game something i'm very interested in now so this one about creating a single platformer i really like creating platformer games and it's something that you can always fit in a game jam this one also teaches about inheritance and tile sets in godot which i'm sure going to be useful concepts along the way now let's try something different let's search on youtube i found two interesting playlists by heartbeast one of a mobile rpg game and one of an action rpg the action rpg honestly looks amazing but i'm not sure if i have enough time to go through all of it for this video especially because i want to go over at least two or three of these tutorials and by the way all of these links are going to be in the description so i decided to start with the mobile rpg tutorial with nine videos it should be enough to give me a good quick start just a few hours in and i already had a simple battle mechanic going on animations and ui that actually looks good well a lot of it is good design and art by heartbeast but it also shows how godot is really easy to get into if you sum the time of all these videos you have about four to five hours of content and it's honestly amazing the end result of what you can do in such a short time now that i'm over my first little project here's some interesting things i want to bring up about godot engine godot has this own ready keyword which initialize a variable once whichever node that owns it is already in the same tree we just make things a little bit more safer the scenes are just text files and it's actually pretty easy to read so it might help to avoid possible merge issues when working with other people and then i want to talk a little bit about user interface the way the ui in gadot is structure remember remembers me the book this one user interface programming for games this is pretty much the only book i found on the subject and it gives very good directions on how to create user interface layer for a game engine and what cathode has is very aligned with this book so if you are into making your own tools your own engine or whatever um gadot is a good study case but anyway let's get back to some tutorials next i would like to see how the official introduction to gadot is according to their own documentation it is a very simple tutorial that i think it won't take more than one or two hours for me to finish and they even have c sharp so i'll be trying that despite the editor throwing me a warning every time i open godot saying c sharp is a still on alpha or something like that it works pretty well i didn't have many problems with it a slightly annoying thing is that every change i make i have to click on build up there in the editor but it's also good because you can possibly catch errors early in the past i used to really enjoy using c-sharp on game engines especially in unity because i i i felt it was too powerful but in godot it feels more like a syntax difference i'm not sure if i can use everything c sharp has to offer here but to be fair this project is probably way too simple for me to draw any conclusions like that so maybe in the future i can try making something more complex one of the advantages of c sharp is using events and delegates but godot has their signal system which kind of achieves that even with 2d script another nice thing is that with c-sharp i can use visual studio or visual studio code usually i prefer working with an application just for the coding so that's nice maybe on the next tutorial i can also try editing 2d script from from an external editor a little downside is when using an external editor when you create a signal function it doesn't create it automatically for you but anyway after quitting the player scene and the enemy scene it was finally time to start creating the main scene the main scene was just a better way of putting things together and we quickly have a gameplay prototype going on here next apps are adding a little bit of user interface and then adding some sounds to make things cooler [Music] and have the simple game of dodging the crypts now i believe it's time to try to do my own thing i wanted to do another tutorial but i guess i'll just try doing my own thing i should have enough right right i'll try recreating a simplified version of stern based mechanic that i created and recreated multiple times in unity so i just have to create a new project import these nice assets that i found on and and you know when you do tutorials and you make nice things and then when you're going to do your own thing you kind of you just don't have a clue how to do it or what even how do you even start so i guess i'll have to make it in another video being honest i i just wanted to dedicate an entire video to doing my own thinking adore i guess and i feel like if i had all of it in just one video it would be too much so that's that's where we are and it probably will take longer for me to finish it so i hope you liked it and i guess i'll see you on the next one you
Channel: gueepo
Views: 5,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game development, game programming, godot
Id: mreO0zjY-WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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