Godot VS Game Maker: How Do They Compare?

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which is the best game engine you often ask us this question it's an easy one to answer there's none a better question would be which is the best engine for me because that's what matters that you have an engine that fits your needs the closest in this video you will learn the pros and cons of the good ogame engine compared to game maker as i don't have much experience with game maker i asked heartbeast and emilio for insights they're experienced developers who worked with both programs for a long time including on commercial games hot beast also taught both engines professionally hi my name is ben i make tutorial videos and devlogs for game dev on my youtube channel heartbeast hello i'm emilio i'm a web developer by day and a game developer by night lately i've been doing some youtube videos the thing i like most about gamemaker is how quickly you can get a project up and running and testing certain mechanics and ideas that you have it's very quick for prototyping and that makes it really useful what i like the most about game maker is the fact that anyone can make a game even if you don't know programming because of the drag and drop system i feel like the drag and drop system is one of the best features that game maker has and it's a very good introduction to the main concepts that you need to know and it was at least my introduction to programming as well so i started doing drag and drop games and then i moved to code i feel like that's the best feature my favorite thing about godot is probably the node and scene system it's a little bit tricky for beginners when they first start learning it but it's been super helpful to me as my projects have increased in size and complexity it helps me to keep my coupling low and continue to work on the project without running into tons and tons of bugs every time i need to add a new feature the thing i like the most about grout is the license and the scenes the license is the freedom that you have from having all the code to your disposal so if you have any issues with godot itself you can go to the source code and modify it and the scenes i feel is a very clever way of organizing your games and to make reusable systems so i really like those two things i feel like those are the strongest things for godaddy right now comparing gdscript and gml gdscript coming from godot and gml coming from gamemaker is actually pretty interesting in a lot of ways they feel similar to me the syntax is the one biggest difference i feel between the two where gd script follows a python-like syntax and gml follows more traditional syntax with curly brackets there's obviously a lot of little differences in in the functions that you use and stuff like that but between the two they were both fairly easy to pick up and learn i think i do like the syntax in godot a little bit more i prefer that simple python like syntax these two are easy to pick up and learn and that's what i like about them so i feel like gd script is a more complete language in gml i remember working with a lot of stuff and having a lot of limitations especially with arrays dictionaries there were no functions i believe they added those recently so yeah definitely gd script feels more like a scripting language and gml feels more like a tool that you can use maybe just a little bit to add some functionality and if you're doing some real work in game maker you need an extra tool to make gml better the number one feature that i miss the most from game maker is definitely surfaces they're a very powerful tool in game maker and the closest thing i can find in godot is viewports but viewports are still a little bit finicky and godot and still need some work i think before they can be quite as useful as i found surfaces to be in game maker so that's definitely a feature that i miss while i'm using godot and i look forward to when viewports get a little bit more polished and can help replace the feature there for me a little bit i really miss this sprite editor i feel like the sprite editor is a great thing to have and when you're doing some prototypes you can jump in make a doodle and have that into your game and you got this you know you start using the icon.png which is a meme now but yeah i feel like we need more tools to create or edit sprites from within the editor that would be great and that's something i miss listing godot's advantages over game maker is a pretty tricky thing to do because it really depends on what you need from an engine and what features you're looking for a lot of people would say good oh being open source is an advantage or their licensing structure is an advantage but those kinds of things are important to some people and not important to other people one of the biggest advantages that i've noticed for me personally is the amount of ui related nodes that godot has and i can quickly build a ui and see it in the editor there it's kind of a what you see is what you get system for doing ui while in game maker you have to write your own ui systems a lot of the time they're being drawn directly to the screen so you can't see them in the editor in a lot of the ways people do ui you can find ways to show them in the editor but i found ui to be more difficult inside of game maker i also feel like the scene structure with the node structure is an advantage that godot has over game maker has quick compile times when i'm running my projects in godot they tend to compile much more quickly than they do in game maker i like how lightweight godot is but like i said there's a lot of things that i see as an advantage that other people might not care as much about and so it's a hard thing to list but i think that those would be kind of the big ones for me that have been important to me personally the advantages of gorod over game maker i feel other than the price which is free you cannot beat free is the fact that once you master 2d you can transition to 3d really seamless and in game maker you're always going to be limited to that there are some exceptions there are people who made 3d games in game maker but is super hard and the engine is not really prepared for that so i would say that that's the biggest advantage now we get into disadvantages of godot over gamemaker and once again this is similar it really depends on what's important to you however i do think game maker is going to have better support for consoles if you're trying to port yourself so you can port to consoles on godot but it's going to be a lot more difficult and it might be easier just to go through a publisher if you're going to try and get on consoles with godot while game maker has better support there because of the support that yoyo games has built the process is still going to be difficult it's not going to be easy to get a game maker game on the switch but it might be easier for a single person to do that and i think that would be one of the biggest things to consider when you're trying to decide between game maker and godot there's also something to consider which is if you already understand one engine it's going to take a lot of time to learn the other one and so if you're already comfortable with game maker there is a cost to learning godot and i went through that when i switched over from game maker to to godot i'm lucky enough that i'm in a position where i have the time that i can dedicate to learning in a completely new engine but not everyone has that kind of time and so if you're already using gamemaker you should definitely consider that cost of learning a new engine because game maker can do everything that godot can essentially in regards to 2d and such in game maker the features that there are implemented there i feel like they are more polished and in god they are always a bit incomplete or the user experience is a bit weird for instance you know like tile sets the visual scripting like the tools are there but they are not exactly user friendly and another thing would be exporting to consoles which i know it's a licensed stuff it's not exactly godot's fault but a lot of people want to export to their favorite consoles and in game maker is relatively easy and in god you need to involve a third party and that can be a little bit scary for a lot of people so yeah those are the disadvantages of using god in the end comparing the two i decided that godot fit my needs better and so i'm going to continue using godot that doesn't mean i'm dropping gamemaker completely i might use it for prototyping i do feel like it's a very powerful tool for prototyping getting something working quickly but i decided to go with godot for my future projects and games i've had a lot of fun doing that and i really enjoy godot hopefully this information has been helpful to you as you've considered godot as a game engine thank you very much for inviting me and i hope you have a good time editing this bye i hope that you could see that both tool had the pros and cons i was quite impressed by the drag-and-drop interface of game maker studio 2 and i still love godot for the breadth of features it offers but also because it's free and open source software if you would like to learn more about godot check out our video goto explained in five minutes we also teach it on the channel and we have lots of tutorials for free we are also live on kickstarter at the moment to create a great new 2d game creation course check it out and consider backing us there i want to thank emilio and ben for their help with this video and with that i want to thank you for watching be creative have fun let's see one another in the next one really soon bye
Channel: GDQuest
Views: 63,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godot vs game maker, godot engine, gamemaker, game engines, godot review
Id: 3KKeFK0NHc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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