You Won't Believe This Amazing Tiny House & Parking Spot!

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tiny house people have a saying that home is where you park it but not all parking spots are created equal and today here in northland new zealand we're about to visit an incredible tiny house that found a truly remarkable place to call home [Music] hey paula how are you hi bryce nice to meet you it's lovely to meet you g'day liam how's it going man bryce good thanks welcome to our home thank you very much i'm so excited to be here and your home is absolutely beautiful thank you yeah we're really pleased with how it turned out it's such an unusual color combination that you've used in this house as well between the light cedar and the white metal it just makes the house look really welcoming doesn't it yeah we wanted to match the inside with the outside having a nice bright and fresh and eerie and i think we achieved that yeah it's nice and bright it suits i think where the house is rather than it being dark which is a popular option right now now you sort of very casually say where the house is but oh my god look at where your house is this view is unbelievable yes we are really happy to be here and can't complain really very fortunate i i can't believe that we found a bitter land like this which is um very rare so very very lucky so how did you find this place we posted on just heaps of facebook pages just local community boards and got some offers and we're quite lucky to go and view quite a few and then we got this offer i just couldn't say no yeah we just kind of kept our radius quite far just to give ourselves lots of options to get the land that we didn't really want and the searching stopped when we saw this one yeah and so you're renting the land here we would love to say that we own it but renting uh which we're really happy with because it's not a lot of money and when you're living tiny financially were very free so what was it that actually inspired you to live in a tiny house well we were living in tauranga um when we decided to get a tiny and because the house prices were just a bit crazy and then it kind of got us into the idea of downsizing and living tiny but then once we looked into it we've really started to love it so even even if we won lotto i'd still stay in a tiny house you know because yeah it was our dream for two years we always wanted to live minimalistically not have much stuff and just be out in nature which it's perfect for us and can you tell me a little bit about the design of the house yeah so we wanted to keep it quite big but still keep it road legal so that's why it's more of the traditional rectangle rather than anything different but it still looks great i think and we've got the cedar and then the bright corrugated iron and i wanted as much cedar as possible because i think it looks great and vertical as well i love the look of vertical so yeah and then you've got all of these windows that are just taking full advantage of that view yeah we wanted lots of windows and we've got the door that can just fully open and this window can fully open just letting a lot of lights in and fresh air in which i think it's very important living in a small space especially yeah i love it and what size is the tiny house here eight meters long and 2.7 wide and 4.2 high great size because that does allow you to stay road legal but it still is a really comfortable sized home isn't it it's very spacious it is and you've got the outdoor shower here as well which is such a great addition especially when you live so close to the beach like this yeah that was a must for us i think for me it was one of the first things on my list of once it was yes i can confirm yeah we didn't want to drag sand through the house because we'll be going to the beach a lot we've got so many options for beaches here so we're very very lucky we are ready for summer yes you certainly are and what about power and water here because i see you've got the water tank sitting there by the house yeah so um power we are connected to the grid in future i want to go off grid with the power with solar panels that's the dream but we are off-grid with the water collecting rainwater and it's a 5000 liter tank great so i think it should be good for us but we can always you know expand on that if we need to we actually lived in a camper van for two years so we were already pretty good with conserving water and that sort of thing so this is really a up size for us yeah yeah it was great two years of saving money and just getting us used to a small space so this feels huge real big and what a great way of doing it as well because as you say it gets you used to living tiny but then you also get to save all of the money for the project yeah so over the two years we managed to save a lot of money rent free working full-time because this was the goal so we were pretty committed to saving and managed to save quite a lot yeah well congratulations that really is such a good way of doing it yeah exactly well already i'm totally enamored with your home i love the combination of the light cedar with the white iron and your parking space simply cannot be beaten and i'm so excited to see inside can we check it out absolutely all right after you oh this is absolutely stunning it definitely has that sense of spaciousness that's created through all of the white and yet all of the warmth that comes from the beautiful use of timber in this home yeah and we love the timber look like timber bench tops um something really wanted um but to keep everything bright so we've got little subtle touches of color as well but not too much we didn't want to make it look messy to the eye so yeah just beautiful and immediately upon entering this house we are here in your lounge and what a wonderfully comfortable space that of course looks out onto your wonderful view yeah so it's actually storage and also it folds out for a bed if we have a guest or just want to hang out and watch a movie or just have a lazy day yeah and quite often i just find myself lying down here and watching the view nice big window behind the couch there as well uh yeah wanted big windows you know it doesn't get much sun in the summer evening which is good because we've got a lot of cover from the bushes there but it still lets a lot of light in and here in northland we're definitely moving into the warmer part of new zealand so it's great to see that you've got both the fan and an air conditioning unit in here yeah i was not sure we would actually need it but today we had it on because yeah we really need it because it's real humid today as well so i'm really glad that we got it yeah and then over here oh my gosh this really is a dream kitchen isn't it yes thank you yeah we love it it's nice and bright and spacious yeah it's everything we need and more we've not filled the cupboards and the drawers we probably never will we don't have a lot of stuff so yeah there's still a lot of room and we just don't need a lot of stuff so real happy with it really nice dining table here you've built in as well yeah so it's a bar and also it folds out to be a dining table or we can get rid of it completely and put it down against the wall um but it allows us to have guests over at dinner parties that sort of thing so you can still do that in a small space just with creative ideas like this and just what a place to sit have your cup of coffee in the morning and just drink in that wonderful view yeah the window fully opens completely which is great and we wanted more comfortable stalls because we find ourselves spending a lot longer than just having breakfast we spend a lot longer looking at the view so yeah fair enough i love the color of the stools as well and how you match those to the tiles in the kitchen that was quite accidental i think but um yeah looks great yeah i can't remember what came first the stalls or the tires i can't remember but it was it wasn't planned and the sink i absolutely love what you've done there can you talk to me about that yeah our builder has the idea of you know covering the sink with a with a chopping board and it looks great because we decided to sink it into the bench top so we could do that and it just hides it you've got dirty dishes you can hide them away and more prep space when you don't need to sink as well yeah absolutely and i really like how your kitchen cabinetry flawlessly integrates with the stair design over here as well which of course has even more storage yes it's a pullout pantry here my favorite part of the storage in the kitchen and yeah everything here all the space is used for something is drawers that lifts up so yeah beautiful use of storage in space it certainly is and then what do we have over here our bathroom's just through there cool can we check that out yeah absolutely let's go oh this is beautiful and again a very spacious bathroom yeah it's pretty big you're not in the bathroom very long so we didn't need it to be overly sized we wanted to most the space to be in the living areas there's also heaps of storage here as well here's a space for washing machine which we don't have yet but one day hanging space here more storage there so yeah very pleased with that brilliant so this here is your wardrobe yes one of them yeah one of them okay i like that again beautiful use of these tiles in the shower yeah we matched the tiles with the kitchen and it wasn't planned but we decided to match it and we're glad we did because we love these titles i think they look great that was actually your choice of tiles yeah one of the things that i um i decided on and um yeah i'm pretty proud of myself you should be you've certainly done very well on that one you've got a really nice vanity here as well and then this beautiful feature mirror above it yeah the vanity uh floating vanity i feel like it gives a lot of an illusion of space so that's something we wanted i wanted a big mirror it's not in anyone's way and just against the wall so it gets perfect and beautifully backlit as well yes extra light yeah and then the composting toilet there too uh yeah something we wanted to do and so far is new the learning curve but um so far so good yeah great and so what's above us right now um this is the spare loft the spare loft can we take a look at that sure it's gone all right now i really like what you've done here with the steps yeah this was an idea from one of your videos actually um we saw it and it was like that's a great idea we didn't want a ladder or anything in the way and it was properly just tucked in there yeah it is and it's super safe as well and i think it looks great too cool should we take a look up there nice all righty what a great space this is i really like the feature wall that you've created there thank you we are very happy with it yeah originally we were going to put more cabinetry there but we thought about it and it just would have taken up some space and we decided to put a nice wallpaper there instead so this is quite an interesting area that you've created up here what do you use this space for well mostly for plants for now and some storage and also i'm future professing for kids in the future and have the option of having guests as well teddy bear henry's got his own loft so he certainly does and i was definitely going to mention the giant teddy bear that's sitting there in the corner you've got the yoga mat up here as well but i'm guessing this is not where you do yoga in the house it's not the biggest ramen i have so unfortunately not and again as soon as we come to the second level of the house those views just dominate don't they yeah it's a different view again from downstairs and our bedroom the view was slightly different and it just looks yeah great view but it gets better once you go up i think yeah yeah absolutely and then over the other side we've got your sleeping loft can we take a look at that yes of course yeah let's go all right it's great that you've got the platform here which actually allows you to stand up in your loft yeah really important um i feel like i couldn't imagine our bedroom without it because we're up here quite a lot not quite tall enough for you i don't think but we're almost there um but for us it's perfect yeah and that also allows for a full height wardrobe here which is a really great use of space too yeah i love to see the sky light up here on your loft as well yeah that was a must for us really wanted the skylight so i was prepared to spend a little bit extra money for that and especially here where you live a little bit further out of town the night skies really can be spectacular can't they they are amazing yes the stars are very bright yeah yeah and again the way that you've designed this loft is so clever because right now you've got all of the benefits of it being completely open to the rest of the house but you could so easily shut this off and create a really private space up here if you needed to yeah i think eventually we might put shutters so we can block off the areas make them more private um but then still have the option to open them up because looking you can see that all the way to the end of the house it makes things look a lot bigger it certainly does and this loft it really just feels so comfortable up here yeah we spend a lot of time up here just you know relaxing it's perfect you've got the view it looks different from downstairs again because we're higher up you can see more of the beach down there from here so it's great what's it like to wake up here and just get to look out onto that each and every day pretty special you just don't want to get up and go to work or do things yeah and when we get up for work there's usually a sunrise or shining sunrises right there so pretty special yeah it certainly must be and you're right i imagine leaving this place to go to work would not be easy not at all it's very hard and so how long have you been living in the tiny house now um so it's been about two and a half months so yes it's still pretty fresh fresh but it feels right feels like we've been here forever yeah it still feels like there's a lot to do around the house i want to put a deck out eventually as well more plans so that'll come with the next few months i think yeah and particularly with this window also being able to open up fully it'll just really extend the living area wouldn't it yeah it'll basically double the size of the house you know and then the climate we're in we can spend so much time outside so you've been saving up for this tiny home for a while dreaming of the tiny home for a while how would you say that life here is living up to your expectations it's great we love it um it still feels huge um moving from the camper van here um it's a big upgrade but we love it we really do yeah it's you know the packing spot as well i couldn't have dreamed of it and having our own home it's really lived up to what we dreamed about yeah yeah very lucky it feels really good because i don't think we'd ever be able to afford our own home with the house prices right now we don't really want any more your tiny house became the the goal and we got it we're financially free and it just takes the the stress off you know financial stress and i never thought we'd better park it in a spot like this because if we owned a home we wouldn't be in a spot like this having no neighbors around yeah so it kind of it made us you know we worked hard and we're so happy that we managed to do this living tiny also allowed me to open my own little take away plant-based coffee shop which i didn't think would be possible ever really but um yeah dreams come true and things are working out for us very well and can you tell me about the cost that was involved in building this home yeah so it cost us um it was about 130 000 which i was very pleased with i think the quality of the build is very high and we spent extra on things like the showers all tiled the hardwood floor i was very happy with to pay the price yeah i think that is a great result and you really can see all throughout the quality of the items that you've chosen to put in this home from the double glazing as you mentioned the beautiful hardwood timbers and it it really does show doesn't it yeah it does yeah and so what would you say is next for you both um well we'll be here for the next few years anyway and then hopefully um we will be able to purchase our own land and put the tiny on that and then maybe another tiny who knows and we might have two together sounds like a great plan and fingers crossed when you do buy your own bit of land you'll be able to match that view eh i hope so i'm really upset well you really have created such a special and beautiful home for you both here thank you so much for sharing it with me thank you for visiting thanks it was great to have you paula and liam really have created such a special home for themselves here and i think this really is such a great example of some of the incredible opportunities that tiny house living can open up and right now i think me and teddy here can just sit back and enjoy that truly spectacular view [Music] you
Channel: Living Big In A Tiny House
Views: 1,446,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living big in a tiny house, tiny house, small house, tiny house movement, tiny house tour, tiny house 2020, tiny house new zealand, dream tiny house, off the grid, tiny home, tiny house parking, tiny house location, tiny house in amazing parking spot, tiny house by the ocean, architecture, home design, bryce langston, living big
Id: _QGjNdZbhxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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