Family Build Epic Modern-Country Style Tiny House

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when a builder marries an interior designer it's a match made in heaven to create something truly special and that's exactly what's happened with this next amazing off-the-grid tiny house [Music] hey michelle how are you how are you good thanks great to meet you g'day adam how's it going welcome all right thank you very much it's a pleasure to be here this place is pretty cool isn't it wow yeah it's pretty amazing we love it yeah so first of all what was it that actually inspired you to build this tiny house probably house prices to be honest we were like out of the market and we thought well what do we do with our money and we wanted to be on the farm somehow so we came up with this idea and yeah we had some cash and we thought let's just do something with it rather than either paying rent or you know having to buy a house that was a little bit hard actually we had had a couple of houses that we'd done up and we had sold and the housing market had started to skyrocket and we have fallen out of the position to be able to buy another and so we thought let's do what we can with what we had and so we looked at a caravan initially and immediately we're like no way we can't do that and um so then we looked at this idea of a tiny house and it had never crossed our minds previous we had never really looked into them previous and when we started on this journey we thought this is so doable we could do this and then we started researching that designing our own and here we are and you two are the perfect duo for a project like this aren't you because adam you're a builder and michelle you're an interior designer yeah that's right yeah it was not too hard really i just designed it pen and paper got my little scale roll out and just designed the floor plan of the house and said here here we are i think just using the skills that we have like me being a builder and michelle being an interior designer it's just so doable like that was a match made of what we can do in heaven yeah and the parking spot you found for this house is incredible can you talk to me about this place so this is roughly 650 acres um sheep and beef farm which a friend of mine owns and um yeah i've been coming out here for 10 to 12 years i think it is just hanging out doing farm stuff hunting yeah it's been a bit of a retreat for me so yeah it's amazing i love it and this is not a small tiny house is it it's quite large what other dimensions um it's 9.8 by three great size oh yeah it's a good size four of us so we needed a little bit more space than the average tiny house and now i love the style of the house can you talk to me a little bit about its design and construction so it's a full steel frame and then just three by two framing just like a house really yeah we wanted it to kind of fit into nature a little bit and being black and bored and baton giving that slight rustic feel that was kind of the idea and we wanted to add a little bit of an interest with uh what we've done on the corner here yeah everything around here is built so it can move like the deck i can put that on a trailer and move it the garden shed is flat packable so yeah with tiny houses you need to be able to move so yeah we've done it that way so absolutely because you've created a wonderful outdoor area here as well yeah yep that was the perks of doing renovations was a bit of decking left over old stuff that was perfect yeah brought to life again so yeah great and the one thing that is quite unique about your design here is i see you've got all these access hatches around the home can you talk to me about those yeah so that was a little bit of a design change um that was going to be a void so i was like oh we must make them surface cupboards so that one there is the water filters and the other side's all the solar equipment so it keeps it out of the way and you don't even know it's there which is great yeah yeah and now this tiny house is totally off the grid isn't it yes it's um got six panels four batteries and it works a tree i thought we were going to struggle with power in winter but it's been totally fine yeah we've got a generator as a backup for winter but to be honest we really didn't have to use it that often which we were surprised at yeah and then our water comes off the farm and it goes through a water filtration and so yeah we kind of fully off-grid perfect well i think this place looks really cool from the outside and i'm super excited to see the design on the inside can we take a look yeah let's have a look great after you wow this is a very spacious feeling tiny house yeah we wanted the feel for when you came in to have the high ceiling so then living in the space we didn't feel closed in and it just felt really spacious so so we did the high ceilings in here for that reason and i love the way that you've opened up this part of the living space to the sleeping loft through these shutters as well yeah well the idea was when we thought how are you neat beds up there so we created this space so then even when we were in here we can open it up and it still feels spacious the other idea was that we could get airflow through to the bedrooms and then in winter time we can have the heat rise up and go through so there were quite a few reasons we did the barn doors that we could open up and the living space here is brilliant it looks like there's been a lot of thought put into this design yeah when we first designed it adam wanted a normal sofa in here because he loved our sofa that we had but i was like it has to work in proportions and we have to have extra storage so we decided on the window seat where we can have storage underneath but we had a few different purposes as well with the dining table that we can put down and we can have an l-shaped sofa which works for people coming over and yeah so there was a few different reasons why we ended up doing built-in window seating and with the movable seat it means we can pull it out and sit around as a family and have dinner as normal so it's really awesome yeah perfect great to see the fire here as well that's my baby yeah winter time you can't get any better than that aren't you like that's awesome and of course it is impossible not to notice this incredibly impressive stag head in here yeah that's georgie he had to come with us so um we placed him up there well i placed him up there one afternoon when michelle was at work she came home to find him there and he just fits and i really like how in this home the kitchen feels incredibly connected to the living space yeah so when i was designing it i wanted it to have that real open feel and so we kept with the kitchen being against the wall as an l-shape just to keep it really open and connected and it just means a good flow between the kitchen living and dining all in one space lots of prep area here in the kitchen which is great to see yeah i'm actually really surprised how functional it is and being able to prepare meals and have more than one person in the kitchen but i think having it against the wall our shape it meant that we can all be in here at the same time and when we're actually designing it i really wanted to have enough space here that we could be preparing and then to keep the functioning area to the corner yeah so i'm really glad i did absolutely it's great to see you've got a dishwasher here as well that's definitely a tiny house luxury especially for an off-the-grid home that was something i was not going to skim by actually from our first house that we rented when we first married after that house i said we're never gonna not have a dishwasher again and even though it is small it does us so well and talking about appliances this kitchen is wanting for nothing you've managed to fit everything in haven't you yeah we have yeah we actually downsized on our fridge yes we originally from our old house we had a bigger fridge which we could fit here but we also wanted to have the use of a microwave just for when we did need and then the oven is a gas oven we originally had a electric oven and we just found in the wintertime it was just chewing up all of our power so we ended up switching and going gas which i'm surprised at how well gas ovens work now very unusual for a tiny house this home actually has a corridor it does and i designed it that way so it could feel like a home but also separate off the living area from the bedrooms and bathroom and what do we have next door come have a look let's go no way you've actually got a walk-in wardrobe in here we do and we designed it that way to store our clothes close to the bathroom and plus a place to hang all our school bags and extra storage i didn't want the storage being out in the living area i wanted that to be storage free and this to be the space where we could hang all of our stuff and extra bits and pieces if we've got people ever going to put stuff in here so it honestly houses works really well yeah and then is that the bathroom through there sure is cool can we check that out yeah oh wow this is an incredibly luxurious tiny house bathroom this thing's huge it is actually we were quite surprised at how big it was and when we have friends come over they walk down here and they're like wow this is really spacious but i wanted it to be spacious because in wintertime this is also our laundry so i wanted to be able to bring clothes in here to dry and we didn't feel like we're tripping over it so there was thought process when it came to how big this was going to be now one thing that is very clever about this bathroom design is the way that you've created a separate space for the toilet because especially as a family of four it's so nice to be able to have the option that somebody can be on the toilet and then all of this still remains available to you yeah absolutely and that was part of our design was to be able to have a space where people could be in the bathroom but also be in the toilet without having to feel like you're in the same space at the same time and a great use of space in here as well no compromise on the size of that shower yeah we wanted something that was going to be proportionate to this space but also something that we could kind of keep in that corner so hence why we did that design versus like a circular one but it works really well actually for the size of it so and the water pressure is fantastic which is i was very happy about so yeah and i like the way that you've been able to fit the washing machine in i'm guessing you've utilized some of the under stair space to be able to fit that in there yeah we did that's right we wanted still obviously wanted the space in the bathroom so we thought the stairs are right there let's push that back and underneath and then it utilizes every bit of space that we have in this house and being in the bathroom chat close straight in it works perfect yeah and can we check out what's upstairs sure let's go great after you now this stairwell design is really interesting i really like the way that you climb the stairs and you've kind of got this compression in this area and then it forks off into the two sleeping lofts yeah that was our kind of way that we could create two bedrooms upstairs but them not being in the same space so that we could create that separation bit of privacy yeah yeah absolutely well let's go up and have a look right so over this side we've got the kids loft we do this is the bedroom the two of them and this space works really well for them it's a cozy little space up here but if they need room to play we put one of their beds up on top of the other and it gives heaps of floor space for them to play and they lego yeah do what they do we didn't want the living room to be this space that everything got brought to so we wanted enough space up here that they could play here as well and have a separate space from the living area loads of storage up here i like how you've claimed some of the space above the stairs in order to create a storage nook yeah we wanted the kids to be able to obviously feel like this was the bedroom and be able to have toys and books and stuff like that but also it creates that separation between the two bedrooms and the kids even have their own telly up here how luxurious is that yeah actually it's one of those things that when we have friends over the kids like what do you have a television in your room so it's great because that means if we've got people over friends over and they've got kids the kids can come up here watch a movie we shut the barn doors and you can't actually hear from the living space to here you can't actually hear between the two so it gives that real separation and the feel of a home but in a small space and how old are your children now nine and six six yeah and how are they adapting to living in the tiny house they love it i really love it yeah yeah yeah especially being on the farm like yeah ollie's just he's crazy yeah he's on his motorbike or he's up there helping with the sheep and yeah i just really love it i'm glad we could do it while they're awesome yeah yeah and so your sleeping loft is over the other side yeah that's right let's take a look let's do it oh again this space is just really nice another tv up here you guys are definitely not wanting for the tvs are you you know insane there we never really watch tv but we just wanted to have the option of the kids having their tv us having our tv so we could create the two different spaces but i think living out in the farm we just are always out and about doing stuff that we never really sit and watch tv yeah and you've got extra storage around here as well yeah we do and we wanted just to be able to have the things that we would usually have in our bedroom in here and so yeah it's it's great we can have a few things without it feeling too cluttered but we can have whatever we want in our room in our room yeah yeah so how long have you been living in the home now we've been here 15 months yeah now great and how are you finding tiny house life i have said to people over and over again i can't believe how easy it is to live in a tiny house it just works it's just amazing i think having lots of space outside too with the kids is the added bonus and i think the way that we've laid this out we still can have our space but be in a small space and still function really well and the kids love it and especially as owner builders you must have so much pride wrapped up in this home yeah a lot of blood sweat and tears went into this place it was a lot of work but um yeah we're very connected to her now and i don't know if we could ever part with it yeah we're really proud with how it turned out and because we'd never done one before and honestly i don't think we'll change one thing i'm just so proud of what we've done and there have been so many times i have been like wow this is what we did i can't believe that we made this work and i think just with so much prep behind the scenes and before we started it was really what paid off for us it's amazing when you get people driving in you know they're thinking wow they live in like a black box and then they come to the front door and look and they're like whoa so much space so that yeah puts a smile on the door yeah every person i think has been really surprised at how spacious this is and the feeling of it being a home versus just a tiny house yeah which we're really proud of we're really proud that we were able to pull that off and can we talk about the cost that was involved in building this home i think we ended up around the 85 000 mark by the time we put the solar in um but obviously that didn't include labor yeah so we were really happy with what that came to and we did everything new so all double glazed all fully insulated and we never skimped on anything everything was brand new i think 85 is a really great result because as you say all the materials in here are really high quality so even not including the cost of labor that would have been added onto that this is a really fantastic result yeah and so what would you say the future holds for you both now the idea is to be able to buy some land that we can put this on and look at building something a little bit bigger for us especially with our kids and then in their own room so that's kind of the plan but i would love to be able to keep this to be able to have an airbnb yeah and i think that's one of the wonderful things about a tiny house because right now this is perfect for your living situation it gives you that ability to now save up for land and purchase or to build something larger for your family as your family grows but this still remains an asset yeah that's right exactly and rather than spending it on paying somebody else's rent we can use this as our asset and then save makes a lot of sense well there's no question about it you have done such a great job with the design and the build of this home thank you both so much for sharing it with me thanks so much for coming thanks for joining us my pleasure adam and michelle really have done such a great job with the design and build of this home as a builder and an interior designer they really are the perfect match to create something truly special and they have certainly done that with this home everywhere i look there's really great well thought out design and wonderful features that make this a truly functional home for the family and there's no question about it that many beautiful happy memories will be created here in this space [Music] i want to say a big thank you to amaze for sponsoring this video and helping to make what we do possible omaze are giving away a custom tiny home built by the brilliant team at tiny heirloom worth up to 150 dollars plus the taxes and shipping costs are covered you can fully customize the home of your dreams from its architectural style to all the luxury finishing touches the winner will get a personalized design consultation with the team at tiny heirloom via video chat or amaze will fly you out to portland oregon to consult in person how would you design your tiny home if you won best of all part of every donation supports girls build girls build is a non-profit organization based in portland oregon inspiring curiosity and confidence in the girls through the world of building girls build teachers girls aged 9 to 14 years old the basics of carpentry electrical plumbing roofing painting auto mechanics and more your donations can help to fund summer camp and class scholarships critical staff positions and free classes for kids in foster care so what are you waiting for to support a great cause and for your chance to win a stunning custom tiny house go to forward slash lbth good luck
Channel: Living Big In A Tiny House
Views: 1,217,892
Rating: 4.939311 out of 5
Keywords: living big in a tiny house, tiny house, tiny home, small house, small home, off the grid, off grid living, tiny house living, tiny house family, family tiny house, diy tiny house, diy house building, affordable home, alternative living, tiny house tour, tiny house new zealand, living big, bryce langston, architecture, home design
Id: m2833PjXo5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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