You Won’t Believe What’s Buried Under the Sahara…Hidden Lost Ancient Civilizations

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Civilization is cyclical. There seems to have been at least one of these cycles which ended before the start of what they teach in history books.

I think many archaeologists know this but for whatever reason it is heavily frowned upon so not given credence.

The history books seem to be out by tens of thousands of years, not just a few thousand years, which funnily enough academia seems to be letting creep in. That civilization may have started a 'few thousand years earlier' than thought. They are only slowly bowing to this earlier time period due to so much evidence pushing back accepted time frames. And I'd bet heavy they are way out.

Lots of clever people showing evidence that the Sphinx is way older than currently stated and could even be up to around 45,000 years old and not the 5,000 modern textbooks tell us.

Now they are making discoveries in the desert and claiming it went from lush to barren in a blink and that there could be structures under 140ft of sand. I mean can you imagine how long it would take to create a build up of sand of the size of the Sahara from a lush habitat, then cover said habitat's buildings 140ft deep. That's not including the recorded history of it already being desert either, so you can discount the last 2000 years out of its transformation into becoming a sand filled creation.

Yup there have been civilizations before what we are taught. Maybe more than one. Time will hide many clues as it ticks on.

👍︎︎ 207 👤︎︎ u/tmac1974 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

A goat herder in Turkey a few years ago found remains of civilization that have been dated to at least 10,000 years ago.. Our timeline is SO far off.. Look at the Piri Reis map for example.

👍︎︎ 90 👤︎︎ u/Squidcg59 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wan shi tongs library

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/meech98 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

What's the deal with the buried castles? I tried watching but it turned out I didn't want to.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Hobbit_Feet45 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

That library from the last airbender 😳

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/decorative_rat 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Over the course of 20,000 year increments the earth is experiencing a gradual shift on the earths axis which affects the sunlight distribution and puts it in sync with monsoons. This swings the region between wet and dry climates. There are archeological documentaries about this and it is so super fascinating. There used to be 3 massive lakes, larger than the Great Lakes. There were forests and civilizations. Fossils of aquatic creatures are found in some areas. Evidence of grasslands and forest in some areas too.

Idk what’s covered in the video, but when I saw the topic I thought I’d put in my 2 cents.

What could be buried under there? Damn who knows. As we’ve seen ancient cultures can surprise us with what they understood and developed. Some even competing with modern day understanding. Anything could be buried under there.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/divertss 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

This makes me wonder how much of our history we really know.. i truly believe that most of the things we are taught in school is just wrong. We know nothing and its really sad that all of this could be hidden literally under our feet without us knowing.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/Monster__ 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Were is Jimmy. Not uploaded in a while.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/moff141 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

That photo looks like a fake castle, maybe a film set. Anybody watch this video?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/dbhaugen 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
the details that I'm about to share with you in this video are so fascinating that it's gonna make you rethink everything you thought you knew about the Sahara Desert and our lost ancient past because when we think of the Sahara Desert we picture an endless sea of sand dunes that stretch further than the eye can see located of course in the middle of a blistering hot desert that is larger than the entire continental United States but what we're just now learning is that the world's largest nonpolar desert is actually the widespread burial grounds of countless mysteriously unknown ancient ruins and civilizations that have long since been forgotten having been consumed and hidden by the sands of time thousands of years ago and here's the thing when I say thousands of years ago that's the part where things start to get really strange because it turns out that the most recent scientific evidence shows that the Sahara Desert is far younger than we ever thought in fact what scientists assumed was millions of years old we now know that as recently is just five thousand years ago the Sahara Desert was a lush green tropical paradise that spanned from Egypt to the Atlantic coast of the Western Sahara and contained the world's largest freshwater lakes ever known to have existed and not only that a massive network of rivers that made this entire region an oasis for ancient human civilizations thus explaining why in just the last few years we've been finding so many mysteriously unknown structures and what is now a remote barren wasteland and listen to this scientists that analyzed this recent data concluded that in as little as just 100 years the lush green tropical paradise that spanned thousands of miles across North Africa was mysteriously wiped out and transformed into what is now the world's largest hot desert think about that and as little as 100 years one century in other words something unbelievably radical happened here on earth and the not distant past to cause a complete swinging climate throughout such an enormous region and so quickly although I must say that estimates do vary with some scientists saying that it was more likely to be over the course of five centuries rather than one century but either way we are talking about an unbelievably short period of time so the big question becomes why did this happen well scientists from MIT believe that this shift in climate is related to a 20,000 year cycle and changes to the Earth's orbital tilt thus causing most of the Sahara to go back and forth from a desert to a jungle over and over again with the last shift occurring somewhere around 5,000 years ago now keep in mind that estimates vary on this as well with some specifically stating 5,000 years ago others stating 6000 years ago and there's even more broad estimates stating between 4,500 and 8,000 years ago with others even stating dates as far back as 10,000 and 11,000 years ago which to me just goes to show how little we including scientists actually know much of what we have are guesses but I do find the estimates of 11,000 years ago to be quite interesting as it just so happens to be very close to the Younger driest climate catastrophe that was right in that time frame I can't help but wonder if this is related in some way and you know that reminds me does this give any credence to the declassified documents that I discussed in a recent video where it was stated that the Earth's poles rapidly shift and are followed by an immediate reversal every 6500 years I mean really why on earth was the CIA discussing this book in a meeting and why did they classify the notes from that meeting now whether or not the information discussed in those documents is true whatever it was that happened on earth in that period of time to rapidly turn the Sahara into a massive desert from what was a lush tropical environment well there's no doubt that the abrupt changes would have meant disaster to wildlife vegetation and of course the civilizations that occupied the Sahara at that time and when we consider the Sahara Desert geographical location to Egypt or should I say the fact that Egypt is within the Sahara Desert and combining the fact that the land of ancient Egypt is without a doubt the largest concentration of ancient ruins and artifacts found anywhere on earth and that it just so happens to date back to the same period of time is when the Sahara was green for example it has long been said the Egypt's first dynasty dates back to just over five thousand years ago and the alleged first Egyptian pyramid is estimated to have been constructed around that time as well or at least within the timeframe of when the Sahara was said to be green so hold that thought and consider the awkward fact that I've mentioned in numerous past videos which is that the Great Sphinx of Giza has massive amounts of rain water erosion within its enclosure and I say awkward because the experts have always claimed that the Sphinx must be around 4,500 years old yet recent geological analysis implies that this cannot be the case as the last time the Nile Delta region had significant rainfall was more than seven thousand years ago right in the timeframe of when the Sahara was Green and had ten times the rainfall that it does today in other words the scientific data overwhelmingly suggests that the Sphinx is at least double the age of what we were taught in school which of course only further adds to the mystery of ancient Egypt itself but think about what all of this means the ancient ruins and relics that have been found from the Egyptians is concentrated largely around the Nile River and this makes total sense as civilizations exist where there's water so combine that with the timeframe estimates of when the Sahara went from a lush green tropical paradise to a massive barren desert several thousand years ago well there's obviously a connection here and going back to what I just pointed out regarding the ancient Egyptians developing their civilization along the Nile River and while taking into account that the Sahara Desert was actually a hospitable environment made up of rivers and lakes at that same period of time we should ask ourselves if the old legends stating that the Nile River once ran from west to east have merits I mean could this be true because let's not forget what Herodotus the so-called father of history had written and described in his literature at the time of 450 BC which others later went on to create into a map after his death and this map annotates what Herodotus described that the Nile River went west to east right through the Sahara as it eventually curved north and went right up through the Nile Delta notice how it originates in the Western Sahara though approximately in the land of what is now modern-day Mauritania which just so happens to be the same geographical location of a massive network of ancient dried-up rivers that were discovered by scientists in 2015 and do you want to guess the timeframe of when they believed these rivers last existed 5,000 years ago what a coincidence as this finding was completely separate from the studies that declared that the Sahara Desert was Green as recently as 5000 years ago which by the way the newly discovered rivers were not exclusive to just Mauritania have they have been found throughout the Sahara in fact at least three different networks of rivers have been identified so far and they all happen to date back to approximately 5000 years ago it's pretty remarkable that separate teams of scientists and researchers working in different parts of the world found several different lines of evidence to come to these conclusions conclusions that just so happened to match each other so precisely and the implications of this are enormous because undoubtedly ancient humans would have lived and migrated along these networks of rivers that enveloped much of the Sahara just as ancient Egyptians did so along the Nile River and look at what I found while researching this a study that flat-out corroborates how ancient rivers in the Sahara would have likely supported human migration routes it seems to me that these areas around the rivers need to be excavated now take a look at this illustration of the network of rivers identified so far and notice how it compares to Herodotus map which shows the Nile going east southeast before it erupted Lee curves to the north I find the similarity very interesting leave a comment and share what your thoughts are on all of this and see if you see the comparison as well but real quick you'll likely remember me citing her Adonis's map last year in my third video on Atlantis and the recut structure as he had written and described the capital of Atlantis being located south of the Outlets mountains in the Western Sahara and later in this video I'm going to share something very interesting with you that involves the Sahara Desert and the Recon structure but the point right now is that the latest scientific evidence shows us that a massive network of rivers traveled through the Sahara before whatever it was it happened to turn it into a desert where it was then consumed with sand and long-forgotten not to be discovered until at least 5,000 years later and speaking of being consumed with sand here's something interesting to think about which is the condition that Egypt was initially found when it was surveyed by outsiders in more modern times most of it was completely buried in sand for thousands of years it's almost as if the actual people who created these mind-boggling structures were wiped out and erased from memory before others eventually arrived and made it their home I mean let's not forget that not one single hieroglyph or petroglyph shows anything about the pyramids literally nothing not one single one why is that what's that about I mean hell let's not forget the awkward fact that the modern language of in Egypt is not even close to the same language that the dynastic Egyptians spoke and we have only made any sense of Egyptian hieroglyphs because of the rosetta stone just think about that could this be further evidence that two completely different civilizations live there thousands of years apart perhaps separated in time following the collapse of the green Sahara I mean clearly something occurred in Egypt to erase so much and create the incredibly mysterious nature of this lost civilization that we debate so much about today much of which was somehow destroyed massive statues toppled over and not only that what on earth destroyed certain pyramids there is more than one like this an unexplained mystery that very few people are even aware of and I say mystery because no I do not believe that a bunch of angry people with copper sledgehammers did this not a second however that's a topic for another video that I'll certainly make but getting back on the topic of the green Sahara it probably would have looked more like the Amazon than the desert that we see today we really need to use our imaginations to wrap our heads around how different this area would have looked at that point in time and what would that have meant for ancient human civilizations living there and besides the vast network of rivers I haven't even discussed the ancient dried-up lakes that were in the Sahara at the same period of time as those rivers one of which is said to have been the largest freshwater lake ever known to have existed ancient lake chad which at one point covered nearly 140,000 square miles of surface coverage or more than 360 thousand square kilometers to put that into perspective all of the North American Great Lakes combined make up just over ninety four thousand square miles or 240,000 square kilometers simply mind-boggling and there were other massive lakes there as well one of which when at its highest level covered more than 42,000 square miles or more than 108 thousand square kilometers and it wasn't even discovered until later in 2010 but go figure because look at what it looks like today you would never know that anything was there at all it's amazing how wind sand and heat as a way of erasing everything even over just five thousand years take a look at this illustration which shows the known locations of siharan lakes that existed between 9,000 years ago and present-day they were all over the Sahara and guess what these massive Sahara Lakes are all said to have dried up approximately 5,000 years ago the same estimated period of time as the network of rivers and keep in mind that the discovery of these lakes were separate from the discovery of the rivers identified years apart by totally different scientists and researchers so in other words the Sahara Desert was a freakin paradise just a few thousand years ago and what makes it even more interesting is that we're just now starting to figure this out which means that there are incredible discoveries waiting to be found throughout this massive region this is just the beginning of what has the potential to be the greatest archaeological discoveries ever found I mean the Sahara may very well be the ancient jackpot especially when you consider its proximity to ancient Egypt because the discoveries are already happening despite the fact that most of the Sahara is one of the least studied archaeological places on earth the discoveries are now increasing in frequency thanks of course to the modern technology being utilized on drones and satellites they're even referring to it as archaeology from space the high altitude and space borne radar technology is allowing scientists to conduct ground-penetrating radar that penetrates up to a few meters deep and actually that was what they were capable of back in the mid 1990s so I have a feeling that the technology has developed significantly since then think about that but thanks to this technology over just the past few years discoveries have been found in countries ranging from Libya all the way over to the Western Sahara and keep in mind that Libya neighbours Egypt directly to the west literally sharing the same desert and in the middle of the Libyan desert they've discovered castle-like fortresses that shocked archaeologists as of course nobody thought anyone had ever lived there but what they found were walls 13 feet or 4 meters high and even sophisticated irrigation systems they're even starting to find mysterious ruins as far away as the Western Sahara although they may not look impressive hundreds of the stone structures have been found so far and what's interesting is the remote location of these findings and the fact that nobody knows who made them or when and they're also at surface level so the question becomes what else could be buried and waiting to be unearthed in this area and there are other ancient ruins scattered throughout the Sahara from Algeria to Chad some of these ruins are of course credited to the Romans which I do not disagree with however the question I have is what are we not seeing that's buried beneath all this sand and where these structures built on top of older ancient structures which is something commonly seen throughout the world but even if these structures are all at surface level you may not even know about it anyway I mean most people have no idea that there are sophisticated ancient ruins in Sudan including pyramids and this not forget the Sudan borders Egypt directly to the south is there a connection here and you know when you consider the incredible size of the Sahara which spans three and a half million square miles or nine million square kilometres and is more than three thousand miles across from one coast to the other as it stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea and although most of the deserts is not actually covered in massive sand dunes the parks there are are as deep as 100 to 141 feet in depth and make no mistake some of the greatest discoveries from her ancient past may very well be waiting to be exhumed under dunes just like these I mean this area is so big that it literally affects weather systems around the world for instance winds from the Sahara created a heat wave in Britain just this summer and not only that the sands of the Sahara were carried all the way over to Houston Texas word affected the color of the sky making it yellow and this storm did more than increase the temperatures in Britain and turned the sky yellow in Texas because it even delayed the hurricane season in the Atlantic and Caribbean as well I mean come on that is absolutely incredible but there's more the sands of the Sahara Desert even fertilized the Amazon rainforest every year millions of tons of dust containing rich nutrients including tens of thousands of tons of phosphorus is carried across the Atlantic Ocean and end up fertilizing the soils of South America I mean Wow right it truly is incredible to think that this region is affecting weather and ecosystems around the world but I suppose it makes sense it just simply never occurred to me until I started researching this topic but here's something else that's really interesting to think about so humans are said to have originated in Africa right so how do we know that there's not areas of Africa aside from the Sahara Desert that have ancient ruins waiting to be discovered for example in the Congo jungle and rainforest remember what I shared in my previous video involving airborne lidar conducting 3d mapping of the Guatemalan jungle which identified tens of thousands of buried Mayan ruins that scientists discovered just last year areas of this dense jungle that had already been surveyed on foot were unable to see any of these remnants as they had been consumed by the earth and jungle in less than 1,200 years which is unbelievably quick I mean even consumed a seven-story pyramid that they literally walked right by during previous survey mapping while on foot and this is only what they found so far there are vast areas of jungle in Central and South America that have not been scanned in fact only an incredibly small portion had been scanned in comparison to what's left so is it possible that there are other discoveries waiting to be made that are buried in jungles such as Central Africa where literally nobody is looking and never have just something to think about now I mentioned early in this video that I want to discuss some details involving the Sahara Desert and the recon structure as it pertains to the lost city of Atlantis in my prior videos I suggested that North Africa appears to have been obliterated with tidal forces that may have originated from the Mediterranean Sea and flowed through the rakaat structure in Mauritania which could have been what caused Atlantis's destruction and that's assuming that this was Atlantis as the legend states that it was consumed and fell into the depths of the sea and by simply looking at satellite imagery it's not hard to see the evidence of vast water erosion well listen to this in just the past few weeks a shocking discovery was made that was based on a 20-year study conducted by scientists and researchers that proved that the ocean literally ran right through the heart of North Africa at one point in the past allegedly tens of millions of years ago and they're calling it the trans-saharan Seaway and the implications of this are absolutely astounding just look at where it originates in North Africa and snakes its way through the Sahara through the same location that I suggested in my prior video and we now know that yes this area that looks like water flowed right through it actually did now of course this map does not show it going west through the structure but if you simply go to Google Earth and view and play around with the elevations above sea level in all these outlined areas you'll quickly find that the path through the Recon structure is at the same elevations as the trans-saharan Seaway again look at this and tell me that tidal forces didn't flow right through here and in fact people that have recently visited the recod on foot observed that the structure is right down to bedrock just as you'd expect if the freaking ocean had blasted right through it but what is left are massive salt deposits at surface level in and around the recut structure I did not include this significant detail in my prior videos because I wasn't positive on it at the time but it yes it has since been confirmed without a doubt the ocean was once here so the question becomes when and although there is of course doubt as to whether the Ricoh structure could be the location of velocity of Atlantis but I've since dug deeper and I've come across new information much of which is unbelievably fascinating and a few details that virtually nobody knows about information that will make even the skeptics of this location second guess in question what might be possible but I'll stop myself there because there is a lot more to share a lot more and it's certainly debatable so I'll have to make another video on the topic of the recut structure in Atlantis so look forward to that soon and I'll also be making another video on Atlantis involving other possible locations such as Santorini and the Azores Islands and other places so look forward to that but the topic of Atlantis aside what on earth is waiting to be discovered underneath the sands of the Sahara I mean mark my words I'm telling you in our lifetimes there's gonna be some massive discoveries they're gonna happen in the Sahara that are gonna blow our minds because if all of the Sahara a thousands of miles across was green tropical vegetated with rivers and lakes and humans originated from Africa you can bet that people were living there so the question becomes what's there waiting to be found but anyways I'll close this up here this is getting long but I'm Jimmy this is bright insight hit the like button and subscribe and leave a comment and let me know what your thoughts are on all of this and everything that I discuss in the video and without a doubt there are other places around the world that are very likely to have an abundance of unknown inch true uns waiting to be discovered such as Central America South America and other places too so anyways guys I'll leave it at that take care and look forward to another video coming real soon bye everybody
Channel: Bright Insight
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Id: Z0_Of0WGkEs
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Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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