YOU WON’T BELIEVE THESE MAUSOLEUMS On Millionaires Row! - Oakland California.

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and here's some family on the outside Robert watt Miller and Elizabeth fuler Miller Cooper beautiful the year ah there's his [Music] [Applause] [Music] wife what is going on everybody welcome back to the channel we are at Mountain View Cemetery here in Oakland California and since I'm here might as well do a Millionaire's Row revisit video um it's been a like 3 years or so since I've been up there so I thought maybe I'd uh go up there and check it out and we can look at some of the stuff up there and uh all of the uh wealth families that are up there on the hill let's go before I get up there on the hill we got this little uh military section right here with a cannon and everything [Applause] so it looks like the mainstone up in there says our nation's honored dead 1861 to 1865 I do believe that was uh Civil War that was those were the years I do believe went between and then it says May 30th 1893 must have been yeah and there's the stone on our our nation's honored dead some of these Stones man woo they go way back maybe I'll come back and do a more of a video here I'm on my way to the top of the hill for Millionaire's Row so let's get up on there and uh thank everybody here for their service well we made it to the bottom row right here there's also a top row up there higher up on the on the hill here so these are going to be interesting we can walk down I just want to do a revisit and check this place out once more like I said before new camera better camera than the last time I was filming this area and I want to get a better um record of it Miller family 1896 and interesting I found a little something on this family here Christian Otto Miller April 1st 1865 to April 23rd 1952 was a founder of the Pacific lighting Corporation and later was on the board of directors of Pacific Gas and Electric Company PG and he was a son of Banker Albert Miller and his wife Maryanne Miller on May 2nd 1889 Miller married enm Annie Tucker they had two children Maran E Miller and lesie E Miller and then Annie died unexpectedly at the age of 30 on April 21st 1898 Miller remarried to Janet Alpine watt of Oakland and they had two children Robert watt Miller and Albert Kendall Miller wow interesting Unexpected death by his wife and and I also read he had built this for his first wife Annie so let's uh go check this thing out here and here's some family on the outside Robert watt Miller and Elizabeth fuler Miller Cooper beautiful the year ah there's his wife Annie put her on the door he said he originally built it for her when she died unexpectedly and she is straight across her name is enim en enim H Miller beloved wife of CG Miller and daughter of Dr JC and mini e Tucker born in Virginia City Nevada died in Oakland California March 28th 1896 to age 30 and right there's Christian Miller San Francisco California October 1st 1865 April 23rd 1952 and there's a whole family here the kids there's also like cremations on the sides over here as well very interesting there's that empty one right there I'm not quite sure I guess some might have been moved but yeah Jones here that back window's been busted up looks like just yeah playing inside Mr Jones born of 22nd 1830 died August 22nd 1899 there's like Flor October 4th 1838 to died in December 22nd 1933 there's a Grace Jones Miller 1864 to 1939 yeah all kinds of people in here interesting and there's a bit of flashlight in there so I guess I might stand corrected here um when I was looking up the pyramid tomb that we saw in the beginning they say that it sits just below Millionaire's Row so maybe I guess the top row only is Millionaire's Row but I mean these look pretty uh Grand also so these people were also rich as well and Wealthy if it isn't considered millionaires row because when I read about some of these tombs they say oh they sit below Millionaire's Row so I was like oh okay the cliff family looks like they got some cremations on a mantle up in there yeah in the back there there's I'm not sure if those two on the end are cremations so they're just a flower pot but the one in the middle definitely is that box in the middle William Cliff March 5th 1831 to October 22nd 1900 a native of England and uh Jean Mir Clift September 27th 1844 January 13th 1923 and of Scotland and it looks like they might be the only two in here actually there's some names here these are probably cremations as well but they're kind of tarnished the plates are tarnished it looks like so it's kind of hard to read them okay William Cliff was a miner born in St day Cornwall England in 1831 when local mind started becoming depleted he went at the age of 13 to Brazil in July of 1847 he contracted to work for the Imperial Brazilian mining Association where he became known as responsible hardwork employee and was soon appointed supervisor he remained in Brazil until 18555 amassing a small fortune before returning to his native England he came to the United States in 1856 and quickly became interested in the mines in the neighborhood of Grass Valley California where he settled wow it says Cliff made his fortune as an investor in the minds of California and Nevada William together with his brothers-in-law bought and sold mining claims he was a good businessman and very successful he and the smith brothers owned one-third of the Houston Hill gold mine in Nevada County purchased in 1863 so there you go little this is how he got his fortune we got the world's information at our fingertips on the on the cell phone I had to look that one up to see who he was very interesting the Wakefield family right here it's beautiful the Greenwood Family let's go back and look at this one real quick shouldn't overlook this one before we go I kind of want to look at this one closer actually Sam Bell Wakefield 1849 to 1887 Sarah Webster Wakefield 1850 to 1901 Sam Bell 1876 to 1943 Isabelle 1876 to 1939 Franklin Webster 1880 to 1936 and Al Alicia or Alisia with two L's 1903 to 1986 oh wow so that was the last Persian to get put in here could have been a child one of the children interesting okay now let's look at the Greenwood Family it looks like they got a uh a a holiday Arrangement here put here in front of the door very very nice these individuals have not been forgotten which is awesome to see and look at that Keyhole that's so some old school stuff oh there's a bunch of people in here it's nice brick nice brick ceiling and everything looks fairly clean Dr Ernest Wright Chipman died December 4th 1946 Jane Greenwood Chipman died September 17th I think 1947 Paul Winslow rer 1887 to 1971 there's just a ton of people in here 1896 there's a lot a lot of individuals I think a whole 12 I'm going to take a look and see if I can find anything out about this family here but let's get the old Flashlight out here beautiful in here I found a Frank Greenwood it's a capitalist President Monroe Greenwood estate company very interesting says he lived in Oakland uh let's see going down the line here on find a grave I found him on find a grave just stuff about his yeah his addresses and stuff but that's all we have so far but yeah capitalist and there's another Monroe Greenwood and it says occupation treasur Telegraph company who's a treasurer of of telegraph company that's what it says very interesting D is the family this has got a nice glass door for as old as this look they obviously replaced the door it's beautiful maybe there was some vandalism and they had to replace stuff happens this beautiful there's a lot of people in there uh all three walls have rows of like three or four across and three High it looks like so there's a lot of people big family here inside here there is a Bartlett D it says Lumber and building materials I guess he was in the lumber business um interesting businessman partner in The Firm of B and JS do died a result of a heart attack or heart failure caused by the shock of the 1906 earthquake aged 85 9 months 5 days so this guy died of a heart attack caused by the shock of the 1906 earthquake that is something earthquake victim and it wasn't even the earthquake you know it was just the the fear the shock this being scared I guess that's crazy and there's a there's a large family here it's very large WM let's Oliver very interesting one well how's this one for you William lets Oliver 1844 to 1918 he uh founded California cap company the first US manufacturer of blasting caps used for explosives in mining he was also the principal owner of the Oliver manufacturing company so he he uh into blasting caps for reminding that's interesting what a explosive Revelation just kidding that's a horrible joke I know let's go oh giradelli Domingo birth name I found out was like domencio and then he later changed it to Domingo Gad Deli the chocolate manufacturers I know I've showed this grave before but I found out an interesting story about this family and St Mary cemetery next door there's a interesting story I found out so I found this on a website it's the story surrounding his family mum and it's interesting an event occurred in the giradelli family in 1879 that caused Domingo to disassociate himself with the Catholic Church his teenage daughter Aurelia became Gravely ill and a priest was called to to administer the last rights there are two stories in the family as to why the priest refused to come one says that it was raining the other says that the priest felt doming Domingo had not given the church enough financial support whatever the reason the girl died without receiving the last rights her deeply religious grandmother Carmen was devastated and Domingo was Furious he forbade the members of his family to ever enter a Catholic church again or to be ministered by a priest Aurelia was buried in the Gad Deli family vault in St Mary's adjacent to the cemetery at Mountain View was Carmen when she died in 1887 Domingo had a plan however to write the wrong he felt had been done to his family first he had his handsome white marble Mausoleum built at Mountain View Cemetery with the Masonic emblem over the door this one right here in front of us not considered appropriate for a Catholic around 1890 when all was completed Domingo and his sons took a wagon to St Mary's in the dark of night St Mary's is right next door to this Cemetery here removed the four giradelli bodies from the family Vault transported them to Mountain View and reinterred them in the new Mausoleum thus Domingo had the last word and I've heard about this story before um very very interesting um he definitely had the last word St Mary's if you go straight that way in certain you can see St Mary's it's like right next door to this Cemetery so um yeah he was a little angry so he moved his family here to Mountain View Cemetery from St Mary's I've been to St Mary's before and I never saw any old Vault that could have belonged to them maybe I should ask the cemetery if they didn't still have it maybe it was destroyed who knows but that is interesting it's kind of dark in there at the old Flashlight interesting we got the Nelson family here couldn't find anything out on them but I'm sure a wealthy family nonetheless oh wow there's a bench in there wow look at this beautiful one crayon hogin I do believe I read about these guys I do believe these were land owners they owned the cattle I do believe they're in the cattle business my memory serves me correct beautiful door gorgeous door here wow a lot of uh wear and tear inside here as you can see wow you can see down there on the bottom there's like a little um glass case in in there in the front of this Crypt right here probably got some kind of trinkets or something in it but very interesting this is beautiful look at the handle this is some craftsmanship here there's the door beautiful I got one heck of a lock on it I don't think that's the original lock I'm sure that was probably a and add-on later the Lincoln family interesting iron work on the door Jerome Lincoln native of Boston Massachusetts February 23rd 1896 age 66 years 6 months there's a little bench in here interesting kind a has a lot of family in here Coleman right here look at this one my goodness let's take a step back on this one this is beautiful there's a window in the door but looks like it's all messed up people shooting be was it BB holes or what what is this that's [Music] odd looks like the windows covered up there was a glass window we could probably look inside this way a little bit of a view in there so we got John Coleman here Telegraph Pioneer and Railway entrepreneur he constructed a telegraph line from San Francisco to Salt Lake City in 187 to and he made a small fortune in mining interests wow he went on to purchase controlling interest in the San Francisco and North Pacific Coast railroad becoming president and general manager he sold his interest in the company to JB Stetson he served as president of the San Francisco stock and exchange board and played a key role in the construction of its building and laid the Cornerstone interesting Coleman along with George mcneer founded the Oakland Consolidated Street Railway the first electric ra Railway system built in the Bay Area in 1893 Francis M Smith bought controlling interest in the company as well as the Central Avenue Railway company and Consolidated them in what became the key system so found this one on finder grave about uh Mr Coleman here let's uh move on here there the Freeborn there are no windows in the door I don't know there's any windows in it at all let's go up along the side over here and see it's a solid door beautiful beautiful Mausoleum there [Music] that's interesting look at that Gap in there very interesting I don't think there's anything around back here nah would love to see the inside of this oh I see he uh James freeorn was a uh stock broker he died in Paris and they shipped him back home to Oakland and the funeral it says in this newspaper clipping was held in the afternoon at the maum built by the deceased in Mountain View Cemetery Reverend HD leth of East Oakland conducted the services and I guess he's in here with his wife Elanor so James lived from 1828 to 18 94 and Elanor lived from 1843 to 1925 and that's about what we got on [Music] them so we got over here Beal now when I did the the main maum down on the Flatlands video the other day I saw this family name and I wonder if this one is relation to them I've looked up this Mausoleum before and it just says unknown known I guess there's not enough information I guess but it's the beal name and I found like two or three people in the main MIM on my other video let's go check it out this one this door is definitely rusting wow there's been a Breakin of something here G is some rusted chain oh look at that beautiful here's the winter mute family I've done a video on this one before this was the one where I guess the grandson of the people that are in this one was trying to sell it and evict them you know and sell it for extra money to make money and I guess the the old the kabash was put on it but yeah this is the one where the grandson tried to sell it with with you know people um already in there uh pretty uh pretty wacky story I should probably link that video to this one but yeah definitely uh one heck of a story there all right guys that's about it for this video and we're going to go up top to uh the tippy tippy top over here up there on Millionaire's Row but this row of family crypt mazums um were very very interesting had some interesting stories to say with by you know for some of the people there and it was a very very cool uh thing and Domingo gear deli's story about how he got the last word on St Mary cemetery he pulled his family out and stuck him in the mausoleum here which is crazy I love that story he's like hell screw you guys you know um I'm taking my family out of here if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up and if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button and click that Bell icon therefore you be notified of all of my future uploads guys it was a pleasure and I'll uh do the treack up top here and uh do the next row up all right guys thank you all so much and I'll talk to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] later a
Channel: Crypt Door
Views: 17,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic, old, cemetery, graveyard, mausoleum, cemetery exploration, cemetery wandering, necropolis, crypt, mountain view cemetery, oakland, california, bay area, history, historic, east bay, celebrity graves, cemetery tour, crypt door, famous graves, grave yard, graveyard tour, history buffs, mausoleum burial, mausoleum burial inside, mausoleum burial near me, mountain view cemetery oakland, urban exploration cemetery, Urbex, Urban exploration, cemeteries, millionaires row, ca, Mausoleums
Id: rH7Wk0d0mkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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