Tiny Tim's Crypt & Graves of Vice President Humphrey & other VIPs

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on this episode of History Hunters we're off to visit the grids of some formerly very important people and the legendary singer Tiny Tim who are at rest in the Minneapolis lak with [Music] Cemetery hi so welcome to this episode of History Hunters we are at Minneapolis Minnesota here in lakew Cemetery and we're here to visit some historical persons including the vice president of the United States hbert hrey who C LED F's Johnson it's a very windy day and I expect this kind of weather tonight that started on sunny and quet wind is sure kicked up but we're going to visit the grave of the Vice President of the United States first [Music] well I had some microphone issues here and the wind was creating such a tremendous muffle that I decided to do a voice over here but this is the grave of Hubert Humphrey nice wall on the back the graves are actually up front as you can see here I found the grave of Hubert H Humphrey 1911 to 1978 he was uh stricken with cancer during the Jimmy Carter Administration and next to him is ml Humphrey Brown She remarried after Hubert died she died in 1998 and was also a US senator from the state of Minnesota and on the back wall we have his signature and I think it's pretty cool that there's a quote of his that's engraved here on his marker it says I have enjoyed my life its disappointments outweighed by its Pleasures I have loved my country in a way that some people consider sentimental and out of style I still do and I remember an optimist with joy without apology about this country and about the American experiment in democracy and then the wall has a number of different emblems and of course there's an emblem here in the City of Minneapolis because he was elected the mayor he served from 1945 to 1948 he ran for US Senate he served in that office from 1949 to 1964 during his service in the US Senate he was one of the instrumental leaders of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 of course he was by Lyndon Johnson to serve as his vice president so hence there is the vice president of the United States symbol here as well Hubert Humphrey was the 38th Vice President of the United States from 1965 to 1969 in March of 1968 when Johnson made his surprise announcement that he wasn't going to seek re-election Humphrey decided he wanted to run so I call you forth I call forth that basic goodness that is there I call you to risk the hard path of greatness and I say to America put aside recrimination and dissension turn away from violence and hatred believe believe in what America can do and believe in what America can be and with the Vass with the help of that vast unfrightened dedic ated faithful majority of Americans I say to this great convention tonight and to this great nation of ours I am ready to lead our [Applause] country in the general election he nearly matched Nixon's tally in the popular vote but he lost the electoral vote by a wide margin after his defeat he returned to the Senate and served from 1971 to his death in 1978 he ran for president again and in the 1972 Democrat primaries lost to George McGovern I feel a personal connection to him because he was one of the first people that I wrote to First public officials that I wrote to when I became an autograph collector back in 1972 and 1973 and March of 1973 he wrote me a letter he signed the card that I sent he sent me a sign photo and then I got to attend the inauguration of President Jimmy Carter and I got I spotted him from where I was in the ground he was sick at the time he had one of those Russian fur hats on I forget what they call them but he was there I picked him out and I saw his wife Muriel from where I was standing out in the sea of humanity he fought cancer for for a number of months he got very ill and then when he passed away I remember taping on radio I I was a geeky kid tape The Narrative of his passing and how they recounted his life so never thought I'd actually be here at his grave looking at this Granite signature on the wall that I have back home my collection one of the first politicians that I wrote to was Wendell Anderson he was governor of Minnesota and he was the youngest governor of Minnesota when he was elected at the age of 37 and he's buried right well his cremades are back here behind me uh there's these trees that have lost their Blossom so almost looks like snow on the grave and he is right over here Wendell Anderson and his wife Mary Christine mcke that uh the height of his popularity he was all the cover of Time magazine in 1973 but before that before he got into politics he was a member of the 1856 OIC hockey team which caned a silver medal as Governor he remember for prioritizing education and making poor districts become or even what the advanage districts when Walter male became vice president he gave up his senen SE and that was filled by Anderson who served from 1976 to in 1978 when they left Washington DC and practice law but sadly died of Alzheimer's disease at age of 83 2016 and his ashes are buried right here in the cemeteries so we're going to come up this hill where we finally have some Monument headstones and we're going to try to find the grave of orful Freeman he was the governor of Minnesota until he was tapped by johnf Kennedy to become Secretary of Agriculture and I've already spotted him he's back here almost to the back none of these politicians grapes have any uh markers nobody's left pennies or anything on them like they've been completely forgotten course I'm not sure how many people remember politicians they probably would rather forget [Music] them here we go Freeman Orville Loth Freeman governor of Minnesota 1955 to 1961 and US Secretary of Agriculture from 61 to 69 so he served under President Kennedy and President Johnson uh Farm prices uh are a dozen per lower than they were way back in 1951 people don't realize that as a matter of fact I made that point to my wife who has heard me say it a dozen times last year evening at dinner and she said you mean to tell me that farm prices are actually 12% lower than they were way back in 1951 and I said why you know that I said that a hundred times and you've heard it well she said I thought you meant relative to other things and I said relative nothing these are absolute prices Not only was Orville Freeman the only person to be nominated for governor of Minnesota five times but he also helped launch the career of Walter Mondale of course you'll remember Walter Mondale was Jimmy Carter's vice president uh Walter Mondale was a US senator from Minnesota but it was Orville Freeman here who was appointed in 1959 Walter F Mondale as the Attorney General of the state of Minnesota so it basically Kickstart his career of course Walter male also tried to run for president uh years later and uh was not successful I think it was in 1984 that he was tried to take over the presidency again from Ronald Reagan the convention was in San Francisco They nominated Walter Mandel Geraldine Ferraro was his running mate that ticket Went Down To Flames all right so now let's go off and find some more interesting Graves here at this Lakewood Memorial Park in Minneapolis Minnesota W I've accidentally found another grave and I don't know if you can believe this this is Rudy push's grave Rudy and Lola Heaven exists were ever left flourishes together on Earth he lived in heaven and I'm not sure sure the significance of this Memorial but here you go Rooney perit 1928 to 1995 Governor Mota twice it's nonconsecutive turns 1977 to 79 83 1991 honestly I I totally bumped into that one I had no idea that governor perit was buried here as well [Music] [Music] I know we're in the cemetery but this CP might make you hungry when I talk about Bo here the Mars family is buried here the founder of Mars candy bars Mars sh in 1911 buried here and his son invented the Mars Bar the Milky Way bar was invented also by a gentleman who is buried at haris the founder of the company in 1911 Franklin Mars founded the Mars Candy Factory and one of the products that he created was the Milky Way candy bar which is one of the best selling Confections in history his son Forest Mars created the Mars Bar in 1933 in England by adding a layer of caramel to the Milky Way bar Mars invented and patented a candy coated chocolate in 1940 under a partnership with Bruce Murray a son of a Hershey's chocolate executive hence the name Eminem which stands for Mars and Murray after his father's death he took over Mars Incorporated and merged it with his own company successfully running it until he retired in 1973 at the time of his death he was one of the richest people in the United States all made famous by chocolate and the whole family is buried in here and these iron doors here there's a little Keyhole here if you had the key we could go in here and look but it's locked tighter than a drum spent a lot of money on this thing didn't they here's the back side of it there's no way to even peek in the backside it's always cool to see statuary in a cemetery like this for LA Woman looks like she's very lonely or sad so this giant marker here is our key to the Dayton family which is right in this area right here the one I specifically want to find is right here this is George Draper Dayton 1857 to 1938 In 1902 he established Draper department stores up here in the neapolis you might know it today turned into the target Corporation Target stores it's founded by this guy right here here's his wife Emma I wonder if she shopped a lot in the store and right here's the son who took over David draer Dayton son of George and Emma Dayton he left from 1880 to 1923 there's Dayton all over this plot here big family so again if you think cemeteries are boring not really you just have to do your research who had ever thought George Dayton founder of Target or what was the beginning of the target [Music] chain it is probably not the best time of the day to shoot this but we found the grave of Charles Pillsbury now you may remember that name Pillsbury Doughboy and you know what I bought a Pillsbury doorboy I was GNA poke him in the stomach and see if he laughed now only those of you who remember the commercials of the Pillsbury Doughboy would remember that it's funny when I press on his belly while he gets his gas Charles Pillsbury he started the flower industry here in Minneapolis he's buried here with members of his family and specifically it's this grave right here Charles A Pillsbury 1842 to 1899 he was the businessman he founded was the namesake for Pillsbury company he actually was a native of New Hampshire he graduated from darkmouth college in 1863 and 1869 he moved to Minneapolis and established the ca Pillsbury Flower company with the help of his uncle who was the future Minnesota Governor John S Pillsbury it eventually became one of the largest flower Milling Enterprises in the world he sold his controlling interest to the business in 1889 but remained on the board until his death and we are in like the flight takeoff flight path for the Minneapolis Airport had no idea that we were that close to it the Pillsbury product name is now owned by General Mills but the name lives on is Pillsbury best flower in the Pillsbury Doughboy here's his wife Mary wife of Charles Pillsbury a 1941 to 1902 Charles Pillsbury engraved up there it's one of the tallest markers here in the cemetery here's a bunch of pills berries Donaldson Clark Pillsbury Mary Addie oh here's the daughter this one of the daughters lived just a year of Charles Pillsbury uh if you come to the other side of the Pillsbury plot right right here is John S Pillsbury 1827 to 1901 he was considered the father of the University of Minnesota and he was the governor of the state of Minnesota there are pills berries all over the place you can always tell the richest people they've got the biggest markers they the only ones who could afford such things but they contributed much to the world I'm just amazed by people who come up with ideas they develop them they work hard American Enterprise and then they go on to achieve great Fame and Fortune so I'm going to come in this masoleum right here and find the grave of tiny T the Entertainer who was a little bit creepy in the 1960s he's buried in this mosum right here so come down to the basement level and down this way you see this tree all these gold leaves on it you come right down here there he is Tiny Tim Herbert Tiny Tim 1932 to 1996 through the window by the window that all become tip through the CH with me from the by [Music] theard Tre through the with me and flowers will spray [Music] we I kiss you in theard in the moonight me through the with me me actually almost gave up because I knew it was on this side of the building it was a floor up you actually have to come down into the not the basement but the kind of underneath the ground level Tiny Tim's buried right there his name is actually Herbert carry he was known as Tiny Tim he gained a lot of Fame in the 1960s and laughing he had a really creepy demeanor if you ask me just the way he's saying with his very high also and uh even to this day a lot of people are creeped out by fact I played him for Sarah and uh she said turn it off turn it off it was too creepy not only did it sound creepy but it look creepy coming out of a guy um he actually died while performing that song it's very tragic now he was also a Christian he was uh very religious and if you can look down here this way says A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Tiny Tim was famous for his bizarre faletto rendition of Tiptoe Through the Tulips a 1929 ddy that he listened to as a child on a 78 RPM record he was born in New York City as the son of a Lebanese father and a Jewish mother he dropped out of high school and tapped into his obsession of music of the 1890s through the 1930s which led him to his dream of becoming a singer he learned to play the guitar and the ukulele and performed profession Prof Al in the early 1950s Kore was a cult performer in the Greenwich Village music scene by the early 1960s singing under the name of the crippled lad in the Charles Dickens novel A Christmas Carol being that he was over 6' tall added to the comic Aura of this performer he appeared on Rand and Martin's laughing in 1967 and immediately became a smash sensation a t a t a green and yellow biscuit I sent a letter to my mother on the way I his F crested in 1969 and on December 17th of that year he married Miss Vicki his 17-year-old girlfriend on The Tonight Show millions of Americans tuned in to watch The Wedding the couple mostly lived apart and while the union produced a daughter named tulip he and Miss Vicki divorced 8 years later tiny was reduced to traveling the country playing in less than prestigious venues newer Generations however discovered his talents until a heart attack at a ukulele Festival in September 1996 set him back after getting out of the hospital Tiny Tim resumed his concert schedule but it proved too much on November 30th he suffered yet another heart attack while performing Tiptoe Through the Tulips in Minneapolis and died an hour later he was 64 so from the Crypt right here we're going to go down here just to show you the unique stained glass here looks like it's honoring Christopher Columbus look at that it well maybe it's not Chris Columbus says the rhyme of the Ancient Mariner Cole Ridge sailing ship a seagull and what I thought to be Christopher Columbus but that's not Queen Isabel this is one of the nicer mausoleums I've ever been in now unfortunately there's no other famous people very in here for us to look at but I'm sure if I dug a lot deeper I could probably find it so we're going to take the elevator back up and check out one more grape this is our last last grave today over here by this beautiful Lake on the west side of the cemetery that's what you see it's like a pair of wings almost it's a memorial to US senator Paul wellstone and his grave is right over here and boy look at this a lot of people have remembered him with rocks look at this wellstone mother and father grandparents public servant US senator he was in the United States Senate from 1991 until he was killed in a plane crash near evth Minnesota in 2002 he was a member of the democratic party a leader of the populist and Progressive wings of the party so if you come back aways from the boulder come backways and here's the marker for Paul wellstone and then his wife Sheila who was one of his tireless campaign workers and their adult daughter also died in that crash here's Marsha walstone marcusen she was very young 1969 to 2002 Paul wilstone was the underdog when he first ran for the US Senate in 1990 against aumet Senator Rudy boschwitz he won the race narrowly after being outspent 7 to1 when time came for his night 1996 reelection campaign wellstone inspired a Grassroots effort that attracted young people and minorities BOS was ran ads accusing wellstone of becoming embarrassing liberal and calling him Senator welfare but the Democrat was reelected by a wider margin and for a time in 1998 contemplated a run for president but decided that he didn't have the physical stamina the 58-year-old senator took nothing for granted in the 2002 election but his decision to attend a funeral for the father of a fellow lawmaker and not stay in Minneapolis for a debate proved fateful on October 25th 2002 wellstone and his wife Sheila and daughter Marsha boarded a beachcraft King Air a100 in route to Northeast Minnesota the plane went into a stall and crashed into a forest because of pilot error none of those on board survived the wellstone funeral was attended by President Clinton vice president Gore and half the US Senate [Music] [Music] again I want to thank you so much for joining us on this episode of History Hunters exploring Lakewood Cemetery in Minneapolis Minnesota hope that you enjoyed learning about some of the people are buried here I know that um we tried to two videos somebody else did and know was D Jordan liion was out here he did Tiny Tim's grave but uh he didn't hit the ones that we're heading today and I think they're a lot for interesting as well you know it's not only it's just the Hollywood celebrities but it's the people who started businesses and made candy bars and Rand government here in Minnesota and the United States it's amazing I just I'm fascinated by this hope you were too please give us a comment leave us a comment give us a thumbs up as well haven't subscribe to hist fors love have you as well thanks so much [Music] [Music]
Channel: History Hunters
Views: 30,047
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Keywords: Tiny Tim, Hubert Humphrey, VIP graves, famous graves, Lakewood Cemetery in Minneapolis, Minneapolis history, Minnesota famous persons, History Hunters, jbenziggy
Id: wJZz8Yg2Cl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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