They OPENED the Fairbanks Crypt - INSIDE Photos!

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I'm back in Hollywood at Hollywood Forever Cemetery the Hollywood Memorial Park formally Hollywood Memorial Park now a very fashionable place to be interred buried and earned and uh that's Anton yelchin's mother's car she's over there don't want to bother her she's always here her husband a new neighbor on Mother's Day she was I would imagine and earned here but here's him oh yeah Dirk Schaefer he's got an interesting story I think he was the Playboy man of the I played girl man of the year or something not to do the research on that all right that is the beautiful grave of Douglas Fairbanks Jr and Senior foreign [Music] Fairbanks senior passed away this is where he is buried not in the sarcophagus that you see above the ground but uh in that they remove a side wall from it and they put them down below and um it must be pretty well I would say waterlogged because uh the footage I took several years ago the flood which actually took the the water all the way up to the edges basically so I would imagine whoever's in there at the time was uh not in terrific shape well now I can take that back because Douglas Fairbanks Jr is buried in there now I'm gonna go down there [Music] because of course I started shooting video in a big truck has to come by so when it was still Hollywood Memorial Park it was run by a man named Jules Roth for several decades who basically stole the place blind I mean he took all of the money so when he died they had the padlock the gates there was really nothing they could do they opened it up sporadically so people could see their loved ones so when he died there was no money left they basically padlocked the gates oh fur your information you see that back there that building that is Paramount Studios and Paramount Studios used to be Cemetery property back in the early 1900s the cemetery was actually cut in half and the other half was sold to Paramount and so Paramount does sit on former Cemetery property and they probably I I would almost guarantee there are bodies under there I know this place is crazy haunted the whole area is crazy haunted and uh I mean yeah just is that's where I did that show the doctors and I lived on that street over there and we talked about all the hauntings on that show anyway so Jules Roth ran the cemetery for decades it was in such poor shape that people were exhuming their relatives they were making more money from taking their relatives out of here than they were with burials so eventually the case was settled to gentleman Tyler Brent Cassidy from Saint Louis they were in the funeral business bought the place and brought it back to its Splendor I guess it's just gone in the opposite direction I guess they're respectful yeah they are respectful they put a lot of money into the cemetery and uh they work with what they have so they're building a lot too all that all that you see here on the left that's all new it's all new they're building a five-story building for mausoleums uh on the other side of it so they're they're you know it's a it's a for-profit business uh Douglas Fairbanks Jr died May 7th into the year 2000. and he needed a place to be buried and it was always assumed that he would be here with his father and there was talk that he wouldn't be because he didn't care for the way the cemetery looked for the maintenance it was given apparently he looked and didn't didn't care for what he saw and uh but the cemetery said no no no let us do it let us do it and they whipped everything into shape and Douglas Fairbanks really brought the cemetery its legitimacy back it was such an embarrassment before because Jules de Ross sold stole all the money from it and uh and it was all these amazing people here but the place was in disrepair Graves were sunken in the earthquake damage they just locked up some of the mausoleums so with Douglas Fairbanks Juniors ceremony it gave the cemetery back the respect that it was missing uh well Douglas Fairbanks Jr died in New York in May 7 2000 he was born in 1909 to Douglas Fairbanks senior and to Annabeth Sully he started over 75 films including gangadin Sinbad the Sailor The Prisoner of Zenda final film was ghost story in 1981. now back in the day the cemetery used to show movies here they have moving from premieres here now and uh television show launches Etc this is what they call the Fairbanks lawn back here and it's empty basically there's no Graves there so they uh they show films everyone sits there and they project the film on that Mausoleum wall back there back when uh Douglas back Tyrone Powers buried here Rudolph Valentino's buried here and uh when they they used to have on their birthdays or on their death days they would show a Tyrone Power film here for free about I don't know there'll be about 60 people here at the most that would be here uh watching the film being projected over there well now you know it used to be free it was like a really sweet thing and uh and film historians historians in general loved it now they don't do that anymore now on Saturdays and Friday nights maybe even as well they have about 2500 people that pay 10 bucks ahead or more now I don't even know to watch a movie here so uh you know Improvement okay it's improved but sort of sad but as I mentioned Douglas Fairbanks Jr decided he was going to be buried here with his father and this is from the ceremony Wednesday May 24 2001 pm and my friend Roger was here Prince of cinematic royalty dashing film star and decorated war hero beloved husband father grandfather passed away at the age of 90. Little Caesar Katherine Hepburn's initial Oscar vehicle Morning Glory the Regal drama Catherine the gay great Prisoner of Zenda ganga din Sinbad he enjoyed an oppressive career in his service and in service to his country in 41 FDR appointed him the special Envoy of to Argentina Brazil Chile Panama Peru and Uruguay later that year he was called the active Navy service training and leading to Commando units he was awarded numerous medals and commendations for bravery and Innovation as the first U.S commander of a British flotilla during World War II under under the decorated Admiral Ward Lord mountbatten interesting Lieutenant Douglas Fairbanks Jr was made an honorary night of the British Empire for furthering anglo-american Unity so when Douglas Fairbanks senior was placed in this grave it was carved good night sweet prince when Fairbanks Jr was put in they added the s and they added his name 1909-2000. in a 1989 interview he looked back on his life and seemed quite pleased with what he found I worked hard and played hard and it was all tremendously rewarding I just wish it could go on and on and on he was survived by his wife Vera three daughters Daphne Victoria and Melissa eight grandchildren six great-grandchildren he will be greatly missed by family friends and fans now when they opened up the grave to put Fairbanks Junior in here it was from this side and they they opened them up they opened up Fairbanks Junior I mean sorry they opened up Douglas for being senior and said he looked great my friend Roger was here for that they said he looked perfectly fine which stumps me a little bit because of the flooding as I said it was all the way across almost level with the top part so I don't really know how that happened that he wouldn't be you know dissolved or you know goo but there you are Douglas Fairbanks Jr Douglas Fairbanks Junior and senior this is a heck of a grave and you know it's still not the largest grave in Hollywood of a Hollywood star out this way Al Jolson is even larger over at uh Hillside Memorial Park in Culver City that one you could see from the freeway thank you very much for watching this video I appreciate it if you could support me by patreon or the PayPal link below your support is very much appreciated because I can continue doing this stuff so thanks very much for your time thanks very much for your attention and until next time you heard me look at that thing the size of my foot foreign
Channel: Dearly Departed Tours with Scott Michaels
Views: 750,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dearly Departed Tours, Scott Michaels, Los Angeles, Dearly Departed, museum, Hollywood, Tourism, History, Death Locations, Graves, Forgotten, Vlog, Travel, Travel Vlog, Travel Vlogger, Death, Celebrity Death, Celebrity Grave, Cemetery, Famous, Buried, Burial, Memorial, Jordan the Lion, Nostalgia, Funeral, Trivia, nostalgia, death mystery, true crime, jordan the lion, adam the woo, classic hollywood, douglas fairbanks, hollywood cemetery, anne heche, exhumed, open grave, open crypt, funeral
Id: _yIhfs3P3m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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