YOU VOTED - Most mehh.... Towers in Bloons TD 6 on CHIMPS MODE

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you've seen the worst towers in bloom's tower defense six-speed chimps you've seen the best towers in balloons tower defense six-speed chimps and now we're about to do something wild you're gonna see the most meh towers in blue to start offense six beat chimps mode hello and welcome my chocolate dipped rhinoceroid how you doing today this is chris's weirdo video so we're playing chips mode for you guys or again kind of a him hemps kind of kind of thing here we're gonna allow ourselves some continues because i'm lame but i think it's a little bit more oh my god my voice just cracked oh my god i'm terrible at life all right how are we gonna get started in here how about our big boy pubert here to start off the day can we get some boom boom action in here oh no already about a boom boom combo that's what i'm talking about here yeah now things are going pretty smooth oh check out this fancy pants action right here guys so my boomerang was hooking around the wrong way but now we are an expert hooker we're hooking the right way today i think maybe we need to change it back for when he oh man this is like expert level hookage right here we are such a good hooker now all right there we go flip them around again beautiful all right looks like all right pet it's tom baby it's time oh look at how close that was good thing we need to continue one thing i'm realizing oh my god my voice is squeaking today man i don't know what's up i'm am i 11 years old again uh one thing i'm realizing is that my my early game popping power is quite shareable oh come on all right screw it we're going for our big friend right here we're going for the glaive throwa we know he's good but my spike factory's not gonna happen for a long time now i guess maybe i was making it complicated for no reason this is not bad this guy this guy's amazing you know he's really is one of the best cheapest towers in the game for regular old popping power really liking him right now so let's think long term and that's what we have to do in chimps mode we can't just think right now right here around 20 round 30. nobody cares about that we all care about what's gonna happen on round 90 for ddt's around 95 for ddts around 98 for the big group balloons what the heck are we gonna do for these guys well i was thinking i wanted to go for a perma charge i think that's going to be my go-to long-term group popping power tower like sort of for most things i do get a village so i could get a primary mentoring maybe like right in the middle of my tax during my boomerang here and really make these guys shine but i feel like when i put pat here this is going to help me out in the short term but the long term it would be kind of nice to have pat uh pat next to my attacker here so not sure how i feel about that but we'll think about it as time goes on oh man look at this village positioning this is kind of scary like will the bigger upgrade the bigger range upgrade actually make both these guys fly in here all right so right now neither of them are in there boom one no he's not at range look at that though he should totally be in range right there all right that's no fun i'm not sure i can fix that ever uh i'd have to build an entirely new village and i don't know if i like that idea so for now we're gonna hold off all right i decided to go for an upgrade that i almost never go for but i think it's gonna actually be helpful in this scenario because right now i am weak against moabs and i'm definitely gonna be late game week against a big class balloons so i want to get some sort of moab stunning action for later on and i think our moab center in combination with pat will really just keep everything on the screen for a long time hopefully allowing us to get these guys all going let's check this out hopefully hopefully yes make it smack attack all right pat there we go looking pretty good here yes beautiful boomerang man wonderful bat against ceramic layer good against literally everything else all right i think i've decided that uh you know i have primary training and primary mentoring available why would i not do that so let's go for a recursive cluster put this guy in close just whatever he's hitting as long as he's hitting something they'll explode to awesomeness so let's let's let's let these guys do their jobs oh don't forget that we do get these extra free upgrades there's not much but it is something and i think that'll kind of help us in the short term here uh and we gotta start thinking about what kind of fourth and fifth tier towers we want to go for because right now we have none that's really weird normally at this point in the game i'd already have a third or fourth year tower or at least a fourth year tower he's trying to save up for a fifth here right now we got nothing though oh man this guy oh this guy's a third tier we got a third tier oh we do have a fourth gear never mind all right all right i guess we are making some headway here but i'm definitely not planning on getting a bomb blitz so that you know yeah that's not gonna help us i am starting to realize that i don't use the most meh towers in the entire game all that much i mean i do use textures quite a bit um i i use snipers a little bit but not this sniper uh i don't use this boober egg very often i don't use this cannon even that often even though i think he's really really good i don't use them all that often in my games so i'm using a lot of towers that i'm not normally used to i'm not realizing that i not only use a lot of the best towers in the game but i also use a lot of quote unquote the worst towers in the game voted by you guys i should mention that all of these votes were from you guys so these are your most voted mess hours in the game i didn't just make them up so uh that's kind of where we're at right now we do have camelot popping power that's good so i'm not afraid of that i guess our next tough round's gonna be around 63 but i think with our cannon boomer combo we should be should be good i also would love to get attack zone at this point but i'm i'm struggling to decide if i want to spend an extra 1295 dollars just to get that guy going uh in range here it seems like a waste all right 63 let's see what's happening first round about a little bit strugglicious here but we do take it down we do have two abilities ready to go though and i think for the next two i'm just going to use it just to use it we'll turbo charge one of them and we'll uh pad ability the second one but honestly looking really good right now heck yeah destroyed though i will say this turbocharged dude do not underestimate this guy this guy is beefy and look at our sniper go man we're stunning all the mobs here highly recommending this memo up these days shrapnel shot combo it's delish and he's not popping nothing the white death here and those green he's got 35 000 pops in his belt that's pretty awesome i mean that's more than my my boomerang up in the front that's more than my cannon over here it's way more than pat of course it's more than my crappy texture at this point in time yeah dude mobs are literally the easiest thing in the entire world if you got this guy oh my goodness at least while they're grouped up like this man delicious just give me extra time to pop the balloons right after that and just get me some extra balloon popping power honestly that's what i should be focusing on right now is just getting bloom popping power but i'm thinking again trying to think more long term here all right we're going to turbo charge these guys a little scary there for 67. that's not a round i usually have in the back of my mind as being difficult all right big things are about to happen here we're able to afford the perma charge without too many issues here that's a 40 000 tower right now i think that this is going to make the rest of the next like 15 rounds very easy up until probably around around 90. 90 is when nothing right now is going good at all all right i decided to do something that i don't really love the idea of but i think it will be the best option for us we're gonna be using a village to buff another village hopefully they buff each other and oh hopefully he what okay i guess we're getting the bigger radius again all right there we go our village is gonna buff that village which is gonna buff our texture but in addition and actually do something really really weird here you guys know anything about the boomerang and the permacharge his biggest weakness is definitely ddt's so what we're going to do is we're going to say you know what we're not going to have any fun with those ddts we're going to deal with them the best we know how mib and right now we're going to save uh save our money on that because all his jungle drumming is pat you screw it jungle dropping it get that extra pet damage right now i'm really upset with my village locations not gonna lie with you guys i think i did a really bad job so if you're really trying to follow me here don't follow my village locations everything about this was terrible and i do think this is a fantastic tack shooter location because you can hit mobs right away pop those guys and then as they come around as they're leaving you get one more shot for them to come come back and hit this guy so there is a lot of potential for this guy but still it's difficult to use it properly regardless it's tax spraying overdriving tax zone time it's not an expensive tower if we're already going primary mentoring we should definitely go for this upgrade so i'll be honest with you guys i didn't uh actually think about this earlier but this is going to work out well for us we're going to get the attack zone here this is gonna help us pop these balloons the reason why faster firing will actually be better for us is because we want to pop just this layer if we wanted to pop through more balloons and we wanted more pierce we might want the longer range but in this scenario though i think this is going to work out really really well for us ddts were a non-issue for us they got smell pig so uh i was thinking moab still a little bit of a problem for us so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna end up going for a bottom path dark knight here it's a little on the expensive side i can warp them around if i want to so i can maybe help with the bad balloon or something like that if i have the potential to but also i think this can be really helpful against these uh uh higher tier balloons getting rid of those guys right away and then what they want to do is i think i'm gonna go for more cannon damage oh yeah look at that ddt's again absolutely nothing to us delicious all right here we go we got plasma blast now and rhyme 95 is coming up quick so this is where it's going to get a little scary um based on my round 90 and 93 it doesn't look too bad but i don't know who i don't care who you are man you got to be careful of that all right we are starting to get overwhelmed by balloons believe it or not let's permit charge holy crap we almost lost to ceramics right there man and now we got no perma charge for around 95. hopefully that's not a big deal but we need to start thinking about what we're going to do to pop the balloons all right let's check this out so far like i said absolutely delicious ddts for whatever reason are getting smoked smoked with this strategy um they barely make it on the screen i think it's just a combination of my sniper here uh and surprisingly permacharge is working really well if you get the mib but mainly if you get the mib so my next tower that i'm gonna buy is i'm gonna buy a balloon impact here with faster reload and missile launch i'm gonna put him on close as well i just don't want him to miss and i'm hoping what he's going to do is just stun the ceramics kind of right next to my other main big boy towers here and get me that extra popping power that extra time to pop the blues and so forth going really really well so because of that my next step is i gotta pop the bad balloon you know i'm trying to think ahead here and i think another one of those really really awesome towers that i don't use all that often is gonna be a sticky bomb uh i'm gonna get a niche this one and i'm gonna sharp shurikens with them but i'm gonna pop this guy on strong and hope that he's also stuns the balloons and hits the mow up class blooms so we're gonna go for a bit of a combo play here check this out this is round 97. the amount of stunning that i have is ridiculous that was with no abilities they didn't even make it over here holy crap that was really really good all right my next threat my next plan of action is i need a little more blue popping power so i i i wasn't sure where to put my bomber races so i did spend the extra 500 here to get rid of these things and i'm gonna get the rapid fire on these guys but i'm not gonna get the loads more darks i think the rapid fire is gonna get this that extra little uh bit of extra bombs down here and just pop a few extra balloons is all i want just a few all right let's see if we're gonna need to use our abilities at all i'd rather save them if i don't need them i don't need them that's that's my thought process um you know let's use pat's ability at the very least uh because they are starting to get pretty far over here yep i'm gonna use it i'm gonna use the permacharge as well uh it's getting pretty scary right now where i'm 98. it's difficult to see what is that exactly going on right now um but the good news is we might actually get both of our abilities back before round 99. it's actually perfect our sniper is slowing the balloons down allowing us to get more time to get our abilities back and we do with perfect timing get it ready for the beginning of round 99 juicy all right we're gonna go uh we're just gonna use it you know whether or not i need it i don't really care at this point i'm just gonna use it to use it and it looks like we do take down round 99 and now here we are round 100 the bad balloon so i'm pretty sure that pat can't hug the bad balloon i'm pretty pretty sure can't do that um i guess we can warp this guy around a few times maybe let's get pat angry a little bit not sure if he's gonna have to hug the ddt's i don't think so i think our permacharge has been great so far and we have the ability whenever we need it all right we're gonna jump this guy down here yes that's what i need man a little bit of extra popping power doesn't seem like much but uh he's doing a great job we're gonna perfect charges the second here and that should be clean up permacharge done with pat combo equals done and the most meh towers in bloomstart offense 6 of course can take down chimps mode though i will say that my beginning part of the game was quite difficult i struggle bust that one and i struggle bust that one hard of course if you guys enjoyed press that like button for me don't forget to subscribe have a super duper delicious day
Channel: SJB
Views: 124,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons, tower, defense, sjb, superjombombo, aliensrock, isab, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy, Bloons, Tower, Defense, Six, Bloons Tower Defense 6, Bloons TD 6, New, Tower, Update, Best, Top, Top 10, BTD6
Id: GAlkK7iim74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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