NK is So Slimy for Doing This!

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ooh a slimy Expedition go on a journey from Dr monkey's past all right let's do it a flashback in slime mysterious slime piles get in the way oh no get $1,000 for beating this though that's pretty sweet we were on an expedition in the swamplands we had been we had have been tracking something huge but we had no idea what it was my team were getting slowed down by the balloons and some sort of slime that was getting in the way but we needed to remove the Slime to continue but the blue Onslaught was relentless oh no look at all this slime in the way so we got seven slimes we got a take down we got infinite rounds to do it and there's just going to be some money involved here okay that doesn't seem like that big of a deal we're just going to do a quick Dart monkey start here and believe it not we're going to try to be really really efficient here uh who cares about lives we got Shield lives we got other ways to pop these things we could be pretty efficient with our popping power but I think we're better off just trying to get some extra cash flow so let's get a banana Farm early on even if it requires us to lose some lives in the process here all right our first banana Farm we just going to throw it in the bottom corner here unfortunately we aren't allowed to use power so we will have to collect these bananas manually how annoying that's okay we're going to go for quick two banana Farm before I probably buy anything else just let the dart monkey do whatever he can I'm kind of impressed so far with our Dart monkey but I am kind of just mad at the balloons here so we're going to go for quick monkey a just kind of clean up like a little bit more and make this faster too that's like one of the things that's actually taking a little bit longer I think is just by letting one Dart monkey do this so with the monkey Ace we should be doing much much better I'm just going to farm probably like two maybe three Farms before I just sell them all and go for this balloon destruction or slime destruction so some quick math says we need 5,250 bucks to get the uh entirety of the money here for our slimes so let's wait for that to happen I guess I mean we still have Road spikes in the back just popping anything that's like still stinking through so we got 1,700 and 1700 that's 3,400 plus this I think we're good let's go boom boom let's start getting rid of some slime slime clean up boys slime cleanup it's not even in the way get out of here and all those slimes officially gone and we win on round 20 wao so that slime was getting in the way and you had no idea what it was bro not at all my portable equipment was very simple compared to what I have now our best shot at figuring out what it was was to keep going oh keep going Chris keep going yes the slime's running out we were deep in the swamp lands and by that point things were getting a little bit spooky we found an abandoned Hut with a farm and slime surrounded by the balloon path something told me we were getting close what told you it's figure speech sco it's figure speech come on bro all right so we got some more slimes here uh looks like slimes are going to be regrowing possibly because each slime is still going to cost 750 bucks to get rid of so uh cool thing is here we got a banana farm and we still got a free Dart monkey which is pretty solid and we have round four coming up so what we're going to do is we're going to use our advantages we're going to use a free Dart monkey and then we're also going to use a cheapish Buccaneer which I think is going to be a good long-term tower for us not necessarily the best short-term Tower and then with the rest of our money going to go for banana Farm upgrades at first we thought it was the same as last time until a huge blob of slimes fell from the the sky and we really got in the way oh no we still to get rid of this slime to continue but now there was a threat of slime overwhelming the team if we let it build up we cannot let it get over 15 slimes but first we must Farm we must make the cash flow happen and also just kind of keep up with what we currently have here I don't think it's going to be a big deal so yeah this is kind of annoying there's no spot to put banana Farms bro so we're going to have to grab bananas across the way why would they do this to us man all right we got eight slimes already oh goodness gracious all right let's uh let's get to farming I guess we're around 14 right now things are still getting like a little bit scary I mean we got 150 lives with Shield Lives why would I worry about lives at all um and then we interestingly enough can go for banana Salvage so when we sell something we can get some money back or less money lost basically and uh there only 2700 bucks for a Marketplace which is going to generate a lot of cash here unfortunately we already have 11 slimes on the screen so we're going to have to be a little bit careful here Long Term 12 slimes on the screen already holy crap all right I got my Marketplace on round 17 things are still going okay but my popping power is honestly kind of weak so we're going to go for a quick grape shot here on round 18 and then after that we're going to have to start getting rid of some slimes for a little bit oh no please tell me that the Slime is not like stopping my banana farm from making money I think it does oh are you kidding me all right well we got to get rid of that slime um unfortunately I have to get grape shot first I guess and then uh we did generate something but yeah it doesn't generate any any any lives that's that's really unfortunate all right we got to get rid of this slime for 750 bucks let's save up some money 14 slimes at this point all right we got rid of this one though now marketpl should be generating some cash flow finally um they almost wanted to uh absorb my uh boat here but we're not going to let it happen so good combo on this map is probably a spike Factory cuz we don't need to pop like every single balloon just pop most of them at this point and then uh I could Farm a little bit further but since we're at 14 slimes already I'm going to start get getting rid of some of these slimes um for a little while at least uh it's like every round is getting a slime at this point so we got to delete the slim ages we do have lead balloons coming out on round 28 here so I'm going to get the hot shot on my Buccaneer just a good combo so far we're really fighting against the slimes at this point though they are they are most definitely trying to overwhelm us um we I think we're going to have to go for one more banana farm and then I'm going to have to actually start deleting these guys so let's try at least one more and I might go all the way up to Marketplace but we're going to see how it goes so some quick math on this says that we need 11,250 $ to get the total 15 slimes gone if we had a full 15 slimes so uh each Marketplace is worth about 5k plus this guy's worth about 800 so I need a little bit more than just that so I need to save up some money or just start with less slimes I think the uh easy answer for now is to start with less slimes keep in mind we are getting to the point where we're going to actually need some extra popping power here so kind of have to either like go all in or or not in at all and I think there's one toar here that's going to help us out a lot I'm going to go for a quick Dart monkey here not Dart monkey Drew monkey and I'm going to go for a quick draw to the jungle and I think that should be enough to kind of keep us in the game here for a while um and then I want to do this before the Moab we don't want to fight a MOAB here at all all right quick Drew to the jungle and uh we should be totally fine now um I'm going still going to delete these slimes for a little bit and then uh we're go for a full sell on everything in just a little bit all right believe or not I think we're good on round 37 here we're just going to sell everything and just get these slimes gone so boom slime boom slime boom slime boom boom slime boom slime boom slime boom we probably could have done this a little bit earlier but you know what 37 feels like it's pretty good all right we made it boys we made it all right so slime slime everywhere this is a tough one we're going to have to uh uh I I just lost to it so we're going to have to give it a second try here um it's interesting we've got a lot going on first thing you're want to do is build banana farm right away get it up to one Z and then as soon as you can get up to two Z with your free Dart monkey place down we do need money here money is going to be a very important part of this strategy we also do not want to try Pop blarious at all in the early part of the game here at all trust me on that he will make pink balloons fly out all over the place and that's not fun and then eventually once we hit to this uh this skull here he should pop out a bunch of Ceramics which we'll also have to figure out how to pop those guys so at this point it's all about making cash flow so uh we're going to do a quick um D mil over here as well with our banana Farm kind of making us some extra cash now keep in mind that this is uh it might look like there's no Rhyme or Reason to how these balles are coming out and randomly warping over here but it's all going to happen on Prime rounds blarious Prime get it maybe a little bit um so there's a lot of prime rounds obviously in the early part of the game you know you got 7 11 13 17 20 23 I don't know there's there's more you know there like there's a lot of them so uh obviously got to be a little careful there but um uh just knowing what the prime rounds are can help you out quite a bit or just thinking about what a prime round is and if you guys don't know what a prime is it's basically anything that's uh uh it doesn't have anything that's divisible by it including two so any even number will not be a prime round right okay um at this point I'm going to sacrifice the lives to to make some extra cash so I'm thinking about one more banana Farm before I start really flowing in here with a a good Tower I don't know what I want to get yet though you know what I changed my mind do I want to go one banana Farm I don't think I can greed that hard I think I got to go helip pilot all right we're going to throw a hel pilot down I'm going to throw it down randomly in the corner down here and we're going to use this guy to pop the balloons believe or not what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to lock them in place right up here for now cuz I want the balloons to pop right away and uh I can even hit them before they jump over to the other side here which might not help me that much but at least it'll stop me from having to micel hardcore here all right uh now it's about making money I need a lot of money here o we also have to be careful here cuz I us don't want him to hit this blarious that much so maybe I should um maybe I should oh gosh I don't want that maybe I should lock in place like right here instead all right seems a little bit goofy but I think it'll actually help us out a little bit in the long run the more you hurt this guy the worse off it's going to be in the early game you do not want to hurt him unless you want to make maybe a little bit of extra cash but you need to have the extra defense to make it all happen properly which I do not have yet um yeah I mean they're they're they're trying to warp to the other side here helip P's doing an okay job though Dart monkey's able to clean up a lot of these guys for round 11 feels pretty good and I'm going to go for my two banana Farm oh unfortunately my D monkey has been slimed what the heck no don't slim me bro all right hopefully there's no slime in the bottom right corner there um this could be one of those uh things that you have to kind of like you can't just play on the Fly everything every time oh look at that that snipe I love the heli pilot over here this is amazing all right two banana Farms yeah I'm just going to let these balloons go through I just don't care I just don't care it's not it's not going to be that harmful for us we do have Shield lives as well which we can play around with um if it comes down to it all right third banana Farm is officially up on round 15 um that makes me feel pretty good to be honest um there's still some random balloons like starting to sneck through here and we do have some uh Prime rounds coming up soon as well 17's going to be one uh and I don't think what we currently have here is going to be enough to defend a lot of this stuff so what I'm going to do oh blue arus you can see he's actually moving now too he's got some real movement there um once I get my third bana Farm here I think I can finally start to make some stuff happen I might even start trying to damage ball Aras a little bit if I get some spike Factories at the back of the map cuz that's all I really think I'm going to need for the uh uh oh crap this is going to be bad oh gosh can I get over there there in time oh not really oh that was terrible and now I'm not even back over here for when I need it oh crap we're we're going to manually micro for just a quick second here before I decide if I'm going to lock them in place or not um and then I think I want to do two Spike factories so let's build a spike Factory on the prime side first cuz that's the spot that uh is really screwing me up and then I'll build it on the uh uh Bas side and then I'm willing to start hurting the other stuff in just a second here oh my God this is ter terrible dude oh lock in place there we go all right so yeah Spike Factory bossing it up baby bossing it up second Spike Factory beautiful boss it up boss it up be a boss boy be a boss Spike Factory nice all right checkpoint reached level 20 we're doing all right we're not doing great we're doing all right that's the main thing now if we want to we can start to damage the uh uh balloon areas just a little bit so um as far as slimes go though I might have to start cleaning up slimes a little bit like open up my tower locations and everything but at this point it's more about cash than anything to be completely honest so let's get quad darts on our heli I might put him on Pursuit just so I don't have to micro yeah let's put him on Pursuit maybe he'll he'll uh he he'll be smart about hitting um blus at the right times too so I don't have to micro that hardcore all right we're actually making some cash flow come in he's moving over to the other side we got our Spike factories making some spikes here I think it's about that time let's get a Marketplace blowing then I don't have to grab the Banas as much oh here we go Pig bl's flopping out this is where the spike Factory come and play though oh yeah beautiful Spike Factory play oh it ended at the round no that's terrible that was way worse way way worse but hel pallet is still doing his job all right Marketplace is almost up all right Marketplace come on give me Marketplace there we go we got a full-on Marketplace here on round 26 already uh question is do we want to go for a double dose of that or not so Spike factories are good but it's really about that timing of uh when the spikes disappear it's actually really unfortunate I could try for like a oh here we go another one this is actually good timing right now on around 27 good good good I'm very happy with that and I'm going to go for at least one more Marketplace if I need to sell the banana FRS I of course can oh I don't have any light popping power but I can get it razor rotors all right good thank you Market places thank you for doing your your your job here um we're at around 30 uh checkpoint at this point I think we've got a full like 50 rounds if we really needed to to pop laras it's it's that slow uh another Prime round Spike Factory is still doing great here we're going to go for another Marketplace I think that's going to finish us off though I think three Market places is all we can go for before we start actually trying to pop this guy all right more random Pink's coming up not The Pick of a deal though and uh here we go we got Marketplace officially up so we got a lot of room on the on the water here I want to throw that out there all right we can play I don't have Cam detection at least not a good amount of Cam detection relying on Spike Factory again okay you know what I'm going to do it I'm going to go for a boat uh he's going to slowly pop lunarious which is fine I don't need to go crazy with him or anything like that but it's nice cuz I can get some grape shot on this side I think I I should go for a boat on this side too maybe I'll think about it but right now we're just going to do let's just do it I'm going to throw down one extra grape shot boat here there there's enough time for me to accidentally lose here I don't want that to happen all right so one of the thing we have to do here is we're going to have to go for something that's going to pop the uh uh Ceramics as they try to sne through our defense so the answer to that is either a boomerang um a glue Gunner a cannon an ice tower uh possibly an artillery battery though okay artillery battery could be the answer to all of our problems instead of a melom so that's what I'm going to do I'm going to go for a quick uh mortar middle path I can explode all the balloons on top of us and I want to start actually damaging this thing I want to have an artillery battery ready to go right when I have uh this guy popped for his for skull level and that could actually be a win for us right after that I mean I think we did the hard part now it's just about finishing it off um we have more camo balloons coming out soon we're relying on the spike faor now for most of our cam balloons which is kind of kind of sketch to be completely honest oh we just got slimed who else is getting slimed Spike factors are good H palet still good um I'm glad we put him in the bottom corner here cuz now there's nothing getting in the way for us and and artillery battery is officially up beautiful all right now we can start to damage this puppy and damage him good oh yeah Kim balloon's getting taken down there as well boom let's go double dipping on this guy he is about to pop I think it's about time for us to get a destroyer so let's go Hot Shot let's go uh faster firing and double shot and um he's going to pop soon he's going to pop real soon it's all going to be up to our artillery battery micro at this point we don't even know how much he's going to slime is he going to slime all my Towers or something like that totally POS Possible Oh helip pet got sched unlim unlim all right oh we got no no is the freaking moabs coming out right now holy crap artillery battery go boy go all right artillery battery is going to blow up all the moabs delicious all right that felt pretty pretty awesome um I think the answer for us is a uh top path let's go Destroyer let's go aircraft carrier that'll give us infinite range all over the map as well which is nice to have on our team and uh we damaging this guy pretty fast so if I can get an air that would be awesome if I need to I can sell my banana Farms though soon um I don't know if he's going to set out anything stronger than moabs though cuz I don't know what kind of blarious this guy is but I would like to at least wait until I have this ability back all right looking pretty good I think we got it um we don't have our aircraft carer yet but again we have artillery battery and I can sell banana farm so here we go just some more moabs let's use that artillery battery blast perfect nice blarious is going to go down so easy we just have to watch the slimes a little bit at this point um we got one more set here and I think aircraft carrier is already up we can sell this guy we can go for a second artillery battery and oh oh slime slime slime second artillery battery clean it all up G to the G how could we possibly lose at this point boys um unless we don't have our oh my God we don't have our ability light ready oh crap two artillery batteries without an ability though two artillery batteries with an aircraft carrier though looks good clean up up clean them up oh we made it look easy let's just blow this guy up oh blow him into shiin at this point woo and we made it get out of here get out of here bloonarius you must die around 45 win not terrible not terrible could have been worse with only 53 lives at the end so clearly it was a tough battle for us but we made it happen we got it done and we are going to get our beautiful 1,000 monkey bunny sweet thank you so much if you you guys enjoyed press that like button make sure you subscribe and have a super duper delicious day
Channel: SJB
Views: 15,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons, tower, defense, sjb, superjombombo, aliensrock, isab, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy
Id: Jul_HXVctsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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