You Tried to Contrive a Perfect Alibi, Sir | Columbo

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[Music] yes what are you trying to do to me i just got a batch of invoices from green eagle and i gotta tell you bill you've got a lot of guns charging prices [Music] columba what the hell are you doing oh just a little phone demonstration sir to show how a man who's already dead can appear to be alive your little joke was not funny wasn't meant to be funny sir oh no now you see this tape this is tricky stuff the other day i'm in the employment office i call the fellow mr louis lacy now he gets on the phone he says hello this is mr lacey now i get out a whole sentence before i realize i'm not talking to him i'm talking to a recording thing like that it makes an impression on you um this tape sir this is a tape of a conversation you have a mr stafford two months ago i clipped out a piece of it and i played it back on the phone i hope you don't mind but i do mind what the hell gives you the right columbo this sir this is a warrant this gives me the right i also found the spot on the tape that you clipped out before the tape that you used to convince your secretary that mr stafford was alive and working out in the gym it came from this reel but when you play this reel back it skips from the end of the previous phone call to the point where your secretary tells you that mr stafford is on the phone but in between there's a spice mark you see it now i figure what's been clipped out that's the part where mr stafford said hello jessica this is gene stafford can i speak to mr janice something like that you see how easy it is to to fool people palumbo you've got some imagination even if someone did clip out a section of that tape it could have been anyone that knew about those files but it wasn't anyone sir carried on a lengthy conversation on the phone with him didn't you i'll tell you how you did it if you're interested go ahead it's your fairy tale when you came home sir after you murdered mr stafford you went into your study and you pushed down line 6901 then you dialed 6902 knowing that your secretary in the living room would answer the phone she picks up the phone naturally she recognizes mr stafford's voice now you come out of the study you take the phone and you stage this imaginary conversation even to the point of planning the idea that he was working out with exercise equipment yeah yes sir you did and you did something else and this was smart and i'll give you credit for this you remove the bulb on the phone in the living room so that the line wouldn't light up because of 6901 lit up the people there would know that you were talking from the phone in the study guesswork supposition more cigar ashes what you need lieutenant is proof that's what you need proof it didn't take me till july but i got the proof right here your sworn statement regarding the telephone conversation that you claim you had with mr stafford but i did talk to him i talked to him and he was at the health club yes and he was working out with a barbell he said he was about to work out here's your quote he already changed into his gym clothes he said he was going to work out for about a half an hour and then go home is that what he said yes are you sure yes damn it that's what i said that's impossible mr janice oh that's just not possible it's a lieutenant that's a very expensive desk oh excuse me if you just bear with me for a moment because this is very interesting watch this carefully i tie my shoes like most right-handed people i make my first loop and you'll notice that the loop is over my arch it's on the same side as my big toe is that true that's right just uh bear with me sir what else that doesn't mean there we go there's an old sneaker of mine now i turned that sneaker around just like i was going to tie somebody else's shoe i do the laces the same way and i make my first loop you'll notice that the loop is now on the opposite side it's on the side of the little toe here it was on the side of the big toe this is the exact reversal of this is that true yes lieutenant that's true see i knew there was something about these shoelaces that was bothering me i just couldn't put my finger on it uh oh yes look at this photograph this is a picture of mrs stafford's sneakers it was taken when the body was discovered you'll notice that the first loop which you can always identify it's the top loop the first loop is on the side of the little toe now look at this shoe this is mr staffordshire i found it in his locker now this is the interesting point when i tie my own lace the first loop is on the side of the big toe when mr stafford ties his own laces the first loop is on the side of the big toe this matches with this however when i tie somebody else's shoe the first loop is on the side of the little toe and this matches with this there's only one conclusion mr stafford did not put on his own sneakers somebody else did and that somebody was you you changed his clothes uh you wait a minute lieutenant i'll tell you something your little demonstration proves one thing and one thing only that somebody else put on stafford's gym shoes but the fact remains you can't prove that i did it it could have been anybody it could only be you by your own admission it had to be you mr stafford was last seen around 7 30 wearing his business clothes now he's alone in the building the building is locked and the next morning he's found dead in his gym clothes and at nine o'clock the previous evening nine hours before the body was found you and you alone knew that he was in his gym clothes you said so you swore to it in front of five witnesses [Music] how did you know he was in his gym clothes if you didn't change the clothes [Music] you try to contrive a perfect alibi sir and it's your perfect alibi that's gonna hang you [Music] one more thing [Music] you
Channel: Columbo
Views: 1,049,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Columbo, Lieutenant Columbo, Peter Falk, Howtocatchem, Whodunit, Murder Mystery, William Link, Basset Hound, Detective, Giallo, Mystery, Classic TV, Los Angeles Police Department, Patrick Williams, Columbo Full Episodes, columbo alibi, columbo perfect crime, columbo solves the case, columbo solves the crime, columbo solves, An Exercise in Fatality, columbophile, columbophile full episodes, columbophile best episodes, 刑事コロンボ, коломбо, коломбо сериал, Коломбо на английском
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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