You should just choose Laravel

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lately all of the voices in the JavaScript framework world have been pretty loud vocal and opinionated to say the least I mean don't get me wrong I don't think that's a bad thing you hear from amazing developers people who are much better developers than I am about why you should use nextjs why you shouldn't use nextjs um angular is actually a good thing now and I guess you don't really hear about Nu too much but it's actually an amazing framework but I started taking web development seriously about six or so years ago and I would say I I came up I learned I grew in the the Golden Age of java script I mean I saw Gatsby Rise um I built things on top of nextjs I played with Firebase and super base and all of the wonderful tools that we have now ultimately about 2 years ago I pretty much said goodbye to the JavaScript ecosystem as a whole and started building everything in larl and here's why you should just choose laravel to okay I got your attention JavaScript Frameworks are you know a dime a dozen and PHP lar has been around forever okay yes true but you're also probably thinking okay you knew PHP and if only you knew PHP when it was bad and now it's good and everyone's talking about it now yes but no here's the truth I don't really care about if PHP was bad or if PHP is slow or if I shouldn't be using PHP and here's the even more honest truth I don't really know PHP I know larl I'm someone who would say that I still know JavaScript better than I know PHP and I know enough PHP to get me by but I think the framework and the ecosystem around laravel is what allows me to succeed as a developer who is building applicable side projects every single day and here's the caveat across this whole video if you are someone who loves the JavaScript ecosystem 100% you're bought in you are okay with grabbing every single uh tool across the entire ecosystem across multiple different Frameworks across multiple different libraries and you're like I already have my starter kit that I use for 90% of side projects and I can build one in a weekend great keep using JavaScript but for me when I would get comfortable in the stat that I was using then I would have to learn something else for the part of the stack that I needed to add on to I would learn need to know how to how to work with q's or server jobs and KRON and emails things that there's a lot of great tools that make those easier nowadays but you're still learning another tool to add to your proverbial tool belt so here's four reasons to choose Lille if you're someone who is not 100% satisfied with where the JavaScript ecosystem is as a whole or just not satisfied with what your current Tech stack or conglomeration of tools is capable of number one user and team account speed okay you have things like nextto or off. JS for spell remix and everything or you have incredible uh tools like Clerk and these are great I love them but it's still a bunch of extra boiler plate it's still a lot of finagling things together to make sure you have everything you need for every single instance and Circumstance that you might need it and yes there's some great starters there's some great you know one line of code that you add and all a sudden you have everything that you need perfect with larel it's a first-party addition it's called larl Breeze it just comes with a scaffolded off out of the box and if you needed teams and things like um token management everything like that that comes out of the box too but this reason alone isn't the only reason why I choose Lille number two subscription Integrations stripe is everywhere and most of you and people who are probably watching this video want to build a subscription service so yes you can put a stripe checkout link and then you can manually just um add a user to your database who is going to be you know subscribed to your account now and if they ever want to cancel they can email you and you can do it all manually that's perfect I'd say go for that if it means that you are putting an MVP up as quickly as possible possible but if you're like me someone who wants to make sure they have everything in place and is kind of like a perfectionist where you're like okay yeah but if what if I'm out of town or someone emails me and I'm not able to get to my computer in time and they get frustrated and they you know refund and everything like that okay if you wanted to build all that integration in an nextjs app for example you would have to create specific routes for web hooks from Stripes so that way you're receiving all the information then you're integrating with your database to make sure that that stays up to date and then you're creating your own custom dashboard if you're not using something like stripe checkout but even if you are you have a have to have a way to make sure that you know if those users are um one authenticated like in point one but two are they actually subscribed um has that web hook failed in any way and they're not actually subscribed there's a lot of things to keep in mind there's a lot of boiler plate that you have to write and there's a lot of things to account for and again there's probably some fantastic packages some fantastic templates that are out of the box that you're like hey this is exactly what my app needs great I'm glad for you but Lille out something that's a first party package out of the game yes it is paid and no this is not sponsored but it's called lville spark basically after installing the package I can point to specific stripe products in my stripe account and it just works I automatically get a billing portal out of the gate that I don't have to manage I don't have to touch I can brand it specifically to my account it looks looks really similar to my app I can build it into my app if I want it to but automatically out of the gate I get things like subscriptions things like Percy billing things like invoices and a whole lot more and all I have to do is just direct people to a specific link literally like ahre SL billing in my application that I'm ready to go then anywhere in my application this is the cool part that I know yes it's possible within nextjs that's possible Within JavaScript but this is after installing like one line of code and barely doing any setup other than pointing to my stripe products then I can automatically know if that user who is logged in is subscribed to my application or not and show them what I need to show them according to their subscription status tying this into 0.1 this is an incredible benefit of having both authentication and something like billing within a first party package because it just works it just Blends together I don't have to glue anything I can just say o user is subscribed and I automatically have those methods available to me okay number three emails cues and cron jobs oh my Li fighting words as someone who grew up in the JavaScript ecosystem I didn't even really know what any of these were up until I actually needed to figure out how to do them for particular product that I was building and most of modern JavaScript is serverless now before you start um you know typing in your comments and everything like that yes I know that you can probably have a $5 digital ocean droplet and 90% of you probably do and you're hosting a node.js server on that you're not even using serverless okay great but if you're running on serverless things like cu's background jobs even sending emails is is a is tricky now again I'm not a smart enough developer to know how to like actually work around this and you can probably like stream your cues back or like your your Cron job or set it up yes yes you could probably do all of that without having to reach for a specific package but I also know I'm not smart enough to work around all of that and I wanted something that was automatically solved out of the box and that's another reason why I chose LEL because I didn't want to have to learn how to deal with qes and JavaScript and learn how to deal with the long running process without having to actually set up a no jazzz server and then change like my whole hosting strategy and everything like that now again I just wanted to point out there are some incredible tools incredible packages incredible Services now that make this so much easier things like ingest or uh up stash for reddis or resend for email and all of these tools are fantastic but there's still tools that you're having to pull in you're having to pay a separate service you're having to do all of this without doing it within the framework that you're using so if that is you and you're 100% okay with kind of stringing all these Services together you love these services and you already have you know a template or a starter kit kind of already put together with all these packages ready to go then then great keep using JavaScript Aaron France has already put together an Incredible video talking about all the little things that larl has out of the box I would refer to his video because I'm not going to go into any more dep but just take a look at all of the first party packages that laravel ecosystem has to offer right on their website I mean look at that that is it's a lot I I don't even know what some of them are but it's a lot they're there if I need them and I think speaks a lot to a framework where if you don't have to look somewhere else for how to do something you don't have to search another documentation Source you can just find it all on one documentation Source on the framework that you're using I think that speaks wonders to how the framework is specifically built for people like me who just want an opinion who want everything put together for them say hey this is how you do it go and do it so for things like email KRON Q use is just out of the box with [Music] [Applause] Lille which leads me to point number four which is community and third party tooling and specifically I kind of wanted to make this another point but we'll just say point four it's admin panels everything I've talked about up until this point has been specifically first party tools and Integrations things built by the Lille team or that specifically come out of the box with laravel when you type in laravel new blink in your terminal but what attract to me larel and why I choose it and why I think you should choose laravel is the wide variety of packages from an ecosystem that is consistently growing I mean that's the reason why you clicked on this video you've probably heard about larel more than you have in the past couple of years and it's built on PHP which is an old old language so why are you hearing about laravel but I think it's because of the growing ecosystem the growing community and more importantly the growing number of thirdparty packages that you have available to do quite frankly whatever you want to so if you love gluing things together you can still do that with larel but you're still going to get 90% of it out of the box side note here from future Josh if you do want to still use react or view or nextjs with Lille you can do that Lille actually has starter kits to have an API Lille backend with nextjs with all the off with all the cues all the email stuff already built in so you get the best of both worlds or you can just do something like react or view with something like inertia which is basically a glue to hold your front end and back end together without having to worry about API and calling okay back to the show I mean just think about all of the incredible things that you've seen built for nextjs now multiply that by years of tenure that larel has I mean there's this company called spoty and they literally have a package for anything that you could think about with larl I mean if you want things like web hooks in laravel or image Optimizer or things like an activity log or a r XML or a media library or laravel backup I mean there's so much look at this look at this scroll bar there's so much that I can't even say it all on this one video or there's something like filament which is an admin panel and honestly so much more that Myas is actually built strictly using filament where you have this crud tooling out of the box without having to maintain a separate admin application you just kind of point it to your specific spefic models your specific database and it just gives you an admin panel out of the box that's wild I'm not a smart developer I'm someone who's built a few mildly successful applications and products that make a decent amount of money in a framework called laravel after building around in JavaScript for four to 5 years I like magic I like opinions I like being told exactly how to do what I want to do in the framework that I'm using and I get all of that with larl so if you're someone who is once again annoyed to have to find another package or template to kind of do that one thing that should be relatively simple within the JavaScript framework that you're using or you're just someone not like me who is a good enough developer to just want to try something new try a new framework try a new language and you want to get an app up and running as quick as possible and start making money well then you should just choose laral
Channel: Josh Cirre
Views: 28,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iSS_9PHrQg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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