Why You Get More Done with Laravel 🚀

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[Music] hey larabel is the fastest web framework out there of course it's not literally the quickest in terms of execution speed there are faster options out there in other programming languages but when it comes to transforming your ideas into a fully functioning application a client product or even a business level stands unmatched in speed why because it prioritizes your productivity from the ground up let's break down together how Lal manages to make your development process so fast keeping you ahead in the race to launch and iterate your ideas I give you five specific reasons today documentation this sounds tril but it takes a lot of work to create and maintain good documentation Taylor has done this right from the beginning spending a lot of time to make it as clear and approachable as possible and developers have noticed this right from the beginning which helped laral a lot today with every major release Taylor spend days or even a week to read through it all 1,500 pages and he's trying to keep this overall balance for the documentation which is super useful this is hard work but it really makes a huge difference we know that for many developers the documentation is the first entry into the level World so yeah we better make a good first impression of course tools like raycast or Alfred make it even easier today to find what you looking for convention over configuration this is my favorite one and it's a big one when it comes to coding level saves you a ton of decision making by promoting you the level way of doing things what do I mean by that well instead of throwing Endless Options at you level guides you with a clear path to follow it's not that this is the only way but it's a Dreamland weight it lets you hit the ground running without overthinking and we all know we developers tend to think a lot don't let me tell you how long it took me this morning to find a good class name let me give you an example take the naming of models for example when you create a model in LEL you typically use a single name like user and automatically LEL assumes this model is tied to a database table called users the plural form pretty neat right you so you don't have to think about this any anymore it's just the way it works of course you can customize it but you don't have to another one is the app structure there's a designated place for most of your files and if there isn't one yet creating a new with an arisan command automatically sets up a new folder for it being an event a controller a middleware a test you name it while all of this is customizable so level doesn't Force anything on you you will quickly discover how this level of organization boosts your productivity every level app tends to follow a similar setup so you know exactly where to look for things which will also save time and this is a consistency which is a real game changer for your project when working inside a team or when working with other companies stick to the level default is something that you will hear a lot in the community all the way with level it's all about a complete seamless Journey from the start of your project to the finish line for example when handling emails level doesn't just stop by helping you create and send them it also manage that you can put them inside a job and send them to a q system which is a good idea because you don't want to keep your users waiting and you want your application to stay responsive so this is one of many examples I could give you where LEL streamlines processes to enhance your productivity but LEL strength don't end at the bank I mean we know it's powerful there it's a power horse there but sure there is also played a template engine which helps you to create quickly beautiful functional front ends and when you need something more Dynamic you can quickly add a JavaScript framework we welcome everyone out there especially View and react through inertia which helps you to provide a smooth data exchange between the back end and the front end and if you prefer to remain in the PHP landscape we also got lifewire for you which also helps you to create interactive user interfaces all within a familiar environment with people PHP it's just so good so no matter what direction your project takes whether you're integrating Advanced JavaScript features or crafting everything in PHP LEL supports your choices and streamlines your workflow and by providing a consistent environment level ensures you can focus on delivering great products more efficiently ecosystem I mentioned Livewire and inertia already but this is just the tip of the iceberg of lal's ecosystem it is stock with a wide array of first party packages and products designed to streamline every aspect of your application development so if you need to Lun your app Forge is here to simplify your deployment process if you're interested in a serverless architecture waer got you covered with a scalable and manag solution do you need a polished admin panel Nova got you covered here and managing payments was never easier with cashier but that's also just a snapshot the level ecosystem extend far beyond these examples offering lots of packages that enhance functionality and efficiency I also currently work on a lava ecosystem series here on YouTube so there should be a link up here or here you will find it and a publish a new video every week but while we provide a selection of optimized solution designed for a smooth St level a community is vast and there are plenty of additional options available if you're looking for something different we aim to give you a solid foundation with our tools but you're always free to explore and integrate other solutions that meet your specific needs of course I think the mixed approach ensures you can focus on what's most important advancing and completing your project efficiently Community finally we must highlight our incredible Community sorry everyone else we just have the best one out there period at laa we pride ourselves on providing an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone is welcome everyone whether you're just starting or you're already an experienced developer our community of fellow Artisans is always ready to land hand our aim is to sustain a positive and encouraging atmosphere so that that only makes everyone feel included but also motivates all to start building and shipping application because that's what we're here for we have so many members actively creating and launching their projects every week which is just infectious and maintains High motivation levels throughout the community you are the best everything in Lev from the tools the documentation and Convention is designed to make you as capable and efficient as possible enabling you to focus fully on bringing your vision to life and that's what makes lva the fastest web framework out there the fastest solution to build finish and maintain your project your business your dream that's what we work on here at level every single day and we do it for you please dream big and have fun with lavel
Channel: Laravel
Views: 9,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FI8Rlefnr74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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