You Set Me Free (Spontaneous) - UPPERROOM

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joy's gonna be my strength yes yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes [Music] so [Music] corinthians 4 7 4 6 he says it's the god who commanded light to shine out of darkness who is shown in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of jesus but we have this treasure in earth and vessels we are hard pressed on every side yet not crushed we are perplexed but not in despair persecuted for not forsaken struck down but not destroyed god we receive your joy today there's a treasure on the inside of us there's a glory within us [Music] no matter how much pressure how much perplexing persecution greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world and the pressure is producing gold it's bringing forth joy god just released a fresh wave of the joy of god today god really stands [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] persecuted [Music] is [Music] he's freeing you and me again you believe he's freeing you and me again to believe [Music] again you believe that you believe to believe to believe [Music] [Music] are paid off [Music] [Music] he's [Applause] [Music] [Music] me are paid on depths are paid [Music] decks are off off [Music] do you believe me [Music] oh [Music] uh to be to [Music] to believe [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] could you believe [Music] could you believe that all day all [Music] judge [Music] i'm in the hands [Music] the final word is done [Music] he's judging me right now righteously all deaths are paid off [Music] the verdict says to believe [Music] fire the scalpel the decision's done you said surely the lord has anointed me to bring freedom to the captives to bring freedom to the captives to proclaim the year of the lord that you believe [Music] the righteous judge called the witness calls the witness the holy [Music] what about the spirit oh the cloud of witnesses say jubilee jupiter um the spirit of the lord god is upon me because the lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives in the opening of the prison doors to those who are found to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord and the day of vengeance of our god to comfort all who mourn to console those who mourn in zion to give them beauty for ashes in the oil of joy for mourning the garment praise for the spirit of heaviness that they may be called trees of righteousness the planting of the lord that he may be glorified believe [Music] what you believe [Music] jubilee to believe [Music] jesus luke 4 18 the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to those who are bound the recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord that he closed the book the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed upon him and he said today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing release the spirit of the sovereign lord i declare a luke 4 18 isaiah 61. season over you over our families over our homes over our [Music] the children upon the proclamation of the word [Music] the anointing of healing broken hearts anointing of liberty to the captives the anointing of sight to the blind [Music] the anointing to open up prison doors i declare a loop for 18 seasons [Music] release the anointing in the name of jesus you open up every prisoner [Music] [Music] you open up every prison you restored [Music] you open up every prison though [Music] yes deliverance [Music] deliverance in the name of jesus [Music] the breaking of change through the chain breaker jesus chain breaker [Music] in the same way you set the demoniac free you're going to set a generation free [Music] hood here has family members that need deliverance and breakthrough raise your hand look look around right here you who are viewing right now declare we're in our luke 4 18 season a mark 5 where the demoniacs are getting set free and put into the right minds the name of jesus in the name of jesus deliverance deliverance freedom prison doors open in the name of jesus i declare it right now open prison doors you're the chain breaker jesus break the [Music] what i call broken you open up every prisoner [Music] you open up every prison door [Music] you open up every prison door broken you restored [Music] you break the chains break the chains out of me down you break the chains break the chains [Music] you break the chains break the chains [Music] you break the chains break the chains out of me down you break the chains break the chains out of me down you break the chains break the [Music] chainsaw you set me free you've set me free god you've set me set me free [Music] um [Music] you set me free will you set me free god if you set me free freedom breaks free of praise oh you set me free god you set me free oh you set me free [Music] [Music] oh you set me free [Music] [Applause] [Music] freedom [Music] you've set me free me [Music] broken every chain [Music] [Music] no more [Music] [Applause] no more no more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i'll play [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want to read this scripture to us it's acts 16 and verse 25 it says but at midnight paul and silas were praying and singing hymns to god and the prisoners were listening to them suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all of the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed you know there's times where the lord delivers people individuals and singles he delivered david from the lion from the bear from goliath he delivered daniel from the lion's den he delivered the man with legions but then there's times and seasons when the lord does mass deliverance mass breaking of chains he delivered the children of israel from egypt and time after time again you can read where the lord would deliver an entire nation and here in this passage that's what's happening it says everyone's chains were loosed every door was opened and everyone's chains was loosed and jesus lord i believe we're in a divine season where you're doing mass deliverance lord we're asking for generations lord we're asking for women lord we're asking for israel lord we're asking for entire generations to be saved lord we're asking for all of jinzy not some of jinzy not part of gen z but all of jinzy lord we're asking for millennials we're asking for the nations lord we're asking that there would no longer be a people without your presence lord we're asking for israel to be delivered we're asking for israel to come and know you as the messiah and we're asking for women to be set free for their voices to arise and i just feel like today it's the first day of our 40-day fast and i feel like the lord is setting a tone that the joy of the lord is going to be what sustains us in this season but it's unto mass deliverance it's unto the church doors being flung wide in this room in rooms like this across the globe being filled with people being delivered by yeshua every door was open and every chain fell off i feel like as we're singing this i want to begin to shift from the high praise and begin to point the cannon back to god and say lord this is what we're contending for this is what we're believing for we're believing for israel nations and women that's what we're contending for over this 40-day fast and i felt like specifically i want to pray for that through this text out of acts 16 that every door was opened and everyone's chains were loosed and i just want to add one more onto this later on one of the jailers he goes what must i do to be saved verse 31 they said believe in the lord jesus christ and you will be saved you and your whole household so it's generations nations mass deliverance and its households households so lead us into this yeah yeah so we're going to sing we're going to stay in this vein listen i want to open the mic if you're staff in the room or a usm student we're going to go after these topics we're going to go after generations gen z millennials we're going to go after women we're going to go after israel and we're going to go after just nations as a whole the earth the earth coming to know the glory of the lord in uh numbers i believe it's 14 verse 21 it's the lord talking and he says this phrase he says truly as i live the glory of the lord will cover the face of the earth and man i'll really want to go after that thing in this place joy's going to sustain us joy's going to lead us but lord we're asking for every door every chain in households jesus [Music] i've never seen you leave anyone in prison you're suffering no i've never seen you leave anyone a captive i've never seen you leave anyone in bondage [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've never seen you leave anyone in bondage i've never seen you leave anyone in prison i've never seen you leave [Music] let the prison doors be flung why let the prisons [Music] lord we're raising the bar from asking for individuals to asking for entire households oh i've never seen you leave entire nations anyone in bondage demographics [Music] i've never seen you you is [Music] don't [Music] you set free you set free you set free spirit is never generations [Music] let the whaling women and the warring women arise [Music] you set free [Music] [Music] family members family right now before you're done [Music] generations [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] oh you're strong enough [Music] is the god of jacob mighty one false [Music] finger of god [Music] yes [Music] right now that you will give jesus the nation will you begin to raise up wailing women warring women [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i'll give you [Music] anyone [Music] anyone in bondage [Music] is anyone in prison i just lift up every family member to you right now that we've maybe lost hope for because it's been decades that they've been trapped in an oppression of the enemy and i just speak to every tormenting spirit and every family member specifically in the elderly god that the tormenting spirits of the night that we've been contending for decades i declare that today is the day of breakthrough that i declare that you are stronger you are strong enough to set free the captives i declare it [Music] yes lord jesus i cried to you from my friend stephanie lord she's in a hit and the suicide spirit is speaking heard so we just break that off in jesus name yes come on real quick and y'all really we're better free heavenly father we just come to you today father god like you have paul and cyrus break the chains at midnight father god lord let us get back on our watches father god let us be even get born to praise and worship father god at the midnight hour father god lord as we begin to do this father god i just hear and decree change will be broken and outsold by the gods in the schools and the wounds father god lord touch every womb right now father god is holding a young prophet father god in the name of jesus lord give us new fire and our values father god in the name of jesus lord we need you we can't do this without you father is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes lord [Music] i've never seen you leave anyone a captive i've never seen you leave anyone in bondage i've never seen you leave anyone in prison i saw before me and a vision a line of people carrying a burial earned from the back to the front and written on it was funeral songs and lamentations and each person who held the urn cried but i saw a man come who was clothed in white light and in the form of white light though he was a man grabbed the earth he smashed it to the ground he told the man to draw a line in it who was in front of him and he did and wings came and blew the ashes from the eastern to the west until they could not be seen and he rebuked the people behind them until they became dust and the same winds blew them to the east and the west so they could not be seen and i heard the lord say to me for too long i have tolerated the sins of the fathers and the generations of the past but i say no more for i will go and break them they shall not be a hindrance to my people they will not be a hindrance any longer so abba let it be so like generational curses be broken up in the name of jesus jesus you're gonna do it you're gonna do it lord [Music] i got this image of jesus walking in the bedrooms of our lost family members and that he was walking into indigenous tribes that have been worshiping idols and he's been walking into the middle east so god thank you that you will do it and there will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes lord thank you so much that you have for so long fulfilled our desires and your mercy but lord as as we are your bride we want to we want to fulfill the desires of your heart i just pray that you would connect us with the end of the story lord that you would just send the revelation of the end times upon us god and what's in your heart i thank you that the end of the story has already been written so that you would attach us with your heart lord that you would attach us with your storyline jesus lord for the coming the harvest lord in jesus name thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus for those who are lost and for the nations thank you that they are i pray yours they see you not as some dull man but the vibrancy of who you are the color of who you are the expression in your voice the detail and the intricacy of the love that you have for them lord reveal it to them in jesus name that they may know the inheritance and what you've called them to bring them home in jesus name nehemiah 4 14 and i looked and arose and said to the nobles and the leaders and the rest of the people do not be afraid of them remember the lord great and awesome and fight for your brethren your sons your daughters your wives and your houses lord today we arise and we say lord no more fear no more fear that we declare war or fear of men we declare war on religion we declare war jesus on uh sunday only christianity lord that we will rise up let the joy let the joy of your pleasure over us be our strength let the joy of reflection over us be our strength lord help us rise in the power and the adulterer of your spirit lord for this hour for such a time [Music] [Music] lord jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] lord jesus thank you for a young and free generation i thank you that you're breaking away that word boredom and that we have a generation that is in love with your word a generation that is in love with prayer a generation that is in love with sharing the gospel a generation that is just madly in love with you god that they no longer have to look at themselves and judge wrongfully with that they can look at you and that they can know that they are righteous and made pure in your eyes please thank you lord in jesus name [Music] lord i pray that we would bring it back to intimacy that the only thing that matters is [Music] intimacy [Music] we want heaven to [Music] let heaven come eyes of fire the beautiful [Music] galatians man 1 passion translation says let me be clear the anointed one has set us free not not partially but completely and wonderfully free yes must always cherish this truth and stubbornly refuse to go back into the bondage of our past yes father i pray for a stubbornness in the hearts and the minds of your of your children got to stubbornly refuse to go back into the bondage of their past in the name of jesus god god we thank you that you have completely completely wholeheartedly set us free in the name of jesus yes you're gonna do it all right cut it off after right here we're gonna break two more all right the power of these prayers god rules through intercession jesus forever lives to make intercession we're not just filling up a room and filling up a two-hour set these words contain power they release spiritual power into real people's lives so let's just join with all of our hearts these last two prayers i heard the lord say small place big fruit small vine big fruit small person big fruit and if you agree with the fact that this is a place of small yet it's produced big fruit i ask that you stand right now with your hands open because if you come from a small family if you come from a small city if you come from a small place you must know that the lord is producing big fruit out of the small things and we must stand in agreement today that no matter where you started no matter how small it's been that there is big fruit inside of you so father i command right now under the authority that you've given me that i release breakthrough right now in jesus name break through from the small places break through from the small places that there will be big fruit because he is the vine he is the vine he is the vine and on him you will see big fruit in jesus name perfect i got you guys all standing all the women i just want you guys to put your hands out i just want to pray over women that are in this room right now come holy spirit come holy spirit lord i thank you for the women in this room stand up hannah lord i thank you for the women in this room lord i pray that you would fill them with boldness what would you fill them with confidence lord did we see them and we know lord it was it was women that came to the tomb first lord i thank you for the anointing you are putting in women during this time god i ask that you would fill them with power confidence and boldness in jesus name lord i thank you keep doing what you're doing god their voice matters lord we need women i cannot do what i'm doing without women so i just we value you we say yes keep running in jesus name let's give the lord [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes lord i even just want to pray for breakthrough over the racial divide the lord in our nation [Music] jesus over um the recent death of scot i think his name was and lord i just pray that you are the righteous judge we ask for your help we ask for your mercy lord i ask that you would comfort those families lord i even pray that over even our asian community jesus pray that the love of god will sweep over this nation jesus that our eyes will be opened to one another lord we ask for your help we ask for breakthrough and deliverance to calm jesus we thank you [Music] yes lord yes lord yes yes yes lord yes yes yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes [Music] yes [Music] you're gonna do it [Music] we'll see it in our lives [Music] [Music] restore of [Music] repair of the bridge restorer of the street repair of the bridge restore of the you're gonna do it you're gonna do it you're gonna do it [Music] you're gonna do [Music] restorer of the [Music] [Music] i know you're gonna do it [Music] [Applause] you're gonna do [Applause] oh [Applause] stream [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're gonna do it [Music] [Applause] we are gonna do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] repair [Applause] [Music] restore the streets the repairs you're gonna do it we are gonna do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh is [Applause] [Music] you're gonna do it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] restore our roughness [Music] [Music] you're gonna [Music] you're gonna do it what you're gonna do [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] prepare the [Music] i know [Music] [Music] yeah jesus you're gonna do it you're gonna do it you're gonna do it lord we believe yes you're gonna do it lord and women in israel nations you're gonna do it jesus it was accounted to abraham for righteousness because he believed him he believed your report he believed what you said he believed where you were leading and lord we believe you we believe you're gonna do it [Music] oh let the earth be marked with phrase but with god but with god lord it's why we can believe for every door in every chain to be loosed [Music] because with god all things are possible and you're gonna do it you're going to do it in cities and in small towns you're going to do it in urban areas and in rural areas you're going to do it in the north and in the south you're going to do it in the east [Music] you're going to do it in different cultures and different ethnicities you're going to do it across continents [Music] you're going to do it on mountaintop [Applause] [Music] you're gonna do it in the young you're gonna do it in the old you're gonna build a bridge between south dallas and north dallas [Music] you're gonna do it you're gonna do it [Music] nothing is impossible for you but with god all things are possible [Music] but with god nations can be saved [Music] but with god an entire generation can be [Music] saved [Music] you're gonna do [Applause] is impossible for you [Music] [Music] just feel like i see the lord saying let it be accounted to little upper room as righteousness because they've believed me oh let it be accounted to that community in dallas texas as righteousness because they believed me so lord we believe your report we believe what you're saying we believe what you're doing lord where you're speaking let us declare back you're gonna do it okay lord if you're speaking over certain areas and categories let it be found in our community a response to you you're gonna do it you're gonna do it lord lord we thank you for where you're speaking where you're authoring where you're leading us lord i just declare grace over everyone who's participating in the 40-day fast lord that you would meet them with grace you would strengthen them with might in the inner man lord and that the joy of the lord your joy would be our strength in jesus name we pray [Music] amen [Music] you
Channel: Timothy Tarasov
Views: 38,286
Rating: 4.9475279 out of 5
Keywords: upperroom upper room, spontaneous, worship, nothing else, prophetic, bethel music, praise, jesus, christian music, upperroom dallas, online worship, prayer room, none but Jesus, elyssa smith, Timothy Tarasov, christian songs, deep worship, holy spirit music, upper room, ur dallas, eniola emu, поклонение, христианские песни, хвала и поклонение, апепрум, слово жизни music, you set me free, you restore, you break the chains, freedom reigns
Id: Zvrfadv4IRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 38sec (4538 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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