No One Like You + Let Heaven Come (Our Father) [Spontaneous] - UPPERROOM

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] me one like you faithful let you [Music] know [Music] oh creation [Music] [Music] with all jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh i can say this i'll never find another is life is [Applause] wow [Music] there's there's no other more wonderful there's just no one like you [Music] [Music] uh i can there's no other more wonderful who is like oh yeah [Music] first [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] there's [Music] our father in heaven your kingdom [Music] come quickly on earth [Music] who is the lord [Music] uh lord oh [Music] on earth will be kingdoms who is [Music] is the [Music] [Music] is [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] is [Music] ah [Applause] yes yours is [Music] is [Applause] let's [Music] hey [Music] [Music] we notice you we're looking at the lord hello angels we notice you we're looking at the lord come minister come and bring heaven [Music] [Music] that we're tapping into you've already been here [Music] is [Music] hey is [Applause] is is me [Applause] [Music] [Music] god [Music] and i see heaven invading this place and i see angels praising your holy day i see heaven invading this place and i see angels praising your holiness [Applause] on earth [Music] invading this place [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is crazy is is [Applause] god [Music] [Applause] higher higher higher higher higher is [Music] [Music] [Music] can we like whisper that whisper come [Music] your kingdom [Music] i just want to give some context to what we're doing right now we're co-laboring with the lord for his kingdom to come to earth and i know his kingdom is here on the earth we see it we see it but we're asking still come let your kingdom come the spirit and the bride say come and he chose us he chose me to be a co-laborer with him he wanted intimacy he wanted intimacy he wanted to share the secrets of his heart the burdens of his heart and right now he's asking us to say this so we'll say it again and again and again would you come come come so even if you're not feeling it just say come with us come on come come come jesus come come come [Music] come come [Music] come let heaven come [Music] you know when heaven comes the the centerpiece of heaven the centerpiece of the kingdom is the king the the if there's a camera on heaven it's focused on the king if there's eyes on the kingdom they'll be zoomed in and dialed in to the king and i feel specifically in this moment as these guys are singing these songs i i felt like this scripture was ringing in my heart it says and jesus was handed the book of the prophet isaiah and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written and this is what the king said when he showed up the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and to recover the sight of the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed and to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord [Music] listen the spirit of the lord is not upon me or a team or you the spirit of the lord is upon him it has anointed him it is anointed jesus to bind up the brokenhearted it has anointed jesus to preach the gospel to the poor it has anointed jesus to proclaim liberty to those that are captive it is anointed jesus to recover the sight of the blind and it has anointed jesus to give liberty to all those who are oppressed and listen if you're in this room and you have a need whatever it is maybe you're bound by an addiction maybe you're bound by sin maybe you're sick tonight maybe you have a just a thing that's been looming over your head whatever it is i want to invite you to lift both your head hands and we're going to sing this come come come come if that's you you're inviting the lord you're saying heaven can come here you're giving him permission and you're asking you're giving him permission and you're asking because the spirit of the lord is upon him it has anointed him to come lord whatever it is will you come to your glory leadership you can of [Music] to singleness [Music] come on we wanna see will you come [Music] jesus this is what i want to do i want to i want to circle up with those that we came with and i want you to share if there's if there's one of you in your group or in your circle that you feel like one of these categories relates to you maybe you're poor poor physically or poor in spirit you would find yourself needing the gospel says he came to preach the gospel to the poor meaning those who were in need of good news maybe tonight you're in need of good news he came to heal the brokenhearted that's the second category broken-hearted maybe it's relationally maybe it's physically maybe whatever it is you would classify yourself as having a broken heart he came to proclaim liberty to the captives maybe you're bound by by a spirit maybe it's anxiety or depression maybe you're bound by a habitual sin he came to give to recover sight to the blind i feel like if you need a physical need a physical touch you're physically sick physically hurt and he came to set at liberty those who are oppressed there's been an oppression there's just been an illuminating spirit maybe lingering over you i want to separate with those of us who came together grouch four or five of us and i want to begin to pray and i want to begin to pray this prayer heaven can come lord you can come you have permission to come but then will you come begin to declare that that he would do what's in this it's luke 4 18 if you have your bible i want to just take two three minutes and circle up and i want to begin to pray luke 4 18 over one another declaring this that we would allow and give permission to jesus's active leadership in our lives his act of leadership when the kingdom comes the centerpiece is the king so you can begin to do that now circle up into four and five five four to five people that's right there with you or whoever you came with and we get to pray ask one another do you fall into one of these categories do you have a need are you sick do you find yourself oppressed and begin to minister to one another i feel just like joel was singing there's angels ministering angels coming from heaven descending like on jacob's ladder to and from heaven [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on it's a simple prayer you can come will you come you can come lord will you bring good news will you bring the liberty will you bring healing you can come lord will you come [Music] [Music] hey if you're praying with someone keep praying i felt like the lord wanted to heal um some specific things really quick i i felt like i um i heard a left kneecap has anyone's left kneecap i see a hand right here will you just raise your hand if that's you i also felt like i heard ears popping does anyone's ears pop or ring right here yeah um what was the other thing does anyone have laryngitis it was like a throat or anything with your throat i saw a picture of a throat so left kneecap popping ears and laryngitis if any of those or anything wrong with your throat if that's any of you guys just lift your hands really high so i can see them okay where does i feel like i saw a picture as we were singing about uh angels being in the room in jacob's ladder i was reminded of revelation 22 2. it's the angel showing john the tree of life and it says the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations and i just felt like i saw a picture of angels coming in to minister with the leaves for the healing of the nations and so we're just gonna pray raise your hand again if that's you jesus i thank you that you're healing your people tonight thank you lord that you've sent angels to minister to us so we just say complete healing to the kneecap to the popping ears to the throat lord we just thank you that you're the great physician and you heal if you're feeling anything in your body just kind of wave your hands the pain's gotten better and we'll pray one more time jesus thank you for 100 healing for every ailment every pain lord thank you that you love to heal thank you jesus [Music] amen yeah and then across the room just lift up your hands if you just lift up the rooms all across the room lift up your hands jesus lord i thank you for everyone in this room jesus i thank you for your active leadership in this house and in our lives lord we just declare yes to your kingdom lord your kingdom can come lord until that day that your physical kingdom appears here on the earth lord until that day that your physical kingdom returns with you coming to rule and reign lord we declare that your spirit lord can come and rule and reign in our lives that your kingdom would be present in our lives your kingdom would be present and our marriages our families our homes we just declare that heaven can come you can come lord will you come in jesus name and across the room everybody said amen amen amen amen
Channel: Timothy Tarasov
Views: 62,351
Rating: 4.926847 out of 5
Keywords: upper room, upperroom, let heaven come, bethel music, our father, abbie simmons, joel fig, worship, christian music, prophetic worship, spontaneous worship, апперум, христинская музыка, god, jesus, praise, no one like you, spirit break out, yeshua
Id: 5gICIajESb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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