UPPERROOM - You Make Me Come Alive _ Resurrection and the Life (Spontaneous) 9 Dec 2020

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[Music] [Music] let faith bubble up in your heart for resurrection power alive to god you make me come alive oh you were dead in sin oh but today you're dead two sin alive in god you make me come alive oh it's the it's the power of his resurrection power [Music] make me come alive [Music] i'm alive to god you make me [Music] that fresh breath moment alive to god [Music] resurrection [Music] he's alive [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you make me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you make me make me [Music] make [Music] now i'm me he's alive he's alive now i'm alive [Music] [Music] he's [Music] um [Music] and he made me [Music] is [Music] my relationship with god [Music] [Music] dead to divorce [Music] i'm alive and joy i'm alive in peace [Music] he's [Music] of unbelief [Applause] [Music] do you not remember [Music] at the cute things yes do you not remember that you've been made [Music] do you not remember that you died to the former things the elemental teachings of this world and you've been made alive [Music] a life of christ yeah don't you remember remind your soul i'm alive he's alive [Music] he's alive [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's alive now i'm alive [Music] you make me come alive as you breathe out everything you make me come alive as you breathe as you breathe off of breathing you make me come alive make me come alive as you breathe [Music] as you breathe out everything you make me come alive you make me come alive cause this is what you do this is what you do [Music] you make us come alive you make us come alive it's just who you are this is what you do this is what you do [Music] you make us come alive you make us come alive it's just who you are lord this is what you do this is what you do [Music] you make us come alive you make us come alive this is what you do this is what you do you make us come alive you make us come alive as you breathe [Music] as you breathe [Music] [Music] the oldest passed away the oldest passed away as you breathe [Music] [Music] he's [Applause] [Music] he's he's he's in [Music] he's i'm alive [Music] he's alive now i'm alive he's alive he's alive he's alive now i'm alive he's alive this is what you [Music] you do become alive [Music] [Music] he's [Music] he's [Music] he's alone [Music] he's alive now i'm alive he's alive now i'm alive he's alive colossians 3 it says if then you were raised with christ seek those things which are above where christ is sitting at the right hand of god and set your mind on things above not on things on the earth verse 3 for you died and your life is now hidden with christ in god when christ who is our life appears then you also will appear with him in glory therefore put to death your members which are on the earth that are fornication uncleanness passion evil desire covetousness idolatry a couple verses later verse eight it's gonna list off more you are to put off anger wrath malice blasphemy filthy language out of your mouth do not lie to one another since you have put off the old man with his deeds and you have now put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of him who created him and so listen if you're in the room there's no condemnation but if you're struggling with fornication or or uncleanliness just sexual sin maybe it's passion for evil things covetedness or idolatry maybe it's anger or wrath maybe it's malice maybe it's blasphemy maybe it's just filthy language maybe it's lying i feel like i feel the spirit of god so kindly wanting to pastor us so kindly wanting to father us so kindly wanting to mature us into the new man reminding us you're dead you have died to that you have died to that oh so put on the new man in other words you live the life you live to god you live the life you live to god and i don't feel like there needs to be this huge altar call where you stand up or you come forward i just feel the kindness of god wanting us to acknowledge these things if they're in your life saying lord i've been living in anger lord and i repent to that for i have died i have died to anger i have died to malice i have died to blasphemy i have died to filthy language i have died to idolatry oh and i put on the new man for the life i live i now live to god and i feel like this subtle faith this subtle grace from heaven today wanting to meet your life reminding you that you have died that you once were dead in sin but today you can be dead to sin and alive to god and so i want alyssa just to continue singing what she's singing but i want to posture us in a place of intercession in a place of faith coming before the lord the kindness of the lord number one repenting for the for the the fruit of the flesh that's been in our life saying i put to death this oh great gardener of heaven would you prune my life of this for i have died to sin and the life i live i now live to god so if that's you you can relate to one of those things maybe you're you're watching online from your home maybe you're watching online streaming in your car just if you're in the room just put your hands out but i just want you to acknowledge what those things are by the guidance of the holy spirit he'll lead you you'll know your heart will be beating and you'll know oh i've had filthy language and lord i repent i put off filthy language from my life for i have died to them and i now live my life to you god just feel the sweet kindness of the lord saying would you would you do business with me right here would you let me prune you right here oh for when christ appears oh in his glory you also will appear for you're alive and god [Music] [Music] and a resurrection [Music] yet being raised cause my life [Music] you is me come alive i'll lean on my own understanding [Music] [Music] trusting that you'll make something [Music] [Music] trusting that you'll make something muted [Music] you make me come alive you make me come alive you make me come alone you make me [Music] [Music] my life of the is of heaven so i give it all to you god trust in that you'll make something beautiful out of me i give it all to you god trust in that you'll make something beautiful out of me cause this is what you do this is what you do [Music] you make me come alive and this is what you do this is what you do you make me come alive this is what you do this is what you do you make me come alive you make me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] all is you god trust in that you'll make something beautiful out of me i give it all to you god trust in that you'll make something beautiful out of me cause you make me come alive you make me come alive you make me come alive you make me come alive you bring life every time you make me come alive you bring life every time you make me come alive you bring life every time you make me come alive you bring life every time every time every time you bring life every time every time you realize every time every time every time [Music] [Music] jesus i want to just move into a time of intercession that god would release this revelation to the church of dallas fort worth the church of this nation the church across the earth and every believer enter into that galatians 2 20 i have been crucified with christ and i no longer live life that i now live i live by faith in the son of god [Music] god i pray for a restoration of the cross and the revelation of the crucifixion and the resurrection of our lord savior of you king jesus and that it would break off the impotence of the church and that you would restore vitality in life we would see a generation arise in this hour who enters into a life hidden with christ and god crucified to sin crucified to the world [Music] the power of the resurrection [Music] foreign resurrection in life [Music] the resurrection [Music] [Music] is [Music] the resurrection [Music] [Music] the resurrection is [Music] the resurrection [Music] oh the resurrection is the resurrection [Music] my [Music] you are [Music] the resurrection [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] so now if christ is preached that he has been raised from the dead why do some of you say there's no resurrection of the dead if there's no resurrection of the dead then christ has not risen if christ has not risen then our preaching is empty and your faith is empty yes and we have found ourselves to be false witnesses of god because we testified of god and that he raised christ whom he did not really raise if in fact the dead do not rise for if the dead do not rise then christ has not risen and if christ is not risen your faith is futile and you are still stuck in your sin then also those who have fallen asleep in christ have perished in this life only we have hope in christ then we are all men that should be pitied but now christ is risen from the dead and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep for since by man came death by man also came the resurrection from the dead for as in adam all die even so in christ all shall be made alive [Music] all shall be made alive and jesus lord we thank you for all we thank you for all lord i can look across the board in my life and all have not met life but i thank you for all i thank you jesus that you are the first fruit of all you're the first fruit jesus of all lord you're the first fruit of family members i have that are far from you that are still stuck in their sins you're the first fruit jesus of family members that i have locked lord in physical chains because of things they've done you're the first fruit lord of all lord you're the first fruit of my unborn children lord that they will be alive to god you're the first fruit of all lord and if all have not come to know life then we're not done preaching that christ has risen from the dead because christ has risen oh you have risen and you have become the first fruit of all and so i want to posture us in the room to begin to have faith for the all to begin to have faith for all not just for some for all o lord that all in dallas would come to know the glory of the lord that all in our nation would come to know life jesus oh it's time again church to have outrageous faith to have outrageous faith that christ has risen from the dead so i thank you jesus oh for your life see your resurrection in your life i thank you for your resurrection and your life oh pick your faces come on is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] and [Music] co-workers [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the resurrection [Music] resurrection [Music] is [Music] come out [Music] resurrection [Music] come out of that [Music] come out of that grave come on [Music] whenever we pray [Music] today [Music] is [Music] [Music] the resurrection the resurrection is [Music] come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] the resurrection is come on is [Music] and is [Music] you raise me from the dead you keep me alive you raise me from the dead and keep me alive resurrection and the lord resurrection in the life [Music] so dead man come out of that grave come out of that grave come out of that [Music] dead men come out of that grave come out of that over lost pastors who've run away men come out of that grave come out of that grave come out of that grave dead men come out of that grave come out of that grave keep singing come out of that grave oh dead man come out of that grave come out of that grave come out of that great dead man come out of that grave come out of that crave over america again let's sing it ten men come out of that grave come out of that over the homosexual district [Music] [Music] [Music] of that grave come out of that grave over hospitals of dying people dead man come out of that grave come out of that grave come out of that grave [Music] come on [Music] come on [Music] come on [Music] is the resurrection [Music] and the resurrection is [Music] [Music] come on come on make me come [Music] me come alive you make me [Music] [Music] come on come on come on [Music] [Music] the resurrection is [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah across the room would you just lift your hands and i just fill in my heart like i hear the spirit of god saying resurrection should be a normal part of your christian walk oh resurrection should be a normal thing for those who are walking with god and i feel like i feel like the lord is clothing us today with faith to believe that we will see resurrection not just in spiritual cases but in the physical yes oh but in the physical oh that we won't be afraid to lay our hands on the physical dead and say rise oh rise rise and i feel like the lord is clothed clothing with faith again believers to believe in the resurrection of the dead oh without the resurrection of christ he's just another dead prophet oh without the resurrection of christ he's just another man who said he was special but it's the resurrection that gave him the name above every other name this is the resurrection that made him famous and jesus lord we will be a church that dares to believe resurrection is real oh i hear that phrase dare to believe that you'll see it dare to believe you'll see [Music] him the is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that resurrection will be a normal thing in this house that resurrection will be a normal thing in our christian walk because we're alive to god oh we're alive to god so we dare to believe we will see the dead rise oh i heard a story of a guy who his dog died in a tragic accident and he laid hands on his dog and his dog came back to life oh we'll dare to believe that the dead will rise yes we'll dare to believe jesus that the dead will rise we'll have outrageous faith we'll have faith bigger than we can carry because you're strong so we thank you jesus oh lord i pray for these in the room those that are watching online [Music] all that we would dare to believe in the resurrection of the dead oh i thank you lord for those who are who are gonna sleep in their spirit rising but i thank you jesus for those that are dead physically that will rise i just declare i even have faith to believe that there's someone watching online who will watch the playback of this prayer set that will see someone physically dead come back to life that we'll hear a testimony of the dead rising [Music] oh we dare to believe jesus yes that the dead will [Music] in rise name come on let's just sing this one last time come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus that you're the first fruit to all knowing life so jesus lord we thank you holy spirit we thank you for the way you've highlighted jesus as the man of resurrection power today oh and we just declare jesus we in the way we started ain't no grave gonna hold us down in jesus name dead to sin alive to god in jesus name amen [Music] you
Channel: Jomba
Views: 19,328
Rating: 4.948164 out of 5
Keywords: upper room surrounded, upper room defender, upper room prayer, upper room tremble, upper room abba, upper room battles, upper room i just love you, upperroom - you make me come alive, he is alive now am alive, upperroom - he's alive now am alive _ you make me come alive, upperroom - this is what you do, cause you make me come alive, my life is in the hands of the maker of heavens -, you are the way the resurrection and the life, upperroom - dead man come out of that grave, jesus
Id: 39PUIC_b3T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 20sec (3380 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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