You Probably Don't Know This About Junk Silver

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hi everyone silver Joker here okay so listen if you are not stacking constitutional silver this podcast here is almost certainly going to change your mind and if you are stacking constitutional so when have been stuck in constitutional silver for a while you're gonna really appreciate this podcast and so I'm going to show you guys a clip from five years ago me purchasing physical silver from Phil my local coin store owner and uh once you watch that I'm gonna make it all make sense so you really want to stick around for this one I think you guys are going to be very interested in what I got to say here and I'm going to show you guys something that a lot of people are probably not aware of so anyway stick around thank you [Music] all right that sounds good to me let me go ahead and go ahead and make this last final little thing here so this is going to be uh what what we what we say Phil we had uh 30 36 000 and 36 face and uh well actually 36th or 17th and now 40 I think what that'd be uh forty dollars Facebook 42k yeah 42 faves with the Morgans and uh there you go so that's how it's done YouTube this is what we're doing YouTube we're taking this kind of paper money here five we're giving that to fill we're giving them that uh paper money which is uh not gonna be worth as much in the future and uh and we get the real money the money that's going to really uh be worth something in the future all right Phil thank you very much my friend and I definitely will be back okay [Applause] all right so uh my total came up to 16 25. foreign 2019 just about a year before all hell breaks loose with the lockdowns and all that kind of stuff so everything was pretty much you know business as usual eleven dollars face for constitutional silver was normal but I wanted to put I want you to see something here if you look right here you can see that I also bought 15 Morgan dollars for 19 each and American silver eagles I bought 13 of those for 18 each 18 for American silver eagles and I'm gonna tell you guys something I bought a lot of American silver eagles during this time a lot and I bought I paid just about what you're seeing here maybe a little bit over sometimes a little bit less than that but this was where silver prices were at this time and I bought a lot of silver during this time a lot of three nons fine silver a lot of Premium silver you know maple leaves and the American silver eagles and we thought that you know those prices for premium silver were a little high now try to find an American Silver Eagle for 18 today or a Morgan silver dollar for 19 today I mean those were the days we'll go ahead and get that done that's one two three four five six seven eight ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen I'm gonna have to give him 16.50 to change back let's count this one more time I don't want a cheap Phil he's such a good guy so we'll look out one more time one two three four five six seven eight ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen fifty all right so why did I show you guys that why did we take that trip back in time all right I'm gonna make it make sense here real soon all right so let's go to money Metals exchange real quick all right so money Metals exchange right now today is May 5th 2023 they're buying constitutional silver at 20.91 per one dollar face that's what they're paying for in ninety percent junk silver as you guys saw in November 2018 I bought thirty six dollars face um in constitutional silver and I paid about paid about ten dollars and five cents per one dollar face if you do the math following January I bought 100 face and I paid eleven dollars per one dollar face for that now if you do the math that's 136 dollars face I spent 1 461.80 for all of that combined it was an average of about ten dollars and fifty cents per one dollar face between November and January November 2018 and January 2019. so I want you to keep something in mind those of you who weren't stacking constitutional silver you could get it usually between ten dollars and fifty cents and twelve dollars usually could get it under 12 and probably not too much under ten dollars and fifty cents that was usually the average right in that range so if I sold just that 136 dollars face value now you guys know of course I bought silver before that before November 2018 and I've been buying constitutional silver since then as you guys know I've taken you with me on a lot of those purchases so if we just stick with that those are the ones that I can show you visually I can show you visual proof of how much I paid for this junk so for this um 90 silver face value all right so if I just sold that today I could sell it right now for 20.91 now keep in mind I paid an average of ten dollars and fifty cents per one dollar face and now I can sell that same one dollar face for twenty dollars and ninety one cents so what I spent 1 461.80 for five years ago I can almost double that today if I wanted to sell it today now I don't consider buying physical silver as an investment me personally I don't consider that investment but for all those who do consider it an investment I want you to think real hard about an investment you can make that will double your initial investment in that time frame and don't say Bitcoin because obviously I've included that in the not very many but think about this it only gets better because constitutional silver is not being created what's out there is out there so imagine that the price and value is growing it is growing I've just demonstrated to you guys how it's growing I made another video before and I showed you guys how it has grown it has quietly moved into premium silver status because if you broke it down by the ounce you would be paying close to forty dollars an ounce for constitutional silver and we're talking about just your pre-1965 constitutional silver coins not your Morgan and Peace dollars or your graded numismatic value constitutional silver 90 silver we're talking about just your regular run-of-the-mill coins so if constitutional silver value has doubled in five years why would it not continue to increase in value over time because nothing's going to change they're not going to make any more of it people are not going to suddenly just stop buying constitutional silver the price is only going to go up the value is only going to go up so this is the opportunity right now is the opportunity to buy as much constitutional service you could possibly start and the reason why that is is because one it's going to be in demand because it's silver now the bad part about this and I guess the good part as well is there's going to be more silver added to the silver Supply because of constitutional silver being melted down and the fine silver being extracted from it that just adds more silver to the silver Supply but it won't be constitutional silver so in a sense it's adding more silver to the silver Supply which I guess is a good thing depending on how you look at it but constitutional silver coins are being destroyed people are buying them and they're tucking them away they're not selling them as often as they were and they're being consumed or being destroyed and so how can the value not continue to grow there is not a point where the supply is going to outstrip the demand it's just not going to happen there are more and more people every day buying silver for the first time and starting their own stacks and that's going to increase Demand on this Supply and industry there are more and more silver-hungry products and systems being developed that's also going to put uh Demand on Silver and a lot of that silver is going to be constitutional silver so right now as far as I'm concerned is the time to take advantage of the opportunity that that constitutional silver is providing I mean I can sell I just showed you guys I can sell this constitutional silver that I bought five years ago and double double what I paid for and I have a lot more than just 136 dollars face value and if I wanted to sell that I could sell it and make a very good profit and not because I'm some Financial guy or not because I'm rich and got a bunch of money that I can spend on constitutional silver no it's because I chose a point in time to start stacking physical silver I saw the value in it and I started stacking it and there were lots of opportunities that I missed because of the time I started stacking silver and I didn't have somebody like me telling you that this is a good opportunity I had to discover these things a lot on my own of course you have to make your own decision about it but just think about it look into it and see if it's not something that's right for you anyway just wanted to share that with you guys constitutional silver is the silver two stack not the only show with the stack but absolutely if you're going to stack silver have some constitutional silver in your stack get as much as you possibly think you can afford put it in your stack I believe you're going to be glad you did as of this podcast there's plenty of constitutional silver out there it is becoming a little harder to get your hands on but there's plenty of it out there I was just down to my local coin store and uh he had a good supply of it and there's some online so you know there's no reason to rush there's no fear of missing out but I do believe that the Constitutional silver you buy today is gonna increase in value as time goes on more good content coming up I did buy some more constitutional silver it's on the way I'll show you guys that when it gets here I bought some from my local coin store I'll show you guys that in my next video you know we're just going to keep the silver chain rolling constitutional silver it is what's for dinner appreciate you guys stopping by keep stacking please [Music] thank you
Channel: Silver Joker
Views: 45,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Physicalsilver, #silverstacking, #silverbullionstacking, #silverstackinginformation, #Howtobuyphysicalsilver, #thesilverjokerchannel, silver bullion, silver stacking, gold and silver, silver price, silver price forecast, stock market, #Scottsdalemint, Panic Silver Buying, Buying physical silver, Whats the best silver to buy, Silver joker
Id: nvuzizRjL4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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