How to Buy and Store Silver Bullion PROPERLY!

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welcome to silver pros sponsored by hero bullion i am silver dragons and i'm here with my co-host yankee stacking what's up yankee how you doing sd great to be on with you tonight absolutely it's a great night because tonight we're talking about how to buy physical silver but more importantly how to store physical silver so you don't damage it and it doesn't get stolen wow these are great topics yeah i mean these are great topics for new stackers but also experienced stackers as well because me and yankee we've been around the block a little bit we've learned a lot of things over the years and we're happy to share all of our knowledge with you because we want you to be a silver pro stacked like a pro [Laughter] can i just say i got to say this just because we call ourselves silver pros and we want to help you stack like a pro doesn't mean we can't learn how to be a better stacker and just you and i sd talking together i learn from you and i hope maybe occasionally you learn from me but it's important that we always strive to be better stackers absolutely and and yes yankee uh you definitely are more seasoned in some areas than myself so i'm always learning but but that being said we want to first talk about buying this stuff right here physical bullion where do you buy it so what are the different options yankee well my number one has to be my local coin shop dealer and and i'm blessed to be able to have a great one close by that isn't the case for probably a lot of people uh watching this video they're gonna say well that's all finding well but i don't have a local coin shop dealer so there are other ways to get your bullion like online right and hero bullion yeah yeah absolutely you know we we are sponsored by hero bullion so we are going to talk about them but also they do have great prices but before we show off uh their website and you know we'll briefly look at some charts and whatnot um i agree with you local coin shops are definitely one of the best places when it comes to buying silver when it comes to buying gold for a lot of different reasons um probably the biggest is you know cash in cash out so you know there's no uh record of your transactions if you will they shouldn't be there shouldn't be if you have an lcs dealer who's asking all kinds of personal questions it's time to leave yeah yeah unless you're buying over what is it ten thousand dollars in one trip well that's because you have to fill out the uh the paperwork right right right the feds but if you're if you're just the first time in there yeah they may ask or she may ask some you know questions about you but they really shouldn't be asking you you know social security address all that maybe if you have a a personal check might be but if you're buying something with cash which is one of the bonuses for going to an lcs dealer right it should be cash and cash out no questions asked really exactly and and you know the other reason too is you can get really really goo good deals i've gotten smoking deals i got american silver eagles for under 17 from my lcs a few years back obviously silver price was lower but the premium he only charged me a dollar 25 premium back then it was crazy but i know that yankee stacking has gotten some better deals than myself because yankee is definitely a pro when it comes to getting to know your dealer do you want to talk about that a little bit yankee i will i'm not going to belabor it but i'll tell you that tim marschner of the uh coined stamp shop is a wonderful guy there's another local coin shop dealer nearby i won't mention what it is i didn't go back after my first visit there the reason being is you want to be able to have someone you can connect with so that they understand what it is that you like to stack that they know you're a regular someone you're gonna you know frequent be a good patron for and tim's a great guy he teaches me a lot and back when you were stacking your ase so hard sd he was letting me pick through and and pick out anything that he thought was you know that i thought was cull or circulated he was letting me buy some of these things for spot and they were really really good quality so wow and you would not get this with an online bullying dealer just you know even if they're a smaller dealer they they won't know you face to face you know what i mean there's something to be said about walking in they recognize you call you by name and maybe they even hold stuff for you maybe something comes in the shop that they know you want and they won't sell it because they know you're coming in late good point they if you explain what it is that you're doing trying to do a monster box i'm trying to get you know uh pre-33 gold whatever it is they can help guide you and get the stuff that you're interested in that's a you know tricky to do with a different type of dealer right so okay so that's that's buying locally at a local coin shop bullion dealer they're the same thing right lcs bullion dealer people call yeah go ahead be careful of pawn shops oh careful if we buy gold shops i know occasionally people will put in a comment or email me saying i got a great deal yankee but most of the time they are catering to the desperate and ill-informed or those have no idea what they're talking about you walk in there and say spot spot price immediately they're gonna oh oh it's one of them yeah most of the time that's what i've seen around my area yeah definitely i i don't recommend going to the pawn shops you want to go to a place that says bullion or they do coins and bullion if that's what you want to buy if you want to just buy coins then yeah coin shop all of them will be fine so um okay other than local coin shops or an online bullion dealer yankee how do you feel about other websites like craigslist or you know you can buy off instagram let go whatever there's tons of these websites out there facebook marketplace right right but my personal opinion is if you have been buying for a long time you know how to test it you know how to buy safely and not get scammed then it's okay but if you're new definitely avoid them do you share the same sentiment i agree um i think some education is important before you go off and buy private sales but that being said i think private sales are a phenomenal way to do it too as long as you do it in a safe place a lot of police departments have a nice place where you can go over amazon pickups and exchanges and you can or or ebay uh sales go somewhere safe during the day and i've made some great deals or purchased some great stuff uh in person through those sites that you're talking about yeah i mean you definitely can get a better deal like obviously if you cut out the middleman if there's no dealer involved at all it's just person to person you can get a better price but bring a scale yeah but also it could be fake silver they could be trying to scam you they could be trying to rob you so you know again if you're a first timer maybe stay away from that but if you've been doing it for a while then try and get some good deals and also yeah go ahead magnet uh neodymium magnet for testing silver very important again this is if you're buying privately uh hopefully you've got an lcs dealer that tests and knows that the stuff is genuine but you really want to be able to know when you're buying something it's really silver so sliding one of these very important to do something like that on a private sale you don't know the person absolutely always trust but verify so so now let's talk about buying online because there are some benefits to buying online so we're gonna switch over to hero bullion here yeah why don't you can you just really quick highlight what are the main benefits from buying from an online bullion dealer yeah yeah absolutely so when you buy online there's a few things number one you can trust it right because there's lots of big trusted bullion dealers out there you don't have to worry about them sending you fake you know silver fake gold um but also you can get good deals as well and again if you don't have a coin shop in your area this is really your only other option right it is so yeah and they do have free shipping uh on uh orders here i i know sometimes it's all orders sometimes it's over a hundred dollars i'm not sure what it is right now but we can look at some gold we can look at some silver and kind of check out their prices but again hero bullion they are sponsoring the show but they have some killer deals as well they also have great customer service for an online bullion dealer i mean that's what you usually give up when you go with the big guys online um they're not gonna under they're not gonna take really really good care of you but hero bullion is unique that way they are very very supportive helpful and uh and they're just straight up i mean you're going to get the deal that you see you're not going to get a bait and switch right yeah it does happen absolutely so um again you know this is some of the stuff they have in stock here if i was going to be buying silver today from hero bullion i would probably be looking at something like the britannias look at this wow and i we didn't show spot price but uh i know these are on pre-sale but we could quickly look at the spot prices too and uh while i pull this up yankee here um you've done business with hero bullion yourself right i mean i know i've bought i bought from them i've bought gold from them silver from then and had no problems none it comes fast too i'm actually waiting on a piece of gold that unfortunately hero bullion didn't have that i was after or else i would have bought it through him but i bought it through a different uh online billion dealer and it's taking forever yeah and you know what you know hero bullion also has the uh the e-check has some really good uh you know big bullying dealer type options too that that set them apart so i was just going to briefly show gold we're chilling right around 1727. uh we can look at silver as well silver's been sort of tapering a hair yeah it's right around what is it 25 10 something like that um but but i have got the whole year chart pulled up and the reason i pull up the year chart is partly because it automatically does that you know you can you could toggle it but also i do want to show this because you know as far as the bull run with silver goes we're just getting started i know some people saw the recent dip it was like 26 went down to 25 and they're thinking oh my gosh should i stop buying silver no you should be buying silver these bull runs typically last you know a decade right and we're one year in and look at everything that's going on the world so i know we're not talking about why you should buy but i just wanted to bring that up because can i give it one tip for people watching this video do not buy high and sell low right okay it's this is the time to be accumulating your wealth protection absolutely and so now that now that you know how to buy physical bullion and unless there's anything you want to add yankee we'll talk about how to properly store it i think let's move on let's move on to the the storing of our silver and gold because there's a lot of good points about this that we should make yeah oh my gosh um we could probably do a whole video on just how to store it but the real thing is you need to know how to store it properly and how to store it safely because there is the security there are two different things those are two different things right right so storing it properly that would be you know putting it in the right flips or the right containers uh storing it safely is you know what kind of safe where is it that you know what's your security like those are sort of what you're thinking about so right yeah go ahead can i show you can i show you a few things that i store my silver uh in absolutely so all right let's see uh what how yankee does it this is the yankee special well i definitely have uh you know the standard american silver eagle tubes you can see these are uh call or circulate a little toning going on there but and i i do this when they're partially full but i do like to use these you know popcorn peanuts or whatever just to keep things from rattling i don't like my yeah tubes to rattle much i put one in here on a tube of canadian maple leafs which i just bought at this dip nice 20 21 but again no chi chi ching right so that's one way in your tubes very nice uh coin capsules which i'm showing some right here these are a popular way to store uh silver i don't capsule most of my silver right i capsule the things that are special the silver ice cream cones which i usually put in my treasure box here i'll show you really quick yeah so in here yeah so we got a lot of you know stuff in here that is capsuled those are a way to protect your silver so you're saying if it's if it's bullion doesn't need a capsule if it's has numismatic value then maybe you want to protect it more or even semi-numismatic right right just fun stuff yeah or just fun stuff that's right so yeah that's my uh ice cream cone box so definitely that's another way to uh store it with the coin capsules by the way i do like um these these are the airtight brand oh yeah okay on fire guy from ebay check those out in fact check out what this is this is in america the beautiful capsule here man oh nice just waiting for another chunk of silver so i do like them because they are really tight you can get some cheaper ones for for me if if i care that much about my silver to put it in in a coin capsule i want the best and i think airtight's the best that's my personal opinion so so i do agree uh i'll show off these particular capsules here this is the 40 millimeter black green capsules airtight brand um yeah you can go black you can go white yep they got black ring white ring red ring they got all sorts of kinds of things but let me point something out a lot of people like the clear capsules and that's fine there's nothing wrong with that but let me show you why you would want to go black ring over clear so um let me just let me grab this kookaburra here so this one comes from the mint in this capsule here okay so if if a coin or a piece of bullion comes already capsuled you do not take it out of the mint capsule ever well okay you could take it out but what i'm saying is you want to eventually leave it in this capsule because people know they come in capsules and when you go to resell if you ever do they're going to want the original mint capsule so to me it kind of hurts the value a little bit but let me show you uh one of the black green capsules this particular uh coin here the new batman just came out by the way these are smoking it's gonna be a crazy series it's the dc comics series these do not come in a capsule however these coins doubled in value within a week because they sold out they're super high demand and you're going to want to protect it so you could put this in either a just clear capsule but i like the black green capsules because i think it makes the coin pop just that much more i like black and and let me just shout out gold for a quick quick second and that's the silver pros but if you're dealing with 24 karat gold like a buffalo or the canadian maple leaf you really do want to capsule these things right you want to protect them they're soft soft metal for my american uh eagles i don't capsule my all my gold american uh eagle coins right 22 carat right 22 karat but definitely 24 you should and i will say this as well when it comes to gold i don't i don't have any of the really small pieces but the really small pieces of gold when you put them in capsules it's going to make them easier to pick up yeah easier to handle but it just makes the whole coin a little bit bigger they look bigger don't they i mean we're not above that we're not above making little look big but but all the main reason is they're easier to pick up and handle if you have small this is tough yeah yeah it's easier in a capsule so anyway that's capsules what about flips yankee this is a hot topic if you need to hear this especially if you're new there is a wrong way to put coins and flips that will literally ruin them so yankee please walk us through this do you want me to show you the wrong way first or the right way let's start with the wrong way all right so this is a piece of cheap uh plastic uh what do they call a plasticized i should say uh flip it's it's very flexible it has a different sheen to it it's not good you don't want to put your silver in here you're going to be disappointed it might take a few years but you're not going to like what you get with it yeah it's going to change it's crazy color it's changed color yep yep in fact a quick story my local coin shop dealer tim when he bought his coin shop dealer he got all the stock that was from the prior dealer uh and and a lot of them were coming in this this manila type folder they kind of looked like this but it was like a you know like a paper manila paper wrap yeah and yeah and i said oh i was looking for some walkers right and he's like they were in the plastic and i said well there's some in here and said yeah go ahead open those up and i did and they were all green and i looked at him like what and he said yep that will ruin them do not put them in those so i'm so disappointed that they were put in that so this is the wrong way that uh manila type folders are the wrong way this is the right way in fact they just bought another pack of these off amazon i'll put the link it's the upvc that you want the upvc is for you the pvc you do not want that's how you remember it you pvc is for you yes you unplasticize vinyl that's what you want this stuff is much safer this will keep your coins protected so they're more rigid they're more clear yes um and by the way i will say this when hero bullion ships out all their coins they're always in these if they're in a exactly if they're in a flip this is the good stuff this one's guard house um actually i might have you put the link uh if you don't mind in the description of the video for people who want to find these yeah absolutely and then you know all the other large bullion dealers use those as well um most local coin shops will use them uh but i see you're holding a cardboard flip here yankee yeah some of these are good some of these are not um i've seen problems with the plastic on these so i i don't put these i don't use these as much anymore now i i will say this if you're getting new cardboard flips they should be fine all of the ones i have are fine uh i've never had a problem with them typically these are for numismatic coins you usually do not want to store bullion in these cardboard flips if you're going to be buying you know fun ice cream cones like we talked about these are a great way other than the capsules because these are way cheaper yeah that's why i don't capsule all my coins it brings the total price of your bullion up and if you're buying tubes you don't want to pull out all your i did when i first started i got all my american eagles and put them in the coin capsules now i use all those coin capsules for the right bullion right and and i will say this too you can get just the tubes not the american silver eagle tubes you can get just regular round tubes these are for rounds those are good and uh this one holds 20 this one holds 10 so there's different options but i would say if you're going to be buying lots of generic silver rounds because those are very popular those are an epic thing to stack especially right now this is going to be your bread and butter when it comes to storing them i agree and i'm looking at that tube you have over there and i wanted to show the guard house box that i have for half dollar so again these are using the same type of tube that you uh are using for half dollars and inside a box that holds all of those tubes together so that's one way to store this is you know constitutional silver right yeah yeah it's junk silver and and right i will agree with you a lot of people like the guard house boxes when it comes to junk silver but for me personally i don't use them i use these the canvas bags there's no canvas bag there's no reason in my mind to have them each in an individual tube it is easier to count them it's easier to know how much you have but if you're just in the accumulation phase you can just put them in these canvas bags these are super cheap or they're free or they'll come with your silver if you buy like a 100 somebody gave me this i think it's a cigar box i just throw my loose silver i mean this is really how you handle oh i just it's circulated if you're buying junk silver you can you can hold it you can clink the coins around it doesn't matter [Laughter] they've been clinking around for at least 60 years in someone's pocket right right so for junk silver constitutional silver it doesn't matter um any other thoughts i will say this if you get the monster boxes empty i don't have one to show here i didn't bring it out but if you if you get the empty monster boxes those are really great for storing silver bars uh in a monster box that would normally store 500 american silver eagles in the tubes like yankee has there on the left the green toppers right you could get just the box you can get them off ebay or even from some of the bullion dealers and use those to store your other types of rounds and bars and things like that good point and yes i do that actually i i just like you i don't have the monster box handy but i put some other things in there sometimes too if i have a spare box that's the way to go cool so any any other thoughts on properly storing or should we get to safely storing let's talk about safety that's important okay yeah safety first right so here's the thing i get asked all the time i'm sure you do yankee as well where do i store my silver once i buy it because i don't want to get robbed you know i want to store it safely should i keep it at home should i keep it in a bank should i and the answer is to send it to yankee yeah no don't do that um but seriously though all joking aside let's first talk about storing in the bank uh what do you think yankee should you ever have your gold and your silver in a safe deposit box in the bank let me think um no absolutely no i don't store much of anything in a bank just enough to pay my bills right run away run away do not store your bullion in a safe deposit box right and and there's several different reasons but number one the bank could go on a holiday you could not have access to it um this has happened before in the past people weren't allowed to go into open their safe deposit boxes you know the bank can come up with all these different reasons oh you know it's a crisis you know we've heard that one um and and simply not allow you to get to your bullying so we would never want someone to buy a bunch of gold and silver and then not be able to get to it you're absolutely right and and safety the safe deposit box sounds safe right right but there are if you study the laws you realize that you are foregoing your right to what's in that box the bank owns it they allow you to get to it and you can take your stuff out when you can but it there is a real risk when it comes to a safe deposit box okay so so that's a no what about vaulting it i this is very controversial but if i buy precious metals if i buy coins you know whatever should i have them professionally vaulted ever or should i store them myself perhaps at home well you said a key word there professionally all right so we need to be careful if you are if you are going to vault it needs to be a bonded company that is reputable has a long-standing uh you know a reputation of taking care of your precious metals but why would you but why would you want to the only thing i wouldn't do it under normal circumstances right if you don't hold it you don't own it we know that right but there are unique circumstances where it might be useful to do that for example maybe you're going out of the country yes something like that you don't want to take all this gold and silver or maybe you can't even take it with you to certain countries um you know like how are you going to get it there put it in your backpack on the plane right it's challenge and i and i've i've talked with with people uh some of my members who literally had that problem literally i have money i have gold and silver outside the country where should i put it and they can't move it so that is one reason why you might want to go with a reputable vaulting service you are going to pay extra to do this right but it does come with some protection make sure you go with one that really does allow you to see the bullion that you have some of them actually uh you know mark the boxes scan them they're co itemized oh itemize exactly right i would say the last thing around this is that there's one other reason why you might want to vault and that is if you are a an investor with you know your ira 401k whatnot and you want to have physical precious metals you're not allowed in your ira to take possession of that yeah hold it and store it in your house right to buy it and have it shipped and stored at a vault is a viable option so i will say this as far as self-directed iras go that need to be vaulted you should definitely do your own research you know make sure it's private non-bank make sure it's bonded it's itemized and really do your research on this because there's been issues with you know some of these vaulting companies in the past where they say they have it maybe they don't have it maybe there's a little double dip situation going on where like 10 or 100 people have the same silver bar with their name on it so seriously if that's the route you want to go do some heavy research call them you know make sure you're not doing it improperly all right let's bring the bullion home uh silver dragons tell us what to do if it's at home yes yes yes this is this is why we stack gold and silver we want to have this stuff here at home that's where we want it that's the best place for it right where i can easily access it where i know where it is so okay if you're gonna have it at home there's some really really bad places to put it and i kind of want to start there the worst places are gonna be like you know in your bedroom in a shoebox even even in the pantry you know people have like the the quaker oats container or whatever and they store them in that because they think it won't get found they'll put them in their living room in like a book you know that it's a hollowed-out book you know something like that you know these are places that a a thief a burglar could easily get to and easily find if they're tearing your house apart they're gonna find it right yes and most of them are in there to grab and go right they're not gonna take too much too a long time to look for this but if they are if they've got time you've got to make sure it is really really safe so what are some of the good places for us to put it right so in my opinion i've said this on videos in the past the absolute best number one place is gonna be that heavy hidden safe we're talking if you can get it in there a few thousand pounds bolted to the ground in a hidden room so even if they find it they're gonna have a really hard time accessing it but the other thing when it comes to security is you know there are those really rare scenarios but some people in our community it's happened to them they'll have a burglar you know use a weapon to force the homeowner to tell them where the silver and gold is right right so there's other security measures you need to take um you know if you want to get really extreme a big loud dog you know firearms if you know how if you're trained to safely handle them and whatnot these are all really good things as well i've got lots of guns i know yankee does too but um you know yeah one thing one thing you said too it just sparked a thought on me um when i go out sometimes i'll i'll have money in my pocket but i'll also have a wallet with a little bit of cash in there a throwaway wallet right so if anything happens boom is there something com you know comparable in the precious metals oh yeah oh yeah absolutely so it's it's the decoy safe and if you wanna if you wanna do it the right way i think everyone should have a decoy safe as well this could be uh one of those wall safes in your bedroom um it could be one of those cabinet type safes that's a little easier to bust into with the right tools um but it doesn't need to be really well hidden it could be it could be in your wardrobe closet uh just sitting there right and inside that safe that's where you put your copper bars your fake silver fake gold that kind of stuff so if they find it they think they found you know the fort knox and then they take off and all your real stuff is protected i think it's a great idea i do want to say though that sometimes people are like well i've just started stacking i haven't invested in a safe yet where should i put it and for my advice uh is that you put it in a place no burglar is going to think of going to at least at first maybe if they had a whole day to search your house yeah they might eventually get to it so what are some of the better places to hide your silver eagle well i mean everyone lives you know in a different house so not everyone's going to have a safe room or hidden rooms or things like that or you're in a basement yeah maybe you don't even have a basement maybe you don't have like a wine cellar with a little back corner you know with the back corner right so maybe you have to get a little bit creative but but really the the bottom line is heavy and hidden so whatever that means to you however you can hide it the best you can maybe put some things in front of it uh maybe maybe a seller maybe you do have a seller with a bunch of dirty you know boxes full of old paperwork or whatever and you put it behind those hey here's a question would you ever bury your silver i would i it wouldn't be my first option because i like to well also for me personally i like to pull it out i like to handle it and i like to show it pick it up i like to show it off on my youtube channel right right so you're not going to say hold on i got to go out back i'll be yeah dig my silver up let me go do some gardening real quick and then i can make my video yeah no so for me personally you know right now definitely no but um i i think it's not the worst place you could store it as long as it's a properly sealed container right there it is airtight watertight yes absolutely you gotta make sure you do that yep that's true all right it's not for me either but hey some people do it it's just don't forget where you dug and buried your silver and gold right and and while we're on the topic of you know security and all that i will mention as well you should not tell lots of people that you own silver and gold this this goes along with safely storing it you don't want a ton of people out there to know that you're stacking bullion because that puts a target on you so i you're absolutely right loose lips right you don't want that you want as few people to know as possible although i will say that there are some people that advocate having one other trusted friend family member or something that knows where right something happens to you right yeah maybe potentially split it up between them you got to be very careful i don't personally like that idea but i know there are those that advocate for that yeah and i would say if maybe you live in a apartment complex you know and your parents have a big house with a big gun safe you know that's in their hidden room or something it's like okay dad i'm gonna let you hold my coins so yeah maybe for someone that would be a good idea so anything else you want to add yankee on uh purchasing physical bullion and storing it do both [Laughter] no the i think we covered it and that was uh i think uh really hopefully very helpful for people that are watching this video absolutely uh that was a ton of fun if you do have any questions feel free to put those down below in the comments section i definitely want to thank you uh yankee for coming on this video with me i hope everyone has enjoyed the discussion and uh we'll see you next time on silver pros stack like a pro
Channel: Silver Dragons
Views: 129,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to buy silver, buy silver, buy silver 2021, buying silver, buying silver 2021, silver bullion, how to store silver, storing silver, how to store silver properly, how to store my silver bullion, silver bullion coins, silver bullion bars, silver stacking, silver stacking 2021, silver stacking tips, silver stacking mistakes, silver investing, investing in silver, silver investment, how to protect my silver investment, silver, silver coins, silver bars, hero bullion
Id: mVWGVgJer9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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