You NEED to Change these 6 BIOS Settings now! 👉 [Lasts Longer, Faster, + Quieter]

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so bios settings perhaps you've been afraid of BIOS you know it's a little bit of a scary thing to go in there change something what if you break something up will this break up your PC well there are six settings that you need to know how to change in BIOS especially if you are a Creator so I'm going to share these six tips with you and I'm going to show you actually how to do it and how to you know configure them as well my favorite is tip number five but uh let's show you the all licensing Windows is cheap and easy with hook and if you use the code tn20 you get an extra discount complete the purchase copy the key and paste it to the activation settings and you're all done also check out their Microsoft Office 19 license and use the same code tn20 for the extra discount check out in the video description below you've got your PC the PC is running one of the first things you need to know is how to get into the BIOS and that's it's quite simple all you have to do is go into restart the PC and once you have restarted uh just start hitting delete button and you should be getting into and that works on Intel AMD any of the platforms really that's like the default voila here we are now I am using a gigabyte B this is z690 aod this is one of the most confusing motherboards and biases that you can get gigabyte we need to sort them out I think that one of the newer motherboards they have a little bit of a better kind of a design in there Asus motherboards are very easy to understand but the same is with Intel and AMD motherboards whether you're running AMD or Intel both of them work similar and most of the tips actually work on both of the platforms as well so it doesn't matter whether you're using Intel or AMD tip number one is igpu and you might have heard that igpu gives you lots of performance as a Creator now you're going onto your task manager on Windows and you don't see Intel UHD 770 or Intel UHD something something in there it's just not there how do you find the igpu settings now first what I'm going to do is actually I'm going to load optimize defaults which means just reset every piece of setting on the bios so whether you're getting this or I'm getting this it would look the same to you one of the first things you notice is the fans are absolutely kicking off it's absolutely in insane how do you find the igpu setting then firstly most likely the bios has set the igpu to be off by default it's because most of the people use these PCS for gaming and for gaming the igpu is not going to be really giving you anything and you want to use your dedicated graphics but for creators that's a whole another story and we need that igpu but in gaming you know there might sometimes be an issue because you start to play on ipu instead of dedicated GPU and so on but the interesting thing is even Creator bot like this aod will have the igpu set off by default how is this a Creator motherboard I don't know and that's not just gigabyte that's all the other manufactur as well I'm looking at you Asus with the Pro ad now firstly we're going to go to settings there we go and then I believe it's IO ports and then we have internal Graphics here it's we just have to make sure that this is enabled it was actually enabled for me so maybe gigabyte has updated the BIOS and actually has this enable but make sure that is enabled as a Creator then your igpu will actually show up in Windows tip number two is XMP settings and lowering the ram speed now you might have got a really fast Ram kit like something C dominat titanium 8,000 megat transfers per second or something like that and you realize it's not actually running at 8,000 meah it's just too much so what what do we actually do so firstly we're going to go to the tweaker here and as you can see we have something called Extreme memory profile whichever Ram you're running most likely it will have an XMP or DC o or Expo profile whether you're on AMD XMP for Windows DC o or XO for AMD platforms now what we want to do is actually enable it we're just going to put xmp1 and you can see that's 5200 megatons per second and that's what we have from the actual manufacturer you know coming from the RAM sticks and we want that but sometimes the ram speed is too much and you're getting crashes so how do you lower the ram speed there's something called the system memory multiplier and on Asus you you'll see like ddr5 speed or something like that this is the most confusing way to get it but MSI ASO they're all exactly the same so now you can see that we can scroll down and you can see our 5200 megatrans is enabled there we could set it to 5,000 for example if it's too fast if it feels like you're getting crashes I'd recommend going down by 200 MZ if you're let's say 68,000 mahz and you realize I'm getting crashes try 66 then 64 if you're still getting crashes and so on until you find actually a good frequency that the IMC can run it's very important you know how to change these settings perhaps later on in your PC's lifetime when your PC and IMC is not the latest condition or the newest condition you might actually lose some of their Ram capabilities you might have to lower the ram speed so going lower is very important without actually losing all of the XMP settings you could take the XMP off but lowering the ram is actually still going to give you more performance but you just lower the ram speed there now for 5200 megatrans per second for me that's absolutely fine and I'm going to leave it at that now tip number three is the fan profile you need to know how to change the fan speed in BIOS and why I recommend doing it in BIOS not on Windows is because even if the software doesn't launch or crashes in Windows bios is like a subsystem that still will run the fan speeds at the right speeds so how do you find the fan you know settings in here the easiest way I can see here is smart fan 6 which is F6 as you can see when we can go there my fans are going very loud I'm not sure if you can hear them but you might find them somewhere else as well just going through the tabs you'll find something like that different manufacturers might call their fan settings something different like a q fan but we're going to go to F6 and voila we have the fan settings here's a few things that you can see what you can do and so on but I have a more detailed video about this where I'm going much more in depth how you can get a better performance and quieter performance and how to actually tune them and I'll go step by step how to tune this so I'm not going to make this video too long in this part of this but for tip three it's important that you know that you can and how to change the fan settings and fan speed in BIOS Ah that's much more peaceful fans are finally quieter a bonus little tip over here is saving bio settings now some people just go out and don't save the settings but knowing an F10 the key this will basically just save configuration and exit so we're just going to do that now once you press enter it's going to save the bio settings restart the PC and you're going to start to go into windows again unless you want to go back to bios hit that delete button now we're back in the Bios and as you can see there is an easy menu here as well what you can see and this is where you can actually enable the XMP and some of the main settings that you need on bios are just available in here as you can see XMP or Expo we can see in there and if you go to Advanced menu that is F2 so if you flick between F2 you can go to the more advanced settings and easy mod now tip number four is the MCE or power limit on Intel platform now you might be running Intel's 13th turn 12th CH any of the CPUs and your motherboard most likely is going to run Intel CPU out of its factory specs now is that bad not necessarily what this will give you is it's going to extract all the juice from the CPU as possible so when you're doing something like a multi-core rendering multi-core or multi-threaded workload that's very heavy the motherboard z790 z690 and some of the b660 b760 motherboards are pushing the CPU further than it's actually allowed so Intel says up to 253 Watts for example maximum you know power draw but the motherboard is pushing it past 300 W now you could leave it on but that will give you a little bit of more performance at much higher power consumption and much louder PC now is it worth it well I'm going to leave it up to you but knowing how to change these settings is very important and I'll show you how to do that so when we're in this gigabyte crazy complicated bios we're going to have to go to F2 one of the first things what you can see is enhanced multicore performance and what we have to do here is disable it because that is basically the multicore enhancments and pl1 and pl2 limits that's what this tries to push further now on Asus motherboards it's much easier because what you can see there is enforce all the limits which just means that all of the you know limits that Intel sets we're going to force these and don't let mother motherboards do anything else there in here what we also see in gigabyte bios is Turbo Power limits which is basically another one of those things that it should explain it should be a little bit better kind of understand what this means and as you can see this is auto Intel P which means basically Intel's defaults or enabled so if we're going to put enabled it's just going to try to push it a bit further but we're going to have to set Intel p r and then let's exit this and now we shouldn't have any extra power being pulled from the motherboard and the CPU well really only the CPU we shouldn't have any more power draw from the CPU as Intel Let's us do so here's how we can check that we go back to the windows what you want to do is open something like Hardware info 64 or xdu from Intel both of them will work and you can check that what the power limits are what's been pushed by the motherboard so here as you can see we've got the CPU 13700 K and the pl1 power limit and pl2 power limit are 253 wats which is what Intel has set for them and we're running Intel stock settings now so if you go and try to run something like the cinebench you'll see that the multicore performance is not going to go above 253 Watts as you can see here we're pulling 253 Watts 252 wats as you can see there if you got very good cooling for your PC just leave them you know enhanced and let's see what the motherboard does but if you find it a bit too loud or perhaps you need to limit a little bit of the cooler or you know your cooling isn't as good like even this one here it's not particularly awesome I'd probably limit those settings now tip number five and this is my favorite one and this works on all of the gigabyte z690 and z790 motherboards this is a little bit of a trick that U not a lot of people know that you can do we all know that the 14900 K finally runs 6 GHz out of the box but what if I told you that you're 13 700k 13 900k Even 14 600k perhaps sometimes maybe possibly and 14700 K can run 6 GHz on gigabyte motherboards especially this one I've got a whole dedicated video of this on the channel available but I'll just show you how to enable it and basically your CPU can run 6 gz if you want to know how much is the difference and will it work go check out the other video here we are in advanced mode CPU upgrade and we're going to press instant 6 GHz okay our Li power limits are still the same but a single Core Power or the speed now can go up to 6 GHz so we're just going to press save and we'll go back to bios and see if we can get 6 GHz on this 13700 K and voila look at that we've got Hardware info open here and you can see core clock speeds we've gone Max 5998 so that is 6 GHz on these two cores what is it P Core 5 and p 4 they are the best cores for me and they go to 5.9 as you can see all that actually 6 GHz I'm going to leave this open so we can check them a little bit later because I believe it's going to hit 60 as well bang on but now the last tip and the last tip is updating your bios now you might think I don't want to update my BIOS but there are a few things why you need to update your bios or why you want to update your bios especially if you're going with a new CPU or if you get new Ram or you want your RAM to be a bit more stable perhaps maybe your current Ram profile is actually getting a bit more crashes or something like that or updating the BIOS can fix that or have a little bit more stable settings and things like that in there how do you even go about updating your bios now all you have to do is go to Google and search your motherboard's name so the motherboard you have I've got gigabyte set 690 erod D and here is our motherboard page in here or in any of the other motherboard manufacturers well locate a support tab where we can find something and underneath here there might be some CP manuals and qvl list memory support list here for example all you want to do is find bios on gigabyte you have to scroll down a little bit and there's bios in here and we scroll back up and you can see that underneath this bios menu we've got different versions of BIOS and here's the latest version of the BIOS which is F28 uh and all you have to do now is just download this hit download and it's just going to go into your download folder you can see here I've already downloaded it all you have to do is extract all and then it will ex ract it in here and once you've got this open Motherboard BIOS z690 aod d as you can see here there's only one file that we really need which is this one here this F28 file or you can see it's the file that has the highest capacity or the largest file we're going to copy that file and then you need something like this a USB stick stick it in the back of your PC and we're going to paste it onto the memory stick now we have to restart again and go into the BIOS now before you update your Motherboard BIOS it's very helpful if you saved those bio settings all that you've configured already into disk or something like that so in here we can see save profiles we're going to save this go to profile one we're going to name it TN profile one I'm going to press okay profile saved let's have a look as you can see we've got profile there okay once they are saved and you can actually save them onto your USB stick or something like that once your bio settings are saved you can move on but you can also save your bios to USB stick so that's maybe even better if you want to do that okay I've realized that my memory stick might not be the correct format that's supported in here so all we have to do now is pick up a different USB stick I'm going to take a different USB stick if one USB stick doesn't work for you you might want to check another USB stick I'm going to take the same bios as you can see see a second USB stick is fat 32 file system which means that that's maybe what this bios likes okay here we are if I'm going to go to f8 as you can see we've got we've got this here now as well so let me see if I pull this out and just change the different as you can see it's got to be fat 32 well we can see that here and now when we got fat 32 actually I want to show you something else as well so when you want to save your profile files just in case we're just going to save it also onto the USB stick here we're going to name it TN bio settings okay profile saved so it's on the memory stick now as well f8 we're going to go to Q flash hit enter and then underneath here we're going to choose our USB drive and you can see that this is the file that we want to run we're going to press enter again are you sure you want to update the BIOS as you can see or remember I as you remember ours was F28 and this is f23 so we are updating quite a few bioses I'm just going to press okay and then now it's going to verify the file and then update the bias very important thing here is do not touch the computer in a way of losing power so we're just going to press that make computer the system is going to shut down Q flash will continue after restart so now the computer is going to do its thing just leave it be and do not not turn on or off the power because that's going to be bad there we go we're back online and as you can hear our fans are going so loud again why well because we update the BIOS and none of the settings actually changed so as you can see our igpu is still on so I have to apologize gigabyte you probably have it uh enabled by default on this Creator motherboard but we're going to have to go back to the BIOS because all our profiles and all the things that we just did aren't working anymore but remember we saved our settings that's what we want to load now goodness me these fans ramp up so loud voila look at that even the design changed now look at that I don't even know if we can load the same settings look at that gigabyte has changed their bios let me go to [Music] oh now first thing what I want to do is we're going to go here uh load profiles and as you can see there is no you know settings saved let's see save profiles as you can see they're all empty as well because we updated the BIOS it wipes all the saved settings there good job we put them actually on the motherboard on the USB stick as you can see we are going here TN bio settings and we're going to press okay profile loaded can you hear that fan profile has come down even though our bios uh what it looks like has changed we actually have everything enabled let's have a look although the xmb profile as you can see that is not on so we're going to have to check that if we can put tweaker CPU upgrade as you can see it only updated our fan profile none of the other bits actually got updated instant 6 GHz enhanced multicore performance I'm going to leave it on auto just to see what happens okay and extreme memory profile yes we want the xmp1 on and then we're going to press F10 save configuration and yes good job that you actually saved your bios profile to the motherboard especially if you spent ages doing the fan profile this is an extra tip for you to really keep and remember is when you're doing your fan profile save the BIOS profile into your memory stick update it or save it to your Google drive or something like that because next time you update your bios to get a little bit more stable performance or just stable overall performance all sorts of things you're actually not going to just have to do all of that work again especially if you haven't changed any of the fans or any of the iio or any of the calling in your system now hopefully these tips were helpful for you especially as a Creator when bio seems to a little bit scary now if you have any specific questions for me I'm going to leave m in the description below reach out to me in there I'll get back to 100% of the messages in there if you tried reaching out to me on email or DMs I probably can't get back to all of the messages in there and your message gets missed but M always gets priority in my workflow and if you like to build yourself the best bank for ball creative PC then there's some build guides in the description below go check them out right now especially because the prices now have fallen a little bit and you can get even more for your money or the budget is actually cheaper than what you can get in there perhaps you can allow yourself some more upgrades thanks guys for watching and I'll see you soon bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Tech Notice
Views: 29,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech notice, best tech, bios settings, best bios settings, tips for bios settings, you need to change these BIOS Settings, bios settings explained, bios settings you should change, changing bios settings, how to enter into bios, step by step, how to update BIOS, bios, bios key, how to build a pc, setup, enter bios, how to configure bios
Id: 1-7E3Je6qhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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