Stop Microsoft from getting your data!

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are we really supposed to believe that after disabling all the privacy settings within windows that it actually stops Microsoft from tracking and spying on our Windows computer yeah no so I'm going to show you two methods that you should use that will stop your computer from leaking data method number one has been around forever and it's an absolute favorite tool that many of us use and it's free and of course I'm talking about the famous on and O shut up 10+ plus and yes it does work on Windows 10 and windows 11 the nice thing is that this tool requires no actual installation you just download it and run it as a utility now whenever we download anything from the internet we want to make sure it's the official website I will have a link to that below I also like to run it through something called virus total to make sure it's a legitimate version with no issue and nothing funny hiding inside now that I know it's clean let's go through it and this is what it looks like and the interface is pretty straightforward top side you're going to see something called current user which is the user that's logged in or local machine which is basically the settings for this entire computer so let's go to the current user and I get a whole bunch of options and then if you don't know what anything is simply click on it and a little popup window opens and explains what that option is and the best thing is that you can make it based on your own personal preference what I would like disabled you may want to have enabled so it's really down to you now on the right hand side it's got a little recommended where they suggest whether you should enable or disable it and if you're going to make any changes the first time you do this it's going to say look let's make a restore point just in case something goes horribly wrong now there's a lot of stuff here and the more you go down this you'll see just how much this tool actually exposes and just how much more control you actually have on the stuff that's running on your computer all right let's go actually make a change just so can show you what that looks like so under the taskbar let's just say I want to disable the search box in my taskbar so I'm going to switch that on oh it's also worth mentioning you can go into file you can export the settings and you can go to the actions and you can say automatically apply only the recommended or you can say recommended and somewhat recommended settings or apply all settings and you have the option to undo everything you've just done so this is nice and safe all right so now we close down this little utility and it says look heads up that may be an Windows update that invalidates everything that you've just done so just a heads up you may need to run this again and again after every update and some of the settings that we've chose to do will actually require a restart of windows so let's go ahead and do that quickly just so we can see what that looks like and now logging back into the machine and you can see my search is actually gone in my taskbar completely disappeared now let's see we want to bring it all back so let's go back into our little utility all we have to do is double click on it and it will simply pop that utility open now under actions I simply go to the option says undo all changes and it says yep it's going to undo them do you want to make another restore point I'm not going to do that at this stage and now all settings have been reset so a quick reboot later let's log in remember we got rid of the search in the taskbar and voila it is now back okay so now that we spend some time going through the various settings and enabling and disabling what is good for you let me show you another method to make sure that no data is leaking from your computer and the best way to do that is to stop the DNS to Microsoft what does that mean well we know whenever we go to any website like the computer has no idea where that is so it needs to look up the IP address of Google and it does this by using a system called DNS DNS is like the phone book of the internet you looks up it comes back and says here is the IP address and then off your browser goes to so why is this even remotely interesting and what is that going to do with Microsoft and our data well what happens if we can control the IP address in other words what happens if we tell our computer look computer whenever you're trying to send something to to Microsoft systems don't bother looking it up in the DNS you're going to use the IP address that I give you and we're certainly not going to give the right IP address which means that our computer cannot reach Microsoft systems and if it cannot reach their systems it cannot send them our data and this is super exciting because we get control and it sounds complicated but it really isn't let me show you how to do this okay let's fire up your file explorer click on your local C you'll see Windows folder we want to double click on that then we want to scroll down until we see system 32 double click on that and we're going to scroll down and we're going to see something called drivers we want to double click on that and then at the top you're going to have etc etc we want to double click on that and this is where we're going to be playing so we will interested in the file called hosts well before we do anything I want to right click on hosts I'm going to go down to copy I'm then going to right click anywhere and press on paste because we want to make sure that we have a backup before we do anything backups are important now I like to right click on the file I like to rename it so I have host Das backup so now I know exactly what that is okay now that we've got that out the way let's see what it actually looks like so we're going to right click on the host file we're going to click on open with and we're going to choose Notepad and click okay and this is the text file that you'll see is how this file works so we have a website and the website is that domain and now we're saying don't look it up on the internet here is the IP address I want to go to whenever we look up that website here is a different website don't look it up either on the internet rather use this IP address that I have don't bother with the DNS use what I am telling you okay now that we got the file open I'm going to tell my computer not to look up the correct IP address from my website the Tey but instead use a different address so you can see what happens we're going to take the host file and we're going to drag it onto the desktop and it's going to say hey we need permission to move it yes that's fine move the D file now that the file is actually on our desktop same thing click on it click on notepad open it up I'm going to put it 0.0.0 0 and then I'm going to say well what's the website address that needs to go to this IP address well let's put him in my domain the techy so now remember what we're saying is whenever somebody looks up the techy on this computer forget the DNS just go to this IP address okay now that that is in let's go and save this file now we're going to click on file we're going to click on Save now that it's saved we simply drag get straight back in to the right location and click on continue and just to double check let's open up notepad and there it is saved in the right location with the techy and that IP address in the right folder so what does this mean well let's open up a web browser go to the techy and press enter and look at that the site cannot be reached we have successfully taken over the IP address and sent it to nowhere and just to show you that everything else indeed still works there's there is so everything else still works so now that you've seen how to block it for one domain our next step in our master plan is to block all of Microsoft stuff and successfully take over those IP addresses so it nothing leaves our computer let me show you how to do that next the computer has no idea what 0.0.0 is so it stops dead okay so now what we're going to do is not block my website thank you very much but what you're going to do is block all of the various Microsoft Telemetry and other nonsense stuff so it doesn't get to Microsoft and in order to do that you need to know all the domains that Microsoft uses but don't worry I have an entire list for you right same as before we're going to take the host file we're going to drag it out of that particular folder that's protected onto our desktop and now we're going to open up that file right click on it open with notepad or just just double click and open with notepad there is the techy gu stuff let's remove that and now let's go grab a list of all the services that Microsoft uses all the DNS entry that Microsoft uses from our system we're going to find all their host entry and thankfully we don't have to know what they are because someone has done all the hard work for us the link to this particular thing will be in the description of this video and here we go we have a full list the things that blocks Microsoft or office native broadband tracker that tracks your activity and you can see that this was last modified on the 17th of May 2024 so this does actually get updated pretty regularly and look at those Telemetry entries for offers for Windows for all of the stuff is sending data from your computer elsewhere we're going to select that entire list and we're going to right click on that list and we're going to click on copy now what we want to do is open up the host file and simp simp L paste it and now we've got this massive host file so click on file and click on Save before we head out let's go find a random domain in here we're going just copy that we're going to test it in our browser now that it's saved we're going to drag it straight back into the same folder that we have been doing all along and now let's fire up a web browser make sure everything else works so there's the techy guy works again there is there is so there everything else Works let's paste in that domain that I took out of that that host file and it is now blocked so my computer could be trying to send the data but it's not going anywhere let's go find another random domain that's in here let's copy that js. monitor. paste it in there and again also blocked and just like that using this method we have stopped all those services from getting our data because their IP address is simply not going anywhere but what happens if you change your mind and you want to undo all of this don't worry super simple as well if for whatever reason you want to undo everything we've just done you can either open up the host file and go remove all those entries or you can simply delete the host file because we made a copy of it now simply right click on the host Dash backup rename it get rid of everything except for the word host and you're back to normal now at this stage so many people are sick and tired of having to constantly find all these work arounds Microsoft so check out this video right over here about switching to Linux from Windows and before you roll your eyes watch this video first and you'll be pleasantly surprised but before you head out make sure you give the video a quick thumbs up and I'll see you in that video Let's Go
Channel: Liron Segev
Views: 108,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: liron segev, the techie guy, block microsoft, stop microsoft spying, windows 10, windows 11, windows 10 spying, how to stop microsoft spying on you, privacy, security
Id: 9UxogkkxhoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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