You NEED a Website Now!! How to Create a Website for Free

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you need a website right now I don't care how old you are where you are in life what you do you need to start building websites as soon as possible for many many reasons and we'll dive into those in this video I was surprised because a lot of you guys actually don't have websites I surveyed my Instagram audience and 62 of you guys did not have a website my audience is mostly entrepreneurs so I guess not for the general population at least 80 90 of you guys don't have websites you guys are leaving a lot of opportunity on the table so hopefully this video can inspire you guys to go ahead and create your first website for free so here's what we're going to cover in this video first we'll go over the reasons why you need a website right now too is I'll show you how to build a completely free website and three is I'll show you how to build a website with a little bit of money let's get started with the video so you're probably wondering why do I need a website if I don't currently have a business I'm more just like an everyday person right well that's a great question and the first reason why is because you want more opportunities I know everyone watching this video you don't want to live a normal life you want to excel you want to make more money you want to find a better job whatever it is having a website is going to help you with that there are opportunities floating everywhere the only thing you need to do is actually capture them one way to do that is with a website the things that if people don't know who you are if they aren't able to find more information about yourself this removes a lot of potential opportunities from your life it's going to be hiring opportunities new business opportunities really the list is endless so if you yourself are out of sight then that also means that you're out of mind I learned early on that marketing is super super important I lost 20 25 000 on one of my first businesses and that's just basically because I did not Market correctly so ever since then I told myself Charlie you need to Market like crazy and the biggest marketing tool that everyone has access to is having a website two is you need to separate yourself from the pack right especially if you guys are trying to find a cool job if you're trying to freelance whatever it is people need to be able to find you and they need to be able to learn more about you and your services imagine you're trying to find a job and you submit a resume just like the hundreds or thousands of other people that did so as well in this case there's nothing really separating yourself from all those other applicants but the easiest way to stand out is with a website this is why I recommend anyone that's trying to find a job or anyone that's trying to build income sources online you should have some type of website showing off your skills and your portfolio I'm way more likely to hire someone that has a website versus someone that does not I think most employers are the same also if you're trying to create ugc content for other people if you're trying to start a lawn mowing business if you're trying to build websites for other people whatever service it is you need to have some type of portfolio website this will drastically increase the chances of you actually being found and someone choosing to hire you versus someone else so I always say if you can create an advantage you might as well create it learn how to build websites is also a super high value skill this is something that you guys can actually do for other people and the earlier you start learning how to build a website the better I started making websites when I was like 10 years old to this day I've made probably 20 30 different websites and I really create this skill to helping me make money online you also probably have some hobbies and if you don't yet have a Blog documenting those Hobbies I really think you are missing out one of my favorite things to do when I was younger was to actually document my hobbies through a website so if you like playing music you might as well have a Blog if you enjoy collecting certain things you might as well document that documenting your life is such a cool thing that's why I always think that everyone should have some type of blog or something like that so yeah as you guys can see a statement that I will die by is that everyone needs to have a website it'll greatly enhance the quality and growth in your life and I'm the perfect example of someone that benefited from creating websites early on in my life okay so now that we've got that out of the way I'm actually going to show you guys how to create your first free website like I mentioned earlier there's gonna be two options in this video there's the free website which is completely free or there's the paid version which is just a couple dollars per month for most of you guys I do recommend going with the paid one it's literally under three dollars a month and the benefits you get with this plan just make a lot of sense so you guys will see in just a second okay so if you guys click on the link down below it's going to take you to zero zero zero web host this is a free website builder powered by hostinger and what we'll do is come here and click get started so as you guys can see they have a few different plans they have the free web hosting which is what we'll be using but they also have some upgrade plans and these are the ones that I recommend as you guys see with the free web hosting this might be good enough for some of you guys starting out you guys can create one website you get 300 megabytes of storage you get three gigabytes of bandwidth which is just okay you don't get an email account and there's no support so yeah if you don't want to spend any money this is going to be the choice for you but if you guys do want to get the premium shared hosting this is under three dollars a month and if you guys use code Charlie Chang it's going to make it even cheaper here you can build a hundred different websites so you can literally just get this one plan and build multiple websites you get 100 gigabytes of storage unlimited bandwidth 100 email accounts support so if something breaks you guys can contact them my favorite thing is you get a free domain which I think is completely necessary for any website the bad thing about the free web hosting is that it does not come with a domain so you need to buy that separately but yeah that is is included in this plan right here I made tons of videos talking about this plan it's what I recommend for most of you guys watching this video the whole setup process is super super easy you'll create your accounts enter in code Charlie Chang at checkout install WordPress or the include website builder and be able to create a great looking website in under one hour yeah for now let's start with the free web hosting and see if this makes sense for you so what I'll do is I'll click free sign up right here and it's going to take me to create an account I'll click sign up right here so now we're in our dashboard what we're going to do is Click create a new website we'll choose our website type so in this video I'm gonna go with the WordPress website we'll put in a name password and we'll click create now we'll set our username and password this is going to be our domain name and select our language cool now we'll click install and this is going to actually install WordPress on your website now we're in our dashboard and what we're going to do is come here and click on the website so this is basically what our website looks like as you guys can see super simple nothing really much on it what we're not going to do is come here to the URL we're going to type in slash WP Dash admin just like that click enter that's going to bring us to our login page so we're going to enter in the login information we created earlier click login and this is going to take us to our dashboard now this is not going to be a full tutorial on how to build a website on WordPress that would take a long time and I have a ton of other videos that show you guys how to do that WordPress is a little bit complicated if you're a beginner it might take you guys some time to learn how to use it essentially you can create posts right here we can install different plugins I do recommend plugins such as Elementor that's a great one to actually build your website yeah again I'm not going to dive too much into WordPress in this video now if you are down to spend a little bit of money and I really mean like just a little bit of money you can get a far better experience building your website it's going to look a lot more professional and you can use that same plan to build up to a hundred different websites so for 99 of you guys watching this that's just the one that I recommend that's what I personally use and I think it is the best deal in the world so if you click on the link down below it's Charlie Chang it's going to take you to this exact landing page and what we're going to do is Click claim deal so for most of you guys watching this video premium is going to be the one to choose you probably don't need business you also probably do not need Cloud startup so what we'll do is we'll click this add to cart as you guys can see this allows you to build 100 different websites you get customer support you get the free SSL certificate which is important free backup you get your free domain and my favorite thing is that actually includes hostinger's website builder which is way easier to use in my opinion than WordPress you guys can choose to do 12 24 or 48 months I do not recommend getting the one month since it's a lot more expensive so yeah just for this video we'll go with the 12 month one and we'll click continue you'll enter in your account information here and the most important thing you guys is you'll come here you'll click have a coupon code and you're going to enter in Charlie Chang so we'll click apply and so as you guys can see it made it even cheaper definitely don't forget the step because yeah I want you guys to save as much money as you can after that you'll enter in your credit card information and click submit secure payment okay so now I'm in my hostinger dashboard and what we're going to do is come here to setup and you'll find your premium web hosting right here and we'll click setup we'll click Start now we'll click create a new website you guys can choose to use WordPress or you guys can use the hosting or website builder which is what I actually recommend so we'll click select next we can actually claim our free domain so this is really awesome it comes include with the plan we'll click select we'll enter in our desired domain let's go with Charlie Chang web portfolio and let's see if this is available it's available that's awesome we'll click continue we'll register our domain and click finish registration see that's awesome that means you basically have a cool domain won't be that lane domain that came with the free web hosting doesn't actually have your name or whatever you want in it so now we have the option of actually creating our website using AI or we can use their pre-made templates so this is really up to you guys but for this video I'll show you guys how to use their pre-made templates so click on this and you guys can see hostinger comes with a lot of really really awesome looking templates included what I recommend doing is just scroll through here see what resonates with you and the type of website you're trying to create you guys can choose by different categories so let's say you're trying to create a resume page we can click on that support folio templates as well if you want to make a travel website you guys can do that if you want to offer a service they have a service category yeah let's just go with resume just because it's pretty easy I'll choose one that I like let's go with this one so we'll click Start building yeah this is the hostinger website builder I'll just quickly show you guys how to use it it is super super easy it's basically drag and drop so if I want to change this text for example I'll click on it I can change this to my name we can also change the font we can change the text color the size all the stuff here if you want to change this image what we can do is click here change image and we'll be able to select basically what I'll do is upload an image they also have free images that you guys can choose as well yeah for now I'll just leave that as is anything you see you can easily change it just by clicking on it we can click edit text right just like this here we can change the text right here we can add different sections if you want by clicking add section we can choose to insert a gallery we can put a contact form images even your Instagram feed if you guys do want to delete a session it's very easy we'll just click this delete button and yeah as you guys can see this is a great looking website already all you basically need to do is change the text some of the images and you should have a super professional looking website that's why I recommend just using the hostinger website builder for most of you guys it's going to make the website building process way faster and way more simple we can also add different elements so for example if you want to add a button what we can do is drag this over here like I said earlier it's drag and drop so it's really really easy to use we can add this button change the link it goes to all that stuff we can change the website Styles I just recommend using the ones that are pre-built since all the colors are matched professionally we can start a blog really easily by clicking start a blog and if you even want to build an online store they also have that functionality as well so once you're done building your website I do recommend looking at the mobile version just to make sure it looks good as you guys can see this button we added earlier needs to be changed a little bit but yeah if you don't change too much it's going to look great and what we'll do is we'll click save and once you're ready to actually go live you'll click go live that's going to publish website and that means other people can actually you know see your website so in just a few minutes I create a website you guys can do the exact same thing too if you started watching this video thinking okay building websites is super difficult I don't know how to do it as you guys can see I just showed you it's super easy nowadays they have professionally made templates that are all included with hostinger and so you really don't need any website building skills at all that's part is I can make a hundred of these different websites and that's all include for free with my plan anyways that's going to be it for this video I really hope this shed some light on how easy it is to build websites and just how important they are for literally anyone that's why I'm so big on these statements you need to start a website right now if you don't you're truly missing out and luckily hostinger is super super affordable I absolutely love them and again the link is gonna be down below and when you go through checkout make sure to use code Charlie Chang for an even bigger exclusive discount start learning how to build websites start building your online presence I have multiple websites myself and I've been a crucial part of my life that is it for this video If you guys enjoyed it make sure to hit that like button and also subscribe for more content just like this I'm making ton of videos about personal finance entrepreneurship and investing yeah really my whole goal is to help you guys live financially successful lives thank you so much for your time and I'll see you in the next video peace [Music] foreign
Channel: Charlie Chang
Views: 201,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to website, create a website, how to create a website for free, free website tutorial, make a free website, cheap way to make website, hostinger, best website builder, how do i make a website for free, no cost website, tutorial, step by step, 000webhost, how to make a website, free web hosting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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