How to Create a BLOG - Part 1 (Hostinger Website Builder Tutorial)

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel my name is Maro and I teach creative people how to sell their Art online and today we are going to be learning how to create a blog using the hostinger website builder as you can see from the title of this video this is part one of two parts in this part we will be setting up the blog and creating basically the pages from start to finish the layout and everything and in the second part I'm actually going to be writing some blog posts and designing them like with the photos and the text and everything now while this is a technical tutorial and the majority of it is going to be done with uh you seeing my screen and not me I would like to get started by getting a few questions out of the way first because I know that a lot of people always ask that and might ask that in the comments below let's start with what is hostinger Builder so hostinger Builder is a CMS a Content management system as CMS allows people who are not tech people developers to basically create their own website without using Code you probably already know other cms's like Shopify Squarespace weeks WordPress and while Shopify weeks in Squarespace are closed environment cms's WordPress is an open source that means that Shopify weeks in Squarespace only work when hosted on those platforms the technology will only work when hosted there and the WordPress technology is going to work no matter where you host it there was a full blog post on the newsletter explaining this whole CMS open source versus and I will leave a link to that one down below because I feel like a lot of times this is a little bit of information that is missing for people to understand whether you're going to do your blog with hostinger or do a shop with Shopify hostinger Builder is a closed environment CMS which means it's only working on hostinger the reason why I'm recommending it a lot is because hostinger is my favorite hosting service so it doesn't matter if I'm going to have a hostinger design website or WordPress they're going to both be hosted on hostinger so in simple words again last if you want to use the hosting or website builder you're going to have to use it on hostinger the second question is why actually use hostinger builder for your blog out of all the cms's that I've checked all of them hosting or Builder looks like the easiest one to start with as someone who is a complete beginner if you consider also the cost because WordPress is considered I think the most Hightech Squarespace I think is considered the easiest to start with but it's like $12 a month to start with Squarespace so if you consider the cost hosting or Builder is the cheapest because you can get hosting plans from like I don't know three4 doll a month depending on the hosting plan and we will be discussing that when we move to my screen I'm going to share the information about the hosting plans with you and which kind of Hosting plan you will need if you want to create a blog so when it comes to cost and effort hostinger takes the winner if you look at both of these at the same time hostinger Builder also has a built-in AI writer like for text and I think that's kind of cool even though I don't think you should look at that text and like create text with AI and just leave it like that I think it's a great way to start your blog post and get used to writing especially if you haven't done blogging before getting this initial layout is a really big bonus and it's already there you don't have to go to chat GPT or to copy AI it's like literally already there now the process with hostinger builder of setting up Pages blog posts categories is different than any other platform and I think every platform is a little bit different with that and if you're coming with knowledge from another CMS I really think you should pay close attention because things can be a little bit different here I actually submitted a couple of support tickets as as I was learning the system it's why it took me so long to create a really good video about how to blog using hostinger coming from over a decade of Wordpress and expecting things to have a certain logic to them and that logic is completely different with hostinger so pay attention to process and I hope that I will cover everything now because this is a part one and a part two so the part two will be to show how to actually create the blog posts themselves like how to write them down if there is something that you think I didn't cover in the part one please let me know in the comments of this video so I'll make sure to mention it in the other one let's move on to the actual meat of the video my screen where I will be showing you how to build your blog from start to finish from getting your hosting plan how how to choose your hosting plan and then literally building the website using a template how to create those pages the blog feed and all that I will stop talking and move to my screen but for that for those of you who know me I need to do my magic trick first and that's so the first thing that you need to do if you want to have hostinger website builder is get hostinger if you guys already have a hostinger maybe skip a few steps but this is a quick overview about their plans and there is somewhat of a difference between the premium and the business and I'm going to go over that quickly I don't think a lot of people needs the cloud startup but you can also go and look at that I'm going to go over the differences mostly when we're talking about the hostinger Builder and there will be some differences when it comes to Ai and things like that so between the premium and the business and this is the price if you get this longterm and as you can see it renews for $9 a month if I'm going to add this to my cart you will see that the price is different on how long I'm taking it so if I'm taking it for 48 months it's $4 a month that means that for $4 a month you get everything that we're going to specify it's up to 100 domains and then it rises up to nine and renews a nine you can also take it for two years or for one year the longer you take your plan the better it is and of course we have a discount for viewers of this channel on top of this discount of 10% there is a link to that down below let's look at the differences between the premium and the business and again these are the four-year plan they're a little bit higher when they're for less time we have standard performance increased performance I'm guessing that's the speed of the website both of these you get up to 100 websites and this is the maximum amount of websites you can have hosted on this specific hosting plan so let's say you have a website and then you want to make another one and another one and another one all you do is buy another domain you don't buy another hosting plan so this price is for hosting up until 100 website and then we have the gigabyte of storage which is basically how much space your website takes so if you have a website that have 4,000 posts most likely you won't be able to have 100 websites because you'll run out of storage which is double on the business plan the Premium plan backups weekly so if you mess something up you go back a week or to the last day that it was backed up this is daily backups so if I started my day I did something I did something bad with a website I can just go back to the backup of the day before this is also true for WordPress by the way which is a very useful tool unlimited free SSL which means that every domain that you're going to get will have that https you can install an SSL without paying for it for a lot of Hosting services says you pay each time you want to have an SSL and sometimes it's even a yearly payment free email free domain free domain goes once not 100 domains and you get free CDN which is the content delivery Network it optimizes your website speed and you can read more about it here you don't have a dedicated IP address you don't need one if you want to have a managed WordPress that is something that they do I don't recommend having a managed WordPress even if you do have WordPress I'm going to skip this part it's also not relevant for what we have now which is the hosting or Builder let's look at the differences between the hosting or Builder so in both plans the premium and the business you get the drag and drop website builder AI we website creation so you can create the website using an AI tool 150 designer craft templates there are a lot of templates of hostinger you can integrate with Google analytics and you have marketing Integrations which are Google tag manager Facebook pixel and so on and so on but what you get with this plan the business plan that you do not get in the premium where was I here is AI copywriting tool you can literally write everything using AI when you are on the blog itself when you're on your website itself I personally don't recommend using that tool as is I recommend editing but it's really good for the initial layout AI heat Maps it means where do people go on my website AI SEO tools e-commerce mer features which you do not have with the main one and e-commerce means you can sell things yourself now let's talk about that because you're not going to be able to integrate this with print on demand what you will be able to do is upload products of your own and digital downloads or upload print and amand products that you're going to manually order following that so with this plan you have up to 500 products to create you have a 0% transaction fee and 20 plus payment methods there are a lot of other differences a lot more a lot more but this is generally the plan that I recommend people to start with if they want to grow if they want to have a good uh memory space for multiple websites and have all the tools of the hostinger website builder basically you add this to cart you follow along and you add your free domain to the process I recommend to start from here and then you get to the point where it asks you for a free domain and I have a full video that I made about how to find a good domain how to name your website and I will leave a link to that one down below as well however since I already have multiple hosting plans and multiple domains I'm not going to be buying those I'm going to go directly to my websites which this is how your dashboard looks so you have home website hosting email domains VPS and billing all of your websites that you built whether they're on the same hosting plan on a different hosting plan all in hostinger of course whether they're WordPress or hostinger website builder they're all going to be under websites I'm going to show you real quick how to do two things in case you've already started which is let's say you've already started and you have a website built with WordPress and you decide that WordPress isn't for you and you want to switch to the website builder for example I'm currently building it on WordPress if I want to switch literally here see those three dots change to hosting or Builder once you do that everything you've done on WordPress is gone you're basically erasing a website and starting it again so make sure that if you have content there that you want to copy that you do that and if you've already started with hosting your website builder and you've done something wrong and you want to start completely from scratch for example with this website that is called quinja you just click here and you can change template so I'm going to start with that because I've already played around with the template and I want to show you how to get things started from scratch obviously so let's click on change template and I understand that this will be deleting the previous content and change now we're arriving to the point where you will arrive if you've just purchased things from scratch and you're getting into the hosting or website builder and here we have multiple themes templates basically for your website that you can choose from you can also try the AI website builder I will leave a link down below to the AI website builder because there was a full video just about that but for the sake of this video I just want to go to a Blog template Okay so we've selected the blog category to see things that are specific for blogging even though every possible template here will be able to have a Blog in it I've actually already tried this one a few times and I don't really like yet uh let's look at Alicia you click here on preview and this is how basically your website is going to immediately look like if you choose this theme including all the information in it and you just have to change and add on to it so the main page is nice there is like the very short word I think it's like a personal blog and there is a link to read the blog that goes into the blog page let's go back to the main page and the story of a young mom's life with photos latest posts we can delete all of these obviously but it's really nice to start with a template that already looks kind of like what you want the blog page would look like this same as the category Pages the about page would look like this and there is a contact page okay let's go back we have let's like have a look at this one maredo a simple yet more meaningful life oh I actually like that it relates to the topic that I wanted to choose for the demonstration of this video so it works well I guess let's look at the blog as you can see like there the difference here that there was no like big title in the middle just as blog Gallery which is just photos maybe you'd want to use that about it's about minimalism of course and with everything you can also view how it's going to look on mobile so main page and your blog feed I actually kind of like this template it's very clean let's try another one before I'm committed to this one committed I will change it in a minute um let's have a look at this one I don't even remember what it was called THS okay um it looks like the blog is like the main page but there are other things here follow on Instagram there's a shop I think I ra to go with something that doesn't have a shop right now so it's either Alicia or let's go with that maretto thing select template and it's thinking this is how fast this was this is already quinja it now if I log into I might see the previous one oh no it's already uploaded I was going to tell you I'm going to see the previous version because my computer probably cached it like the the browser probably remembers the previous one but no this is already what's in this is how fast it was for those of you coming from WordPress that have to install the demo version and everything this is like the fastest thing ever it's already published it's already live and you can complete more steps by following this guide or by following mine now that we have a theme I want us to get acquainted with this dashboard uh whether it's the first time that you're looking at hosting your website builder whether you're coming from WordPress because things are different than WordPress and Shopify and Squarespace and all of these or whether you're already used to this but you probably missed something along the way we have the site setup checklist that you can decide to set up if you want you can follow that checklist you can add an element now when I'm adding an element that means on the page that I'm in so I'm currently on the homepage if I click on ADD element I can add buttons add to bag this is not a shop currently a video gallery of images an image a shape map Instagram feed social icons etc etc this works on the page itself which by the way is a drag and drop system so I can just move everything like that if I want to then we have pages and navigations which is basically T the menu that we have here so in the menu we have blog Gallery about contact which is this arranged here there are also other pages that you might have that are not currently in the navigation in this case the homepage is not in navigation if I want the homepage to be in navigation I just drop it here that's pretty much it here I can add a page I can add a new dropdown which means for example let's edit this rename something your collections I don't know and here under this you can add things under it so if I'm adding the contact to the drop down drop it here come on thank you now it will look like this don't want that I'm going to move it away and I'm going to delete this thank you and I can add a link so I can add an external link to appear on my menu so for example the name would be official shop and the link will go to I don't know a shop this can go to multiple shops let's send it to M drive just for the fun of it open in a new tab save and this will immediately take people let's update website refresh if I click here it automatically opens in a new tab let's go back and add a page will add a new page we're going to do it in a second when when we get to the blogging part here I have website Styles these are currently the colors that are in the website this is the font that is for the website and we can choose other ones now for example this one is the same font for the header like the headings and the paragraph text they're both used cabin and if I choose this one they will both use popins but prosto one will change all the headings into that prosto one with the paragraph text to a different font we have prompt and lto grouo and monster at actually this is pretty I'm going to keep this one this is the three options you have for your buttons If you want to have like a shop now read more stuff like that you can check this one or this one or this one and work on animations that will apply to everything in your website which means let's choose scale let's update website everything is popping at me every single thing all the time this is a feature I actually don't like I really don't like that let's go back to the homepage to edit it I really don't like that the animation is for everything I prefer to choose no animations because you can animate the pages yourselves or again if you like this part it's awesome colors you can change colors for example everything that has this color of black change it to this is it on the main page somewhere it says it's used 46 times not really sure I'm seeing it let's see if it's in the blog no I still can't find it edit post I don't see this here H oh I haven't changed it oh May except thank you oh look it changed everything here and here so now that I know what it does let me maybe make it blue and of course this all goes based on the colors of your existing project if you already have colors it also changed everything I mean look so everything is blue now I don't think I like that I'm going to change it black back to like let's do it back to black or some kind of black yeah here you can edit again colors fonts buttons and animation by the way I don't know if you noticed but see what happened here the text moved because I changed the font I'm clicking on command Z I can maybe stretch it here so it's not going to look weird okay AI tools I can generate an image I can write a paragraph or a piece of text with AI I can write a page with AI like a contact usest or about or whatever I can generate a post a blog post and create an AI heat map AI logo maker we're not going to touch all of these today but for example AI image generator I want to create photo of a uh let's look photo of a magical balcony Garden the coffee on the table there are a bit of limitations to how much you can use per day I'm actually not I'm never using this AI image generator I'm mostly using Lex whenever I wanted to generate something and I will leave a link a link to that down below and we have these images and I can choose one and it will literally appear here if I want to let's move it back and as you can see it stretched this section down I'm going to move it up again thank you and I can also again generate text we're going to work on that when we're going to do the about page you're going to see this in a minute now we have everything relating to blogging tools which I will cover after finishing the dashboard I just want to finish this up because this is a much longer one and website setting on website settings you can work on your blog on your online store general settings Integrations form submissions which are from here if people sign out to your newsletter it doesn't have its own newsletter like WordPress and like Shopify it doesn't have a built-in word newsletter Squarespace does but what you have here is that you can see your form submissions when people submit and you can integrate them with uh MailChimp or other newsletter services or if you're using a free newsletter blog like I am which is substack just put a link to it up in the menu and put a link to it here or manually have people added to your your substack you can check your analytics export website files work on your SEO media library again multiple things here and let's look at the top menu if I click on website manager I'm basically going to go back to my panel where I had all my websites listed store manager is for products or if you want to create a whole new website this is to view everything in real time in Mobile and as you can see the minute we changed our basically our theme then the font became much bigger and it pushed things around so I'm going to change it and now it looks better on mobile don't forget to save anything if you want to take a step back and undo it here or control Z or command Z you can preview all the changes before you update your website so if I click on preview it's going to show me the website in real life even though it's not yet updated in this version and if I go back here as you can see here this is the preview this is how it looks because I haven't yet saved or updated the website when it comes to me changing the font which I have now see changed now let's talk about the blogging in order for me to proceed with anything I need to give this website a topic because it can't just be about anything and I'll just build it so I chose a topic of like self-love and self-care and we have here the logo of the website which as you can see if I click on replace an image and go to the image the size of the image is 82 by 16 pixels this is the size that you'll need to design a new logo let's just quickly do one for selflove custom size 82 by 16 and I I usually never design a logo that is this small and also canva doesn't like the size so what I'm going to do is I'm going to uh quadruplicate the size so 82 * 4 is 328 I don't think that's enough 328 and 16 * 4 is 64 is that correct why am I doing things in my head so early in the morning yes 64 okay I was good and this will be the size of the logo that they recommend I'm just going to quickly do something for this one self care blog this should be the name of your website obviously and I'm going to head on over here let's go back to the website Styles and to the fonts one thing that I like to do is to make sure that the font that I'm using for the website is available on canva in case I want to you know make a coherent look with social media and stuff like that so in this case I know that uh monat exist let's let's check if groupo does because groupo is basically basically the heading one it's okay if I have just one oh group also exists great self-care blog let's uh duplicate this and go with Mon Mon Strat I don't know how it's called mon monat thank you yeah we also have monat multiple ones with light uh thin extra light light regular medium bold extra bowl I'm kidding I don't know why I'm super hyped up this one let's go back let's try and fit it in I'm just going to elimin it spacing let's imagine that this is the the thing why isn't it moving did I do something wrong thank you I thought I did something wrong for a second going it's self self care Blog log go and download page number two PNG transparent background go back to my website click on the logo replace image upload file this one select and this is now my logo Tada we can obviously change it work on it make it bigger edit the heading to have different font within the heading edit the layout and in this case look if I'm scrolling down here I can't see the menu but if I make the header sticky it should follow me which I don't know why it's not doing let's save and preview as you can see it stays the header always stays no matter what I do some people like that some people don't it's actually a matter of choice I would probably not do it if the logo is so big because I don't want the header to be so big because the header goes around with it uh menu positions if it's centered if it's going uh attached to the logo or if it's here how spaced are the items in the menu if you can see here they became more spaced or less the gaps between them and how far am I padded around basically this top menu this could be nice I kind of like this no I don't layout go there go back there I like it better going back to the blog topic and basically the categories because this is something that is very different from WordPress and from a lot of other shop Builders and website Builders I'm finally heading to the blog thing the minute you click on the blog you can see all of your posts you also have draft scheduled can schedule Post in advance and things that are published uh let's take the draft and delete this one and we have all of our blog posts here now when I click on more settings I will be able to go to post settings and choose the category this is the first thing I'm doing if I'm going to start a website with hostinger Builder is create all of the categories that I want on a demo post and you'll understand soon why so I'm going to select a category add new category and I've already written down a list of categories that I want for this blog which is about self-care as a topic so I'm going to type in the first categor is journaling save it then select I have journaling selected and I can add another one I'm going to call this one quotes I'm going to scroll down select categories add a new category books like book recommendations select categories add a new one self love I merch I don't know self love gifts let's call it gifts and let's have another category called freebies and I'm going to save all of this I can add some of the other ones into these categories like for example journaling and quotes save and post settings categories select self love and freebies and another one categories all of these this is something that I'm doing before I'm writing the blog posts and now you're going to see why if you've ever had a WordPress website then you know that when you write a post you attach it into a category and those categories have a page like a feed that presents these categories if you're on payhip that doesn't exist every category is its own blog I think Squarespace is a little bit similar and what we have with hostinger is that I can have a feed of a Blog of a category of a Blog anywhere I want so what I do is I create manually the pages for that now my blog categories you can see them here like this is where I'm write I'm reading it from is journaling quotes book self- love merch which I called it by the way self- love gift so I'm changing it and freebies let's move this on to my other screen we don't need that and what I'm going to do is I'm going to head on over to pages of navigation and what I'm going to do here is I'm going to go to the blog page which you can just create a blog page but I'm going to go to the blog page that is already existing and I'm going to go to the settings and I am going to rename it I'm going to rename it to the first basically category that I have which is journaling the page URL will be journaling so this category link blog page is qu. comom journaling save and now you can see here there is a section here for blog posts it's called a blog list I'm going to click on edit blog list go to posts only show some and select the category journaling this will only feature any post in the category of journaling under the journaling tab going to do the same thing again I'm going to go to pages of navigation and this time I'm going to take the journaling thing and I'm going to click here and duplicate it it's really easy it's called journaling copy let's rename journaling copy into quotes which changes the URL I'm going to SA save it going to go to quotes and I'm going to edit the blog list in this section as you notice it's very seamless you don't go in and out of everything like with WordPress go to post select a category quotes and don't select journaling and this will only feature the quotes let me just do the same thing again drop let's drag this next to it duplicate this rename books save head on over to the books page which is here edit blog list posts select categories books now I'm going to snap my finger and you're going to see the other ones the self- Lov gifts and freebies by the way if you like this video so far or found this content useful please hit the like button down below because every time you do that believe it or not it really does help my channel let's continue on with the tutorial and I'm done and my uh my menu looks like a mess let's organize this we have journaling quotes after journaling and quotes let's put books and then we can put freebies notice that the freebies is is written and bold is that's because that's the page I'm currently on if I want to edit something the minute I'm going to click on this one this is going to be Bal and you might not see the difference between the posts that much because we haven't actually had posts with different categories like different posts as much but it does change based on what is set for that category there is a gallery page that if you want to keep it and have some photos go ahead I don't see a point in having it so I'm just going to delete it we have an about page a contact us which I think could be in the about or the contact us can be in like a sub menu or something I don't always like to have a Conta contact page right at the top so let's put it at pages that I don't I don't delete the page I'm just not wanting to have it in the menu and the official shop link whatever now that we've done the menu let's work on the about page for example let's show you how to work on a page this is the about page now this is a self-care blog I recommend making things personal whenever you can if your brand is personal uh for example even if the topic of the niche is cats you write hi my name is May and I love cats so here what I would Rec do is using photos of yourselves so let's say I have this photo here and I want to edit this image I'm going to replace it let's go with upload files going to go to life and find a cool photo of myself and it does not upload hake files which is the files that are created by my phone so let's just upload one of these not something that I'm doing in this tutorial but whenever you want to upload a photo you have to rename the photo in your computer first with the right SEO tags because this is a part of SEO I'm going to select this photo and as you can see Tada it stretched my it stretched myself on this entire thing because that was like the ratio of this image I'm going to go over to style and reset image proportions to my actual image and I'm going to take this and make it a lot smaller and I can move it around wherever I want I really recommend that you move things around don't save it so that you can always undo it or just refresh the website in case you did something wrong but I really recommend you trying this and actually look into these don't just rely on anything that I write here now let's say I call this image selfcare blog by May I'm going to put that in this one may aoo creator of selfcare blog this is basically what people will see when they hover over photo and this is what Google will know about this photo let's move on to style I can make it rounder Tada like this action what will happen if someone clicks on this photo will it open the photo like this open full screen view let's save this one preview someone clicks it opens the photo back to editor edit image action or if it will open a link this works for everywhere on the website so if you have a product and you want to have a link to it let's say to the product page on your Etsy store on Society6 on red bubble on tuu on your fourth wall store or something you're affiliating this will be the way to do it by adding a link to it in this case I don't want to do anything I can change the general shape of the photo which is sometimes kind of cool in a lot of cases if you've seen my uh how to create a linkoln bio page also you can like shrink it like this if you've seen my linkoln bio page of hostinger I was actually working on this a lot more this is this is also dumb let's just keep it dumb because it's fun um so this is my about page and I'm going to write hey um and May and I love helping people love themselves better let's generate with AI what is the text the text about why it's important to love yourself create text notice that it didn't delete anything from here so I will delete it manually loving yourself is a is crucial for your overall well-being and happiness down uh you develop self-image selfworth this self-love allows you to La La La again this should be an about text about you about the website I'm using it with a eye because the point of this tutorial is to show you how to technically do things not how to literally write about self-love let's say this is the text and I have all this white space here I can just minimize it by pushing this up that's it let's have a look at what we have here for a second we have edit social icons where do they lead Instagram Twitter you can add a new social link here if you want to and work on the style like how big are the icons the layout how space they are between each other can basically do that with this and position them in the center now let's look at elements I want to add an Instagram feed over here and if this looks weird to you it's because it's not really my Instagram it shows a random feed so we're going to connect to Instagram you need to have Instagram open on your computer you have multiple Instagram accounts you need to make sure that the right one is connected to your computer and now it's connected to my oo changing the layout let's work on the layout I want four five items per row and in general I want to have 10 items and gap between the photos I think I actually want to show six items and I want them all in the same row and then I'm going to put this here and stretch it all over to the other side now I'm not going to show you every single button that you can click on because you know play my favorite game what does this button do this is a very important part when trying to create anything and learning anything online I do know that a lot of people love tutorials but you have to learn how to do things for yourself now one thing that I do want to show you is how to add sections so I can add a section with which is blank and I'm basically going to build it with these elements so I'm going to put in here um a gallery of photos and I'm going to put it to the right and it's going to be a mansory gallery and four items it's going to have five six items per row it's going to have four and I want this to do nothing I want the Gap to be larger between the photos and I want this to stretch all over here and then I want to add an element of text and put the text here and call it your best no your best self and I want everything to be an H1 a bigger heading now I can also add another section that is already made for me and this will be a great way for people who are starting out so for example you see here we have a header text and three photos I can can add another section these are about section different headlines with different photos I can add a gallery section that is already pre-made can add a slideshow which means that this like moves right to left can add certain types of images I can add a video whether it's adding three videos and a topic one video One video with a topic a contact form an Instagram feed a map social icons or a Blog feed again so here for example in the about I can add a Blog feed let's delete this section garbage let's take this section delete this edit text your best self blog for example sample I'm going to stretch it edit text align to Center drag it to the center take this whole section move it up and in the section of a blog list it's choosing all of the blog posts recently there is going to be four so it's always going to feature my latest blog posts on this page let's save and update let's go back to the homepage navigation and to our homepage which I do think should be in the menu let's take the homepage and put it on the menu navigation home you don't have to do that you can just choose that your home is going to be just like a feed of everything or that people just reach your about page and that's your homepage um a simple yet more meaningful life change photos add photos don't like the section remove it recent post don't like this section move it there are so many things to do here so many this will be different based on the topic of the blog based on whatever you want to do with it and if you want your homepage to just be a Blog we're going to delete everything we have a Blog here let's delete this section and let's delete this section added blog list post per page for posts from everything and we're going to add a section above for heading no I don't like this one I literally clicked on command and it went away love this shop Builder heading let's go with this one you can also add a photo and this will be your main page I want you guys to play around with this I really do and there will be a full tutorial on how to do the blog posts I didn't want to put this in the same tutorial because I think that there is a difference between understanding the technical aspect which is this is a blog post let's edit it I can move this here I can move this photo here I can make this photo this ratio I can add duplicate a photo and put it on the side I think there is a big difference between learning this step of how to do things and learning how to actual blog so in the next video which will be hosting or website builder blogging part two I will be showing you how to write and actually create three different types of blog posts now I have a few more things to say to finalize this tutorial before we finish this video so let's head on over back to me okay hey so we're back to me and uh let me know all you non-te people wasn't this painless I think that once you like once it clicks in your head you're really like oh this is like the easiest thing ever I really hope that you can see that as well at this point I would like to say two things one I'm fast I know I know that I work fast I know that I think fast I have a script I've been building websites for more than a decade I've been using the hostinger Builder for a few months now to really get good at it so if you're looking at my speed and saying oh how does she just know where to click well I'm making a tutorial don't look at my speed as something that should come naturally to you from the beginning and remember my favorite phrase practice makes faster well I have two practice makes faster and what does this button do so please please consider that when you're looking into this and don't think that if it takes you longer to get adapted to it that means that you're wrong for this or this is somehow not working for you so don't be discouraged from the start and two as I mentioned in the beginning this was part one so part two of the video is actually going to be creating those blog posts and I thought it would be really nice if you could help me out with the topic so please comment down below what blog post should I write whether it's to give me the title of the blog post or tell me hey write a blog post to promote I don't know a boho floral pillow or something like that I will try when I'm making the tutorial to of course combine within the tutorial affiliate along with promoting your own print onand or printable items the more ideas you're going to give me on what to promote in a blog post will be Uber helpful I would like to remind you again that our community members are getting 10% discount for their hosting and domain packages over on hosting or on top of any existing sale link and coupon code down below and honestly I am loving this Builder I even used this builder for my own Links Page and I made a tutorial about that so if you want to learn how to use the hostinger Builder to create a Links Page as a one static page just to get started or if you want to add it as a page in your existing blog I recommend you watch that video next it's going to be somewhere here on the screen but with that being said that was it for me for today thank you so much for watching I hope you learn something new and as usual see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Mey Aroyo
Views: 4,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mey aroyo, mey arroyo, how to build a blog, how to create a blog, hostinger website builder review, hostinger website builder ai, hostinger website builder tutorial, hostinger website builder blog, how to create an easy blog, how to blog, best blogging platform for 2024, easiest blogging platform
Id: eqRnTO9o0YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 52sec (2932 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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