STOP PAYING! How To Create A Website For FREE in 2023

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[Music] did you know you can create a website completely for free you need your own website you need a place on the internet that you control and has information about you or your business I'm gonna show you four options to create your own website it doesn't have to cost any money in fact three of those options don't even require any coding skills by the way I'm John Paul welcome to the channel let me give you a few reasons why you would want to have a website if you're trying to get a new job you need a website if you're opening a restaurant you need a website if you're trying to get more customers you need a website if you want to promote your online course about how to become an origami master you need a website to create one all you really need is a hosting and a domain hosting is the place where your website will live I don't care how fantasy your website is it's just a text file that text file needs to leave somewhere that somewhere is your hosting and the domain is just the name that identifies your website is what your users will type in the URL bar at the top of their browsers to access your web page think of those are all domain names and you can register your own custom domain name from a company like Google domains GoDaddy Bluehost namecheap dreamhost that usually costs money it doesn't have to be crazy expensive you can buy a custom domain name for a couple of dollars per year but I promise free so let me show you what we can get for free our plan is to find a platform that will host our website at no cost and that it also includes a domain there will be limitations like our domain name won't be fully customizable more on that later because it's kind of important but the free tier should be enough let's see the first option WordPress it is one of the oldest and most well-known platforms on the internet for creating websites if you plan to write a lot of Articles or posts then probably what you want is a Blog that's where WordPress really shines you can create almost anything with this platform because one of its best features is the amount of plugins available now there's and there's we're talking about here because even though the other option offers a lot more customization the thousands of plugins we mentioned before and options to monetize your website it doesn't have free hosting and in my opinion it has so many options that it gets confusing and overwhelming really fast it also has the steepest learning curve of all the options I'm going to show you today but if you want to go this route don't get discouraged after all WordPress Powers over 40 percent of the websites on the internet remember I mentioned the free tier has some limitations especially with the domain well all these platforms like WordPress will let you choose a free domain but only part of the domain name is customizable it will always end in or whatever the name of the platform is if you're asking yourself if this is a big deal well it depends in my opinion if you're just starting out and it's between these or not having a website at all then I will choose this any day however if you're willing to spend a few dollars or if you're building brand recognition if you simply want to look more professional or if you're building a website for your business then I think you should spend the extra dollars and get a proper custom domain so it would be my super awesome and not my super awesome so let's move on to option number two card this website is absolutely awesome for creating websites very quickly there are tons of templates available and you can customize the colors the text and the images it offers single page websites which works great if you need a landing page with a little bit of information some pictures or a collection of links to your social networks however if you upgrade to the paid version you get even more templates available and you can add more things to your website like a form which people can use to sign up for your newsletter by the way if you host your website for free with card the URL will end in but just like WordPress you can buy a custom domain name elsewhere and connect it to your website here I don't think it gets any easier than this this is the easiest platform to use in my opinion and you can go from zero to having a custom website online in minutes option number three is probably my favorite canva this option is great for me because I already use canva for everything and it has a great balance between ease of use functionality and features after you sign up you get to this little dashboard where you choose what kind of project you would like to start and they all have templates we want a website so go ahead and click website and it opens up this blank canvas on the side it has a lot of beautiful and fully customizable templates after you pick your favorite you can move around elements or drag and drop new ones edit whatever you want and publish with the click of a button if you go with the paid pro version you get more templates and more elements that you can use to add to your website or designs like I mentioned before with canva you can do a lot more than just build websites which makes this a great option to keep all your designs in one place option number four and we have GitHub Pages now I left this for last because it is different from the other options you might have noticed that WordPress cart and canva is something called website Builders where you can edit your template by clicking buttons drag and drop in new elements into your website and moving things around using your mouse but GitHub pages is more suited for people that want to code and are willing to learn HTML and CSS if you're planning on becoming a software engineer or a web developer you will need to know how to work with Git HTML and CSS so having your personal website hosted on GitHub Pages might be a fun little project and a great way to start okay let's recap what did we learn first that all websites are just text files that you only need two things to have a live website on the internet a domain name which is the URL took it to your website and a hosting which is the storage space where your files will live also we learned that some platforms will host your website for free and throw in a domain name that you can use but it probably ends with the domain name of the platform you can always just buy a custom domain name from a domain name company for a few dollars per year and then connect it to your hosting and finally we learned that some of those platforms are WordPress card canva and GitHub pages I hope this video helps you get started creating your very own website to land that job bring in more customers or just to have a place to post content if you enjoyed this video if you find it useful please click the like button and consider subscribing it means a lot to me thanks for watching see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Jean Paul Giraldo
Views: 137,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: website, how to make a website
Id: kdOCHkgeLNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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