You Might Be an Order of Scribes Wizard | Wizard Subclass Guide for DND 5e

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hey did you ever get bullied for bringing a novel to a pep rally are you that annoying person who can't go to a single movie without commenting it's not as good as the book well congratulations you might be a scribes wizard but what is a scribes wizard well grab those expensive inks everyone's talking about get you one of those thumb protectors for excessive speedreading marathons and remember you can go anywhere as long as you take a look it's in a book a Reading Rainbow you know times change fast in the Realms of DN D now it seems like every wizard out there has some specific Arcane specialty whether it's fortune telling protecting oneself from the outside forces or violating the natural order of life and death don't you miss the times when just being able to read essentially made you magic it was so much simpler back in the early days of Wizardry when books reign supreme nowadays these young Mages are swinging swords while spellcasting or trying to do magic in the midst of grand battles it's all so embarrassing we should go back to the old ways you know spending hours on in meticulously scribbling down the most mundane facts and figures in the hopes that small amount of insight will give us knowledge into the outside world So eventually when we've mastered and memorized all the formulas and equations necessary to perform these spells we can then enter the realm of adventuring right what do you mean how long does that take I mean yeah most Wizards are geriatrics okay maybe we do need a shortcut into the order of the scribes wizard while other Wizards have specialized in their selective schools scribe Wizards are the ones collect ing recording and organizing the information other Wizards may take for granted and while all wizards expand their knowledge by copying the works of others more often than not it will be the scribes notation that other Wizards copy from in that way the scribes wizard is the Wizards wizard as they make it a point to be the most bookish in the world's largest book club but you're no slouch either collecting Knowledge from all the best sources has made your scribe wizard a walking Encyclopedia of Arcane secrets so when a rogue comes at you with a sword outstretched in an attempt to prove their might it's up to you to prove that the pin is mightier but first do you have more random folders than your grandma's home screen do you need a website that can sort all your wacky campaign ideas well if you need a place to store World Anvil has all that and more World Anvil is the One-Stop shop to create a new setting from the ground up with tools to help you keep track of timelines record player notes and bring your reality to life and since World Anville supports over 400 systems you can pretty much write any game at any time or use their tools to make your own it's no secret that I love World Anvil but it's also no secret that I'm a bit of an idiot so anytime I get lost I just rely on the sea of world Anvil tutorials to keep me on task and if you want to give World Anvil a try you can do so absolutely free but for even more exclusive features type in my link below and use the code yima D and at checkout for 51% off for a year again that's ymba DND at checkout for 51% off for a year so go Forge your next adventure with World Anvil a huge thanks to World Anvil for sponsoring the show and now back to the video so you've read so much your grandma got you one of those infomercial book lights as a stocking stuffer what do you do with all this new found knowledge well you wouldn't be a magic man without a little spellcasting Wizards get a bunch of spells right out the gate but a good scribe will also want a place to keep everything written down just in case dang what's up with all these books and the great thing about your spell book is that you can flavor it as anything from a set of Scrolls tucked in one of those cool tubes of few wristbands engraved with your spell list or for the especially Studio scribe an entire bookshelf organized by Dewey Decimal himself and like all wizards you also get Arcane recovery to recover those precious spell slots equal to half your wizard level rounded up on a short rest so you can keep witching when those other spellcasters start bitching but at second level our brains become so dang wrinkly we get to graduate to our subass a whole level early but to help us with our scrupulous scribbling we learned to create a wizardly quill this literal magic marker takes no ink and like one of those sweet pins from middle school can write in any color you can also erase anything you've written with the feather of the quill and the time it takes to put spells into your spell book is significantly cut down from 2 hours to Just 2 minutes per spell level which makes your life a whole lot easier when you're trying to transcribe on the go but your set wouldn't be complete if we didn't upgrade that Dusty tone because as you enter your new found order even more secrets of your Arcane tradition are revealed to you and your spell book quite literally takes up a life of its own your new awakened spell book is a sentient creature though how Senti it may be up to you in your DM and you also gain a whole bunch of new perks like the ability to cast spells straight from the book instead of dealing with silly wands or complicated components once a day you can cast a ritual spell with its normal casting time through the book without expending a spell slot which is bananas good for spells like identify silence or comprehend languages and the ability to alter the Spell's formula when casting by replacing the damage type with another type in a spell of the same level so to make this work if you have both burning hands and witch bolt on your book you can now cast witch hands or firebol wait that's already a whatever you know what I mean but since the damage type is correlated to the level cast not the Spell's original level you can launch a fifth level Fireball with the necrotic damage from the spell interation for a 10 D6 ball of death and this is just something you do for free to any spell making spells like chromatic orb or much later Prismatic spray your new best friends as they contain all the damage options a young scribe can ask for and if that somehow wasn't enough cool your book can now never be stolen a common problem with the wizard is that without their spell book they lose access to all the unprepared spells in it and unless you get the book back those spells are lost until retranscribed into a new one but that's not a problem for us our order's whole job is keeping magical Secrets a secret so if some schlub ends up taking off with your book all you have to do is get yourself a blank and let your quill copy your entire spell list into the new one over the course of a short rest not only will this bring your spell book's Consciousness to the new book but your old book will be completely wiped leaving nothing for a rival Wis wizard to steal Sho that was a lot of fun but we do have more to cover so at third level our wizard gets some canri formulas to scribble in their books letting them trade wizard cantrips on a long rest but bouncing all the way up to sixth level our awaken spell book has manifested a mind now as a bonus action your book can appear in front of you as a tiny spectral object and can take on the appearance of anything from an Arcane spreadsheet to an old wizard in his pajamas your spell book ghost friend is in tangible doesn't occupy space and sheds dim light but can also see and hear with dark vision of 60 ft and can tell a catholically share with you any information it receives but the best part about your new little Bookworm buddy is that you can have him fly around as a bonus action and cast spells from their location a number of times a day equal to your proficiency bonus letting it get in close for spells like shock and grasp or Peak around corners for Devastators like lightning Boulder disintegrate this is a wild ability for a wizard to have as their main problem is getting caught up in the action and since your writing partner can't be targeted for attacks and only dispels if 300 ft away or hit with dispel Magic it's pretty much here to stay by the way the next time I get to play this subass I'm definitely making my T Lavar Bon you can't stop me the man is a saint and I loved Reading Rainbow as a kid but you don't have to take my word for it jumping up once again to 10th level our scribe becomes a master scrivener allowing you to touch a piece of paper at the end of a long rest and turn that page into a free scroll for you to use that day the spell on the page must be a first or second level and take an action to cast but incredibly it can't be read by anyone other than you and the spell will automatically upcast one level higher so spells like blindness deafness invisibility or hold person can Target an additional creature through this scroll or spells like magic Missile or scorching rake can get an extra attack for free but it doesn't end there because we also become so good at making normal Scrolls the golden time needed to craft them are haved I haven't really gotten a chance to talk about how powerful a magic item scroll can be but this is your opportunity to stock up on Shield Scrolls and never be hit by incoming damaging attacks again or sell off your Scrolls to the town Merchant and start stacking paper by well stacking paper but it's 14th level where we get our final scribes ability by becoming one with the word as our Spellbook becomes a part of our soul you gain advantage on all Arcana checks as you become a paradigm of magical lore but you can also negate all of the damage from an attack or spell by spinning a reaction to let your spectral spooky paper boy take it for you you heard me your wizard can eat the entire 20 D6 fire and 20 D6 budgeting damage from a meteor swarm as a reaction but this move is risky as not only does your spectral mind disappear but you then have to roll 3d6 with whatever number those dice add up to being the amount of spells you have to temporarily cross out of your book now the Spells chosen don't have to be prepared but if you can't come up with a total your scribe Falls to zero hit points whether the damage negated would have taken them out or not this can be a huge gamble play for your wizard but can also get you out of some deep if played correctly and while the Spells crossed out of your book are unavailable to you even if they're written written on a scroll you will get them back after one6 days at 17th level we get wish which is like every eighth level spell from Every list and it's pretty busted honestly but it also lets you just break Reality by making any wish you can think of and while this is up to your DM as to how your wish may manifest I say go big or go home wish for the moon to be actually made of cheese so you can go on adventures with Wallace and grommet it's D and D dude weirder has happened but rounding off our wizard we gained some spell Mastery at 18th level allowing you to pick up a first and second level spell from your book to cast as though they were cantrips if you have them prepared and signature spells a 20th level to choose two third level spells that you can cast once a day for free for all that extra Fireball fun or counter spell is just right there so you know go for that so does the order of scribes wizard read the writing in the book okay that sucked but it for sure leaves its signature on the page as I said before the scribes wizard is the Wizard's Wizard and that really is the best way to say it and while I joked a bit about old Wizards being the idea for this subass I wasn't entirely wrong though you can the white beard and can tanker his personality if you want to but there is something so cool about the idea of a wizard Spellbook and I really like that it's explored so well here and while you could argue that you lose a little bit of the personality the wizard schools provide I think your abilities is more than make up for it but my favorite thing about this subass is how much flavor you can jam into your Spellbook and isn't there just something really interesting about the idea of being the best wizard of the Wizards and no this hasn't changed my opinion on blades singer that's still really broken but let's face it at a certain point you're you're almost not a wizard anymore you kind of become a fighter with access to wish however the scribes wizard goes in the opposite direction giving you all the stuff Wizards love with a bunch of free castings the ability to become a scroll printing Factory and a Lavar Burton book buddy to help you learn to read so I don't know that's pretty awesome in my opinion so if you talk to yourself so much your book started talking back you keep making up weird spell combinations like ice ball cone of asset or lightning cloud and have made so much money from selling Scrolls in the city you're thinking of retiring from adventuring altogether guess what you might be a scribes wizard hey guys thank you so so much for watching if you like what I do please leave a like comment or consider subscribing you have no idea how far that helps the channel grow but if you like my stuff even more you can always hit the link and join the patreon like the wonderful people on screen and you too can get your name on here for as low as $1 with extra tiers getting extra stuff it's on the site and an extra special thanks to the highest tiered patrons who get to play D and D with me they are all awesome people and I can't thank y'all enough so Miles not yard Sor s King Osiris spider lover and tedi that's off to all of you and as always if you want to yell at me about D andd find games with swell people or shout out which subass you want to see in the future come see me over on the Discord server we're always having fun over there but until next time guys I love you and I'll see you very soon
Channel: You Might Be A DND
Views: 37,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, 5e, guide, dnd one, dnd 5e, dungeons and dragons, ymba, you might be a, order of scribes wizard, scribes wizard, awakened book, book club, baldurs gate 3
Id: RmNvw9Tyxpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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