"you have LESS than 1 month” - Terrance Howard

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what D ventry tried to do at 80 I did at 6 years old because I had been working on it perhaps from a past life the ukian mindset has kept us so locked away like there's tons of paperwork of Da Vinci working on the Flower of Life and trying to unravel it Terrence Howard mentioned something about an ancient Discovery called The Flower of Life which represents one of the oldest Imes we have the oldest images that we have from Antiquity and found on every continent is this image where 64 circles are overlapped and it's called The Flower of Life and on every continent was found in whatever language it was always called The Flower of Life made 6,000 years ago messes with us because we can't draw a straight line in it can we really understand these old shapes or are we clueless well 6,000 years ago or however long ago someone had the clever idea of saying you know what why don't I draw straight lines where the circles overlap he questions the use of straight lines in constructing platonic solids arguing that energy in the universe is expressed through curved waves due to the principle of equal and opposite reactions if they began to average the space where the circles overlap so that tetrahedr that we see because because we know that there are no straight lines because all energy is a all energy has an equal and opposite let's pause it for a second just so I can repeat that um all energy is expressed in motion all motion expressed in waves and all waves Ur therefore it is impossible to create a straight line because every action has the equal and opposite reaction and that greater that reaction Terren found math problems that arise from creating straight lines where there are none let's see his explanation the greater the resistance and the greater that curvature this curvature is the is the equinity of all the interactions within a particular system it all balances out into these these perfect spheres which are magnetic fields around each other which is a discharging aspect and where these magnetic fields interact this is where electricity begins where they overlap their Force to create space but 6,000 years ago they said they're going to average the spin and these toroidal happening and they generated straight lines and approximated where the energy goes so you can keep playing it and now you can clearly see that even the cube where we get Pythagorean theorem from a S Plus b s equal c^2 is an average it's an approximation all of these problems arose from them creating straight lines where there were no straight lines and this has been called you know the the greatest um Discovery basically in Geometry energy is all about that NeverEnding cycle acting yeah it was fun but physics that's where Terren found his spiritual Groove now he's cooking up these fresh wave and tear mixes waving goodbye to the old school ukian scene and [Music] fors PL onic solids you're speaking about solids the platonic solids are averages ukp went to Egypt and pulled these things and wrote them down and everyone took credit from them for them but they took credit for some falsehoods so they've watched it go through and it'll go through the decahedron so what I decided to do what I was instructed to do was to take the same flower you may think you've been here for 20 years on this plan but we know that energy it is forever it doesn't it continually recycles itself so you know that you've been a troby 350 million years ago or some part of it some parts of you were part of a a terao every one of us have been a part of everything in this universe so if we tap into those things in ourselves and remember those things in ourselves we have that power now my vocation has been an actor and I've loved that I've been been able to take care of my family as an actor but that's never been my passion I was an actor because it was like Jesus walking on water for tips because he could do it that's what he did it was a natural thing for him I've always been an empath I've always been emotionally connected to everything but the thing that I was most spiritually connected to that was my driving force was physics it was wondering how the UN verse really came to be and I might get about talking about this right now but I've got a book coming out called does a dollar time a dollar equal a dollar or does a dollar time a dollar equal $2 and in the process not only do I explain the of the platonic solids but I also introduce the new Teran wave conjugations that replace this ukian way of life and gives us uh three-dimensional way of seeing the world that's what I'm saying do you want to see the world in 2D or do you want to see it in 3D you how do you have time to really bring yourself back to who you are because that's the most important thing that's the thing that's that's going to bother you more than anything else you will look at yourself one day and you won't know who you are because you don't remember who you were you know sometime long way maybe at 13 or 14 we let go of the the little person that kept us going the Flower of Life said to be the oldest symbol ever dates back 6,000 years Da Vinci and Newton they were obsessed spending their lives trying to figure it out I want you guys to know about a 6,000 year old secret 6,000 years mankind has been trying to decipher this one little thing called The Flower of Life now do you know the Flower of Life have you guys ever seen this before now you know this is one of the oldest symbols in um human history right or do you not know this symbol was found in the temple of Osiris in Egypt and it had been molecularly burned into the wall and it's 6,000 years old this the same symbol has been found in the The Forbidden temples in China sitting under the Fufu dogs and the foot on it the Flower of Life saying whoever controlled that flower of life controlled the universe there were secrets in that flower of life that da Vinci spent his whole life trying to uncover there were secrets in that flower of life that Newton spent his whole life in secret trying to uncover the same secrets that Pythagoras was desperately trying to uncover but the problem was they kept seeing this in a two-dimensional space they couldn't get it out of this two-dimensional frame and as a result they got stuck in this plane a flat plane now what D Vinci and all of them were wanted to do they were trying to find a way to bring this flower to life because what is inside of it well apparently there were Secrets inside of it shapes nature doesn't follow straight lines and Terren Prov it with the space between Earth and the moon have we been blinded by our stubborn adherence to tradition or are we ready to shake things up with A New Perspective and all of those other things out of it but they were misled by something I think called a straight line you guys believe in straight lines you believe there's straight lines in the universe well let me hit you with something all energy in the universe is expressed in what it's in motion if something is still there's no energy connect right all motion is expressed in what you look at galaxies are they expressed in straight lines expressed in vortices all vortices are expressed in what waves all waves are curved show me a straight line in nature you show me where the plutonic solids come from where do they have their foundations in our universe are there any straight lines if you look at any anything there are no straight lines that's been the mistake we've been looking at these straight lines this ukian way of thinking and missing the curvature of nature so here we are back with the curvature of Nature and you have all these little pieces now this has always been an information system so comp compare some of these points take a point here and say well what's the space in between all of these things now they've said that all the in between spaces if this is the Earth and this is the moon right here all this in between space is filled with what a void there's nothing in the void well I found that there is something in the void the elementary fundamental particles that they've been searching for at the CERN collider the hedron collider and CERN I found that their energy signatures matched perfectly to some of the pieces that I was able to pull out of here the idea of like one of the things I've been saying the ukian mindset has kept us so locked away like there's tons of paperwork of Da Vinci working on the Flower of Life and trying to unravel it but every single existence every single example you see him making straight lines and trying to make these straight lines Bend IN and therefore he was never able to open it up because all the universe is curved all space is curved and as a result what I was doing in trying to find these straight lines I abandoned the idea of the straight line the shortest distance between between two points is curved space because you cannot force your way straight through space even electricity as it moves from the a southern plane to a northern plane it always goes Northeast in its direction and and magnetism as it expands out it goes southwesterly and that's the spin that's how you always know whether it's magnetism or electricity it's the spin is it Northeast or is it Southwest but in trying to Define curved matter I'm so sorry I get so distracted trying to define the spaces it allowed me to see that all of these in between what we have been dealing with is these pedals all of man mankind have dealt with these petals but is these other shapes that we've ignored constantly well those other shapes were the in between spaces they were the things that filled up the vacuum of space and all these particles that I have um I think are the full proof of that and it is also the full proof of the wave particle argument Terrence Howard says it's all about chemical reactions he wonders why every bubble we blow turns into a circle everything is based on chemical reactions in order for me to become a character I have to change my chemical composition of how I'm thinking and as a result that changed how I position myself which changes how the heat is generated and transferred out in and out of my body everything is comes down to chemistry you know so acting in physics in in physics if when two things are drawn to each other it's because they are of similar charge it's not positive cuz when you they say negatives attract but cold air drops down does it attract to the hot air rising up no it passes right by each other because negatives opposites don't attract it's positives that attract to each other two positives drawn to each other two negatives discharge each other so it's all about physics to me it's all about chemistry and it's how the physics how we how another actor is relating to me a slight change in his body language changes my tone it's all physics and I came out and I was born the first thing I thought about when I was 5 years old I was I was obsessed with bubbles I was like why does a bubble take the shape of a ball why not a square triangle and I would go and try and make Square triangular Bubbles and you could never do it because it turns out everything expands as a sphere and everything contracts in geometric form you drop a pebble into the pond it expands in a perfect sphere unless there's something in the way the moment it hits the edge of the shore and starts to come back it's the Contracting waves that hit the expanding waves that creates the initial geometries everything expands there a sphere everything contracts in geometry and fits basically so um what I'm saying and what I tried to tell you guys earlier this is not your first time it's not your first rodeo and it won't be your last Rodeo don't panic in this life you can actually there's no sense of everything goes to sleep and it wakes back up again refolds and unfolds refolds and unfolds and if you're if you're if you're wise you're careful cuz you can remember conscious moments in your life can't you you can remember moments when you're like wait a minute I'm in a bigger space than just this little body right here you become fully aware of everything around you and if you quiet yourself you can think about those things well apparently I did that at the last passage because when I came into this life I woke up remember don't forget don't forget don't forget don't forget don't forget and the first thing I did was worked out the Flower of Life when I was 6 years old old I started making these pieces Terrence Howard credits his research breakthroughs to energy from his past life are we just carrying Echoes from before or is there something more to it what the ventry tried to do at 80 I did at 6 years old because I had been working on it perhaps from a past life now I'm not trying to say I'm crazy or this reincarnation or anything but we know that energy does not energy just reboots itself reboots itself so we are Eternal so stop panicking thinking your life is over you've done this trillions of times you'll get good at it and we'll be perfect one time if we get conscious but we have to get conscious cuz I can either say I'm the smartest man in the world that I figured out what nobody else in the world could figure out with Aristotle with with Plato Pythagoras all of them tried to figure this out but I know I am not smarter than these men so I know that there's something to the consciousness of carrying things through because the information and the knowledge that I have I didn't go to school I had a 1.6 grade point average graduating from high school because I had other things to do but this information kind of educated me along the way because I was born into it and now I have the pieces to follow in and hopefully Chris and um maybe Oxford and some of will do some of the vetting for these things and we can change the world but if not I'll keep doing it and I'll do it in the next lifetime if not this one and the next lifetime after that just remember and another thing don't forget you know you go from positive to negative everything polarizes positive to negative then more than likely with each lifetime male to female male to female if the universe is consistent I think it is Terrence Howard throws shade at traditional math on Elementary particles insisting it needs a serious reboot what I've done is I've figured out about 70 different seven different Elementary particles fundamental particles and then there were secondary generation of particles that seem to occur and when these things began to build up more and more they began to create their own systems and these systems is what I brought to Oxford because I would like for you guys to to examine them put them to test because I bet you you will find all the fundamental particles that they've been looking for in the unified theory of the universe it's a big statement but I've got a lot of stuff to back it up if I'm given the opportunity to do so but the flower of life has been opened and when we get an opportunity i' love to show you some of these things can I go on y you good MH I can't without having to without being able to show the pieces it's a whole different monster but all of these wave conjugations all of these states of matter all of these things there's time it's time for that to be changed now we have changed all of our our buildings to be aerodynamic our airplanes are no longer based on a two-dimensional ukian way of life but our math is still based on a two-dimensional way and I think in order for us to reach the future we have to examine that do you guys know about um Loops in math do you believe in Loops do you know the square root of two do you think that's a loop any other number that you above two that you put in and you Cube and you square Cube and squ and divide by two by the six operation it has moved into an exponential number that you can't even imagine any number below two that you do that same operation with it will go into an exponentially small matter and number this is what we call a loop it is illogical it doesn't make sense and it does not make math make sense so these are some things that that um I'm bringing to the four and that I would like to question I would like to audit the math the world of mathematics and I would like to audit how we view the platonic solids because I think the new wave conjugations will tell a better story of how our world Works our current C systems flawed by greed so it's time to recheck math and physics Basics but are we willing to fix the mess greed made or just keep going the same way and our system of exchanging with currency is flawed because of greed there's not an e like if 1 * 1 equals 2 we've got an equilibrium of balance 1 * 1 equals 1 you've got loss when 1 * 1 equals 3 or more you're talking about overunity and super Symmetry and that's how you get to universe to work for you instead of us using just the solar volic off of it you also use some the polar the um p Electric effects of it you use other things to make greater Unity but 1 Time 1 equaling one when it could also a doll pound times a pound equaling a pound when it could also equal $4 or $10 or $100 does that make sense to you do you think the banks are abusing that what's a quarter times a quarter if I ask you ask anybody in this room what's a quarter times a quarter that's 25 * 25 the court the computer will tell tell the calculator tell you it's 6.25 cents but we know 25 P time 25 p is 625 that's £625 but the computer or the banks only have to give you 6 and 1/4 Cent reference for it or let's say you put a dime times a dime go let me get this out say you tell dime times a dime you put that in your in your calculator it says 1 cent 0.10 time 0.10 is 1 cent but we know a dime times a dime is a whole dollar but the banks gives us money based on that evaluation is that fair and this is all legal do you think it's not happening in the banks this is what 1 * 1 equaling one has got us this inconsistency of of our monies and our economy is sitting in the balance and the rest of our future is sitting in the balance because our science has been stunted as a result of the problems in mathematics because math ask for the basic laws of physics to break down in order for 1 * 1 to equal one in order 1 time 0 to equal nothing laws of conservation of energy has to disappear and math is the founda laws of math is support the supposed to support the laws of physics they are arm in arm they cannot be in controversy with each other so we need an audit on the platonic solids we need an audit on the square root of two and we need an audit on action and reaction or we either got to get rid of we say 1 * 1 equals 1 and there is no action and reaction one or the other you can't have both and until we make that change we're in trouble we're going to be stunted as a as a species Terrence Howard says we've got it wrong about magnetism and radiation being all bad they're actually crucial for making new stuff I mean there's you got to remember we've been here since the very beginning you know there and there is no good or bad it's just your perspective that you're sitting from is it beneficial for everyone around or is it not there's something that has to build up and there's something that needs to tear it down you know what we call the tearing of it down we call that we call it evil or bad but that's the process of magnetism or radiation radiation tears apart that which was um concentrically brought together through electric through electric potential and electric force electricity is always seeking a higher pressure condition trying to get to the center of the Apex whereas magnetism is spinning Southwest through trying to get out and but the magnetism is necessary because unless it it broke apart that which was collected together you would never have any new material to rebuild again and that's the breathing in and the breathing out of universal bdas now so at the end of the day since the Creator made all things and everything came from the Creator right Terrence Howard says science just helps us understand nature and he thinks calling something bad is all about how you see it well science is to explain natural phenomenon okay the whole point of science was to explain natural phenomenon and should coincide with what takes place in the observable universe and that should strengthen one's faith and that's why I said as above so below so here everything has an equal and opposite mate and is is necessary in order for the proliferation of life and the continuation of of the cycle that is just sleeping and then you refold again and you're reborn again there is nothing that is bad except what you how you are perceiving it and whether it's beneficial to everyone around you because something needs to tear things apart the FDA had six different um grand juries to try and indict this man and every time they did that he had his patients that came in there patients that were supposed to be de 25 years ago that are sitting there with their entire families saying that I am here as a result of this man's work but if I followed my course yeah um my mother would still be here but again that's like the time traveler you know uh he developed the time machine so he can go back and get his wife but it was his wife that led him to build the time machine so no matter what he was always going to be repeating that and I had to recognize that the universe doesn't make any mistakes my mother was here long enough to do what she needed to do but her passing reminded me that I had more work to do and that I was not fulfilling my true capacity and so I stepped out to do what I needed to do and that's with um with the world of science that's just trying to illuminate and Elevate our species so that we can be become um balanced with the universe there's five levels of four levels of species um a level one Society has complete control over his Planet okay um and the resources and not able to balance with it a level two society would have complete control over their sun and the solar system a level three society would have complete control of the Galaxy and its energy and able to work with it in level four society would civilization would have complete control over the universe and know how to work within it well that's not possible when you have um imaginary um straight lines in a world in the universe where if all energy in the universe is expressed in motion yeah and all motion is expressed in waves and all waves are curved so I was like where did they get the straight lines to make the platonic solids if every action in the universe has an equal and opposite reaction which we know it does and therefore the greater the action the greater the reaction the greater the reaction greater the resistance the greater the resistance the greater the curvature therefore everything has curvature so where do they get the straight lines to make the platonic solids when I was examining the human body and you know the digits are fingers yeah they have the same nerves that run into our teeth the same exact nerves our teeth would be fingers they're an example that's why you don't go and and let them take your teeth out to put somebody else's pretend smile on you but also with the human Mind Over 60% of our our mind is geared towards our digits our hands so if you're only writing with one hand you're losing half of your brain's potential and if our legs behave the way our hands behave where only one leg was was was dominant then we would be crippled and so I started writing um when I was when I was a teenager I started riding backwards with first I started riding with my left hand then I was like why am I only riding in One Direction and what I found when I started when I switched from my right hand to my left hand that it was a different personality it was a different kind of writing it was like my brain had reversed itself but then when I started writing backwards it polarized and I was able to understand a lot of this stuff and so I dug real deep into it and I got to the understanding that we're living in a multi-dimensional universe and there's at least 11 Dimensions otherwise the universe would collapse so we know that the the universe is most likely the shadow of a higher Dimension it's crazy stuff if I took all 8 billion humans and remove the empty space between their atoms I can fit every human into a sugar cube one sugar cube can hold all 8 billion of us exploring the concept of higher Dimensions we delve into the distinction between between one 2 and threedimensional existence so if you draw a line on a piece of paper M that's the First Dimension if you then connect those lines and and uh create a house on a piece of paper that's a two-dimensional structure or you can move that into a computer anything you see in a computer that looks 3D is actually 2D all right so and because we're in the third we can see down into 2D we can see all the way down obviously into 1D and we can manipulate those Dimensions from our higher selves multi-dimensional beings Adept at navigating different frequencies May coexist alongside Us hidden from our perception I think we have under the ocean that there's people living here that have been here for a very long time I believe that they have their own Breakaway civilization the oceans are pretty much mostly UND undisturbed uh and they're there I think you also have multi-dimensional beings that are in higher Dimensions or other dimensions that know how to match their subatomic frequency to our particular Dimension and they can walk right in or fly right in or come right in in some type of way now if you if now there are beings in fourth fifth and sixth Dimensions it's be people above us now because of that they see us and they recognize the past present and future operating all at the same time everything's happening at once right there is no separation between the past present and the future the hour doesn't exist because they're higher than us they can look down into the third and they can see into what we're doing Billy Carson proposes the existence of entities capable of interdimensional travel utilizing Advanced Technologies akin to warp drives and then also I believe that you have beings that are that are light years away that can travel here and I don't think that they're using typical space travel they're probably using something like a warp drive where in a warp drive what really happens is you actually shrink space in front of the ship and you expand it from the back what people in the third dimension we're in the third dimension what we tend to not understand is that time really doesn't exist clocks exist time doesn't exist right and like you said we've been given this functional Arrow of time which puts us in one specific Direction so that we can organize our thoughts and our days and our years and weeks and what we're going to do and where we're going to meet up with somebody and everything else so we have this ability to coordinate and collaborate with each other like how we're here today at this spef specific time mhm however if you understand that time is also an illusion it's something that you can use as a tool but if you also understand that it's an illusion then you can actually Master time and you can you can maximize what you're doing on this planet Carson speculates on the existence of 11 Dimensions stacked upon each other with higher Dimensions observing those below and I was able to understand a lot of this stuff and so I dug real deep into it and I got to to understand understanding that we're living in a multi-dimensional universe and there's at least 11 Dimensions otherwise the universe would collapse each Dimension is a 90° angle right above the next one compactified so they're sitting right on top of us so within less than a plk unit of space above you there's another dimension that actually exists with a whole another Universe happening simultaneously while we're sitting right here the fourth dimension is something called a tesseract mhm and if you go into the ancient text it's metatron's Cube meta mea meta obviously know metaverse right they got that from metatron's Cube uh it's a fourth dimensional substructure now this fourth dimension it's really something called a quasi Crystal and this quasi crystal in the fourth dimension it casts a shadow and the shadow that it cast it creates the realm that we're living in here we're living in a shadow of a high Dimension that shadow creates a third dimension it actually creates a fractal of it creates this fractal holographic matrix that we're actually maneuvering in in the third dimension right now from the vantage point of higher Dimensions time transcends linear progression existing as an interconnected tapestry of past present and future and uh from higher Dimensions they experience time differently time really doesn't exist the past present and the future happen all at once so somebody for example from the fth Dimension would look at us and they'd be able to see us imagine us in this building here but imagine when I first walked in and imagine us in here and imagine me like in the bathroom or something they'd be able to see us in all the different rooms and different rooms will represent different time frames of existence within this structure so they can see the past present and future at the same time uh you know so it's pretty cool weird stuff starts happening the higher the dimensions you go you can address a fourth dimension of time like Albert Einstein was saying if you're just looking at a third plus a fourth being the arrow but when you actually move up into another dimension we now know now know in quantum physics that there is actually a fourth dimension so all dimensions are in 90° angles of each other and according to uh quantum theory right now we're really anticipating that there's at least 11 Dimensions or otherwise the universe would collapse so there really is truly a fourth fifth sixth fth all the way up not just the era of time that's just something extra they try to make it make sense back then by saying the fourth dimension is time but time is actually not a dimension at all in the vast emptiness of atomic structure lies the Revelation that our reality is but a manifestation of slowed down light waves Illuminating the ephemeral nature of existence so is the idea that when you're in a higher Dimension you can only you can see below lower Dimensions but you can't see Dimensions above you exactly unless you have the capability of matching course you have to obtain the frequency of of higher Dimension and then match that frequency to be able to walk in so match the frequency yeah so for example um okay my hand is stopped now by this table right why is it stopped I'm not really touching the table there's repulsion going on electromagnetic repulsion between the electrons in my hands repelling the electrons in the table you don't really touch anything now if I can match the subatomic frequency of the atoms in this chunk of wood here in this table I with my hand I would be able to pass my hand right through this table table unscathed why because atoms are 99.999% empty space nothing is really here everything is only a light wave slowed down to a particular frequency and so if you can match frequencies you can merge with things you can walk through walls and all that kind of stuff the things that are seem paranormal could be Advanced beings have tapped into some type of uh understanding of how to match different frequencies in our Dimension and appear Apparition apparitional or or or normal but in true reality they could just be taking a peek in I believe personally just based off my research and I've gone through now over a thousand scriptures texts papyruses uh form tablets from all over the world they all have a very similar story and all these all these uh ancient civilizations talk about beings not just beings who came here from other planets people that look like us and we look like them in other words not identical but very similar in other words a bilateral bipedal homade of some type that can maneuver around that has appendages that can manipulate the environment because without that you can't move out into space and other places and they also talk about multi-dimensional you get into like the nagadi stuff like that talking about multi-dimensional beings and so in physics in quantum physics in particular they started theorizing on these dimensions and were able to even analyze and discover some that they actually do exist and on top of that they realize that the dimensions are stacked so packed so tight on top of one another that if you can phas shift your atomic structure your subatomic frequency you can walk right into another dimension and so they started postulating what if being some higher Dimensions or some of these apparitions and these paranormal phenomenon that we're seeing are they able to maybe take a glimpse or a peak are they phasing through into our into our universe and so from higher dimensions and so they started really theorizing it it seems to be and based on my research that there's people living everywhere not just and I'm not talking about little green man with antenna I think that there's people living all throughout this universe in the third dimension and I think there's people living all throughout even higher multiple Dimensions maybe at a certain level a certain height in those Dimensions maybe they don't have a real corporeal body right non physical non physical you know what I'm saying but I believe that the Consciousness is there quantum physics uh proves it see we look into the quantum world everything changed in standard physics is where we have where we are right now in the large side of physics but the smaller you go the more weird things get we find that particles trans phase in and out of existence and they go to different dimensions we even know now that some of our synapses of our thoughts and our brain phase out of this Dimension and they go somewhere else and then they come back again and this has all been tracked and Trace through the understanding of quantum mechanics and quantum physics and understanding that dimensions exist of the biggest way that we made a model of this is we we figured out how to create something called quasi crystals now these quasi crystals are these multi-dimensional crystals we actually created an eighth dimensional quasi Crystal we created this yes we created how did we create it we created in a laboratory using different Technologies and then from that eighth dimensional quasa Crystal it casts a it casts a shadow of itself down to a fourth-dimensional quasa crystal which then casts down a shadow which creates sphere so we know that the the universe is most likely the shadow of a higher Dimension it's crazy stuff well one thing people don't understand is that we are all made of actual life well everything in the third dimension is made of light M uh and so we are light and light is us we know that the illusion of this Avatar body and this chair I'm sitting on and the table that you're sitting at the illusion of it's there what that what that what what is this this is slow down light waves when you slow light down and the conscious interacts with it it collapses it into what we call solid matter so solid matter is actually an illusion right for example the only thing stopping my hand from going through this chair is the repulsion of the electromagnetic frequencies I don't actually touch the chair you don't touch anything yeah and so if I can phase shift the atomic frequency of my hand to match the same frequency of the atoms in this chair I'd pass my hand right through it because ATS are 99.999% empty space right like pouring liquid into liquid exactly you know that's why when galaxies merge together like we're merging with a g a Galaxy right now called Sagittarius you don't see any real collisions happening or anything around sh to my Sagittarius out there yeah because you know galaxies are mostly in space just like atams everything is a fractal so we are light beings and also because of that we're a fractal we have Consciousness which is also light what is a fractal a fractal is when you take for example if you look at a um uh a hologram and you go to one part of the Hologram one tiny piece and look at it you'll see the entire image in that smallest piece the only thing you lose is a little bit of resolution okay and so it's important people understand that this entire realm is a fractal of a hole in other words as above so below so if you look at an atom it gives you the whole thing gives you the whole thing absolutely so human beings would you consider a fractal of the universe we're a fractal of the universe and our Consciousness even though it's one Consciousness it's also a fract of main Master Consciousness and it's really incredible that every thought that you think in your skull it leaves your skull as a form of a light wave so Professor James Gates Jr University of Maryland former uh scientific adviser to President Obama just to give you like this guy he's not just like a jackpot or something he's like a real dude you know yeah and he put together a team of the most incredible super Symmetry and theoretical physicists in the world like the top brains in the world on this and they started analyzing what is The Ether of SpaceTime what is this soup that we're living in that we're inhabiting this universe what is it what is it made of what what's powering it they discovered something called adinkra codes which go back to the ancient Doan tribe from Mali Africa the original inhabitants of the land of Cam then moved to mly later if they were thr thrown out or taken over at one point but they still kept this ancient knowledge in in and Molly about these adinkra codes and they would draw these patterns well he discovered that these patterns are actually mathematical codes and these are not just any mathematical code there goes one there they're actually the codes that describe the ether of SpaceTime itself they error correcting codes the same exact codes that run our search engines and web browsers that we're using right now to look at the image there's coding behind that screen that runs this what we just did mhm and guess what it's the same code that runs the universe so we discovered that we're living in a that we're living in a programmed light Matrix there's a software programmer that has written this code these are depicting the nature of reality wow and they actually are mathematical programming code they're a special type of code though they're error correcting codes the same type that that Google browser is running on is the same thing that runs the universe error correcting codes yeah and what what do we gain from all this knowledge like what does this tell us and where do we where do we take this like what is the obviously this is like foundational knowledge for us but like where do you see it going well if you understand that we're living in a fractal holographic light Matrix it doesn't mean we're not real it just means that there is a Creator or creators that were living in something that was created just like the ancient text and all the scribes and and biblical text and everything else says but it tells us wow this is the method of the creation now we're getting closer to understanding what we really are we understand now that Consciousness isn't made inside this Avatar body that the Avatar body doesn't even exist that Consciousness is a stream of something you know coming from somewhere else and it's being picked up in this Matrix with this coding if you took all the humans on Earth there's 8 billion humans on Earth if I took all 8 billion humans and removed the empty space between their atoms I can fit every human into a sugar cube one sugar cube can hold all 8 billion of us now
Channel: Wisdom
Views: 1,262,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hhtPbkzcY64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 36sec (2616 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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