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I want you guys to know about a 6,000 year old secret there's been an intervention that's the word that they use we don't they don't say who or what CU at the end of the day you want money right now it's like everyone knows between the pesticides and between the medical industry and especially America that we're keeping people sick 6,000 years mankind has been trying to decipher this one little thing called The Flower of Life Terren Howard is an American actor singer and producer known for his work in film and television he gained widespread recognition for his roles in various popular films one of his most acclaimed performances was in the movie Hustle and Flow for which he received an Oscar nomination for best actor now you know this is one of the oldest symbols in um human history right this symbol was found in the temple of Osiris in Egypt and it had been molecularly burned into the wall and it's 6,000 years old this the same symbol has been found in the The Forbidden temples in China sitting under the Fufu dogs and the foot on it the Flower of Life saying whoever controlled that flower of life controlled the universe in terms of science Howard has shown an interest in subjects like physics and cosmology he has discussed his personal theories about the universe and time shaping his world view regarding mathematics Howard has expressed fascination with the subject acknowledging its importance in understanding the universe there were secrets in that flower of life that D Vinci spent his whole life trying to uncover there were secrets in that flower of life that Newton spent his whole life in secret trying to uncover they couldn't get out of this two-dimensional frame and as a result they got stuck in this plane a flat plane now what D Vinci and all of them were wanted to do they were trying to find a way to bring this flower to life because what is inside of it well apparently there were Secrets inside of it his opinions in these areas often attract attention and can be considered controversial but he is recognized for his passion and intellectual curiosity in exploring these topics shapes they got the mcba and all of those other things out of it but they were misled by something I think called a straight line all energy in the universe is expressed in what it's in motion if something is still there's no energy kinetic right all motion is expressed in what you look at galaxies are they expressed in straight lines expressed in vortices all vortices are expressed in what waves all waves are curved show me a straight line in nature you show me where the plutonic solids come from where do they have their foundations in our universe are there any straight lines if you look at anything there are no straight lines that's been the mistake we've been looking at these straight lines this ukian way of thinking and missing the curvature of nature so here we are back with the curvature of nature so comp compare some of these points take a point here and say well what's the space in between all of these things now they've said that all the in between spaces if this is the Earth and this is the moon right here all this in between space is filled with what a void there's nothing in the void well I found that there is something in the void the elementary fundamental particles that they've been searching for at the CERN collider the hedron collider and Terrence Howard has shown a deep interest in esoteric subjects including the Flower of Life this ancient geometric pattern consisting of multiple evenly spaced overlapping circles has intrigued many with its supposed mystical properties and significance across various cultures to him each circle within the Flower of Life symbolizes a different aspect of creation and the overlapping circles demonstrate how everything is interconnected all of these things there's time it's time for that to be changed now we have changed all of our our buildings to be aerodynamic our airplanes are no longer based on a two-dimensional ukian way of life but our math is still based on a two-dimensional way happiness do we talk about like what's the motivation like yeah there's a motivation somewhere in the back of my mind of my family and if it's like where Moses Smite The Rock and God didn't allow him to get to the promised land because the promised land is family that is the prom that is Earth I mean that is heaven or Earth is family family is heaven that's the promis land and for your family to be together uh so say I smite The Rock and God doesn't let me have my family back my mission in life is still to promote families and trying to figure out what the universe really how it really worked and we've come to find that the Universe they are abandoning the standard model the ideas of black holes and dark matter for an electric model of the universe that is in response to the berklyn currents and all these things it's a better version a better vision of how we should see the universe that's how that's how I see it and I think it should be explored like one of the things I've been saying the ukian mindset has kept us so locked away like there's tons of paperwork of Da Vinci working on the Flower of Life and trying to unravel it but every single existence every single example you see him making straight lines and trying to make these straight lines Bend IN and therefore he was never able to open it up because all the universe is curved all space is curved and as a result what I was doing in trying to find these straight lines I abandon the idea of the straight line the shortest distance between two points is curved space because you cannot force your way straight through space even electricity as it moves from the a southern plane to a northern plane it always goes Northeast in its direction and and magnetism as it expands out it goes southwesterly and that's the spin that's how you always know whether it's magnetism or electricity it's the spin is it Northeast or is it Southwest that was his way of saying and this is you know the scientific Community this is why they're stuck because there's a huge difference Andre between revealing new discoveries and new information and forcing those new discoveries to fit into a pre-existing model it's a huge difference between doing that and revealing new information and allowing the information to lead to the story that it tells there's a reluctance in the scientific Community traditionally to do the latter where the information and I'm going to go into this a little bit more deeply where that information is leading takes the scientific Community to a place that they are traditionally not equipped to deal with and so they prefer to avoid it they're not bad people I have friendss in Academia and I've asked them questions I say why can't you teach this our planet is moving away from our sun at 6 Ines a year you guys know that 15 cmet of the Year our planet is pushing away from the Sun so in less than a half a billion years our planet will be out of the goldilock Zone we'll be somewhere near where Mars here somewhere halfway between there so life will not be able to Su be sustained on this planet anymore so if we're going to be able to to sustain ourselves as a species we have to become Interstellar not just interplanetary you have to become Interstellar but with approximations you cannot become Interstellar you cannot become Interstellar with a a point that will take you all the way over here with a straight line when the actual event is taking place over here when you're going 600 quadrillion miles you can't make a mistake you need precision and that's what the math is about these pieces predict the natural dist distribution of matter and the distribution of where you can find yourself in that space and I'm confident behind it for 40 years I've worked on this and um I think it's ready people need the voice and even right now what I'm doing or how God is using me I'm showing where our voices are being muted there's professors that are actually intelligent actually have multiple degrees that have been cancelled from their schools and they don't have a music industry or a fan base or shoe design or a smoking hot ex-wife to complain about they've just got the truth of what they saw and what they dedicated to this country and to education that has been muted by schools that have been taken over with an agenda to your students and they're the age I am I'm 70 so they've been teaching you know 40 45 years and what they say is you know uh we're going to let the next generation of professors deal with this problem we would have to change all of our class notes it it makes us look wrong as professionals to have to go back and and change the story and I I tell them I said no it actually validates the power of science and then I began to look at my artist friends and every one of my artist friends does the same thing when they create something they're proud of the last thing they do is they sign it they put their name on it and I said if we are the product of an intentional act it makes sense that who or what is responsible for us would have left a signature for it the scientific Community once I started talking about this uh I lost credibility in in some circles and that's okay because it's by crossing the traditional boundaries that have separated our way of knowing in the past that we gain new wisdom that leads us beyond the boxes and so I wanted to go beyond the boxes of our DNA correlates to the letters of the ancient alphabets and here's the beautiful thing is the message that it reveals is exactly the same in all four it's the same in Arabic the same in Hebrew the same in cuniform and the same in Sanskrit and probably other languages those are the four core languages so when we make that substitution when you use that numeric link and literally in to the DNA bases cytosine thiamine guanine adenine when you you go into those bases and you make those substitutions it actually spells out the answer to probably the oldest question that we've ever asked when we say who are we the translation of the first layer in the DNA the introduction of every cell in our body reads exactly the same and it literally this isn't a metaphor it literally reads the words God Eternal within the body it's interesting I spoke at a government lab and the director says look this is the US government you can't use the word God here and I said I don't see that in the Constitution yeah but I said how about this how about if I talk about the causal agent beyond space and time correct that created the universe and designed it for human beings right he said yeah you can do that I was taught this scientific method in grade 1 grade two grade three we got it all 12 years and so and I picked up this uh book uh the Bible and looked at the first page Genesis 1 it said this perfectly follows the scientific method it took me 9 years to discover why it so perfectly followed the scientific method right that's where it comes from comes from the creation texts in the Bible and Reformation theology uh but I looked at uh you know uh Genesis 1:2 the spirit of God is hovering over the surface of the Waters of planet Earth and it gives you four initial conditions is dark everywhere in the surface the water is everywhere and the planet Earth is unfit for life and empty of life well steps one and two of the scientific method are do not interpret and you establish the frame of reference the point of view is a surface of Earth's waters and don't interpret to also establish the starting conditions what's all laid out in Genesis 1:2 I keep running into scientists who say Genesis teaches scientific nonsense I said well Galileo said the biggest mistake you can make in Bible interpretation is to get the wrong point of view I I think we are playing God I think we think we're God and we're playing God and um we have no idea what we're doing well one of the problems with AI is you got people thinking we can duplicate human consciousness that's because they think human consciousness is purely physical I got 50 books on my library written by people trying to come up with the origin of human consciousness what they all have in common is they end up by saying we don't have a clue right so it's because they're looking in the wrong area the Bible tells us our mind and our Consciousness is not physics it's not chemistry it's not biology there's something non-physical that controls our brain I like to think of our brain as like a computer interface it's something our Consciousness uses to be able to communicate with a physical world so that message is only possible because 200,000 years ago who or whatever intervened to to give us our humanness left a message to tell us and it's only now when we arguably are on the brink of global war this is the year 2024 in the spring when the technology is being develop so quickly and we're being encouraged to give away our humans and literally replace our bodies with artificial substances and chips and and Ai and therapies only now that that same technology comes full circle and says this is who you are maybe it wouldn't have meant the same thing if we discovered it 50 years ago now when you go back and you look at our most ancient and cherished Traditions they've always said to us that our body is the temple that we are a temple and this gives new meaning to the temple because inside of a temple typically is something precious and sacred and within us is a message from who or whatever is responsible for us being here telling us that we are God Eternal within the body and I think our greatest Mastery what we're being asked to do is to preserve the temple that holds the message to not destroy the temple to not relinquish it to become a hybrid being where that message has little or no meaning any longer I don't know if that makes sense or not I think this is I don't talk about this a lot in interviews but I think this is where we are is that when the odds of something are occurring are one and 10 to the 400th power it's impossible to have the genetic Arrangement that we have they say is 1 and 10 to the 600th if 1 and 10 to the 400 is impossible possible 1 and 10 the 600 means it's more than impossible that this is a fluke of nature or that it is uh a lucky accident it there's an intentionality Point 0000 42% is the odds of this happening purely by chance so we can say that there is some as a scientist I have to say this and I realize I'm crossing a lot of traditional boundaries to do this I have to say there's been an intervention now where this gets really interesting is as an amateur archaeologist every culture that I've ever studied now I have not studied every ancient culture every single one not one of our indigenous ancestors says that we are the product of long slow gradual mutations over a long period of time everyone from I I've LED groups into the highlands of central China and Tibet 12 monasteries two naries over over 26 days we did that until they closed the borders the bedwin in Egypt uh the the sadus in in Nepal the catua in aboriginals in Peru the the aboriginals all through the American Desert Southwest everyone has a creation story that says we are the product of an intervention that we are much more we're not what we've been told we're so much more than we've been led to believe and that we are part of a global family we have a global family waiting for us when we reach the point where we accept our humanness well you got passages like 2 Timothy 1:9 the grace of God that we now experience was put into effect before the beginning of time or Titus 1:2 the hope that we share in Jesus Christ was granted to us before the beginning of time then you got Hebrews 11:3 the universe that we can detect did not come from that which we can detect we can detect matter energy space and time so and that's unique to the Bible you won't find that in the other holy books so it says this book gets all the cosmology right I mean what astounded me in going through the creation text not only talks about a space-time beginning it talks about how the universe expands from that space-time beginning the stretching out of the heavens how it happens under laws of physics had never changed and Ecclesiastes and Romans speak about one of those laws as a pervasive law Decay and hey if you know High School physics that implies that the Universe gets colder and colder in a highly predictable way and astronomers have actually got measurements of the past temperature of the universe and they perfectly fit what the Bible predicted thousands of years ago everything is based on chemical reactions in order for me to become a character I have to change my chemical composition of how I'm thinking and as a result that changed how I position myself which changes how the heat is generated and transferred out in and out of my body everything is comes down to chemistry you know so acting in physics in in physics if when two things are drawn to each other it's because they are of similar charge it's not positive because when you they say negatives attract but cold air drops down does it attract to the hot air rising up no it passes right by each other because negatives opposites don't attract it's positives that attract to each other two positives drawn to each other two negatives discharge each other so it's all about physics to me it's all about chemistry and it's how the physics how we how another actor is relating to me a slight change in his body language changes my tone it's all physics you got to remember we've been here since the very beginning you know there and there is no good or bad it's just your perspective that you're sitting from is it beneficial for everyone around or is it not there's something that has to build up and there's something that needs to tear it down you know what we call the tearing of it down we call that we call it evil or bad but that's the process of magnetism or radiation radiation tears apart that which was um concentrically brought together electric electric potential and electric force electricity is always seeking a higher pressure condition trying to get to the center of the aex whereas magnetism is spinning Southwest through trying to get out and but the magnetism is necessary because unless it it broke apart that which was collected together you would never have any new material to rebuild again and that's the breathing in and the breathing out of universal purpose now so at the end of the day since the Creator made all all things and everything came from the Creator there is nothing that is bad except what you how you are perceiving it and whether it's beneficial to everyone around you because something needs to tear things apart and if you want to be on the building side of it then you have a sustainable relationship with the universe because the universe loves to rebuild but it also needs to tear apart at the same time believe in evolution everything everything in our world decays yes it becomes more chaotic right nothing in our world starts is chaos and ends up like this there's there's no example is there well uh my colleague FAL R who's our staff biochemist and I we regularly attend origin of Life research conferences and it's interesting each success of meeting is more depressing than the previous meeting because they keep running into these intractable roadblocks however uh I think what you know motivates them they do these experiments in the lab and say hey we're able to put some amino acids together and get a short uh you know sequence of amino acids maybe we're on the way to making a real protein uh or they're able to come up with some way to make RNA the problem is it takes a highly skilled team of biochemists well funded uh with real technical equipment where they make sure we're going to ensure that there is no contain contaminant chemicals that would degrade the reaction so they're using pure samples and there's one U uh that would imply that there's a Creator it implies you need something smarter yes more intelligent more knowledgeable and better funded than those biochemists to do it in the first place uh so but they think they're making progress and I say yes what you're doing in the lab is remarkable but notice it's only the baby steps you can't solve the fundamental problems like how do you get all the amino acids left-handed how do you get all the ribos sugars right-handed that's an easy thing that there's no naturalistic process that does that and so and you if you go to these conferences they admit that their naturalistic explanations don't work none of them work well that would imply that there's someone again more intelligent than us that did it in the first place yeah just so as as I State these things I know that I know I have protection if I have God's protection that's why I'm here to this date right so um what I'm saying and what I tried to tell you guys earlier this is not your first time it's not your first rodeo and it won't be your last Rodeo don't panic in this life you can actually there's no sense of death everything goes to sleep and it wakes back up again refolds and unfolds refolds and unfolds and if you're if you're if you're wise if you're careful cuz you can remember conscious moments in your life can't you you can remember moments when you're like wait a minute I'm in a bigger space than just this little body right here you become fully aware of everything around you and if you quiet yourself you can think about those things well apparently I did that at the last passage because when I came into this life I woke up remember don't forget don't forget don't forget don't forget don't forget and the first thing I did was worked out the Flower of Life when I was 6 years old I started making these pieces what D ventry tried to do at 80 I did at 6 years old because I had been working on it perhaps from a past life now I'm not trying to say I'm crazy or this reincarnation or anything but we know that energy does not die energy just reboots itself and reboots itself so we are Eternal so stop panicking thinking your life is over you've done this trillions of times you'll get good at it and we'll be perfect one time if we get conscious I believe that my calling is to be the leader of the Free World I I completely stopped rapping because I didn't know how to rap everything that I'm doing is for the sake of the human race we are in War I think it's crazy music like at this point it loses me much I'm like a human version of Instagram in a world in constant search for leaders who Inspire and transform the voice of a controversial figure emerges with a vision that defies the boundaries of the conventional Kanye West now known as yay shares his belief that his calling transcends traditional expectations positioning himself not just as an artist but as a potential leader of global Freedom this documentary delves into the depths of his Visionary mind exploring the ideas and aspirations of a man who sees beyond the Horizon of our time there couldn't be a better time to put a Visionary in the in the captain's chair um and that's not to say we we haven't had Visionaries be uh before I'm not coming here to down any of the other uh I'm not here to down Trump down Biden uh I'm just here to express why God has called me to take this position we're all different from each other by declaring his willingness to take on the role of Governor if it is divine will you not only sets forth his political Ambitions but also invites us to question what does it mean to be a leader in the Free World today his journey suggests a quest for Innovation and change not just in music but in the very fabric of our society I see things I I'm a great leader because I listen and I'm empathetic and I feel the entire Earth and I feel us as a as a species as the the human race like I sometimes people think of uh Utopia as almost like a negative word that's that's like we couldn't have that but I do believe in world peace now the world is innovated all around our political system but we have been innovated and simplified our political system ye speaks of a ripe time for Visionaries to take the helm highlighting the need for leadership that listens empathizes and feels Humanity as a whole this utopian vision of the world where peace and Innovation walk hand in hand resonates with the idea that it's possible to rethink and reshape existing structures for a better future I'm not in war with the music industry it's just it's time for us to innovate uh and we need to have contracts that makes sense with exactly how we sell music music like at this point it loses me money it doesn't make it doesn't make me money it is my my $5 billion net worth and $300 million of cash that I see a year music is like4 million for me and that's there's a complete parallel to the way the music industry works and the way the world currently works and the influence that America has on other countries While y reflects on the music industry and his own Financial Journey he draws a parallel to the Dynamics of global power questioning the distribution of wealth and the effectiveness of our political systems his critique aims not just to expose flaws but also to inspire a reflection on how we can innovate for a fairer world so if money is the key to all people's happiness and we solve everything and everyone's doing things for money let's just make more money but it's not about making more money it's about keeping poor people poor and rich people rich and keep PE keeping people in their place like where is the money going why aren't things being built like how much is America in debt and they were like this many trillion how much does the earth cost but how much is the earth worth the Divine calling ye feels to serve a greater purpose through his art and influence is a powerful reminder that true leadership comes with the responsibility to be the change we wish to see I have my issues with Jesus there's a lot of stuff I went through that I prayed and I a see Jesus show up so I had to put my uh my experience in this world my experience with my children my experience other people my experience with my account my experience of my brand and my experience with the level of music that I was dealing with in my own hands like a lot of times I just feel like in our society and America you know people Christians will depend on Jesus so much that we won't put the word in oursel and the main thing that really that I don't rock with is like it's just always like I'mma pray for you and it's just like you can actually physically do something yourself too more than just pray and we're so in this mentality that's that's all that needs to happen yeah God knocked me off my horse God like literally called me and said okay now I need you I need you right now I need I mean not that God needs needs me we need God but he called me to serve him and I was tired of serving the music industry I am fighting a battle in the spiritual form and anyone that believes in God and is looking at this interview would agree with that and I just so happened to be a bright part of God's Army I'm fighting for a to live the greatest gift is life itself people need the voice and even right now what I'm doing or how God is using me I'm showing where our voices are being muted this is where you know in my weakness God becomes strong I have to be the higher me when when people are Downing me it's not like me fighting fire with fire and me attacking or as you say like you know stooping to uh stooping to that level it's like the devil will use you against you you become your own uh you become Your Own Worst Enemy so as I go through these different levels there's times where I would use confidence when I knew what I was doing and I would use arrogance when I didn't know what I was doing but I'd rather use arrogance than to let someone uh diminish my idea of myself because that is what keeps us going hope actually Keeps Us Alive anybody you ask most people it's like do you want tomorrow to come and they say yes they they have they have hope for it but I went from having confidence and arrogance to having faith and faith is the opposite of fear and that created this Fearless approach that I have and that's what made now has made me the fearless leader that I am I'm like a human version of Instagram when you look at Instagram you look at you know you're looking like a a hundred images a day uh well I've got millions of images in my mind and the majority of them haven't been realized yet you know there's some images that are from my memory but I got this whole the future that's in my mind that has to be brought so like only a there's only a billion people on the internet you never think about that there's seven to eight billion people on on Earth but then there's only a billion people that are influenced and that are on the internet we feel like the internet is everything it's only like 15 you know six 18% of human beings but in order to make for our our civilization for us to survive we have to make more human beings we have we have family we have to we have to have food we have to have shelter that we don't have to have the Internet it's only 30% of our communication is is verbal that's why the mask just really throw me off because I can't tell what someone is thinking and feeling because a lot of times half the times people don't say what they're thinking and feeling and I have to decode with the mask I can only you know hear what they're saying that's the problem with social media too right yes things in black and white and things being taken out of context no one is looking to change the problem that led so many people to that same level of frustration and I just so happen to be the one that's not going to back up on it until this changes but it's important that those with the knowledge teach the baby how to find the water themselves and the business people that I've been dealing with have been keeping the babysick by not sharing the information and the knowledge with inside of those contracts my people are sick I think we should figure out a way to absolve student debt I think we should figure out a way to make education at at the very least far less expensive than it is now this is this is a big issue for people Absolut I'm I'm completely confident that I will figure out how to get America out of debt that I have the ability once I see everything I never make the wrong decision when I'm given all the information that's my that's my skill set anything I go into producing rap homes clothing uh anything once I'm given the right information I apply my taste there's things in capitalism there's things in technology well tech technology and original human species can exist in a peaceful way as long as the people that know how to make robots aren't using their robots to control the humans and I feel what people are going through I think that there is a it's not just how we treat people there's preventative measures yes that can help us from getting sick our our diet our our locations our our the our jobs there's a lot of that that affects us and puts us in in those uh situ our transportation you know like uh as you going to like autonomous uh vehicles and tram systems like just kind of you know trains that are like uh floating malls or floating uh Starbucks or something like moving like designing our world to be the world of the future will uh will help us with health that's the preventative message and then as far as uh being more inventive in the way we um we connect uh holistic uh medicine with modern medicine I believe in both medicines I believe in God I believe in God God and nature I believe in uh science and physics we are sick we are sick uh culture sex culture uh capitalism we are sick we as a people as a not just the American society the world we are sick and we are keeping ourselves sick we're all responsible like the black mirror episode we're all responsible in some way we all play some part we all play a part of it and we're all sick in some way and the world has been designed to keep us sick like spatial engineering based off faith can save a world literally like building will save the world spatial engineering like engineer not not going to space engineering our spaces the amount of space that we need the way that we interact with each other how close we are to our loved ones our families how close we are to our jobs we got to experience a lot of this some people it it wasn't good some people it's better they were connected with their children and their families in a whole different way like we're talking this is my thing we could talk about all of these important current issues there's deeper reasons based on the slave mentality based on fear based on protectionism not specifically white supremacy and racism protectionism people just want to protect what they have we need healing internationally not just selfishly for America America's number one internationally we need healing and I would lead I would I would lead with with love dignity the responsibility to our country the coverage of our families of our [Music] soldiers and in full service to God and to the American people cuz you know cuz I'm God and anyone to disagree I'm the god of me and you can't tell me who I am I can't tell y'all I could tell y'all it's y'all job to listen I'm the god of me I don't know if I'm in heaven already and [ __ ] I got number one from not you know I might be in like a fourth dimension version of the lifestyle you know I don't know like I said I must have died in this accident it's Must Be Heaven I feel like you know there's people Tech Guys and [ __ ] like shervin or Elon Elon always says whatever would be the funniest outcome is what should happen he's just think of like what is the most insane version of something and that's the version that should happen my boy shervin said God or alien or Universal whatever happens it feels like uh Victory favors the brave like the people that lean into it that give because it's all like ears it just threats at the end of the day it's like why should you fear and everybody's like well I want you to be smiling your photo right now 50% of black deaths is AB we kill ourselves that's psychological warfare we don't buy no land we doped out we fried out with everything that we promoted is about the destruction of what we doing we are at War that's the only thing that we really need to teach in school is engineering we don't need to teach history we don't need to teach anything that is subjective it needs to only be engineering taught in school and everything else needs to be recessed nothing that at all any Force subjective information is to weaken and indoctrinate our species and that's what schools do now I don't 100% believe in anything any concept of the future or any concept of History because history was just written by The Victors yeah that's right so if I see stuff happen on the day that later that day is reported wrong so how wrong is something reported a thousand years ago and why would we argue about something that's not in the now because that's the only thing that everyone can agree upon is that it is now right now yeah you try not to make the mistakes of the past that's the usefulness of History The Limited usefulness of History the biggest mistake from the past that we keep making is looking at the past too much giving too much value to the past too much value to the past we are now we are now we are here we are one species We Are One race we're here and it's time and the leadership is changing because you have Elon as a leader yay as a leader and we are the top leaders we're more influential than the presidents my people are sick if I go to the restaurants in Opportunity zones and we look at the calorie rating and the cholesterol I will tell you that my people are sick if we look at the obesity rate uh if you go to just a a restaurant somewhere in in Middle America you will see that my people are sick and my people meaning all people right but black people are very influential to all people so right if so if the media picks uh a overweight black woman and says this is body goals then the media are influencing my people to stay sick but it doesn't change the fact that my people are sick and I'm the only person in my position that will say that my people are sick today not 30 years ago not 60 years my people are sick today 50% of my people's of deaths are today my people don't have the opportunities today so I have to have a responsibility obviously to all people but specifically to My Tribe because tribes tribes move and I just I feel like you got pain you're working through do you you think I would trust anybody at this point in my life you're not broken by any of this you're under a lot of attack a lot of attack by a lot of people you have a vision and you're trying to feel your way through it and you might get destroyed for it that's the human uh that's the risk you take we a we ain't praying our way out of prison we ain't praying our way out of the abortion clinics we ain't praying our way to get our land back that was always ours after gingerification after the Harlem uh Renaissance and Black Wall Street was burned to the ground them prayers ain't working we going we have to apply actual physical building Partnerships and and it don't start unless we could really be real with each other and say this is what I did this is what I did it the my life has been through I wake up every day just surprised to to be alive like because of how many threats I got from political to you know Twitter commentary to all that just like going through just be like boom what's the difference between permanent and temporary you know it's just a permanent structure and until God says it's not you know it's like nothing's permanent our life is not permanent so how do we just let go those things even like going from the name Kanye West to yay was the beginning of just letting go of some things of these titles like we need to remove the titles
Channel: Wisdom
Views: 319,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4QYN27tsuQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 35sec (2795 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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