You guys said I was wrong... and you were right!

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quarantine here continues day I don't even know anymore but doesn't matter I am never too proud as much as people want to say the contrary I'm not too proud to admit when I don't know something which is why I did the video all about my sm7b being a waste of money for me and the reasons why I wanted it but a lot of you guys told me that I was just ignorant and didn't know anything about this microphone and I was doing it all wrong which is perfectly fine because that led to me taking the advice of my audience that now got me set up with the sound I always wanted so today I'm gonna take you guys along for the ride on what I did what I bought on the advice of the audience so that I now have the nice rich radio sound I always wanted with a lot of fun extras that I wasn't even expecting the only ex g27 0qg from viewsonic breaks their traditional ugly appearance of gaming monitors by providing an ultra clean design while still delivering gamers the features that they want most features like a 1 millisecond response time IPS 165 Hertz overclocked display black brushed aluminum stam with tilt and swivel mouse and keyboard cable anchors and customizable subtle life to learn more about the XG 2 7z ogq from viewsonic and to see current pricing click the link in the description below okay so the sm7b one of the first things my audience said I was doing wrong was I was talking too far away from it you got to get all up on this thing like you're on a ninth date something like that like it's called the proximity effect apparently and you got to get really freaking close to it and that was the first thing I started practicing and it's actually amazing what this microphone does when you're close to it and we will be hopping into OBS you guys can see kind of the final effects that I got here the other thing I did a lot of you were just super trigger that I got the up that Yamaha G 0 16 or whatever it was called rightfully so the thing's a piece of crap and and it's not gonna give me what I wanted because there's a lot more to sound and microphones in terms of the hardware setup that happens on the processing end that I just didn't even know about until I started researching it and then got overwhelmed by people throwing too much information at me and then getting mad and then re researching and then I mean purchasing a go XLR it's kind of funny and my comments a lot people were like Jaeckel XLR go XLR like it is an XLR mic what's wrong with you guys I now know what they meant when I said go XLR it so I'm a TC how there's a company called TC Helicon it is an amazing piece of hardware now there's two versions of this and yes I know that I'm like two years late to the review on this thing but as somebody that was two years late to caring and went out and purchased it I think it's a it's something I want to share with the audience it's two versions there's the full version like you see right here which has the sample pad on the right we can program the buttons to play certain sounds like I've got one program just you know to say you know Michael Scott that's what she said and I've got I think a sad trombone and I've got some fart noises like all the typical immature stuff you would expect from me and even though I lack boats is recorded and stuck in there second of all it's also got the voice effects which you can on-the-fly adjust and I'll show you all that sort of stuff oh and this has motorized sliders too so if you take a look at it you see I push the buttons they're motorised if you want the full version that's gonna run you about five hundred bucks there's also a mini version which is just basically this part on the left with the knobs and they're not motorized but you get all the software control them about to show you of all the stuff you would see in a hardware rack kind of handling all this stuff with pieces of hardware so we're talking bout DSS or talking about noise gates and limiters for talk about compressors just a full eq all that sort of stuff alright so I am sitting here now in OBS and I've got my go XLR going I've got my sm7b sitting right here and you can hear I've got some music and stuff going on oh watch this I'm just gonna go ahead and turn this down this is not a full tutorial on how to use the the go XLR app this is about how I got the sound that I did now first things first you do have a go to Nate noise gate and I've got mine set pretty low so the gate is gonna mute your audio unless your audio goes louder than where you set this that's at minus 50 dB that's not a lot the attenuate attend attenuation you ever say that word that's basically how much it's gonna mute the audio down to what volume percentage down to when the gate is active I have it set to only go down to 20% not too completely turn off I don't want the card the hard cut off and turn on so you can I mean let me show you what what this is like blah blah blah blah blah I guess it's not that bad but yeah see right there when I took my breath the the breath didn't completely undo the gate so it was kind of like a like a really weird sound I just had the attacks at the 10 milliseconds doesn't take long to activate I have it set to 150 milliseconds on release that's how long before it will reactivate again after it no longer hears audio above 50 deep minus 50 dB simple explanation on what the gate is you know the equalizer you could use simple stuff bass mid mid that's a lot of mid oh that's a old timey sounding radio almost but yeah I have mine let's just put that one that's fine and then treble but I click this little side arrow you can get a fine tunable equalizer on there so I've gone through here and kind of set it up for the sound that I want even adjust the frequencies while monitoring is I'm actually listening to myself right now live monitoring with my headphones plugged into the back of the go XLR so I can hear myself I'm not screaming but I can also hear what the changes deal with having to do a record stop recording record stop recording and listen I can hear it in real time so I could see like I know twelve point nine kilohertz is kind of where my s is sort of are so I can like pull that all the way down it makes a little bit more warm you can add a whole bunch it sounds kind of ridiculous ridiculous the de-esser is kind of doing this job I'll show you guys in a second so everyone's voice is different you're gonna need to go in there and tune it for the sound that you want I think I have a very heavy mid tone in my voice and so I kind of pull it down slightly just because I otherwise it sounds like you kind of saw here it's a charger sound a little old-timey but that's fine the compressor this is an important one this is the one that actually keeps you from peaking your mic and crackling and stuff or having uneven volume it's gonna lift the lows and reduce the highs in volume not the frequency so you guys can find other tutorials how to set the compressor I've got mine set so I give like that I can talk normal like this or I can get really loud and you can see the audio levels roughly stay the same now the de-esser this is important watch if I turn it off Sally went to the seashores to sell seashells now watch if I turned it on all the way Sally went to the seashell shore something with s's you see the difference that's basically just designed to take the edge off of the s sounds or the de-esser which makes a lot easier on your ears I think I'm happy with that it gives me that nice warm radio voice like I wanted no a lot of you guys told me proximity effect proximity effect proximity effect is what you have to do with the microphone and that's what I'm doing right now I'm really close to the microphone and I'm really making that compressor work for it but and the one thing I want to point out with the go XLR is I'm gonna get a little music back here there we go when it comes to the live monitoring I feel like it Peaks and it cracks because I'm not hearing the compressor do its job if that makes sense I mean I kind of am but I'll hear crackling in the headphones if I get real close to it like tears but then when I listen back to the recording I don't hear it so I'm just kind of learning to ignore it but it doesn't sound bad in the recording so I just sort of leave it the go XLR will install not just it's broadcast stream but it has a stream for an audio stream for game for music for chat for system and you can change all that stuff and the volumes of each in the sliders right here on the screen or you can set four of them to the physical equalizer right here on your desk for instance now I have a royalty stream music going right now on YouTube so if I want to bring up the audio levels check this out I'm just gonna do it right here oh wow they can hear and now I don't really know how it's done that's good there we go yeah kind of chilly well chill Chewie I'll hook to dyad let's hook to dad if everyone's like oh my gosh a the music levels are too loud pull it down you can see on the app - it actually like represents that or if I just want to mute it suddenly and be like hey let's have some real chat right now let's have some real talk real talk with Jay and then I can unmute it and then I can put it back where I want it now there's another thing here I think that comes really in handy for this and that is discord because it installs its own chat stream and if you go into discord what you can do is you can set the discord settings to look at their only listen to the go xlrs audio stream for chat which then mixes down inside the mixer goes back into a broadcast stream that gets sent back to OBS or your microphone output and it mixes it all together but you can still control the values of all that stuff with the knobs are here so for instance I've got this court turned down that's set to number two right here this is my chat if I turn this up and unmute it I fell I need you to be loud and obnoxious like just be you okay see I don't like that I'm gonna go ahead and meet him there I just pulled him down or if let's so we actually utilized this the other night in a live stream where we were we were playing around this and we were you know having a few cocktails let's just say that things were getting loud obnoxious there was times I wanted to talk to my chat and there was times I feel want to talk to his chat well Phil want to talk to his chat mute me he had to go into discord and either turn the volume down or do it in the actually click the button okay click the button but do you want to click a button or do you want to reach on your desk and just be like BAM we can't hear Phil right now oh no he's talking his little his little name is lighting up I can't hear him I can't hear I'm interesting I'm just talking he stopped talking is it oh there he is talking again but I can't hear him so all right Phil I'm gonna go ahead and close this chord thanks for helping with this give everyone your laugh everyone misses your laugh actually it's so not the same that's what she said oh I don't have my okay so in that instance we'll move on to the we'll move on to the stamp pad alright thanks Bill right there was a perfect example of that's what she said joke so if I go over here to the sample pad basically what that allows me to do over the sampler that allows me to make these buttons right here that you see do something that I want them to do so let's say over here I've got stuff that I've already saved so I've got my air horn sound effect will do that on top left for top right see how that also lit up now because it means that we made it we assigned something to it so for instance Phil had just son Phil had just said something here what it was and anymore I could be like see so you can make it whatever you want you keep it record to this live so if you're doing a live stream you want to record something and then use it throughout your life stream you can do that and then you've got ABC and all these different profiles and stuff you can set them up - I've got this one of course we need that there we go and then bottom left pose I like boats so there's that which is always fun this slider on the very far left here I didn't even show you that's the actual leg bring it back up so you can control your your Mike you do a momentary mute with this button so you can be taught when you let go it on mute or you just push the mute which will automatically bring down the slider and there's one of the things I really have fun with here and this is the sound effects so if I go ahead right now and I turn on sound effects it doesn't sound any different because I have nothing changed we can add a little bit of reverb oh so if we go in here to effects we can even tell what kind of reverb do we want it's a chapel ooh that sounds spacious it's an empty Chapel yeah echo and then of course there's the fun ones these are the ones that we all like to play with so you could just be sitting here in the middle of your live stream and someone says something he'd be like boosters Bob or so so of course that's the stuff you're only gonna get with the main model but at the end of the day the thing that I cared about most is the way the mic sounds and I think the go XLR for live-streaming purposes in the way I'm using it sounds absolutely amazing with the go XLR I guess I haven't tried it without the cloud lifter it might make a difference I'm not sure but I'm really happy with the way this sounds so as you can see we got all sorts of things that we can adjust and also you could set game sounds to these as well so if you go over here - oh and routing - this is where you can turn on what sounds get played through what so that's like for instance we've got inputs here so I got chat mic if I go see broadcast stream shows everything you can to make the headphones that I'm currently listening to right now not play system sounds see uncheck that and you guys are still hearing it but I can't hear anymore broadcast miss it this is where you can turn off certain stuff so we don't have a console plugged in oh I have that I'm a line in why use that I don't have a game in why use that although it will leave a game because you could go into the audio settings and like counter-strike go is playing the other night and I went in there and set my sound to game I can hear it because we're monitoring it right here on the routing but then I can control the game volume with the slider so if someone's like I can't hear the game you could turn it up or someone's like your game is way too loud you can turn it down without having to go in and screw with a bunch of things and then obviously you can do your updates and all that sort of stuff but anyway guys I just want to say thank you for suggesting this I for some however the last two years this device has been out have never heard of it until this and then I looked and I was embarrassed to see that Linus has talked about it he passed box has talked about it and then obviously Harris has talked about it like people have talked about this so I've decided I want to talk about it and show you guys now that the sm7b was not a waste of money I wasted money by not supporting it the way that I should have so I put a link to description in the description below showing you guys a link to the product it's an Amazon affiliate - you guys can see what the prices are like I said there's the mini which has none of the stuff on the right like nothing over here exists but you get you get all of this which isn't the most important part the noise gate the equalizer the compressor in the de-esser and that's what's giving me the audio the rest of you is true for me it's just fun boy you can do stuff like this chase now if I get it if I get it just right I get just right bring down the reverb this parts always fun if I get it J I gotta getta just right one more up it's the Jedi ro no run Roger Roger this is the perfect device for someone as immature as me alright guys thanks for watching and as always I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 605,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goxlr, shure, shure sm7b, best mic, best mic for live streaming, best live streamingmic, what is goxlr, how to setup goxlr
Id: ZwuFLEJr5uA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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