Trowel and Error - How to Set Tile the Right Way
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: CustomBuildingProd
Views: 5,650,963
Rating: 4.878438 out of 5
Keywords: custom building products, tile, tile install, tile installation, stone install, stone installation, trowel, NTCA, how to set tile, how to use trowel, how to spread mortar, bond strength, crack prevention, prevent lippage, prevent broken tile, cracked tile, large format tile, thin set mortar, medium bed mortar, tile flatness, grout joints, tile breakage, tile contractor, tile installer, how to install tile, movement joints
Id: Way5bMh-eYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Holy crap that was informative, and easy to digest. I have a feeling my guy didn’t use the NTCA recommended tile setting technique. Hopefully he at least did a little backbuttering on the wood grain tiles!
I now know how to set a tile perfectly.
Friday Night: How to Set Tile the Right Way
Me: Yeah I cant figure out while I'm still single either
I wish i knew this before I tiled my bathroom
why did I watch the whole thing?
I just watched a video on how to set tile.
I don't even own a house.
I am an idiot.
Great, now every time I see a broken tile where parts are missing and I can see underneath, I'm going to think about this video and be that guy who smugly says "see, that wouldn't have happened if they didn't curve their trowel like that".
“ why is your estimate so much higher than the other guys?”
Very interesting. Tile work in general fucking sucks, so if I ever have to do it again, this is good to know