Get Out of Hobby DEBT! 1 Army 2 Days

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I have a problem and that problem is a huge pile of Shame a shameful pile of Shame the minimum monthly model paint meant on that pile of Shame is probably about five models a day for the next three years so I decided to buckle down and do the responsible thing [Music] of horses 2022 kind of went off the rails a little bit but I want 2023 to go better I want 2023 to be the year I get out of mini painting debts so I'm setting myself a challenge an entire Army in a weekend two days starting now the Army I'm gonna paint is a 40 miniature strong silverness Army for age of Sigmar now is this possible to do in two days well I have sort of done this challenge before I painted a storm cast eternals Army in a week so we will see what happens my plan is day one is going to be nothing but base coding I don't really like base coating but it has to be done so that day two can be nothing but highlighting highlighting is my favorite thing to do in all of painting it's putting on the last little garnish it's a little bit of oregano a mint leaf on the corner and just a Big Blob of sprinkles on top it does mean though that today is gonna suck but tomorrow might be the most fun I've ever had in my entire life so time to get to work now you're probably taking a look at these guys and thinking yeah those guys are trees I know what color trees should be and I do too magenta at first glance it might seem like an odd color for these tree elf spirits but magenta is one of my all-time favorite colors it has never let me down before and I am contractually obligated to include Magenta in all my Miniatures to start to lay in some lights and darks I broke out the airbrush I sprayed some dark brown over the hands and branches I'm keeping these colors off the faces I want them to be the brightest spots on the model I'm trying to make them look as human as possible with paint and their crazy Twiggy Silhouettes will show that they are in fact not people but trees and those two conflicting facts battling against each other will make the models more interesting I sprayed a dark gray over their feet and the tips of their branches to push the contrast further and draw more attention to the faces and speaking of the faces I sprayed these with bone color I also use this on their tushies even though I'm working on base coats I'm doing my best to work in some highlights these models are spindly with tons of details and the brighter and more contrasty I can get on the base coat now the easier time I'll have tomorrow the bases did not get overlooked in the base coating I made some patches of green every base got about three spots letting the original primer and any other colors that spilled onto the base's day it adds some nice variety which is important for natural looking ground then some gold paint I don't own a gold paint I really like so I like to make my own mixing some silver paint with a drop of orange ink and I put this on all their weapons and jewelry I don't know where these trees got gold from but it does add some nice accents I have tons of Base coats on there and now it's time to provide a little bit of contrast and I'm going to use enamel washes and I'm very nervous I've never done enamel washes before I've done oil paints but I've never really had much success with oil paint so I'm sure streak and grime is going to be a great success this stuff is legendary or so I'm told the easiest way to get some nice control over washes this is either going to work perfectly or fail spectacularly I have 500 cotton swabs and some oil Rags so I have everything I need oh it's time to try everything got dunked it probably would have been smarter to try this on One Mini instead of an entire Army but where's the challenge in that all right everything's Brown time to see if I can actually get this off or if I'm gonna have to do some base coats part two cotton swab mixed with a little white Spirits definitely pulled the streaking Grime away but it did take a lot of work and the cotton swab started shedding pretty bad I switched to a paintbrush wiping the model then wiping the paintbrush clean on a paper towel and this seemed to work a lot better I would like to try again with some higher quality cotton swabs it was really interesting seeing the model turn brown and then see some of the original paint be revealed but it did take a lot of work ammo washes are on there and I'm in two minds about it I think on the spindly tiny little infantry it might have been a bad move it took so much time and effort to get some as not as much as I would have liked of the enamel wash off the minis and overall they just got really really dark it looks a little bit like I put sunglasses on with that being said though it's not the worst look I'd say I'm probably 50 50 on these guys on the bigger models though the tree Lords I think it did a really really nice job I mean these guys are sort of like vehicles and vehicles are sort of what these things are made for but since they have much bigger flatter areas I found it much easier to wipe off a lot more of the enamel and it looks really really good just stuck in all the cracks and crevices and the hard to reach spots so a plus for the big guys C minus on the Infantry but am I still in a good place to finish on time yeah I think so getting right back into base coating all the tree stuff was done but half of these sylvanath are half tree half ghost elf James Workshop suggests with the box art to paint them light blue which would have been lovely but instead I went with yellow it wasn't much fun playing around all the branches and armor but it does make these angry tree people pop all the yellow got an orange wash this will create a very smooth look which contrasts nicely with the messy grungy bark and that juxtaposition is exactly what I'm going for on the dryads and tree Lords I went with a blue speed paint for their loin Claws and their little leaves I did not plan my colors came out beforehand but once I saw the yellow I knew the other accent color needed to be a cold color Opposites Attract when it comes to fun color schemes alright that ought to do it for tonight I got just about all the base coats done and I should be in a really good spot to finish tomorrow one thought I did have a work on this is where am I gonna put this Army and luckily this video sponsor has the solution the jacosi miniature storage case is a great solution to storing and transporting your miniature armies yes armies this case is huge it is 18 inches tall 15 and a half inches wide and 11 and a half inches deep I currently have 17 kill teams in there and it can hold a lot more it's made of tough tough plastic and it's very strong opening it up you will find five metal trays that you can slide in and out perfect for attaching Miniatures that have magnets in the bases and its modular you can put these trays wherever you want inside you don't have to worry about pinching banners or finding different solutions for taller Miniatures the jacosi case can hold them all when closed you can see your Miniatures through the Clear Window in the front and it has a handle on top so it can be easily carried to and from your local game store it ships flat and then after screwing together eight screws four on the top and four in the bottom it is ready to rock and roll if you think the jacosi miniature storage case would be a good fit for you and your armies you can follow the link in the description below and check it out for yourself oh day two the day this Army gets finished and you know what I think I'm just gonna go down the line finishing unit by unit starting with despite revenants except for the base rooms not being painted these guys were pretty much ready to go yesterday so now I get to make them perfect I also noticed I forgot to paint their Lucky Charms after a little dabbing of gold I took some bone colored paint and then I began to stipple this on this scratchy speckly pattern will be a nice contrast to the smooth as butter and butter colored skin a few squirts of burnt umber ink Blended the new bone highlights into the base coats I did yesterday it feels like so long ago but really it was only a few hours ago the skin was so much fun to highlight I have a lot of practice doing this on Orcs but instead of dark green to light green it goes from Orange up through yellow and ending in white I painted in patches working each muscle one at a time making smaller and smaller patches of lighter and lighter colors I airbrushed some Indigo ink over the branches this dark blue over a dark reddish brown base coat turns almost black then I picked out all the leaves with bright blue and then a highlighting of light blue hanging above the bright yellow skin they really stand out then I sprayed a little more green onto the bases and a little green ink over the legs to change the colors a little bit pretty much my whole 40K collection has black base rims but these guys are for ages Sigmar so I decided to go with a brown a nice natural color for these Supernatural plants five spite revenants completely finished 40 Model Army now down to 35 more models to go and honestly most of those are dry ads so I barely count those really if you look at it that way I'm almost done I probably could have gotten a little bit more work done this morning if I continue to assembly line paint instead of just focusing on these guys but I think that is completely offset by the insatisfaction Boost I got of actually finishing these models and I think next I want to work on one of the big figs Hammer dress actually you know what let me do a little bit of math to do let's say I want to stop working at about 10 o'clock so divided by 35. oh I have to finish a miniature every 15.42 minutes that's that's maybe doable that's maybe possible um I better get to work dreicha is the hero of this Army an unhinged elf Spirit piloting a mech suit made of magical tree and beehives she's a wonderfully wonky model I highlighted her skin exactly like I did the spite revenants who dreicha actually gives Buffs to in game then I dry brush the beehives and some white paint to make them more vibrant then I highlighted the wood using a bone color I could have spent all day on her but it's definitely not necessary to get everything I focused on the spots that I think would catch the Light most I airbrushed blue over Twigs Claws and bugs to darken them then I airbrushed orange onto her armor near her body this is a bit of object Source lighting she is the most powerful Revenant unit so she's glowing extra bright and I also use these colors on the beehives turn them a wonderful shade of honey I use Brown ink to blend the highlights into the armor and some green inks on the legs Droid shoes Young by tree standards so a lot of her armor should be youthful and green her shooting weapon is a swarm of angry bees and considering that the B Queen weapons and armor is one of my favorites in the video game Terraria I had to spend a little extra time on these bugs highlighting the wings from dark blue to blue light blue and then white I highlighted the beehives of some of the yellow from dreycha's skin and then it was time to finish another model by painting the rim of the base Brown greicha is finished well sort of finished I'd like to do some fun power sorting things on her claws but I don't really know how to do that yet I'm gonna do that on the spite Revenant swords and I think it'll be easier to learn how to do it on these and then maybe at the end we'll see how much time I have I might go back and touch up her claws a little bit but seeing as she took a little bit longer than 15 minutes I gotta move on up next was the Gotham at archers I did all the same steps I did on the spite revenants but unique to The Archers are some buggy Wings the blue speed paint from yesterday looks lovely but I want to introduce some splattery texture and my favorite way to do this is with the airbrush I turned my compressor almost all the way down so air is barely moving through my airbrush then I put in some watery light blue paint and let it spit out this is a great technique for blood splatters Stars dust and dirt and glittery bug wings after admiring my work I fixed up the little base coding mistakes that yesterday made then I took some green inks and sprayed it over the bodies of the Buns yes bugs these aren't actually the Archer's wings but they're bug BFFs who give them a big hug and carry them through the air on the eyes I've been using the oranges and yellows I've been using on the Revenant bodies These Wings Are the only painting sub-assemblies I have for this entire Army I peeled off the poster attack revealing the bare plastic pegs and socket and that way I can get a perfect strong plastic glue Bond I know I'll knock these top heavy models over all the time so I want to make sure those wings are stuck five gossamid archers completed the deadly Tinker Bells of the sylvanath now I have 11 models completely finished and I think before I said this Army had 40 Miniatures it actually only has 35. I got a little confused because the dryads actually come in 16 which isn't quite enough I guess I could take one Squad and then spend a CP to reinforce it to 16. it would have been really nice if Games Workshop sold them in boxes of 10 or 20 but uh you know what always comes in the correct number of Parts the terrain available on our patreon we make brand new terrain sets available to our patreon supporters every month this month our patrons get the Starship Bridge a grim dark man Deck full of stained glass perfect for games like 40K kill team and any other tabletop war game in addition patrons get access to extra episodes of EOB live Discord Hangouts and top supporters can get their name on one of my black Templar Space Marines the dryads made me do math wrong so I'm going to paint them next I also really want to start getting models off of this table because it feels like there's a lot left and the evening's getting a little long in the tooth I still think I can do it but uh we'll see how long these dryads take I tried to work fast on the dryads they are the lowliest here on the sylvanath totem pole so whatever I do I need to be prepared to do it on maybe 50 to 100 models in my sylvanath career I airbrushed some blue inks over the tips of their branches and their Twiggy Talons turning them black I did some highlights of bone on their faces chests and shoulders working quickly grabbing One Mini after another doing the same steps over and over once I had worked through the pile I turned the models around and worked through the pile again highlighting their butts and calves the bone is bright but not bright enough to push the highlights further I did these steps again with pure white speed pinning through the faces then speed painting through the butts then a dusting of burnt umber ink to blend the white into the wood then dripping orange ink into the eye sockets I wouldn't normally paint eyes on a horror troop choice but these models don't have a ton of detail so I decided to go for it then highlighting all the individual leaves with blue and light blue paint and that is a forest of dry ads I can be proud of whoo 16 dryads done ah it feels really good there's only eight models left on this table however those eight models include two tree Lords and I really should knock out these tree Lords because I have no idea how long these are gonna take on humongous models like these it can be hard to know where to even start especially when you've already been painting for 11 hours this may be a little airbrushing on the branches I am loving how the blue ink turns black on the models and it makes the existing highlights stand out even more I squirted white paint over some of the symbols on their armor to start to build up a glow then I brush some water over the symbols the water fills up the cracks and dries on the flat Parts this is key for pin shading with acrylics I can dip some white ink into these crevices and the paint will flow through the symbol neatly and cleanly I squared orange over the symbols which made a nice looking color but it did darken the symbols a little more than I would like I picked out the eyes and then decided to double dip with more white ink in the symbols after that I picked out every single leaf with some blue panes blue with opposite orange on the color wheel so this makes my sylvanath really stand out but it did take a long time to paint every single leaf but it felt really good to paint those bass rooms Brown and finish two more huge models tree Lords are done it feels really good to get those big old models out of the way now I have six models left and six minutes left to get them painted if I want to stop working at 10 o'clock but you know I have a feeling I might kick that can right down the road and we'll see how far I get by 11. I started the day with some sylvanath revenants and it feels right to end the day with some more revenants I'm glad I didn't leave all these models for last now that I know what I'm doing it's simple to run through the steps highlight the armor with bone highlight the skin with yellow until it glows like the sun picking out the leaves with blue and painting the base rims Brown I had plans for doing more with the swords but it's getting pretty late you know what I'm starting to like the pink colored weapons the tree revenants are done that means I have a single miniature left the branch Wraith oh boy it is not going to be Sunday for much longer and I am getting this Army done in a weekend one model half an hour let's go the base coats are pretty strong they just need to be pushed a little further the branch wraith is a spellcaster who can summon dryads so I want to make her match I use bone to add more highlights to her skin and make the face more vibrant moving to White highlights I made the skin brighter still I picked out the symbols etched into our bark with some orange ink to match the rest of the glowy bits on the Army now the model is looking very bright but not very tree-like so I glazed down some brown this made some nice shadows and Blended the magical body into the natural wood with my remaining seconds I picked out all the leaves then glazed the magenta into her hair and with that it was time to put down the paintbrush the branch wraith is done that is the last Model the entire Army is finished oh and look at that I was just under the clock holy cow an entire Army in a weekend I'm going to bed the sylvanath war host is ready to march to war droitia hammadrath leads her armies of Soul infused plants grown from seeds in the realm of Life ready to defend the forests of aish ready to strike down anyone who had the audacity to cut down a tree pickle flower or trample over a blade of grass two furious days of painting later and I now have a completed sylvanath Army my goal was to completely get out of Warhammer painting debt and I have definitely succeeded with just the game age of stigmar but that's good that is progress I actually assembled all of these Miniatures on Christmas Day and if I hadn't made the decision to just sit down and get it all done this project would have stretched out probably over the course of the entire year but it didn't take that long it got finished in two days ah I'm so excited I'm gonna take these guys put them in a Jacuzzi miniature transport case take them to the local Warhammer store and get a game of Aegis sigmarin
Channel: EonsOfBattle
Views: 294,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eonsofbattle, eons, of, battle, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 4000, 40k, video, game, play, fun, paint, learn, tutorial, diorama, painting, design, base, basing
Id: MFemswo7484
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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