You can't buy the Fuji X100V, so buy THIS instead!

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[Music] thank you this is the Fuji x100v and it's the camera so hot that it's sold out everywhere and where it's not sold out it's often for sale for almost twice the price now I love this camera it's mine I'm not going to sell it to you but I am going to recommend other Alternatives that I've tested that are fun and beautiful that you can actually buy we're also going to tell you what makes the x100v so magical but first I want to take a second and thank our sponsor KEH KEH is the best place to buy camera gear because you can actually get good prices on you're buying used equipment but it has been thoroughly cleaned repaired and checked and they will give you a 180 day warranty in case anything breaks and if for some reason you don't like it you have 21 days to return it you can also sell them your old gear so if you see something that you like feel free to trade up and in fact they'll give you a 200 bonus for trading in some Fuji gear that's how high demand Fuji equipment is right now if you want to buy something from KEH go into our links below you can get five percent off or if you're selling something there you can get a five percent bonus so thanks KEH okay let's get into it first let's talk about what people love about the x100v it is a beautiful camera the design is just gorgeous it's vintage it's compact it's a reasonable price when you can get one for fourteen hundred dollars and it has this little built-in fixed lens so you don't have to worry about that I think at its core what makes it great is that it takes good pictures it's fun to use and it's easy to take everywhere and it's beautiful so I will be using what I think people love about this camera to pick out other cameras that you can actually buy if you're interested in the x100v you might be thinking about getting the previous model which is the x100f and it has a lot of what you'll love about this but it's also difficult to get people have caught on to the fact that if you love this camera you're probably going to love the one before it it's about eleven hundred dollars if you can get it but it does not have the tilt screen it has a focusing system that's not as good or as exact it has fewer Auto focusing points and the lens is a previous generation of lens so the resolution is not quite as good still I had the X100 F before I had this and I thought that the shooting experience was similar so that's going to be your closest dupe to the x100v I think that the next camera you're going to enjoy if you like this one is going to be the Fuji xt3 and it's got a lot in common with the x100v it's portable it's very light you can get a compact lens for it so you still don't have a huge camera and you also have this beautiful vintage look we put this leather case on ours it does not come with it but it does give it that vintage fun vibe it has a very similar sensor you're going to get a similar experience with the buttons but what I like more about it is that it has the iso and the shutter speed right on top here so everything that you might want to adjust is right at your fingertips this also has a tilting screen and the experience is pretty similar but this is not a fixed lens camera you can change the lenses now for some people that might over complicate the whole system but for me it's nice that I can put something a little more telephoto on and change the types of photos that I can get the other crazy thing is that you can get an xt3 for around 800 at KEH so for less money I think you're getting a little more camera and some room to grow by being able to put different lenses on it next I want to go to the X pro series of Fuji it's a little bit bigger it's a range finder like the x100v so if you like that you can have the optical viewfinder on here that's where you just see the world as it is then you might also be gravitating towards the X pro 3. you can also change the viewfinders that you're getting the digital experience and you can see all the filters and things that you get with the x100v but you can choose between them another thing that I like about staying within the Fuji system is that there there's this cool it's a small feature but I really like it there's a little screw on top of the shutter button and so you can actually screw in this really cool little shutter button that's like a film camera and uh you know it might seem small but the ants weigh more than the elephants all of these tiny things add up to just a cool experience and I think that's what makes people gravitate towards the Fuji cameras one of the cool things about the x-pro 3 is it's got this little tiny screen on the back that looks like where you used to put your film tabs it's really leaning into the film experience and one thing that's interesting is that the screen just tilts down so it's not really heavily leaning on the fact that this has a screen at all it's there if you want to look at it but mostly you're getting this film experience if you want a conventional screen you can get it on the x-pro 2 and in the x-pro series you can get these at KEH starting for around 500 which is a lot less than the X100 vs 1400 dollars if you can get it I've seen them for up to like twenty two hundred dollars that's how in demand they are again this is not a fixed lens camera you could put a smaller lens on it you could put this exact little pancake lens on this camera or you could have a larger lens and to me I think that gives you a little room to grow and a little bit of Versatility next I want to talk about the Fuji xs10 and this is about a thousand dollar 26 megapixel camera this one feels a little bit different to me you can see it has this deep grip so you're not getting this flat kind of film camera look I don't think this is so much replicating a film camera but I do think that it still looks cool I think that the user experience is a little different you'll see that the buttons are slightly different the exposure compensation button you can program it to something else but it doesn't have the plus and minus like the x100v or these other cameras there's something a little more modern about this camera and it loses that film experience to me but it's going to take excellent pictures it has this video recording button on top so it's not trying to be super vintage it's a little bit more modern and I think something that's cooler that Fuji does with these little details this button you have the flash just pop up so it does have an on-camera flash pop-up flash which is nice oh and it also has a fully articulating screen so if you do want to film video and look at yourself that's an option you still have a small compact camera that takes great pictures you're staying within the Fuji system but you're able to take video see yourself and get more interesting angles with this screen definitely a good option for foodie lovers let's talk about different systems though we've covered what I think Fuji has to offer and now we'll talk about Nikon Sony Olympus there's far more options and even cameras as low as like three or four hundred dollars that could satisfy your itch for the X100 today if what you love about the x100v is the lightweight and retro styling check out the Nikon zfc it's only 800 bucks at KEH and you can see I think it's just gorgeous and it's light enough to hang around your neck like this it has all the analog controls for ISO and shutter speed but not for aperture none of Nikon's lenses have the aperture Rings unfortunately but it does show you the f-stop on this really cool little display that's reminiscent of the film counter on older lenses I find that Nikon zfc really fun to use for especially for quick casual snapshots I I like the Fuji cameras a little bit better when I'm getting manual with it because the Nikon camera makes you switch between the pasm modes but I don't think most people end up using those anyway one thing the x100v doesn't have is a flip screen so if you ever want to film yourself make some tick tocks or YouTubes this has good autofocus and flip screen so you can see yourself the kit lens here is good and matches and has a nice Zoom to it which is more capable than the x100v but you might want to check out the 28 millimeter F 2.8 s lens from Nikon because it matches the aesthetic and will give you better low-light performance and more background blur if what you like about the x100v is that it's small light and capable then check out the Sony cameras especially the RX cameras now I'm holding the zv1 here and it is such a Powerhouse for vlogging and travel and stills it is so small it doesn't have a viewfinder so you're going to have to use the flip screen here and it doesn't have that retro styling like I don't love the design as much as I do the fujis but if you like this sort of solid black aesthetic you might love it also check out the RX 100 which is very capable and has a nice zoom lens or if what you want is image quality the r1r Mark II has 42 megapixels and a very sharp prime lens and a package that almost fits in your pocket so while they don't have that retro aesthetic and I don't find them as much fun to use they're extremely capable and Compact and really engineering Marvels now I don't have any Omni but Olympus is also a great option the company has recently changed hands but that doesn't mean you can't still get their great used cameras I had the em10 and I liked it a lot for the same reason so that I like the x100v it is stylish it's vintage it has a tactile experience and it's portable and small I think it's a good comparable camera to the x100v and you can get them for like three or four hundred dollars is use so check out Olympus cameras too when you're searching for your x100v dupe and you can do that at our sponsors page they have thousands and thousands of used cameras and they have professionals that actually check them out and make sure that they're in good working condition go on there and Shop they have great deals you can get five percent off with our coupon code but also if you do not like the camera you have a 21 day return period And if anything goes wrong it has a 180 day warranty so you really can't lose thanks KEH again go down to the description down below get five percent off anything you buy with our coupon code or a five percent bonus towards anything you sell and they'll have a bunch of options for you there
Channel: Tony & Chelsea Northrup
Views: 76,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fuji x100v, fujifilm x100v, fujifilm, fuji x100v review, x100v, fujifilm x100v review, fujifilm camera, fujifilm x100f, best travel camera, is the fujifilm x100v worth it, x100v review, best fujifilm camera, should i buy the fuji x100v, street photography camera, x100v vs x100f, x-t3 vs x100v, x-t3 vs x-pro
Id: aQh6ojRwBCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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