Fujifilm X100V or X100F - Which Camera to Get??

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foreign [Music] hold on a second so meet puccio Andrew puccio yeah or Pooch I guess right yeah that's what the Internet calls for me we have the same cameras except for on the Fuji's I have the x100f puccio has the x100v and so when we got to talking I was like man we've got to do a video and I've been wanting to do a video for like the last six months comparing the two cameras so we're gonna take some time right now walk around Main Street in Memphis take some photos do some side by side comparisons of the photos but really talk about just the difference in the two cameras because they are so similar obviously different in colors they are so similar but then they've also got their differences and that one has gotten way more popular than this one we all know the X1 rupee is so much cooler the internet says so all right so in order to do a good test between the two cameras and do a good shootout the thing that has really made these cameras popular is the film simulations so what we're going to do is put both cameras into the same simulation take similar photos and compare the two in terms of just the photos and the quality thank you I'm about to get that street photography Vibe hold on let me pretend like I'm not taking a picture of these people over here and then I'm gonna turn around just snap as quick as I can sick [Music] [Music] tell me about your experience even snapping photos with this camera so I got this camera really to to take it on family trips because I really didn't want to take the R5 which R5 is really like a commercial Cam for me I use it in my business for photos and then a b cam for video so I really wanted a camera that was honestly just fun but I just wanted something that had this like just nice soft feel to it that would be great for portraits so I bought it really for some vacations and then we went on a Disney cruise with my kids then we went all the way up to Maine stopped in New York City stopped in DC and then took photos up in Maine like on the beaches and just different Vibes around there and man I just felt on that trip I fell in love with this camera and to this day those are some of my favorite photos of all time quite honestly and it's it's the Fuji film just something about that look the look of it is just amazing too exposed [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the thing that we have to do though is we do have to switch cameras I've never shot with the f trans never shot with the V I don't think I've ever held the V alright so okay this is so this is my first hot take First Impressions this is so much lighter than mine it is it is significantly lighter so light it's lighter it feels the same I actually do love this little rubber guy right here on your eye the buttons are different for sure um you actually have like more buttons I didn't realize that you have more buttons on the app which I actually kind of like that yeah like where do you go to kind of toggle through it is the so the F has the directional buttons that are on some of the larger Fuji bodies the V has the joystick which is not it's not awesome my biggest gripe with Fuji in general is the menu system I think is convoluted and can be really ugly and clunky to get through but having something I will reiterate that yeah and the fact that I didn't know that I could even format my cards on here because I couldn't find the format option in the menu yeah so we had to learn how to form our cards before we spend time together step one step one but I will say using the directional pads are so much I like them a lot more than having to I mean it's just it's whatever it's just preference the tactile thing but yeah other than that it feels like the same camera it looks essentially identical I have the uh obviously difference with screens is with the V you can do this you don't have you don't have anything on that stuck in place and and my screen is cracked and his isn't true in terms of actually holding it LCD is brighter on the V I can already tell it just the LCD guys look better because it is yeah on the V the other big thing the difference in the F and the V is video so if you're interested in doing video this is going to have 4K video and also offer F log so if you're in the video then that's a big consideration all right so we are going to switch cameras I'm Gonna Fly With The V here Pooch is going to fly with the F and yeah I just want to test this guy a little bit more see what the rage and the hype is about with the V considering my f and see why people are just loving this camera so much more do I think do I think I'm going to switch from the V to the or from the F to the v no because I just love just having a camera just for sales and I'm not looking for something with video but it's fun to play with the V for sure [Music] so the thing about the V is it definitely feels newer it feels more modern it feels more yeah it's got It's got some more umph to it so the V is a very nice it feels great in hand the LCD is probably one of the biggest differences and the biggest things that I'm noticing is the LCD is a lot brighter and even the evf is a lot brighter but I've just kind of gotten used to the darkness of the F and just reading my meters and paying attention to those kind of things I mean if you're if you're new to photography and you're not used to reading meters and just and just trusting your settings then it could be more difficult and you would want to have a better LCD so I get it I know why I know why people love it [Music] thank you [Music] the hype I get the hype for this 100 V I do too yeah I really do get it it makes a ton of sense I also get why people miss this I think what people are misunderstanding is that the film look that everyone wants right is accessible and capable across all Fuji platforms if you were someone who has the F and you've gotten really used to it I don't believe that the changes from the cameras unless you're trying to do video unless you can't see through the LCD screen or you can't see the LCD screen I don't think it's worth upgrading I just don't yeah that's a great camera it's super great I also do I walked away going I would rather shoot with my V because I'm more used to it I'm just more used to it all right so Trent from the future here after I got done working through this edit and going through all the photos that I and Pooch shot I can confidently say that the x100v if you're simply looking to use the film simulations and to just shoot in jpeg that yes this thing the looks that you get straight out of the jpegs are beautiful and are better than the x100f by quite a bit I mean you can definitely dial some things in on the F and then in post-production adjust things but if you're simply just wanting a camera that you can just point and shoot and flip through the different film simulations and just do jpegs and quickly send those jpegs to your phone or whatever whatever device to publish the x100v is phenomenal and I see why so many people love it for that reason now I will say the x100f I shoot most of my photos in raw so that I can in post color it the way that I want to color them and they are beautiful they are amazing and I think I think at that point the Raw on both of the cameras is going to be very similar and how you approach your post-production but if you're looking just to shoot jpegs and those film simulations they they did look better they did look better on the X100 V and now I know why so many people love that or love this particular camera but I think at the end of the day it's not enough for me at least to switch because I shoot in raw and the f still has amazing photos so yeah I get it but they're both really good cameras [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Trent Erwin
Views: 3,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: videographer, filmmaker, business, video business, photo business, photographer, fujifilm x100v, fujifilm x100v video, fujifilm x100f vs x100v, fujifilm x100f, fujifilm x100v film simulation, fujifilm x100v reviews, fujifilm x100v review 2023, photographer tips, film like camera, film like digital camera
Id: d27FeQ7V82M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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