DON'T BUY THE FUJI X100V: Buy THIS instead!

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hey everybody it's Booey Perry from Tampa Florida and in this video I am going to tell you definitively why you should not be buying the Fuji x100v [Music] all right before we get started just a quick reminder I have a podcast it's called photobomb you can find it anywhere that podcasts are found I guarantee you will enjoy it also be sure and follow me on Instagram or join my group on Facebook profoto talk with Blu-ray Perry and also all the gear that I carry my professional gill gear my my travel gear everything that I have for my Fuji x100v all of it is listed on my website if you click one of those links and you buy one of those pieces of gear I make a like a dollar maybe or something like that in commission and it helps me to keep this channel alive because I have to pay for editing software and and things like that so be sure and check out my gear page I would really appreciate it all right here's why you shouldn't buy this camera which sounds weird right because my my whole channel is practically devoted to the Fuji X100 line of cameras and I'm about to tell you why you shouldn't buy this camera and I am talking to you person who loves Jeeps what am I talking about all right my daughter loves sheeps right she's young she's a teenager and she wants a Jeep oh I love a Jeep Daddy I want a Jeep Daddy my daughter wouldn't know off-road if it bit her okay my daughter is never going to get her car stuck in the mud and have to winch It Out by wrapping the winch cable around a tree something I did many times growing up in the woods in Louisiana my daughter does not need giant knobby tires that are four-wheel drive and cost a fortune my daughter does not need a ride that is Bumpy and when she could have a nice car with a nice ride when she takes her long road trips to her band competition or wherever she is going my daughter doesn't need a Jeep my daughter likes the idea of a Jeep and that's what she wants and right now everybody loves the idea of the Fuji x100v and that's why you can't buy one because somebody on Tick Tock said that this was a great camera and it changed their life and now everybody's saying I want that camera too because I want to change my life but listen if you're not going to be using the thing you're buying for the very purpose that it is intended you are going to be unhappy you're going to spend a lot of money on a Jeep and you can think it looks really cool and then a month or two later you're gonna be like it's windy inside it didn't ride very nice and it's expensive and it gets low gas mileage and there's going to be a million reasons why you're going to realize oh I should have just bought myself a nice Toyota Corolla or something along those lines right so let me just start off right that when I say I'm going to tell you why you shouldn't buy this camera that's why you shouldn't buy this camera because this camera is only for a certain type of person and if you are that person great but if you aren't you shouldn't buy this camera now I've got notes on my screen because I took a deep dive today so I've got notes on my screen I'm going to be looking at the notes so I apologize for glancing away at the note so let me just give you some help if you're suddenly looking to buy this camera and you're going and you're looking at YouTube videos and you're watching me right now let me explain to you what you should be doing you should be asking yourself why you want this camera do you want this camera because of the Retro style you like the way it looks hey that's fantastic Fuji also makes a camera called the xt30 which is retro styled and very cool and less expensive you should be looking at that right oh Nikon Nikon makes a camera called the zfc which is so cool and so retro and you should be looking at that as well because both of those cameras are cheaper you could even look at a Fuji X Pro Camera which is a range finder style camera don't get the most modern one because that one's gonna be kind of expensive but if you go back like one model yeah that one you can be looking at cool retro styling no one else is going to have a camera like that look at that camera that's going to solve your Jones of I want a camera that looks like this fantastic is it the size do you do you love the size of the camera that is so small and it's pocketable no problem I got that covered too again the Fuji xt30 very small you put a little pancake lens on it very small just as small as this sometimes smaller I think take a look at that one also Rico Rico makes a great camera called the gr3 take a look at the gr3 line I mean this camera is truly pocketable you can put this one in your pocket and it's an excellent camera you will love this camera take a look at that if it's size that's really really important to you what about the film simulations maybe that's what's got you right you saw the people on Instagram or the people on Tick Tock and they're showing you pictures they took with the Fuji x100v and they're using classic Chrome you know whether using prone egg high and you love those film simulations well here's the good news every Fuji camera has these film simulations now there are newer film simulations added to newer models of the camera but the old ones are great as well right yeah and so like if if you want classic Chrome for example you're going to have to get a Fuji camera that has classic Chrome and if you get one that's say four or five years old it's not going to have classic Chrome so you need to check and make sure it's got the particular film simulation that you want but all Fuji cameras have the film simulation so again the xt30 I would definitely look at the xe4 the xe4 is small and pocketable and it has the film simulations so it's a lot like the RICO except it's got the film simulations right so take a look at you will love that camera as well the xc4 you will love it if you get that camera now maybe it's not for any one of those reasons maybe it's for several reasons maybe it's for one or two of them combined so let me ask you this do you want this camera because it has retro styling right it's a rangefinder style camera it has a fixed lens at f2 it has a built-in flash it has a leaf shutter that allows you to flash sync at 1 4 000 of a second at F4 and it has a four-stop ND filter built in is that why you want this camera because if that's why you want this camera you're in luck because this is the only one this is it okay there is no alternative to this camera not a real alternative to this camera if everything I just said was so much Greek to you and you didn't understand what I was talking about then believe me you don't need this camera you're not going to appreciate this camera you are buying a faux Jeep you are buying something that that is built to do something that you're never going to use it for okay so that's why you don't want this camera because everything I just said explains what makes this camera great and if you don't get that you're wasting your money by buying this camera I went down a rabbit hole I watched YouTube videos I went and looked at websites and I looked at all the cameras that they were listing as great alternatives to the x100v and every one of them was lacking something that I would consider to be vital in this camera and what makes this camera great so now let's take a look at some of these features and find out if you really need them and if you do then this will be the right camera for you okay let's start off with what I consider to be the deal killer when it comes to buying a camera like this if you are looking for a camera because you are a street photographer and you just want to go out on the street and take Street pictures if you're into that and if if you are you know what I mean you're not somebody who just likes the idea that you're somebody who does it right you've got to go out every week and you've got to just do some screen photography if that that's the case then you're going to be you're going to be just fine with the Nikon zfc or you're going to be just fine with the the RICO those cameras are going to be great for you especially the RICO because it's so small but if you want a camera that's going to do it all for you right you want to be able to street photography and everything but you also want to be able to take the camera to a party that you're going to tomorrow night and take some good pictures there too right then the one thing that is going to really disqualify probably half the cameras that I've already mentioned is right there it's the built-in flash you've got to have the built-in flash yes you can add a flash if you want to but I'm guessing you don't want to add a flash I'm guessing you don't want to have a second thing you have to carry around with batteries for that thing that you have to put on the camera no what you want is something that's quick and easy which means you need a built-in flash well guess what the Fuji cameras there are only three that have a built-in flash of all the cameras just three this is one of them the other one is the Fuji xt30 which I've already mentioned a couple of times which I owned I use my backup camera was the Fuji xc30 I just sold it last week it has a built-in flash as well and there's one other camera I have it written down just oh yes right the uh the ss10 the xs10 as the access to the sx10 the xs10 the xx10 also has a built-in flash and a little bit of retro styling but kind of a modern styling because of the way it's got the big grip on it and everything so great it's got the built-in flash bingo it's got the Fuji simulations Bingo however it doesn't have the styling it doesn't have the rangefinder it doesn't have the built-in ND filters right so it's not a true alternative to this camera but it's a Fuji with a built-in flash okay so if the built-in flash is important make sure the camera has a built-in flash because a lot of the cameras I've mentioned do not have built-in flashes so make sure it does so the Ricos for example which are fantastic cameras the newer ones don't have the built-in flashy or older ones do but the newer ones do not have the built-in flash so that right there eliminates a huge section I'll tell you what else eliminates a huge session is price you'll notice that I haven't mentioned Leica very much or when I say very much I mean I haven't mentioned it at all uh and I haven't mentioned some of the really great Sony pocketables and it's because of price if it costs three thousand dollars or four thousand dollars or five thousand dollars you can't consider it an alternative to this camera so they're right off the table right off the bat the next big thing that can be a deal killer when looking for something that will compare to this camera is the interchangeable lens and by that I mean the lack of an interchangeable lens this is very weird because you would think it it's kind of odd to say that a camera with an interchangeable lens is not comparable to this because this this one has a fixed lens the interchangeable lens just by definition is better because you can put different lenses on the camera and that's true so if you buy a camera with an interchangeable lens like the xt30 and you put a pancake lens a small lens on it then you just leave that lens on it you never put any other lens on it then you're good right you're fine you're fine you're good to go it's just basically it's the same as this camera when it comes to its lens because you're not changing it so it's it's always there it's fixed as far as you're concerned but if you're doing that it seems kind of silly to buy a camera with an interchangeable lens and then never swap the lenses out that just seemed kind of odd but I mean but that's okay I mean you can do it but here's the other problem if you're looking for something that's comparable to this yeah you might be able to find a camera with an interchangeable lens it costs like 700 or 800 but once you buy the lens that goes on that camera you're going to be over a thousand dollars and this is like 1300 1400 new and they're more expensive right now because people are gouging you I get that but the true value of this camera is 13 or 1400 and if you buy an xt30 and you put a pancake lens on it you're going to be over a thousand dollars so it's comparable in price it's a little bit cheaper and you've got those interchangeable lenses but there's other things it can't do that I've already mentioned I'm going to talk about that too so interchangeable lenses if you really don't want an interchangeable lens that also wipes a lot a lot of cameras off of our list so if it doesn't have a flash it's out if it has interchangeable lenses it's out and then we get to some stuff that's really special the leaf shutter ah the leaf shutter see here's yeah here's where things are gonna get really tricky because none of the cameras I've mentioned have a leaf shutter I take that back uh the RICO the Ricoh GRS they have a leaf shutter but the leaf shutter on the Ricoh gr's if I'm correct does not flash sync up to one four thousandth of a second and only flash sinks up to like 12.50 or 1500 or somewhere or something like that plus of course if you're getting the new Ricoh it doesn't have the built-in flash at all that right there that's the big thing about this camera that if you don't know that if you don't understand it and if you don't understand what you can do with it you really shouldn't be buying this camera it's just a waste of money if you have never said to yourself I wish that I could use fill flash outside on a bright day and still have an aperture of F2 right if you've never said that to yourself then you're not gonna you're not gonna appreciate this camera you're not going to get what this camera is all about but if you're a photographer and you understand what I just said then you're going to be like you're going to be over the moon when it comes to this camera and let me tell you if you don't understand what I've just said but you want to I have a whole series on the on my YouTube channel uh called Blu-ray explains where I am step by step explaining all these terms that I'm using and if you go there you will learn what I'm talking about and maybe you will then be like oh that really is cool and this is the camera for me but if that's not what you're interested in this is not the camera for you because the the best thing about this camera is the fact that it has a built-in flash that you can use that flash at f2 on a bright day and also shoot at one two thousandth of a second because of the leaf shutter one two thousandth of a second F2 one four thousandths of a second at F four I believe right so I I can't stress this enough if you don't know what I'm talking about this is not the camera for you go buy yourself a RICO go buy an xt30 you'd be perfectly happy you'll save a little bit of money you know and you'll be good to go there are other things by the way the built-in ND filter but again if you don't know what it means to shoot at f2 on a bright day then you don't necessarily know what a built-in ND filter is going to do for you this has a four-stop built-in ND filter so you can shoot at f2 on a bright day because even though you've maxed out your shutter speed at 1 4 000 of a second you can even knock down the sun some more with that ND filter and then shoot wide open at f2 did you understand what I just said if you didn't this is not the camera for you there's one other thing that might be important to you and it's the viewfinder because many of the cameras that I mentioned earlier don't have them for example the Ricos don't have them and the Fuji xe4 don't have them they don't have viewfinders they just have the screen and if you're a person who's like great I'm a photographer and I use the screen that's great you know I use my screen too but if you want the experience of looking through the camera and shooting through the viewfinder that's going to eliminate the Rico the Rico's off the table now and that I really do think the RICO is a great camera but it's off the table now because it doesn't have the viewfinder now it does have uh the um uh the leaf shutter which is great right so that you know I would say probably the most comparable camera to this would be the Ricoh line right that's probably the most comparable camera but it doesn't have the viewfinder and it doesn't have the film sends Sims and I don't think the leaf Setter will flash sync as high and if you have the newer Rico it doesn't have a built-in flash and when you take away those things it really is not comparable to this camera at all so I've spelled all this out for you and you've said to yourself I still want this camera I want this camera because I because maybe I maybe I don't understand everything that Blu-ray said but I want to experience that stuff I want to learn about that stuff I want to become a photographer I want to be able to I want to know what he means when he says that it you know flash sync speeds at one four thousandths of a second F4 that's great man I I'm welcoming you on this journey and I envy you because you're going to learn so much and you're going to love so much of what you learn and you're going to feel enriched by it and you're going to feel like you're a real photographer but if you're looking for an alternative to the F I'm sorry to the x100v than some other brand you are not going to find it it doesn't really exist the best alternative to the x100v is the x100f the camera that they came out with just before this or the x100t or the x100s all of those cameras are great Alternatives and if you go on YouTube you can probably find one for about half what this one's listing for or even less and they're great cameras I know I owned two of them I had the S and I had the F and they're fantastic cameras yeah they don't have all the features the flippy screen was added in this model the neutral density filter went from three to four stops in this model the uh lens got sharper in this model a little bit the designs are a little bit different just a little bit different you know when you come to this model and there's the film simulations like there's some that are in this model that are not in the last Model so they're not a true alternative no two cameras are identical but they are as close as you're going to get because you're still going to get the Leaf shutter you're still going to get the built-in flash and let me tell you the leaf shutter and the built-in flash to me are the two most crucial things in this camera and people don't talk about it enough they really don't because I just watched a whole bunch of videos with guys going here's a great alternative to the Fuji x100v and it doesn't have a built-in flash which means it's a great alternative unless of course you want to take a picture after the sun goes down I don't understand how that's an alternative how can you say that a camera is an alternative when it doesn't have a flash you know so that's really what prompted me to make this video was I was just annoyed at how many people were Point were pointing to cameras and saying they were alternatives to the Fuji x100b when they don't have a flash that's like a deal killer all right so there we go video done I hope you've enjoyed this and I hope that it has helped you figure out where you are in your journey because if you are just somebody who is looking for a family camera that looks cool and might fit in your pocket and is fun to use this is a fantastic camera but you really don't need this camera you know go get something else go get the xe4 go get the xt30 go get the Rico but don't get this camera because you are buying a jeep that you're never going to take off-road tell me a like throw me a sub throw me a comment trash me if you want to I don't care and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Booray Perry
Views: 154,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fuji x100v, fujifilm x100v, street photography, fuji x100v review, x100v review, fujifilm x100f, fujifilm photography, fujifilm camera, street photography for beginners, fujifilm x100v photography, fuji x100v vs x100f, fuji x100v film simulation, fuji x100v tutorial, fuji x100v vs ricoh gr iii, fujifilm x100v alternative, fujifilm x100v vs xe4, street photography tips, street photography camera
Id: HSw7w99V0sQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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