You Become Invisible But It's Not As Cool As You Thought

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at first you hear a high pitched buzzing sound then sparks start flying in the air around your head light bulbs begin to flicker a deafening crack and you nearly jump out of your skin then you feel hot as if you're in the middle of a desert and you scream and scream until everything around fades to black you come to your senses with a gasp you're lying on the floor in complete darkness you try to get your thoughts together in the morning you decided to visit your best friend an inventor he'd been working on a new mechanism but never told you what this thing was supposed to do anyway you knocked on his front door but there was no reply that's when you noticed that the door was slightly ajar you entered the house it was eerily quiet inside moving slowly and carefully you reached a staircase it led downstairs to your friend's laboratory normally he doesn't let anyone in but what if something had happened and he was there alone unable to call for help when you opened a heavy metal door leading to the lab you couldn't help but do a double take the room was filled with complex equipment but devoid of any human beings you almost stepped out of the laboratory overwhelmed with all the test tubes and flashing lights you were also a bit scared by a strange low humming sound unfortunately in an attempt to get out of there as fast as possible you didn't notice a bunch of cables under your right foot you tripped over them and started flailing your arms to keep balance your hand of course hit a piece of equipment and knocked it down it crashed to the floor you heard a high pitched buzzing sound and the rest was history now that you know what's happened it's time to get out of here you rise to your feet oh nothing hurts awesome you slowly go upstairs calling your friend's name no answer you decide to go home first and apologize for the accident later but before you leave the house something grabs your attention a mirror on the wall or is it because it doesn't reflect you confused you stare at the glass surface then very slowly you lower your eyes and look at your hands they aren't there like at all you examine the rest of your body or rather its absence you don't start screaming and running around in circles only because the entire situation feels like a bad dream but you can't deny the obvious you've become invisible your clothes and shoes you were wearing during the accident are invisible too you go to the living room and pick up a book you can definitely see it how about food you shuffle to the kitchen and open the fridge for a second you get distracted by a piece of cake sitting on a blue plate a moment later you're already holding it in your hand still visible so many opportunities are wasted like that latest smartphone model you've been dreaming about for ages you can't just sneak into the store and leave with the phone clutched in your hand you go back to the mirror the cake remains visible until you put it in your mouth it means that if you decide to munch on something outside you'll have to eat it very fast a levitating donut would look extremely weird but even if you can't get yourself nice material things you can still have some unique experiences a brilliant idea comes to your mind what if you sneak into some super secret place and have a look around for example an airport especially since there's one nearby finally you'll quench your curiosity you try to rub your hands together even though you don't see them your body knows the move well enough you go outside and set off in the direction of the airport humming a tune that's stuck in your head but after several people have turned their heads confused about where the sound was coming from you decide to keep quiet a bit later you find out another inconvenience of your current state dogs even though they can't see you they can still detect your smell very well one pooch leaves its owner's side and runs towards you it sniffs your left leg growls and starts jumping around you you're rooted to the spot the dog's owner whistles and calls his pet but instead of leaving you alone the dog starts barking at you only after the man calls its name does the animal run away in half an hour rather shaken you reach the airport you get inside without any problems you manage to sneak past one security guard then another but as soon as you approach a door that looks particularly promising a shrill sound of alarm startles you it seems the system has detected your body warmth frightened by all the commotion around you flatten yourself against the wall to let security guards pass the accident dampens your spirit of curiosity all you want now is to get home after leaving the airport building you face a dilemma how can you get home it would take ages to walk there you can't use a bike rental because you know reasons you can't hail a cab because the driver won't see you you could probably get on a bus but there are no buses around so walking it is two hours later you're exhausted and more than ready for a break you spot a small park with a lake on the other side of the road trees and some shadow oh you're saved you plop down on the grass and let out a long breath in a minute you're already asleep you jolt awake oh no a large dog is towering over you and this one doesn't look as if it's going to give up anytime soon you carefully get up and start to slowly retreat when you can't stand the tension anymore you turn and run and the dog is on your heels at one point you carelessly move too close to the lake splashes and cold water hits your entire body getting into your nose and mouth when you get back to the surface there's already a small crowd of picnic-goers gathered around they waved their hands discussing how big a fish must be to cause such a noise you can't just swim to the shore and get out of the water in front of their eyes that's why you hold your breath and dive deeper soon you reach the other side of the lake and finally crawl to dry land oh you can partially see your body it's covered with very visible mud algae and other stuff you can't show up in the street half visible and half not you spend the next hour sitting behind a bush waiting for your clothes to dry then you clean them as well as you can it's getting dark you're tired thirsty hungry and sleepy and your home is still so far away a brilliant idea occurs to you when you're passing the most expensive hotel in the city that's where you can have a rest besides you've never been to such a luxurious place before the hotel has sliding doors and you manage to sneak inside among the other guests no one notices or questions you taking an elevator seems too risky that's why you climb the stairs until you reach the top floor what a view you're gonna have tonight but there's still one problem how can you get inside a room you seem to be in luck a maid is cleaning one of the largest suites and the door is open you quietly walk inside and stand still in the corner soon the maid leaves and wow the possibilities you take a long bubble bath enjoying the view of the night city then you watch some shows on a huge flat screen tv you toy with all kinds of remote controls make yourself a cup of delicious coffee and sit on each and every sofa in the suite when you can't keep your eyes open anymore you lie down on the softest bed in your life you fall asleep with a smile on your face a scream wakes you up you blink your eyes open the maid from yesterday is staring at you with her mouth a gape oh no your invisibility must have worn off what now
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side what if, what if stories, what if scenario, what if experiment, interesting what if questions, interesting what ifs, fun what if questions, fun hypothetical questions, fun hypothetical situations, what would you do, fun hypothetical scenario questions, what if, what if you became invisible, invisibility cloak, invisibility potion, is invisibility possible, invisible man, superpowers, superpowers compared, what if you were invisible
Id: 9pWSCUo2kHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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