What If You Woke Up As the Kraken Tomorrow

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the first thing you feel is some heaviness around your body as if you're sleeping under a soft but weighted blanket it feels nice and you're too lazy to do anything fortunately you gather enough strength to move the blanket you open your eyes and it's weird you're surrounded by some blue glow you want to rub your eyes and discover that you have tentacles instead of hands how about skipping the part where you're terrified and can't believe you've turned into the Kraken after a couple of days of existential horror panic and total Madness you finally calm down now let's figure out what it's like to be the most terrifying ocean monster so that heavy blanket is water pressure it's colossal at the depth where you're hiding few living beings can withstand it take a passenger car down there and it will burst apart under the heavy weight of the water but you're the Kraken you're more powerful than any car your body doesn't collapse in such conditions your thick elastic skin can withstand any pressure and strong muscles allow you to move freely here and here's the thing with the blue glow you're so deep down that sunlight Almost Doesn't penetrate here it's hard to tell where's up and down because of the water pressure but fortunately you have huge eyes that like the lenses of a telescope catch the light coming from the surface an ordinary person can't see anything except Darkness at this depth but you have something like a night vision device built into your eyes so you see this blue glow there's almost nothing at this depth it's only endless heavy emptiness you can see a few fish and several racks of sunken ships the sea creatures you meet here are pretty unusual these are Anglers and all sorts of transparent squid come to think of it giant squid are your only friends here and you're like a king to them in general hanging out close to the ocean floor is pretty boring you sleep and eat that's all it would be best if you swam higher to get more snacks you rise and the water around you becomes brighter more and more sunlight reaches this place and you finally meet other inhabitants of the ocean turtles sharks jellyfish octopuses and stingrays Dart away as soon as they notice you all of them except jellyfish they don't care you look for a place to eat and notice a Shoal of fish great here's lunch after you've eaten you stay there scaring fish and dolphins just for fun you like the way you can control your tentacles you have 10 of them it's impossible to put into words what you feel but imagine that the fingers on your hands have become huge like pool cues and it's incredible you can extend your tentacles to be as long as a passenger bowing also you have suction cups on them you can grab anything so tightly that no creature will slip away from you thanks to the tentacles you swim fast first you move them in different directions then press them together propelling yourself forward strong streams of water that you create push all the fish aside you notice a blue whale it's the largest mammal in the world but next to you it looks like a puppy so you swim eat scare fish and other Marine creatures and I that's it your life is kind of boring and how long will it last a hundred years a thousand if you want to have some fun so you swim up to the surface and get almost blinded by bright sunlight you try to get used to it the water is quiet there's no wind you look around and notice a tiny dot ahead wow it's a large wooden fishing ship with sails finally you'll have some fun you can't wait to see people and tell them about yourself so you're happily swimming toward it but if someone was watching you you'd probably look pretty scary you get stuck in a fishing net it's thin so you easily tear it apart and rise to the surface the people on the deck are terrified they scream and run in different directions hey guys where are you going I just want to hang out with you they seem so small Fishers throw harpoons and axes at you but you don't feel any pain you put one tentacle on the wooden deck and accidentally break it the whole ship is fragile like a matchbox okay it's better not to touch it turn around and accidentally flip the ship over all the people that were on board are now in the water fortunately you have enough tentacles to save them all you catch every Fisher and see the horror in their eyes someone even faints you put the ship back on the water and help the people return to the deck then you push the boat away and swim toward land but you decide not to show yourself to people on the shore those Sailors you saved will tell everyone how they survived meeting a giant monster everyone will talk about how terrible you are but no one will mention that you also saved them how unfair you return to the ocean depths and fall asleep some strange sounds wake you up it's like water dripping from a tap into a sink you open your eyes and see faint flashes around oh well that's interesting you swim up and realize that a thunderstorm has woken you up it seems rather severe the sky is black and the waves are huge you notice a big vessel sailing amongst this chaos this ship is different from the one you've seen before it's made of iron and it has no sales because it's a modern cargo ship it seems that you've been asleep for a couple of hundred years the people on board notice you and fire a signal flare a bright red light blinds you you spread your tentacles and accidentally push the ship it's heavy and doesn't flip over it seems that technology was developing While You Were Sleeping the storm is getting stronger the ship is rolling from side to side you try to hold it with your tentacles but it scares the people on board they scream and you understand their reaction a colossal monster has come out of the black depths and grabbed their ship it's unpleasant to see that they're afraid of you so you decide to swim away offended you're hiding close to the ocean floor it turns out it's not much fun being the Kraken you can only hang out with fish but they can't talk people are afraid of you and you don't want to make them uncomfortable you feel so alone in this world you eat your lunch and go back to sleep hey yeah Mr Kraken can you hear me a voice says you wake up and shudder terrified who said that were all the stories about the Flying Dutchman true have you just heard some Phantoms speaking to you I understand you're confused Mr Kraken so swim up to the surface and you'll find out everything few minutes later you come out of the water and see a huge flying ship it's floating right above the water but the most fantastic thing is that people on the deck are not afraid of you they look at you with interest and even with some sympathy you notice a man in a strange helmet among them hi it's me talking to you thanks to this telepathy device you can think about anything too and I'll hear you it's the 24th century people have invented Technologies for communicating with animals and fish they found out that almost all creatures have no thoughts and live following their instincts but then people detected some brain activity coming from the ocean depths they discovered you you seem to be one of the most intelligent beings on the planet and people are very interested in communicating with you finally the centuries of your loneliness are over that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, what if you met kraken, kraken sea monster, craziest what if questions, strange what if questions, mythical creatures, is the kraken real, kraken octopus, what if, face huge Kraken, crazy scenarios, meet kraken, is kraken real, is kraken extinct, what if kraken didn't go extinct, sea monsters, scary marine creatures, largest creatures, what would happen if, kraken attack, mythical animals, is kraken an octopus or squid, fictional monsters
Id: ndK-_ZdNWng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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