Unseating Principalities: The Jezebel Spirit

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we are in a season at Mercy culture called the season of mercy the foundational scripture that God gave us as we planted this church was Exodus 33 13 teach me your ways that I may know you in find favor we're in our first series on the ways of God quick recap in part 1 we said it's impossible to know the ways of God without knowing the Holy Spirit in part 2 we talked about unity unity is when we trade our will for the father's perfect will and when we're in unity with the Holy Spirit it automatically puts us in unity with each other we three we talked about generosity and generosity is when you freely and extravagantly give from a place of faith when the only objective is to please God how you're not even beginning to operate in generosity until you start honoring God with your tithes if you notice that mercy culture we don't pass the plates we don't take up tithes and offerings and the reason why is because we want to teach you how to be obedient to God not do a 10 minute motivational speech to encourage you to give so your obedience and honoring God that's between you and God and we're gonna teach you how to obey God so if you want to rob God that's between you and God but we're not gonna take time in the church service to to motivate people to do that and in part 4 we talked about righteousness righteousness has been removed from Scripture because it's been removed from our lives and righteousness is the DNA of heaven scripture says when we search seek first righteousness everything else will be added in part 5 we talked about the fear of the Lord and you can experience the presence of God but you can't dwell in it without the fear of the Lord and park 6 we talked about unseating principalities if you have that graph if you'd put it up on on the screen in prayer I saw 4 principalities over the city of Fort Worth over the last two years as I've prayed and fasted at first what I saw was over the east side of the city I saw a principality what is a principality it's a high rating demonic force so I saw this high-ranking demonic force of where are we of competition over the east side the next one I saw was greed over the west side we're on the west side the next one I saw was lust over the Southside and then I saw rebellion over the Northside and then it's amazing because there's a Lord began to speak to me how do you unseat principalities you don't go and foolishly attack demonic forces that you don't have authority over you declare the highest authority over it so you lift up that's how you unseat principalities you lift up the highest authority so we lift up unity over competition we lift up generosity over greed we lift up righteousness over lust and we declare the fear of the Lord over rebellion because here's the thing is when you're walking in the ways of God you're automatically fighting spiritual warfare you don't have to go and go to a spiritual warfare seminar to fight spiritual warfare you have to live godly and that's how you win in spiritual warfare I'm gonna be honest with you I was debating if I should be teaching on Jezebel do a part to a spiritual warfare or just move into the next series and then pastor Israel came last week as a guest speaker and he started talking about a habit as soon as he started talking about a haven't Jezebel it's like all right Lord I hear you so we're gonna do part two unseating principalities the spirit of Jezebel how many ready to rock revelations chapter 2 verse 20 says this but I have this against you you have tolerated someone say tolerated that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess by teaching she misleads My servants to be sexually immoral and to eat food of sacrifice to idols even though I have given her time to repent for her immorality she is unwilling behold I will cast her on a bed of sickness and all those that commit adultery with her will suffer greatly Great Tribulation unless they repent of her deeds see you could be influenced excuse me you can't be influenced by the spirit of Jezebel when you are fully sir to the Lord let's pray so Lord we declare this is your place this is your space have your way where are your people Holy Spirit we don't make room for you we give you the room you are the guest of honor this is a church that's not built around a man a personality or a ministry this is a church that is built around your presence so Holy Spirit we say thank you for being so generous with your presence Lord we want as much of it as we can take Lord we declare that today you're giving us ears to hear hearts to receive minds to understand what your spirit is saying lord I pray right now that your word would be a lamp into our feet and a light into our path we declare your word is the highest authority we declare your word is true in every man's a liar father we declare we submit to your word today we say no spirit but the Holy Spirit is welcome here every demonic force you are not welcome we say Holy Spirit come have your way in this place Lord I think you know one came to hear me we all came to hear you so we say speak Lord your servant is listening father teach us your mercy culture in Jesus mighty name everybody said amen and amen first things first I'm going to be talking about the spirit of Jezebel today I wrote a book a few years ago entitled Jezebel The Witches back I apologize we only have about 30 copies in the bookstore it was forwarded by my spiritual father John Paul Jackson who wrote a book 20 years before me and I'm gonna be talking a little bit about the book but in the book is basically just a Bible study on this Scripture so I want to get a few warnings first number one this is not a gender-related spirit we're dealing with in fact the biggest difference between 20 years ago when John Paul wrote his book and when I wrote my book a few years ago is that how many more men operate in the spirit today then did they did 20 years ago and I believe it's due to the damask elation of men in America so this is not a gender-related spirit so I'm going to say she when I'm referring to the spirit because the Bible talks about the woman jezebel being a woman but in both men and women could operate in the spirit okay number two Jezebel doesn't art excuse me Jezebel doesn't like to be talked about or pointed out so here's what happens is people start to mock this oh okay you know you charismatic Pentecostal czar The Jezabels boots everywhere I don't believe in that kind of stuff what do you not believe in the Antichrist like you just choosing things in the Bible you don't believe in I don't understand because I just read a scripture that was written in red because he came from Jesus mouth so it's okay if you don't believe in it she believes in you people don't like they mock it they talk down to it I didn't have to tell people like oh I don't even like that book cover then one of my staff member says is that you and the book cover look what's not me in the book cover we're hiring if you go to zip recruiter comm number three we're not on a witch hunt you don't have to like as that Jezebel over there I heard the toilet flush when I was sleeping in the middle of night that Jezebel I think the Jezebel was in the grocery clerk and listen I can promise you the Jezebel is at the DMV I can promise you that if anyone works at the DMV I apologize but for real you don't have to go and find it she'll find you and listen Jezebel doesn't attack you because you're doing something wrong she attacks you when you've done something right the enemy doesn't deal with Christians that aren't doing anything she comes after spirit-filled soul-winning ministries prophetic ministries mercy culture okay couple things historically this has been used to control women in the church and I want to let you know it's evil at Mercy culture we believe in empowering women the Great Commission was for everyone to go out and make disciples not the men so it's been used to control strong women but here's the thing is that they have created the Jezebel spirit in people by beats by trying to control people so if you've been manipulated and beat down by men and leadership I would apologize to you I want to give you permission to breathe to rest don't feel beat up don't feel attacked I'm gonna teach on a spirit today but I apologize if it's been used to abuse you just because a couple other warnings you may have a few characteristics of the spirit of Jezebel does not mean you're a foam full-blown Jezebel now if you've got three four five or six of these things you may want to do some self-evaluation and then I'm gonna give you the last warning because about ten people here to come to me after church if I don't say this listen if you are concerned about being a Jezebel you're probably not a Jezebel if you are a Jezebel you are not concerned about being a Jezebel because you're a Jezebel it's kind of like the people that are young on their faith come up to you and they're like I think I've committed blasphemy of the Holy Spirit you're like no you have it how do you know because if you were worried you did I promise you you didn't blasphemy the Holy Spirit is a life of a seared heart heart that rejects the mercy of God so if you're concerned about being it it's a good thing in fact I had a friend of mine who read my book he's and he said Landon he's like there's Jezebel characteristics and me and I was like me too that's why I'm working on them all the time that's actually a very very healthy thing and then the last thing before we begin today is I want to warn you if you sit here for the next 35 40 minutes and you're just thinking about someone else you're missing the whole point of today because the greatest way to deal with the Jezebel spirit is dealing with it in you first the spirit of Jezebel is a demonic power a hungry spirit that uses witchcraft to control God's people in God's church this is a seductive political religious spirit that targets prophetic spirit lit LED soul-winning ministries and people this is a divisive spirit that destroys lives families and ministries and the closest of friends above all the spirit of Jezebel will stop at nothing until you abandon the call of God that is on your lives the people of God are tolerant of it because they are unaware of it first who was Jezebel Jezebel was the seductive prophetess of the false god bale Jezebel was the daughter of King priests of Sidon named F bel we find it in first Kings chapter 16 verse 30 it's in your notes it said when Ahab son of Omri did what was evil in the Lord's sight even more than any of the other kings before him and though it were not enough to follow the examples of Jareau bomb he married Jezebel the daughter of King FL of the sidonians and he began to bow down in worship Bale Jezebel means this if you're taking notes without dwelling or hope cohabitation unmarried uncommitted or unhoned it it means this Jezebel will not submit the word on husband means to refuse to live in peaceful cohabitation when a have the reigning king of Israel married Jezebel he directly aligned God's people with God's enemy what was this religion of Jezebel's let me tell you the high priest of bale s Bell personally mentored his daughter in the heathen worship of the pagan god of sexuality in spiritual war s fall means man of bale or men is with him the King was entirely devoted to Bill and completely indoctrinated his daughter and the notion that she was the ally of bale and her goddess of fertility was not only the giver of life but the giver of death he gave her assignment to bring death and destruction to all those that would oppose bill so accordingly he named her Jezebel Jezebel worship Astarte the Canaanite goddess of fertility also called Ishtar she usually regarded as the goddess of love and sensual pleasure this Syrians also fostered her identification as the goddess of war say that again she was the goddess of love and the goddess of war I would propose to you that when the world is champion attempting a God of love they're not talking about Yahweh so when they're saying love is love God is love we just need to love anyone everyone and then they put a big rainbow heart at the Superbowl that love is not the love of God now how do you know this is not the love of God because as soon as you cross this god of theirs they turn to war and they will beat you they will insult you they will persecute you they will come against you with everything they have they will make sure that you can't stand against them you can't talk against them they will intimidate you with everything they have if you do not bow to their God of love it means war if you don't bow to our god of love we're talk to love our enemies to turn the other cheek when they take our cloak to give them our tunic to we're taught to love our enemies this God that they serve destroys their enemies first Kings 16 29 32 it says first a had built a temple on the altar of Bill in Samaria then he set up an Astra pole he did more to provoke the anger of the Lord the God of Israel than any other Kings did before him see Bale worship was the ultimate rejection of our God the worship avail rejects the holiness that is set up by Yahweh and encourages every indulgence in self pleasing sexual desires as a part of self worship if you see perversion or immorality its bail though the worship a bail came from Dagon because Bale was the son of Dagon Dagon a star death Molech all combined for erratic acts of perverted heterosexual relationships homosexual activity violent sexual acts body piercing including genitals body cutting and infatuation with blood both drinking and draining and prostitution in ceremonial Ortiz that was their church so imagine what happened here imagine if we have pasqua High School here and in the other gym down the hall another church and their whole activity was ceremonial orgies were across the hall that's what King Ahab did in Israel he built these churches of perversion to bail then he started chasing out every prophet every pastor every spiritual leader that would stand against him they chased them out and they face death you know what that's like today you'll lose your 501c3 you preach on traditional marriage you're gonna lose your 501c3 then take it it will pay taxes but what if they take it but what if they take it does it change the Bible and just because something is legal in America doesn't make it lawful in the kingdom so so so what so they have now directs directly aligns God's children with God's enemies there are also bail worship was also the originator of child sacrifice here this abortion began with bail let me say it differently abortion is bail worship not being political today but this is a political spirit it's infiltrated politics it's infiltrated the church and what it does is it breaks down all righteousness all morality all godliness so what they would do is they would have their church services of ceremonial orgies with homosexual practice they would have homosexual prostitution in heterosexual prostitution and when the female prostitutes gave birth to babies through their ceremonial orgies they would take the babies that were birthed in those environments and they would murder them and sacrifice them on altars of bail you ever met someone that says how can God was so loving how could he kill people in the Old Testament because they did that because they did that and they did it to mock God so watch bail means master possessor or husband but Yahweh is also the husband to Israel he calls us his bride in Ephesians 5 so now Israel is now involved in divorcing Yahweh in being married to Ben so Jezebel staff numbered 450 prophets a bale 400 prophets of the goddess Asherah so 850 warrior prophets that began to wage war on God's house so watch this they were now enforcing these practices so now the children of Israel who once about their bet their knees to Yahweh are now bowing their bed their needs to bail and now in Israel this worship is now called normal is that not America today it's now normal this perverted lifestyle of self pleasing do what you want do what feels right is now normal in anybody that says anything against it is persecuted this is what King Ahab created and it all came through this woman Jezebel so now you would say well you know I understand there was a queen named Jezebel but why do we call it the spirit of Jezebel I'm glad you asked infusion 612 it says our struggle is not against flesh and blood but it's against rulers and it's authorities against powers of the dark world against spiritual forces and evil in heavenly realms so what it's not against people it's against the spirit so watch in Revelations 2 the main scripture that I opened up with it's Jesus speaking he's giving John the Division of Revelation he's speaking to John this is coming from the mouth of Jesus a thousand years after Jezebel died so Jezebel died at approximately 96 or 70 800 BC the the Apostle John is getting the revelation from Jesus in around 96 ad so almost a thousand years by approximation difference and Jesus is saying you've tolerated this woman Jezebel he's not talking about the actual person he's talking about this spirit that's in operation turn your neighbor and say it's a spirit I'm gonna give you 10 heuristics of the spirit or the behavior of Jezebel in my book I lists 33 of them but I'm gonna give you ten for the sake of time this morning now what's wild about this is we're not describing a person we're describing a spirit now here's what's crazy is that when you begin to describe this spirit people are gonna like oh my goodness this describes my family member this describes my friend this describes this old person that I knew in this other church this describes this / - I T and these people aren't related and never met it's not describing the person you know it's describing a spirit so I'm gonna begin to describe the spirit if you ready say Amen number one she's extremely jealous what does she jealous of she's jealous of everything and anything there is to be jealous of she's jealous of your marriage she's jealous of your prayer life she's jealous of your friends she's jealous of your house she's jealous remember I'll say she it's men or women they're jealous of absolutely everything jealous of your kids jealous of your vacation jealous of Pastor said heíd to you and not them when they walked in the door jealous of who got to sing in what position and how come they got to serve there and I didn't get a serve there and I've been here forever and I haven't got to do this they're jealous of anything there is to be jealous of they're jealous of your social media followers they're jealous of your restaurants you go - they are jealous people and it doesn't matter what they have it's not enough we see the story in first Kings chapter 21 there was a man named Namath who had a Family Vineyard the King owned absolutely everything but the King wanted Navis vineyard and they both said no because it was in his family they were jealous Jezebel and Ahab were jealous of what they did have they had almost everything but were the one thing they did have they wanted you know the reason why God asks you to give 10% because he wants to challenge you to give up things do you know it's good for you to not have everything you want all the time if God answered all of your prayers would you pray the problem is is your prayer life is mostly about stuff when it should just be about intimacy she's jealous of everything anything you tell her she becomes jealous of jealous personality number two she will not submit see we don't know if you're submitted until your will is tested as long as you get to do whatever you want to do when you want to do it we don't know if you're submitted are you gonna do what you want to do we find out you're submitted when there's a scripture that contradicts your lifestyle then you have to determine if you're submitted or not I always find it funny when people like pastor we're with you for life I'm like whoa whoa that's weird don't do that I was a pastor's kid and people would stand up my dad's Church so there'd be like pastor we're with you for life learn lifers I'm like start the countdown clock these guys are put out of here no because it's just weird I don't wake up and tell my wife babe we're lifers we wake up like pressure teeth why because we've committed to each other we don't have to recommit what we've already committed because we've committed it that's just weird we don't know if you're submitted until your will is tested sorry we have little kids and you know we're posting pictures going to the TCU game or or going to the park or the pool or anything like that and and we always post pictures when we're on the way and we're smiling and laughing and everybody's having fun and then it gets to a point where it's time to go and then all of a sudden my four-year-old is like no I'm like who are you he's like I am Legion we are many I'm like kid in the stroller I'm like pushing like I should be able to to physically manhandle a four-year-old he is for sure not submitted and many of you are like that would you surf oh I need to receive yeah so does everybody but servant children's once a month that's usually when the rebellious person is like I left my last church because they don't they don't teach the meat like grown-ups feed themselves that's why we have a personal daily plan every day you could be in your word God can speak to you and you can eat all the meats you want Jezebel will not submit she won't submit to leadership she won't submit to any accountability she won't submit in a marriage she won't submit to any authority it was ten churches and all the churches are they did this they did this they that I know they're jacked up churches I've been in them too but if you can't submit you have the issue see here's the thing is submission this is good is you controlling you not someone else controlling you probably want to write that down submission is when you controlled you not someone else controlling you number three information is her ammunition she uses the information she knows about you against you so what you tell her becomes bullets in her gun to be used against you and this person is so good at getting information out of you tell me what you really think and tell me what you're feeling you talk to me more about it she's the best friend that you just met that you wish you didn't and you end up just telling all how I feel and how I do this and then she's got these soothsaying prophetic words about you that was it from God you told her that that's not prophecy that's soothsaying see before it is true before you encountered Jezebel your past is your testimony but then afterwards or you know she had a baby I don't you know that they did then you know they were divorced you know they did this you know what happened here and you know about his past well you've known that the whole time in fact they told you that out of confidence because you were pretending to love them but now it's being used to get you to manipulate you information is ammunition number four she's very seductive so it sounds like I wish my husband would I wish my husband was like you my husband never does this one time this lady on Facebook said I wish my husband would travel and preach like you I'm like block love that button you see that's a little rude no it's not because I felt this seduction in it you know you're not just sexually seduce but you're spiritually seduced you know what spiritual needs to do seduction sounds like it sounds like whatever you want it to sound like it's prophetic words that leads you on and pull you and I just feel like so much blessing I feel like there's just so much blessing this is insane blessing that's gonna bless you bless you bless you bless you bless you no you're not you're not you're not you're not gonna be blessed you're living in sin you don't honor God you're you're absolutely in full rebellion he's not but people say that because they want something from you there was there was a king that was going around he said all these prophets are just telling me what I need to hear I need to hear from God not what I want to hear how is telling you what you want to hear helping you you need to hear from God not friends that just tell you what you want to hear isn't this what we do like I really just feel like the Lord's telling me this and I told my four friends about it they're friends of mine so they tell me back exactly what I told them that confirmation it's not confirmation you're all in rebellion we've been seduced by this blessing don't get it twisted the foundation scripture of this church just teach me your ways that I may know you and find favor but get the right order teach me your ways that I would know you then I find your favor not fine your favor do whatever I want and I'm gonna live according to my ways your you could only be spiritually seduced by what's already in your heart that's why it's so important to learn the ways of God so that you don't trick yourself you are the greatest deceiver of you that's why it's so important to have people in your life that you give permission to to be accountable to do you know even me as the lead pastor of this church I'm accountable to the elders we have apostolic elders and where we submit to and that we're accountable to or part of the Gateway Network do you know why because I we understand the power of being submitted number five she stirs up strife and sow seeds of discord what does that sound like it sounds like this I really discern something about them I can't tell you what it is because I'm pretending to be spiritual but I just discerned something and I'm gonna tell four people so now we're all trying to figure it out I just really discerned something about jasmin don't know what it is but do you notice that she doesn't even face the audience when she worships [Laughter] it's September 1st it's 110 degrees out she's wearing a sweatshirt she's probably hiding the tattoo I really discerned something about jasmine and now we're all trying to be spiritual too so we're like oh yeah let's find it together do you notice when Pastor Heather went like this she kept singing this is the universal sign to shut it in church and they just kept going just babe you're laughing but this is what we do I just discerned something let's hold it let's get a small group of discernment and just fine hood Leah let me just just shatter your pretend spirituality for a second do you know discernment it's not a spiritual gift you've been walking around telling everybody that you have the gift of discernment it's not even a gift discerning the spirits is a gift why you have my Jezebel you know your job is to not find the worst in people to find the best in people you know what you should be doing walking around I discern greatness in that person I just certain leadership in that person I just certain power in that person I think that person is a world changer I think God's gonna kill their merits I think God's gonna set them free that is what we do y'all doing okay is it too heavy to squeak for me to hold on what I didn't say yet if I told you that God hates your discord in gossip would you be upset because that's what proverbs 6 says he hates the 7 1 is abomination you should stop talking about people's sexuality when you gossip because proverbs 6 and 7 says it is an abomination what is proverbs 6 19 a false witness that breathes out lies and one who sews discord amongst brothers do you know what this is what the Pharisees did when they had a problem with Jesus they went to his disciples when they had a problem with the disciples they went to Jesus they're trying to break unity let me help you if you get anything today get this if you have a problem with someone go to them let me help you if you don't go to them you'll never be healthy Matthew 18 go to your brother doesn't say go to Facebook says go to your brother doesn't say go to your other four friends go to your brother go to your mother-in-law go to the person at mercy culture we say this phrase we say lean into awkward what does that mean is I lean close to you so I don't pull away from you and I'm gonna lean into an awkward conversation so that we could have health today Matthew 18 go to your brother if they don't listen the whole point is to win them if they don't listen go again with a witness if they don't listen again then bring leadership if they refuse delicious listen in their rebellion they can go on their way but until you follow Matthew 18 you will just sow seeds of discord number 6 this one's fun she starts unsanctioned private ministries without permission now I told you she's not submitted so she starts ministries on her own outside any covering and authority because she's not submitted and then she's appalled that the church doesn't want prayer I can't believe they don't want prayer and they called himself mercy no we just don't want your desert built hands laying on folk and we don't know about it are you laughing at when I was first started there was a guy in our youth ministry who started his own Bible study that was not a part of any of the Bible studies within the youth ministry and he was an older guy and gathering these young guys and all these young guys were part of the Bible studies that were a part of the church and so I called it one of the guys was like hey you want to go hang out he said I can I'm going to Bible study space on Monday not Thursday he's like all this guy started his own I said really had we talked to him us like hey we have Bible study why don't you be a part of ours and then we can help train you and then we'll start more he's a high just really feel like the Lord called me to start my own so that's not how we do it here because this isn't your sphere of influence you've gone in the church and you're pulling people from in the church and pulling them watch to you not to the house I said hey hey you can't do this he was a lot older to me I was a young youth pastor he got so mad player did doesn't even want us reading our Bibles yes I do every day alone by yourself go do it not manipulating drawing people to you so that you have influence over young guys in the church you say why is this such a big deal because it shows motives of the heart my wife had a dream a vision passion to see justice in human trafficking God gave her an open vision about 11 years ago and we're to a point our marriage we're about ready to launch this this ministry that God showed her and we're in Austin about to come here and she's starting to start it and she's getting all the ducks in a row and you know starting to network and get everybody together and gather the troops and all of a sudden the Lord spoke to me and said wait for mercy culture but I already told her as a husband yes so I wait two hours like hey babe this is you're gonna hate me I know I said yes we've already started emailing and gathering and doing everything but I think I heard the Lord no I heard the Lord say wait for mercy culture and she's like why did you tell me to do it I'm like cuz I love you and I want to support you and I want to be behind you and I believe in you and she was not happy with me I don't know what's going on right here but I just sense a spirit starts with the J it's not Jesus joking she went prayed came back to me and she said I feel like I'm supposed to submit she's like let's wait watch everything in me is behind her in it's ours and we're doing it together because she was willing to submit her vision listen watch the church can't cover unsubmitted vision if it's not submitted it can't be covered that's why it's so important to learn how to submit it verse 7 she operates in confusion so let me get this straight you absolutely love your church your kids are growing your life's turned around God's done so much then you had one conversation with one person and you're you're confused about should you be there should you be doing it should you even be involved you have one conversation with one person and there's no clarity there's just confusion where did that confusion come from Jezebel here the Bible says that God is not the author of confusion give you a story so it's lady sent me a message on facebook and she said I have a prophetic dream for you could I share it with you I was like I like she asked permission that's that's classy she understands order and a day goes by and I had a chance to respond to her yet and then she sent me the vision I was like I thought you're gonna that's what I and so she sends it to me and so I'm reading it and it's full of you know rainbow clouds and in it's like a like a chapter from Narnia and all this stuff and gold dust and rainbows and flowers and all this stuff and and I'm reading it in in and I'm like man I just I don't know about this as well then I'm checking my heart I'm like all right do I have a problem with women in ministry absolutely not okay could I receive from a woman yes of course I can't do I loves prophecy yes okay so what's the problem so I read it three more times and then I gave it to my wife to read I said read this and so Heather's reading that I said read again read out loud so she's reading out loud and there was nothing in this email that was actually prophetic there was nothing in it that spoke to my destiny it could be easily something that was given from watching Lord of the Rings and following me on social media so Heather's reading it out loud and I just said I'm so confused and the moment I said I'm confused I heard the Holy Spirit say Jezebel so watch this this confusing word all of a sudden like the Lord just gave me the revelation it caught it would cause me to go back her for explanation so so I'd have to go to her like man I just know what to do with this can you explain this to me and so I would go and bring it to her and she okay let me tell you what the Lord is saying and she would just unveil all of the Lord's goodness thank you so much and then she would be able to go to other people in the church and say you know I had a word for Landon and if God has given me a word for Landon he's probably giving me a word for you come on over let's have a sleepover this is how this works it seduces you through confusion let me say it if it doesn't make sense it's probably not God you know prophecy should even tell you something new prof should confirm what God has already spoken into your heart it should be a yes and amen to the things that have God have already spoken to you she operates in confusion listen our job is it to pull people to us have you heard me say three times already today that our vision is for you to have a personal encounter with God guess what I'm not a part of your personal encounter because a healthy Church pushes you into the presence of God not just draws you into the community of the church number eight she won't accept apologies or forgive and this one messed with me for years how it apologized to a person and apologized to a person and apologized to a person I mean over and over and over and they would bring up the same thing the same thing ten years ago the same thing then I realize I didn't even do the things I was apologizing for but I was just apologizing to make peace and I was apologizing apologizing and finally one day in frustration I said Lord why won't Jezebel accept apologies and I heard the Lord say what's an apology I said it's let it he said what's forgiveness and I said let him go so if she forgives you she has to let go of it and because she wants to control you she won't let go of it and that's why she keeps bringing you up the Bible says when you forgive you're throwing into the seas of forgetfulness and you're remembering it and no more the Apostles went to Jesus and said how many times a day do we have to forgive up to seven times he said no seventy times seven what a degree that is so insane that it must take God let me drop this bomb on you if you can't forgive you might not be a Christ follower Jezebel will not forgive number nine she has no spiritual fruit she has no fruit of the Spirit and let me just teach for a second because in the Church of America because we don't have spiritual fruit we create new fruit that doesn't exist and call it fruit because we don't have spiritual fruit so let me just help you your big house is it spiritual fruit it's a big house it's six bedrooms with four car garage it's not spiritual fruit your car that's not spiritual fruit it's called a Mercedes it's not fruit all of that stuff that you're trying to claim as fruit is it fruit can I tell you what fruit is Galatians five says it's love it's joy its peace its patience its goodness its kindness its faithfulness and its self-control but because we don't have fruit we have to substitute she has no love she's not loving she has no self-control she has no fruit of the Spirit number ten she is remembers him or her never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever wrong she's never wrong she's never wrong she's never wrong you catch her on video red-handed she's never wrong you have it in writing documented she's never wrong it is clear as day she is never wrong it's like nailing jello to a wall never wrong and this is actually how Jezebel was exposed in my life I said this one phrase how could we be right every time do you know the answer is you can't you can't and if you're right every time Jezebel may be involved run in at a time worship team come join me on the stage four tactics don't play just come hang with me four tactics of Jezebel's control number one fear number two manipulation number three intimidation number four domination first Kings chapter 18 watches with me one of the greatest demonstrations of God's power in human history besides the cross fire falls from heaven and consumes the altar that Elijah built you're going to Israel with us in November we're gonna stand on Mount Carmel together fire falls from heaven consumes the altars of bale and watch this one woman sends a messenger to threaten Elijah first Kings 19 says this now a had told Jezebel everything Elijah had done and how he had killed the prophets with the sword so Jezebel sent a messenger someone's a messenger to Elijah to say me that God's deal with me ever so severely if you are not one of them Elijah was afraid and ran for his life when he came to to Beersheba in Judah he left his servant there while he himself was a day's journey into the desert he came to a broom tree sat underneath the end he prayed that he might die here's what he said take my life I'm no better than my ancestors watch this he has one of the greatest moments of successful ministry and power of God fire falls from heaven he confronts 850 murderous false prophets and one woman who he has never met threatens him through a messenger and he runs for his life he's full of fear he's full of anxiety he's running and asking God to take his life does this make sense to you just think about this for a second fire Falls consumes everything public victory and one woman threatens him through email from a biblical respective Elijah and Jezebel never even met face to face she is the queen of threats so you respond to Jezebel threats instead of the situation you're dealing with you stop listening to God because you're listening to her threats do you know what what her threat sounds like if you leave this church you're cursed so let me get this straight so we preach the gospel that no matter what you've been through no matter what you've done you can come to this altar of grace and find mercy and Jesus will heal you set you free and deliver you even before when we were yet sinners Christ died for us He loves you and said his life for you but if you leave our church you're cursed what but when she says it you think it's true so you respond to her threats rather than obeying God here's the problem his listeners of Jezebel become activators of Jezebel you cannot listen to her message you can't listen to her words what does that mean it means block the number it means don't respond to the email it means block private messages stop reading stop listening we did a prophetic conference one time and this one lady sent me this email and the moment I opened up the email I felt the spirit on the email and the opening line was you say you know about Jezebel I think you are a Jezebel delete poor thing well probably spend two hours write that thing it was like a chapter of my next book I was like aw isn't that sweet delete do you know why cuz I'm not listening to her witchcraft when I was writing my book gay awareness just about before I was coming out I went to meet a pastor friend for dinner and the first thing he said to me we weren't even in the restaurant yet he goes a friend of mine called me today I said yeah he goes yeah I passed her friend of mine he said you know Landon shot he's like yeah late and I everybody he goes you better tell him not to write that book and the moment he said that it's like I felt someone reached down my throat and ripped the air out of my body our instant rush of anxiety came watch this a pastor is talking to a pastor and repeating a conversation from another pastor and I feel witchcraft my heart starts beating anxiety rushes in me so I just starts praying in tongues under my breath yes it jessabelle out of here I'm guessin Jezebel out of I hop do it all now watch if witchcraft can throat can flow through words from pastors what do you think it does in your family you have to learn how to recognize witchcraft and not allow her words near you scent Kings chapter 9j who understood how to do this over and over there was messengers coming out to reach him coming out to stop him as Jay who was warring to come and take down Jezebel and it says this in verse 18 so man on horseback went out to meet him thus saying the king is at peace and Jehu said what do you have to do with peace turn around and get behind me and the watchman reported the messenger reached them but he is not coming back don't allow those messages to stay in front of you you need to learn how to say get behind me Satan watch when Peter went to Jesus and said Lord note you can't die he said get behind me Satan Peter this is his number one top three disciple he said no no I'm not having those witchcraft words in front of me get it behind me you have to learn how to recognize this fear number two is manipulation don't underestimate her ability to manipulate she's undisciplined so she manipulates how does she do it she does it with pouting sulking silent treatment obsessive behavior tantrum sexual favors and money she will try to manipulate the Bible to hurt you manipulating the Bible to hurt people is witchcraft don't get me wrong the sword cuts but it's a cut that brings healing not hurt that the sword cuts off flesh it doesn't cut off ears it's a sort of healing number-three come I had a I had a guy invite me to his church to manipulate me asked me to teach on Jezebel because he was operating in the spirit of Jezebel and was trying to use my message as a weapon I walked into this the foyer and I heard in my spirit he's trying to use you but the beautiful thing is the message on messenger Jezebel exposed everything his affair was exposed six months later he contacted me on every social media there was harassing me non-stop said bro you did this to yourself block someone just need to say the by faith block just felt the Lord on that number three intimidation she painted her eyes according to scripture to make them look bigger like professional football players do and overall she tried to do it to create intimidation how does she intimidate she tries to mock you talk down to you compare you insult you anything she can I got to finish this number for the final one is complete and total domination if she doesn't get her way she will make you pay she'll push you and push you and push you till you deal anything for peace you'll do anything to appease her and let me tell you peace at any cost is spiritual terrorism and you cannot make peace with a demon and no matter what you do this spirit will not rest until you are broken and dead and here's what scripture tells us man you could begin to play in Revelations 2:20 Jesus said I have this against you you tolerate this woman Jezebel Church we have tolerated I'm closing with this we have tolerated this spirit it's amazing that's one of that anthems of America today right tolerance and God's Word says don't tolerate sexual perversion don't tolerate the spirit here's what I came to tell you this morning don't tolerate it in you and don't tolerate it in your home house being aware of the Jezebel spirit it was destroying my life Heather and I got to this place where I felt so attacked this one moment I can barely talk I couldn't formulate words I've got this demonic oppression all over me I felt suicidal and most of all I felt like I truly believe God didn't want to use me I was ready to give up on everything I'm driving in my car and there's asleep next to me and I hear an audible voice out loud that says leave your wife before she's pregnant out loud wants to kill and destroy is one nightmare in her apartment together this demonic oppression there's a panic attack came on me and Heather came over me and started laying hands on me just praying in the Holy Spirit and then the peace of God filled our apartment she started rebuking the Jezebel spirit and begin to lift and here's what we said we said we're not gonna tolerate this swatch in us we're not gonna live in fear we're not gonna live in fear we're not gonna live in fear we are not gonna live in fear we're not gonna tolerate it in our family we're not gonna tolerate it in our church the church is four months old and maybe a little premature to be talking about the Jezebel spirit in your church but you know I prayed and fasted for two years that this would be a mature body a have went to the Prophet Elisha and he said there you are you trouble or of Israel I found you and he lied you turned around and said you didn't find me I found you someone needs to stand to your feet today Saint Jezebel you didn't find me I found you stand your feet all over this place lift your hands to a holy God let's begin to take authority over this right now [Music]
Channel: Mercy Culture
Views: 2,294
Rating: 4.8421054 out of 5
Keywords: Landon Schott, Heather Schott, Mercy Culture, Mercy Culture Church, Holy Spirit, Presence Driven Church, Presence, Fort Worth, Texas, Mercy, Mercytown, Encounter, Jesus
Id: _xxYyrkWCeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 5sec (3545 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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