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one of the things that constantly bothered me because I was also talking to Classic liberals and and people more on the right at that time was that whenever I was talking to even relatively moderate people on the left I had to watch what I was saying all the time yeah and like it look it's good to pay attention to what you say and to be careful but yeah I get damn sick damn quick of walking on eggshells when I've got something to say especially among hypothetical peers that are hypothetically working to solve a problem it's like I just want to say what I think and if you find that if that's going to disrupt our personal relationship it's like maybe I don't want to be around you because it's just too damn annoying and one of the things I have found it's been a very big surprise to me that I've ended up as a conservative spokesperson I am not a conservative person like I'm very high in trade openness although I've learned to be a traditionalist that's that was hard one knowledge I partly learned that because I learned that most social science interventions go dreadfully wrong I really learned about the iron law of unintended consequences yes but one one of the things that has happened is that I found it way easier to talk to even fundamentalist Conservative Christian traditionalists then radicals on the left there's no comparison and that's a very strange thing it's not what I expected at all and I think that that is really where we've seen the flip I mean uh you know for all of the excesses and problems I'm you know a Critic of kind of 1960s but you know they were authentic they were committed they had open expression they were trying to push boundaries and you kind of flip this on of its head once the left took institutional control um I mean it is the most restrictive the most limited the most restrained the most punishing Orthodoxy and then you get this point to the point where you have now hundreds of thousands of of kind of Dei agents left-wing bureaucrats enforcers of the Orthodoxy and they just repeat the same 10 points I've done reporting for now a few years on critical race theory gender ideology they inherit kind of 10 ideas they dumb them down they pass them through a bureaucratic euphemistic filter and and I mean they're like to decentralized propaganda Agents from Soviet times I mean it's like this is the party line we must say this you know you cannot say anything that would contradict the you know the great uh the great party line and and it's like once I ejected from that world once I uh opened up this new terrain and actually frankly once I moved out of a big uh uh urban center in Seattle and moved out to the uh a smaller town it's like this is where a kind of actual free thinking actual um the feeling of Freedom the feeling of intellectual possibility um and I think one of the reasons that my work has been successful is because um I've been kind of liberated from that stifling Orthodoxy that cultural milieu that institutional pattern um and then you know I I see all of these folks attacking me you know you can't say this you can't do this you know you have to observe this the Atlantic wrote a piece uh recently that said it qualified uh endorsement of Christopher rufo but it was 90 qualifications and 10 endorsement because these folks on the center left they know they agree with me but they can't behave as I behave and and really that's because I'm much more free than they are um and I love that feeling I love that spirit I love fighting these fights with a sense of doing things that others cannot even contemplate doing because they risk their academic cinecurs or whatever president Trump recently issued a warning from his mom Lago home quote our currency is crashing and will soon no longer be the world's standard which will be our greatest defeat frankly in 200 years there are three reasons why the central banks are dumping the US dollar inflation deficit spending and our insurmountable national debt the fact is there is one asset that has withstood famine Wars and political and economic upheaval dating back to Biblical times gold and you can own any tax sheltered retirement account with the help of Birch gold that's right Birch gold will help you convert an existing Ira or 401K maybe from a previous employer into an IRA in Gold when currencies fail gold is a safe haven how much more time does the Dollar have protect your savings with gold Birch gold has an A plus rating with the Better Business Bureau and thousands of happy customers text Jordan to 989898 and get your free info kit on gold again text Jordan to 989898 [Music] that's that's the joy of having a free tongue man well you know it's also very perverse temperamentally eh because I looked a lot at what predicted political viewpoints from the temperamental and uh cognitive front because if you're looking at individual differences in in people's behavior at the psychological level you look at General cognitive ability and you look at personality those are very good powerful reliable valid predictors of individual difference in such things as opinion and the biggest predictor of liberal left belief is trait openness which is the creativity Dimension and what you would which is why for example leftist ideas are Rife in places like Hollywood but what's so bloody perverse about this is that people who are high in openness first of all all they really have to offer is the fact that they can think 10 different things at the same time that freedom of movement that's especially true with regards to artists that's all they have and then what you see on the left is this stifling Orthodoxy that makes art dull and predictable it reduces everything to these 10 axioms and that seems to fly completely in the face of what open People creative people would truly want and so I'm still puzzling through that I can't understand yet see it's it's partly that the open people don't want barriers to information flow away and so when they see conservatives putting up barriers of any type even barriers of category that that destabilizes them because the open types capitalize on free information flow but perversely that that rejection of the boundaries that conservatives put up has led to a a situation where well you didn't want any boundaries and now all you've got are boundaries around what you can say and think and do and I can't see how that can sustain itself for any length of time on the artistic front because well it'll just it'll do the whole Enterprise in but it's got to just stifle the hell out of creative producers yeah and I felt that in my time working uh in the documentary film world I would attend the conferences I would go to the festivals I would participate in the industry and and looking around and it's like these people no one says anything new the festival programmers are pure ideology you look at the catalog of films for any kind of A-list film festival in the last 10 years and it looks like a social justice syllabus it's you know uh the you know the the kind of transgender basket Weavers of Madagascar I mean it's like these things that are so Niche so absurd and then they're only propped up because again these are artificial economies you look at these Sundance award-winning films um they have all the prestige they win the institutional game but then you you put them on the marketplace you look at like an Amazon uh film rentals they have like three reviews that two stars nobody's watching this stuff nobody cares it has no actual organic audience and then one of the big distinctions that I see um is it's this kind of artificial culture versus a true organic culture and we've created an artificial culture that is high in openness maybe uh but really high in intellectualism and verbal ability and Machiavelli had the distinction he had two archetypes there's The Lion and the fox the foxes um highly intelligent adaptable open verbally very proficient the lion is strong tough setting standards kind of the strong quiet type and I I think that it's kind of a proxy maybe for for for for left and right and but the conservative movement needs people that have the more kind of fox attributes as well because look we're in a post-modern world we're in an information economy you have to to be able to do the ideological fights with a sense of uh uh of skill with a sense of sophistication with a sense of narrative um and so that's what I I think we need we need folks like that that also recognize the value of the kind of the the lion mindset which is saying we want to have standards we want to have institutions we want to transmit values from one generation to the next we want to appeal to human universals we want to respect our past and our culture um but we also have to kind of do battle in the world as it exists today
Channel: Jordan B Peterson Clips
Views: 272,193
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Keywords: psychology, philosophy, Jordan B. Peterson, Jordan Peterson, JB Peterson, jordanbpeterson, jordanpeterson, personality, understandmyself, selfauthoring, neuropsychology, jordan peterson clips, jp peterson clips, jp clips, jordan peterson podcast clips, jordan peterson live, jordan peterson livestream, jordan peterson shorts, jordan peterson tiktoks, jordan peterson motivational clips
Id: 4plCAbAmU9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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